#the steambird: freminet
strawberrylabs · 7 months
Goodnight with Genshin characters! (Pt 1)
Featuring: Lyney, Freminet, Kazuha, Venti, Cyno and Childe
Summary: Nights with some of the Genshin cast based on their voice lines!
Warnings: some of these are quite angsty!(it depends on the voice line of the character), and some also contain spoilers for character lore!
Note: this is my apology post for being a solid 19 posts behind whumptober and ignoring my inbox<///3 im getting there guys I promise!!!
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Lyney! (125)
"Good night. If you have trouble falling asleep, I have a few little props used for hypnosis that might help... or Maybe not. Either way, sweet dreams!"
Lyney's gentle smile after his comedic suggestion helps you feel at ease. He comes up with something different every night- you really don't know how he hasn't run out of magic-related-sleep-remedies yet.
He often goes to bed after you. Whether he's up practising some magic for his next show or doing some work for Father in the veil of the night doesn't matter to you. As long as you awake to find him there, unharmed, you can manage falling asleep with out him.
But, on the rare occaision he goes to bed at the same time as you, sharing in your night-time routine and holding your hand under the covers, the two of you can stay up for hours talking about anything, everything and nothing.
Freminet (156)
"You go ahead, I'm gonna stay up and read for a while. Hmm? What am I reading? It's, um... It's about diving. There's a bunch of skills I need to... Anyway, night!"
It's not uncommon for Freminet to read before bed. If you're lucky, he may even read with you next to him, allowing you to read along, always checking to make sure you've finished the page before turning.
Althought every night he says he's reading about diving, or marine life, or automechs, you've learned to pick up on the slight rouge of his cheeks, and the stutter that becomes a little more apparent when he lies about what he's reading. It's on these nights you know he's reading about Pers, and it's on these nights you know to leave him be.
Whether he chooses to sleep with you- in the same bed or the same room or the same house- you know not to betray that trust. And for as long as you respect him and his boundaries, he will be grateful.
Sometimes, in the night, you think you feel yourself awake to a faint 'thank you',
Kazuha (194)
"The wind has ceased... The world is silent, so now is the best time to rest well. See you tomorrow."
Kazuha often doesn't join you during the night, whether you are choosing to sleep or stay up. He opts to sit in the crows nest of the crux, listening to the silence of the night. He'll swear that from up there, it appears as if the world itself has gone to sleep with the night- the sea acts as a blanket for the life below, the stars and moon a night light for the trees and the sand and the surf, the clouds casting a shadow of calm upon the land.
Kazuha spends his nights writing about what he sees, and when you awake you find a poem written in his hand about how the beauty of the night reminds him of you.
On the nights when the land is not calm with dreams, but instead enraged with nightmares, he will sit with you in your cabin, and chat about the day gone by. Despite the conditions outside your walls, you sleep best on those nights. The nights where you awake to find you had both fallen asleep with smiles on your faces, after long conversations that drift into the night on lovesick clouds.
"Off to the land of nod? Haha, farewell, my friend!" (318)
You loath the nights where Venti bids you goodnight without joining you. You can tell by looking at the way he looks everywhere but you, by the way he laughs- hollow and false, so unlike his usual mellodic, spring filled chuckles- and you can tell by the way he says "friend", that he'll be spending his night alone in the hands of his statue, or at Windrise, or at Stormterrors lair. You know he'll be contemplating the centuries of his past.
He'll sit in his own hands, because they're not really his hands, but the hands of his first companion; and by doing so he can feel that maybe the memory of that unnamed bard who he held so dear is not truly forgotten by his people- after all, they built a statue of him, even if they did it unknowingly. He'll gaze at the bark and the leaves of the tree at Windrise, and recall how he let Mondstadt fall into the hands of couption and tyranny due to his negligance the first time around. He'll gaze upon the ruin's of Stormterro's lair- of Old Mondstadt- and replay the events from thousands of years ago, when he was just too weak, too slow, too powerless to save the first being to make him feel something.
You know you should leave him alone. Let him sort through his mind and his memories. But you also know that his mind plays the nastiest, cruelist of tricks on him- dragging him down with nightmares and jabs of "what if's" and "why's".
So when he turns to retreat into the neverending chasm of his mind, you reach out and grab his hand. You follow him into the chasm, and help brighten the darkness with the light of your presence.
Venti is reluctant to admit it- but he will.
'The monsters of my mind seem a little less scary with you here.'
"Goodnight. Now, there's some criminal activity nearby that I'll go deal with."
You can't help but worry about Cyno when he says he's going out late to deal with something like this. You know as the General Mahamatra he has various responsibilities he must uphold. But when you're alone at night, your thoughts wander, and you ponder more on his situation.
You wonder, if his father hadn't suffered such a fate, would Cyno still be doing such dangerous jobs as a Matra? Or would he be a regular Spantamad scholar of the Akademiya? If he hadn't been pushed into this position, would he be lying with you now, drifting to a dreamless sleep with you, and not risking his life without recognition- or at least not the recognition he deserves.
You know it's not your place to think these things. Cyno is happy with his job, happy to follow after his Father, regardless of what things are said about him.
You quash your fears and your thoughts when you hear him return. He never left you for long. You knew he would always return to you. And he had every intention of doing so as long as the need remained.
Childe (182)
"Today was great. See you tomorrow, comrade!"
You always chuckled at his Ajax's tendancy to call everyone comrade. You teased him about it whenever it happened, and he always laughs with you and exclaims 'it's just habit!'
You know Ajax is busy, and he'd have less work during the day if he worked through the night. But he always insists on going to bed with you.
He created a bed-time-skin-care routine for you both- courtesy of him buying all the products. He puts is hair in a headband and follows the usual plan to a T.
When it's time to sleep, he smiles warmly at you. You pretend not to see the sadness in his eyes. He pretends it isn't there too.
So, for as long as the shadows of night will hide the pair of you, you'll bask in each others warmth, and soak up the laughter and the kisses you share.
And when the morning comes, as Ajax leaves to do jobs you never speak of, you will both eagerly await the fall of the sky's curtains, so you can forget the worries of reality once again.
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Hope you enjoyed!
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rene-is-an-insomniac · 10 months
"Like a Circus." (Lyney & Steambird!Journalist Reader) Part 2
To anyone named Lianna I am so sorry for your loss in this story/jk
Here's Part One if you haven't seen it yet
I love how the archon quest confirmed a theory I had.
(2/21/24)Next Chapter will be out by next week!
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Hehe gif is a small reference for something else im wriring for the Fontaine siblings 👀
Nighttime hit Fontaine as businesses began to shut down for the night. Most employees were making their way home, a few people were on the streets hanging out around this time.
“Uhm hello?” Lianna, a Knight from Mondstadt drunkenly walked down the streets of Fontaine alone, bottle in hand. She was here on business and ended up getting drunk at the bar she met her client at. The bar kicked her out for getting too rowdy and dancing on tables.
She mumbles angrily to herself, continuing forward, trying to find an inn to sleep in for the night. The clinking of her heels dragged along the street. She slowly inched her way through the road when the lamps lighting her way suddenly went out, leaving her in darkness.
She stopped taking in her surroundings. The pitch blackness made it difficult for her to navigate a land that she was unfamiliar with. She went to move again when something strange occurred.
The sound of a music box started to play. Lianna stood confused, trying to get her thoughts together. First, the lights now have some weird music box, if she didn’t know better, she would think this was some stupid prank they played on foreigners.
The music suddenly stopped. Silence and sounds of water from the nearby pier filled the background. Light footsteps walked in her direction, the sound of continuous tapping directly in front of her. She waits with a bated breath for something to happen or the lights to turn on. Seconds turn into minutes as she waits.
A small flame flickers as a Fatuus stood before her with a scythe in hand. That was all Lianna needed before taking the initiative to run away.
She ignored the darkness as she took off running. She ran zig-zag, trying to get the person off her trail. Lianna could hear him right on her tail yelling phrases towards her that she didn’t pay mind to. As she kept turning the corner, she heard the ocean waves growing louder. She pushed forward, going forward down the path, running face first into the waters down below.
Her purser stopped in their tracks, standing close to the edge of the pier. A light flashed into the water directly at her, blinding her momentarily. The Fatui member stares at her, not moving to snatch her up. She is still watching their movements. She waited for him to move before she started swimming towards another pier.
As Lianna exited the ocean, darkness filled her vision.
The Steambird was filled with chatter from the other members. Members ran around trying to collect the newspaper printed.
"Mondstadt woman found dead near the pier nearby."
“A young knight who worked for the Knights of Favonius, came here on business regarding trade between Fontaine and Mondstadt, Officers pronounced her dead around 3 Am this morning.”
