#the valkrum family
bread-squid-uwu · 1 year
Did Terry ever find out about katelyn abusing Travis and if so he did react
And how did all the others (Travis friends) react to danvis
No, he didn't. He was possessed during all of Starlight, and before then.
While he has some knowledge, it's not much, he has very limited view of the events outside. Michael did not allow him knowledge of Travis and their life no matter how much Terry begged.
The most he knew, was that she didn't have a huge reaction to the plan in When Angels Fall, the one that could end with Travis dying. Obviously, that was unnerving to him, since the rest reacted as expected. But he didn't have the time to question that.
He really truly never knew the entire group, he knew Dante because that was before he was possessed fully. Obviously he knew of the Ro'Meaves and the rest of the experimentation children, but he never knew them on levels aside from names.
Katelyn was part of that group, the experimentation children, but again he only knew her name and what was done to her. There was no way for him to know what kind of person she was, but if he did? There would be no end to the comparisons to her mother.
Terry is a loving, protective father, and he would not stand for anyone hurting his child. If he ever found out what she did to Travis, he would do everything in his power to keep her away from them. [No, this doesn't include violence.]
As for the second question??
Dante and Travis were always very obvious about their dynamic.
They never had to come out and say "we're dating" because everyone just knew, they've been together since middle school - which is hard to hide.
The only time people might not know, was in high school. A very.. bumpy time for the two, but no spoilers.
So I can't really give reactions, there weren't any. Aside from Zane, because Zane is dense and didn't realize the two were dating until he saw them kiss at the Christmas party in season one. Zanes reaction was an obvious "ew" because he is emo like that.
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actualsandpaper · 9 months
Thinking about a found family fic from a 14 year old Travis Valkrum's perspective, where Aphmau and The Gang were only trapped in the Irene Dimension for a year or so.
Recently orphaned and exiled by the Enki Warrior Tribe, he fights every day to make good on the promise he made to his mother.
A boy soldier struggling to understand why a foreign lord is so scared for him, why she defends his name to the villagers that fear him.
The Demon Warlock's bastard son, planning to live and die as his mother did.
Hesitantly agreeing to come to Phoenix Drop, where he shocks the guards with his grace in combat.
Impressing Emmalyn and Kenmur with his love for reading and study.
Crying for the first time in years when Zoey and Aphmau ask if he'd like to stay with them instead of in the guard quarters.
Becoming a better big brother than he thought he'd be, attentively following Malachi and Levin around town with a sword on his hip.
Keeping his mother's memory alive with the stories he tells at the dinner table.
Travis Valkrum, only a child, relearning to love.
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ging-dong · 2 years
guys which character would hurt their arm and not get it checked for three years and then find out when they finally do go to the doctor that it was broken in two places
asking for a friend
(but no im serious which character would)
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vylad-romeave-5 · 11 months
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misty-doodles · 1 year
MyStreet rewrite
IDK what's even happening man, I was talking with a friend today and got inspo to do… this.
so here's the first bit of me fucking with lore by establishing this little bit of lore to operate in my version. i uh, took inspo from other series when writing this, and you'll notice it when i talk about were-wolfs. in other words, uh, here ya go.
Species; there are 3 main species, that being human, witch, and were-creature.
Were-creatures can be further divided into the subspecies of were-cats, were-dogs, and the seemingly extinct were-wolf. Other animal such as deer or rabbits are rare, but possible. They're characterized by animal-like features on a humanoid body, such as ears, tails, and backward facing knees.
Were-wolves are very rare and thought to be extinct, but their blood is known to be a key-ingredient in immortality potions. Any and all were-wolves live in secret, and are indistinguishable from were'dogs in their more humanoid form.
Witches can be characterized by their unnatural eye-color and pointed ears. Witches are the only known creature to be able to perform natural magic, though all creatures can create positions. 
Family weirdness;  
The Ro'meave's are a very rich and well off family. They deal with illegal potion trading, despite being fully human. They have 3 children, one of whom is a witch, and are known to be obsessed with status and appearance. They're likely dealing in were-wolf blood, though the father seems to be the face of these operations.
