salvatiere-blog · 2 years
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A sad day today in U.S history. The decision put at risk underrepresented communities, especially BIPOC folks. Religious extremist is taking the rights of the majority of people. #theirbodytheirchoice #abortionishealthcare #standupfightback #GOPTaliban (at Supreme Court of the United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfMvwL9un9s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jensenartofficial · 2 years
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#theirbodytheirchoice #fuckpatriarchy #abortionrights #abortthecourt #scotus #hexthepatriarchy — view on Instagram https://scontent-atl3-2.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.29350-15/291240272_310168474568661_6191992638351484460_n.webp?stp=dst-jpg&_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=4mA_jMMZYhAAX8884iI&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-2.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AT-89sEylgNhw3K7eRZImr-kbUlZ3E6DR8KnrXSLs6pTIQ&oe=62C43173
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eitherandor-blog · 2 years
Just Kids
There has been a lot going on in the world.  Always true of course though it feels like an influx of negative news (including that the pandemic is not over yet).  More writing from me on some of those items may come soon but recently and urgently, I am consumed and concerned with the sweeping anti-trans and homophobic legislation across the country.  You may have heard about the "Don't say gay" bill in Florida and the Texas law that considers gender-affirming services for youth child abuse.  Sadly these are just two instances among a larger pool of policies around the country.  [Many are listed in the link below - thank you Anti-Racism Daily!] 
Based on some of my other posts, you may have heard or noticed that I became a parent during this pandemic.  Part of our nighttime routine is reading a book before bed.  One night last week, I picked "I am Jazz" about TV personality, activist, and trans woman Jazz Jennings.  This was intentional, a mild reminder of how much gender messaging kids receive and how early many of them know who they are. Our toddler is labeled male and read as a boy may identify as a boy later in life.  Or not.  That choice though is his to make.  Not mine or my partner's, not the state, a school, or doctor. 
In terms of agency and personal autonomy, encouraging a child to explore their gender identity and expression should not be up for debate.  Texas's new law is not in the best interests of any child or family.  In fact, there are real consequences with the restrictive nature of this law and similar ones cropping up: License to discriminate and act on prejudice, safety concerns for the individuals impacted, and an extra burden to the already overworked state social service resources, among others.  Anyone concerned about the wellbeing of a child should not oppress them or impress upon them your views, constraints, or labels.  They will already get this from every avenue of our world.  Instead, a healthy and supportive parent, caregiver, or adult makes space for their voice and agency.  This is what positive youth development looks like and should be the goal of any politician and political party, rather than a political issue or stance they are trying to limit. 
Speaking of limits, there are also abundant laws prohibiting trans athletes' participation in high school and college sports.  These bills are commonly applied disproportionately to women's and girls' sports because of the possible performance of trans women among their cis women peers.  This is not the first time that laws are pushed to protect women and girls from "the other."  [Think of the miscegenation and Jim Crow practices of not-so-distant US history.]  But let's be clear: anyone who is in a gendered sport should be competing with peers who identify in the same way.  There are hormonal differences across people as well as other discrepancies based on identity (think class, geography, and more) that affect the training and abilities of athletes.  Trans women are women.  Some are great at some sports, some are not, and some don't care about sports either- just like cis women. Will there be trans women who excel?  Yes of course.  Penn swimmer Lia Thomas is one example.  She just won a national college competition (which should be celebrated not derided).  Her time is also nine or ten seconds less than that of Olympian and at the time collegiate athlete Katie Ledecky.  I do not think there any examples of people identifying as trans, gender non-conforming, or another gender identity as a means to get an advantage in sports.  Where are those people and stories?  That is not the narrative we see proliferating sports and if you know anyone who identifies as trans*, they will tell you that sports is not why they identify the way they do. 