"Lianna was apparently found with her neck snapped in an awkward direction. The only evidence the police found of the culprit was some pieces of cat hair around her neck."
"Did you find anything?" Charlotte peeks her head in from around the corner.
"Nothing that we don’t already know." She entered with more documents in hand.
"I heard the streetlights were shut off, probably didn’t want the cameras or possible eyewitnesses seeing them.” Charlotte sat the pile of papers neatly to the side.
"Well, that makes things much harder, doesn't it?" Charlotte lets out a small laugh as she enters the cubicle, papers in hand.
"Boss says, "All of those need to be completed by the end of today." She takes her leave as quickly as she entered your cubicle.
Picking up the documents, you spot the Chief of Justice among your list for interviews. Very helpful, leave it to the court to "have all the answers."
You walk along the streets of Fontaine, sweater in hand. Light music filled the streets as you passed by the shops. Everyone is always working, leaving few people in the streets to leisurely roam during the day. Some restaurants had business lunches, others roaming around quickly to their locations. 
The head of the court, the young god Furina and her right hand, Neuvillette judged the guilty. The building was the largest in the city almost similar to the roles that the people residing in them had to the people of Fontaine.
You shook your head trying to relieve yourself from the negative thoughts. It was just an interview with the Judge, nothing bad was going to happen. Entering the court, you signed yourself in and waited to be called.
"Yes how can I help you?" A melusine sitting at the desk glances up in your direction.
"An Interview with the steambird for Monsieur Neuvillette?" The melusine sighs, before walking off in the direction of his office. You remain by the desk waiting for the Melusine to return.
"He has time for you." The Melusine returned pointing out the direction of his office to you. You knock on the door before entering his office.
The Judge's office consisted of various articles spread throughout the wall, with dates circled. Neuvillette himself, sat at the desk writing away on a document. The hydro archon, sat on a chair talking to him as he works away.
"You should have seen the people that danced on their partners feet." She recounts a story of one of her outings to the Judge who listens silently.
"Next time, I'll take you." She continues talking as he seemingly listens in on her. Seeing you, her expression changes back into the arrogant stature she carries.
"It appears that we have a guest."
Seeing no place to sit, you stand awkwardly next to the door waiting for his permission.
“For the interview, correct?” He responds still focused on his work, not sparing you a single glance.
“Uhm yes. I’m Y/N.” The Judge sets aside a document, looking up to meet your gaze. Lady Furina sat up listening to the conversation.
“Let’s begin, what are your questions for me?”
“Fontaine wants to know, what are you doing about the disappearances of the foreigners as of recent?”
“We are doing our best to investigate the situation, Clorinde has taken over the case, I would advise talking to her.”
You put away the notebook, as quick as you pulled this out. This wasn't even five moments into the conversation.
"I understand, thank you for your time." You thank him and take your leave to go find her office.
“Furina can show you.” The young girl who was leaning against his desk shot up.
“She’s not doing her work; she has time to take you.” He sighs hearing her argue more. He stands pushing her out of the office alongside you.
“If you’ll excuse me.” He locks his door leaving you with the young God.
“Neuvi!” She whined banging on the door to no avail. It remains shut with her locked out. She stood at the door annoyed before turning to you.
“As your dear archon, I will graciously help you out.” Her expression taking one of a soft smile as she guides you to Clorinde's office.
"I see thank you Miss Clorinde." You exit her office leaving the Palais Memonia. You checkt the list of other credible sources that was on your agenda.
Miss Navia
Melusine Guardes
Monsieur Neuvillette
Mademoiselle Clorinde
You sigh crossing them off one by one. You decide to go with your best bet which is the Guardes. The Guardes during the time that Lianna was walking that time of night, some had to have been stationed in that area. Looking over the information that Mademoiselle Clorinde gave, it appears that none of the Guardes that she had stationed that night, heard any strange noises.
You sigh crossing the Guardes off your list momentarily. You sigh making your way to take care of the other things on your agenda.
"And you're sure that was the only evidence that you left by accident?"
"Yes." The white haired female let out a sigh of irratation as her nails drum along the desk she sat at.
"No more mistakes or do you need more training?" She sends a glare towards the three who raised their heads slightly.
"No sir." She sighs and dismisses the three from the room. The door to the House of the Hearth closing as a certain blonde and his siblings exit.
"We were a bit careless." One mumbled as they pass down the streets of Fontaine.
"I thought that you had them honestly."
"It doesn't matter, next time we'll do better."
“Places in 5 minutes!”
The staff and the performers began getting ready for their acts. Other performers were talking amongst themselves backstage.
The twins were preparing for their final performances for the night.
Lyney sat next to his vanity, preparing for his upcoming act, while his younger brother, Freminet, drew sketches for his next project sitting with him.
 Freminet would occasionally assist the siblings with their shows, though mainly he would watch from the crowd. The last show he helped with, was to regulate Lyney so he wouldn’t have another accident.
“Are you helping out with the show again, Frem?”
“What acts are you doing tonight?’’  The youngest looked up from his drawings.
“The usual, tightrope, saw cut, things like that.”
“I don’t think I’ll join this time then.” Lyney frowns, turning to Freminet.
Lyney sighs making the youngest stop his drawing. He puts down the make-up brush, turning to face him. "You know I only do this to get you comfortable with others right?"
"You're always on your own, you barely even talk to Lynette and I, that's not healthy, little brother."
The youngest stops his drawings as he closes the drawing book. He simply nods, not arguing with his older brother.
Their conversation ends short as a staff member peeks his head into the room.
“Lyney, it’s time.” He stands, tying his bow behind his back.
"Will you watch tonight at least?” He sends a glance to Freminet as he puts on his sleeve and gloves.
"I'll be in the audience."
"Then, I'll make sure to put on a hell of a show for you." He ruffles Freminet's hair before leaving the room.
“Wish me luck!” The crowd cheers welcoming Lyney and Lynette to the stage for their performance.
A/N (2/21): Chapter 3 will be out in a few weeks, thank you for your patience.
Taglist: @pochipop @teyvattales @estensity @teyvattales @bluu-m0on @tsukette @estensity @malleuxii(I dunno who wants to be tagged for this series just tell me below.)
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baeshijima · 5 months
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merry chrysler from the skrunkles :(
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 months
Imagine a horribly clumsy creator in the sagau... like trips over their own feet, starts coughing due to choking on air randomly, knocking a vase off a table that was in the middle of the table somehow???? Silly goofy stuff like that (I pull these silly goofs often personally)
(obv goes w/o saying sorry for being so late to reply /gen) ;-;
clumsy reader is so me core idk why i didnt think of this lmao
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(this gif is liek the modern equivalent of Charlotte posting ur embarrassing clumsy moments on insta Steambird acc lmao)
(so sometimes im lazy and dont include the ask stuff esp if its shorter like this, so here's at least the characters in this one: Fontaine ppl <3 along with a G for general audience, barring cuss words)
Navia would politely ask you to go the edge or whatever area ur in whenever she pulls out her cannons/guns LMAO
every time you and either Clorinde or Neuvillette are walking next to you, or doing rlly anything, its like night and day
ur out here finding all the cracks in the sidewalk, bumping everything that could even possibly have a liquid in it, and have constant bruises from hip checking/stubbing toes on mechas walking around
Clorinde is impressed at that point bc mechas are actively programmed to get out of your way, so how u managed to put them back into ur way rlly fascinates her 😭😭
Neuvillette would like to wrap u in fabric/bubble wrap equivalent for his old ass, in an attempt to desperately stop u from hurting urself lol
u get a new coat or new pants from him all the time, u just thought at first he was rlly into giving u Fontaine fashion until Furina pointed out that it was spring/summer and you wouldn't wear thick woolen pants and fur-lined coats everyday 💀
(poor dragon guy doesn't rlly get the practical side of clothes, he likes fashion, but he inadvertently subscribes to the "hoes don't get cold" philosophy by being an ancient dragon lord)
Wriothesley is unfortunately nice enough to constantly try and catch his poor god, which ends well for neither of you 50% of the time
its not even ur weight takes him down, he's buff as hell after all, and he's dealt with rowdy inmates, its just.. ur clumsiness spreads.
