#the three little kittens
twisting-echo · 1 year
They really missed a chance to have kitty meet the 3 diablos
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(Kitty and her babies)
Oh, they missed a big chance by not having Kitty meet the three diablos. I think that it would have been funnier to have Kitty and Puss act like an overwhelmed mommy and daddy. I think it would have been adorable to see the kittens unlock Kitty's motherly side and form a special bond with Perla, Gonzalo, and Timmy.
I think Perla would definitely become very attached to Kitty for the sake of having a badass female cat to look up to and Mom Boss to teach her the secrets only women know. And since Perla seems to be the smartest and the leader of her siblings, Kitty only lets her hold her sword.
I think Gonzalo would be the little grumpy one to test her. But Kitty earned his respect by showing him how to pickpocket, and now he can't stop showing her all the little things that he's pickpocketed.
Timmy, on the other hand, just can't stop hugging her and lying on his back for tummy rubs. Timmy thinks that Kitty is very pretty and wants her to be his mommy. He will bring her flowers and little dead things, which she finds very touching and of which she is so proud.
It would have been an awesome nod to the nursery rhyme "Three Little Kittens" if Kitty said, "What? Lost your mittens, you naughty kittens! Then you shall have no pie."
And of course, when Kitty sees Puss being playful and nurturing with the kittens, she sees a side of him that she has never seen before and would like to see more of.
In the end, I think that they missed a big chance by not having Kitty meet the three diablos.
Now my headcanon for Puss, Kitty, and Dulcinea with the three diablos will be for another day because I thought that I'd keep this question focused on Kitty.
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sketchy--doodles · 7 months
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(via "Three Little Kittens" Photographic Print for Sale by Fawnadeer)
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lqfiles · 21 days
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this is so ptp!jaemin coded i can’t believe it’s canon
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doll-elvis · 1 year
“Even though Elvis did ask me over lunch who I would marry – him or Bill Bixby – I didn't know Elvis as an adult. I got the impression he really enjoyed being a big kid, making my little books with me, playing cards between scenes and rehearsals, and feeding the tiny kitten in my trailer. Anyone could tell he'd be a terrific father. He exuded such warmth and joy” - Interview with Victoria Meyerink
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I love that he basically adopted every child co-star as his own on set 😭
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maxwellpaws · 22 days
Man I was never told that the three little kittens lived in a tin can and huffed helium all day, school failed me.
Jokes aside this is pretty okay. I liked it.
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nervocat · 2 months
Hey guys look at the silly little kittens I'm fostering rn aren't they cute :33 (also umm @h2llish ik you wanted to see them so yeah. Here they are!)
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vintage-vinyls · 7 months
Three Little Kittens Mother Goose Favorites
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 8 months
Small (literally) kitten update!
Maraly's babies are doing GREAT so far! They are now four days old (well, as of roughly 4pm-7pm today) and Maraly is taking SUCH good care of them. We started weighing them yesterday and three of them already weigh over six ounces and the two smaller ones (which I'm... 60% sure are girls) are at 5.85 and 5.95 ounces respectively. That doesn't sound like a lot but when they're born kittens only weigh a couple ounces! These are hefty lil babies! They have big round bellies and are already much bigger than when they were just born. They seem just as healthy as if Maraly had lived with us her whole life instead of being on the streets for half her pregnancy. <3
Leeli has STILL not had her kittens. My entire family is BOGGLED. I stayed home with her today while my parents went to one of my cousin's weddings in case she had them since Maraly needed/appreciated my help when she had hers, and I didn't want Leeli to be all alone if she had babies today. It's 3pm and so far she's been nesting (looking for a spot) a lot but no labor so who knows, we sure don't apparently.
Maraly's babies are noisy little buggers, already complaining when their mama cleans them. They also hiss (they were hissing when they weren't twenty four hours old yet they definitely have mama's genes xD) and purr a tiny bit! The hissing is hysterical because what are you going to do to me you blind, deaf, toothless fluffy jellybean? Cute me to death? (I say that like a joke but whenever I think about how cute little kittens are my heart nearly explodes)
Leeli is VERY curious about the babies and likes to check in on them. Maraly is varying degrees of open to this depending on the moment. Both girls have a LOT of hormones kicking right now and it makes them grumpy sometimes.
Alright, well, this is already longer than I planned so have some cute kitten pictures!
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A pile of indistinguishable black kittens with a tiny white-marked head on top and an inexplicable little gray one stuck in the middle xD
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Leeli investigating
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"My goodness what are these little squeaking fluffy things? I have the strange urge to look after them..."
