#the show will be ours now. they abandoned it
mikobeautifulheart · 2 days
Well more like attempted kidnapper.
TW: Stalker/kidnapper and drug use (once)
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It all started when you and were sent on mission to an abandoned building, they suspected a special grade curse in there holding a few people hostage.
You managed to get all hostages out of the building but one, it was a risk but you had to make sure that if anyone died it was the curse or you. You fought and did kill the curse, helping the last hostage out of the building yourself.
You sighed and sat on a bench out side waiting to gather enough strength to walk home. It was then you felt a shadow Infront of you.
"Oh hey, are you okay? There is medical assistance over near that car there if your injured, maybe you should just get checked out instead."
"I-I'm okay. Look, I just wanted to thank you , I really thought I was going to die back there and if it weren't for you then I wouldn't be here right now."
Coming down from your adrenalin you took a closer look at the guy. He was slim and taller then you, but he looked weak like he hadn't eaten in days. That may as well have been the case; he could have been stuck there for days before they found the curses precense.
"Eh don't worry 'bout it, it's my job. And take this." You said tossing him a snack you had in your pocket.
He caught it and smiled at you.
With that you smiled back and began to walk back. As you walked you thought you felt an odd presence, not cursed energy but something else lingering on your skin.
It was probably nothing just you being tired...
As soon as you got back to the dorms you went straight to Megumi, your beloved boyfriend, who spent the rest of the night with you curled up next to him in his bed while playing with your hair.
You wake up to see Megumi getting dressed. That's right now it's Megumi's turn.
"Wait gumi, gimmie a sec and I'll go with you" you mumbled half asleep.
"No y/n today you should sleep in, not like Gojo is going to teach any classes anyway." He said sitting on the edge of the bed to tie his shoes.
"Just rest today okay? We'll talk when I get back." With that he walked out the door and you heard it lock behind him.
You had to admit it was nice to get some rest in.
After waking up late to class you were walking around the field yourself, waiting for everyone to show up for training. You felt you phone go off in your hand showing that you had a message.
Who was the guy this morning?
It was such a random message and when you inspected it further and saw that it was from an unknown number.
You nervously paced around in circles before you brought your thoughts together. Worst case sanario you get worked up and it was just a bad prank by Nobora and you'd have to beat her in your training session.
Is he your boyfriend?
No, you refuse to play along. For now you would just ignore the number.
Why won't you answer me?
"Y/N!" Nobora shouted getting your attention. You saw her and everyone else walk toward the field smiling.
So it was a joke.
Why were you so nervous, are those your friends?
But no one in the group was holding a phone...
You decided to forget about it, you were safe now that you were with people.
Teaning ended and you walked back to rhe dorms with everyone else before taking a shower and getting dressed.
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You opened the message to see a picture if you wrapped in your towel.
The blood drained from your face.
Is it okay if I come in?
You heard a knock at the door before the sound of the door knob being rattled filled the room.
You almost screamed before you heard Megumi on the other side.
"Y/n are you in there? I lost my keys on a mission."
You sighed in relife, finally you could be safe. You opened the door to see Megumi looking at you worriedly.
"Did something happen?" he questioned.
Was it really that obvious?
"Uh no? Anyway Megumi what about our mission this afternoon?"
"Yeah we'll leave for that soon, just give me 15 minutes."
You were glad you had Megumi on the mission kr it would ahem taken way longer. The vast part was probably the fact you got to go back to the dorms together.
"I'll go do a final check and then tell ichiji were done here." Megumi said gutting up from his spot next to you leaving you a water bottle that you were grateful for.
You were exhausted now, closing your eyes you listened to the breeze pushing the trees around. It was harmonic making you close your eyes and drift off for a moment.
A sting ran down your neck as you felt something poke it...hard. you sat up headooking side to side. You almost punched someone in the face when you realised there was a guy next to you.
"Hey y/n. Remember me? I was just wondering if you had anything going on with that other guy."
"What? Who are you?" Your thoughts become clearer and you did recognise the guy, it was the hostage you saved the other day.
"Oh you, you scared me." You went down to reach your water bottle before he handed it to you smiling.