if ur tripping, and the poor Duke reaches out to catch you, ur reaching out at the same time to steady urself on a side table w/a vase full of water, which u then knock off, drenching ur back and his face at the same time LMAO
he doesn't learn, despite u literally begging him to stop trying to help u, then u try and compromise to just let u fall and help u afterward asdfghkl-
Wrio's too chivalrous tho, the most u can get him to do is always grab ur arm instead of trying to bodily catch you
if u think after the first like, ✌️ TWO times Lynette is willing to help you, u r so wrong lmao
she's seen her brothers clumsiness, she knows theres no saving u
she does comfort u after slipping (not even falling but just flailing dramatically) for the 5th time in the puddles around water fountains tho
Lyney and Freminet are lowkey legit convinced someones cursed their god atp 😰
Freminet always had bandaids for u, and Lyney keeps a supply of ur fav candy to cheer u up after embarrassing urself by falling ass backwards right into the Fountain of Lucine right in front of Opera house lmao
...Charlotte thinks this is all vv hilarious, no she has no respect for ur godliness, her archon was Furina like LMAO- IM SORRYYY
(she has started a small section in the steambird of a near daily- DAILY picture of u being clumsy 😭)
(u, not srsly, threaten to smite her and she just giggles)
(its ok they take it all in a cute/endearing trait type of way)
again, sorry for lateness, when i reopen askbox (soon, FINALLY-)
ill try and stay more on top of it and try and sort whatre just chats/non-requests better too 😭😭
hope u guys are having a good week!! tysm for being patient and nice to me :')
Safe Travels Kai,
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hotpinkstars · 3 months
-> happy valentines day!
synopsis -> how some of my favorite genshin women and men celebrate valentines day.
characters -> ningguang, shenhe, yelan, ei, miko, wriothesley, lyney, albedo, kazuha
warnings -> none! all fluff.
w/c -> 1.0k
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ningguang is a woman with many riches. the moment her mind processed it was valentines day when she woke up for work was also the moment she hurried over to her wardrobe, digging up a beautiful bracelet made only with diamonds before setting it down on your night table. as she was putting on her clothes, you groaned, waking up. she leaned down to kiss you before telling you to look over on your side of the nightstand, greeted to an outstanding piece of jewelry you could only dream of having. you groggily smiled, putting the bracelet around your wrist before throwing the covers off of your body and hugging your wonderful wife.
shenhe doesn’t really understand the concept of ‘valentines day.’ she knew of it as liyue citizens being cheesy on the streets, and the finest cuisine’s businesses flooding with romance. usually, she’d watch from afar. but ever since you entered her picture, she started to care just a bit more. she’d spend the day with you in the harbor, observing other couples actions before deciding herself what to do. she had decided to buy you a nice box of chocolates and a few clothing items you’ve been eyeing. she bought them with you there, without a word, waiting until you both exited the store to give them to you. when you tightly hugged her, she let out a tiny laugh, hugging you back lightly.
oh? wriothesley, the great duke of the fortress of meropide, celebrating such a holiday? yes! as the morning approached, the first fun little gift you received was his presence in bed, still asleep. ah, he must have taken the day off of work, you thought. he awoke a few moments later, saying his good morning before getting up to start the day with you. he took you out for a very nice breakfast before walking around the inner city. oh, no matter if this were to go into the steambird. charlotte is probably lingering somewhere, eager to catch a rare sight of the duke on the surface. he brought you to an isolated part of fontaine, a gorgeous view, and making sure nobody was in sight, got down on one knee and pulled out an extraordinary ring from his pocket, holding it out to you.
lyney is most certainly going to celebrate valentines day, with a valentine or not. whether it’s performing card tricks that turn into roses for men with a romantic partner, or actually celebrating it with his significant other. he’ll perform a very special magic performance, just for your eyes, not even lynette or freminet have seen it! gorgeous, glittering roses in your favorites of colors come drifting from nowhere, landing in your hair. only the finest for you! he’ll absolutely spoil you with a dinner that certainly cost one hefty sum of mora… you really, truly hope today won’t make him bankrupt.
yelan will spoil you, without a doubt. she doesn’t care much about the holiday itself, what she does care for though is that you get what you desire on such a day. she’ll take you anywhere you would like! she also likes to save the fanciest restaurants for days like these in specific. you saw a restaurant in mondstadt during your last visit? she’ll take you, and you’ll spend the night in the city of wind. she’ll do anything for you no matter, and she’ll top it off with a cute box of chocolates and a bouquet. she’s not quite the person for overwhelming affection, so she’ll give these things to you in subtle ways, behind the safety of your walls.
oh, ei. from being in such a state of meditation for so long, this woman barely grasps the concept of christmas! do not fret, she’s a quick learner. (but don’t ask her to cook. that is something she will not be able to learn.) once you explain to her what valentine's day is, and also take her to get a small rundown of the holiday from yae miko, she nods before immediately dashing off to find an exquisite treasure at a nice shop downtown. of course, considering she’s in a very high position in inazuma, she gets cheaper prices on all of the trinkets, she absolutely spoils you! she’s also willing to walk around other islands with you, to admire the scenery before pulling out the things she got you and proceeding to make it a day worth remembering.
yae miko has lived long enough to understand what valentines day is. she see’s romance on the streets during those days, and she’s even published a light novel on two lovebirds on a holiday such as this. so do not underestimate how long she has planned your gift, as soon as you wake up you are greeted to a small book laying on your pillow. you go to open it, reading such a beautiful story about how you two fell in love. it was two completely different characters re-enacting your story. she comes into your shared bedroom, sitting down with you before rubbing your thigh, a look that cannot be told between a smirk and a light smile dancing across her gorgeous face.
albedo didn’t see the significance at first. of any holiday, people choose to celebrate this one? isn’t that what anniversaries are for? though, once he sees how important it is to you, he crafts a beautiful necklace with his bare hands and some potions he had mixed up to create the gemstones that were very neatly embedded into the shell of the jewelry. it was beautiful- likely the prettiest thing you’ve set your eyes upon, considering not only was it made from love, it went perfectly with your eyes and hair. valentines day this year was such a success with albedo as your partner.
kazuha knew valentines day. he’d make today extra special for you, taking you to the finest cuisines in whatever area you were at during your travels. he’d occasionally stop, creating a bouquet that he’d plan on giving to you later on at night. when you had received it, there was everything in there- he had collected some qingxin flowers, sweet flowers, a few mint leaves for color, some silk flowers, glaze lillies, and violetgrass. you truly believed it was the most gorgeous bouquet you’ve seen, and it landed a place in a very nice glass vase when you two arrived home that evening.
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freminet-writings · 7 months
the twins were unaware Freminet had a girlfriend. once they know, Lyney freaks out and gets all dramatic(perhaps a 'family' gathering where reader is introduced to the twins?). from that point on freminet is getting regularly teased about the relationship and goes to you for comfort at night. (this can be either cuddles and some complaining or him getting kinky, you choose)
sorry for not uploading yesterday i slept like half the day
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even though you and freminet had been dating for awhile now, neither of you actually told anyone yet, it wasn't really needed because you both had limlted friends and were just not very talkative
freminet never told his siblings either, he didn't think they'd care all that much, it's just a girlfriend, not a big deal, right?
well...wrong, one day the two of you were just chilling at his place, his siblings were supposed to be doing a interview with the steambird, while the two of you cuddled together on his couch
and at the exact moment he kissed you, lyney had opened the door, immediately gasping very dramatically while lynette just stood beside unamused by her twin's actions, her shock nonapparent
"my little brother has a girlfriend? and he never thought to tell me even once? oh, how you've pained me, freminet!"
lyney was his usual teasing self but somehow worse, he planned out a whole dinner for the four of you so he and lynette could get to know you, and began acting like he was some kind of embarrassing mom by telling you stories from their time together
freminet wanted the ground to swallow him whole, or maybe swallow lyney instead, lynette on the other hand was interested in hearing you talk about yourself, lyney took notice in the fact that freminet seemed happier around you, he felt his heart warm, he knew freminet deserved it
but that didn't stop him from teasing his brother every chance he got of course
it didn't matter what was happening, lyney would somehow bring you up, or when he saw you two together he just had to make it embarrassing
"i have to go out tonigh-" "you're going to see your girlfriend, aren't you~?" "...i have a job, lyney"
but freminet was still the shy and insecure boyfriend you always knew, he knew lyney teased him for fun, and he didn't mean to embarrass him or make him feel weird about it, but he couldn't help it
he would lay in your arms at night, one of the only places he feels safe, hugging you close and just enjoying your presence, sighing softly as you caress him, he leaned forward to kiss you, slowly growing more passionate
his hand grabbed yours, leading it to his thigh, already knowing what he wanted, you moved your hand forward...
only for his siblings to interrupt at the worst timing imaginable, lyney's eyes widened and for a moment you thought you embarrassed him for once, but then...
"...freminet lost his virginity before me?!"
"...not a very hard thing to achieve, brother"
lyney and lynette stared at the two of you, even lynette's normally stoic expression was nowhere to he seen, then lyney cleared his throat
"...i think it's time we have the talk, freminet" freminet could only groan and slump into your arms, but he smiled softly, he wouldn't want to trade this for anything
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sea-of-dust · 3 months
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With a devious plot to flirt with your boyfriend in hand you didn't expect him to react the way he did...
