#the mc in my life; Elle version
jeremiahofphilo · 28 days
{Closed Starter @daydreamrot}
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It's high into the morning, and a warmer one than anticipated. Jeremiah wipes a bit of sweat from his brow as he attends to customers. He hated farmer's markets, mostly for the excessive human interaction. Not because he was anti-social, but any amount of excessive human interaction was...dangerous.
It was, however, great for business. So, he returned every year, in hopes that his little Philo flower shop would be quietly forgotten throughout the year. For the most part, and his lack of advertising, it worked.
Today though, he's busy, talkative, and distracted. His head bobs up every so often to catch a glimpse of a certain face that he may have ordered some extra snapdragons for. Or, too many at that. Way too many. Every time he glances up and doesn't catch anyone different meandering through the closed off Linkon City street, he laughs at himself.
Yeah, right, Jer.
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maddiesbookshelves · 2 years
The Blood of Stars (#1 & 2) by Elizabeth Lim
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Maia Tamarin dreams of becoming the greatest tailor in the land, but as a girl, the best she can hope for is to marry well. When a royal messenger summons her ailing father, once a tailor of renown, to court, Maia poses as a boy and takes his place. She knows her life is forfeit if her secret is discovered, but she'll take that risk to achieve her dream and save her family from ruin. There's just one catch: Maia is one of twelve tailors vying for the job. Backstabbing and lies run rampant as the tailors compete in challenges to prove their artistry and skill. Maia's task is further complicated when she draws the attention of the court magician, Edan, whose piercing eyes seem to see straight through her disguise. And nothing could have prepared her for the final challenge: to sew three magic gowns for the emperor's reluctant bride-to-be, from the laughter of the sun, the tears of the moon, and the blood of stars. With this impossible task before her, she embarks on a journey to the far reaches of the kingdom, seeking the sun, the moon, and the stars, and finding more than she ever could have imagined.
Level of (dis)satisfaction based on the summary and my expectations? I really bought the two books at once because of their covers. Cari can read on youtube had said good things about it so it finished to convince me but really, 90% of why I bought them is the covers. I also bought Six Crimson Cranes for the same reason.
My thoughts on it? I like stories where there's a competition and those where the MC has to take someone else's identity, so that was the perfect combo. The first book mixes the competition, the journey to gather materials for the dresses, and politics. Tension builds slowly in the background. Then book 2 focuses on after, there's a war etc, but we don't follow battles, except for the end. I thought the ending was a little... deus ex machina. I wasn't 100% satisfied but the rest of the series compensates. The romance was pretty basic, neither good or bad. It didn't bother me, which is more than I can say for some other books.
However, I absolutely adored the worldbuilding in those books. I love when fantasy worlds have their own mythology (even if it's inspired from an existing mythology, in this case Chinese mythology) and it's worked on and well used. It really was the strong point of this series and I hope it's the same in Six Crimson Cranes.
French version under the cut
Maia Tamarin rêve de devenir la meilleure tailleur du pays. Seulement, en tant que fille, le mieux qu'elle puisse espérer est d'avoir un bon mariage. Lorsqu'un messager royal convoque son père, autrefois tailleur de renom, à la cour, Maia se fait passer pour une garçon et prend sa place. Elle sait qu'elle sera tuée si son secret est révélé, mais elle est prête à prendre ce risque pour réaliser son rêve et sauver sa famille de la ruine. Mais il y a un hic : Maia n'est qu'un des 12 tailleurs en compétition pour ce travail. Trahisons et mensonges s'enchaînent tandis que les tailleurs s'affrontent pour prouver leurs talents et compétences. La tâche de Maia se complique d'autant plus lorsqu'elle attire l'attention du magicien de la cour, Edan, dont les yeux perçants semble voir à travers son déguisement. Et rien n'aurait pu la préparer à la dernière épreuve : créer trois robes magiques pour la fiancée de l'empereur en utilisant le rire du soleil, les larmes de la lune et le sang des étoiles. Avec cette tâche impossible devant elle, elle entreprend un voyage jusqu'aux confins du royaume à la recherche du soleil, de la lune et des étoiles, où elle trouvera bien plus que ce qu'elle aurait pu imaginer.
Niveau de déception/satisfaction par rapport au résumé et tes attentes ? J’ai vraiment acheté les deux bouquins d’un coup à cause de leurs couvertures. Cari can read en avait parlé en bien donc ça a fini de me convaincre mais vraiment 90% de ma motivation c’était les couvertures. J’ai aussi acheté Six Crimson Cranes pour les mêmes raisons.
Avis sans spoiler ? J’aime bien les histoires où y’a une compétition et celles où le perso principal doit se faire passer pour quelqu’un d’autre donc c’était la combinaison parfaite. Le tome 1 mélange la compétition, le voyage pour récupérer de quoi faire les robes et les intrigues politiques. La tension monte doucement en arrière-plan. Puis dans le tome 2 on se concentre sur après, y’a une guerre etc mais on suit pas les batailles, sauf sur la toute fin. J’ai trouvé que la fin était un peu… deus ex machina. J’ai pas été 100% satisfaite mais bon, le reste de la série compense. La romance était classique, ni nulle ni géniale. Elle m’a pas dérangé, ce qui est déjà mieux que dans certains livres.
Par contre j’ai a-do-ré le worldbuilding de ces livres. J’adore quand les univers de fantasy ont leur propre mythologie (même si elle est inspirée d’une mythologie qui existe déjà, en l'occurrence la mythologie chinoise) bien développée et utilisée. C’était vraiment le point fort de cette série et j’espère que ça sera pareil dans Six Crimson Cranes.
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bbnibini · 3 years
Hi! I really love your works but it gotten me curious if you also read fanfics? Do you have any fanfic recommendations?
Thank you, anon! That's really kind of you. 🥺💕 I do read fanfics, but not as much anymore. I'm assuming this ask is for Obey Me fics? But if not, I will include some of my absolute favourites in a future post. Fair warning: I gushed. A LOT hahaha. Please support the authors and their works! I included the fics in the hyperlinks~
NSFW fics are marked appropriately, so please click the links at your own discretion (some of them are in my public bookmarks in AO3).
Elle's Obey Me Fic Recommendations
🌸Your Coal by Angrish(LettuceBean)
Truth be told, I belong to the "forgive but don't forget camp" in lieu of what happened in Chapter 16; reading Angrish's YC and how their MC coped with the aftermath(+ how others coped along with them) felt really powerful, raw and so so emotional. It made me think and really think about how I processed the whole thing that happened. While it didn't really change my outlook on how I have forgiven Belphie for what he had done, Angrish shedding light to the unanswered questions and lingering doubts the main story have left most of its readers was done in such a thoughtful and poetic way that I found myself binge reading the whole thing.
Given that I read this whole coping with a lot of stuff as well (and may have contributed with sympathising a lot more to the vindictiveness of the MC), reading what Angrish had written was really cathartic. Their writing style is also beautiful--the way the words string together, simple, elegant, yet impactful really made MC's emotions a lot...tangible, real and sometimes, frustrating (in a good way, mind you). I also liked how they had fleshed out the other characters, especially Belphegor, Satan and the Purgatory Hall members.
🌸You'll Have to Ask Your Dad by DefenestrationProtestration
I remembered clicking on this fic because of the author's punny name, stayed for the pretty writing and reread a few several times for the characterisation and THE WRITING. I'm pretty sure I left a litany of praises and incomprehensible gushing on the comments section because of how much I've devoured this piece of art.
Even as I'm typing this review, I can't seem to organise my thoughts haha. You can tell by the writing style that the author had a lot of fun writing their prose; it permeates through the screeen...my "screen" of imagination at least. I am not joking--the writing is so pretty and vivid that I literally saw it as a movie in my head lol. I chatted with them a bit on the comments and they said the prose is more of something they had written subconsciously; it reminded me of James Joyce and how he had masterfully perfected the same technique. Of course, their writing styles differ a lot from each other, but I can see what they meant.
...as I'm typing this, I didn't realise how I haven't talked about the plot of the fic at all soz. This piece is the author's character study of Lucifer. It talks about how he was before, during and after the fall. He is a bit of an unreliable narrator, which I'm not sure if the author intended, but he has all these presumptions that miss the mark so so much, particularly at how his brothers, Lord Diavolo and the others perceive him--but reading the whole thing would make you understand why he had gotten to that kind of self-perception in the first place. And honestly? It really, really hurt to read. But was it bad? The total opposite of that, in fact! I loved how they had written the angst in this piece. So many things in the fic are "show, rather than tell" and I really really appreciate that.
Most of my brainrot about this fic is better to be explored on your own. Overall, 10/10: a definite, recommended read.
🌸Fairy Tales for the Fallen by indiavolowetrust
I haven't fully devoured all of the stories in the collection yet, but the ones I've read (Her Name Was Thousand Eyes is my favourite) was such a really good spin on dark fairy tales (Obey Me style!). It reminded me of my childhood Little Mermaid picture book for some reason. Probably the writing style(the author's writing reads a lot like a storybook) The one I had was Hans Christian Andersen's (aka the OG) version and the ending was rather...dark for a 5 year old lol. It was a big part of my life though and was probably the precursor for my affinity with sad stories haha.
🌸TieGuanYin by Taciturn
Like tea on a tiring day, Taciturn's writing style feels very homey, cozy and familiar. I love rereading this oneshot when I'm having a shitty day and imagining myself having tea with Barbatos haha. Ever had pieces of art or literature that just...relaxes you when you consume it? This one is one of my, as the youngsters say, "comfort fic" haha.
🌸glass half empty; glass half full by unagis
I love unagis' fics.♡ I also love her Childe fics. The concepts she comes up with, as well as how she delivers it is *chef kiss*. Admittedly, I read this one when I was still a Satan stan, with all the suspicions and doubts about Solomon's intentions still rampant within me. Reading him blush and become flustered is CUTE and aaaaa this whole fic is just really cute.🥺♡
🌸The Eternal Storm by @sondepoch
Sondepoch's Satan oneshot was the very first fic I read in the OM fandom so it has a special place in my heart~ I remembered how awkward it was to skim through the Satan filters, looking for a gen fic/SFW fic because around that time, most OM fics are smut (no shade on smut ofc, I'm just super uncomfortable reading them unless the writing is really pretty or there's something else going on in the story). Finding GEN AND A WELL-WRITTEN CHARACTER STUDY about my (former) favourite OM character was like I hit the jackpot. I remembered that feeling really well haha. My bias with one of my favourite forms of fic (char. study) aside, Sondepoch's writing is easy on the eyes and is definitely a great entry for anyone who wants to be in the OM fandom.
