#the ocean tango
trevlad-sounds · 1 year
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Don’t miss episode 294.
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vivianquill · 1 month
Tango couldn't remember the last time he slept.
He couldn't remember the last time he'd worked on a redstone project either.
That was irrelevant! He was perfectly fine. There was a reason he was down by Gem's docks. Right?
Speak of the devil and she shall appear! That was Gem herself, pulling Tango around. He didn't want to, there was something about the--
"Tango. Tango, hey." Gem forced him to meet her eyes, "Don't tell me you've been possessed again. After last time? C'mon man, you said you'd. . . do. . ."
Tango didn't know what Gem was talking about. He wasn't possessed. Tango knew what that felt like and that wasn't this.
Gem got an odd look in her eye, before latching her hand around his wrist and dragging him back up the path towards his house. But--
That wasn't home anymore.
Not when his place was down by the water-- in the water-- he was waiting for someone to come back--
"No-- Tango-! Ugh." Gem planted herself between Tango and the mists over the water-- the place where he had promised to be.
Tango found himself sitting at the edge of the dock. There was something tied around his wrist, but he didn't mind. The tips of his boots were dragging in the foam.
"Tango, homie-buddie. It's freezing out here, you should come inside." Skizz had rested a hand on Tango's shoulder.
"Can't you hear it?" Tango asked, breathless as it came back.
The song was promising him the answers to everything. He just had to be here to hear it. To decipher it's song.
"Hear what?"
Tango was fighting against the pull of hands, trying to take him away. His friends-- not friends anymore-- they wanted to take the music for themselves-- "I promised! I promised--"
His mouth was full of the taste of blood. Blood and cotton and he couldn't hear the rush of the waves anymore. He was too warm. There were voices nearby.
"How is he?" Oh, Tango recognized that voice, that was Xisuma.
"Still unresponsive. Is Ren-?" That sounded like Impulse.
"The same way."
Impulse sighed, "He's too quiet. Tango's never been this quiet."
"I'm listening." Tango had to listen otherwise he might miss the music.
He couldn't remember who the music went to, but-- It was someone he needed to be there for. How long had it been? He needed to get back to the water.
Tango was on his feet, trying to push past the arms holding him back. There was a snarl pooling on his tongue, frustration sparking deep in his bones. He needed to get back to the water.
He yelped as someone slammed into his back, knocking Tango off his feet and into the grass. He writhed, kicking, his tail lashing and sparking as he struggled to get free. There was nothing in his inventory. He had nothing but his hands and his fire and the grass around him and they were closing in--
Tango was floating in the bay, Gem's conduit letting him breathe like he should be able to. His heartbeat was pounding in his ears, his fire was sputtering, angry about being underwater.
Well too bad fire, cause Tango was right where he was supposed to be.
As evidenced by who was in front of him.
The someone, the who he'd promised to be there for when he returned.
The song wrapped around him like a blanket, smothering the chill from the sea and guiding Tango close. He didn't quite remember where he'd met them before but he knew that this was the right thing.
Until he was out of the conduit's range.
Until the water that was so welcoming before now choked at his air and bit at his warmth.
Until the song that'd promised him everything suddenly disappeared.
A hand hauled Tango out of the water by the back of his shirt, dumping him in a sopping heap on the sand. He spit up half the ocean by the time he was able to breathe again.
He was hearing words, but he couldn't figure out what Skizz was saying. Or Impulse for that matter. The music was gone though.
It had abandoned him and now?
Tango didn't know what to do next.
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art-by-fate · 1 year
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“It’s my rabbits.” Tango laughs. “My lab rabbits. They’re alive!”
“And they have glowing eyes?”
“Yeah, they, uh, didn’t before. They had normal rabbit eyes. I will admit, this is creepy.”
Drawing is from @slashmagpie ‘s fic, Empty Oceans.