"Yeah, so who is that guy your always with?"
"My boyfriend, Megumi? How do you know I'm always with him? I haven't seen you around since the abandoned building."
"I know. But I've seen you alot."
A shiver ran down your spine when you realised this guy is probably trouble.
"I think I need to leave now" you said standing up before falling to your knees.
What was going on. You looked at the bench before seeing two water bottles, you drank out of one that didn't have the same label as the one Megumi gave you.
Your body felt heavy and it became harder to move, the guy got on his knees infront of you.
He put his hand under your chin getting a better look at your face, eyes almost closed.
"You don't deserve all that's happening to you, or that rat your dating. He dosent appreciate you the way I do."
"N...no" you mumbled as he got behind you and tied your hands painful tight.
"Don't worry, you'll never have to see him again."
He threw you over his shoulder and walked toward the forest, your head was strong enough to hopelessly watch as the bench got further away.
You couldn't stay awake much longer, you were trapped panicking in your unresponsive body. All you could do was close your eyes as he carried you away.
A line of light slipped past he blinds as your eyes started to open. Your mind went straight back to the moment you were knocked out and immediately you sat up ready to fight. You took quick shallow breaths as you heard foot steps down the hall getting closer. Eventually the door creaked slowly before you shot up and kicked it closed hard sending g the person on the otherside into the wall.
"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" You yelled through the door.
"Y/n? Calm down okay, your safe now, it's me Megumi. Your in your dorm room see? Look around." The muffled voice said on the other side.
Not even hesitating you opened the door at the sound of his voice and wrapped your arms tightly around his chest.
"Megumi I was scared, I didn't want to leave. I didn't know how but I think he dugged me and-"
You started to sob into his chest as he embraced you back.
"It's okay now, I would never let you go. From now on if anything happens ir scares you I'll be here okay?" He whispered softly in your ear.
Just as you were being carried away Megumi came back, he summoned he demon dogs to track your scent before he found the guy a nearly beat him to death. He picked your unconscious body up, wiping a tear off your cheek before carrying you back to the car like you were as fragile as glass. He laid your head on his shoulder and pushed strands of hair out of your face.
He won't admit it to you but he nearly cried when you didn't respond to his words.
"I'll never let you go."
You nodded as he picked you up and carried you onto your bed, tracing circles on your back and pressing kisses to your head.
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Tagged: @hatake05 @pinkbunnysblog
AUTHOURS NOTE: got a little of track form the original idea soo..reblogs are welcomed and have a Good whatever time <3
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nalyra-dreaming · 19 hours
I don't know, I don't think they should have went there with Marius. They could have kept Armand's history with being sex trafficked & his relationship with Marius would have still been problematic enough with their power imbalance...etc without this pimping him out line they've added.
The issue now is I'm not convinced how well they'll handle this going forward. What are they going to do when he does show up? Marius is a main character later & while he's as complex as the rest of them, Anne never wrote him as a villain, she completely adored him & even praised him as her teacher. While he has plenty haters, go to any AR post & he's a big favourite, hell any poll here on fave TVC vampire & he's right behind the big 3. I do worry that this has soured some to this show completely now & the writers have backed themselves into a corner as this is not something you can just brush away later to get him into the main group. Armand's feelings of abandonment, betrayal & wondering if he was ever loved at all was more than enough to propel their dynamic later.
... I am NOT trying to paint Armand as the big liar here, but he canonically lies to Louis (and Lestat) AND Louis reacts to the parallel he tries to draw there with Magnus and Lestat in a rather telling way.
Which... might be our cue that this tale... is also, de-facto, a tale. Oh, not a whole lie. In fact most of it I think was brutally on point. And as said before, Marius did send him to brothels to "learn", canonically. Took him to that banquet, where the men there... well, took liberties. And so on.
But Armand told that tale for an effect there. Took Louis there to make a point. In this show? In this tale? That cannot be dismissed.
So, with that said, let's keep in mind that we do not have the whole story there either.
Which, btw, does not lessen anything Armand experienced in any way. His life was a shit show, and it fucked him up.