N: don't tell the nurse I'm out again 😡 event link here
Warnings: bit suggestive, no rizz pick up lines/j
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"How fast do you think they'll be on the steambird" "with how Charlotte is? Give her a few days" "I bet an hour" Lynette casually sips her tea while Freminet wipes his helmet. You've been waiting for Valintines day to roll around, gifts already made for him, wrapped to the best of your ability. It's been a while since he's seen you after you've went to inazuma, knowing him he's probably crying to Lynette about it, a thought crossed your mind to be uncharacteristically flirtatious with him, imagining him mutter and blush wildly couldn't help but get a small smirk outta you, arriving at the doc, you walk through fontaine knowing you'll be eventually stopped by a certain magican
"MA CHÉRIE" was what read the card that just so happened to magically float next to you. "You've learned another way of greeting me" Noticing the arms squeezing around your waist, lyney squishing his face into your shoulder. "I've missed you too my love" "I missed you more" you giggle at his reaction patting his head "I've brought sweets, but i dont know if they'll be as sweet as you but I'm sure you'll like them" he hugs you tighter felling his chest move as if he were giggling. "I'll gladly try them" finally lifting his face to look at yourse, cheeks brushed with blush with a sly smile streaked across his face. "I'm sure I'll enjoy them" Uncharacteristically, he holds your hand while walking with you, he usually kisses you then holds your hand, so you do it for him *chu* taking the lead you walk with him his hand in yours with a flustered magician following behind
"How have you been, ma chérie?" "Great I have pictures, trinkets, and mostly snacks that I thought Lynette would love with tea" "you're quite considerate" "Why shouldn't I be they're my inlaws after all" managing to fluster him more he turns his face away from you "why, were not even married" holding your hands, and tapping his shoe into the ground, too bashful to even look in the eyes. "Hm" you pull gently at his hands "would you like to be" he pulled back suddenly, widened eyes while almost being fully red in the face. "Your eyes are wavering my love" "don't notice that" "it's cute!" "Ughhh" hiding his face into your chest you pat his head. "There there" he seems to giggle lightly
Giving Lynette and Ferminet the sweets and showing them the trinkets you got, Lynette couldn't help but notice her brothers flustered face. "Called it" mumbling under her breath she looks to Freminet, understanding her near instantly he backed away getting out of his chair. "Me and Lynette have gifts for you aswell I'll go find them" Lynette stands following him, calm eyes meeting the flustered magicans, a smirk underneath his hand. "I have something for you aswell follow me" taking your hand, he leads you to his room
Closing the door behind him, he takes the hat off putting it on your head. "You know exactly what to say to fluster someone" he kisses your cheek, letting you sit on his bed. "I'm embarrassed to know I can get flustered like that" he continues on kissing almost randomly along your face. "I'll get you for that" gripping your hands, he leans into your ear "Times a million"
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cheri-2047 · 3 days
Idk if it's a good request or nah, but can you do a imagine in which the reader got adopted by Lyney, Lynette and Freminett family? Not like adopted by the HoH and arle. The trio adopt us but keep us away from Fatui business. We are obviously young and just got isekai'ed to Teyvat. I hope it's not a weird request, I just really want some platonic time with the trio :')
I’m gonna make it so the ages are like, freminet is 16, lyney and Lynette are around 20 and they found you when you were like idk 6
This is so badly written in sorry it’s cause tumblr deleted my progress thrice and my lazy ass lost my motivation on this.
This went from a third person perspective to a first so MY BAD. I’m really sorry like genuinely 😞
Hearth siblings adopt you <3
Tags: none this is in a family situation
Characters: Lyney, Lynette, Freminet, mentions of Arlecchino
Lyney and Lynette were in a mission together, to gather some information from a well-known noble in Fontaine.
The pair had gotten tickets to go to a banquet as requested by father, to “extend connections” and to fulfill their task.
They were in their usual get up, with small extra details such as some pearls on Lynette’s hair and as for Lyney, he had temporarily glued on extra sequins on his hat.
The two introduced themselves, blending in with the crowd smoothly as they had the noble in sight.
“My if it isn’t the greatest magicians in Fontaine!”
The noble recognized them, after seeing them in the Steambird countless times.
“Ah, hello! Pleased to meet you! But ah sir, you must be quite wrong. For we are actually the greatest in all Teyvat!”
Lyney joked, extending his hand for the noble to shake.
“Lyney and Lynette, correct?”
The man said, shaking the boy’s hand. They both nod, as Lynette bowed her head.
“Pleasure to meet you.”
The three chat, as there was a sudden commotion from the food area.
The Gardes yelled, pointing to the door. The crowd looked curiously, to see a small child running out of the building.
“Ah little dumb kids. Which noble would bring their child to a grand place like this?”
The noble chuckled. The twins (though they didn’t want to) laughed along with his remark.
The twins were smooth, they knew how to talk so they would get answers. They got all the information they needed and decided to linger around longer, to promote themselves as well.
“Ah well sir, we are going to take our leave for now. Thank you!”
The two introduced themselves to others.
“We’re Lyney and Lynette!”
They said, showing others small card tricks.
After a few hours they got all they needed and more, and left the venue. As the two walked out and made their way to the Hotel Bouffe D’ete, they heard small cries.
“….brother look.”
The cat-hybrid pointed towards a bush, walking towards it a little. They saw…a child, a child who looked barely an age over 5. Hugging their knees while shivering and crying.
The cat hybrid held out her hand, only for the child to look even more terrified.
“We won’t hurt you…”
The hybrid kneeled down to the child’s height, as the young boy approached them and kneeled down as well. The child only looked more scared.
“Hey…your knee is bleeding…”
The young boy said, reaching for his pocket to grab a handkerchief.
“May I?”
The child didn’t speak.
“Ah..parles-vous francais?” (Do you speak French?)
The child shook their head. “Ah…”
“What’s your name little one?”
The boy said, suddenly reaching his hand out with the handkerchief.
“I’m just gonna wipe your wound okay?”
The child nodded, as if saying it was okay before telling the twins their name.
“Nice to meet you! I’m Lyney and this is my sister”
“Lynette. Where are your parents?”
The child shook their head. the hybrid understood.
“I see… are you from here?”
Lynette tried to not talk about parents, since it might have been a sensitive topic for you
Her eyes widened in shock, but decided not to question it.
“Ah..I see..”
The boy finished wiping your knee. He could have sworn he had seen you somehwere.
“Can you walk?”
You nodded. Standing up. Suddenly, the magician regcognized you.
“…ah! You were the child who got chased out by the gardes!”
You froze. Were they going to get angry at you? Tell you to scramble off? Were the-
Your stomach grumbled.
“…you were looking for food Weren’t you?”
You nod.
“Well in that case..why don’t you come home with us?”
Lyney turned to his Sister in shock.
“Lynette- we can’t possibly just bring another child to the hearth. You’ve seen how the other kids reacted..”
“They have no home. Where else are they to go?”
“Anywhere but the hearth.”
They kept whispering to each other, not wanting you to hear anything.
Lyney didn’t mean to sound rude, he just wanted to keep you out of fatui matters. He wanted to keep you safe especially since it looked like you didn’t know anything.
“Alright Reader… we will take you to a new home okay?”
Lyney sighed. as he carried you up in his arms and started to walk with you.
“We’ll introduce you to our little brother once we get to the hea- at home.”
Lynette pulled some extra sweets out of hee bad, she fed you while her brother was carrying you. As all 3 of you walked, you fell asleep in his arms.
Lynette and lyney were trying to figure out how to take care of you. They didn’t want to tell father, since they didn’t want you to suddenly be forced to enter a life full of a murderer and a criminal.
After awhile, you suddenly woke up in a bed, with a short boy sitting on the edge of it.
“Ah..um…you’re awake…”
“Hello there…I’m freminet..”
The boy introduced himself, as he Pat your head.
“I’m their little brother.. and I’ll be taking care of you today since they’re in a missio- ah- since they’re busy”
You nodded
The three would keep you in a different place outside the hearth. They would do everything to ensure that nobody from the hearth knew you and father would never find out
You hang out with freminet mostly. He makes the clockwork machines a lot while he’s in your room.
The twins always check on you everyday, and entertain you with magic tricks.
Any attempt of calling them your father or mother, they would immediately shut it down and say “no no you don’t have to-“ and laugh afterwards
Whenever you get sick one of the twins would make an excuse to father to not go on a mission, and instead take care of you.
Freminet often gives you some toys, he gets slightly happy whenever he comes back to your home to see you playing with them.
As you grow up, the three teaches you more things (like for school) and they even let you watch some of their shows. On the condition that “you must act like you don’t know us personally. Got it?”
