#the power of shakti
theauragirl · 2 years
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justshahrukhkhan · 2 months
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Shakti: The Power, 2002
Producer: What this movie needs is a dance number with Shahrukh Khan in a mesh t-shirt!
Director: There isn't any reason for a dance number in the plot.
Producer: Make it a dream sequence! Get me Aishwarya Rai!
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i am confusing kali and durga but you did make design of fgo her right? can i ask you to repost it bc i scoured your archive and i still cant find it
It was kali! The actual post is here but I’ll post some of the pictures here as well
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I’ve been planing on doing proper ascension-like art for her for a while now, just haven’t found the time between work and making my normal content for the blog ;v;
#tbh she is pulling from multiple versions of k/ali#more in line with a specific interpretation of her through shaktism#as a form of adi sha/kti#/mahadevi-which if I understand correctly in shakti/sm specifically puts her more at the level of Bra/hman#as the supreme ultimate reality of existence (bra/hman the principle not the god)#so she’s the source of all creation/it’s embodiment/the energy that animates it/and that which it dissolves into#and yeah I went with this in part bc I was so annoyed w how they made par/vati -_-#look if we can have characters be the personification of planets then the personification of the cosmic force of the universe should be doom#I’ve like. thought abt how to work it into nasuverse#it’s like ka/li is one form of the main goddess who’s like the universe#similar to how ameratsu can send out bunreis on a larger scale#except in this case it’s more like ort w the planet thing only on this case it’s the universe#I’m not explaining this well but it made sense to me lmao#basically#the servant form is an avatar of kali in that it’s less powerful than her#and kali is also mahadevi#who is the universe#‘what’s par/vatis deal then?’ she got overzealous making her servant vessel and overcorrected#ik I’m not explaining this well I attempted to write lore for her ONCE and exploded#she’s interesting tho. she tends to be impartial (except w kids) but represents change and destruction#and is constantly updating and changing her views based on her children (followers) world#(like with the sacrifice thing which is interesting bc I’ve seen things saying she never wanted human sacrifice but it DID still happen)#she requires sacrifice which often nowadays is interpreted to mean things like negative energy and the like#or like the sacrifice of your ‘ego’#she’s also a goddess associated with anger#idk I’m getting all over the place again which happens when I start#getting into it lmao#my asks
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masalafilmsrevival · 1 year
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Shakti: The Power (2002)
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subir-astrologer · 9 months
Om Namah Shivaya is one of the most powerful and popular mantras in Hinduism. The mantra is dedicated to Lord Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction and transformation. The mantra is believed to have great significance and is chanted by millions of devotees worldwide. In this article, we will explore the significance of the Om Namah Shivaya mantra in detail.
Origin and Meaning of the Mantra
The Om Namah Shivaya mantra has its roots in the ancient Vedic scriptures of Hinduism. The mantra is mentioned in the Yajurveda, which is one of the four Vedas. The mantra consists of five syllables, each of which represents a different aspect of Lord Shiva. The syllables are as follows:
1. Om – represents the universal consciousness
2. Na – represents earth
3. Mah – represents water
4. Shi – represents fire
5. Va – represents air
The mantra is also sometimes written as Om Namah Shivayah or Om Namah Shivay. The meaning of the mantra is "I bow to Lord Shiva". The mantra is a salutation to Lord Shiva and expresses devotion and reverence.
Significance of the Mantra
The Om Namah Shivaya mantra is considered to be one of the most powerful mantras in Hinduism. The mantra is believed to have numerous benefits for the body, mind, and soul. Here are some of the most significant benefits of chanting the Om Namah Shivaya mantra:
1. Purifies the Mind and Soul
Chanting the Om Namah Shivaya mantra can help purify the mind and soul. The mantra is believed to remove negative energy and thoughts from the mind and replace them with positive energy. The mantra helps to create a sense of inner peace and calm, which can help improve mental health.
2. Helps Overcome Fear and Anxiety
The Om Namah Shivaya mantra is also believed to help overcome fear and anxiety. The mantra helps to create a sense of inner strength and courage, which can help individuals face their fears and overcome them.
3. Improves Focus and Concentration
Chanting the Om Namah Shivaya mantra can help improve focus and concentration. The mantra helps to create a sense of inner calm, which can help individuals focus on their work and increase productivity.