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pushlikeabastard · 4 months
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Ivy - Frank Ocean
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glitchedmagic · 3 months
i think it’s highly amusing that the one guy that was Assigned Fire Type™ by fandom is surrounded by the people who are all getting fish-ified this season.
there’s a fic in here somewhere. i just know it
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shortfeather · 4 months
When I first thought about s10 I was like ‘I’ll just watch tango and impulse and pearl,’ and then I heard Skizz and Joel were joining so I went ‘okay well I can do four so I’ll do tango and pearl and Skizz and Joel, sorry impulse’ and then I watched those four and saw nautical gem and the decked out trio and heard about cyberpunk impulse-bdubs collab and saw cleo being an absolute riot with the caving group and zedaph’s thumbnail and what I’m saying is it’s not sustainable, but I have watched nine POVs today and I’m probably keeping six of them
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clamsjams · 2 years
tango is a child of divorce
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brokemycrown · 2 years
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Not Guilty !
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
“Abso-fuckin-lutely not,” he said.
He was so serious and adamant one would have thought you had asked him to remove his balaclava so Auntie Maurie could pinch his cheeks.
“Are you allergic, Lieutenant?” you asked, extending “that thing,” as he referred to it, in front of his face.
"Get that thing away," he yelled, taking a step back. He couldn't even look at it.
“Lieutenant, it’s a kitten, not shit,” you explained with a smirk. Still, he dismissed your point, stating it was the same thing, using agricultural produce as references: “tomayto, tomahto, potayto, potahto,” and stuff like that.
But you took it with you to the base anyway. He wasn’t in charge of such executive decisions, and the Captain allowed it, saying it was a good solution for the mice problem.
You fed and cared for it the way its mother would have if she weren't dead, but Ghost was far from happy with the new addition to the family.
He side-eyed it and always questioned its motives like it was some tango. “Why is it doing that?” and “why is it looking at me weird?” were his two most common questions. To which the answers were always, “it’s a fucking cat,” and “you’re the one who's looking at it weird.”
But he was warming up to it every day; not in the way water warms up on the stove, but in the way the ocean’s layers have different temperatures.
At first, he learned to acknowledge the kitten, or the kitten taught him to do so. The verdict was not out yet, as you and the rest of the team had different opinions.
Then, it came in the way a higher-up would scold his soldiers, with statements such as “stop playing with the focken gun slings, you little shit,” or “get out of my boot.”
And then it was more of a conversational thing, where the kitten would meow at him, and Ghost would reply something along the lines of “it’s tea; you don’t drink tea,” and he would proceed to show the cup to the cat as evidence. Like he didn’t want to hurt its feelings or betray its trust.
Later on, he’d pretend to throw a little piece of chicken to the ground accidentally, and the kitten would run to it. He’d look at the kitten and mutter something like “ah, shit, too late to pick it up now, innit”, and let the kitten have it. It was like a secret handshake between the two of them, thinking that no one would notice.
But you did.
Just like you look at them now, Lieutenant Simon “get that thing off my face” Riley lying on the couch with that kitten sleeping on his chest.
And he looks at you, looking at him, and you open your mouth to say something.
But he stops you. He brings his index finger to his mouth and shooshes you, gesturing at his sweet little “stop playing with my shoelaces” ginger companion.
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Hermitcraft season nine survival minecraft breakdown moments:
Tango building an enormous and imposing fortress in a single episode as a backdrop to the multilevel dungeon crawler he's building and coding in survival minecraft
Beef building a full tcg with expansion packs and stadiums using hundreds of minecraft maps
Joe building a mechanically accurate pinball machine to the scale of two minecraft maps that rises to build height and below the ocean
Bdubs revolutionising building again and beginning to paint texture with blocks and building That Door in survival minecraft as a minigame
Zed and Etho building the 1812 overture with noteblocks and creepers
Everything that Doc does ngl. Maniac
Cub's various iterations on total chaos
The entirety of soup gulch; beautiful builds, massive scale, incredible
Anything that they called a 'starter house'
Honestly everything that the hermits do is mind-blowing and they deserve their place as old gods of minecraft
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trevlad-sounds · 5 months
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Forgotten Mixes
Upper Sine
Grover Washington Jr.-Masterpiece 00:00
Matthew Halsall-Upper Space 05:04
Menahan Street Band-Queens Highway 12:04
The Ocean Tango-Hirondelles 13:05
Quantic & Nidia Góngora-Macumba de Marea (Instrumental) 17:59
Robohands-Mistakes 23:03
Synchro Rhythmic Eclectic Language-Pasto 24:02
The Zenmenn-Topaz 2 29:46
Zero 7-The Space Between 35:11
Alif Tree-Deadly Species 41:02
Burt Orange-Passion Fruit 45:37
Clive Zanda- Ogun 50:00
D Rothon-Aquarius Rising 53:20
Euglossine-Orion as Cowboy 57:32
Greg Foat-The Magic Radish 1:01:20
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w0yxe · 1 year
Imagine the past soulmates of the Bad Boys seeing how much their partner has changed this season.
