#theft case
hargo-news · 6 months
Police to Summon ZA, One of Three Men Suspected of Abducting a Car with Its Contents
#Car Abduction #Suspected Crime Police to Summon ZA, One of Three Men Suspected of Abducting a Car with Its Contents
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – The Gorontalo City Police will summon witnesses and the accused in a suspected theft case that occurred on December 15, 2023, last week. This was conveyed by the Chief of Gorontalo City Police, Commissioner Ade Permana, through the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Commissioner Leonardo Widharta, on Monday (18/12/2023). “Yes, we received the report last Friday,…
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matthoreczko · 2 years
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lecoindecachou · 1 month
In honor of James Somerton being a topic of discussion again, here's a poll I've been wanting someone to do for a while. Please be honest and reblog if you can, I'm actually really interested in the answer.
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Commission for @hopusthebrainlessfloof!! Thank you so much for commissioning me!! It was a good one...Good luck on that mutilation table 😳🙏
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1tbls · 4 months
man, DE fic piss me off a little sometimes asdfgk. i think u guys are greatly overestimating how much police can or are willing to do, and what cases they are incentivized to actually pursue.
when my mom's apartment was broken into a year ago, her next door neighbor literally got one of the guys on camera, and the police basically shrugged and went "sorry! nothing we can do!". when one of the men broke in again a week later, while my sister was home alone, when she could have been attacked, when she saw the guy face to face, again they were like "sorry! nothing we can do!"
which isn't to say i think they should have gone all supercop to solve the case. what the fuck are they gonna do, manhunt the guys across the city based on grainy camera footage? what would my mom and sister even gain from that, what would the community gain from that, having cops hovering around and then maybe throwing two poor guys from the neighborhood into prison? it's just reality that there's only so few resources to solve these things, so many dead ends, and more harm than benefit to the socioeconomic circumstance of the area.
it's just kind of irksome seeing fic casually talk about all the crimes precinct 41 and C-wing are pursuing and solving, when in reality most probably wouldn't even reach their desks before they were waved away as a dead case. or if they did reach their unit, still wouldn't be solved because it's simply too big of a gamble of time and resources. according to pew research center, in the US, about 45% of violent crime cases are solved each year, and only about 18% of property crime. and that's only the solve rate for the reported cases. it is in fact copaganda and simply inaccurate to portray the police as though they make a significant impact on crime, when more than half the time they're going, "sorry! nothing we can do!" 👍
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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911: Lone Star S4 E14 | The Case of the Stolen Pudding Cup -> The Culprit Revealed
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drac-kool-aid · 1 year
I've talked about it in some tags, but I'm thinking more on it, and I really do believe that there is something.....mmmmm supernatural and particularly gothic going on with the impersonation game Dracula is playing.
The eerie supernatural double was actually a very big theme in gothic literature as well as folklore of the time. Hell, two very famous deaths (Abraham Lincoln and Percy Shelly) have doppelganger sightings attached to them (although whether or not they are true or just added on postmortem to further sensationalize the event, I do not know).
Basically, you or someone you are close with seeing your double (whether that be a doppelganger, ghost, evil twin yet unknown, an actor doing a supernaturally good impression, etc) was a very ill omen and often one of death.
Not really sure where I'm going with this, but tl;dr Dracula impersonating Jonathan isn't just a part of his grand plan to isolate and drive him to rely on Dracula, but in fact a long standing trope of Gothic literature likely tied to the inherent horror that your own identity can be taken from you with nefarious results.
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bihastuff · 1 year
If I had a nickel for every time my favorite Victorian boys stole someone's name, I'd have 3 nickels which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened 3 times
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chocolatecoffeeshot · 4 months
Okay SO! This is the first time I'm doing something like this. But brainrot is real, fandom is super active and supportive right now and I couldn't rest until I did.
This was a song that I wrote and composed for an entirely different project in college. And it didn't take off really.
Esp with season 2 and being back on Tumblr. I couldn't help but think CROWLEY AND AZIRAPHALE!!!!
I wanted to post an MV but I sadly do not have the time for that in between studies, might do it later. But I wanted to share the song, because I wanted to contribute to all the great art going on here.
So I brushed it up and re-recorded a bit. It's an end credits song so super short
Thank you fandom for letting me have the courage to post my wok for the first time ever <3. If ya'll have suggestions/ criticisms I would love to hear.
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bugoutreviewgirlie · 3 months
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the ladybug zuko agenda was onto something
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mafuteru · 5 months
the stalker guy has been ringing my doorbell every morning but i dont answer.. today he left a bag of gifts outside my door. out of all shion fans this one is the craziest. not the most passionate or loyal but THE craziest...
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finniestoncrane · 11 months
i wanna. write about my silly self-insert oc. i wanna draw my self-insert oc. but i don't know what situations to put that bean in
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bending-sickle · 25 days
y’all i straightened my hair yesterday and my recovering curls and the humidity is giving me these massive old-timey corkscrews and you’re gonna have to take my word for it because selfies make me want to bury myself in a hole
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ehilikeshoney · 10 months
Haven't drawn anything GTA-related for a while, so here are some doodles of my guardian angels 🤭
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sappy-detective · 5 months
HCs i have about DICE (in a phantom theft AU)
they never put anyone is harms way. at least..  legitimately. sure they have crazy ass bank robberies and hold people hostage but.. they’re weirdly kind and respectful to their hostages. i usually think of how the stockholm bank heist was… odd in a scene that the hostages came out standing more with the robbers then the police.
again, think of how the pink panthers robbed jewelry stores in drag (just that part. not any other part).
sure they carry guns when they’re doing crazy shit but i think only like two of them ACTUALLY have real guns (say when you first enter a bank and shoot at the ceiling in movies. realistic? maybe not but they’re not that serious or bank robers are they?) the rest would have fake paint ball guns.
i just love the idea that ouma has a gun and he and shuichi are in some tense situation like
“you wouldn’t..”
“you don’t know me detective..” and he shoots a pink paintball at shuichi’s blazer
now they ARE silly little guys but i also think it would be funny if they’re silly little guys and also very high up criminals. yes they steal in a silly way but they also steal a LOT of money and a LOT of expensive and historical shit. paintings, vases and a lot of expensive jewelry/diamonds.
do silly things with them or sell them to other people and take the money and do nice shit like buy food for the homeless and shit.
this also leads to another kind of AU i have where, sometimes.. they swap information with each other. because DICE is deep and has relations with various gangs, and mafia members. not in a friendly way, but he’s around people who know shit you know what i’m trying to say?
i usually think if it as him being besties with a girl like Celest, and they’re in some kind of underground gambling ring and she knows a guy who knows a guy. so when he has questions he asked her. he gets info from shuichi and it’s just a kind of game of telephone to get what they want.
now idk if shuichi would be that kind of corrupted detective but it’s just a silly idea i had. does any of this make sense? idk.. it’s almost 4 am and i’m sleepy.
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paradisepoisoned · 8 months
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“Killing things is not so hard
It’s hurting that’s the hardest part
And when the wizard gets to me, I'm asking for a smaller heart
And if he tells me no
I’ll hold my breath until I hit the floor
Eventually, I know I’m doomed
To get what I am asking for.”
-Trout Heart Replica
I’m promised myself no more WIPS but as you can see I have no self control so this is the last one I promise🫣 I cant say too much about what the fuck is going on here cause I have…plans…lol but in this somewhere there’s s a theme of how sometimes letting go kinda feels like killing the person all over again…also strong Lovecraftian overtones that I will not explain at this time.
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