Honestly they would be really nice older siblings to you, they also feel pride in themselves that they “raised a kid normally”
They let you leave your room whenever you want, on the condition that you must say a fake name and call them whenever you go out (and when you’re back).
Sometimes on missions, they feel bad for leaving you out so if they go to another ball, they have an extra ticket for you. They often tell you they’re just “promoting the show” but you don’t mind it.
You get really suspicious and weirded out sometimes, but then freminet would just make an excuse like “since you’re not from Fontaine, people might look for you…”
I bet the three genuinely think they’re being so slick but in reality, arlecchino knows about this. I dont know how she found out, maybe the way all three of them have gotten more food than usual? But she knows about you. She knows your real name, your age and how you look like, but she pretends to not know a thing. She finds it amusing that her 3 kids are trying so hard to give you a normal life and she wants to see the outcome of this.
All 4 of you become really close. Lyneys always there if you need someone to cheer you up, lynette is always there if you want comfort or desserts, and Freminet is literally like your best friend.
They set your birthday in the day they found you. Whenever it’s your birthday, all three give you presents and gives you their favorite food.
On their birthdays, they visit you late (since the hearth also celebrates) but whenever they do, they have their favorite foods and you have a gift for them too that they always appreciate. (And they would always use)
Whenever you’re alone for long periods of time, they would apologize and make up for it by staying with you the entire day the next day.
I’m actually so sorry for the shitty writing like genuinely and this wasn’t proofread either 😔 but thank you so so much
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Kiss from a Rose_Part 2
A.N: A three part series featuring Neuvillette x Reader! 
Genshin Impact MasterList
“This…is Monsieur Neuvillette? You are quite certain?” 
Paimon was the first to break the silence. You, the Traveler, Paimon, Navia and the twins and Freminet were at the lake that lead down to the Melusine’s village. In lieu of all the drama that Fontaine was in with the missing ludex, the seven of you decided to meet here. Currently, the otter was sitting in the water with everyone was staring at him. 
He calmly looked back, dipping his head once.
"Hold on! Did he understand me?" Paimon asked.
Lyney clapped his hands once, “Well, stranger things have happened!” 
“I’m just glad to know that he is okay….” Freminet murmured. 
“But how?” Navia questioned. 
“That is unimportant.” You dismissed, “Right now, we need to figure out how to turn him back.” 
“Unless, what turned him into an otter could turn him back.” Lynette offered. 
“I thought about that.” You nodded,  “Through trial and error, I did try to retrace Neuvillette’s steps, and it reached into the village. But then he started flipping out. Whatever, it was, he did not want anyone going into that area. So I had it quarantine off. Since he cannot speak, we do not know precisely what to look for. And if we try, we might end up in the same position.” 
The otter splashed once as if in agreement with you. 
“A wise decision.” Navia nodded, “But we will need to fix this before our entire country falls apart. The Steambird has now taken to publish conspiracy theories on his disappearance. Imagine what they would print if he showed up as an otter.” 
You swore you heard Neuvillette sigh. 
You rubbed your temple, “I don’t want to imagine.” 
Navia continued, “Lady Furina is doing all she can to divert the public’s gaze. If nothing else, she is making herself a target for Charolette’s teeth.”
Paimon sighed, “That in and of itself deserves accolade.”
“But rest assured, we are ready to do whatever necessary to bring Monsieur Neuvillette back to normal.”  Navia stated. 
“Yeah, don’t worry, Monsieur Neuvillette, we will find a cure for you!!” Paimon cheered. 
“So, any ideas?” Freminet inquired quietly.  
That had been three days ago, and no one seemed to be able to figure out any kind of plan. They tried all sorts of medicine and potions, but nothing seemed to work. By the fourth day, all of you were back at the lake for another meeting. 
“This is getting worrisome now.” The Traveler murmured. 
“I agree! Come on, guys, there has to be something.”  Navia cried frustrated, “I can use my connections to get whatever it is, as long as I know what to get!”
A silence descended. 
“Well…..” Lyney hummed. 
You turned to the magician with wide, expectant eyes. 
“....I do have an idea, but you may not like it.” 
“As long as it turns Neuvillette back to human form! It’s fine! What is it?” 
“It’s quite unconventional….” 
“You're doing an awful lot of setup.” Paimon remarked. 
“Perhaps, a kiss of true love can turn him back. In the stories, it usually turns a beast back into his princely form.” Lyney was dead serious as he looked at you without a hint of a smile. 
You stared at him a good minute. Traveler and Paimon looked at each other as Navia gave a long-suffering sigh. 
You finally turned Lynette and Freminet, “Can I hit him?” 
“Sure. It will save me from having to come out of power saving mode myself.” 
A dip of the head was all from Freminet. 
You reached for Lyney fully intended to slap him upside the head, but he dodged nimbly as he spoke, “My lady, please I beg you a minute to explain!” 
You have finally grabbed at his clothes, snatched his hat and began playing keep away with it.  
“Not my hat! Lynette, Freminet, help me!! Traveler!!” 
The Traveler discreetly looked away, as Paimon only folded her arms, unimpressed.  
“You started this foolishness!” Lynette returned calmly. 
“Look, we have no idea what turned him into an otter in the first place! It could be anything! Which means we need to think outside the box. Nothing conventional has worked so far! So whose to say that this isn’t some magical one off?” 
You eyed the magician for a long moment. 
“At this point, we need to try everything. Even I admit, it sounds like a setup from a storybook, but I just thought I’d put it out there. We aren’t going to give up. All of us will continue looking for a solution, but I’m just trying to present all options. Even the unconventional ones.” 
You gave a sigh, “Well, I do appreciate it. I really couldn’t tell if you were trying for a joke at this time or not.” 
“I’m a magician not a comedian, my lady! With tension being so high, I would never take advantage of it.” 
You gave him back his hat, and he welcomed it back like an old friend. 
“Well, I shall keep it in mind. In the meantime, what other practical solutions are there?” You asked the group. 
You gave a sigh as you entered the house and headed for the bathroom. You slipped off the backpack of water you had used to carry otter Neuvillette in. Unzipping the bag, you placed the sack on the ground. It had a net on top to let in air, so he wouldn’t suffocate. You pulled off the top before turning and filling up the tub. 
Then you sat down with an apology, “I’m sorry. It seems it’s another day without a solution.” 
The otter only shook its head. 
“You're quite patient even during this ordeal. You never fail to amaze me, my dear.” You murmured, reaching out to plant a kiss on the head. Your lips lingered for a moment before you pulled back with a smile, “We’ll figure this out! Tomorrow is a new day!!” 
Once the tub was filled and Neuvillette settled you, you eventually headed to bed. 
Tomorrow was a new day, you reminded yourself. 
You would see Neuvillette through this. 
Part 3
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lloovvv · 3 months
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synopsis - you were childhood friends with navia, until your family’s company got into a scandal and it came all crashing down in high school… after that incident, you ghosted everyone you met and went to inazuma to complete high school, after 3 years, you returned to inazuma... but what are you to do when you meet navia in college after those years of not seeing her? let us find out from this journey!
the FIRST navia smau (here, at least!)
warnings - kys/kms jokes, implied that y/n has no parents, swears, alcohol, y/n is a simp, ooc ofc, will add more in the future because it’s not fully planned.
status - ongoing
FEATURING: cousin neuvillette, furina, lyney, lynette, freminet, mona, clorinde, charlotte from the steambird, kazuha, and arlecchino!
SIDE SHIPS: wriolette end game, wriothesley x reader in the beginning, kazuha x you from a different smau.
profiles -
bitchless baguette lovers (Y/N’s group)
best croissant lovers (navia’s group)
chapter 1: meetings, and fate chapter 2: wtf
act 2: ISSUES!
act 3: LOVE.
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strawberrylabs · 9 months
Lyney drabbles
ok so...
i know i said id be getting all my other requests out like a month ago and i promise im working on them- just slowly
but i my brain is ROTTING with Lyney headcanons atm because I just finished fontane archon quests and his story quest so yall are gonna have to let my numerous lyney dabbles tide you over until i upload anything else
(also please send me lyney headcanons or prompts i am DYING to write about this man)
reader can be interpreted as any gender! no gendered terms are used
WARNING! this will have spoilers to fontane lore and Lyney's story quest!! I will also be mentioning death, grieving and slight depression! read with caution if you're sensitive to these topics.
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spoilers will be under the cut!
I'll be here
synopsis: after the events of Lyney's story quest, his lover comforts him as he finally finds closure after Cesar's death.
After the traveler and Paimon left Lyney and Lynette at the steambird, Lynette turned to look at her brother.
"So, Cesar's honour has been restored."
Lyney smiles to himself
"That it has my dear sister. Now, I do believe a certain someone is at home with Freminet waiting for us." Lyney turns to his sister expectingly.
