#then scott flirts with him AGAIN in EMPIRES
cynthrey · 2 years
Jimmy is that type harem anime protagonist that is useless and skilless yet somehow manages to attract all sorts of characters way more skilled or epic than him
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thetomorrowshow · 3 months
gone day
empires superpowers au masterlist (not up to date)
set some point probably like. 18 months after the end of ‘poisoned rats’? i’m not really keeping up with these dates lol
cw: dissocation
It’s one of those days where Scott can look at Jimmy and know that he’s gone.
He’s known Jimmy for more than two years now, and he thinks he ought to be able to recognize when there’s nothing but emptiness behind his eyes. And today, Scott looks at Jimmy and the way he goes through the motions, the way he gets ready for work and makes breakfast, and it’s clear that he’s not present today.
Sometimes Scott can help. Sometimes he can hold him and rub his arms and bring that spark back to his eyes.
Other times Norman can help. He can crawl up into Jimmy’s lap and demand attention, rubbing his head underneath Jimmy’s chin until he returns to himself enough to scratch Norman around the ears and go about finding something to play with.
Today, neither of those things help, and Jimmy kisses Scott goodbye with unmoving lips before leaving for work.
Scott doesn’t go to work, today—he instead cleans the house and keeps an eye on the news, making sure there aren’t any emergencies that he needs to swoop in to solve.
There’s nothing—just like there’s nothing in the fridge, and Scott drives to the grocery store only to find that the oil needs changed. And usually, he’d just text Jimmy and ask what he needed to purchase to do it at home, but he knows Jimmy’s probably not having a great day, so he picks up some donuts and a small bouquet of wildflowers while shopping and then swings over to the mechanic where Jimmy is apprenticed.
“Jim, your man’s here!” one of Jimmy’s coworkers calls back into the garage when Scott shows up, flowers and donuts in hand. He leaves the donuts on the counter of the front room, then waits until Jimmy comes in through the side door, wiping his hands on a rag.
“Hey, petal,” Jimmy greets him, and Scott’s heart sinks a little as he sees that Jimmy’s still gone. It’s the way he stumbles a bit while walking, the way he doesn’t meet Scott’s eyes, the way he keeps scrubbing the rag around one finger again and again. Scott still hands him the flowers, helps him tuck one into the front pocket of his t-shirt, gives him a kiss.
“My car needed an oil change,” he explains when Jimmy asks him why he’s here, and it’s even more evidence to the fact that he’s gone that Jimmy doesn’t even question why he brought in to the shop when they could’ve sorted it at home. Instead he gets to work, placing the flowers in his locker before popping the hood of the car.
It takes nearly an hour, and it’s less because of Jimmy’s skill and more because he keeps getting distracted by seemingly nothing. Scott waits patiently, scrolling through his phone and occasionally asking Jimmy questions about his day. Jimmy’s answers are vague and stilted, which he expects. And it’s all right, really. It’s a gone day.
At one point, Jimmy’s shirt comes untucked and rides up his back—something Scott knows he’s very self-conscious about—but Jimmy doesn’t even seem to notice, focused on the task at hand. Scott surreptitiously moves behind him, blocking the view of Jimmy’s scarred back from any passersby. It’s the least he can do.
When Jimmy finally finishes he straightens, pulling his shirt down and adjusting the flower in his pocket. He smiles faintly at Scott. “All good,” he says. “Do you want it charged to your account or mine?”
“Mine,” Scott says, although it doesn’t matter much—they have separate accounts because it helps Jimmy with stability and trust, but they mostly split earnings these days.
Jimmy leads him back inside to the counter and rings him up without issue. He gives Scott a kiss. He laughs when Scott teases him and flirts back when Scott flirts.
But he’s not there, not really.
So Scott goes home, silently lamenting the fact that he wasn’t able to bring his boyfriend back.
He calls Lizzie, eventually. All he has to do is tell her that it’s a gone day and she understands. She’s on patrol, but it’s quiet and she’s just casually riding little waves at the docks while chatting. She reassures Scott that there’s nothing he can reasonably do on days like this, that whatever he had done had been more than enough.
He knows they both hope that one day, this sort of thing will be a distant memory. One day, Jimmy won’t ever be trapped in his own mind, removed from the world without seemingly being aware that he is. One day, Jimmy will be better.
He hangs up when Jimmy gets back home. Jimmy gives both cats a treat, absentmindedly giving them each a pat on the head. He kisses Scott on the cheek. He strips off his t-shirt and jeans and takes a quick shower, rinsing the grime from a day’s hard work off his body. He eats dinner on the couch with Scott, hand holding the fork a little too tight and arm moving a little too mechanically.
He smiles up at Scott while leaning against his shoulder, and his eyes are still empty. He’s still gone.
Scott swallows back the tears that tighten his throat and kisses his nose. It’s just a gone day. That’s all it is. Jimmy will be back to his normal self in the morning.
It doesn’t make it any easier in the moment.
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blocksruinedme · 1 year
I can't watch fWhip and Jimmy on empires and be normal about it
Yeah Scott flirts with Jimmy but he decides to, Joel is intense about things and puts like 40 hours into building things and clearly is Very Into Jimmy but when they decided to be friends it *worked*.
But fWhip is just insane about Jimmy in every single thing he does, in my imagining whenever they are in the same place fwhip is just fucking staring at him all the time, he's clearly always thinking about him and how to get his attention and how he can rile him up or make him feel things or influence how other people see him and the fucking OBSESSION. I don't know what to *do* with it, some of you may have noticed my first published fic was fwhimmy(/tango) and I've never found another damn angle of attach outside modern AUs. I don't know what to DO cause they are SO MUCH and jimmy doesn't understand what's up with fwhip, not at all, does even fwhip know? No.
fWhip is so obsessed with Jimmy and I'm supposed to walk around living my life acting like anything is okay. I'm terrified I am going to spend the rest of s2 waiting for an angle to get in to write this and never find it, OR it will be some 200k epic that pops into my head as i lay sobbing on the ground at the season finale and only like 5 people want to read it.
Last night i was going through jimmy episodes and found this fucking THUMBNAIL again
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they broke up in SEPTEMBER and where are we.
(my opinions of course but lads i don't think i'm too out on. limb here).
anyway Jimmy has a new ep
[edit: there's no One Big FWhimmy thing in here if you're looking, just. fuckin' them. ugh.]
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joifee · 1 year
Alr, I've been thinking again about my Flower Husbands reicarnation (?) idea.
Scott has been always a flirty person, but especially with Jimmy, he's fun to tease. But like, I imagine that S1 Scott when he gets his memories in S2, he like kind of, isn't himself anymore towards Jimmy. His flirts wouldn't be just teasing anymore but genuine and kind of soft and sweet flirting, basically appreciation towards the guy.