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AITA for telling my friend that our mutual friend doesn't care for us as much as we care about her?
'Harriet' (20F), 'Daisy' (19F) and I (20F) have been friends since we were kids. 6 years ago Harriet was forced to leave the country - we planned on all meeting again once we were adults and could afford it.
Daisy has wanted to visit Harriet for over a year now, but I've been reluctant because Harriet never shows the same interest. She never seems very excited when the topic is brought up, and I also find it questionable that we should have to visit her rather than the other way around, considering there are two of us here and one of her over there.
Daisy admits that Harriet doesn't reply to her texts that much, and I barely talk to Harriet at all nowadays. It does make me sad but I don't want to spend my money going to see someone who doesn't really want to see me. Daisy has been abandoned and let down by her friends time and time again, and basically never gives up on people. She has a lot of insecurities about people secretly hating her, which is why I could never bring myself to tell her how I really felt. After all, I don't think that Harriet hates us, I just think she's moved on with her life.
About a week ago I found out that about a year after Harriet was forced to leave, she returned to the country without telling anyone - I guess this was to visit family. I found out from a mutual friend who lives in the same country as Harriet. I was shocked and angry that she hadn't said anything - I would have been prepared to travel to whatever part of the country she was staying in just to see her. I was especially shocked because she was still very close to Daisy and I at this point, so I didn't understand why she would lie. She would constantly talk about how badly she wanted to see us, but was in the same country as us and didn't say anything!
Yesterday Daisy brought up the topic of visiting Harriet again, and with the information that I now have, I found myself unable to keep my thoughts to myself. I told Daisy that Harriet has moved on and that we shouldn't waste our money on her, and that if she cared that much she would make more of an effort to talk to us, or even visit us herself. I also told her about my recent discovery.
Daisy was really sad and started crying over the phone, saying that she didn't understand why no one wanted to stay friends with her. I felt awful and did my best to comfort her, explaining to her that I didn't think Harriet had any bad feelings towards her and that she had just grown distant over time. This didn't really seem to help though and she hung up and hasn't been online since.
To be honest I'm still confused about a lot of things, like why Harriet lied about not being able to visit before, but I still think that what I said was fair. I don't want Daisy to waste her affection on someone who doesn't feel the same way. I will admit that I hold a lot of resentment towards Harriet due to messed up things she has done to me in the past - however, I don't think I've been blinded by my anger towards her, I think the conclusion I came to was fair and unbiased. Still, I feel guilty, since what I said seems to have badly affected Daisy, and maybe I'm biased against Harriet without knowing? So, AITA?
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thoughtsfromlayla · 2 days
26 Ways of Taking You: F for Face Sitting
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Summary: You've waited for 106 years for an apology. So an apology you shall receive.
Notes: ~1.4k words, not edited or beta read lol, we are raw doggin it
Warnings/Tags: MDNI - 18+, face sitting/queening, Sub!Dream, reincarnated reader, unexpected orgasm, strip teasing is you squint really hard, written at 4am do not come for me at grammar mistakes
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In the rubles of an abandoned kingdom, you have long since accepted your solitude. 106 years of solitude is something no person, mortal or not, should go through. And though, yes, you were mortal, each lifetime you have reincarnated you have always sought out Dream of the Endless as your lover.
When you came to be in your previous lifetime, you did not know that he would be captured and that you would die alone and cold in your bed. Here you are now, walking amongst the broken pillars and cracked shards of glass once more. The Dreaming is more broken since the last time you visited some decades ago. 
The once shared bed that you lay in brings little comfort to you. Its satin sheets have grown rough, the pillows flat, and even as you bundle yourself within the blanket, the familiar smell of him has faded. Soon enough, even that will be gone and you will have nothing left to remember him by.
You felt his presence before you saw him. It was like a pulse that rippled through the realm, a pulse that guaranteed the return of its king, a promise of rebirth. But, after being disappointed for so long, you stay put; waiting patiently for him within his castle walls. If Dream really has returned, then a few more minutes won’t change anything.
Melancholy turns to anger as you remember the day he was captured was the same day he left you waiting at the lover’s table. The waitress had come by several times to ask if your dining partner was going to come and every hour you insisted he would. 