4. Enhances Creativity and Imagination
The mantra is also believed to enhance creativity and imagination. Chanting the mantra helps to activate the right side of the brain, which is responsible for creativity and imagination.
5. Helps in Spiritual Growth
The Om Namah Shivaya mantra is believed to help individuals in their spiritual growth. The mantra helps to create a connection with Lord Shiva and can help individuals on their spiritual journey.
6. Removes Negative Karma
The mantra is also believed to help remove negative karma. Chanting the mantra helps to purify the mind and soul, which can help remove negative energy and thoughts that lead to negative karma.
7. Helps Overcome Addiction
The Om Namah Shivaya mantra is also believed to help individuals overcome addiction. The mantra helps to create a sense of inner strength and can help individuals overcome their addiction and break free from it.
8. Provides Protection
The mantra is also believed to provide protection from negative energies and entities. Chanting the mantra helps to create a protective shield around the individual, which can help ward off negative energy.
9. Enhances Physical Health
Chanting the Om Namah Shivaya mantra is believed to enhance physical health. The mantra helps to create a sense of inner peace, which can help reduce stress and improve the immune system.
10. Helps in Manifesting Desires
The Om Namah Shivaya mantra is also believed to help individuals manifest their desires. The mantra helps to create a connection with Lord Shiva. This connection can help individuals in their spiritual journey and can provide guidance and support in times of need. Chanting the mantra regularly with devotion and sincerity can strengthen this connection and help individuals develop a deeper understanding of Lord Shiva and his teachings. Ultimately, the goal of the Om Namah Shivaya mantra is to help individuals achieve a sense of inner peace, spiritual growth, and enlightenment.
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jukti-torko-golpo · 2 years
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ॐ खड्गं चक्रगदेषुचापपरिघान् शूलं भुशुण्डीं शिरः
शङ्खं सन्दधतीं करैस्त्रिनयनां सर्वाङ्गभूषावृताम् ।
यां हन्तुं मधुकैटभौ जलजभूस्तुष्टाव सुप्ते हरौ
नीलाश्मद्युतिमास्यपाददशकां सेवे महाकालिकाम् ॥
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kirtijolapara · 17 days
Divine power .... 🙏
Location / Source: Rishikesh, Uttara Khand / nitiii_singh (IG)
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izdewiaart · 2 years
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Adi Shakti, 2022
Oliwia Izdebska
Dzieło będące pokłonem w stronę pradawnej energii kobiecej Śakti, bazowany na intuicji i wyobraźni ale niepozbawiony świadomego działania. Obraz ten przyszedł do mnie sam, przedstawiona nań modelka istnieje wyłącznie w eterycznej formie pod postacią mojego wyobrażenia. A zatem jest to przejaw pierwiastka twórczego, który zawiera się w głowach i pracy rąk każdego z nas. Świadomie zdecydowałam się przedstawić to niesamowite zjawisko pod postacią kobiety o smukłych (nawiązanie do świętości), silnych ale i ludzkich oraz kobiecych kształtach. Biżuteria która zdobi jej ciało ma za zadanie pokazać bogactwo energii kobiecej, zamiast zakrywać jej wdzięki zdecydowałam się wyeksponować je, bez zbędnej wulgarności, której kultura euroamerykaństka dopatruje się zazwyczaj w nagości. Nasze fizyczne formy są święte, dlatego na każde ciało powinniśmy patrzeć z zachwytem, łagodnością i szacunkiem. Chcę aby między innymi to właśnie mówił ten obraz. Bogini ma białe włosy aby pokazać, że zjawisko, które prezentuje jest starsze niż cokolwiek na świecie i zawiera w sobie mądrość niemożliwą do pojęcia rozumiem. Jako przeważającą barwę również wybrałam biel, aby podkreślić lekkość i czystość tegoż eterycznego bytu. Aby biel mogła zaświecić potrzebowałam użyć odrobiny czerni, którą jednak stonowałam szlachetną zielenią (kolor miłości) a także odrobiną błękitów (kolor kreatywności). Jako akcentu kolorystycznego użyłam czerwieni - koloru przetrwania oraz mocy. Barwa ta przybiera całą gamę odcieni od karmazynu aż po pudrowy róż, aby podkreślić różnoraką naturę siły kobiecej oraz wielość form, którą może przybierać. Plamy barwne miejscami naśladują technikę akwarelową aby uhonorować subtelność podjętej tematyki, jednak zderzają się one z zdecydowanymi pociągnięciami, które mają na celu pokazać ciężar materii. Chciałam w ten sposób zwrócić uwagę na to iż świat metafizyczny jest nierozerwalnie związany ze światem fizycznym a jeden pozwala na doświadczanie przejawów drugiego. W obrazie znalazło się zarówno miejsce na przypadek, jak i świadome posłużenie się moim warsztatem malarskim, doświadczeniem oraz wiedzą z zakresu anatomii oraz symboliki różnych kultur. Obraz jest hołdem w kierunku wszystkich kultur ludzkich, które podejmowały próbę dotarcia do prawd dotyczących kobiecości bez piętnowania i tłamszenia jej. Tytuł jednak celowo odwołuje się do tradycji hinduistycznej, gdyż w moim subiektywnym odczuciu, na etapie życia na którym obecnie się znajduję, ta religia charakteryzuje się najbardziej rezonującym ze mną rozumieniem energii kobiecej.