🌸Read Me by GENE515
One of my more recent reads and definitely worth a mention!♡ Read Me was a beautifully written, heartfelt two-shot about Lucifer's love, which he tried his best to express in penned words. Probably because of my own love letter-themed OM series, this one really stuck to me haha. The author is also really sweet. :3
🌸Schrodinger by fickleminder
I read this one around Halloween and it definitely fit the occasion. Schrodinger was such a great thriller/horror fic with how it set its unsettling atmosphere from the very beginning--the way fickleminder's writing just sucks you in and makes you bystand the whole ordeal between Belphegor and MC was just...so suspenseful? Nail biting? Creepy (in a good way ofc)? I won't spoil the ending, but the process and way they tackled it was a lot scarier than what I was initially bracing myself for.
🌸Siberia by @polandspringz
Seeing another Obey Me mystery in AO3 really hyped me up! Polandspringz did a spectacular job in writing this series and I can relate so much with their experiences in writing for mystery. Their writing style is easy on the eyes--I also really liked how they characterised the OM characters I have read on their series so far. There's still quite a lot of stuff left in speculation (from my most recent reading at least), and I really look forward to see how everything unfolds!
🌸Tetris Syndrome by apocketfulofposies (NSFW)
I am very very uncomfortable with smut content, so the smut I've read can be counted on one hand. ;; That is to say, TS is one of the few smut that I really, really enjoyed. First of all, Levi's characterisation is on point. It was really really interesting to get in his head and read about his thought process. What is envy? And how much does the sin of envy really define him?
I really enjoyed Levi's internalisations, as well as the author's writing style. If you want smut with a brooding, jealous otaku boy, I really recommend this one!
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writingonjorvik · 4 years
The New Gang Pitch
Following my narrative arc pitch, I wanted to outline a pitch for the new central character unit around the MC to go with it, since characters can make or break a story.
The Self-Taught Vessel, Allacia Clair
One of the first characters part of this group I would imagine has a bit of a rivalry with the MC about their powers. While she’s also a Vessel (my name for the Aideen’s champion role from my narrative pitch), she didn’t have anyone like the Keepers to teach her about her powers. She has a strong grasp on the “Avatar State” power/connecting to Aideen, her other powers she can’t really control and doesn’t have a good foundation for using her other core abilities. Her arc with the MC includes them learning to work together, possibly coming to a head at some point when it seems to this character that the MC is having no trouble with learning about the “Aideen State” powers.
She should be reckless, her powers manifesting in bursts, kinda like an unbridled Lightning Circle Alex, to show she never learned basic control over her powers. She’s stubborn and resilient, with a bitter sense of respect for the MC. She should be funny in a dry humor sort of way, but heart of gold trope, all the way. Points for her being in her mid to late 20′s, so a little older than the “about to start college” MC to add to that “how can you do this thing I struggled with” arc. Extra, extra points if she’s a POC, because, you know, cannon POC badasses are great.
The Valley Girl Hacker, Brittany Bellwinter
We need a diva in the party, and there’s nothing I love more than the idea of a full blown, bubble gum popping, gag me with a spoon, Silicon Valley girl for that. None of the “I don’t get people” hacker trope. This girl gets people, but is also Elle Woods smart with computers. “You took down entire network of G.E.D. encrypted asset logs.” “What, like it’s hard?” She takes no shit for being the pretty blonde girl, and she works her ass off to pull off her chic cyberpunk style while she takes down an entire DC facility’s security system from the Stablebucks down the street.
She’s open, honest, and direct. Her self-confidence is through the roof, to the point of initial conflict. Her being a vigilante when she meets the MC is a great arc to have them working together, and also establishing people outside the Keepers having an issue with Dark Core. She’s hungry for knowledge though, and her handiness with gadgets can provide SSO with a lot of tools for having ruins being destroyed in story beats without losing the information. But also a problem as she risks her life to get those pictures.
The Heart, Kadin Fairwind
This is the one character I think whose gender is most important to be kept the same. Kadin needs to be masc-presenting, either as an enby person who uses he/him pronouns, or just simply as a male presenting person. This is first and foremost because of the message Kadin can send. If SSO wants to be a story about gender equality, then it needs to also talk about how men relate to “feminine” topics, in particular, being the heart of the group. The Heart of the 5 man band is exclusively reserved for a female in the party, which is why it’s important to have a character like Kadin, who is masc-presenting, be the heart, to subvert that and show other masc-presenting players that you can be masculine and also be an empathetic person that tries to keep your friends together.
Kadin is a big sweetie, possibly physically, who just has a soft-spot for people. But when I say he’s big, I don’t mean Kadin is this doofy gentle giant or some himbo. No, he’s physically built, like a quarterback built, but he’s also very intelligent. Kadin needs to be outwardly very masculine, with an awareness of his strength and how it impacts people around him. He’s smart and observant and is really good on picking up on people’s emotions. He wants to help people, with a passion for being either a counselor or a nurse (specifically a nurse, not a doctor). Possibly with friends who were assholes when they were in school who bullied people, until Kadin decided he didn’t want to do that and wanted to be better aware of how he hurt people and how to make things better.
As much as I’m an advocate for queer & POC rep, I think the best way to do Kadin is just have him as this straight, white guy. I think him just being a hetero-cis dude and becoming aware of his privilege can be such an impactful message, even if the why isn’t ever explicitly said.
The Magic Enthusiast, Nakai “Xen” Seiko
If Kadin is cis, then Xen is one hundred percent they/them non-binary. But also, if Brittany is the tech wiz, then Xen simply wants to be an actual wizard. And not just wishes magic was real kinda wants to be a wizard, legit knows magic is real and can’t figure it out/can’t use it wants to be a wizard. Xen consumes all things magic, which makes them an amazing outside asset to the MC and Allacia, who both can use magic, but don’t always understand magic. Xen gets magic fundamentally as a study, but not always as a practice, which is why they struggle to actually use it. And while I do think they should learn how to use magic, they should by the kind of character who wants to multi-class wizard over and over so they can get every school of magic, not so they can actually get better. It’s Xen’s craving for understanding magic that will be a great tool in learning more about other planes of reality and how they relate to magic.
Xen’s personality is fundamentally at odds. While they come from a very traditional Japanese immigrant family and have a high respect for their culture, they obviously struggle with who they are and how that fits into what they want to do with their life. This is import in particular to me because so many cultures gender magic, with feminine and masculine sources of magic. Xen as a non-binary magic user, like myself, has to struggle with figuring out where those legends come from and breaking down how to feel about that in their own practice, particularly when Aideen is shown has being a very feminine entity. Much like the points before, I don’t think this has to be explicit, but I do think it can be very clearly coded to say that gendering things is often forced. While there are gendered things in nature, like things surrounding baby-making, most things aren’t and just because something is gendered, like Aideen, it doesn’t designate that all things need to be. I think the best way to balance this message is to have Xen has a very comedic person, always telling jokes, even when the timing isn’t always right. They should have an issue with hyperfixating, and I think having them being someone with ADD/ADHD is a great match for their other struggles, getting consumed in their pursuit of magic to the point of it being a hazard too.
The Gentle Giant, Bogga Norsdóttir
If anyone is going to be the brute of this party, it’s going to be Bogga. Bogga is a “I’m going to deadlift a Shire” kinda girl, but she won’t, cause it’s a horse, and why would she scare a horse like that? She’s honestly the simplest concept I have. She’s a gentle giant, though I don’t think she should be “stupid.” I think she should have a simple code of ethics, a very black and white version of right and wrong. It’s simple, you hurt her friends, she fucks you up. I would love too if she’s part Kalter. But yeah, Bogga is kinda the constant rock of the party, and that’s not just cause she’s a solid unit. She’s just reliable, and for that she’s kinda a sounding board for everyone else’s more complicated arcs. The point is that Bogga will always be there to support the party, and she doesn’t really need to grow. She’s got her life figured out, and so she’s just there to help everyone else figure out theirs.
The Returning Soul Rider
If there’s any of these members I’m ok with dropping, it’s this one. Not just cause I can’t decide which one, but also the whole point of the above group is establishing a friend group that the MC chooses through the story and actively recruits, not an existing friend group like the Soul Riders are. Even with the new intro to the Soul Riders they added, there’s never going to be a point where the MC isn’t a fifth wheel to their group, at least for me and I know for a lot of you, particularly as SSL gets more and more removed. The only reason they could even effectively establish their friend group before was because only two of them were friends when Lisa got to Jorvik, and it was Lisa that brought the four of them together. And honestly, I think staying on their story makes if feel more and more to me like we’re cleaning up their mess and undermines the Soul Riders defeating Garnok in SSL. Which ruins their abilities, and it’s just yet another reason we need to move away from them narratively.
Still, that doesn’t mean I think the Soul Riders need to be cut out entirely, but I think we need to relook at the angle that the MC is relating to the Soul Riders. And that means the Soul Riders relooking at themselves, particularly post Garnok, which is also why I think this arc needs to end.
In any case, I’m tied between Alex and Anne. On the one hand, Alex is a fighter and suddenly having no big bad to fight is a hell of a good arc to pitch. I also think her in contrast to Bogga is a great square off. Alex not being ready to be done fighting is a good arc, because she’s always been a fighter. What is she without something to go after now? I think her being afraid of falling back into her old ways now that she doesn’t have a target to hunt down is such an interesting arc to follow.
Anne is another interesting one, because I think with everyone expecting Anne to be consumed with vengeance before Garnok is defeated and her to come out of that, people would expect that after he’s gone, she would be ready to be done and just go back to being a normal girl. But I think that even if Anne gets over her vengeance, she’s the Soul Rider of the Sun Circle. Her powers are to open portals, she’s destined to travel. Anne isn’t going to want to go back. Whether it’s being a dressage master or traveling between planes of reality, Anne is the portal master of the druids. Worse, she was an imprisoned portal master. She’s shouldn’t want to be still ever again.
I’m honestly up in the air on them, and I’m not opposed to both, but I think it should just be one in the main group and another with a side arc we touch in on when we touch base with the other Soul Riders.