The Lycan's are a well off family of were-dogs and two secret were-wolves. They're very secretive and recluse, and not much is known about the family outside their jobs in law. They have 2 children, one were-dog and one were-wolf.
The Díaz's (Aphmau's family) are immigrants from the Dominican Republic, the father disappeared 1 year prior to the move, and has been assumed dead. The mother has only one child, who's a rare instance of a cross-bread; Half were-wolf, half human, and appears almost entirely human.
The Valkrum's are a well off family, the mother having passed some years prior of an unnamed illness. The father appears to be an unknown 4th species, simply called warlock. There is 1 child, who appears to be a human with an affinity to magic. Whether the child is also a warlock is unknown.
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Angstcember day five!
Today whom may suffer is ofc Travis but not Travis alone cuz he doesn't have Terry!!
Idk what had possessed me to write this. But it did!!
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i had such a hard time drawing him i was so scared i wasn’t doing him justice 😭
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headcanon time babeyy
His natural form is a cross between human and demon, naturally. he only allows himself to be like this when he’s alone or with Eseryt. He’s at his most powerful like this (not including demon form), as shapeshifting causes strain if he holds it for too long.
He can shape shift into any living creature, but he cannot turn into specific people.
His father has the ability to enter his mind and puppet him around if his defenses are down. In order for Travis to be weak enough for this, he must have put some strain on his power, like holding his human form for too long *wink wink*
When his father is in control of his body, his eyes turn from green to purple.
Transforming into his demon form puts a great strain on his body, and can be very painful. He only willingly does it if he absolutely needs a power boost.
His mother, Olle Valkrum, was trained her whole life to fight the Demon Warlock. He had been feuding with her family and their island since Enki’s time. Olle, being a descendant of Enki himself.
The Demon Warlock one day disguised himself as a man named Micheal and whooed Olle. He spent months gaining her trust as Micheal, while simultaneously fighting her as the Demon Warlock as to not draw attention. Eventually Olle became pregnant and gave birth to Travis. Appalled at this inhuman creature she created, this is when Micheal revealed himself to be the Demon Warlock all along. Olle raised Travis to the best of her abilities, training him the same way she herself had been trained, until one fateful day when she lost her life.
Shortly after everyone returned from the Irene Realm (which he of course had no idea about), he started having dreams of a girl with red hair and a scarred face. He could interact with her, but he could not touch, speak to, or hear her.
A while after the dreams began, he came across this very girl in the woods one day. Assuming it was a trick by his father, he rushed her. Though later she revealed herself to be Eseryt Yrva, a girl who’s group crashed on Enki Island and were just looking for a way out.
He and Eseryt eventually became very close and romantically involved. No Travlyn doesn’t happen (sorry guys). It never felt right to me. Not only was Katelyn always mean to Travis, but I’ve always thought she was a lesbian. (She is in my rewrite)
Travis is NOT a creepy perv!!! He’s just socially awkward and doesn’t understand social norms or ques. He doesn’t have much of a filter and will often unintentionally make people uncomfortable or offend them, though he always means well.
His lack of filter is part of why Es likes him. He’s honest, which is rare.
He’s a lot smarter than he lets on, or that people give him credit for. He has a lot of time to himself, which he spends reading and researching. He also is an incredibly skilled fighter and survivalist.
He’s never been fond of fighting. Much more preferring things like reading, writing, and painting. He’ll paint or write about whatever he sees around him.
Once he learns certain social norms and ques, he sticks to them religiously. He only wants to make people feel ok and safe around him.
He’d sacrifice himself for the people he cares about in a heartbeat a thousand times over and over again. trait he gained from his mother.
Travis was born female but shortly after he was born, he physically shifted to male and stayed that way. He can shift between male and female (or neither/both) at will, but prefers to present as male.
He generally uses he/him but doesn’t mind they/them. But please not It. That makes him feel more disconnected from his human side.