But Jimmy obviously would be suspicious as heck. No one in Empires actually appreciates him, so he would be so suspicious of Scott and try to like to push him away. Especially since for him, it all came out of nowhere. Tho at the same time, he would be desperate for allies, and want his attention bc he lacks it.
At the same time, Scott definitely would give off like faraway feeling, or when he looks at Jimmy like he was a dead man (for Scott he is, but he obv wouldn't know that). I just imagine Jimmy thinking that Scott looks lonely and the both of them would just feel awkward around each other as well bc there's just something unsaid from Scotts side.
I also was thinking that Sausage might realize the fact that S1 and S2 Scott are now the same person, but I heavily doubt Scott would want any help from the guy. S1 Scott obv didn't have a good relationship with him in his own timeline. So I kinda think that Scott would be VERY wary of the guy. Especially when he notices that Sausage also teasing Jimmy with the toy joke. Kinda like a "history repeats itself" kinda vibe. Scott would feel that way at least.
Since it is also heavily implied that Fwhip and Jimmy we're in some kind of queer relationship (for example Jimmy calling Fwhip his ex), I feel like Scott would start to rethink some of the past events as well. Fwhip in S1 really did a lot of mischief, especially directed toward Jimmy, which feels like he just wanted the guy attention.
Also, I didn't answer before, but you are always welcome to come to my asks and talk about your drafts or headcanons! Anything tbf. I love hearing other people's ideas!
sorry for late reply! omg yes its like an immediate switch from teasing to genuine and nice and jimmy is just confused af and definitly convinced scott is planning something mischievous or is out for trouble. like he is smitten by the compliments, yes, but will take them with a grain of salt. but then he also, like you said, is in need of allies so he cannot really say no despite being suspicious fareaway like in it feels like home but also like a growing distance when he looks at jimmy. like in a way he knows its just what he wants but also fearing it at the same time. and jimmy knows something is on scotts mind but he doesnt know how to ask or if he asks, if he is able to believe it due to his suspicions but then in this season i have the feeling they get along better? i mean sausage grew since then like he did become a better man than the king of mythland. so maybe scott is not really about talking to him at first, but the more time goes on the more he is compelled to talk with sausage about it but doesnt really know how to reveal that he can remember his past life even tho sausage might already know he does. but i dont see sausage as the guy to like push scott to talk to him. maybe that fact of them being exes makes scott also a bit unsure if he should pursue it more. Like thats different from the jimmy he knew. maybe its like still the same fwhip but then he didnt knew fwhip in his past life that well after they had the fallout due to scott accidently freezing gem. i might shoot you an ask then soon^^
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hmshermitcraft · 11 months
The empires tried to keep the hermits in their world, but the hermits is so much better. Why not bring them there? They wanted to stay with the hermits, right?
All they have to do is get the few that stayed behind, such as Katherine(maybe bringing a few empires to convince them to come and 'visit' such as Shelby) once they do come they'll just say they can't open the portal again, not enough magic it needs to be recharged! Really they just want to NEED to keep the empires with them; and they well
They'll let the empires visit their world, the hermits just....need to get them to realize their better off with them in their world, rather in their empires; and convince them they do.
Some are easier, Shelby and Scott, for example, while some are harder to convince, such as Jimmy and False, some are in the middle, loke Joey. But they can't really deny how the hermits and other empires make them feel
Shelby finds Pearl, Katherine, False('s) and Gem to be particularly attractive; e!False also has a growing attraction to them; Jimmy and Scott can't deny the connection they have with Tango; Fwhip goes wherever Jimmy goes(and Scott, Pix and Sausage); Joey and Impulse get along rather well
The list goes on and on about who likes who and exactly what they like about eachother; how shelby looks adorable flustered and stutters, how Jimmy's feathers to fluff out, how Scott seems to need to process a flirt before firing one back, how Joey just appear randomly in different poses, e!False being so nervous and completely different form their False, Katherine trying to shut down any nsfw jokes while not exactly opposing to them, their just so random and easy to flirt with and fluster! It's no wonder the hermits want to keep them
The hermits didn't force them to stay if they decided it. Even if they needed a little push, right?
It's purely accidental that when they discover the rift is shrinking, they don't tell any of the Empires members. They're all having a good time together!
Pix has been focused documenting the history of the world to an extent that's almost annoying, because the hermits want to flirt with him. Jimmy and Scott have actually managed to get Tango out of Decked Out a few times (whilst fWhip took great joy in getting into it and helping out.)
They're happy to give the Emperors their own space to build and be creative too! A lot of them spend the night in other hermits' beds, but it's the thought that counts.
The biggest challenge, surprising most of the hermits, is Sausage. Sausage, who has a son, and family, he refuses to leave behind. Sausage who takes his role as the protector of Sanctuary very seriously. Sausage, who can apparently travel through dimensions. He'd seemed so easy to win over at first! Now they have to find him before he ruins all the work they've put in.
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falling like snow on the beach
A/N: scowen has me by the throat, the new empires ep and the new taylor swift album did not help. so take this, owen doesn't actually end up getting turned back into a llama and he and scott kiss, peace and love
Warnings: flirting, kissing, making out, hair-pulling (both the fun kind and not fun kind), crying, overstimulation (also not the fun kind rip), suggestive themes, hugging, cuddling
Summary: Scott realizes he only has one bed. And he could make another... but Owen seems rather eager to share. Owen also seems rather eager to do something... else.
It was late, and Scott just wanted to go to bed. It had been a long day of showing Owen around, then trying (and failing) to turn him back. Now Scott was facing a different problem: Owen seemed perplexed at the idea of needing his own bed. And at this rate, Scott was too tired to argue with him. But then another situation came up the moment they went into Scott’s loft.
“Did you kiss me?” Owen asked. Scott felt a sudden rush of heat to his cheeks, heart pounding.
“I- uh, goodnight!” he blurted out, scrambling backwards into bed. But Owen only followed him- there was only one bed after all- and before Scott knew it Owen crawled on top of him, expression thoughtful as he situated himself in Scott’s lap.
“Could you do it again?” Owen asked softly. Scott knew he was blushing now- usually he was so composed in these sorts of situations, but what was so different now? Sure, Owen was rather pretty considering he was a llama yesterday… and while annoying at times, his questions about everything were rather endearing… and there was the way he adorably insisted there be more orange everywhere and-
Oh no.
He couldn’t be. He shouldn’t be. And yet…
“Scott? Why’s your face doing that?” Owen asked, reaching out and poking his cheek. Scott flinched away from the touch, frowning.
“Doing what?” he asked, trying to focus on literally anything other than the fact that he had apparently gained a crush on a llama-turned-human in the span of a day, and that said crush seemed very content to be sitting in Scott’s lap.
“It’s gone all red! Do humans change color? Can you be orange? Could I be orange?” Owen asked, head tilted to one side. Scott swallowed nervously, and tried to ignore the way Owen’s eyes followed the motion of his throat.