It wasn't until I was in my late 20's that I felt comfortable enough to explore my gender identity or how I expressed it.  At my job, I tried using "they/them" as pronouns in addition to "he/him" because I did not feel comfortable or included in how our society has defined men and masculinity.  These are still areas where I am uncomfortable though I have come to redefine what "being a man" means to me.  This is not to equate my experience with that of trans* youth and adults nor say how I am impacted by the inumerable devastating laws referenced.  Instead, my illustration is to say what damage our society in its current iteration can impose on us individually even for me as a white, mostly cis, boy growing up and finding his place in the world.  The cost and stakes are amplified if we further marginalize and demonize LGBTQ+ young people.  If you think these laws are somehow helping this rhetoric, you overlook the political agenda being pushed with no regard for the damage that follows. 
In the weeks that have followed the Texas, Florida, and other proposed and enacted bills around the country, there are ways to speak out or take action.  Be it contacting legislators, signing petitions, or direct actions, I know I have seen several.  There are examples too of people - including students! - who are protesting these policies, such as a school walkout in Florida.  There are also some tangible actions referenced in the link that follows this post. 
Most importantly though, remember that our society does not make space for and care for everyone equally or equitably.  These laws serve as a stark reminder though they are hardly the only ways transphobia and homophobia persist in our communities.  So if you want to be involved, be sure that you make space for young people in your world.  All people, all genders - beginning with PrOnOuNs!  Young folks know who they are and will share it with you if you allow them to, if they want to, and feel safe.  They deserve treatment (and hormones and surgery) that is called GENDER AFFIRMING if they so choose.  They should be able to compete in sports with the gender they identify - and have opportunities if that is not as simple as mere "boy" or "girl" choices.  They need to be allowed to use the bathroom where they are most comfortable and identify. 
If you are not comfortable with all of this, sit with that feeling.  Self awareness has value.  You can educate yourself and reflect on your own biases (because we all have them).  I'm not an expert but absolutely available to answer questions too.  Being uninformed is not a license to be discriminatory and hurtful.  There is no one it protects or saves. 
We are doomed if we allow laws to propagate that box in children and young people (or anyone for that matter).  Instead what if we encourage them to blossom and appreciate how each one of them grows?  That to me sounds beautiful, healthy, and humanizing.  I want that for you, for my children, and myself.  Who does not want that?
[The title of this blog is of a song by the same name “Just Kids” by Mat Kearney.  You can listen to it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SgUafccJSw. 
Also referenced is the Anti-Racism Daily.  This piece was written on March 14th so there are likely updates since last week. You can read the state-by-state anti-trans laws as well as actions to challenge them here: https://the-ard.com/2022/03/14/help-fight-against-anti-trans-bills-by-state/]
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ingystardust · 5 years
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At #prochoice #protest #rally at Seattle City Hall #StopTheBans #TheirBodyTheirChoice (at Seattle City Hall) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxvJ-9uAKMn/?igshid=wlgln9qx162l
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toonbuds · 4 years
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Silence and inaction are as bad as agreeing with the unconstitutional abortion bills that were recently signed into law in #Georgia and #Alabama. Our country has made progress in the last 100yrs, and now is not the time to start moving backward. Don’t support the #prochoice movement because you have a mother, wife, sister, daughter, aunt or cousin. Support this movement because the right to choose is a human right and all people deserve #autonomy over their bodies. #toonbuds #HumanRights #Repeal #Replace #LocalElectionsMatter #WomensRights #WomynsRights #Feminism #FeministsAgainstFacists #MyBodyMyChoice #HerBodyHerChoice #TheirBodyTheirChoice #HealthcareReform #WomenWhoSmokeWeed #StonerThings #420 #MaryJane #cannabis #cannabiscommunity #protest #potleaf #bong #zippo #weed #marijuana #standup https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxr8LLRh6p2/?igshid=suwq2kksrjp3
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gabyglifestyle · 5 years
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#serious #reminderoftheday #nomatterhowonedresses #respect #carnaval or not. #theirbodytheirchoice #donttouchunlessinvited #truthoftheday #consent #truthoftheday #tipoftheday #lifeonthepurplelane #gabygstyle . . . . . . . #verdadedodia #lifestyleblogger #mywayoflife #frasesdevida #avidacomoelaé #sincera#mylifestyle #pearlsofwisdom #quotes #prontofalei #ficaadica #jeitodeviver #sabedoria #prestenção #eissoai https://www.instagram.com/p/Buko_Bygk5r/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=upgfeb2tfzgv
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izzy-isme92 · 5 years
Feeling conflicted about JK...boy want to be a man, but he is too kind to say no to the fans
JK himself obviously wants to be a muscly manly man...