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goat-guy-tm · 1 month
I find that it's weird to try and explain how the Enki Stronghold within my rewrite works, so give me an ear and let me try to explain it;
Enki's thirst for knowledge, to become all knowing in every way possible, came to consume him. His last few years of a mortal life left him withered and old, being taken care of by his children and grandchildren, but still, his hunger to be the true 'Keeper' plagued him day and night.
Finding a way to keep himself alive forever was difficult, but with the use of his own magics he created a statis chamber of sorts that forze time in a small, concentrated area, where he kept his mortal form, seperating his soul from the body it once controlled. As long as his body was safe, he could seemingly live forever. Only flaw was he was unable to leave the vacinity of his own body, being stuck now in his own strong hold for the rest of eternity.
Because of his children and grandchildren's devotion to him, it became tradition amongst the Valkrum bloodline for Enki to own part of your mind. That he would always be there, observing what you see and knowing what you know.
Any soul born to or connected to the Valkrum blood belonged to Enki. He was the Keeper, he was the family patriarch.
Or course, the only one who didn't give him perfect and total respect was the Demon Warlock, a man tied for eternity to the Enki Stronghold, originally to pay for the havoc he caused amongst Gal'Ruk, but eventually tied for his marrige to Enki's at the time current successor, a woman funnily enough named after her own ancestor.
The stronghold's library is described as endless, the knowledge of centaries of generations filling the shelves. The souls of past successors and connected family roam the stronghold, a large family that keep each other close no matter what.
While Enki had originally built the stronghold as a place to keep the knowledge he held safe, upon Enki jr.'s exile from the tribe they called home for a near millenia, it now became the center for a new village, lead by Enki jr. herself. A home for fhe unwanted and lost, who were sadly drawn to the island as Enki's own hunger for knowledge beckoned those with it to come, even if against their best will.
Jr. was the first of the Valkrums to ever go against Enki's wishes, to ever spit in his face (literally) and doing whatever she so pleased.
Yet even so, upon her ascension to that of 'Realm Protector', some said they swore they could see their ancestor shed a tear.
When Travis asked to leave the island, it was actually his father who was against it. He told Travis it wouldn't be safe out there for him, not with his demon genes, and with how seperated they were from places like Ru'aun. Yet, even so, Enki encouraged him. It seemed Jr.'s rebelious nature against him made him soften a little. Enki eould claim it would help their mission, to gain more knowledge, to learn all the world had to offer.
So, Travis left. For a time, at least. For about 5 years, until he came home, saying he felt horrible for not being there to help take care of his mother's comatose body, that he felt a obligation to help the people of their village in her absence.
Even if Travis would not talk about his time away from Gal'Ruk, Enki knew. Enki had seen all of it through Travis's eyes after all.
Yet the fasination, when around 10 years later, a group of individuals housing his old friend's souls show up before him, asking for his help.
If Enki had been a colder man, if Jr. had never been the rebelious soul she was, if Travis was never his favorite, he may had turned them away at the shore, but this time, he would be willing to make an exception, for some old friends, whether they knew it or not.
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IM REWATCHING SEASON 5 RIGHT NOW (still have no idea what’s happening btw!)
I have grown to hate Terry no offense <3 he and Michael deserve each other I hope they’re having a nice family reunion in the Irene Dimension with a nice little tea party and everything.
(side note #1, I think it’s a little funny that the valkrums might possibly just have this family trait of being weird like that like hello MCD Travis was like this too till the Aph gang made him touch some new grass)
(side note #2, terry was written off at the end as a pretty good dad by Travis w/his little monologue he gives in the wheelchair at the end of mystreet s6, but HE STILL LITERALLY SUCKED SM UGHH BRB I HAVE TO MAKE THIS ANOTHER POST BRUH
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pack-coven-thing · 1 year
No one asked for this, but here, a Travis-centric scene in our rewrite <3
The Valkrum family knows they're descendants of Enki, the only known bloodline.
But, unlike the Ro'Meaves, they don't use it for a claim to power. The idea repulses most Valkrums, using their ancestry to gain social power or respect.