And yeah, that’s the pitch.
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backstagechatter · 4 years
📜Today I Music History 📜(RHC)
Hello Rockers 🤘 Welcome to Backstage Chatter🤩
What Happened Today In Music:
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June 22nd
1956 - Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley started a three-day run playing 10 shows at the Paramount Theater in Atlanta, Georgia. The stage manager was told; “Pull all white lights. Presley works all in color, Presley act has no encore. When he leaves the stage, immediately close curtains.”
1963 - Stevie Wonder
13-year old Stevie Wonder first entered the US singles chart as Little Stevie Wonder with ‘Fingertips Parts One and Two.’ 'Fingertips’ which featured a young Marvin Gaye on drums was the first live, non-studio recording to reach No.1 on the Billboard Pop Singles chart in the United States since Johnny Standley’s 1952 comic monologue 'It’s in the Book’.
1964 - The Beatles
The Beatles played their first ever show in New Zealand at Wellington Town Hall. The local Chief Constable refused a police escort for The Beatles leaving just two policemen to control over 5,000 fans.
1968 - Herb Alpert
Herb Alpert started a four week run at No.1 on the US singles chart with 'This Guys In Love With You’. His first No.1 plus first No.1 for the A&M label and the writer’s Bacharach and David’s first chart topper. A No.3 hit in the UK.
1968 - Rod Stewart
The Jeff Beck group featuring Rod Stewart made their US debut at the Fillmore East, New York.
1968 - Otis Redding
The Otis Redding album Dock Of The Bay went to No.1 in the UK. The posthumously released album, and his sixth studio album contained a number of singles and B-sides dating back to 1965 and one of his best known songs, the posthumous hit (Sittin’ On The Dock) Of The Bay.
1969 - Judy Garland
American singer, actress, Judy Garland, died of a barbiturate overdose aged 47, she was found on the floor of her rented Chelsea home, in London, UK. Made more than two dozen films, played Dorothy in the 1939 film 'Wizard Of Oz’, sang 'Over The Rainbow’ in the film, (voted the 'Song Of The Century’ in a 2001 poll published in America). 1961 US No.1 comeback album 'Judy At Carnegie Hall’.
1970 - Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin appeared at Laugardalsholl Hall, Reykjavik, Iceland on the group’s one and only visit to Iceland. It is suggested that Robert Plant was inspired to write the lyrics to 'Immigrant Song’ during this trip.“
1971 - David Bowie
The second Glastonbury Festival in England took place. Held over 5 days to coincide with the summer solstice, (the weather was, for a British 'summer’ very good). Acts who appeared included: Melanie, Quintessence, David Bowie, The Edgar Broughton Band, Pink Fairies, Terry Reid - with David Lyndley and Linda Lewis, Gong, Hawkwind, Arthur Brown, Brinsley Schwarz, Fairport Convention, Family and Traffic. Over 7,000 fans attended the event.
1971 - Joni Mitchell
Joni Mitchell released her fourth studio album Blue. The album is now generally regarded by music critics as one of the greatest albums of all time. In July 2017, Blue was chosen by NPR as the greatest album of all time made by a woman.
1980 - Don McLean
Don McLean had his second UK No.1 single with the Roy Orbison song 'Crying’. The song had been a No.2 US hit for Orbison in July 1961. In 1987, Orbison re-recorded the song as a duet with k.d. lang as part of the soundtrack for the motion picture, Hiding Out. Their collaboration won the Grammy Award.
1981 - Mark Chapman
Mark Chapman pleaded guilty to the charge of murdering John Lennon in 1980. He was later sentenced to 20 years to life.
1985 - Bryan Adams
Bryan Adams started a two week run at No.1 on the US singles chart with 'Heaven’, his first No.1 single, it made No.35 in the UK. The song had been featured in the film 'Night In Heaven’.
1988 - Jesse Ed Davis
American session guitarist Jesse Ed Davis died of a heroin overdose after collapsing in a laundry room in Venice, California, aged 43. Worked with Conway Twitty, The Monkees, John Lennon, Eric Clapton, Leonard Cohen, Keith Moon, Jackson Browne, Steve Miller, Harry Nilsson and Taj Mahal.
1990 - Ry Cooder
Ry Cooder and David Lindley, The Cure, Happy Mondays, Sinead O’Connor, Deacon Blue, De La Soul, Adamski, Blue Aeroplanes, Julian Cope, Del Amitri, Jesus Jones, James and The Pale Saints all appeared on the first day of this years Glastonbury Festival. A three day ticket cost £38.
1992 - Kurt Cobain
Nirvana’s Kurt Cobain was rushed to hospital after a gig in Belfast, Northern Ireland suffering from acute stomach pains brought on by ulcers.
1992 - MC Hammer
Three members of M.C. Hammer’s tour crew were wounded in a drive in shooting incident, three days later Joseph Mack, a dancer in Hammer’s entourage was shot on stage during a concert in Nevada.
1996 - Arthur Ross
The brother of singer Diana Ross, Arthur Ross and his wife were murdered by suffocation in the basement of their rented Detroit home. The badly decomposed bodies were discovered after neighbors complained of a foul odor coming from the house. Two men were later charged with murder and robbery. Arthur Ross had written songs for Marvin Gaye, The Miracles and Madonna.
2002 - The Edge
U2 guitarist 'The Edge’ married his girlfriend of ten years Morleigh Steinberg in Eze in the south of France. The couple first met when she was a belly dancer on the bands Zoo TV tour. Guest’s included Bono, Eurythmics Dave Stewart and Lenny Kravitz.
2003 - Clay Aiken
Clay Aiken, runner-up in the 2003 US American Idol went to No.1 on the US singles chart with 'This Is The Night.’ Luther Vandross was at No.1 on the US album chart with 'Dance With My Father’.
2008 - Coldplay
Coldplay went to No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Viva La Vida’, their first UK No.1. History was made by this single, as it had no physical CD-single release in the UK, being available by internet download only. The song won a Grammy Award for Song of the Year in 2009.
2011 - Bono
It was reported in the Irish press that Bono’s wandering peahen was causing havoc for some south Dublin residents. The peahen the less spectacular-coloured female partner to a male peacock had arrived in the Ard Mhuire housing estate in Killiney near to where the singer lived. One newspaper ran the headline: "Bono’s cock drives me nuts”. Local woman Susan McKeon said she first noticed the bird at night. “It had a tiny head and a huge body. It was actually quite ugly but I don’t think it’s fully grown.”
2012 - Isle of Wight Festival
MP Andrew Turner called for a review of procedures after thousands of rock fans were delayed for hours heading to the Isle of Wight Festival. After heavy rain cars were unable to park on waterlogged fields - leading to gridlock as about 55,000 people headed to the site. Some fans were stuck in traffic for up to 16 hours on the way to the festival. Elbow, Lana Del Rey, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Bruce Springsteen and Pearl Jam all appeared at this year’s festival.
2013 - Robin Thicke
'Blurred Lines’ by Robin Thicke started a 13 week run at No.1 on the US singles chart. Featuring American rapper T.I. and American singer and producer Pharrell Williams, the video was made in two versions; the first video features models Emily Ratajkowski, Jessi M'Bengue, and Elle Evans being topless, the second features them covered. The topless version of the video was removed from YouTube for violating the site’s terms of service regarding nudity, though it was later restored, but flagged as inappropriate. 'Blurred Lines" peaked at No.1 in 14 countries.
2015 - P Diddy
P Diddy was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon in Los Angeles. The alleged incident occurred on the University of California campus where his son was on the football team. The weapon in question was a kettlebell, which is used for weight training. Diddy - whose real name is Sean Combs - was released on $160,000 (£101,000) bail.
2016 - Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin singer Robert Plant told a court hearing the 'Stairway To Heaven’ copyright dispute that he had a dim memory of the time the song was written. Plant also said he could not remember meeting the band Spirit, who claimed the band stole their guitar riff for Stairway to Heaven in the 1970s. “I don’t have a recollection of almost anyone I’ve hung out with,” Plant said, causing roars of laughter in the court. The case was brought on behalf of Spirit’s late guitarist, Randy Wolfe. His estate claimed the opening riff of the 1968 song Taurus is fundamentally the same as the iconic opening bars of Stairway to Heaven.
2019 - Elton John
Sir Elton John was awarded France’s highest civilian award, the Legion d'Honneur. The British musician was presented with the award by President Emmanuel Macron during a ceremony at the Élysée Palace. President Macron’s office praised Sir Elton as a “melodic genius” and as one of the first gay artists to give a voice to the LGBT community.
2019 - Jerry Carrigan
American drummer and record producer Jerry Carrigan died age 75. He first achieved widespread recognition by being part of the first wave of the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section and later as a first-call session musician in Nashville for over three decades. He recorded with Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Charlie Rich, Kenny Rogers Jerry Lee Lewis, Ray Stevens and Dolly Parton.
Born Today In Music
June 22nd
1936 - Kris Kristofferson
Kris Kristofferson, musician, actor, and writer, known for such hits as 'Me and Bobby McGee’, 'For the Good Times’, 'Sunday Mornin’ Comin’ Down’, and 'Help Me Make It Through the Night’. In 1985, Kristofferson joined fellow country artists Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson and Johnny Cash in forming the country music supergroup The Highwaymen. In 2004, Kristofferson was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame.
1944 - Peter Asher
Peter Asher, Peter &Gordon, who had the 1964 UK & US No.1 single 'World Without Love’, written by Lennon & McCartney. Asher was a producer and Head of Apple Records in late 60s and went on to become James Taylor and Linda Ronstadt’s manager.
1947 - Howard Kaylan
Howard Kaylan, from the The Turtles who had the US 1967 No.1 single 'Happy Together’ and the 1967 hit 'She’d Rather Be with Me’. He later worked with Frank Zappa, alongside his friend and partner Mark Volman who used the stage names of Flo & Eddie.
1948 - Todd Rundgren
American multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter, and record producer Todd Rundgren. Member of Nazz and Utopia. Had the solo 1972 US No.16 & 1973 UK No.36 single 'I Saw The Light’. Rundgren engineered / produced many notable albums for other acts, including The Band’s Stage Fright (1970), Badfinger’s Straight Up (1971), Grand Funk Railroad’s We’re an American Band (1973), the New York Dolls’s New York Dolls (1973), Hall & Oates’s War Babies (1974), Bat Out Of Hell’s Bat Out of Hell (1977).