And with that body...imma have to agree...all of that need lots of determination, work and obvious care and discipline
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BUT!!! JK also obviously have that bunny face..and it is just naturally cute???
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Sooo...JK says he wanna be manly...but "fans" want him to be cute..and a baby (as seen in the recent fansigns...a baby bonnet? Really?)
Myself has been an ARMY since Just One Day...and i obviously see this kid as a baby...i literally saw him grow in front of my eyes (through camera lenses and computer screens i mean)
So obviously he is always gonna be a baby to me 😣
BUT!!! I am also aware that JK will be 22YO/23YO this year...he is already a full fledge man, able to make his own decisions
Is to respect his decisions...i may grumble and complain if his decisions turned out to be stupid or ugly...but they are JK's OWN DECISIONS!!! And it is HIS BODY!!!
Even when i found out B.A.P's Zelo (96z cute, giant maknae) got a tattoo, i just fangirled out and stared in awe of of the sight of his beautiful tattoo, and all of his new tattoos afterwards
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When SVT's Woozi (96z, vocal) was rumored of having a nipple piercing? I lost half my mind, fangirled out and nearly died of the sexiness...and this boy is also trying to gain bulk despite his cute visual...and i respect and support that, because they are obviously working
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Even when JM got that "rumored fake, but we know its there" Nevermind Tattoo?
Again, i fangirled out and just keep seeing JM as the sexy, cutie and lovely angel that he is
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If you really love ur idol...? Remember that they are still human, their body and mind do not belong to you...and respect and support all their decisions
So if JK does decide he wants to be manly? Or add any decorations on his body? Know that he has already consulted his agency, his hyungs and members, his family and has done a complete research, because he is meticulous that way
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qofu · 6 years
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I support Ireland, and People with a uterus in their choice of what they do with their bodies. ♥️ No if it was my body I don't know if I could go ahead and terminate however that is MY choice. I respect that people will have THEIR CHOICES, with THEIR BODY. ♥️ I think it's disgusting how in very serious and traumatising circumstances that they force a woman to full term if she has been raped. I think it's disgusting that they would put her in prison for having an abortion much longer than the person who raped her. ♥️ I don't agree we should use religion to dictate how a person with a Womb should be or live. Or to dictate how anyone should live. If God gave us free will......? I'll stand with my Irish Siblings and support them. #Abortion #Ireland #ProChoice #uterus #ovaryacting #mybodymyrules #herBodyherChoice #HisBodyHisChoice #theirbodytheirchoice #feministwithatodolist #Feminist #8thamendment #PersonWithAUterus #RapeCulture #ChangeTheLaw
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alexmanescurulez · 7 years
I made a fb page for #guilttripper the name of the jawn I'm releasing some #music under. This is a portion of the song #KGBYN I posted about yesterday that is on the benefit comp @no.saint.vincent organized of which 100% of the proceeds go to @plannedparenthood. You can find that comp at: https://songsforchoice.bandcamp.com/releases And the new GT page at: https://facebook.com/guilttripperpa/ Thx ❤️ #supportplannedparenthood #plannedparenthood #theirbodytheirchoice #acoustic #diy #philly #philadelphia #pennsylvania #songsforchoice #supportlocalmusic (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
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maskedporcupine · 5 years
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Today my city stood up against Georgia's abortion ban. It hasn't come into effect yet, so if you need care and you live in Georgia, you can STILL RECEIVE CARE FOR NOW.
We need to take the seats away from those who are undeserving.
If you're not registered to vote and you live in Georgia, visit IndivisibleGeorgia.TurboVote.org to register. Every ballot counts.