No, they remember everyone who came before them. They celebrate their achievements and mourn their losses, particularly in the month of January. They pride themselves in how far back their knowledge goes, journals passed down and transcribed from generation to generation.
Which is how we got to this point.
"Aph, are you sure you can't come with me?"
"Sorry Travis! I'm studying for finals," she said through the phone, earning a groan from her friend.
"And Vylad?"
"His mom's making him tour colleges today."
Travis sighed. "Are we sure I can't just skip a few days past the deadline?"
"It's your mom's things, Trav. Maybe Kate-"
"Are you kidding? I'm so bad around her-"
Aphmau laughed, a squeaky sound through the phone. "Chin up! And tell me what you found, okay?"
"Alright, I'll come by tomorrow?"
"My mom would freak-"
"She knows me!"
"If you wanna risk your life, go ahead- oh hang on." Travis could hear muffled yelling before the phone was muted.
As he waited, he couldn't help but have repressed memories bubble back up. He loved talking about his mom, even though he had been so young when she died. Maybe that was why he loved talking about her, he didn't want to lose those memories.
But despite that, he didn't like being reminded of the time after her death. How he was told she was finally gone, how his world had crashed down.
He sighed, shaking it off and beginning to tie his hair up.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I just- what if the things I find prove she's different than what I remember?"
"Different how?"
"She could have been a serial killer for all I know, dad said he doesn't know what's in the unit- just that this is the last week I can get things from it."
"You really think she's a serial killer?"
"Mmn, no. She couldn't have been."
"Look, not alone buddy," he heard her snicker, but the nickname did bring comfort. He was glad he met her when he did- "You aren't alone in this, now what do we do when one of us is upset?"
"Buy mint ice cream because you can't have chocolate?"
"Nooo! And I can have chocolate, just not any with cacao in it!"
"It's not real chocolate without that!"
Aphmau puffed out a breath of air and Travis swore he could see her pouting on the other side of the phone.
"But no- when one of us is upset, we do a little chant,"
"Not the chant!"
"Yes the chant! And we talk it out."
"So, tomorrow me and Vylad will be over then?"
"Yep! Try not to have mom kill you-"
Travis laughed, nearly having his phone drop from his hands. "I'll do my best! See you later, not alone buddy."
Aphmau giggled. "See ya, Romeo-"
"Wh- hey!"
"What's that? I can't hear you- you're breaking up!" He could hear the distinct sound of plastic crinkling before Aphmau hung up.
He sat there for a few moments before standing. He stretched out with an almost cat-like grace.
He picked up his keys and slipped on his jacket, hesitating at the front door.
"Dad, I'm off!"
"Got it, son!"
He sighed, walking out to his car. It was dingy and somewhat dented, passed down from his aunt, but it got him to where he needed to be with minimal smoking.
He got in, setting up his show tunes playlist before setting off. It was about a twenty minute drive, he rounded to thirty in his head- to account for traffic and gps error.
And soon enough- way sooner than he realized- he was in front of a garage, a number engraved. He double checked the paper, yep, garage 444.
He took the key, unlocking it and walking in.
Immediately, he was overwhelmed. Boxes stacked, labeled with various things- he better get sorting. Or at least moving the boxes to his car.
Everything of his mom's that his family didn't take, and everything she specifically left for him.
He started looking at the boxes, trying to figure out which to pack into his car first.
Then, one caught his eye. It was labeled simply, just 'family journals'.
Travis moved closer to it, opening the box out of curiosity. He had a vague memory of going through an old scrapbook with his mom, and she'd told him about journals- but actually seeing them?
He ran a hand over the uppermost book, tears welling up at the sharpied on title. "Enki Valerie Valkrum, 2014"
"Ohhh-kay this box is coming first," he wiped at his eyes, closing it and stacking it onto a trolley.
He slowly moved as many boxes as he could into his car, turns out all those years of playing Tetris payed off. He managed to fit most boxes in the trunk, and the remaining few in the backseat.
