#the sawyer brothers
scrapnick · 2 years
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“Y’all weren’t this heavy 20 years ago…”
Some things never change, you can always carry your little brothers on your back, no matter how big they get
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horrorcringe · 9 months
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Drayton doesn't understand the importance of Choptop's makeup routine.
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eerie-candid · 1 year
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How Drayton got his first gray hair
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lambf4rm · 9 months
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Sissy and her brothers
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spookysweaterblog · 9 months
How's Grandpa fairing? We know he's the best at killing but surviving explosions? Hmmmmmm.
you know how grandpa joe got out of bed and then he could dance and run around? Grandpa Sawyer had the strength to finally get out of his chair to help his grandson and now he's unstoppable
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(he was also the furthest away from the dud explosion)
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slasherboy-brainrot · 11 months
Are slashers just inherently sexual or have I completely lost the plot
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black--cherry16 · 2 years
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Cursed Slashers #4
(sorry not to come back)
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k1swass · 6 months
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but it's literally me.
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ofthehands · 5 months
Watching TCM the shocking truth rn (free on Tubi!) And this image + the caption is killing me
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linusbenjamin · 11 months
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Happy Birthday Josh Lee Holloway 🎂 (b. July 20, 1969)
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gibberishquestion · 8 months
turns out there’s this thing called a “hobby” you can have where you enjoy doing a thing even if you’re not obsessed with it. fucked up right
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scrapnick · 2 years
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Sawyers 🥩
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Slashers x child!reader… except it’s CHILDREN, because they are TWINS
Uhm I made the twins energetic hope you didn't mind it 👉👈
Warnings: mentions of murder and luring. Idkk??? Fluff??
Characters in this : Michael Myers, sinclair brothers and Bubba sawyer SORRY SO SHORT.
Relationship: Platonic! Father/uncle/older sibling figure? Yes?
Slashers x twins! Reader
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*immense sigh inserted from Michael*
How he'll take this is a matter of how they act.
Just two quiet timid little munchkadees and he shows a thumbs up.
But two little sly mischievous pranksters are a big no no from him. But let's go with that for the rest of the oneshot.
One was already hard enough for him but two?? He's gonna be breaking them spine and knees a little earlier... You can just imagine him sitting on a chair while two little children run around him and you can see the exhaustion behind his mask.
They can mess with him and ask him who is who and most of the time he gets it right or says idgaf. But if it's peepaw Michael he's a bit more willing to play along. Orr says idgaf too and points to whoever.
He doesn't necessarily hold those two but if they ask reeeeaaaallllyyyyy nicely he might. When he did though he thought it felt weird holding two children in his arms and intended to drop them after 10 seconds but seeing how happy and excited it made them he extended it to a few minutes. (And moved around the house a little since they asked really nicely about that too.)
If they get into an argument and get mad at each other and they turn to him for help he's panicking inside because he doesn't know wtf to do. He just grabs whatever their favorite food or drink is and hopes they make up.
One moment he goes into another room and comes back to find the twins throwing things around and screaming and he glares at them and gave them a little bonk on their heads and made them clean up.
If he finds out the twins had a bully he's ready for bone breaking or stabbing but if he also finds out the twins are tormenting the bully back for revenge and he just- he's so proud. (He came up to them and gave them a thumbs up.)
Overall he doesn't really love it nor does he really hate it. And he wouldn't say he wishes one of them to disappear cause he doesn't. I guess he kinda loves likes the both of you equally.
Sinclair brothers
Bo looks at the both of them together sometimes and smiles because they lowkey remind him of him and Vincent when they were younger. (The children twins get along wayy better) he tries not to mind and lash out when they're acting especially chaotic but you know the romantical relationship between him and anger so he yells at them. But then he later feels super guilty and tries to apologize with ice cream or something. Actually he's pretty lenient on them cause there's two of them and in his sense that means if one is in trouble then the other one will get them out of it. Boy was he wrong. He found them both wailing in a ditch with leaves as bait somewhere that they dug up because they wanted to catch animals for food but they forgot it was there. He also bonked them in the head after lifting them up. You can see him a lot with the twins and lure tourists in like 'heh... Yes come follow these two innocent looking kids...' He would rather die than admit it but he really likes having the twins company. He acts so nasty and detached but yk he would be so hurt if they didn't talk to him more than 10 times a day. Whatever tourist that picks on them or acts extremely suspicious around them would be dead before the sky turns deep blue. I bet he lets them hang on his arms and turns so smug when they comment about how strong their 'uncle' is. Wait did they say uncle? He accidentally dropped them. And crode later. Overall he likes them more than he could ever admit.