If anyone has any other resources, information, PLEASE share them.
"Their body, their choice" was the chant. We also need more LGBTQIA+ representation/inclusion on these matters as well, we are here too. Your nonbinary friend held the sign for you today.
#theirbodytheirchoice #bodilyautonomyforall
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Standing with the hundreds of thousands marching around the world today #womensmarch I stand with #womensrights #theirbodytheirchoice I stand with the #environment I stand with #equality for the LGBT community 🌈, the minorities, I am for #diversity We, the people can bring about change if we're united. "A movement is much more than a march. A movement is that different space between our reality and our vision. Our liberation depends on all of us." - Janet Mock http://ift.tt/2jLZN4X
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danika-alice · 6 years
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When I was younger I used to wonder what it felt like to have strong friendships with girls. I always wondered what it felt like to feel welcomed. Now I’m older I’m blessed with knowing women who have lifted me, who have nurtured me and helped me bloom. I’m thankful for the women in my life, family and friends. We’re taught to be one another’s competition from such a young age, we’re taught we’re only loveable if we fit in or look a certain way. Why? Why aren’t we questioning this more? I was different, so I was treat differently I was bullied and I never felt welcome nor safe. I understand now that being different isn’t bad I am different and I hope you are too! Embrace your quirks Embrace entirely who you are Of course we won’t always be everyone’s cup of tea, I understand that Be what is the cost of just being a little kinder to one another? The world is ever changing and we are a temporary fixture Let’s celebrate all humanity. Let’s celebrate one another. I stand with all women. I stand with the women fighting for the rights to their own body today! I stand here, as a women telling you that if you identify as a women that this is your space to take up so take it! It’s time for equality, it’s time to embrace one another. - tee from @girlgangcraft - skirt from @lindy_bop #repealthe8th #theirbodytheirchoice #prochoice #feminism #allwomenarebeautiful #acceptance #takeupspace #wegotthis #girlgang #transrightsarehumanrights #istandwithyou #empoweringwomen #empoweredwomenempowerwomen
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scamperingfox · 11 years
Why are we focusing so heavily on not so detrimental things such as gay marriage and abortion?
When we have other important things to direct our attention to such as improving the economy, improving teaching and how to help students learn, focusing on at risk students to help them go to college/universities, improving the environment to be more suitable for children and adults to live and be safe in, and so much more.
Abortion and gay marriage are against religion, but since when did religion dictate our government? Wasn't it said that religion and government should be different entities? Everyone is entitled to their own belief; though, we have more grave issues at hand.
Instead of focusing all this energy on promoting anti-gay messages and signs, focus that money, energy and perhaps mind on improving the future of society.
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alexmanescurulez · 7 years
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https://songsforchoice.bandcamp.com/track/kgbyn Trilled and proud to have contributed a #song for this! Go to the link and buy the dang thing, 100% of the proceeds go to #plannedparenthood. It's gonna be a long 4 years and @ppact is gonna need the money! #songsforchoice #lovetrumpshate #theirbodytheirchoice @plannedparenthood #philadelphia #pennsylvania #indie #art #music #supportplannedparenthood #diy #philly #phillydiy #acousticguitar (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
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Standing with the hundreds of thousands marching around the world today #womensmarch I stand with #womensrights #theirbodytheirchoice I stand with the #environment I stand with #equality for the LGBT community 🌈, the minorities, I am for #diversity We, the people can bring about change if we're united. "A movement is much more than a march. A movement is that different space between our reality and our vision. Our liberation depends on all of us." - Janet Mock http://ift.tt/2k2iW0u
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Standing with the hundreds of thousands marching around the world today #womensmarch I stand with #womensrights #theirbodytheirchoice I stand with the #environment I stand with #equality for the LGBT community 🌈, the minorities, I am for #diversity We, the people can bring about change if we're united. "A movement is much more than a march. A movement is that different space between our reality and our vision. Our liberation depends on all of us." - Janet Mock http://ift.tt/2kf6dL3
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