Dream never did show himself, for reasons unknown to you at that time, and you drown your sorrows in the sparkling champagne they offered. You didn’t bother eating dinner and left embarrassed, hiding your face from the pitied faces of the other diners around you. 
Much to your surprise, he does show himself to you. He looked tired, skinner, and almost broken. When your eyes connected, it took him a few moments to read your soul. To know who you truly are in this new reincarnation. He came to you like a moth to a flame, his relief evident on his face as he slumped into your arms. 
If only you were in a better mood.
“How dare you leave me!” You pushed him away and smacked his chest. “You embarrassed me! You forgot about me! You let me die alone!” Each statement was met with another smack to the chest. You were positively fuming, brows furrowed.
“Forgive me for missing our last date,” He muttered and slumped back into your neck. 
“You should be sorry.” You sounded mad, but you were relieved that he finally came back home. 
You hold Dream’s head in your hands, and even when the situation doesn’t call for it, the way he looked at you with a downturn lip and pleading eyes sends signals straight to your cunt. It has been several years since you’ve last laid with him. 
“You should make it up for me, then I’ll accept your apology,” You stated with a smug look on your face. 
Dream only nodded as he let you lead you to the bed. You push him back until he is watching you on his elbows. After you back away from the bed did you begin to shimmy yourself out of your clothes. Morpheus watches intently as your fingers ghost across your waist, giving him a glimpse of your stomach. 
He swallowed as you discarded your top, the bralette does little to hide your figure. Your hands move down your curves and his eyes follow when your fingers trace the top of your pants. You walked to him and he sat up slowly, looking up at you with a plea. 
“Do you deserve this?” You asked as his hands cover yours over the rim of your pants. His finger traced across your knuckles as he memorized your body once again. 
Morpheus only nodded and with a satisfied smile you guided his hands to the button that keeps you from him. His fingers are cold against your skin, the gentle carasses tickling the sensitive skin the further he goes. The button pops open easily as his dexterous fingers opens the seams of your jeans 
You allowed him to be impatient, to take your underwear off with your pants. When you’re bare to him in nothing but your bralette, you push him down once more. 
With a slow and deliberate motion, you crawl over him, resting yourself high on his chest. Dream’s hands roam across the softness of your thighs, running his fingers down the expense of your legs. You stay there a moment, basking in his presence and the way his chest rises and falls with his vitality. 
“Please,” He begged, wetting his dry lips with his tongue. Your eyes dilate as you watch the wet muscle cross over his lips.
Your wetness was seeping through the fabric of his shirt and he was, quite literally, starved. Starved for food perhaps not, but for you and your taste alone? Yes. 
“Okay,” You whispered. “Lay down for me, my love.” You guided him again with a gentle hand. 
He does as he is told and waits like a good boy as you settle yourself above him. You feel the heat of his breath on your most sensitive areas and when you look down at him you see him already staring at you.
Morpheus licks his lips again and when you still don’t sit down on him, his impatience gets the better of him. He turns his head and sinks his teeth into the plushness of your thigh. Your hands shoot for the headboard to steady yourself as he sucks a blooming hickey where his lips part. 
He’s staring at you again, his eyebrows furrowed as you have yet to sit down on him. Dream’s hands keep your hips in place as he goes to your thighs once more, dragging his tongue in a long line until his head is almost off the bed. 
“Holy shit,” You gasped as the wetness of his tongue grazed over your pussy lips. Your breath grows uneven as heat pools between your thighs. 
“You are trembling,” He hummed in content, nosing your other thigh for attention. His cock was tented and growing uncomfortable in his pants and he shifts to gain any traction for himself.
“Oh, shut up,” You groaned, finally lowering yourself onto his face. 
Dream moaned as your entire being invaded his senses. In scent he adores you, in touch he connects to you, in taste he worships you, in sight he ravishes you, and in sound he hears the whispers of his name like a prayer falling from your lips. 
Morpheus’ tongue shoots out, licking the length of you. He circle’s your clit slowly and your hips jerk in place as his hands keep you steady. Your other hands run through the strands of his unruly hair and you grab at the base, steering him to where you need him most. 