1949 - Alan Osmond
Alan Osmond from American family group The Osmonds. They had the 1971 US No.1 single 'One Bad Apple’, the 1974 hit 'Crazy Horses’ and the 1974 UK No.1 single 'Love Me For A Reason’. They had their own 1972–1973 Saturday morning cartoon series, The Osmonds, on ABC-TV. The Osmonds have sold over 75 million records world wide.
1949 - Larry Junstrom
Larry Junstrom, a founding member of Lynyrd Skynyrd and longstanding bassist with the band .38 Special. Junstrom played bass with Lynyrd Skynyrd from its formation in 1964 until he was replaced by Leon Wilkeson in 1971. He then joined .38 Special in 1976 with Donnie Van Zant, the younger brother of the Lynyrd Skynyrd frontman Ronnie Van Zant. He died on 6 October 2019 at the age of 70.
1953 - Cyndi Lauper
American singer, songwriter Cyndi Lauper, who had the 1984 US No.1 single 'Time After Time’, and the UK & US No.2 single 'Girls Just Want To Have Fun’, (first recorded in 1979 by American musician Robert Hazard). The song received Grammy Award nominations for Record of the Year and Best Female Pop Vocal Performance.
1956 - Derek Forbes
Derek Forbes, bassist with Scottish rock band, Simple Minds, who had the 1985 US No.1 single 'Don’t You, Forget About Me’, and the 1989 UK No.1 single 'Belfast Child’, plus over 20 other UK Top 40 singles.
1956 - Green Gartside
Green Gartside, singer, songwriter from British band Scritti Politti, who had the 1984 UK No.10 single 'Wood Beez, Pray Like Aretha Franklin’, and the hit 'The Word Girl’, as well as a US Top 20 hit 'Perfect Way’.
1957 - Gary Beers
Gary Beers, bassist from Australian rock band INXS, who had the 1988 UK No.2 & US No.1 single 'Need You Tonight’. Their 1987 album Kick has sold over 10m copies in the US alone and features four Top 10 singles; 'Need You Tonight,’ 'Devil Inside’, 'New Sensation,’ and 'Never Tear Us Apart.’ INXS has sold over 55 million records worldwide.
1959 - Alan Anton
Alan Anton, bassist with Canadian alternative country/blues/folk rock band, Cowboy Junkies.
1961 - Jimmy Somerville
Jimmy Somerville, UK singer, who with Bronski Beat had the 1984 UK No.3 single 'Smalltown Boy’. With British pop duo The Communards had the 1986 UK No.1 single with a cover version of the Thelma Houston hit 'Don’t Leave Me This Way’.
1962 - Ruby Turner
British Jamaican R&B and soul singer, Ruby Turner, who scored the 1987 UK hit single 'I’d Rather Go Blind’. As a session backing vocalist, she has worked with Bryan Ferry, UB40, Steel Pulse, Steve Winwood, Jools Holland and Mick Jagger.
1964 - Bobby Gillespie
Bobby Gillespie, guitar, vocals, from Scottish rock band Primal Scream who had the 1994 UK No.7 single 'Rocks’ and the 1991 UK No.8 album Screamadelica.
1964 - Mike Edwards
Mike Edwards, vocals with English group Jesus Jones who had the 1990 US No.2 hit with 'Right Here Right Now’ and the 1991 UK No.7 single 'International Bright Young Thing’.
1965 - Tom Cunningham
Tom Cunningham, drummer with Scottish band Wet Wet Wet who formed in 1982. They are best known for their 1994 cover of The Troggs’ 1960s hit 'Love Is All Around’, which spent 15 weeks at No.1 on the UK charts.
1970 - Steven Page
Steven Page, guitar, vocals, with Canadian rock band Barenaked Ladies who scored the 1998 US No.1 & UK No.5 single 'One Week’. The group has sold over 15 million records including albums and singles, and were inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame in March of 2018.
1976 - Sally Polihronas
Sally Polihronas, Australian singer from Bardot, winners of the Australian Popstars reality show, who had the 2000 Australian No.1 single ‘Poison’, and 2000 Australian No.1 self-titled album.
1981 - Chris Urbanowicz
Chris Urbanowicz, guitarist, with English rock band The Editors, who had the 2007 UK No.1 album An End Has a Start and earned the band a Brit Awards nomination for best British Band.
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ao719 · 5 years
Hi! I’m sort of new to the TRR/TRH fandom and I recently read your fics and I loved them! They were awesome and you captured the characters so well. Do you recommend any other LiamxMC writers?
Hi anon! Welcome to the fandom! And thank you so much for your kind words! 💕 There are so many amazing writers in the fandom for Liam x MC. Depending on exactly what you’re looking for I definitely have some! And they all have so much more content on top of Liam x MC:
@zaffrenotes - She writes my absolute favorite Liam. He’s sweet and quirky and the way she writes the dynamic between him and everyone is always amazing. Masterlist
@dcbbw - she writes Liam x Riley (Riam) and they are AMAZING! They are funny and sexy and sweet and everything in between and I love the way she writes these 2 so much! She makes us all wish we had a real life Liam, lol. Masterlist
@bobasheebaby - Her Liam’s can go from sweet to straight up crazy Evil! (But she makes evil Liam so damn delicious it’s hard to hate him 😂) Masterlist
@blackcatkita - Her series The Consequence of Secrets is amazing! Masterlist
@elles-choices - She has amazing Liam x MC stories. Masterlist
@annekebbphotography - So much great Liam x MC content. Masterlist
@bbrandy2002 - I just read her TRR Version of the Breakfast Club and its amazing! And Liam x Riley are so cute! Masterlist
@hopefulmoonobject - She has a Liam x MC shifter series and just started a sequel to that as well. Masterlist
@umccall71 - Tons of Liam x MC. Masterlist
@katurrade - Again, tons of Liam x MC and she throws canon out the window with most and they’re amazing! Masterlist
@choicesfanatic86 - Love her Liam x MC especially Through the Storm. It was the first thing I ever read here and what brought me to tumblr.
@badchoicesposts - They have a series called Don’t Dream it’s Over with Liam x MC and it’s so good! Masterlist
There’s so many more I know I’m missing, but I’m sure any of the above have other recommendations as well! Thanks for the ask anon!
41 notes · View notes
queenkaneko · 5 years
The Return
Pairing: Colt Kaneko x MC (Ellie)
Word Count: 3163
A/N: Gonna try and keep this short this week. If you want to be tagged in future parts, please send me an ask or message. I’ve started to lose track of who wants to be on the list and I don’t want anyone to miss out because I’m scatterbrained! Also, please no one kill me for the cliffhanger. At least there’s not a lot of angst? This kinda got away from me at just over 3k words but it was my favorite to write so far. Enjoy!
Summary: Ellie makes it back to the shop to find Colt there working on the remodel and they tear some stuff up with sledgehammers. What can I say, they both have some anger issues to work out. Afterwards, Colt brings Ellie in on something he’s been planning...
Part One  Part Two Part Four
Ellie drove as fast as she could get away with, passing cars and slipping between lanes with practiced ease. The afternoon sun was drifting lower in the sky by the time she turned the last corner before Kaneko Autobody came into view. The scorch marks caused her stomach to twist with anger and loss. It had become a home to her, and she didn’t realize that fact until it was burned to the ground. That the frame of the building survived was a miracle. Ellie remembered the heat of the flames on her cheeks the night she’d consoled Colt on that curb right over there. Leaving him now was a mistake.
Which was why, on her return trip, she’d called her advisor at Langston and withdrawn from the summer program. Beyond the summer, Ellie wasn’t sure what she would do, but she knew she needed to be here right now. She didn’t call her dad, not knowing how to explain this to him. He wouldn’t understand, he didn’t really ever try to understand her. Despite everything that had happened, he’d fallen back into his same habits. Ellie wasn’t going to waste her breath defending her heart to him or anyone else. Not ever again. Pulling into the open bay doors, she looked around desperately for Colt’s motorcycle, hoping beyond hope she’d find him here. Even if she didn’t, she needed to see this. She hadn’t been back since the fire and that didn’t feel right.
Not seeing the familiar bike, Ellie killed the engine of her car and slid out, looking around with a sad smile. The place had been cleaned out and it looked like someone had been in the process of gutting the walls. It was silent, so she assumed Colt had been here and she’d missed him. Her smile fell but just as she stepped away from the car to explore the rest of the shop, a voice stopped her in her tracks. “Looks like you’re in the wrong place, sweetheart.” In a flash, Ellie whipped around toward the voice, briefly wondering if she’d really heard him or if she was being tortured by another memory. Colt stood at the top of the stairs leading to Logan’s loft, arms crossed over his chest. If Ellie didn’t know him so well, the casual nature of his posture would’ve pissed her off, but she did know him. His shoulders were tense and his eyes were slightly widened in surprise. He was shifting his weight from one foot to the other as she stared at him, clearly nervous and unsure. After a long moment, a wide smile spread across Ellie’s face and she launched herself up the stairs and into his arms.  Colt was caught off guard, quickly uncrossing his arms in an attempt to catch her, but her momentum was too much and they both crashed to the floor. He landed hard on his back with her landing on his chest, but he suddenly couldn’t think of the words to tease her for it. Ellie’s arms wrapped tighter around his neck and he held her close, chuckling as he buried his face in her hair, the smell of lavender mixed with the leather of her car seats. She was real, here in his arms. 
After several minutes Ellie sat back, still straddling his hips and took his face in her small hands to study his face. Her thumbs ran across his cheekbones before she leaned down and kissed him gently, almost like an apology. “On the contrary, I’m exactly where I belong.” She whispered against his lips before kissing him once more. Colt smiled against her lips, which encouraged Ellie to slide her hands into his hair and nibble on his lower lip. Instead of giving in, Colt gently pushed her back just enough to look at her. She frowned at him in confusion. Had she taken too long to come back? Was he angry with her for being here? “Before you say anything, I swear I didn’t plan to be here when I woke up this morning, I just...:” Her voice trailed off as she searched his eyes, finding something familiar to what she was feeling: relief. So he was glad she was here.