“I- I’m blushing, Owen. It’s a thing humans do when they’re- when they’re… embarrassed. Or flustered,” Scott explained. Owen blinked in confusion.
“What are you embarrassed about?” he asked. Scott let out a sound that was part sigh, part laugh, and part some desperate cry for help.
“W-Well- it’s not- I’m not… embarrassed, exactly, it’s just- well, you- you’re uh. You’re in my lap,” Scott managed to get out, refusing to meet Owen’s eyes.
“Yes, you’re very comfy,” he said matter-of-factly. Scott wanted to scream a little.
“And you uh. You wanted to… kiss me?” Scott said, his voice raising to a near squeak.
“Yes! What’s the problem?” Owen said with an eager nod and a confused tilt of his head.
“Uh- well- you see, kissing is very uh- it’s not exactly…” Scott trailed off, unsure of how to explain how you couldn’t just go around kissing whoever you please and that it was rather important to some people.
“Well we’re best friends, aren’t we?” Owen asked with a frown.
“Huh?” came Scott’s eloquent reply.
“We’re best friends! That’s why you kissed me before, right?” Owen continued. Scott was fairly certain his face burned brighter.
“Um- well, you see- Shelby… she got me to think that kissing you would turn you human. But really she just thought it would be- nevermind. We don’t need to go into that. But usually… best friends don’t kiss,” Scott explained. Owen pondered this for a moment or two.
“So what do we need to be to kiss then?” he asked. Scott thought he might faint.
“Uh- well, you see… I guess we um. We don’t need to be anything? And sometimes friends do kiss- but you can’t just kiss anyone! You have to make sure both people actually want it. Kissing is very… intimate, typically, for humans,” Scott explained, his face feeling like it was on fire. Owen faltered a little, suddenly seeming unsure.
“Oh. So… you don’t want to kiss me then,” he said, starting to shift away.
“I didn’t say that!” Scott blurted before he could stop himself. Owen blinked in surprise, settling back in Scott’s lap.
“We can kiss?” Owen asked. Scott nodded, and shifted to sit up a little more. Owen began to move, but Scott wrapped an arm around his waist to hold him close. Owen’s hands settled on Scott’s shoulders, and Scott noticed a faint blush dust his cheeks.
“I’m just going to lean in, alright?” Scott asked softly, free hand reaching up to hold Owen’s face and run a soothing thumb over his cheek. Owen nodded, and Scott’s hand slipped down to the nape of his neck to pull him in. Scott felt the fluttering of Owen’s pulse against his fingertips, and his eyes slipped closed as their lips met. It surprised Scott how soft Owen’s lips were. But he pulled back with a soft sound after a fleeting moment, not wanting to overwhelm Owen. Owen’s eyes fluttered open, soft brown (one eye was a slightly different hue from the other, Scott realized) meeting teal and gold.
“Again?” Owen breathed out. Scott barely nodded before he was leaning in again. Owen grew a little bolder, lips moving against his as he reached up to toss Scott’s hat to the side to bury his fingers in his hair.
“Eager, are we?” Scott murmured with a smirk when he pulled away to breathe.
“You told me I could explore things by touch. Your hair is soft,” Owen grumbled. Scott giggled a little, face flushing deeper.
“In this case, exploring with your mouth is acceptable- wait I should clarify, do not eat my hair,” Scott scrambled to correct himself. Owen huffed out a laugh.
“My mouth is a little busy with something else anyway,” Owen scoffed, and before Scott could process the fireworks going off in his chest at Owen’s words, Owen leaned in to kiss him again. It was firmer this time, but still relatively closed-mouth. Scott figured it was time to change that, and he parted his lips to let his tongue slip through and trace the seam of Owen’s lips. Owen let out a soft gasp and Scott took the opening. His tongue slipped into Owen’s mouth, exploring gently and cautiously. Owen froze in his lap, hands tightening in Scott’s hair. Scott barely bit back the groan he wanted to release at Owen’s firm grasp on his hair, and instead pulled back to check in with Owen.
“Are you alright?” he asked. Owen stared wide-eyed at Scott for a few moments.
“Yes,” Owen gasped out, abruptly lunging forward to kiss him again. Scott was knocked onto his back with the force, but Owen seemed more than content to adjust to that change, straddling Scott’s hips as he kissed him. The kiss was desperate now, tongues sliding against each other and paired with soft sighs and gasps as curious hands explored the other. Pulling apart briefly to breathe before diving back in again, waves of passion ebbing and flowing each time their mouths met.
It all went a little sideways when Owen pulled at Scott’s hair. Scott let the groan escape this time, hands tightening from where they had settled on Owen’s hips. Owen whimpered, trembling a little before he kissed Scott deeper. Suddenly the kiss turned rough, Scott biting at Owen’s lip to get the upper hand.
Then Scott registered the salty taste of tears against his lips. He pushed Owen away in an instant, heart clenching at the sight of tears on Owen’s face.
“Owen?” Scott asked, voice soft. But Owen jumped like Scott had been as loud as a creeper explosion, jolting away from Scott and his hands going to grip at his hair.
“Why did you stop- you pushed me away- why are my eyes leaking?” Owen gasped out between shuddering sobs. His hands were tugging at his hair, and Scott winced.
“Take it easy, sweetheart- you’re crying, it happens when humans get overly emotional. Can you let go of your hair? I don’t want you to hurt yourself,” Scott said, voice low and soothing. Owen shook his head, hands white-knuckled in his hair.
“Can’t. Feels better,” Owen managed to get out. Scott’s stomach twisted at the words.
“Please, don’t hurt yourself- can you tell me what’s wrong?” Scott pleaded. Owen swallowed and took a shuddering breath.
“Too bright. Too loud. And you pushed me-” Owen broke off into a soft sob, eyes squeezed shut. Scott took a deep breath, feeling a little like crying himself. But he steeled his nerves, reaching over to turn down the lantern. Owen seemed to relax a little, one eye peeking open. Then Scott slowly sat up and reached up to gently detangle Owen’s fingers from his hair, taking his hands and holding them, thumbs rubbing soothing circles into the backs of Owen’s hands. Owen seemed to finally relax, slumping a bit like a puppet with its strings cut.
“I’m sorry I pushed you away. But I noticed you were crying, and I got worried- it seemed like you weren’t enjoying the kissing anymore,” Scott explained, keeping his voice low. Owen was silent at first. It was unbearable- Scott just wanted to know what he did wrong, how he could fix this mess.
“I liked the kissing,” Owen finally said, voice drained and bashful.
“So tell me what went wrong- something affected you enough to cry,” Scott replied gently. Owen thought for a moment or two, this break of silence more bearable than the last.
“I liked kissing you. You made such pretty sounds, and- and you felt so good,” Owen said, sounding near reverent.
“But?” Scott prompted, fighting back a blush at Owen’s words.