He made rounds around the garage, making sure he had taken everything. But alas, he had to fit one more box into his car-
Out of curiosity, he read the label, heart racing. There was no way anything from that long ago survived.
'Enki the Keeper'
It had to just be notes, or legends, or something. But the nugget of curiosity poked in his mind, so he pulled the box open carefully.
Inside was an old, beat-up book, a sphere that looked vaguely similar to the crystal balls he saw Witchcraft 101 use, and a delicate necklace.
Most startling, it all looked real. It looked old and worn, it looked how you'd expect everything to look-
And Travis's mom wanted him to have it. She trusted him, even in death.
The thought sent him to tears, but he wiped the tears away with a sigh. He lifted the box into his arms, being as careful as possible. If these were really- Enki the Keeper's- he couldn't risk breaking them.
He returned to his car, setting the box in the passenger seat. As he started the car, he saw light from the corner of his eye.
He looked over, assuming it had been a reflection of the sun. But when he looked closer, the ball- which was now clearly an old crystal ball- was shimmering a mixture of rich, though light, green hues.
He gasped, reaching over for it. It was- how did it still have magicks? These things needed to be fueled, and it was probably decades since someone used it last-
He picked it up, carefully handling the ball. He looked into it, surprised that it reacted to his touch without him wanting it to.
He brushed the top, the swirls parting and becoming clear. Through the fog, he saw Lucinda...
Annnd that's enough of that! Lucy would kill him if she knew he did that- and if she heard him call her Lucy.
It was curious, but probably nothing- right? Just an extremely well charged crystal ball, nothing new to a witch.
He placed it back in the box, beginning his drive home.
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This entire character profile is gonna be cringe cause I made it a month ago. Please do not make fun of it[unless we're friends lol]
This is for a fanfiction I'm working on, it is no way canon and it also is not a rewrite.
Full Name: Derek C Lycan
Age: 56.
Clothes: Formal.
Role: Main Character\Villain.
Hair: Medium Length, curly, and raven haired.
Eyes: Red most of the time but not red like his ultima eyes.
Personality: Aggressive, Intelligent, Condescending, Cruel, Rude, Mocking, Nurturing at times, Violent, And somehow Reasonable at times.
Motivation: To fulfill Michael's take over plan, of course. It's what Rachel and his father would've wanted.
Weapon Of choice: Knife.
Skin Tone: Olivey, Asian.
Teeth: Somehow completely white still.
Sleep Schedule: Michael never lets him sleep.
Offspring: Melissa and Aaron Lycan. [Also Ein but we don't talk about that-]
Height: 5'5.
Weight: Underweight.
Favorite Food: Pancakes.
Favorite Drink: Very sugared coffee.
Least Favorite Food: Chocolate[due to it literally making him vomit-]
Least Favorite Drink: Normal Black Coffee[Not enough flavor.]
Sex: Male most of the time.
Gender: Genderfluid [cause I said so]
Facial Features: Circle Glasses, eye bags due to the lack of sleep, and a lot of slap marks due to Michael.
Body Muscle: He's like, in between skinny and muscular.
Past Relationships: Liam, Garte, Zack, Michael, and Rachel[Deceased].
Murder Count: 29 in the whole book.
Family: Nicholas Lycan[Deceased], Evelyn Lycan[Deceased], Saria Lycan[Half-sister], and Davidson Lycan[Brother].
Grandchildren: Alina Evelyn Lycan, Ava Lycan, and Diane Ashida[Yeah so Nanalissa-]
Enemies: Anyone against Michael.
Current Relationship: Michael Valkrum[Forceful].
Past Friends: Garte Ro'Meave, Zackary Shalashaska, Zianna Ro'Meave, Liam Denvern[Deceased], Akito Ashida, Sylvana Dima, and Terrance Valkrum.
Current Friends: Only Michael.
Preferred Pet: Husky.
Nationality: Asian American\French.
Little Things:
The first person he killed was Garte's granddaughter, Rosey. Which was Garroth and Laurance's. He got Garte and Zianna to get possessed by the forever potion to kill her though. She only died because Michael thought she would make a good relic, but she wouldn't have. She was literally seven.