“I know Elle, I know.” Colt spoke softly, brushing her hair aside with gentle fingertips. There was a scar on her left temple from the glass of her windshield but all her bruises and some of the smaller cuts had nearly healed. He almost couldn’t tell she’d almost died a few weeks ago. Taking a deep breath to work up the willpower, he sat up and then helped her to her feet. But no sooner were they standing, his arms wrapped around her waist again. Ellie smiled as he held her close, more gentle than she was used to from him. She ran her hands down his chest to put enough distance between them to look at him again. Colt’s warm brown eyes were shining with unshed tears and he blinked them away quickly.
Ellie laughed softly. “Don’t tell me you’ve gone soft on me. I’ve only been gone three weeks.” She teased, wiping away her own tears that had escaped onto her cheeks with one hand.
“Why are you here, Ellie? Your summer program starts next week. You’re going to miss it.” Colt couldn’t help but wonder what this was. Why she’d come back and if she would stay. God, how he wanted her to stay and it killed him. He was being selfish. She deserved better than him, didn’t she?
“I’m not missing it. I withdrew from the program. This is my last summer before college. I want to spend it with you, if you’ll let me.” Ellie looked down at her hands on his chest, avoiding his gaze. Colt’s hands had slipped under the hem of her shirt and his jacket, tracing soothing patterns on the skin of her hips. She’d missed this so much, but she didn’t realize how much until now. She didn’t want to be anywhere else.
Colt reached out and lifted her chin with the knuckle of his index finger, gently making her look him in the eyes. “I’ll think about it.” He replied with his signature cocky smirk. His eyes betrayed him though; Ellie saw the hope in his eyes, a warmth she didn’t get to see often and only ever when he looked at her.
For the first time since laying eyes on Colt, Ellie took a look around at the bones of the shop that were now exposed. Drywall covered the ground in chunks, wires hung exposed above them from where the light fixtures had burst from the heat of the flames. She stepped out of Colt’s arms and wandered a few feet, inspecting the exposed wooden beams. “You really went to town, huh?” She laughed, throwing him a smile over her shoulder. “How long have you been working?”
Colt watched her intently. He was afraid to take his eyes off her in case she disappeared, but he didn’t move. “Uh, few days here and there. It’s...tricky getting out here when the F.B.I is on your ass.” He joked halfheartedly, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, looking conflicted. “Elle...it’s not that I’m not happy to see you. I am. But, being around me right now isn’t a good idea. You could get hurt.”
Ellie sighed and turned to face him, tugging nervously at the sleeves of his jacket. “Honestly? I don’t know why I’m here. I made it as far as Flagstaff before I stopped, that’s when I found your jacket in my trunk, and I…” She bit her lip, thinking over her words for a moment. “It was like the last straw, I guess. The whole drive, I couldn’t help thinking how important this place was to me. How much I loved this life, despite my better judgement.” Ellie gestured, with a humorless chuckle, at the remains of the shop before looking him in the eye. “How much I loved you. How I hated the fact that I was leaving you to pick up the pieces alone.” She was in front of him now and Colt was surprised at the fire he saw in her eyes as she took his hand in hers, intertwining their fingers. “I don’t know what kind of life I want yet. But you were right, I’m going to find out. With you.”
Colt swallowed hard. This had to be another dream. She couldn’t really be here, fighting for him. No one fought for him, not like this. It was like there were two different people arguing in his head. The part of him that had been to college, experienced it and the part that knew it wasn’t for him. Maybe it wasn’t for her either, but this path was dangerous. He was fine following it himself, but to bring Ellie into it…. “Alright then.” Colt squeezed her hand and nodded once. “You wanna knock out some walls?” He shot her a lopsided smile that gave her butterflies. He told himself it was okay, he would protect her, that they could do this as a team. Colt released Ellie’s hand and walked over to pick up the sledgehammer he’d thrown earlier before holding it out to her, handle first.
Ellie grinned and it lit up her face. Busting up the remains of their past sounded like just what she needed. She reached out and took the hammer from him. “Oh, hell yes.” Ellie took a moment, surveying the remaining drywall of Logan’s loft. Colt crossed his arms and leaned against one of the exposed beams watching her with a smirk. Deciding on a spot, Ellie walked up and swung the hammer as hard as she could with both hands. That was for her mother, for leaving her so soon with no one to balance out her dad’s overbearing version of love. It felt good and Ellie swung again. That was for her dad, for never quite loving her for who she was instead of who he wanted her to be. She swung again, hitting harder now, imagining it was Jason. That’s when her pent up rage boiled over and she swung the hammer again, raising it over her head and slamming it into the wall with a shout. He’d taken so much from her, from the ones she loved. He’d told her exactly what she wanted to hear, tried to manipulate her just like her dad. Ellie beat out all the anger and frustration she had, which kicked up a cloud of dust from the crushed drywall. Coughing and covering her mouth with her sleeve, Ellie backed up and turned to Colt with a sheepish grin. “Guess I got a little too carried away.”
Colt snorted a laugh, his lips twitching into a smile. Damn, she’d only been here less than an hour and he already felt lighter, he was already smiling more. For all the shit he’d given Logan for going soft because of Ellie, he’d sure started to see why. Watching her small form swing the heavy sledgehammer would’ve been almost comical if he hadn’t noticed the pain in her expression. “I dunno, looked pretty hot from where I’m standing. Until you started coughing, that is.” Colt handed her a mask from his toolbox in the corner. “Next time maybe wait until you have one of these.”
Ellie snatched the mask from him and playfully swatted his shoulder. “You didn’t offer me this before giving me a hammer and letting me go nuts on the wall?”
Colt laughed and reached out to rub her arms affectionately, appreciating how great she looked wearing his jacket. “Now, where’s the fun in that?” Ellie felt the heat of his gaze as his eyes roamed her from head to toe, taking her in. She stepped closer to him, wrapping her arms loosely around his shoulders. Colt’s hands rested lightly on her hips and he leaned in to kiss her, unable to resist when she was this close. He felt Ellie’s hand slip up into the hair at his neck as she lazily kissed along his jaw. They weren’t particularly heated kisses, meant to express how much they’d missed each other rather than their desire. At least, they weren’t until Ellie suddenly pressed herself closer to him, leaving no space between them.
Colt reacted on instinct, pressing his hands into the small of her back to hold her tightly. He kissed her neck, her jaw, her cheeks, her lips, anything he could reach really, until Ellie took his face in her hands and made him look at her. “Do you...have some place you’re staying?” She asked breathlessly, her lips swollen from his kisses.
It took Colt a minute to register what she’d asked, too distracted by the red blush on her cheeks, the wild look in her eyes, her body pressed against his. He cleared his throat before answering. “Uh, yeah. It’s not much. I’m sorta squatting right now.” Colt laughed a little, pressing his forehead to hers. “Why, you have something in mind?” He smirked, knowing exactly what was on her mind.
“Maybe a thing or two.” Ellie smirked at him. This close to him, Ellie could see all the shades of brown in his eyes, the little green dots of color scattered in his irises. She could hardly believe that she’d only met him a few months ago, that she could love someone so much. Before she met him, she’d only dreamed of having the kind of love her parent’s had, and although her dad would vehemently disagree, Ellie believed she had found it with Colt. That was why she knew going to Langston wasn’t what she wanted most, not anymore. “I wanna show you how much I missed you.” Ellie whispered, her lips ghosting over his.
Colt groaned and his hands tightened around her waist as he reluctantly pushed her back. “As much as I would love to find out, I really have to finish here. I’m not sure when I’ll be able to make it back.” He brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. “But now that you’re here, we’ll be done twice as fast. C’mon, grab the sledgehammer, we have a kitchen to gut.” Colt kissed her forehead one more time and headed for the stairs. Ellie grabbed the sledgehammer and the mask from where she’d dropped it during their embrace before following him.
They spent the rest of the remaining daylight hours clearing out the backroom. Ellie started on the drywall while Colt used a drill to remove the charred light fixtures from the ceiling. Once that was done, they swept up the mess. Things were finally starting to look better. Most of the damage from the fire had been removed, all that remained was to rebuild. Ellie being here for this, for him, made Colt feel more at peace than he had since Ardizzone. This was totally uncharted territory for him, the things she made him feel were almost scary, but damn if he didn’t want her to stay by his side forever. He should want to push her away, to tell her to go to college and forget about him, she’d be safer. But he wasn’t selfless, he wasn’t fearless, and he needed her to keep him grounded. As long as Ellie wanted to stay, Colt would enjoy every moment, he’d keep her safe.
Ellie looked over and noticed Colt staring at her as she organized a bag of clothes to take to his place. “Colt? Is everything okay?” They’d decided to leave her car here for now. If anyone saw her it around town, her dad would hear about it. Hell, even Jason might hear it from his cell in prison and send someone after her. Colt knew he still had connections on the outside, he’d been investigating them for weeks now but hadn’t found anything so far. But everything he knew, he told her. They were in this together, no matter what, he’d never make another plan without her.
Colt looked away, a bit sheepish, and Ellie raised an eyebrow at his uncharacteristic embarrassment. “I, uh, I wanna show you something. Come on.” He held his hand out and Ellie slung her backpack over her shoulder before taking it. On the way out, Colt closed the bay doors, the only thing to survive the fire, to hide her car. He lead her by the hand into an alley a couple blocks away, were his bike was parked.
The ride was short but Ellie enjoyed being on the back of his motorcycle again. She let her head rest against his back, arms wrapped around his waist and fingers teasing the skin near the hem of his white t-shirt. When he stopped, she looked up at the scene in front of them. “You...brought me to an abandoned warehouse? Very romantic, Colt.” She rested her chin on his shoulder, laughing softly.
Colt rolled his eyes as a smile tugged at his lips but said nothing. Damn, it was still so hard to be here, but he wanted to show her. To have someone to share the memories with. Without a word, Colt got off his bike and walked to the doors of the building. He fumbled with a set of keys from his pocket until he found the right one and unlocked one side. Ellie followed behind him, watching curiously as he rolled the door up.