Dream lets you take control, he will have his time, but for now it’s about apologizing. He tastes you deeply, pushing his tongue into your weeping cunt. The Endless’ eyes rolling to the back of his head as he feels you tighten around his tongue and your nails dig into his scalp. 
You’re a whimpering mess above him, grinding your hips down and in a corner of your mind, you’re glad to have an immortal lover. If not, you fear you might have broken his neck. 
But there’s no room for thoughts like that. Not when he’s back at your clit again, using the flat of his tongue to pleasure your bundle of nerves. He gulps down your arousal, tasting you in the back of his throat like honey.
His nails raked along the length of your legs, leaving rising claw-like marks on the soft skin. Dream does his best to taste you, all of you, but some of your arousal drips down the sides of his chin. He groans as his nose bumps against your clit and you jump at the sensation.
Your thighs tremble, your fingers tingle and your moans grow higher in pitch as your orgasm comes to you unexpectedly. You see the stars of the Dreaming dance across your eyelids and Morpheus helps you ride out your orgasm, his name singing from your lips. 
When you’re done and nothing but a panting mess and a slump of flesh and bone does his stop. His hands are still on you, rubbing the indent on your hips in soothing circles. 
“Forgiven?” He asks, looking at you with the rare smile that could make flowers bloom. 
“Forgiven,” You sigh happily.
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Here you go you thirsty people
♡ Yours, Layla
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beardedmrbean · 5 hours
A newborn baby found earlier this year in Newham, east London, is the third child abandoned by the same parents, the BBC can report.
DNA tests presented to the East London Family Court established that “Baby Elsa” is the sibling of two babies, a boy and a girl, found in very similar circumstances in 2017 and 2019.
Despite appeals by the Metropolitan Police, their parents have not been identified.
The BBC and PA Media were given special permission by the court to report the sibling link - and that the children are black.
Judge Carol Atkinson said the story was of "great public interest" as babies are very rarely abandoned in modern Britain.
An expert told the court that, in his opinion, the genetic findings provided extremely strong scientific support for the view that Baby Elsa was “a full sibling” of the other two babies.
The older children have been adopted and Baby Elsa remains in foster care.
She was found by a dog-walker in January in sub-zero temperatures - the coldest night of the year - wrapped in a towel inside a bag.
The other babies - named Harry and Roman - had also been abandoned after birth in the same area of London.
They had been wrapped in blankets. One was also inside a bag.
Family Court documents stated Baby Elsa still had her umbilical cord, and doctors estimate she had been born only an hour before.
Although she was extremely cold when found, Elsa was described as crying and responsive. The court has since heard that she is doing well.
The Family Court has heard that the children - whose names have now been changed - will all know that they are full siblings, and there are plans for them to have some form of contact as they grow up.
The reporting of the sibling link was not supported by the local authority and England's Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (Cafcass), which advises courts about children's best interests.
The Met Police said it was up to the court to determine whether the link between the children should be reported, but they told the court they did not wish to “inadvertently promote or encourage struggling mothers to abandon unwanted babies in public spaces”.
East London Family Court is taking part in a transparency pilot, which has been extended to cover almost half the family courts in England and Wales. This makes it easier for the BBC and other journalists to report cases.
The BBC and PA Media argued in court that it was a matter of public interest that the three children had been abandoned at birth by the same parents.
Carol Atkinson, the most senior judge in East London Family Court, agreed.
“Abandonment of a baby in this country is a very, very unusual event,” she said, adding that there was considerable public interest in such cases, for that reason.
She said the fact the three babies were full siblings was, for the same reason, “of enormous interest” in “our current society”.
She said that if she were to refuse reporting, it would affect the “public consciousness” of these matters, and restrict open justice in such cases.
The BBC and PA said further reporting was likely to assist the authorities in locating the children’s parents, and that highlighting the relationship would put the focus back on the children’s mother.
Very few babies are recorded as abandoned at birth in England and Wales. The ONS only published data until 2015, and that showed no babies were registered as abandoned for the previous three years, with just one logged as abandoned in 2011.