Scar couldn’t care less.
Or atleast that’s what he tries to tell himself. Grian never even loved him in Double Life so why should Scar care how he’s doing? BigB should probably be more confused then him even if Scar knows this entire persona is very out of character for Grian. The alliance probably won’t even last, knowing him he’ll probably betray his allies.
But no matter how much he tries to tell himself that he doesn’t care, he can’t get rid of the feeling that this is the only time Grian has changed his skin in the entire series.
The two full seasons Scar had been with Grian, the latter never switched out of his red sweater but now that Jimmy and Joel have rolled around suddenly he’s in a leather jacket with sunglasses? Occasionally even a suit? He can only feel a little hurt because at the end of the day Grian probably doesn’t care about him anymore…it’s not like hes made an effort to talk.
Tango doesn’t know how to feel.
This wasn’t his rancher, this wasn’t the ball of sunshine that he knew last season. This guy was…confident? He was bolder and Tango didn’t know if he liked that or not. His Jimmy, his rancher, was sweet and caring, even if he was airheaded at times it was all with their best interest in mind.
Maybe it was just his exterior now but it looked far less friendly than the one Tango knew, jean jacket now replaced with leather and sunglasses permanently covering his shining blue eyes. The oceans eyes that put out Tangos flames of rage in the lowest point of their lives when Scar had burnt down their ranch.
This Jimmy also only seemed to take risks and not care about his own safety, dying twice to pure stupidity and recklessness. It would hurt Tango, like a phantom pain, every time he had to see a death message from “SolidarityGaming” in chat. Especially if it was easily preventable. Especially if it wouldn’t had happened had Tango been with him instead.
Etho didn’t see a change.
Joel had always been more reckless than the average player. He would mlg off cliffs for crying out loud! His hostile personality also stayed the same although it did come out more being able to fully embrace it with this facade and all. While that personality may have been directed at him (or his cows) sometimes it was nothing Etho couldn’t handle.
Especially with that shoulder cut leather jacket, studs lining the edges of the sleeves and sunglasses that make it look as though he were staring you down whenever you talk to him.
There was a strange feeling in him though, when he heard that he wanted to built on the sea with Jimmy. That feeling only grew when he’d overhear the trio laughing about whatever jokes they’d decide to make.
Joel was also smiling. It’s not like he hadn’t with Etho but the smile Etho knew seemed to hide the truth of “please don’t leave me, I can do these things for you” “I’m worthy of your affection” whereas this one was of pure enjoyment with his team. He just wished he treated Joel better so that instead of only having memories from one season, he would be the one making Joel laugh and smile in this one.
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 3 months
impulse isnt a demon, but actually a selkie. it's why he often builds his bases near water, he misses the ocean.
how did tango summon him? he found impulse's sealskin at the beginning of season 3 and didn't realise that it was a selkie's coat until impulse was forced to follow him back to his starter base and someone, probably xisuma or someone of the sort, told him about selkies. tango gave it back immediately, but impulse chose not to go back to the ocean and was made an official member of hermitcraft. nobody knows how he actually got onto the server, but hey! now they have a resident caring seal! thats always nice to have
(also, players like that dont... have to typically follow normal rules of their species. impulse isnt stuck as a seal for the next 7 years if he puts his sealskin back on. he can switch between them whenever he wants, for the most part.)
If you're near the ocean on Hermitcraft, it isn't uncommon to see a seal with a familiar i pattern on its chest. He likes going for a swim!
-Mod Mleem
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pushlikeabastard · 4 months
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Bad Religion - Frank Ocean
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remderance · 1 year
so...few days ago I've created a hermitcraft mermaid au. and here ya go, some of my thoughts about it and also my drawings.