“It was like you were the only thing that mattered. That everything was just you, and I wanted to stay that way forever… but then something changed. You… you held me tighter. And I liked it at first. I- I wanted you. I don’t even know really what for, but I felt like I was gonna die if I didn’t have more of you. But then…” Owen trailed off uncertainly.
“It kind of… became a lot pretty quickly, didn’t it?” Scott pointed out with a frown. Owen let out a shuddering sigh and nodded.
“I’ve never felt these things before,” Owen added.
“Yeah, and we moved pretty fast pretty quickly. D’you wanna just cuddle instead?” Scott offered. Owen tilted his head to one side in confusion.
“Cuddle?” he asked.
“Oh- it’s like hugging, sort of? But you’re lying down most times,” Scott explained. Owen blinked at him incomprehensibly.
“Hugging?” Owen asked. Scott suddenly felt rather sheepish for kissing Owen before he had even properly hugged him.
“Oh! Um, it’s when you put your arms around someone and they have your arms around you too- can I show you?” Scott asked. Owen nodded, and Scott let go of his hands to instead wrap his arms around Owen and hug him close.
“Oh,” Owen said softly, melting into Scott’s arms. His arms wrapped around Scott’s waist, and he buried his face into Scott’s shoulder.
“Good?” Scott asked.
“Very. Can we cuddle?” Owen asked, muffled against Scott’s shoulder. Scott let out a contented hum, pressing a kiss to Owen’s hair.
“Of course,” he murmured, laying back and pulling Owen down with him. A little shuffling later, and Owen was curled against Scott’s chest, clinging to him while Scott had his nose buried in Owen’s curls and his arms around him. That is, until Owen shifted to look Scott in the eyes.
“One last kiss?” he asked softly.
“Just one,” Scott murmured, leaning in for a slow, clinging kiss that made his insides feel all syrupy.
“Goodnight Scott,” Owen breathed out when he pulled away.
“Goodnight Owen,” Scott murmured back. Owen nestled back into his chest, drifting off into sleep within a few moments. Scott stayed awake for a few moments more, just gazing down at Owen’s sleeping form. He found himself feeling glad that turning him back hadn’t worked. And he couldn’t wait to explore whatever this was between them- it was one adventure that Scott would be sure to treasure.
general mcyt fic taglist (ask to be added!): @actuallymothman @corazon10000 @damiensaidno @franticfandomfanatic @gattonero17 @hetapeep41 @meowdy-pickles @space-ace123 @vyeoh 
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x-mencomics · 3 months
The Uncanny X-Men #174 - Romances
Space. Aboard the Starjammer.
Scott Summers and Madelyne Pryor watch an earthrise from the deck of Scott's father's spaceship. Christopher Summers aka Corsair offers to give Madelyne a tour of the ship. On board is Carol Danvers aka Binary, the newest member of the team. Scott and Binary discuss her departure from the X-Men. Binary says she's always wanted to roam the galaxies. Christopher asks if Scott still wants to join him on the journey through space. Madelyne looks shocked. Later Scott thinks again about the similarities between Madelyne and Jean. Scott asks Madelyne to go with him and his father on the ship.
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Elsewhere onboard, is Charles Xavier and Lilandra. They're still working on Xavier's legs, trying to get him able to walk. Lilandra says she must go back to the Shi'ar Empire to stop the corrupt rule of Deathbird, Lilandra's sister. Charles says he cannot join Lilandra because of his duty to the X-Men and New Mutants. Lilandra understands.
Northern Japan.
Wolverine visits Mariko and Harada aka the Silver Samurai at their ancestral seat. Wolverine demands to know why Mariko has called off the wedding. She simply repeats that he is not worth. Wolverine returns a sword to Mariko and leaves.
Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.
Kitty flirts with Peter, and shows him that she has learned how to pass her power to anyone she touches so that they too can "phase" through walls. They go to the attic to water Storm's plants, but all the plants are gone. Storm arrives and explains that she has changed her room decor, just as she herself has changed.
Nightcrawler tends to Rogue, who was injured last issue. Rogue asks about Jean and why the X-Men are so startled by Madelyne. Nightcrawler explains Jean's history as Marvel Girl, Phoenix, then Dark Phoenix, and her death. He thinks to himself that Madelyne may be Phoenix reincarnated.
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Scott and Madelyne fly a plane to Anchorage. Scott has asked Madelyne to marry him and she has accepted. Scott leaves the cockpit briefly, passing a Catholic Priest on board the plane. The Priest stops Scott and asks if he dropped a photo he's holding. Scott takes the photo. It's Jean. It's not a photo Scott has ever seen before. He's so confused. The Priest thinks to himself that Scott looks like he's been kicked in the gut. And that Scott needs to get used to that. Because there's more to come...
At Madelyne's home in Anchorage, Madelyne returns from a trip to the grocery store. Unseen by her is a strange man in her garage. Upstairs, Scott finally asks Madelyne what he's been thinking. He asks if Madelyne is a reincarnation of Jean Grey. And Madelyne immediately punches Scott in the face. His glasses fly off. He pulls out a spare pair and looks for Madelyne. She's gone.
A huge flame bursts though a door and knocks Scott to the ground. Madelyne walks through the door, saying the time for talk is over. She's dressed as Phoenix!
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bluiex · 11 months
Hey! Is me! The anon that give you the spire family AU cause I need help with some things cause I’m finally working on it again!!!
First let’s set the scene to help you(me) visualise the story better! I think it’s set like some of the Empires still exist just to expand the world, Shopping centre is still shopping centre but it’s like the resort in Mystreet season 6, with like the tower thing in the middle and all other like islands(aka like Aqua town and stuff like that) are. Mother Spore is like on this Erie off coast of the shopping centre that was originally connected to the shopping centre but when humans came they destroyed the eco system that connect them</3
(We keeping the Undergrove, Overgrown, Ocean Empire(Swamp is literally just like under the rule of the ocean empire), Meazalia(?), and Grimlands(cause imagine, Count fWhips twin sister ‘KIDNAPPED’ by the evil Mother Spore! Is so funny!!)
Kept the Undergrove cuase im thinking it’s like where the sporelings are most accepted(cause Shubble’s well- a gnome- but she’s got her whole mushroom thing so I’m making her bestie with Mother Spore)
(THIS GIVE ME AN IDEA!!! Everyine else trying to find where Mothers Spire other hide out is: Shubble having FUCKING TEA with Mother Spore: And i told her, that he was a cheat but she just gaslit me!)
So like Lizzie. Let’s make her God of the Ocean cause obvi! Jimmy’s like the Demi god who fell in love with mortals(cause my heart PAINS for that</3)
Lizzie and her Human Joel who just- “What? Noo gods don’t exist.”