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shinymoonbird · 1 year
Because we, who have become sight-joined, see the world, accepting one principle (or ‘first thing’, or fundamental) which has a power that becomes many is certainly the one best option. The picture of names and forms, the one who sees, the cohesive screen, and the pervading light – all these are he, who is oneself.
Sri Ramana Maharshi - Ulladu Narpadu (The Forty verses on Reality), Verse 2
[…] — pārvaisēr nāmulahaṅ kāṇḍalā ṉāṉāvāñ cattiyuḷa vōrmudalai yoppa lorutalaiyē — nāmavuruc cittiramum pārppāṉuñ cērpaḍamu māroḷiyu mattaṉaiyun tāṉā mavaṉ. […]
Explanatory paraphrase : 
Because we, the ego or individual, whose adjunct-nature is the faculty to see things as other than ‘I’, see this world of multiplicity, it is indispensable for us to accept the existence of one first principle which has a power to appear as many. This worldpicture, which consists merely of names and forms, the seer of this picture, the screen or supporting base upon which this picture appears, and the pervading light which illumines this picture – all these are only He, that one first principle, who is none other than the real Self.
Because we, who [by rising as the ego] have become joined with sight, see the world, accepting one mudal [first thing, origin, source, base or fundamental reality] that has a power that becomes many [appearances, namely ourself as the ego, the seer or perceiver, and all the manifold phenomena that constitute this or any other world that we may see or perceive] is certainly the one best option. The picture of names and forms [namely the world and whatever other phenomena appear in the mind], the one who sees [this picture] [namely the ego], the cohesive screen [namely the mind as the background on which it appears], and the pervading light [namely the mind as the reflected light of awareness, which is what illumines its appearance] — all these are he [the one original thing], who is oneself [one’s real nature].
Explanatory Note :
The link-words at the beginning of this verse are pārvai sēr, which literally mean ‘who are joined with sight’, and which imply that the faculty of seeing is not natural to us but is only an adjunct which we have appended on ourself and from which we can consequently detach ourself.
The words ōr mudalai, which mean ‘one principle’ or ‘one first thing’, denote the one Reality which underlies the appearance of both the world and the seer. The entire appearance consisting of the world, the seer, the screen and the light are not other than that one first principle, which is affirmed in the last line of this verse to be the real Self. But so long as we experience a difference between ourself, the seer, and the world which we see, that one first principle will be experienced by us as God, a third separate entity who is endowed with unlimited qualities such as Omnipotence and Omniscience and who governs the entire world and all the souls in that world.