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first of all, cub, grian, zedaph, tango, joehills, xisuma and impulse are humans, when scar, doc, pearl, skizz, cleo are mermaids(I didn't think of other hermits yet)
here's also a bit of lore happening, so let's talk little bit about every hermit.
- he is an owner of this whole circus oceanarium and ocean research center.
- he is a strange guy, once he even stole a bone from rendog to chew on! but nonetheless, he is a hard working man and he does all the managing work better than anyone else possibly could
- cub and grian were the first to find alive mermaid, which happened to be scar. scar, as the most kind and innocent soul, of course, most of the time spent saving sea creatures from fishing nets, plastic junk and etc, though got a lot of injuries himself. he had been in an accident just before he was caught, so he didn't have a chance to escape due to movement issues, because his tail and fins were badly injured
- scar is an orca! but he won't eat you, don't worry. he might try, though
- most of the time there is only one scientist watching him, and it is cub. even though at first cub was too serious about his job, depicting scar more like an object other than a living creature with thoughts and feelings, it was gone in a little while when two of them had a chance to actually know each other more. you could say, scar softened cub's heart
- he is a silly boy, trying to escape his aquarium probably every day at first, thinking of place as a prison. none of his attempts were successful, to be honest, but he never stopped trying
- also, once he even got in a physical fight with grian, being mad that he was in the team who catched him. who won? for some reason it was grian, who is smaller twice in size and not so good underwater
- grian got in trouble many times because of his experiments and especially testing human food on scar. once he had serious food poisoning because of it, and cub never let grian be alone near scar's aquarium again
- scar once asked for human meat and got a "cubfan live reaction". canniballism is pretty common between mermaids, so he was expecting the same from humans
- doc is a giant moray eel.
- you could say he is the most intelligent and smart fish you've seen! not just by mermaid standards, but by human too. before the oceanarium he was living in an old warship, where he found a room with books that were not touched by water. that's where from he knows chemistry, physics, engineering and other, that's also where he learned english better, as he is originally from german waters(scientists where really impressed that mermaid could have an accent).
- but this ship happened to be in a military zone, where people one time were testing a bomb and underwater explosion happened. doc nearly made it out alive, though got almost incompatible with life injuries. he couldn't be healed by wrapping wounds with seaweed, so he decided to go to humans to the research center by himself, making a deal: he agreed to be studied for science purposes but got a proper treatment for his injuries in return.
- by that point, he was second one to be "caught"
- he is really smart and he will not be missing an opportunity to squeeze out everything from people working there. he got the best aquarium with the best accessories, rocks, corals and filters. it took almost over a year to figure all of this out and a lot of pressure on workers, but doc is not feeling guilty
- he really likes to eat tomatoes
- he also really likes to get out of his tank and go on an adventure to other mermaids. scar is living nearest to him, so you could often see these two hang out
- he created the word "scitties" and scar likes to use it (especially in situations when he is suggested to wear clothes. he says his scitties are too precious to hide them)
- after some time doc became the first mermaid scientist. his high intelligence just couldn't be ignored
- doc helped to create prosthetic fins and tail for scar
- eventually there was created a special gadget just for doc, so he could easily speak with other scientists even being under the water
- scientist connected to him is grian. they are in good terms and grian totally acknowledges his cleverness. gridoc nation rise up
- oh sweet, sweet rendog! you just couldn't guess what he is. he is... a dog, simple as that. but a smart one!
- although, he doesn't like meat. he is a vegetarian dog!
- his duty mostly is to deliver food to mermaids. he doesn't like to deliver food to scar as it's mostly chocolate chip cookies and lots of raw meat, and he totally adores to visit doc because of his love for tomatoes
- doc likes to escape, and ren likes doc, so he always goes after him with a mop in his teeth to hide water paddles he is creating
- ren is well-trained and all of the staff knows him, so he has access to almost every room in both oceanarium and research center
- he likes to sleep near doc's aquarium. sometimes doc goes out of water at night, waits for his hand to dry and gently pets him
- oh. and ren also has a very specific addiction. this little fur boy always steals people's sunglasses. why does he do that? why does a dog even need sunglasses? nobody knows. but that is such a common thing, that nobody even cares anymore. yep, there's a dog running around in sunglasses, what is wrong with that?