Kathrine is the kinda queen that pretends to be a peasant and is friends with her whole kingdom without a single one (-The guards cause incase she gets hurt) knowing(Scott use to live in the Overgrown)
fWhip has gone insane when Scott hurt Gem in ESMP1 so what happeneds when she gets ‘kidnapped’? HE GOES SO INSANE ITS FUNNY LIKE AT 3AM THERES LIKE A GUARD COMING TO TAKE HIS POST AND FWHIP RUNS PAST “WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GO???YOUR MY ONLY BRAINCELL AND ILL KILL ANYONE AND EVERYONE INVOLVED WITH YOUR DISAPPEARANCE!” And the guards just like “He pays me enough…but it really could be more”
So the sporelings-
Scott’s brother Spore- like I’ve mentioned before-
Pearl’s Scott’s actually sister so just cause if that she sister spore but it’s like when a princess runs away from being a princess except she doesn’t know she running.
All the resistance members are still there obvi! (Stress, Impulse, Ren,  Doc, Jevin, XB, Etho)
But also Sausage went cause Scott flirted with him.
Joey’s there cause Xornoth(Scott’s cousin) is there-(that’s real gay)
Lauren(cause I her😭) is Xornoth’s sister, went with her cousin cause that’s her bestie!
(There are just random NPCs, some are there cause Scott flirted with them. Some went cause they thought Grian was hot. NPCs are gay/thirsty as hell.)
HEP are all scientist
Zed’s that one that’s like super smart, gets like a lot of the important info but does stupid shit- like drops the very poisonous specimen then says “Oopies!”
Pix is there cause I feel like he just does it for ironically.
TFC(I miss him😭) was a scientist that left and joined the Sporelings but instead reminded Grian of his dad, and he’s like like “Da- Grandpa spore.”
Ofcourse Theres NPC duh!
Now….WHAT THE HELL DO I DO WITH MUMBO??? Is he sporeling, random gardener, redstone shop owner or just a nobody? OR LIKE AN EX BESTFRIEND/LOVER OF GRIAN CASUE I LIVE FOR DRAMA!!!!
I’m still working on placing all the other hermits and an one else I want to add. They’ll all get something special, even if just one scene. 
Okay that’s all from 2am anon! Okay, Bye bye! Love you! Eat food! Drink water! Stay safe!
I love all of this! I wish I could give you ideas of my own but brain mush atm 😭
But Jsut know I'm absolutely living for this. And I think Mumbo should be a sporling
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tinapaysmp · 6 months
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@orinberry Watch me do the Elmo meme again until my laptop battery dies. So this all started around a month ago when I was cramming and making plans for mcyt yuri week. Needless to say I already have my list of characters to swap (somehow I'll figure out how I can make Jimmy the King of Pixandria while Lizzy's the Queen of Mazelea and still be siblings) and I've made that KathGem fanart as well. (You'd want to look into that fanart since there's a few hcs there.)
However, with Scott and fWhip there's still a lot for me to workshop on since I'm not done with both povs and I'm the type to be obsessed with worldbuilding.
So far this is what I got:
Important to note that how I want to handle this swap au is that they have their "core personality" but they have to react and be affected by their environment like how I discussed Pearl on this post (and by extension Sausage in the tags).
Elven fWhip, much like his OG counterpart, wasn't meant to be heir of Rivendell due to their uncle not liking him but ended up as heir anyways after Gem got shipped off to the Overgrown.
Scott meanwhile is a human who was raised as the only heir of the Grimlands and his father's gunpowder industry. He's still suppose to be Aeor's champion, having Alinar as his past life.
You could imagine the kind of crisis the both would have finding that out, with fWhip learning that his boyfriend is his god's chosen one.
I could imagine a lot of teasing coming from fWhip eventually though. Like he'd joke about Scott being destined to be his hero or something.
Scott would've asked so many questions to fWhip all because of his predicament. He's the count of the Grimland's, he wasn't meant to be an elven chosen one. He's not even an elf.
As for the WRA, Scott's approach is in-line with most of his allies of trying to have better PR and generally trying to do what's best for his people. Pearl wants a better look for Mythland, Wizard Katherine wants to avoid war, idk about Sausage I'm still trying to figure him out but we'll see.
But, Scott would be the type to mess with people a lot in this AU. Being the Count he doesn't mind playing into the intimidation of his empire, but he can be really nice.
fWhip on the other hand, his reign is heavily focused on developing much of Rivendell's infrastructure and connections to other empires.
He's forced to keep out of any conflict by the council for the sake of Rivendell's image. Even Gem scolds him to not drag Rivendell to any unwarranted conflict.
He's still the type of guy to jump from one interest to another, and at one point his interest swung to redstone and gunpowder and what other nation does it better than the Grimlands?
Scott was the first one to try flirting with fWhip, although very casual, and wasn't expecting fWhip to flirt back. Elves have a reputation in the Grimlands to be a bit stuck up.
Either way this led to a lot of talking between the two of them and Scott was lucky that fWhip was a very unconventional elf who didn't mind dating mortals like him.
They became lovers in secret without any of their councils knowing.
fWhip thought that Gem would've scolded him for going after a mortal, nobility or not. But after confessing that to her, it only led to him learning that his sister have eyes for a certain Head Wizard.
Rivendell and the Grimlands were generally in good relations centuries after Gilded Helianthia's independence (read here for reference, ignore any inaccuracies). But one day fWhip signed in joining the WRA. This outraged some people in the elven council due to the Alliance's reputation throughout history. But fWhip assured everybody that the mortals ruling these nations are to be trusted.
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gardenergulfie · 1 year
Empires smp fake dating au.
Jimmy has to keep telling people "yes I do have a boyfriend he's just currently living on another server. Scott you've met him. False he's your brother. You can literally just text him and ask him. I have a boyfriend guys stop flirting with me. Guys. I have a boyfriend." Katherine keeps telling people "I am not interested in dating you please leave me alone Joey please just. Please leave me alone. Why are you like this."
Jimmy and Katherine, pre-festival, get fed up with everyone flirting with them and decide to fake date to get everyone else off their backs. At the festival Katherine brings him over to real break up their fake relationship because "I told Shelby and Joey that I wasn't ready for a relationship right now and could they please knock it off and Shelby got upset and we forgot to tell her we were fake dating I don't want her to be upset :(". Jimmy is thrown to the wolves.
Katherine finds this hilarious and Jimmy is just. Ripping his hair out. "No guys I have a boyfriend I really do I really really do. False he's LITERALLY your brother tell them I'm dating your brother." "Uhhh nnnnno I want them to like me and I think they'll like me better if I dddddon't try to tell them off. Also it's funny to see you distressed." He texts Katherine to HELP PLEASE and she says no sorry I'm frog catching with shelby good luck with getting joey to stop flirting with you tho!!
Joel Scott and Gem all just find Jimmy suffering to be hilarious and so all of them just add fuel to the fire.
Joke's on everyone else though!! The second the hermits get to Empires Jimmy points at Tango and goes "SEE!! HE'S REAL I TOLD YOU HE WAS REAL!!!" and refuses to leave his side for a few days.