The only person he was looking for that while time of murders was Aaron, somehow Aaron was all he needed. Michael needed him for power and control, but Derek wanted him away from Aphmau. That's all he wanted.
Derek somehow lured Aaron to come with him to Michael by being nurturing and caring as fuck, Aaron could only hear him so he didn't know if it was genuine or not. It worked too.
Derek is actually on a potion that makes him more aggressive yet nurturing, it also makes him obedient to the person who used the potion on him in the first place. So obviously he'd be obedient to Michael when his entire personality changed.
Michael used Rachel's memory from Derek's head to force him to drink the potion, it didn't work at all so he had to force him to drink it himself only after he turned him back to a human.
Derek keeps calling Garte his little pet ever since he forced him to drink a forever potion, he wasn't loyal to Michael he was loyal to Derek now. Because Derek gave him the potion.
Derek wanted to use a potion on Zack but Michael insisted on torturing him without it so he'd learn not to mess up his plans again, so he listened to Michael. That broke Zack's wrist a lot, he literally was not able to use it again. But he did end up going back to being loyal to Michael.
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bread-squid-uwu · 1 year
I like to imagine that when Travis first moved in with the other boys, he pretty much just stayed in the basement instead of being out with the others.
sure by this point his anxiety had calmed down since high school, but I feel like when living with people he wasn't super close with he would stick to himself some.
He'd obviously be around with Dante, but thats it. And yeah idk if PDH really puts a dent in the fact that Travis didn't really know the others much, but I like it so shush
I feel like Travis would only venture out from his room when it was just Dante home, or if he was home alone lmao
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rayelle · 2 years
Part 2...I think??
Anyways the reason I didn't add these 4 to the last blog was because they didn't attend O'khasis High and they were just doing different things from the ones from The Main Cast in O'khasis
Anyways this one will cover more intense topics than the last just so beware.
let us begin!
•Rachel Florence
Mention of peer pressuring and anxiety.
Rachel is basically Miss Perfect. Rachel is from the City of Scaleswind and studied in the best schools and are always at the top of her classes.
Rachel is really smart and I cant emphasize that enough. This girl studies astrology, astrophysics and religious history and Ancient history in general FOR FUN.
Rachel can also play Piano and Violin and guitar.
She's constantly pressured by her family to succeed and be #1 in everything this led to Rachel being a perfectionist and constantly worry about whether what she's doing is right and simply just has constant anxiety.
Rachel is actually quite the pessimist when you think about it, she's always worrying and thinking of the worst outcomes possible. (This becomes worse when she finds out what Derek is lol)
Rachel doesn't really get to make proper friends until after college when she finally breaks herself off from her toxic home life.
I actually want to state this now so I don't forget but remember the Lomensa Corporation Derek creates after the whole Forever potion Thing??
Yeah Rachel basically helped him with most of it, Rachel was more of behind the scenes work. Since she already kinda knew how to kick start things.
•Derek Lycan
Derek lycan is kinda interesting to tackle because it isn't clear what kind of life he lived??
I mean yes it's obvious that Derek has generational trauma and many more from the way he treats Aaron and Melissa but it's hard to actually pinpoint what I want to say about him, so excuse me if I say anything wrong and feel free to correct me.
Derek Lycan is the older brother of two younger Siblings and was tasked of taking care of them at a young age.
Derek sadly had to be both mom and dad since his mother passed away and his father was a completely deadbeat.
It didn't help that his father wasn't home often and if he was he would talk about how stupid he was to inherit the Ultima curse even though his father was the one to give it to him.
At the age of 8 Derek already learnt to steal and lie just to be able to feed him and his younger siblings, it didn't help that his younger sibling would get sick very often.
Derek took his anger out on toys when his siblings were asleep, after he'd bottle up all his anger he would take a toy that was his and completely destroy it, it wasn't a healthy coping mechanism but it works.