•here's the fun part. beloved zits!!!
- impulse is the only one true ocean scientist in their group
- zedaph lived most of his life on a farm and knows pretty much everything about farm animals. he is a crazy zoologist and has basically zero idea how to deal with fish
"that's a weird looking chicken", - he says, looking at any mermaid
- tango is an engineer and a drummer in his own band. he slays and also he has a lot of tattoos
- although tango's band isn't zit band, they were playing together in college! they all had their rock phase, zedaph even has scars from piercings made in that time
- the star of our show... skizzleman!! skizz for short, he is a manta ray, and he is going mental. he screams, he bites, he fights, he likes to bother others and especially impulse
- skizz made impulse fall in his tank for countless amount of times
- skizz and impulse often fight, verbally and physically, but also for some reason their bond is very strong. they like each other, just in a different way, but their way to this was very hard
- and yep, he is the reason why all of the zit are here. he's just too strong and uncontrollable for one human to handle, so impulse had to get his friends
- skizz is very clumsy and can't exist out of water due to being a manta ray, so trying to escape he makes just one step and then is found right outside the aquarium angry and waiting for someone to come and put him back
•pearl and gem
- pearl is a blue-ringed octopus!
- she spent a lot of time near the shore at the port and most of the time was listening to people, trying to guess meaning of unknown words and adoring strange human stories. it happened in australia, that is the place where she got an accent. it is an exceptional case too, but unlike doc, this accent is not natural, but a learned one
- pearl's only and favourite piece of clothing is a hoodie with oceanarium logo
- as a natural enemy, doc fears to go near pearl. when he is asking her if she's safe, she never gets him a clear answer
- gem is doing mermaid shows! yes, she is not a real one, she just has her costume and adorable coral horns
- oceanarium got gem a tank to exercise and to rehearse her shows. it appeared that pearl was basically living alongside. they liked each other at first sight, but for months weren't able to communicate well, it was only through body language
- pearl sees gem as a goddess for her elegant, exquisite and beautiful movements. no real mermaid moves like that, so that's just something so exotic and unreal in pearl's eyes, it makes her stare without blinking every time
- once impulse was in charge of caring for pearl and he saw what happened between two. he got a permission for gem to visit pearl's aquarium, and that was the first time they got to really know each other. it was the happiest day!!!
- gem is the only one who can calm down skizz and make him feel fear. nobody understands how, but sometimes impulse asks her when skizz is getting unbearable
- impulse, gem and pearl are often seen hanging out together. they created a trio called "soup group". the name was created because of pearl's unexplainable love for soups of any kind
• cleo and joe
- cleo is a sea snake
- she has fish hooks and spear parts in her on places where in canon she usually would get stitches
- she is basically a nature miracle, because she is a zombie, literally dead creature, but for some reason she keeps on going
- half of her organs are not working properly or are not working at all
- because of doc and cleo scientists guess that mermaids are far stronger and tougher than people, as they tend tο survive even in the most dangerous and unreal situations
- also doc and cleo are extremely big
- not to mention these two are really fond of each other. their tanks are located far away, but doc sometimes gets to cleo and they have the best time in the whole world
- joe is an ocean geek who once won an excursion behind the scenes of oceanarium and research center. that's where he met cleo, and for some reason she caught his eye
- he was very persistent and got a permission to sometimes meet cleo under supervision. it was said, that it is good for experience in interspecies communication, so scientists didn't mind
- though, he didn't do anything inappropriate. he was basically just finding a friend in a strange zombie mermaid! he showed her his favourite shows, comic books, was teaching cleo how to read, they were drawing and scrapbooking with her. just a couple of ocean besties!
- although joe cooks and brings mostly exotic or strange foods, cleo likes it a lot
- cleo likes to scare people and mermaids, but when she tried to scare joe she saw only pure excitement in his eyes
•honorable mention, mumbo, who is a plumber and engineer. everyone keeps calling him mario. he even got a big m on his head!
also: it is canon that all of the mermaids are kind of buffed
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dragonflavoredcake · 1 year
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