What she saw punched the air out of her lungs. The frame was charred and twisted in places, two of the doors were missing, and the front end looked like an awkwardly folded accordion, but she’d recognize that shade of green paint anywhere. “It’s Kaneko’s car…” Colt was staring at the twisted mess, he only nodded. Ellie walked closer, stepping inside the small storage area and running her hand along the roof reverently. She wanted to ask him how he got it, why he had it, what he was planning to do with what was effectively a pile of scrap metal after the horrors it had seen. But the words wouldn’t come. Her eyes filled with tears momentarily and she blinked them away. Ellie still mourned for Teppei, feeling partially responsible for the events that had led to his death, for ruining Colt’s plan even if it was unintentional. More than that though, she’d started to see him as a father figure as well. He’d given her the freedom she’d so desperately craved, taught her, trusted her. Even though he’d tricked her into running with the crew, Ellie couldn’t deny that.
Finally, Colt spoke, causing her to turn to him. He was standing behind her, hands in his pockets, still staring at the wreckage. “I found another one. In Fresno.” He slowly tore his eyes off the car and looked into Ellie’s blue eyes. “Do you want to help me steal it?” 
Tags: @poeticscolt @brightpinkpeppercorn @lovehugsandcandy @courtesan-of-garage @zig-nazario @maxwellsquidsuit @i-only-signed-up-for-fanfiction @postcardfromsomewhere @walkerduchess @zaira-oh-zaira @umiumichan @long-gone-girl @leelee10898
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mfackenthal · 5 years
MFackenthal Reviews - minipost TRR - June 2019
Tumblr media
Epiphany by @ao719
In this alternate version of the story of Liam x MC, Liam strung Daniella along until her name was cleared and then out of fear still chose Madeline. Dani is heartbroken.  When she meets and starts to have feelings for another man, Elijah, will Liam be able to truly let her go?  And do we want him to?  I can’t decide!  I need people to read this with me so we can debate.  So far, I’m a big fan of Elijah.  Plus, I need other people to yell at the author with me because she totally left the last chapter at a cliff hanger and I need to know how a confrontation with Liam and Elijah is going to go and I need to know NOW!
Forever by @debramcg1106
Liam, Riley, and Drake tried to make the love they each shared for each other work to disastrous effects.  This is now a completed series – so come see how they finally got their happy ending. Driam fans – you need to read this!
Vengeance by @ao719
I’m tagging the first chapter of this series because it’s possible (but not likely – yet reality) that I’m behind in reading.  So catch up with me!  In this series, our main character – Colette … let’s just say she holds a grudge.  Come find out why I have my eye on her because she seems to be putting dear Drake in a tough position.
Sweethearts by @elles-choices
Those who don’t learn from their past are doomed to repeat their mistakes.  Liam really needs to do some more learning from his past in this series.  But damn if he and Lola aren’t hot in those moments where they’re making new memories.
Listening to Her Heart by @bobasheebaby
Perceval entered Athena’s life at one of her lowest times.  He builds her up and helps her survive while Liam continues his farce of an engagement tour with Madeline.  When Liam finally breaks things off – who will Athena choose?  Come read this series and then get lost with me in the amazing worlds that @bobasheebaby has created.
Guarded Hearts by @lolablackwrites
It’s possible that instead of sleeping last weekend, I binged this series.  I felt fucking great after – so I highly suggest doing the same. Come fall in love with Bastien. See a deeper side to Bertrand. Come live in a little fear of the King and Queen.  And, lastly, come see why Alice is an amazing MC!
The Lion Prince by @laniquelovewrites
As we all know – I don’t do favorites on this blog and in this list … but I do shoutouts and, seriously, everyone should read this fic.  It features amazing artwork, you’ll feel nostalgia for Disney movies, and you’ll laugh histerically at Liam and mini-Drake.  I laughed so hard that I had to share this one with my husband.  He doesn’t know the characters and he laughed.  Read it.
A Twist in the Tale by @whenyourheartskipsabeat
Riley was poisoned, but she’s okay and we’ve learned some big news about the next generation.  How do Liam and Riley react upon learning they’re pregnant?
Protect and Serve by @jovialyouthmusic
Sophia has come to Cordonia to serve the King and Queen. So far, Drake and Leo have hit on her. Bastien has refrained from doing so – but she’s definitely caught his eye … I’m only on chapter 2, but I can’t wait to catch up!
In the Shadows by @ao719
See Madeline finally be taken down!  The writing is so good, you’ll be able to essentially see the bullets flying. 
The Revelation by @the-everlasting-dream
Brief recap: Shortly after Drake gets the girl, the girl loses her memory.  The girl has to decide all over again who to choose.  She tentatively chooses Drake, again.  Now: Drake is dating the girl but there are things he hasn’t told her yet.  Kiara is threatening to out Drake before he is ready.  Drake and Liam are finding their way back to friendship.  It’s angst, it’s drama, it’s heartache – another amazing series to catch up on.
The Mark: The Partnership by @ownworldresident
Liam has a small obsession with the woman who tried to kill him.  In defense – they shared some mind-blowing sex before that event.  Drake is trying his best to help Liam see the error of his ways.
Drake’s Diary – The Homecoming Ball by @fluffy-marshmallow-heart
A retelling of TRR from Drake’s perspective.  This penultimate chapter is full of fluff and drama!  
In Another Life – by CGW ( @ao719, @speedyoperarascalparty, @leelee10898, @cocomaxley)
The group imagines what would happen if they hadn’t meant when they did.  Will they all still find each other?  Read this series to find out.
The Return by @ao719
The love of Liam’s life returns after she left 4 years ago – learn why she left, why we hate Constantine, and if Liam will get a happy ending after all.
Coming Home by @speedyoperarascalparty
Quench your thirst for Drake here. NSFW
TTS: Part 48 by @choicesfanatic86
Oh my gosh – she’s back!!! Welcome back @choicesfanatic86!  Liam and Riley have not been able to make things work, but Riley is pregnant and Liam is determined to show her how they could make it work.  Andy and Maxwell have been able to make things work.  The besties talk about life.
Fan Art
https://jadequarze.tumblr.com/post/184599188852/aiyooooo-%CF%89-its-the-gang-from-trr-i-was by @jadequarze
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I have a few more ideas for other Littlebell fanfiction. There is no season 3 and we are campaigning for it but it's not happening as of now and I am afraid the fandom will die but even it does, I will be the last woman standing. This show means everything to me (see the other A/N) and I will keep it alive through my own version of canon alone.
Here are the titles.
And teasers.
Make sure I keep my promises, okay?
*A - Abandons Canon
**C - Continues Canon
- Secaucus - A fan noticed on Twitter that they were both in a different outfit from arrival to departure. *A
- The Rainbow Post-It Flags - The symbol for their relationship is literally a rainbow and that's the tea on that. Thanks for coming to my tedtalk. **C
- The Flood - A pun on Susannah's last name!!! (I'm really proud of that one, thanks!) What happens when a Littlebell writer (me) is also a Catholic college student? (FOR THE RECORD: I am not a college student who is Catholic; my college itself is Catholic and I am a student there. Also, please don't ask how this relates because I have no answers. Yet. I will let you know as soon as I find out. But that part of my life does bleed into this story idea. So...) Perhaps an AU where Sandra and Kate are at college together? Maybe about the conflicts between religion and sexuality but the ultimate coexistence of Catholicism and non-heterosexuality and how the former, and other religions, supports the latter rather than opposes it most fundamentally? This would be heavily political story and one that is very emotionally difficult to write as it will inevitably deal with repression and I am not sure I want to take on that task or if I could do it justice and I am also not sure I want to open Pandora's Box but it would be an important story to tell. If I were to take on that task, the question is: How am I going to tell it? I don't know. All I know is that I peaked when I blogged about Littlebell from La Sagrada Familia while on vacation and somehow I am still affected by that experience of blogging about Littlebell from the most famous church in the world. *A
- The Oxford Years - Kate Littlejohn English study abroad spin-off. Hopefully I will be writing this from Oxford. (Also, just so you know: the show never specified which school but as far as I am concerned, Kate went to Oxford. Because I said so. Because 11 year-old me wanted to study English literature there and that dream is so dead by now but still, I don't like disappointing my past self.) **C
- Sandra and Kate / Getaway Car (I don't know which one yet but I like Sandra and Kate better) - Someone called the case from 2x09 Bonnie & Clyde so of course my brain went to Taylor Swift's Getaway Car, the Broadway musical Bonnie and Clyde, and decided that "Sandra and Kate" sounds better than "Kate and Sandra" in the melody that Taylor Swift sings the words "Bonnie and Clyde" in in Getaway Car and is therefore the superior ordering of their names. Don't ask what it's going to be like but think... Western? A part of the country I have never been to and never intend to go to. Nice. Good job, Jenny. That's smart, writing something that is going to require research you don't have time to do. (Each chapter WILL be a song title from the musical and there will be as many chapters as the cast album has songs and yes, it will be inspired.) *A
- All Rise - Someone mentioned that All Rise (recently picked up by CBS) sounds like For The People from its synopsis so I am going to watch it for the pure sake of that and as I watch, I'll just rewrite the plot as if it's from FTP, replace AR characters with FTP characters, and move the story to NYC from LA. Cool? (All Rise is super diverse which I love. Here is to hoping the writing is even close to half as good as For The People. High bar, I'll admit. And I will be livid if the writing is too shitty for me to want to dedicate a whole story to it. CBS, don't fuck up. Madam Secretary is the second best gift humanity has ever offered to the world through television, after For The People. Please keep being inspired.) **C
- Legally Blonde x Kate Littlejohn - Kate would absolutely despise Elle and that’s the only truth there is but imagine if Kate was the MC of Legally Blonde? *A
ABC? I don't know her. I *AM* the new For The People show writers. Thanks. (I am also convinced I love Sandra and Kate more than the people who wrote them. Not because they don't. But because I do. A LOT. SO MUCH. TOO MUCH.)
I hope you are excited because I sure as hell am.