The words nāṉā ām śakti, which literally mean ‘a manifold power’ or ‘ a power which is many’, denote the power of Maya or delusion which is the cause of the appearances of all manyness and which is the same as the wonderful power (adisaya sakthi) mentioned in verse 6 of Arunachala Ashtakam. Though in absolute truth, this power is not other than the first principle, the real Self, it seems to be something different from the real Self when it gives rise to this appearance of manyness. Since manyness could not appear to exist if this power did not exist, and since there is nothing other than this power which could appear as many, it is sometimes said that this power itself has become many. However, its becoming many is not actually a real becoming, but only a seeming becoming, because even when manyness is seen, all that manyness is in truth only the one first principle, which is the non-dual real Self. The act of becoming many or seeming to become many is postulated only because we see the world. But even when we see this world of duality and multiplicity, non duality alone is the truth and hence all duality and multiplicity should be understood to be merely an unreal appearance.
The words “the pervading light” (ār oḷiyum) here mean the mind-light, which is a reflection of the real light of self-consciousness and which is the limited light by which we see the entire picture of names and forms.
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🔱 Arunachalam 🔱 - Photo by Bernd Kalidas Flory
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sgdesigns-photos · 1 year
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The Feminine Archetype of Power with her pet Tiger - PRIMARY INSTA A/C @swaroop_guhathakurta - #ai #aiart #aiartwork #aiartcommunity #aicreation #aicreations #aiphotography #nft #nftart #shakti #power #aiandi #iandai #creative #creativity #female #durga #promptart #tiger #illusion #reality #coexist #goodvibes #positivevibes #life #now #live #peace #midjourney #liberation - https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl7vfdnIdHX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tellingittash · 1 year
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Religious Studies Term Of The Day: Shakti
Hey everyone! Today I wanted to talk about Shakti. In one sense, Shakti is the essence of femininity, the power of womanhood itself. However, in another sense, Shakti is a goddess, a goddess by which other gods and goddesses come to be. Shakti is usually depicted with Shiva, that Shiva and Shakti must be together as one for the death or rebirth of the universe to take place. This union could best be seen in Ardhanarishvara, who is half male and half female, hale Shiva and half Shakti. I’m honestly super interested in Shakti and would love to learn more, but really, as such an outsider, I don’t have much to offer on that topic today. Regardless, I hope that everyone is staying safe out there and has a great day.
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Latest interview is up!
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blackvahana · 21 days
Anyway. Kicks legs. Spending the night in the Sun Tower apparently and I deserve the rest but also despite the fact that that was supposed to be a drain on my... actually not energy but programming. I feel refreshed because. yippie! Yeah my phone offers three words constantly for autocorrect type autosuggestions and two of it's suggestions for following yippie! are now Sex and Recreating. Yippie sex and recreating!
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discoverykids-india · 29 days
Ekans Ki Shakti | Snake Boy Cartoon | Cartoons in Hindi | Bacchon ke Cartoon | Discovery Kids India
#Ekans aur Kung Fu girl ne milkar kiya dushman se samna par kya iss defeat se game hoga over? Dekhiye Ekans: Snakes Awake only on Discovery Kids India. Do not miss any update on your favorite cartoons by Subscribing to the Discovery Kids India YouTube Channel, Facebook page & Instagram page. YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/DiscoveryKidsIndia Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DiscoveryKidsInd Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/discoverykidsindia/ #snakeboy #cartoons #ekanscartoon #discoverykids #cartoonvideos #cartooncharacters #bacchonkecartoon #hindicartoon #cartoonsforkids #DiscoveryKidsIndia #babycartoon #kids #animation #kidscartoon
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astrxthesiai · 2 months
Shakti's Tags
⇢✶am i or am i not《Shakti’s results》
[Questionnaire Results]
⇢✶about the growing goddess《Shakti’s headcanons》
⇢✶thoughts spoken aloud《Shakti’s musings》
⇢✶there is power in silence《Shakti’s answers》
[Ask Replies]
⇢✶trials of a growing goddess 《Shakti’s rp replies》
[RP Replies]
⇢✶words have power 《Shakti’s soundtrack》
⇢✶a beautiful voice & growing in power 《Shakti’s aesthetics》
⇢✶a budding goddess & beautiful voice 《Shakti Ashoka》
[Main tag]
⇢✶ravenqueen pirate bard & idol 《Shakti Main Verse》
[Main Verse - One Piece]
⇢✶a beautiful voice & dangerous wings 《Shakti’s fandomless》
[Fandomless Verse - siren]
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bsinghd · 3 months
दिव्य रहस्य .. https://youtu.be/2RxoqFLqJiw
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