Vincent he loves watching them play (not in a weird way ofc) he watches them and sighs because he highkey wishes Bo would be a bit nicer to him sometimes. And for some reason he is a little nicer when the twins are around. When days are getting long and there's nothing to do he's playing with them, whether it be tag or dressing up in tutus he's fine with it. He gets worried a lot when the twins are on their own. Instead of a mindset like bo (and Lester) he thinks what would happen if BOTH of them get in trouble. He doesn't want to find two dead bodies somewhere so he tries to keep a close eye on them. A scenario where the twins are also running around in circles around Vincent sitting in a chair except he doesn't mind it and smiles. Contests where the twins draw Vincent and makes him choose whose art is better but he doesn't have the heart to choose which are inevitable. Anybody who looks at them weird? Gone. Not even wax just gone. Treats them like they're his own (he is their father figure). Since lester isn't always in ambrose Vincent does most of the raising since Bo apparently is always doing something (he tries.). So Vincent is the twins favorite and always comes to him for help unless it's about mechanical or such. Probably holds the twins in his arms a lot and scurries or runs around because it's so cool for them to look at everything from the height of 6'1 - 6'ft. His soul almost leaves him when they play and run around in the house of wax. Vincent thinks it's kinda hard handling twins but he loves it either way.
I said before Vincent was their favorite but boy do they get excited when they see Lester. He doesn't always come but he doesn't always decide to not visit. To be honest because of the twins he visits more frequently oh and they loveee jonesy. And for the record he's the fun-est and also funniest so when he pulls up with them truck the twins will be yelling, "omg look uncle Lester came!!!" Bo will give shit. Not to the twins but to Lester for some reason. The whole day you'll be spending time with Lester and they play stuff like who can hit the most animals with uncle Lester's car. (Sorry they don't actually play that.) But hes convenient because when the twins are refusing to do Or eat something and knowing how competitive chaotic kids are, Lester does the good ol' who can eat/clean the fastest and also does it with them so it'll be more fun. And he's carefree too and then he also finds the twins somewhere in trouble. I'm imagining a scenario where he tells a creepy tourist to get in a car and then he was driving really fast around a cliff and then he opens the tourist's side of the car door and roughly pushes them off the cliff. They were there to witness it all and honestly they were high key rooting for Lester. The kid twins get into mischief with Lester a lot and Bo finds it so annoying and Vincent is just concerned. Them and Lester are literal partners in crime. They work together like legitimately. Also when the twins get mad at each other Lester makes them apologize to each other and then treats them with food or some activity for doing so. Because it's important to apologize <3. Overall, he loves em' and they love him.
Bonus, jonesy!!: did I mention they love jonesy? Everytime the kid twins aren't playing with Lester they're most definitely being playfully chased by jonesy. Ofc she catches them every time and also gives them little kisses on the cheeks :,). 🩷🩷🩷 jonesy is just a natural at everything that's why she got along so well the first time they met with the kid twins, in fact she's the head master and wears the pants in the sinclair family. She's extremely vital. Someone acts mean to one of the twins? The other one and jonesy team up and start beating the person. Somehow they three team up and torment the other Sinclairs and the brothers have no idea how but they allow it. Overall 100/10, she's their second partner in crime.
Bubba sawyer
He loves taking care of them! Just whenever he can he plays with them. Wayy too attached to the twins since they're really the only ones who treat Bubba like an actual human being.
Will get so stressed if they mess up somewhere in a room because Drayton will yell at both the twins and Bubba. (The twins shit talk about Drayton and let Bubba on it too but he gets nervous.)
He also runs around the house holding one twin on his arms and one on his back. The twins love pulling that "guess who is who" Question and watch as Bubba struggles and fidgets as he tries to figure out.
There isn't really a quiet day with twins chasing each other but Bubba loves it. It doesn't make him feel alone. As much as he dislikes it, the twins help and lure victims in and also watch the brutal killings. If they insist it doesn't really bother them that much then he'll be put a little at ease.
He gets the big sad when the twins come crying to him after Drayton yelled at them for acting like the kids that they should act like. Knowing Bubba has a soft heart he can't really do anything other than comfort them physically by stroking their hair/heads.
He tries his best to keep them safe at all times knowing how dangerous this can be if the victims get smart or lucky. Overall he loves them to death and he wouldn't have it any other way.
This is the end. I'm losing my creativity and it took me like 6+ to finish this because I'm so indecisive. Anyways tell me if you want a part two :))
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scary-tingz · 1 year
Slashers + Valentine’s Day
A/N: A little late to the party but ah well! (Edited to be more gender neutral!)