Tango as False's brother is Very Interesting and Very Funny because now I wonder what False it is.
Jimmy and Katherine fake-dating is just going to get Joey to suggest polyamory again we know this but damn if it isnt funny
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habeascorpseus · 2 years
For the ask game: Flower husbands? or Scarian?
as much as it pains me, i will not answer scarian again- sooooo fh it is. I'll have to admit- ive never been as invested in flower husbands as... pretty much everyone i know. this comes from one) not originally watching scotts pov, and 2) never watching empires season 1. by the time i actually watched scotts pov, well, i was too deeply entrenched in desert duo hell to pay much attention. but i will say that 3l flower husbands is cozy. a whirlwind romance, where both parties are slightly surprised at how much they care about each other after such a short amount of time. they have clumsily made flower crowns and lovingly made bouquets in every room of their home. they are as sweet smelling as roses and as gently vibrant as hydrangeas. as for empires- well, i didnt watch it, but from what ive heard from friends, the dynamic is a lot different and more one-sided than 3rd life. i think the fact that in both series, they were doomed to only be happy in the afterlife together says a lot. because like with many whirlwind romances, the shock of sudden and deep affection blinds one to the flaws of the relationship- namely that scott is brutally idealistic and jimmy can be competent but it takes a while for him to get there. what scott wanted for them, jimmy never had the chance to even attempt to succeed. and because scott was already running into their ideal future, he couldnt notice his partner falling behind. in the end, i think i like them as they are- friends who support each other and flirt with each other but very much have other priorities. and i hate to admit it- but the most i was invested in them was during double life, when they got into an argument and just. would not stop talking absolute shit. like they may have been sweet together fleetingly but by god are they good at being exes.
and ngl i think the empires fandom has oversaturated on fh so much that i physically cannot consume it as a ship anymore beyond just 3rd life and empires 1
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yb-cringe · 2 years
Wybie I have been gone for like 4 days and you are the most informed person here, what happened? I heard twitchcon was shit? But also, anything good or interesting happen?
OH god ohkay uh. twitchcon sucked someone broke their back and they fucked up crumb and aimsey’s pronouns and told crumb they couldnt wear their box to the con on their third day.
fwhip came back to empires and his video is part disgruntled gremlin killing chickens part ex boyfriend trying to pretend theyre still dating bc jimmy fired him from his deputy position and part him putting a fuckin wither rose in his statue’s hand bc he wants tl see js suffer
sausage having more flashbacks uh scott was flirting with jimmy again yh no new nature wives updates as far as i know
oh uh karl is apparently kissing a lot of men and dnf shippers are thriving rn apparently
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halorocks1214 · 2 years
how do you measure the worth
Fandom: Empires SMP
Pairing: Flower Husbands
AO3 Link in a self-reblog
Word Count: 1692
One might even say they were worth more than gold.
Prompt: Gold
Ryllae had been working for the royal family for as long as ve could remember.
Ve had a few kids of ver own, all a bunch of baby birds ve cherished like they were pure emerald blocks. Now they were all grown up and out of the nest, creating their own lives for themselves in other kingdoms. Ryllae still got letters from them at times.
So when ve were offered to be Scott’s primary caretaker, as the King and Queen were very busy individuals, ve jumped at the chance. Scott was a silent child, a small elf who was practically almost dwarfed by his older brother. He could come across as rude and bossy, but if you were just a little patient and tried understanding how his brain wired certain things, he was the epitome of kingly grace and future prosperity.
Ryllae made and fixed his clothes, informed him of daily activities, and even once comforted him after a nightmare when his parents were visiting another kingdom. Ve were thankful for the experience. As time went on, life got harder. With the deaths of his parents and the disappearance of Xornoth, Scott made quick work of training, getting ready to focus solely on making sure the kingdom stayed intact. Along with it came many bumps in the road; many Ryllae was there to help him out with, and many ve could only witness from behind closed doors.
Ve were there for his highs and lows, his regal appearances, and his everyday walks around the kingdom. Ve got to see his worst side and his best side. The days where he didn’t smile and the days where it felt like he was a child and gleefully asked Ryllae to teach him how to preen his wings once again.
And ve were there for all of the lovely suitors that came into and out of his life.
Ve hoped ver irritation was as prevalent as ve were trying to make it.
Some were genuinely kind and thoughtful with their gifts, never attempting to purposefully waste the King’s time when they realized he wasn’t interested, but in the end, it was all the same. Superficial love to hide their real goal, which ranged from clout or even a potential slice of power from being on the throne. The ones that did waste his time made Ryllae want to throw them out the highest window of the spire.
It was always easy to tell: all the jewels, ores, and overall riches they tried offering him. As if he were so shallow that he could be wooed over something so frivolous. The rumors that Scott flirted (even seduced) his way to the top were already hard enough to hear, but when they saw how many (what were supposedly) loyal subjects even believed in them, well, Ryllae didn’t fault him for being relatively closed off.
There were a few genuine ones, of course, that hit it off with him and formed a genuine connection. Unfortunately, when Scott’s idiosyncrasies came to light, well, needless to say, the relationship never lasted very long. That didn’t even include the ones who saw his overworking habits and various anxieties as “too much work.” Ryllae wishes ve could make it just a little easier for him, since traveling back in time and preventing all the chaos was impossible. Though, believe vem, ve would if ve could.
Until one morning when the rest of the council approached vem about Scott not showing up to a meeting.
Ryllae woke him up with plenty of time to get ready for the day, so he better have a good excuse as to why he was late.
Ryllae might be more forgiving compared to the other Advisors, but that did not mean ve spoiled him. He was a king with a long list of duties that needed to be done, and Ryllae was already desensitized to any kind of child-like excuse he could come up with. There was having a rough day and then there was him skimping out because he didn’t feel like it. Ve raised three kids before him, remember? Ve knew how this was going to end.
But as ve traveled around the castle with Scott nowhere in sight, ve became dejected. Worried, one might even call vem. When Scott missed a meeting without warning, he usually was off hiding somewhere in the vicinity. Ryllae checked every spot ve’ve found him in before, and he was not in a single one. Did Ryllae need to call for an emergency? If something happened to Scott after all that he’s already been through-
“-ow I’m missing a meeting because of this, right?” Scott's voice filtered through the air. Looking around rapidly in relief, Ryllae noticed a door that led to the outside was slightly ajar.
An unfamiliar voice laughed, coming from the same direction, “Aren’t you always telling me half your council is full of a bunch of stuck-ups? Maybe they need to learn to chill.”
Scott laughed as well, “Perhaps not too much. We do live on an ice mountain.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I think the cold is great,” the unfamiliar voice spoke again. Ryllae proceeded to tip-toe toward the exit, making sure ve couldn’t be heard. When ve reached the crack, ve peeked outside and ver eyes widened the tiniest amount.