And the cutest picture to date I've gotten of Maraly and a baby:
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Maraly and Gray, her firstborn! Gray was a mere one day old here, and you can see how truly tiny a newborn kitten is! (especially because Maraly is still so small herself)
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slythereen · 24 days
Hi! I adore your blog! Especially that you also call out Carlos (I do not like that man) and the constant bs Charles gets from F1 media (they hate to see a beautiful man flourish). Also love your icon! Three Houses is my favorite game ever and Felix is my little meow meow.
oh thank you!! defending charlie is my mission statement 🫡
and FELIX IS MY BELOVED! i steal him in every route immediately like you're coming with ME. personally it's always such a debate who gets my grouchy little kitten, but i am a bernie/felix truther at my core
what did we think about three hopes b/c as a three houses main i have succhhhh mixed feelings
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twisting-echo · 1 year
How old Perla, Gonzalo and Timoteo a.k.a. Timmy would be if they were humans in your opinion?
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Ah, a very good question! Hmmm, I think that they would be no older than Sophie Bennett from ROTG, who is around two to three years old. I was initially going to say five, but given that they're not that communicative, I went younger.
You know it's funny; I have a lot of AUs for PIB, and a human AU with these three little angels is too cute. 🥰
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sleepyhurts · 2 months
had the magical experience of being there to witness my bff's cat give birth to some of her kittens, her oldest was so excited and so were we!! we were all like omg it's happening!! it's happening!! like ugh i love life actually this is what it's all about <333
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Kidcat AU? Who is the kid? are they a literal cat at any point?
KIDCAT AU KIDCAT AU this is mine and @lady-stormbraver's baby (Lady gets credit bc she's my brainstorming and plotting partner on it)!!!! the kid is Tim because I watched The Batman 2022, saw Bruce and Selina being weird stalkers (affectionate) and I went oh hey you know who else is a stalker and has a lot of love in his heart? TIMBERLY. and decided I wanted a Reevesverse Stray AU. this version of Selina sooooo needs a weird little nerd kid following in her shadow. also a big part of the premise is that 1) Jason and Tim hit it off, realize that they consider each other brothers, and decide they're going to Parent Trap(TM) Bruce and Selina, and 2) Dick is in his Hot Mess Era and is wearing a leather jacket with the Discowing suit and at one point ill-advisedly bleached his hair because he thought it would tick off Bruce and he's not great at being an older brother to one little sibling, let alone one (official) little sibling AND the cat-themed tagalong who's hanging around nowadays. this scene takes place a fair bit through the AU and is kind of a turning point in Dickie's character arc in this 'verse.
Batman is out of town, which means Nightwing is in town.
B isn't actually that far, just swapped cities for the night because a lead he'd been tailing ended up taking him to Blüd and he asked Dick, stiltedly and struggling, to cover his patrol route in Gotham tonight. Dick had agreed, because he's been on better terms with Bruce lately and is trying to keep it that way and not completely live up to his name, like Jason likes to say. Anyway, he's not patrolling alone. He's just babysitting, really, though he figures if Selina is out she's keeping her eyes on the kids as well, and possibly him, too.
Robin and Stray took a separate patrol route from his, and Dick had argued with Jason for ten minutes before they took it to Alfred, who cleared that they're allowed to split off like that. Dick does not really want to be babysitting, but he also really doesn't want to screw it up.
"Nightwing!" Comes a sudden, loud cry through his earpiece that almost makes Dick, even with a literal lifetime of practiced balance, miss his landing. "Dick, something's wrong," Jason says, voice tight. "Tim passed out and won't wake up and shit, I'm breaking the names rule, just- Dick, help."
Dick feels like someone's dumped a glass of ice water over his head and maybe broken the glass on his skull for good measure. The chill settles directly under his ribs. Jason never asks for help, not his help, at least. His mind plays a dozen scenarios of gas or gunshots or gang fights and he grapples to the top of the nearest building almost on instinct. When lost, climb to a high point. He deliberately stills at the top, takes a slow breath so his voice won't shake. That one momentary pause is better than the minutes he may have to spend calming Jason if he lets him hear the terror Dick is feeling. "What's your location, Robin?" He asks, sends the request to Alfred, back at the Manor, at the same time.
Jason replies immediately with two street names, the closest corner he remembers, at the same time Alfred pings with a precise coordinate. The running leap Dick takes off the building isn't as smooth as it would be otherwise, if he wasn't responsible for Jason and Tim tonight. If he wasn't freaking terrified thinking of things that could have happened to Sel's tiny little shadow who, yeah, okay, Dick is a bit fond of himself. What Jason could be dealing with, the goddamned protective instincts in that kid has for everyone but himself sometimes. No extra flips tonight, no wasting time on showing off or having fun. It wouldn't be fun, anyway, tonight.
Dick isn't Nightwing when he touches down, not really. He's just a teenager looking for another teenager and the little kid they've both claimed as brother. Sometimes he thinks that's all that holds him and Jason together, other than Bruce. He finds what he's looking for on a roof, tucked away in the nook formed between a high concrete railing and the roof access stairs to the building below.
Jason is a bright flare of red and green and Dick rushes toward him, only remembering too late that Jason flinches, and badly, and that he should have slowed down. Tim is slumped in Jason's arms, black cat-eared hood already pulled down away from his face, the older boy curled protectively around the little black form.