Slashers Included: Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer, Freddy Krueger, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Sinclair Brothers
Warnings: NSFW themes ahead, reader wearing lingerie, mention of blood, organs, bugs
Michael Myers
You’d think someone like Michael would give less of a shit about the holidays, but now that he has a partner he seems to care at least a little bit about ones outside of Halloween.
He’s not gonna put on a big show, but he will appear from the hallway with blood on one arm, damn near past his elbow. Attached to his hand is a big bloody heart, how sweet.
He grabs your hands and wraps them around it, the bundle of red warmth still pulsing faintly in your grip. He squeezes them, his hands against yours. There’s a bloody mess on the floor now, but you know better to complain about such a thoughtful gift.
He stalked the biggest toughest guy he could find just to be sure the heart would be huge, and then he took it for his lover. Try putting it in a jar with some celsior if you don’t want it to spoil, maybe decorate it with some stickers and fake flowers. He’d be more than happy to work on some diy decorations for the container.
He doesn’t expect anything from you, but any gifts received will be cherished and promptly stored in his room as either a decoration or in the droor he has especially for you.
Jason Voorhees
You’d have to remind him of the day, he doesn’t really bother to count them to be quite honest.
I’m not sure he even knows what Valentine’s Day is, as he never really got to experience the holiday as a child. None of the other kids would give him candy and it’s more likely that his mother would keep him in the house for the day to spare him the embarrassment and humiliation.
Buuut upon hearing your explanation of the day he immediately gets up and marches off to go find you the prettiest forest flowers and the tastiest edible berries he can find!
If you get lucky and have some campers on that day he’ll slay them for their chocolate and steal anything red, white, or pink in your honor.
If you get him a gift he’ll be over the moon, picking you up and spinning you around, fawning over it all day and generally slacking on his usual duties of maintaining the camp. As long as he isn’t ignoring anything too pressing, let him have his moment and enjoy whatever you gave him.
Thomas Hewitt
Luda Mae is sure to remind the two of you as the days draw closer, since there’s actually a couple in the house to celebrate it for.
Normally she’d glance at the calendar and sigh as she marked the day off, shaking her head in disappointment that none of her boys found someone yet… Then you came along, and she’s probably happier about the holiday then you and Tommy are!
She even gets the neighbors to come over and celebrate, they throw the most glorious tea party! Luda and the tea lady do most of the baking while Henrietta prepares the tea, chatting on about the leaves she’s using and how lovely a couple you and Tommy are… Of course Charlie is none too pleased, but when is he ever?
Away from it all, Tommy presents you with a thoughtful gift he’s been working on for a while. In his basement resides a romantic bone sculpture of two figures kissing, one resembling him and the other resembling you. It’s made out of bones both big and small, and isn’t entirely complete yet.
It’s no Sinclair masterpiece but you’d be remiss to not appreciate his craftsmanship, he must have spent ages scavenging and collecting all of the pieces for that.
He pretends like he isn’t expecting anything from you, but a little part of him hopes you made something for him. Even if it’s something small he’d love it, keeping it in his room at all times so that he can look at it when he needs to calm down.
Bubba Sawyer
Sadly the fanfare in the Hewitt household is virtually nonexistent with this particular iteration of the slaughter family.
You and Bubs hardly get the chance to kiss without Drayton waving his broomstick around like a madman, warding him away from you and telling y’all to get back to work.
But when you two finally get some alone time, he gives you the gift he’s been hiding for a while now.
It’s a mask of your very own, cut from a victim who resembles you slightly. The flesh has been preserved and covered in makeup to give the illusion that the skin is still lively, despite the grim looking backside.
Bubba is the kind of guy that you could give a pebble for Valentine’s so long as you went through a great deal of convincing him it was special, and he’d love it.
You end the night with a slow dance, Nubbins and Chop Top hopping around like crickets despite the slow pace of the love song on the radio. They’re just happy that their brother is happy, even though they tease you two lovebirds all the time.
Freddy Krueger
Unless you want to wake up at your job/school moaning and screaming, be sure to catch your Z’s.
He’ll visit you the night before, claiming to have something special planned for you tomorrow. He’ll likely tease you all night long and then wake you up early before you can cum. You wake up unsatisfied, and will have to finish the job yourself for the time being.
All bets are off when you get home and finally rest.
When you wake up in your dream, the world around you is colored as though you’re looking through rose-tinted shades. The man of your dreams honks his horn outside of your house, and you get in the car. You do everything you’ve ever wanted to do with a partner, but such a pleasant dream can only last so long with Freddy.