Scott was very dirty. Many dark smudges covered his robes and face in various sized spots like he was pelted with balls of mud and soot, yet surprisingly, the biggest grin split his cheeks from ear to ear. Didn’t he loathe being even slightly less than clean? Ryllae remembered one time a noble accidentally spilled some wine on him at a gala and he almost didn’t make a reappearance that night because of it.
Yet there he was, looking like a dog that got a little too excited in the rain.
And in front of him? Was none other than the Codfather, just as dirty and giddy as Scott, leaning over the railing from the opposite side of the King.
… What?
“Oh! Before I forget,” the Codfather began, reaching into his inventory. “You mentioned losing the first one, so I decided to make another! Don’t worry about finding it, I like this one better. I was able to work out a few hinks that I couldn’t in the last one.”
Ryllae watched as a small statue—a deer surrounded by some fish—made out of mud was placed in the King’s hands as he blushed. Scott cleared his throat, “Thanks, Jimmy. I hope it didn’t take up too much of your time.”
The Codfather pushed himself up on the railing to be at kiss height, placing a peck on Scott’s face before leaning back with a grin, “Of course not. My council is always telling me I fidget too much during our meetings, so really, it all came together perfectly!”
Scott hummed like he disapproved of something, but Ryllae could tell it wasn’t about Jimmy, “Alright. Well, I suppose I should hurry and clean up. Would hate to have to explain to my Advisors why I’m covered in dirt.”
“Are you sure you need to? I personally love the aesthetic.” Jimmy joked, but then got serious when it seemed like Scott glared at him. “I’m kidding. Now then, what’s the easiest way for you to sneak-”
Ryllae fully shut the door at that, realizing ve were poking in on a private conversation. So the King and the Codfather had some weird tango thing on the down-low. Maybe it was information Ryllae wasn’t expecting, but it wasn’t end-of-the-kingdom worthy. Scott having a boyfriend was nice, amazing even. The King deserved to have someone who loved him for him and nothing else.
Besides, the Codfather making him late? Scott already was late enough by himself without outside obstacles. If anything, the Codfather could prod him into actually showing up on time more and Ryllae never objected to stuff like that. Everything seemed like a win-win in this scenario.
As Ryllae traveled back to the meeting room, ve ran into another Advisor. “Ah, Ryllae! Did you find him?”
Ve realized ve needed to think and think fast, “Uh, yes, but-”
“Thank goodness!” the Advisor exclaimed, making a move like they were going to walk past Ryllae. “Where is he? I wanna go out there and give him a piece of my-”
Ryllae shoved a hand over their mouth while shushing, “No, don’t worry about that! He just… last night’s food seems to be causing some washroom trouble for him if you know what I mean. He’s going to be in there for a while, unfortunately.”
Dear Aeor, help Scott forgive vem for this.
The Advisor raised their eyebrows with a shrug, “That’s unfortunate. Still, if he takes too long we might need to just call this thing off.”
“Yes, yes, of course,” Ryllae agreed. This Advisor had always been kind of an ass but Ryllae preferred not blowing cover. “I’m pretty sure he’s almost done anyway.”
Ten minutes on the dot later, Scott appeared in the meeting room in fresh clothes with an even fresher apology. All the Advisors accepted it for what it was and got down to business. Ryllae even got to keep ver dignity (and job) intact when no one brought up ver excuse as to why Scott was late. Ve would be taking that deep, deep into ver grave, thank you.
And it paid off wonderfully. During a ball at the end of the month, Scott would quietly confess to Ryllae that he was seeing someone. Another King in fact and Ryllae would gasp and coo like a proud parent as if ve never heard this news before. Ve didn’t want to ruin anything, and Scott needed some enthusiasm in his life. Even if he was the most pampered prince ever to exist, Ryllae knew how special the small stuff in life could be.
Like the Codfather’s mud statue or Scott’s trust in Ryllae, some things were worth more than beyond the scope of how they might explain them.
One might even say they were worth more than gold.
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joifee · 11 months
Beloved qpJuliette, it is this time of the day where I came to bother you with my brain rot.
Funnily enough it is once again Flower husbands ff idea (I find it funny bc while I love flowerhusbands they no where near my fav ship, yet I always find it the easiest to find a brain rot for). So my idea merges both the Empires and Life series.
Watchers put the players through the games, but only the winner remembers the particular game they won. That thought doesnt mean that the feelings (or trauma) they've acquired just disappears with the memories. (They remember it subconsciously)
That brings me to: Scott and Jimmy would be pinning for eachother since 3rd life, but neither of them would actually knew why. Which would make Jimmy subcouncusly hate flowers thus moving to mesa, and for Scott to have the opposite.
Scott tries to flirt with Jimmy, but his advances are constantly rejected, making Scott a bit deflated, but yet not giving up. For now. I wanted it to be hanahaki AU so, you guessed it. Scott develops hanahaki because of it.
And oh no, the crossover episode arrives. Why is Jimmy so interested in the blue firefly dungeon master?
I also want to mention that in this universe Jimmy's and Tangos relationship wouldnt be romantic, but rather queer platonic.
(I think that by now a lot of people can tell that I love hurt/comfort)
dear qpromeo hope ya well because i am unwell disability wise but i'll manage flower husbands isnt my fave either (only if its flower fwhimmy because thats my fav ship) but they bring alot of potential makes me wonder why jimmy would react negative to the flowers? maybe because for him they look like something he cannot hold on forever and scott gives him the same feeling and he cannot handle it I myself am not very into hanaki due to reasons but i think it really would fit the vibe of this flower, no matter if literal (aka growing flowers inside causing problems) or in a more poetic way i love queer platonic stufff ahhhhh i also love hurt/comfort
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heartheaded · 2 years
savior: TONY STARK
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NAME: Anthony Edward Stark AGE: various STATUS: Survivor
BACKGROUND: Anthony Edward Stark, Founder of the Avengers. CEO of Stark Industries. Billionaire, playboy, philanthropist--Iron Man. And recently, in his most well-known iteration: Late Hero and one of the Saviors of his universe. Tony died a hero on the day Thanos was felled, bested by his brief possession of the Infinity Stones. Due to his sacrifice, Tony was able to restore those that were lost during the Snap and reunite them with their loved ones, all the while celebrated at his modestly sized funeral. Missed by Pepper, Morgan, Happy, Peter, and everyone that came to call him ally, friend, and family, he would forever be cemented in the minds and hearts of the world he helped save.
However, there exists an alternate ending in the multiverse. Starlord once held an Infinity Stone in the bare palm of his hand, and whether it be because of his celestial lineage or the support of his found family was yet to be known. Such an event didn’t go unnoticed by the Guardians’ associations, and unveiled a hidden path for their victory. Dr. Strange saw a universe where the remaining Avengers joined hands as Tony took hold of the stones, and under their shared power they hot-glued the world back together again. This is that universe.