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kaescapos · 5 years
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THE BIG EASY RP WEEK 2016 [day six] ↳ most developed ship (yours)
Vincent Armstrong + Cesar Cortez
i remember when the first version of the ad for a toxic relationship went up when vince wasn’t vince, the first thing i saw was manny’s face, the second was criminal. i don’t think i closed a tab so quick in my life. but before i make a decision i have to think about it, think about it some more, and then overthink it all.  but i was going to florida for a couple weeks and didn’t want to leave a new thing hanging. so i shelved it to return later.  i don’t plan characters in advance, but i watched mayans mc and by the time i was in florida i had a name. i came back and wanted to get settled by catching up on tags before embarking on another character.  but then elle archived the ad and i thought i missed my chance. and then terry became vince, the ad went back up with a couple tweaks, i claimed it and before anyone realzied what happened tez claimed vince.
i definitely did not know what i was getting myself  into but elle had no idea how desperately i wanted an mlm ship.  i just fully expected it to remain toxic and temporary.  i did not expect them to turn into what they are. but one thread under out belt and i knew i was in trouble, i just did not know how much trouble.
but they’re my most developed ship not because every thread they’re in goes well beyond 20 replies, but because of the planning that goes into them.  when i say we mapped out threads to match the seven deadly sins & heavenly virtues, i mean we picked a starting point and the corresponding sin/virtue and went from there so that it flowed, they ready like a story and i love that so much.  but even with all that planning and the development that comes from it they still surprise us. they have been through a lot in the last several months, they’ve fought to varying degrees, they’ve relived their first few dates and that horrible break up that i’m still mad at tez about, they didn’t talk for periods at a time. i love that through all of this seven has become their number.  seven months, seven dates, seven sins, seven virtues. i feel like i’ve been writing them for years instead of months. when i created tez i did not realize that certain points in his history would contrast vince but that they would also compliment one another.  i love that they are characters that allow us to integrate real world concepts into their story, to build off that and make them really come alive.  we’ve planned so much i know roughly where they’re going to end up but only parts of how they get there.  i was told this is a slow burn and i am here for that, though i think it might just kill me for the simple fact of all the things i know they have to go through before they can even think about being happy.
half the time i don’t know how they can be so cute and the other half i just want to yell at them. there are times where i felt vince deserved better, times where i thought tez didn’t deserve something said to him.  like elle i’ll stand in the way of anyone that tries to come for this ship, vince or tez.  and honestly i think you’d rather deal with me and elle instead of a protective vince and tez.
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jeremiahofphilo · 28 days
she takes the yellow flower, admiring the color briefly. it did cheer her up a bit, since she hadn’t been feeling so great as of late. “hmm… i don’t know. romantic flower affirmations in the hands of anyone might slide by unnoticed, but i’ve noticed no lady leaves your shop dissatisfied. i think the curly brown hair and golden brown eyes make you dangerous..” she snorts, twirling the stem between her thumb and her forefinger.
“there is no life without death,” she shrugs. “but maybe i just have a knack for finding beauty in the macabre. is… is that strange?” she asks, looking down and chewing her bottom lip.
"Not at all." He smiles back while his fingers find more stems to arrange, not dropping his attention from her while he works. "I find it a bit refreshing, actually. Maybe a little intriguing."
Her earlier comment stands in his mind and he picks up another snapdragon stem to twirl in his fingers, not unlike a familiar dagger from a time long passed to him, but much, much more flimsy. "Come now, Miss. Dangerous? Me? With this?"
The flower flopped as he outstretched his arm fully. "On guard!"
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maddiesbookshelves · 2 years
Second queer manga recommendation of the month:
Blue Flag, by Kaito
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Original title: Ao no Flag / 青のフラッグ
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance, School Life, Slice of Life
Themes: Friendship, School, Homosexuality, Love
Japanese volumes: 8 (Finished)
For some reason, Taichi Ichinose just can’t stand Futaba Kuze. But at the start of his third year in high school, he finds himself in the same homeroom as her, along with his childhood friend Toma Mita, a star athlete. But one day, Futaba opens up to Taichi and admits she has a crush on Toma. She then asks for his help in confessing to him! There’s just one problem—Toma seems to already have a secret crush on someone else.
I was floored when I learned that this was published in Shounen Jump+ because the Jump magazine is the biggest manga publisher in Japan (One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Jujutsu Kaisen and a lot of others are/were published by Jump). So yeah, you can imagine my surprise when my friend introduced me to this story featuring a very masculine boy who's actually gay as a main character. Most of the main cast is queer and even the secondary characters have more depth than an MC in a straight movie (Mami, who's set up as the popular mean girl at the beginning, became an instant favorite once we got to know her).
Not everyone around Toma is accepting, but this is not a story about bullying, it's a heartfelt story about love and friendship: Taichi struggles to come to terms with the fact that Toma is gay but ultimately ends up getting over himself because he realizes their friendship is too important for him not to. The characters all make different choices and decide to live how they think is best for them and no one is shown as being wrong or right. They're just doing what they think is best for them.
The fact that Toma is probably one of my favorite characters ever is entirely unrelated to this post.
French version under the cut
Titre VF : Ao no Flag / 青のフラッグ
Genres : Comédie, Drame, Romance, School Life, Slice of Life
Thèmes : Amitié, Ecole, Homosexualité, Amour
Volumes VO : 8 (Terminé)
Pour une raison qu'il ignore, Taichi Ichinose ne supporte pas Futaba Kuze. Seulement, au début de sa dernière année de lycée, ils se retrouvent dans la même classe, ainsi qu'avec son ami d'enfance Toma Mita, athlète populaire. Un jour, Futaba se confie à Taichi et lui avoue qu'elle a un faible pour Toma. Elle lui demande même de l'aider à avouer ses sentiments à Toma ! Seul problème : il semblerait que Toma arbore secrètement des sentiments pour quelqu'un d'autre...
J'étais choquée quand j'ai appris que c'était publié dans le Shounen Jump+ parce que le Jump est le plus gros magazine de publication de manga au Japon (One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Jujutsu Kaisen et beaucoup d'autres sont/étaient publiés dans le Jump). Du coup vous pouvez imaginer ma surprise quand un poto m'a fait découvrir cette série où un des personnages principaux est un garçon très masculin qui est en fait gay. La plupart des personnages principaux sont queer et même les personnages secondaires ont plus de personnalité qu'un protagoniste de film hétéro (Mami, qui est présentée dès le début comme la fille populaire et méchante, est rapidement devenue une de mes fav quand on en a su un peu plus sur elle).
Tout le monde dans l'entourage de Toma ne l'accepte pas forcément, mais ce n'est pas une histoire de harcèlement, c'est une histoire sincère sur l'amour et l'amitié : Taichi a du mal à accepter le fait que Toma soit gay mais finit par réaliser que leur amitié est trop importante à ses yeux pour ne pas l'accepter. Les personnages font tous les choix différents, ils décident de vivre leur vie de la manière qu'ils pensent être la mieux pour eux, et personne n'est désigné comme celui ou celle qui a raison ou tors. Ils font juste ce qu'ils pensent être le mieux pour eux.
Le fait que Toma soit probablement un des mes personnages préférés de tous les temps n'a rien à voir avec ce post.
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slowlyfantasticfart · 4 years
Il y a beaucoup  d'acteurs et d'actrices que j'aime beaucoup et que j'admire énormément et parmi cette liste il y a ACTEURS Johnny Deep Paul Walker Channing Tatum Robin Williams Adam Slander Jason Stanham Dwyane Johnson Kellan Lutz Chris Hemsworth Liam Hemsworth Heat Ledger Nicholas Cage Liam Neeson Brad Pitt Tom cruise steve Martin James Franco James Marsden ACTRICES Katherine Heighl Rachel Mc Adams Zoe Saldana Mila Kunis Anne Hathaway Drew Barrymore Jennifer Lopez Jessica Alba Scarlett Johansson Natalie Portman Reese Witherspoon Sandra Bullock Julia Roberts Cameron Diaz J'aime beaucoup le domaine du cinéma, c'est une passion c'est quelque chose que j'aime quand je veut relaxer. N'es ce pas réconfortant. Ici je me suis fait tout un répertoire de film de tout les genre vous y voyez tout un choix films et de série que j'ai beaucoup aimer alors l'es voici. HORREUR Annabelle série Us La conjuration série Ma Silence Dead (Silence de mort) Malédiction de l'enfer (Drag Me to Hell) Le cauchemar de Molly Hartley 2008 Le bal de l'horreur (Prom Night) 2008 Terreur sur la ligne (When a stranger calls) A Qiet Place (Un coin tranquille) Ça, Dans le noir One missed Call (Un appel manqué) Mortelle St Valentin Instinct de survie Visions, Ouija Ne t'endors pas Poltergeist Sinistre 1 Jessabelle Mama insidous 2,3,4 I Still I Know what you did last summer Halloween Chucky Jaws (les dents de la mer) Scream (Frisson) 1,2,3,4 N'aie pas peur du noir Freddy Krueger les griffes de la nuit (2010) Boogeyman Apparence Meurtre a la St Valentin destination ultime (Final Destination) La maison de cire The darkness Jeepers creepers SCIENCE FICTION ET FANTASTIQUE Les animeaux fantastique 1,2 La momie, Thor La belle et la bête le film Le livre de la jungle le film Coeur d'encre Pan, Pete's Dragon (Peter Elliot et le dragon) Oz le magnifique Alice au pays des merveilles 1,2 Percy Jackson 1 et 2 Chronique de narnia 1,2,3 Légende 1985 Merlin 1998 Casper, Maléfique Le labyrinthe de pan Le cygne noir (2011) Harry Potter série Bright Les gardiens de la galaxie 1,2 L'ascension de Jupiter A-X-L Transformers Armageddon Le jour d'après La stratégie Ender X-Men Life, Prometheus Alien, Passager La