By the time you and the handsome stranger are about to enter the bedroom the scenario devolves into the usual Krueger-brand madness that you’ve become accustomed to. You wait patiently for him to stop trying to scare you and start trying to fuck you, which he eventually does when he sees you’re no longer amused by the walls melting into roaches and the floors being made of squishy organs.
You go at it in a ridiculously tacky bedroom, a California king sized bed with red and green striped covers and a steel spiked bed frame is what he throws you onto before pouncing.
His loony ass literally jumps out of his clothes like a cartoon character, all while you’re cutely splayed out on the covers wearing some garish lingerie of his choice. The sex makes it worth it though, and by the time you wake up you’re covered in new scratches and bruises thanks to him.
Billy Loomis
Of course this greasy boy takes part in the holiday, it’s a one way ticket to getting laid after all.
He pulls out all the stops, slicks his hair back and wears a nice outfit, brings you a generously large teddy bear that has a hard time fitting in your locker, and of course he doesn’t forget the chocolates.
If you don’t really like the showy stuff then don’t worry, he wrote you a creepy lovely poem for the occasion. He makes a bunch of horror movie references in it, and asks you to be his final girl/boy/enby at the end of it.
He lays it on thick with the romance today, wants you to feel nice and loved before he tries to break your bed frame again.
If you have the time after school, he’ll invite you out on a double date with Stu. He pays for the meal and all that, and is notably less irritable than usual.
Pray that one of your parents is on vacation right now, because if he doesn’t at least get a quickie before the day is out he’s gonna be a horn dog for the rest of the week and you are not going into the school bathroom again.
Stu Macher
He makes a whole show of acting shy around you, batting his eyes and giggling like a maniac every time you look his way.
When he finally works up the courage to ask you out he does it as annoyingly as possible, hands behind his back while he sways side to side… “Will you be my Valentine?” He asks as he flutters his blonde lashes, extending one of those holographic puppy cards to you alongside a handful of your favorite candy. You’d be a fool to say no.
He jumps for joy and glomps you, but he’s so lanky that he can barely topple Sidney over.
Most of the fun happens after school, he wants to do just about everything with you and snag a bunch of couple’s discounts wherever he can.
You end the day with a double date, you and Stu go with Billy and Sidney to a nice restaurant after a day of running around a boardwalk and going on all the rides.
He’s not as desperate for sex as Billy is, but if you happen to drag him away or ask to spend the night he’ll be grinning like an idiot whilst giving the rest of the group a big thumbs up.
Bo Sinclair
He is oblivious to the day’s arrival, since in the years before he met you it was all but remembered.
He wakes up next to you and he is happy. He kisses you while you sleep, chuckling at the way you stir before getting out of bed and into his work clothes. He marks off a day on his calendar and… What does that tiny text say..?
Suddenly he’s hopping in his truck and going out of town in the early hours of the morning, scouring the nearby shops for something nice.
He comes back home as though nothing happened, but he does happen to hide the gifts in his closet.
When he sees you next he acts oblivious, like he doesn’t know what day it is (even though he didn’t this morning). He toys with you even if you got him a gift, apologizing for not remembering and promising to do better next time until bam! At 8pm he pops open a glass of champagne and asks if you really fell for it.
He brings back some real expensive sweets, flowers, and some undergarments he’d like to see you in, typical Bo always thinking of himself in some way.
He’d love to see you in it tonight, and he plans to sweet talk you if you’re still mad at him for playing dumb earlier.
Vincent Sinclair
I think out of everyone he’d be the most grandiose gifter. He is quite talented in the arts department, and he probably makes you so many little gifts already that he’d feel the need to really make you something swell.
Inspiration strikes when he sees you playing around with the little statues he made you, and so he gets to work on his most important project yet… A dollhouse.
Making wax sculptures out of humans is no easy task, but making a miniature recreation of a house, furniture, and people isn’t either.
It just appears in your room out of the blue, all of the furniture neatly organized and little figures of you alongside any friends you may have had scattered across the mansion doing various tasks. Him and his brothers are there too, with Lester washing his hands in the sink, Vincent himself in the basement toiling away, and Bo sitting on his La-Z-Boy reading the papers.
You wait patiently for him to finish his work in the basement before you overwhelm him with your affection, the sturdy wax of his mask melting more and more with each kiss.
He doesn’t feel like he deserves anything in return, but he might just cry if you try and make anything out of wax for him.
Lester Sinclair
He hears about it on the radio while he’s driving his truck, scouring the road for any fresh meat.
The disc jockey smoothly announces the day’s date and informs listeners that the station will be playing love songs the entire day, imploring the audience to send their requests in.