Tony Stark would join hands with Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, James Rhodes, Scott Lang, and Clint Barton. They would split the pain of the overwhelming power. They would all reverse the Snap together. They would all survive.
Steve would still return to the past, however, leaving behind the parting gift of his signature shield. And the world, despite almost meeting its end again, would eventually recover. Humanity would continue on, unimpeded.
Tony Stark, among those survivors, would lose his arm after the ordeal. After a few days or so, he had a perfectly fine robotic replacement. And it didn’t make a difference to his loving wife Pepper and darling daughter Morgan.
In fact, life settled into a familiar and very welcome stagnation that was only broken by Peter Parker. Tony had gone full-fledge with Stark Industries once again, and was working to rebuild his empire while moonlighting as Iron Man and training up new Avengers to come back stronger.
How did Peter, the sweet spider-kid next door, ruin the peace? Well, the kid was set up for MIT no problem, but the second he turned 18 he started to get sick. And sicker. And sicker. Until Death flirted so hard it might as well have been a four weddings and a funeral, and then he got better. And grew a new set of arms.
Thankfully not a cataclysmic, universe-ending event.
Guess he better call the bald psychic and hope it’s not fatal.
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mumscarian · 2 years
Recently saw the Venus Flytrap husbands hand holding post again (from Empires SMP - Scott Smajor/Jimmy Solidarity/Mythical Sausage, the ultimate enermies-to-lovers IMO) and just.
Mumscarian hand holding habits and quirks.
Scar just does it so naturally, most of the time not even realizing he's slipped his hand into Mumbo's or Grian's. It's like second nature to him; as soon as he's close enough to someone he considers a friend, his hand just... finds theirs. It isn't even romantic most of the time, just something reassuring to him that yes. This person is here. And they're my friend. They're keeping me safe and could catch me if I slip. Mumbo and Grian know this, of course, having been on the receiving end of it pre-relationship often enough, but to quell the jealousy they sometimes felt when seeing Scar holding hands with someone else (especially Cub or BDubs), Scar has agreed that with others, he'll not interlace his fingers with them. That's a thing he reserves for them, just a tiny bit of more closeness. And yes, Scar still talks with his hands (look me into the eye and tell me the guy doesn't at least a little bit talk with his hands), even while holding someone else's hand. This has lead to hilarious and sweet situations, where, pre-relationship, Scar would actually use that to flirt by twirling Mumbo or Grian, like they were dancing. It was very effective on Grian (birdie - dancing is special to him. If he dances with you out of free will, you know he considers you a close friend, or more.) Now that they're all one heaping pile of love, Scar will take the chance to simply place a kiss on the back of their hands once he notices. (And yes, this has happened more than once while he was holding both of their hands. Old habits die hard.)
Grian... for him, hand holding is something special. (Which made the hand holding jealousy he felt towards Cubs and BDubs even worse.) Because holding hands while you're flying is already difficult for a perfectly matched pair of skilled flyers, he mostly is limited to holding his lovers's hands on the ground. Which means that it literally keeps him on the ground. He doesn't mind most of the time, but sometimes, his wings itch after he's been on the ground for too long. (Also makes sleeping with him in the same bed interesting, because first thing Grian has to do, before anything else, is just fly. Even if it's just out of bed. He has woken up in the middle of the night because of itching. Grian never slept over, even when they were friends, until he felt like they wouldn't judge him for it.) Mumbo and Scar have gotten very good at reading Grian in that regard, and even better at naturally getting him to fly. Ask him to fetch them something, small random dare, or just a 'love, I need to continue working, you okay with that?' and Grian will let go of their hand, shoot them a grateful look and take up to the sky.
On the other hand, when Grian does initiate hand holding, it's special. He's binding himself to the ground voluntarily, because he loves them so much. Both Mumbo and Scar know this. And while Mumbo will let Grian be subtle with his declaration of love, acknowledging it with a simple squeeze of hands, Scar will not. Not now, not ever. Twirling Grian around, kissing his hand, actually saying that he loves Grian too - all things he does, even during meetings. It's a whole thing they have now, and Grian knows to expect it. Everyone's gotten so used to it they don't even register it anymore. If Scar doesn't do that whole thing, there's one of two things going on - one of them feels terrible, or one of them is unconscious. (If Mumbo is suspecting Scar to feel down, but not quite sure, he'll ask Grian to take Scar's hand. Luckily, Scar hasn't caught on yet.)
Now, Mumbo... he's the most normal in that regard out of the three. Healthy amount, asking when not certain, and pretty chill about it. He likes holding hands with his boyfriends (even though thinking of them as such and actually calling them his boyfriends still flusters him), but he's not distraught like Scar when it's not happening. He doesn't have to be holding their hand constantly when they'te just chilling together, but doesn't mind it when Scar takes his hand out of habit. He actually thinks Scar is really cute for that; and though he won't tell him while sober, Scar just always taking his hand is what made him realize his feelings for him.
There are two situations where Mumbo Killsalot Jumbo gets absolutely soft for hand holding.
First is when he's cuddling with someone. May that be sitting on a couch or actual bed, it just makes his heart flutter and his stomach do flips. It can be a bit difficult sometimes (lying in bed, for example), but he still appreciates it immensely.
The second is when dancing. And I don't mean club dancing, but slow dancing. Waltzing. He learned it because he thought it suited - no pun intended - his image, and actually grew to enjoy it. (And while it at times seems a bit stiff for someone like Grian, Grian can appreciate it as well.) Mumbo loves dancing with Grian or Scar - and is trying to figure out how the three of them can dance together - and interwinding his fingers with theirs, keeping them even more locked together.
Mumbo especially loves dancing with Scar, because it happens a bit rarely. Scar llves to dance, but his body doesn't always allow him too. Yes, he has his magical braces, but they take quite some energy from him, and only work perfectly on low-pain days. (Hence why Scar is so clumsy and trips over seemingly everything - Grian and Mumbo stopped making fun of him once they learned that the worse the pain is, the more difficult it is to control his braces. Now they just hold his hand and allow him to inconspicuously lean on them as much as he wants to.) And Scar doesn't want to constantly step on Mumbo's toes - even though Mumbo has made some steel-capped shoes and said it's fine - so they only get to Waltz together on Scar's really good days. And Mumbo loves it every time.
Geez, that got long.
Anyways. Hand holding, my beloved.
What do ya think?
anon i am completely floored by this ask. hooly shit this is AMAZING. ive had this sitting in my inbox for a couple days (low spoons+im just busy lmao) and now ive finally read it and HHOOLY SHIT!! to all of this: yes. yes i love this. and!!! Dancing!!!!! i might have mentioned this before but i had a HUGEEE waltz/ballroom dancing hyperfixation at the beginning of the year. I started writing a fic about it even, but i kinda got sidetracked lol. anyways YES. fuck yeah. this is epic. kudos to you anon omg.
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