#the neck snap!!!!!
puppetmaster13u · 20 days
Y'know sometimes I wonder what Ras reaction was to the Justice League. Like he practically offered Bruce the chance to be one of his generals, straight up offered for him to be his heir, and was turned down.
Do you think he's offended. Because oh, so his organization isn't good enough, but that merry band of idiots is?!
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paincaat · 3 months
ok so i was going to shitpost about how i cant imagine alastor kissing anyone even if he wanted to cause of his permanent ass smile and i was going to include a crack staticradio visual as a joke and i got too carried away help thiswassupposedtobeastupiddoodle
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original post idea for reference of what i was actually going for
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maybe its just my aroace ass speaking but i've seen a lot of ship art with alastor in it floating around and my brain physically cannot comprehend how this bambi wannabe mf could ever kiss anyone properly while maintaining his smile??? i swear he'd either have to make the stupidest duck lips or the other person would just be kissing his teeth like he is not built for kissing
alastor might hate this but vox is definitely into it though
edit: holy shit 1k notes thank you guys
just to clarify im aware he can close his mouth and probably could kiss if he wanted to. i also think alastor would try to maintain as big of a smile as possible if he does kiss so it would still look goofy haha. i admittedly wrote this with a bit of influence from my own experience of aroaceness - i can't picture myself wanting to kiss anyone even if i wanted to (im aware it's different for everyone) hence why alastor isn't even trying to do it properly in this post
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mrtequilasunset · 10 months
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Yeah Cuno Tell him about your stand, Cuno !
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nerdpoe · 13 days
Danny, on a work trip with his parents, is tired and maybe a little cranky and also all of his joints hurt. Sleeping in the GAV is not great. As in, it just doesn't happen.
So he pops his neck.
Or, he tries to pop his neck.
He sighs and grabs the bottom of his jaw and the top of his head and forces his neck to pop.
Except he miscalculated.
He's broken his own neck.
As a halfa, it's fine, he just needs to force/hold it in place and wait twenty minutes for his healing factor to kick in. But when he moves to do that, a pair of red-gloved hands interrupt him and put him in a bracing hold.
"Don't worry kid, ambulance is on it's way!" The Flash reassures him, not budging an inch. "I know it feels like you can just pop it back into place, but it's actually pretty broken right now, and you could uh...it...the doctors will makes sure you're okay!"
Danny watches in despair as his family disappears into the crowd, having not noticed that he was being held up, and tries to think of a lie to make the hero let go without resorting to using his powers in front of the many, many livestreaming phones that have turned towards him.
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kaiserouo · 1 month
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how are they still alive
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kairospy · 8 months
When i say James Potter is the little spoon I mean Regulus hates having his back turned to anyone, hates having people where he can’t see them, hands on him while he’s unaware, but James loves being held at any given moment
Movie date? He’s pressed against Regulus’ side. Hanging out with Sirius? They’re essentially holding hands. He will plop down on Regulus’ lap randomly and all Regulus does is change the book to the other hand so he can play with James’ hair
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ping-ski · 8 days
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for the moon enjoyers, here's my first moon doodles from a while ago since i posted sun already
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dumskullexpress · 1 month
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Whoever’s idea it was to make the Masked emote with the TooManyEmotes mod I would like to give them my first born.
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love how Solar Opposites started out as a sitcom about two aliens who can't stand each other, stuck with their teenage clones (whom they also can't stand) & a toddler antichrist (whom they view as a sort of self-sufficient free-roaming hamster?) on a stupid planet they can't stand
and 4 seasons later it's a sitcom about a family of genderqueer aliens, headed by a gay couple in a happy & horny open marriage (with a graphic off-screen sex life, despite their canonical lack of genitalia?) teaching themselves to be okay parents to their 3 kids (whose Sci-Fi Antics now slightly-less-frequently revolve around wreaking havoc on human bystanders, and slightly-more-frequently revolve around alien-clone-sibling-bonding*), to the point that the central plot point becomes "We need to provide our toddler antichrist with a stable home environment."
(also the grumpy alien husband is too busy ingratiating his family with their suburban neighbors to even remember whom or what he dislikes. what is this show)
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beanslushee · 10 months
okay but do you remember kaz’s encounter with smeet’s little girl?
“because if you do, i’ll slit your mother’s throat and then your father’s, and then i’ll cut out the hearts of all these sweet slobbering hounds. i shall save Duke Silverhaunch for last so that you will know it’s all your fault.”
he did that and went out of his way to rub a dog’s belly in the same fucking house. in the same fucking chapter. the duality of this man.
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Anatomy of Alastors demonic forms
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zivazivc · 2 years
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miraculous but it’s in slovene and i’m in charge of chat’s nicknames for ladybug
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You'll never meet another me / I'll never meet another you
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artist-of-obsessions · 5 months
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anonymouscreampuff · 12 days
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the original title for this was "you're not a monster" <3
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jhonny · 4 months
"kakyoin is the rational one" "kakyoin is mature and calm" FALSE he saw a baby avert eye contact and his FIRST thought was to punch its lights out
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