However academic researchers estimate the number higher, at about 16 per year - in analysis covering the period 1998-2005.
The press reported on an abandoned baby in Hackney, east London, in 2020 - and another in Birmingham in 2021. Their mothers were eventually traced, several months later. ______________
Woman campaigns to introduce baby boxes in the UK
A woman who was abandoned as a baby is campaigning to introduce baby boxes in the UK. ____________________
Having these should really be a no brainer by now
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leonardalphachurch · 11 months
i cannot fucking wait for this show to be over so i never have to think about this shitty company ever again
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girlwiththegreenhat · 2 months
having just made it to KITT vs KARR i stand by my point that KARR has done nothing wrong ever in his life
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rimouskis · 1 month
I am genuinely upset about Andi! WTF is FSG doing? She's one of the best in the entire league! The pens online presense was top tier but with ITR gone last year, and now Andi, I don't have any idea what their plans are. Please let Jen be safe! I'm sure Andi will find a place. I'm not too worried for her. The Pens media department tho
I really wish her the best in whatever she does next. She was at the helm at the peak of the Pens' social media engagement and prominence, and while that fell off as she ascended the ladder and became a VP/further removed from the day-to-day posting, I think she did a ton of good work here.
I'll be very interested in how the department reconfigures in her absence. There seem to be a lot of power vacuums right now, with lots of people with long tenures at the Pens departing. Part of me hopes there's a chance for young blood; other teams have been doing more innovative, more curious, and more creative stuff in terms of their media. While losing legacy employees is a loss, I can only hope that there's an infusion of youthful, out-of-the-box thinking coming our team's way. It's the best we can hope for.
#I'd be galled if jen were let go frankly. like sure no one is too high up to be safe w/e but she is HIGH UP#and she's very ingratiated w/ the players (think about geno's “I want to go home jen” lol)#while I don't doubt andi was a familiar face to them I think they rely on jen a *lot*.#I think about her interview she did where she said she thought of some of them (kris/sid/g) as her kids lol#but also I thought andi was safe when I read the announcement today so clearly this is all conjecture and I don't claim to KNOW anything#I think our media has been falling behind in the past several years admittedly.#it's hard because I *did* join the fandom when the team was at its peak and I think that makes media/fan engagement easier. you're a winner#but I think it's just a matter of fact that we are not as cutting edge as we once were on our socials#the loss of ITR blows and I'm still mad at FSG for that#but I think they have a chance now to prove they care about getting back to innovation. I don't know that I trust them to execute it though#also I don't want this to be a critique of andi. especially when she's freshly off of losing her role.#this is more about the org itself needing to refocus on being innovative.#they've been a bit too comfortable in a lot of aspects in the past few years. having been to more arenas now and seeing more teams do thing#I have found it easy to say it feels like other teams/orgs are TRYING harder.#seattle puts on a show every game. their in-arena partners are cool. they have live music before every game. they have a freakin' drum line#y'know? pittsburgh had.... a really annoying train airhorn this season that they abandoned halfway through lol#the spirit of innovation has been gone for a few years now. if this gets it back... well we'll all be lucky IF that happens.
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cashmoneychiyo · 1 year
do you plan on doing any side projects or translate other series if gsnk gets closer to its end? (though hopefully that won't be anytime soon lol)
Similar to what we've said in the FAQ re: translating other series, CMC was created solely for GSNK so we likely won't pick up any non-GSNK works as a group. If there's still any other new GSNK-related content we'll probably turn our attention to that, and old GSNK content isn't out of the question either (eg. redoing the first bunch of chapters). But that's something for the group to decide when the time comes hopefully a very long while away. In the possible scenario that some of us decide to keep working together and scanlate another series it might not be under the CMC name.