"Robin," Dick says, snapping himself back into Nightwing mode, "Report. What happened?"
"I don't know," Jason snaps, eyes flicking back and forth from Tim, who looks half-conscious, at least, to Dick like he thinks Dick is going to try and take Tim away from him. "He seemed off all night, kinda slow, I guess? We were patrolling like normal, nothing weird, but he just... collapsed. He's burning up."
"Okay," Dick says. "Okay." Slowly, this time, a lot like how he acts with victims — although he hates thinking of it like that, because this is, essentially, his brothers — he reaches towards Tim.
Jason all but growls at him, holding the smaller boy tighter. "Don't touch him."
Dick sits back on his heels. "Jason," he says, "Jay, you've gotta let me check him out, okay?"
Jason eyes him from behind his mask, and it feels a lot like he's taking that one second that Dick took earlier to calm himself. It feels like Dick is becoming both a big brother and Nightwing at the same time. "Okay," he says, and visibly makes himself relax when Dick reaches out again.
"It's okay," Dick says, briefly placing a hand on Jason's head without even thinking about it as he checks Tim's pulse with the other. It's quick, fluttery but not uneven. "You're right, he's running a pretty high fever." Tim's eyelids flicker, and Dick brings a hand up to his face, taps his cheek gently with one gloved finger. "Heya, kitten, you with us?"
Tim blinks sluggishly, eyes half-lidded and clearly not totally lucid. "Nigh'wing?" He mumbles, body suddenly tensing like he's trying to sit up, but Jason holds him tight.
"Relax, baby cat, be still," Jason says, frowning down at him as Tim squirms momentarily. He glances up to make eye contact with Dick, but mostly they both stay fixated on the youngest of them.
Tim stills, his head resting against Jason's shoulder. "Jay..." he breathes, relaxing against this older boy, whose face goes softer than Dick even knew it could.
"We should get him home," Dick says quietly. Jason looks up at him, and Dick can see the but you only have a motorbike counter coming a mile away. "I'll call the 'Mobile."
"F...reakin' autopilot," Jason scoffs, but Dick can see some of the tension ease out of him. "Dick?"
"Hm?" Dick stands to watch for the headlights of the Batmobile. Hopefully Alfred has been on comms tonight and already sent a message to Selina, because Dick feels like he's juggling and not very smoothly.
Jason hesitates long enough to make Dick turn, catching the moment Jason turns his wide, greenish-blue eyes from staring after Dick back to focus on Tim. "Will you call B, too?" He asks, his voice just a little shaky.
Dick sighs. "Yeah, Jay. I'm calling him."
At the end of the day, or in this case, at the end of the night, he wants his dad too. Maybe that's another thing that holds them together.
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an1malcannibal · 1 year
Rewriting pinestars choice where he decides you know WHAT I’m taking my wife and children with me. Leopardfoot gets the cushy life she deserves, and mistkit and nightkit live because they get proper medical attention at a young age, and tigerstar becomes a kittypet that may or may not still turn evil. I just think that pinestar not taking his family w him is a plot hole I feel like he would have taken them considering he knew the stars had cursed tiger to damnation. Leopardfoots age is very unfortunate I’m going to chock most of that up to bad writing and the warriors teams blatant insidious misogyny instead of pinestar being a predator. Leopardfoot is still a very young warrior but she’s a warrior before she catches pinestars eye. The babies are born and they are small and weak and sick, pinestar has no idea what to do. Doestar visits him and insists he kill his son. He sees goosefeather watching his kits in the medicine den with hatred. He cannot live here anymore. So he bursts in a tells his wife to take the kits and come with him, they’re going somewhere. They arrive to twolegplace and Leopardfoot is like “YO hey what the fuck why the fuck are we here” and pinestar is like haven’t you seen??? Haven’t you noticed the hatred???? The violence??? They are so sick. The stars we’ve followed our entire lives want me to murder our child we must escape to safety. Leopardfoot is like Oh shit. Okay then. And jake shuttles them to safety. As Leopardfoot is taken in with the kittens, this is where pinestar goes back to make an announcement to his clan that he’s leaving and he’s already taken the wife and kids so BYYYYYYEEEE. Kittypet lavish living forever after the end.
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marcsalmonds · 1 year
there's a very friendly orange cat thats been coming to our garden being a massive attention whore and is probably a stray we're like guess we have a cat now landlords do not interact
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bluemoonrabbit · 5 months
Today someone knocked on my door, and I opened it to find the two tiny babies (college students) who live to my left, accompanied by a huge chonky tuxedo cat. Apparently he was just roaming the halls and they happened across him. Me being me, I was like "ah yes, I know this animal, this is across the hall neighbor's cat, I said hi to him once during a fire alarm." Then the big mush let me scoop him up and carry him like a baby back to his apartment.
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jazz-kity · 6 months
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sorry a bout your terrible no good daughter who is mean to you all the time. have you considered in investing in a terrible no good son who is mean to you all the time instead?
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