Derek was a high school drop out since he prioritized his siblings, so instead of living the high school dream Derek was stuck working in minimum wage jobs.
This was until Derek accidentally had a slip up and revealed his werewolf form (with no red eyes) to a few people because he got pissed during work, so he left his siblings with his grandparents and had to leave them to keep them safe.
Derek then was somewhere in the outskirts of Scaleswind and that's where he meets Rachel for the first time.
Derek doesn't really have any talents? Just because he simply never got the time to take a step back and explore the things he could do.
There are more things to Derek I want to say like the reason he kept Drone Parenting Aaron was because he himself never felt safe and secure with his own father or how shouting is the only way he knows how to talk to Aaron and Melissa because that's how his own father talked to him.
(This is not me defending Derek's Abuse towards Aaron and Melissa he should be definitely be held accountable for the trauma he gave to both of his kids, it's just me taking a shot of what Derek's life was like before he had Aaron and Mel)
•Terry Valkrum
Terry is a descendant the demon warlock hence him being the selected vessel (along with travis)
Terry grew up in the demon realm where the entirety of his Childhood-to-Teenage years was spent to prepare him to become a vessel for Micheal.
Terry doesn't really remember his younger years, maybe it was because all of it was spent on preparing him to become a vessel? Or maybe it was because he didn't want to remember it? It wasn't really clear for Terry.
After finally being possessed by Micheal the time comes Terry was finally able to go to the mystreet realm.
For Terry realm crossing wasn't really a new thing, it was part of his training. Yeah sure it took his body a while to adjust to the new environment but it didn't take to long till he started making moves.
Terry's first assignment was to locate the Ultima and inform Micheal of where he is, what he does, what his credit card number is, you get it just information about Derek.
It doesn't take Terry too long to find him, he was actually part of the people who saw Derek's ears and tail pop out during his tantrum.
And so Micheal finally has a location on the Ultima what does he plan on doing with it? In the actual story, Micheal does it for his own gain but I like to imagine that he does this for the revival of Shad the destroyer.
Like Derek there's more to Terry's story than meets the eye but I will tackle that next time.
•Enki Custos
Forced Marriage❗❗
Enki is a beautiful woman think Travis but woman, Enki was very wise and came from a family with power but sadly it didn't take long until Micheal had come to ruin her life.
While Terry was instructed to be his vessel, Enki was instructed to be his wife.
Enki was in absolute disbelief but her parents would be killed if she hadn't agreed to the marriage.
The reason Micheal chose Enki to be Terry's wife was because Enki was a descendant of well enki the keeper and had his relic.
All Enki needed to do was bare a child for Micheal.
Terry tried his best to make Enki's life less miserable by trying his best not to be around her or giving Enki her favorite things and even taking her out on diners.
But one thing was clear. Neither of them wanted this.
Their stories are shorter since most of what they do happens during the Forever potions Agenda. That and I don't really have an honest deep lore for these characters.
I know this was more intense than the last blog and it covered some not so friendly topics but if I did mess up any of the information about the sensitive topics don't be shy to correct me, okay bye
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An Explanation of the Surnames in MCD
I want to explain how last names work in MCD in my rewrite.
Last names are a signifier of two things, either occupation or place of origin. Surnames that signify family, like Ro'Meave or Valkrum aren't all that common.
Lord Garte created the last name Ro'Meave because he decided they would be kings and rule Ru'an.
So when people in MCD share surnames, it doesn't generally mean they are related.
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sauronbo · 4 years
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TEOOP & T&T: Crossover Shorts Oops! Looks like I'm back at it again with the crossovers! I do miss this. XD
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imjustagayfish · 2 years
Aphmau characters as Marina and the Diamonds songs with no context but I think you understand
The entire Ro’Meave family: The Family Jewels
Garroth Ro’Meave: Are You Satisfied?
Zane Ro’Meave: Oh No!
Vylad Ro’Meave: To Be Human
Travis Valkrum: Hermit The Frog
Katelyn: Girls
Laurence: Lonely Hearts Club
Aphmau: Valley of the Dolls
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