Some of us are part of other scanlation groups or do solo scanlations too (though most of the latter has been put aside in favour of GSNK) so there's also that \o/
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
You brought up Naomi and that reminded me of the time Atsushi got kidnapped and while the others were like, debating whether or not to go save him, Naomi went to the president (which honestly is like telling your dad on your siblings) to tell him what was up KNOWING full well he’d prioritize Atsushi’s rescue
Right?? I adore that scene!! It's the one that keeps me from liking the character only out of spite to instead be able to say I genuinely like the character. That was such a badass move!! I'm really grateful to Naomi for being the only one able to symphatize with Atsushi in that moment. And using her position (?) to reach out to Fukuzawa, ahah, that was so cute!! I love her
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chalcan · 7 months
guys we're all just collectively feeling like Ed at the end of S1
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prophetmutual · 1 year
busy season is ending i can finally finish bcs :))))
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
"hey HEY what do you have in your mouth!!! sit SIT. SPIT IT OUT GIVE IT—" but instead of talking to a dog it's me about my parents using the word overstimulated as nothing but another way to make fun of our anxious traumatized dog for doing things they find inconvenient or unreasonable or illogical (and, by extension, everyone who uses the term for legitimate reasons). (WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM!!!!!!!!!! AND ALSO WHERE THE FUCK DID THEY HEAR IT BECAUSE I DON'T USE IT AROUND THEM On Purpose BECAUSE I KNOW THEY'D BE ANNOYING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
#cannot stress enough that they are ill informed. they do not know what they're talking about and would not accept it if i told them#they're not accomodating to sensory needs and do not fucking know the context of capital o Overstimulation in regards to like. ppl with#sensory difficulties. like. c'mon man. if i told you i was overstimulated you'd tell me it wasn't that bad and i should just sit still and#shut up. but suddenly it's fine when you're making jokes about??? completely unrelated things??? i mean. dogs can probably be#overstimulated. i think everyone can in kind of a general sense. but they act like her getting up from the couch or smth is some frantic#strange action. they're super fucking weird about her actually they'll like. tease(?) her about how needy and pathetic and unloved she is#and how 'traumatized' she is and how that makes her act in ways that bother them in kind of an eye roll-y way which like.#SHE *IS* TRAUMATIZED. WE'VE ESTABLISHED THAT SHE HAS REASON TO ACT LIKE THIS#like 'haha she's soooo afraid we'll abandon her she's so ridiculous' what like how she was ditched as a puppy and lived on the streets for#like a year? you don't think that could've affected her at all#fucking psych major bullshit ass. 'formative experiences actually don't affect you lol' go fuck yourself#im not saying you can't tease your pets but they're treating her like her anxiety and even basic affection seeking is some huge burden#when it's absolutely not. they just want to be mean to her because they don't want her to act that way and don't care about how she feels#because they think they know better and she has no immediate reason to feel that way. god i wonder if THAT has any relevance to how they#raised their children. christ on a cracker man what the fuck#how to create an environment where your children feel safe expressing their problems (a goal they supposedly have):#1) not whatever this shit is. what the fuck is wrong with you#look maybe it doesn't sound that bad but it's been going on for years and it's been pissing me off for years. they're so cruel and for what#it's such a double standard. our other (male) dog seeks affection about as often and they don't ever make fun of him for it#and they've gotten more and more entitled about her showing affection. like it's commanded now. it's gross to me okay i don't like it#she's a sweet and kind and loving girl and i don't get why they feel the need to act like her wanting their love is so horrible when they#literally want that from her and scold her when she doesn't do it#this general attitude that ppl are over exaggerating their trauma or their feelings or their needs/wants/boundaries is so pervasive w them#that complete disregard for/invalidation of how others feel if you can't personally relate to or understand it. the mockery and cruelty#they wouldn't do it if she could understand them. i think they just like having that power over smth small that loves them#so *i* have to be like 'ohhh i love u ur so good!! im so happy ur here' to her to balance it and then thats also seen as ridiculous. wtf#skrunks' parents be considerate and introspective to ppl without risk of rejection if unkind & also don't be ableist challenge (impossible)#they will call low/no empathy ppl frightening monsters and then do this shit. empathy is not necessary for kindness and frankly if that's#your only reason to care about the wellbeing of others i think that's worse. bitch IM low empathy. at least i give a shit#im so glad my mom didnt puruse psychology after her bachelor's she woulda hurt so many people. or maybe she'd be better idk. fucks sake