"Actually, I'm going to the port. I need some time to shut down. And I think you need some time too, Lyney."
Lyney sighed and smiled a melancholy smile. Of course Lynette could see through him.
"You're quite right, as always dear sister. I think I shall take your advice."
When Lyney walked through the door to his home expecting to be greeted by his brother and lover, he only found his lover in sight.
"Freminet said he wanted to go diving by the opera house tonight. Something about the tildaga being different at this time of year." (y/n) answered, almost as if hearing Lyney's confusiong.
"Ah I see. Lynette has gone to the port to unwind after the weeks events."
(Y/n) smiled knowingly at the magician.
"And I suspect you'll be needing to unwind too."
Lyney gasped in faux astonishment
"My word! I didn't know you learnt telepathy? I suppose when you spend so much time around such a great magician you do pick up a few things. Maybe you can join Lynette and I and we can form a magical trio?" Lyney emphasised his words with a florish of his hat.
(Y/n) chuckled and moved towards Lyney, grabbing his hand.
"As much as I would love to know exactly what's going on in your mind, I do not have telepathy. I do however, know you well enough to know you need a rest."
Lyney's smile faltered a smidge. Despite knowing he can be vulnerable around (Y/n), he still struggles to let his guard down. Apparently years of working for the house of the Hearth does that to someone.
While in thought, (Y/n) pulls Lyney to their room, and places him on their bed, sitting him down wordlessly, and moving to sit behind him.
Lyney registers the feeling of his hat being taken off, and fingers in his hair taking out his braid.
"Just relax. I'll take care of you. I know everything with Cesar has been tough. You've been preparing yourself for this moment for years-- but I know it's still been heavy."
(Y/n) presses a kisse to his head.
"Cesar would be proud of you. I know you feel guilty about with holding the truth from him, but I just know he'd understand. He would be so, so proud of you and Lynette."
Lyney doesn't remember when the first tear fell down his face, or when his performance clothes were removed and replaced with pjamas, or when he was tucked in against (Y/n)'s chest.
"Cesar can be truly at peace now with his name cleared. You did great Lyney."
Lyney takes a deep breathe, and burries himself in the safety of his lover's embrace.
"..Thank you (Y/n).."
"Of course Lyney. I'll be here for you, always."
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this man has me in a chokehold
(thank god I pulled him<3)
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smilingangel582 · 9 months
BOO! Hahaha got youuu!! Anyway I'm here to request a fic of ler!furina and lee!lyney, I think she would 100% tickle the info out of him during the trial hehehe-
Ahhhhh! Whew, it's you... hehe, wow, I never tried this before... OK, I'll write one. Just need some time to study Furina's character. Hehe~ alright your heads up is enough...
Oh, spoilers for Lyney's story quest and the archon quest
The law has no secrets
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Fontaine is all about laws where you break a rule you get judgement. This time for Lyney, the magician, things seemed too out of nature for Lady Furina to call out the Gards to restrain him from the prison cells.
He sighed, already assuring a worried Lynette and a shocked Freminet to eat dinner without him.
At least they had the decency to give him something to eat. Still, the exaggeration is when he was afterwards chained completely. With the manacles attached to his wrists, the line of metal was rooted from the ceiling to hold him up, but he was on his knees.
Is the trial room a cell? He must be either lucky or unlucky...?
Well, Lyney wouldn't say he's not anxious to the current setting, but he'd rather have talked things through since the disappearance case is solved by the traveller.
The echoing sound of the metal door squeaked open. Lyney looked up now, hearing the jangling of his own chains. They were Furina's light tapping footsteps. Next to her is Neuvillette.
Wait?! He's on this farce too??
"Lyney, I must apologise for this rough display, but... might I have a word with you?" Furina's dainty tone purred mischievously, making Lyney shudder as he tried to avoid sounding outrageous."Why, if you wanted to talk, we could've done that by settling an appointment? This is too hurtful"
Neuvillette sounded exhausted. "Lady Furina, this is the same question I was asking you, Mr. Lyney is not guilty..."
Furina folded her arms with a smile "Oh this has nothing to do with the disappearances case. This is regarding the trivial incident of the phantom weasel..."
Dear archons, he should've know -oh, wait, she is the archon.
Lyney noticed that even Neuvillette was seeing her ways of thinking for once. Unfortunately for Lyney, though, he did strike the nail.
"You make a point, Jemma's admittance to being the troublemaker is strange since it's relevant to Mr. Lyney's magic show... even the steambird couldn't get an interview out of him"
They eyed Lyney now, suspicious looming over his instantly, well he did try his best to hide it..."
"What are you hiding Lyney?" Furina teased now, as she has finally got a lead in something since the traveler's entrance "I know the case is solved but... we need to know your part in this play"
"I must concede I was responsible for her sudden confession, but..." he bit his lip, trying to sound convincing "The trick Ceaser tried must have opened her heart, so she must have...".
"We know all that... the question is..." she leaned forward, close to his face "Why use the particular trick Ceaser use on the lady? Your not the heartless type to use that trick on her to hurt her more... but you knew it would hurt her, cuz you knew she's the weasel!"
Neuvillette leaned on his hand as he pondered "It's almost strange how you were involved with Lorenzo, the gards told us your good deed"
"W-wait... I swear, it's all just coincidence... I made a mistake remember, I thought Lorenzo was the culprit-!"
Furina laughed now, interrupting him "Aha, so cute when your trying hard to defend when you have used up all your cards, Lyney,"
She pointed our "I know you have a close relationship with Ceaser... so what's your connection to it"
He could tell, but he didn't want to show most of his past to her if all people. The traveler is one thing but the chief of justice is present too.
"Lady Furina," he sighed, suddenly a reasonable part of him was seen "I understand your suspicions but the case is solved, thanks to Mr. Lyney"
He sighed in relief, but Furina hummed. "Is it? I was about to ask who th3 copycat was before..."
He widened his eyes. Right... the notes. He should've known those could be triggering most of suspicions.
"Wait, I'm not the copycat"
She suddenly glanced triumphantly. "I didn't say you were, dear Lyney, now I see a crack in those defences... hahaha better tell us why you'd help to solve a case of ten years ago"
Neuvillette pursed his lips "Lady Furina, could it also be you want revenge on Mr. Lyney?"
She swallowed, flustered "O-of course that's... um not m-my only reason"
Lyney implored, "I swear... It's all a big councidence" he didn't even want to think of her ulterior motives but his mind knew it before he ever did thar she was still vengeful of the traveler's incident when he saved Aether.
Neuvillette rubbed his temple in irritation. "Rememeber interrogation is not to be used as a frivolous method, I'd rather not see you hurt Mr Lyney for your frivolous actions."
"Why," she sounded confident as she slipped behind him. "I'm not here to use that torture method! Please, there are more ways that can break even the most strongest opponenets"
Before anyone could question her she grabbed his sides, startling him by the new sensation "Let the trial commence"
"AhaAHhA! Wait whahat?" He suddenly jolted at the electrifying touch, and even Furina giggled."Well, I guess my intuition is right as water, Mr. Lyney would enjoy this torture"
"Lady, that's the abuse of power" the chief of Justice pointed out sharply but he had no way of stopping her.
"Alright, let's hear it. How were you involved in the phantom weasels case?" Furina snickered as she got a good reaction from his ribs, making him pull at the chains that exposed him most terrifyingly.
"Whyhyhy? Whyhyhy thihihis Lahahady Fuhuhurina???"
"Why? Well because I don't want to hurt you and the other is... I wanna see a great magician such as yourself be a bit more vulnerable"
That's why??? He was torn with exasperation and concern if he was safe in Fontaine.
"This is for pulling that trick on me with the traveler" she teased by tickling his bare armpits. He lost it there and lowered his head with sudden cackles "HOHOLD OHOHON... IHIHI WAHAHAS TRYING TOHO PROHOTEHECT THE TRAHAVELER! HEHE'S UHUHUNAWARE OF OUR RUHUHULES!!
"Protect is a very strong word, Lyney" she smirked, stopping for a moment "ok new questions what's your relationship with the traveler?"
Not that question! He'd rather expose himself than answer thar!
His silence made her circle his sides teasingly, he giggles "Cuhut ihihit out hehe's ahaha nihihice guy!
"Nice guy?" She hummed, then making his squeal by grabbing his hips "Dare you lie to you archon! That's punishment for you!"
Neuvillette wondered if he should do something. Sure he would be lying if he'd say he didn't enjoy this side of Lyney and the mischief in Furina. This is not even work related so he'd rather leave them be.
"Nohohoho don't leheheheave meheheeee!"