He thinks about what he ought to do for you. Bo would surely scold him for going out of town unannounced and using his money for frivolities like chocolates and teddy bears, so he decides he should hand-make something for you.
With some difficulty, he manages to fashion a heart shaped backpack out of animal skin for you. Vincent had to lend a hand for a lot of the measuring process and zipper installation, but it was pretty obvious who gathered all the… Ingredients.
Really, all he wants is some recognition and affection. He’s not often recognized for his talents as the youngest brother, and a valentine who gives him the praise he deserves is all he could really ask for.
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rela-monarchy39 · 3 months
Modern au where Drayton has a tiktok to promote his food truck. He does those "Day in the life of a ___" that every small business owner does also videos of him making chili with a voiceover of whatever dumb shit either Bubba, Nubbins, or Chop Top did. People see him as either a wholesome or creepy old man. There's one person who noticed the meat looks weird and started a conspiracy theory the meat is actually human meat BUT THATS JUST A THEORY that every made fun of.
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kisskiss-slashslash · 11 months
I need the slashers meeting a kid who's parents abandoned them and they become their parental figure. (Maybe ages 5-10)
Much love xxxx
Aw that's cute. I left out Freddy this time because we all know what he does to little children.
Slashers finding an abandoned child and taking them in
Jason Voorhees
He finds you stumbling through the forest all on your own, clutching a teddy bear to your chest, crying and calling out for your mother.
At your age, you have not quite heard of the Crystal Lake killer. You only know that the grown ups kept saying how dangerous this lake is and to never to there. And now your family drove you here, made you get out of the car and just... sped off.
At your age, you are positively *tiny* to Jason. He kneels down in front of you and, remembering what his mother used to to, pulls an old, tattered hankerchief out of his pocket to wipe down your tear- and snot covered face.
"D... do you know where my mommy went, mister?", you ask miserably, but even your little mind knew that she wouldn't be coming back.
Jason can understand your misery all too well. At the same time, he is furious that your family would do this. So it's decided. The feared Crystal Lake killer has a tiny apprentice now.
The Sinclair Brothers
Lester finds you walking along the road towards Ambrose, a stuffed animal in one hand and an almost empty waterbottle in the other. You look terrible, like you have been walking around for days without food. Your clothes are dirty and torn and your hands have bloody scratches on them.
He quickly gets out of his truck and asks where you came from.
You sniffle and tell him that your family promised to take you camping, and they told you to walk ahead and find a good spot, and they would catch up to you. But they never did.
There is of course the concern that your parents may have ended up being victims of his brothers. But there hadn't been any new victims in the past few days.
So he takes you to Ambrose, sure that his brothers wouldn't put their hands on a small child. And they don't.
Bo immediately finds himself reminded of his childhood, being the one left behind, and takes a liking to you. They give you some of their old childhood clothes, and some food. Vincent takes you to the wax museum, to show you all of the cool things he and his mother made. He might even teach you how to paint and do wax figures yourself. And just like that, the Sinclair family gained another member.
Brahms Heelshire
It is a cold and stormy day, when Brahms hears a soft knock at the front door. And there you are, in completely wrong clothes for the weather, wet down to your skin and crying.
He takes you in, thinking that hey, your parents are probably gonna come looking for you soon, right?
Except they never do.
Brahms gives you his childhood clothes, so you don't catch a cold, and tells you about his routine and that he actually always wondered what it would be like to have a little sibling.
The Sawyers
While the Sawyers are less likely to take in a random child than the Hewitts, it is not impossible. Nubbins finds you wandering along the Texas roads in the blistering heat, your little head completely red and your hair sticking to your skin with sweat.
He takes you to Drayton's gas station, and they have a kind of wordless conversation. Nubbins points at you with a grin, while you eye the meat being grilled in the small room, and Drayton eyes your small, malnourished frame, and shakes his head. Then gives you another, thoughtful look.
"You hungry, lil one?", he asks.
"Yes, mister", you reply.
Drayton generously takes a piece of rib and puts it on a paper plate for you. And once you scarfed down the meat, he grins at you.
"And what if I tell you that that was human meat?"
Your young mind doesn't quite understand what he just said, or just assumes he is joking. "Uh... okay? It was yummy though."
"It really is, isn't it. Look, kid, if ya don't know where to go, ya can go with us."
Bubba is absolutely thrilled when Drayton and Nubbins come home with you. He immediately introduces you to his chickens, and wants to make you your very own leather mask. Oh you are gonna have so much fun together! Bubba always wanted to have a younger sibling.
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