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1980ssunflower · 1 year
bwahh miss eddie tbh
#f/o:🔥jump in the fire🤘#tape entry circa 1980#id like to draw stuff of us together again but DRAWING kinda sucks tbh hfdsjk#idk was thinking abt eddie convincing me to play dnd w him and him making me a tee that says 'babies first dnd session' on it HFDJSK#was thinking a bit on our lore too#i havent thought on it very hard or anything but the gist of it i decided on since like i first started liking eddie was like#we were childhood friends but i kinda abandoned him for popularity but we're not like enemies now we're just distant#in season 1+2 my s/i has a more posh look to him to fit in w the popular crowd w like hints of his actual style#(which is just my irl hair metal look // which my parents just said recently they thought my eddie keychain was supposed to be me lol)#post highschool he starts leaning more into that style and is more himself!#hes best friends w steve and works w him and robin at scoops ahooy + the video rental place too#in terms of show accuracy i guess he'd only start getting close to eddie again during season 4#and 1000% that motherfucker isnt dying cause i will SAVE HIM#ALSO my s/i uses my irl guitar which is a black les paul w the fret inlays being bats!#so because of that tbh i think eddie got his tattoo to match w me 👍#(since i have the same tattoo lol)#oh and liike i might as well sayy#fairly recently i dreamt of eddie again but didnt want to say anything w how very romantic it was#its funny that every time eddie is in my dreams its always romantic#but we got away from the group to explore something we saw in the distance#and i just remember linking pinkies together and eventually holding hands and how my heart fluttered from that especially#idk why hand holding feels so special w us#but you know whats INSANE#i KISSED him we KISSED#i have NEVER kissed any f/o EVER in my dreams and EDDIE had to fucking be my first f/o dream kiss INSTEAD OF MY HUSBANDS GHDFSJK#UNIVERSEEE IVE BEEN W MY HUSBANDS FOR YEARS NOW CANT YOU PLEASE LET ME KISS THEM FOR THE LOVE OF GODDD HDFSJKL
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ai-thne · 2 years
can't believe someone still has to say this but if you, a cis straight girl, fancy yourself for having so many friends who are gay men, but think that that makes you entitled to say the f slur and act weird around my partner and i (lesbians) when we're there talking to our mutual friend, you're a bigot in rainbow clothes.
#yelling into the void#sorry this sounds like i should have posted it in 2015 because by now the whole point of this post is obvious to everybody#but unfortunately i live in a backwards hellhole of a country so we still have an abundance of people like this and it still makes me mad#because ok time to rant#couple days ago my friends and partner and i all went to a festival together#we go every year and it's always great fun#except this year a couple of our friends decided to invite their own friends from out of the region too#i personally don't know those people but you do you i mean i have abandonment issues but they don't really apply in this case#(i still felt like shit thinking about how they went around more with those people than us their friends of several years but ok)#also i don't really remember if they asked us if it was ok if those people were coming or not but i digress#either way yeah they were fine with us not really liking this one girl that was coming because„„#you know the popular high school girl stereotype?#yeah#she's unable to admit being at fault too and the person i'm vaguing in the text above#because girl you can't just straight up go silent and look at my partner with that fucking face (even i can tell) once we show up#we were on queue for food too lmao it's not like i'm here to annoy you i'm hungry#if i could go somewhere else i'd go there but yk#i have food allergies and more than two vendors here don't know if their fry oil could send me flying into anaphylaxis so#so anyway. went quiet when my partner and i showed up and whispered to who i assume was her shitty bf while i talked#as if i talked more than 500 words the whole festival#i felt like shit and i hope to god she lives with the uncomfortable feeling of knowing that she can't fool my partner and i with her facade#i made fun of it once i realized (in private) but then it just faded into bitterness
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leonardalphachurch · 11 months
i think it’s really funny that all the people in the tags of that poll saying to vote chucker are people who are still active participants in the fandom meanwhile there’s like one person saying to vote lolix who’s still active. it’s what i’ve always said felix girlies are NOT loyal you’re coming crawling back to vote on a poll well we all know where your loyalties lie.
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