"Ah, you're boring," she huffed now but then ignored him completely by trying to attack the new sensitive spot on his hips. "Lyney~... I got a lot of questions, so... try to answer at least one of them..." she continued."What's your relationship with the traveller? Then how did you know it was Jemma the real phantom weasel? Then why did you hide most of the details of the phantom weasels case...?"
Unanswerable! He can't tell any of that. No matter how bad of a pickle he's in.
"Man, your no fun..." she grabbed his thighs now making him gasp "hmmm~ what's that?"
He blushed with the sudden suffocation of holding his laughter but it left him when she knew his thighs are bad, "G-guh! Wait!".
"Jackpot... so tell me?"
"AHAHAHAHA WAHAHAHAIT IHIHIHIHI IHIHIHIHI" He gotta say one thing! He should! He can't expose the secrets of his family but rather...
She backed off, feeling more victorious to hear him defeated "Ah~ that's your secret? I thought it was something else but that's the truth I can tell... took you a lot of guts to say all that"
He blushed now, panting "Ahare wehe done?"
She grinned brightly and snapped her fingers "Yes!" The the chains dropped in him. He sighed, feeling tired for his own good. At least he can ge those before bedtime.
Of course the guards escorted him out and even Neuvillette apologised for the sudden trial run, he did show no offence to him. Knowing he's powerless over the archon but he did doubt if he's actually guilty.
"Lyney! Are you OK?" Aether's voice, he blinked when he noticed Freminet, Lynette and Paimon with him as well. He watched the concerned look on those lovely golden eyes, he looked away with a blush "Y-yeah, I was just under suspicion"
"Did they do anything to you?" He grabbed his face now trying to scrutinze any injuries, he blushed heavily "I-I am fine... p-please let's have some tea together"
"You're blushing? Are you sick?"
Lynettw sighed. "Brother, you can't fool me, so what did they do?"
He pleaded now forcing himself into the house as they followed "Please don't make me talk about it... its embarrassing"
"For some reason, Paimon wants to know," she chuckled, and even Aether gave a smile. Sure, he did tell he was tickled at trial but editted end where he admitted his feelings. Instead, he said she got bored and left.
Nobody knew that except Lynette who knew he must've told the relationship of him and Aether...
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Hope this is alright... and not too long ...I'm really sluggish today but I had the perfect idea to write and I remembered your idea beign trial so I kinda mixed things... hopes it ok
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vyesquei · 2 months
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𐙚 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒆 ☆ (1/2)
❝ in which; the famed magician of fontaine meets the angel of opera epiclese " » includes: mentions of ocs, oc x canon (irene levasseur x lyney) » note: just to clarify, the first scene of this work is before the events fontaine archon quest, the second scene is after fontaine quest act 1 & 2!! i hope u enjoy this raaaaaa <3
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The dark clouds were scattered across the land of Fontaine. Strong wind blowing the heavy rain as they harshly dropped to the ground. The weather was no delight to the people of Fontaine; children wondered why the Hydro Dragon was in so much anguish.
Despite the weather, the Opera Epiclese only witnessed a heavenly voice sent by Celestia, a voice from the one and only “Angel of Opera Epiclese”, singing a song of euphonic quality.
The Angel’s voice echoed in the opera house, reaching every corner of the room. Her vocals were so siren-like and clear—if anyone were to hear a simple hum from her, they would feel their heart burst and their body chill.
There was no voice that was as otherworldly as Irene’s voice was. She has taken the eyes of the audience, and perhaps even a certain magician's attention.
As Irene sang a song for the opera, Lyney was somewhere in the small audience, watching Irene sing for the first time. He, Lynette, and Freminet had received tickets from a friend that wanted to pay for their kindness in the past.
“Her voice is wonderful,” Lyney commented in a whisper, leaning near Lynette so she could hear.
Lynette agreed, nodding her head, “Yes, like a hidden gem.”
“She’s not that very popular in both the Theatre and Film Industry,” Lynette said, “even though she's been in many films, plays, musicals, operas…”
Lyney turned to Lynette, snickering quietly, taking the chance to tease his sister, “Seems like someone did their research—are you a big fan of hers?~”
“No, I was just curious about who she is and why I've never heard about her in The Steambird or anywhere on the news, so I decided to know more about her,” Lynette simply answered. “I’m surprised she hasn't gotten as much attention as Lady Furina.”
“‘Irene Levasseur, The Angel of Opera Epiclese,’” Freminet spoke for the first time ever since they went into the opera house, which was no surprise, “that’s what I heard how her fans refer to her.” 
Freminet continued, "I heard this is her second time performing in the Opera Epiclese."
“Ah, finally, you've decided to talk,” Lyney smiled as he looked at his brother, Freminet, shifting his gaze to Irene once more. “Irene Levasseur, huh?”
Irene wore a white dress under a bright red cape, her hands on her chest as she passionately sang her heart out. Lyney liked her voice. It was captivating, and he was sure that the rest of the crowd thought so as well.
When the song reached its end, the lights shut, opening again once different characters were onstage.
At that moment, Lyney realized something. “Then, wouldn't that mean she's related to the man who sponsored our show in Hotel Debord? Mr. Victor Levasseur?” Lyney asked, “he’s from a prestigious family, isn’t he? So that would mean Miss Irene is too.”
Lynette’s catlike ears perked in realization, “Oh, that's right. I forgot to mention.”
Lyney sighed, shaking his head, tutting as he crossed his arms, “Are you too entranced by Miss Irene’s voice to even remember that?”
“It’s not that—” Lynette sighed annoyedly. “You’re very insistent about me being Miss Levasseur’s fan. Maybe you're the one who's the biggest fan,” Lynette said, crossing her arms.
Lyney laughed quietly, “Well, I simply cannot deny that her voice is truly an experience one must witness, but I think it's too early to say that I'm her biggest fan. I've only seen her just now.”
“Whatever,” Lynette said coolly, paying attention to the show once more. Lyney shrugged and did the same, and the rest of the opera went as planned…
Tapping feet, clenching fists, and breathing shakily. Those were three things that Lyney usually did before a performance.
Usually, Lyney knew he'd overcome his fears a minute before his performance. But this was a show that he truly feared. Critics from Inazuma, Liyue, and Mondstadt were going to watch his show, and he could never let himself mess up a performance that would potentially bring him more foreign audiences.
Lyney was usually confident, showing his undeniably charming personality to anyone, yet he felt that he was going to feel even more fearful at the last second.
It still would be 2 hours until Lyney’s magic show, which was after the musical that was being performed at the moment. He was watching the musical in the corner of the room, feeling his stomach flip.
Lynette was still double checking props backstage; Lyney couldn't feel any less stressed with the lack of his sister’s presence. It was too much for him at the moment, but he still had a confident expression on him.
Alas, too many thoughts enshrouded the magician’s head; what if he makes a mistake while performing? What if another murder suddenly takes place during his performance? What if he failed?
All those thoughts would simply be answered by Lyney himself, trying to give himself some comfort, but to no avail. His last (and first) show in the Opera Epiclese ended up in a disaster, what's to say that it won't be a disaster in front of foreign critics?
Lyney sighed mentally, feeling miserable.
As Lyney was preoccupied in his thoughts, the crowd applauded and a familiar voice echoed in the theater, accompanied by a piano.
“Mystic moon and glowing stars, guide this boy into the night.”
“Shady figures and cold chills, let this boy venture into the forest of fright.”
“Irene?” Lyney whispered to himself, immediately recognizing her voice.
The Angel of Opera Epiclese has blessed the crowd with her wonderful vocals once more.
Indeed it was Irene onstage, wearing a floor length dress and a veil on her head. She had wings on her back and a staff on her hand—she was playing as the witch that guides the main character into the forest.
Lyney gazed at the stage, his heart picking up. He was touched by her voice, as usual. Who couldn’t be enamored by her voice?
In truth, ever since Lyney witnessed Irene's presence on the stage, he found himself humming her song every now and then. And if she ever showed up in a play, he'd try his best to go watch, although he has been barely fortunate enough to see many since he has plans of his own.
Irene sang beautifully, as always, each note sung in a harmonious tone that captivates the crowd. Everyone’s attention was on the stage–were only on the Angel of the Opera Epiclese.
Lyney didn’t reply, nor flinch.
“Psst..! Lyney.”
Lyney reluctantly stepped out of his trance, glancing here and there, finally noticing his sister, Lynette, her arms crossed, “Oh. Lynette,” he smiled, “how’s the prop check?”
“I’ve checked everything twice but I think you should personally check the things too,” Lynette stated, looking at Irene on the stage, “Oh, it’s Miss Irene.”
“...Now I understand why it took you forever to reply to me,” Lynette sighed, starting to walk backstage.
Lyney widened his eyes, surprised, “W-what do you mean?!” Lyney asked, running after Lynette, flustered at his sister’s bluntness.
“I mean that Miss Levasseur’s voice is enchanting,” Lynette said, raising her eyebrow. She didn't expect her brother’s reaction, “What else did you think?”
Before Lyney could reply, a sudden applause ensued as the two siblings went backstage. Irene's performance was probably finished.
Lyney closed his eyes for a moment, shaking his head as he took off his signature top hat, “Nothing else, nothing else. I just-” Lyney sighed, only to stop in his tracks. Lynette stopped walking too.
In front of the twins was The Angel of Opera Epiclese herself.
“Miss Levasseur!” Lyney exclaimed with a smile, immediately switching to his charming self, “what a wonderful performance you had! I knew that the crowd had their hearts racing as you sang.”
Irene nodded, smiling as well, “Thank you, Mr. Lyney.”
Lyney was surprised that Irene knew his name, but he did know that he had a bigger reputation compared to Irene—that didn't make her any less of a talented singer and entertainer, of course.
“I’ve been hoping to meet the two of you in person, it makes me very pleased to finally meet you two,” Irene stated.
Irene was like a perfect princess; her hands clasped in front of herself, showing a polite smile on her face, her posture straight, her costume perfectly fit for her, and her aura was comforting. It’s an utter sin that she wasn’t a well-known opera singer.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you too,” Lynette said, “you were beautiful onstage.”
“Thank you,” Irene responded, “are the two of you preparing for the performance you have after this musical? I'm sorry to have bothered you…”
Lyney shook his head, clutching his hat, “Not at all! Me and my sister were only doing prop checks before our show later.”
Irene smiled, nodding her head, “Good luck to you both on your performance. I’m sure you'll fascinate the stage.”
“Thank you, my lady,” Lyney bowed with a grin on his face. In truth, Lyney was a bit nervous to meet the singer he liked in person. It was basically seeing your idol in person!
Lyney glanced at Lynette, who was most likely on standby mode right now, then back at Irene, “I apologize if it seems like promotion, but I'm pretty sure we still have two tickets for our show. If you're interested in watching our show, we have two free tickets for you!”
Lynette looked at Lyney, confused. Her expression was screaming, ‘What are you doing???’ and to be honest, Lyney had no idea either.
“Ah,” Irene shook her head, “that won't be necessary. I actually already have tickets for your show tonight, so I'm looking forward to it.”
Lyney widened his eyes, surprised. Irene Levasseur? Watching his magic show? No. A better way to put it was; his celebrity crush? Personally watching his magic show? He couldn't believe it. It was like a dream.
“Oh, I see, I see! Then me and Lynette are honored to see you in the crowd!” Lyney said, still smiling.
“The pleasure is all mine—” Irene looked around, then to her manager— “I’m afraid I must abruptly end our meeting, Lyney, Lynette. It was very nice meeting you both.”
Lyney took Irene’s gloved hand, bringing it up and leaning his head down to place a delicate peck on her hand, looking into her eyes as he did so. His gaze was soft and his smile apparent—he knew he was charming but still felt bashful at his own doings.
“It was very nice to meet you too, Miss Levasseur,” Lyney said, gently letting go of Irene’s hand, “may fate lead us to meeting again on a beautiful spring day.”
Irene nodded, waving goodbye as she exited the backstage area through the hidden exit where only staff, actors, and actresses may enter.
Lyney looked back and Lynette, who was unamused by her brother's behavior, asked, “Who’s the big fan now?” she sighed, turning around to check the magic show props once more.
Lyney laughed shyly, only realizing his fast heartbeat, going on his way to check on his props for his show.
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bow divider by @/florietas
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clockwork-freminet · 6 months
About an hour after Astris had fled, Freminet saw Flyers that appeared to be made by the Steambird plastered on wall and left on the streets. It featured a picture showing the Opera Epiclese where Lyney and Lynette did their magic shows covered in a thin layer of hydro energy. A huge symbol was projected on the door. It appeared to be a huge lotus-like formatted background with twin seahorses on the front. One had a cheery expression while the other was gloomy. Each of them had a heart marking on their forehead. Like Astris'. The news letter read:
"Disturbance at the Opera Epiclese! Please exercise caution while strolling around that area. The perpetrator seems to be a young man with pink hair and a heart on his forehead. He entered at about _:_ pm and since then, the building has been sealed off. When asked to exit, he simply said he would only let one person in, but it was unlikely that he would ever come. Once again, please exercise caution. If you have any follow-up information, please report to Furina de Fontaine, Monsieur Neuvillette, or the Steambird, thank you."
Perhaps it's time for Freminet to investigate.
Freminet had just finished tending to the burn on his face when he came across the flyer. Now with a newly obtained bandage on his cheek, he took it down to read the Steambird edition, his blood running cold as he gripped the paper far tighter than necessary.
... Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no...
Quickly discarding the flyer to the ground and letting the wind carry it away, Freminet ran as fast as he could to the Opera Epiclese. His legs burned and he felt as though he'd ran a hole in his lung when he finally arrived, but he approached the building, ignoring the swarming of confused and angry citizens as well as paparazzi.
He stopped right before the hydro barrier surrounding the building. He observed the symbols for a moment, before he hesitantly reached out his hand out to touch the thin layer of hydro, preparing to be knocked back.
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i love genshin characters. i love their character flaws even more!
nosy as hell to the point of getting herself in danger? respect, charlotte
hubris, however noble the goal? damn, baizhu, hope you get somewhere w that immortality schtick dude. let hu tao give changsheng and u a good ceremony if u don't tho.
being a so-called ''''good cop''''? actually... wait, no i don't respect that chevreuse how did you have the gall to give that speech to veronique in the finale of the murder mystery.
i jest, i jest (mostly), bc that might have been an ehhhh deeeecent speech re: taking justice into ur own hands (and her dialogue at the end is pretty good too) if it wasn't a widely-established fact that fontaine's justice system and state of the law in the country is an utter wreck. like. just the RECENT things we know about (not counting the full past 500 years of lore that we have no idea about) are:
vacher had his sinthe drug empire going for 20+ years nearly uncontested apart from the spina 'tooootally not a mafia family we're really not trust us but we sure do hit a lot of mafia family notes huh' di rosula.
we're explicitly told that loopholes in law are routinely exploited by those who wish to do so, and tend to get away with it due to influence and power.
human trafficking is such a rampant thing that we have not one, not two, not three, but FOUR playable characters (lyney, lynette, freminet, wriothesley. and that's not counting the multitudes the story doesn't specifically focus on, like wriothesley's siblings) who are victims of well-established slaver networks among the wealthy and privileged.
the fleuve cendre. need i say anything more.
veronique and baptiste's father got away with murdering their mother for over two decades, presumably bc, again, wealth and privilege of his big important family. veronique was weeeeeell within her rights to fear that he would use it again to live a cushy life in prison and treat it like a vacation.
the fortress of meropide prison might as well be an underwater independent country in practice the way things work atm
if you listen to sir arthur at the steambird you get lots of little references but especially one to the borgias. paraphrasing: 'no such thing as the mafia in fontaine' says borja family head. yeah right
i know we joke about the many frivolous laws like 'eating a cake meant for the archon', 'releasing a flying object on the first 3 days of the month', 'no eating ketchup by itself' etc. they're so fucking funny but my god.
etc. etc. tldr fontaine's established criminal underworld and justice system are worse than the previous 4 countries combined and preaching faith in that system is out of touch at best. i just wish we had a bit more dialogue if we picked either option to further character exploration (telling chevreuse she did the right thing vs telling her we'd have helped baptiste and veronique) aside from one line each, bc come on i wanna talk to the characters more and have actual discussions w them!!!
and like lbr chevreuse was soooo close to doing it, she even says it herself, but as is often the case it comes down to the 'lawful' character not being personally affected and therefore choosing to factor only their own morality into the decision' like. u bet ur ass she would've shot morris without hesitation if it was one of her family or friends and their murderer got away with it for years (apart from her dad holy shiiiit that guy can burn)
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hotpinkstars · 4 months
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fontaine masterlist
lynette -> a magic assistant
lyney -> a famed fontainian magician
happy valentines day!
freminet -> a man well versed in diving
finding you crying
neuvillette -> cheif justice of fontaine
wriothesley -> duke of the fortress of meropide
sleepy cuddles
happy valentines day!
thinking about...
thinking about... pt. 2
third trimester
finding you crying
blinded mistakes
blinded mistakes - the happy ending
charlotte -> indefagitable reporter of the steambird
furina -> the "hydro archon"
hospital beds and romaritime flowers
centuries wasted
navia -> president of the spina di rosula
destruction, a vicious cycle
chevreuse -> captian of the special security and surveillance patrol
chiori -> owner of chioriya boutique
good sex cures pissy days!
chlorinde -> champion duelist
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