guerre des mondes La stratégie d'enfer La série Star Was Chappie Le chaos La guerre des mondes COMÉDIE DE FILLE Année bixestille Le journal d'une princesse 1, 2 Gagner un rendez vous avec Tad Hamilton 13 ans bientot 30 Elle a tout pour elle, Monte Carlo The Parent Trap Sweet Home Alabama, Le prince et moi Et si c'était vrai, Un amour infini Comment perdre son mec en 10 jours Something Borrowed (Duos en trois) Le mariage de mon meilleur ami 27 Robes Les douzes coups de minuit Ma belle est un monstre La fille du président Éloge de la liberté Blonde et légale Méchantes Ados Bring It On (Le tout pour le tout) 1,2,3,4,5 Lettre a Juliette Le diable s'habille en prada Confession d'une accro du shopping Profession hôtesse de l'air Julie & Julia Meilleure ennemies Because I Said So (Cherche homme parfait) Sexfriends, Sexe entre amis A Cinderella Story ACTION ET AVENTURE 300 1 et 2 Rambo : la dernière mission Le casse noisette et les quatres royaumes (The Nutcraker an... Un raccourci dans le temps ( A Wrinkle on Time) Aquaman Venom Le masque de Zorro série Mission impossible série Bumblebee Divergence série Spider Man série Charlie's Angel série Hancok The Island Jumanji 1,2 Life of Pie San Andreas Pacifim Rim 1 et 2 Voyage au centre de la terre 1 et 2 Les aventures de Tintin : Le secret de la licorne Jurassic World série John Wick 1,2 The Equalizer 1,2 Skyscraper (Gratte Ciel) Ant-Man et guêpe (Ant-Man and the Wasp 1,2 Mégalodon (The Meg) Peppermint (Déchainée) La légende d'Hercule, Lara Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Parker Trésor National 1,2 Fast Furious 4,5,6,7,8 le 1 et 2 (version française Rapide et Dangereux) Blanche neige et le chasseur 1 et 2 Mr. S Smith Bleu d'enfer Le mécano : la résurrection 47 Ronin Tigre et dragon Jake Ryan Le gardien Die Hard Rampage Maraudeurs Top Gun (1986) Underworld V for Vendetta ENFANT ET FAMILLE Dora et la cité perdue UglyDolls Jack Frost (1998) Free Willy The Polar Express (Boréal Express) Une nuit au musée Moins Cher La Douzaine 1 et 2 The Lizzie McGuire Movie Hanna Montana: The Movie Une princesse sur la glace Nancy Drew Les 101 Dalmatien Happy Family Pierre Lapin Enchantés Stailion Benji Mes vies de chiens 1,2 Whisper série L'incroyable histoire de Winter le dauphin 1,et 2 Tobby The Amazing Penda Le dragon des mers Chérie j'ai agrandi le bébé The House With a Clock In its Walls Incredibles 1 et 2 DRAME The lake house (La maison près du lac) La série Twilight Salt À Cinq pied de toi (Five feet Apart Midnight Sun (Soleil de minuit) A Star is Born (Une étoile est née) Forever my Girl Beastly (Sortilège) Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain 1995 Crossroads (A la croisé des chemins) 2002 Stepmom (La blonde a mon père) Match Point Doux Novembre The Roommate The Other Woman Red Eye (Vol sous haute pression) Flight Plan (Plan de Vol) My Girl (L'été de mes 11 ans) L'arrivée (Arrival) Sully Wicker Park Pearl Harbor P.S. I love You Le porte bonheur (The Lucky One) Tristan & Yseult Le secret de Charlie Hors du temps The Lovely Bones The Notebook Remember Me (La rage de vivre) A Walk To Remember (Une promenade Inoubliable) Une bouteille a la mer Coyote Ugly Apparitions (Libelule) La maison sur la falaise Flicka Sexe Intemtions Black Swan Ou le coeur nous mène Brothers FILM DISNEY À MONSIEUR Dumbo The Lion King Maléfique FILM D'ANIMATION Tout ce qui est film d'animation de Walt Disney, Dream Works. Peut importe, c'est les films que je préfère écouter. Quand j'étais enfant, je me souviendrai toujours à quel point, que j'ai eu beaucoup de plaisir à l'es écouter en boucle. Et encore aujourd'hui, j'ai du plaisir à l'es regarder. C'est des film qui sont réconfortant mais aussi que du bonheur. ANIMATION Ballerina La reine des neiges Coraline Kung fu Penda Rebelle (Brave) Dragon Hôtel Transylvanie Ratatouille Volt L'ère de glace La belle et la bête La petite sirène Pocahontas Cendrillon Le roi Lion Aladdin La princesse des cygnes 1 Le livre de la jungle Moana Abominable Storks Raiponce La princesse et la grenouille Zootopia Lilo et Stich La route d`Eldorado Rox et Rouky Spirit L'empereur du nouveau genre Le chat potté Drôle d'abeille Planet 51 THRILLER The Boy Next Door (2015) La prison de verre Fenêtre secrète The tourist Before I Fall Truth Or Dannce Le beau père (The Stepfather) Sans un bruit 2:22 Kidnap Home Invasion Get Out Sex Crimes COMÉDIE MUSICALE Heartbeats High Strung, Mamma Mia 1,2 Dirty Dancing 1,2 Honey 1,2 The Fame La série Step Up Footloose Romance Titanic Nos étoiles contraires Le voeux un été sur terre The longuest Ride (Le plus beau des chemins) Une seconde chance, Un havre de paix Cher John Everything, Everything Cinquante nuances plus sombres, 10 choses que je déteste de toi Get Over It, Adaline Bleu Saphir Cendrillon Amour et honneur Twilight Fascination A tout les garçons que j'ai aimés Love Simon À tout jamais 1998 COMÉDIE Sex and the City Simplement Irrésistible (Simply Irresistible) 1999 Miss congeniality (Miss personnalité) Patch Adams In Good Company, (En bonne compagnie) Never Been Kissed Home Alone (Maman j'ai ratée l'avion 1,2,3 Dr. Seus 'How the grinch Stole Christmas Le lutin (Elf) Madame Doubtfire The Santa Clause What a Girl Wants Pyjamas Party Sisterhood of the traveling pants New York Minute (Escapade à New York) Clic Bay Watch Game Night l'Abominable vérité Pas si simple Baby boss Book Club Drink, Slay, Love Mère indigne 1 et 2 Pourquoi lui ? Le stagiaire Famille recomposée Joue-la comme Beckham De père en flic 1,2 Intouchable Chérie nous avons été rétrécis Papa, j'ai une maman pour toi (It Takes Two) 1995 Little Giants Back to the Future Trilogy Encore 17 ans (17 Again) Grandes personnes Just Go With It (méchant menteur) LES MEILLEURES SÉRIES QUE J'AI ÉCOUTER Buffy contre les vampires Charmed 2018 Charmed Le chalet Chicago fire Dawson Dexter Elite Everwood Greenhouse Académie Good Witch (un soupçon de magie) Gossip Girl Grimm Gilmore Girls Heroes Izombie Jane the Virgin Lucifer Nashville Newport Beach Once Upon A Time Orange the new Black Prison Break Pretty Little Liars Riverdale Stranger things Scream Shadow Hunters Sense 8 Supernatural (Surnaturel) Switched at Birth Teen Wolf True Blood That' 70s Show Thirteen Reason Why - 13 Raisons Vampire Diaries PALMARÈS DE MES MEILLEURES FILMS Tout les films de Nicholas Sparks Le mariage de mon meilleur ami La blonde a mon père Titanic L'homme au masque de fer High Strung L'été de mes 11 ans Crossroad Le secret de bear mountain Un baiser enfin Coraline Miss personnalité A tout jamais (1998) Le jour d'après La belle et la bête (film à monsieur) La reine des neiges Ballerina Le livre de la jungle(film à monsieur) Fenêtre Secrète AUTRES SÉRIES À DÉCOUVRIR Younger Scandal Murder Revenge Beauté Désespérées   Hart of Dixie gg
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nouveauweird · 5 years
I’m totally new so I’d genuinely love to hear all about ur wip. feel free not to answer any!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤💔❣️💕💞💓💗💖💘💝
❤️: what’s the working title?  & 🧡: what were previous working titles/ideas? & 💛: what is the title based on?
I have like 14 wips and most of them have working titles and I just had like “mars settlement wip” or “mermaid activism wip” until I came up with the working titles.
These are all the ones that are like satisfactorily titled  and didn’t have anything before (though I wouldn’t mind a publisher or someone else suggesting alternate titles).
But a Monster (a quote from the source inspo for the novel)
A New Holmes (simple precise, could well change, but it’s about Holmes)
Puppeteer Plague (the name of the parasite, and well it’s a plague, simple)
Of Rust and Redwood Lungs (play on words between metal and trees and how that reflects on the people on mars and earth)
These Fathoms So Profound (play on the word profound, because it’s about water and mermaids)
Mare Levest 40 (the name of the planet in the story, which i came up with)
Who the Hell is Nina? (she’s the mystery of the story, and no one remembers her)
I have a couple wips that I had previous titles or titles I’m not 100% satisfied with, probably because I have not fully invested myself in it yet.
Hyacinth Stalks was Her Success (I’m a stickler for plays on words, “stocks” versus “stalks”, it’s a crime thriller after all)
Shades of Red is worth a retitling but it’s a great stand in for now (because it’s a spite wip to write a healthy lesbians and bdsm, wink wink)
Define Vitality was Project VITA (it’s about life and survival)
Skies of Fire (in the same universe as Mare Levest 40; I want it to sound more like it’s partner more sciency; it’s pretty simple bc there’s a volcano)
Silver Screens Digital Scenes (it has a fun ring to it; but basically it’s just a reference to how vampires are repelled by silver and the story’s connection to social media)
Built for Base (mostly a play on words bc it’s about body image and cheerleading)
💚: how long have you been working on it?💙: how has the idea changed between starting it and where it is now?
I started But a Monster in October 2018, and it’s progress is still ongoing. I’m working on the second draft.
I’ve had the characters and story for Hyacinth Stalks as early as June 2013, but it’s only really come together in the last two years.
I’ve had characters that are now in Define Vitality since as early as 2012, Perion around September 2012, Greta around April 2013, Alec around October 2013… but the Define Vitality story really only developed around late 2017 and started as a joke tumblr post I think, but I added some meat to it.
Puppeteer Plague has been in development since 2017, but I’ve had the idea for it for years, possibly as early as 2012-2013 (since I’m pretty sure I tried to write an earlier version of this for Camp Nano in April 2013).
Everything else is more recent and has been in development 2017-present.
💜: where are you in the writing process?
I am working on my second draft of But a Monster, and have an in-progress outline for Hyacinth Stalks, I’ve written some short pieces in the Puppeteer Plague, and a 25 page script for Define Vitality that I am planning on expanding upon into something longer to allow for more character development.
Everything is in an outline or pre-outline stage.
🖤: what are your MC names?
You can see that in my OC Page! Or in the wip tags for the work!
❣️: which scene has been hardest to write so far?💕: what has your favorite scene been?
I can’t say there was one that was particularly hard, I tend to struggle with just discipline with writing, and maintain and good routine. I’ve certain been more emotional some times than others for heavy scenes.
I really enjoyed writing the kidnapping scene in But a Monster.
💞: which future scene are you looking forward to writing?💓: is it part of a series or standalone?
I’m looking forward to writing Hyacinth Stalks. I can’t say I’m looking forward to one scene in particular though, maybe when Juliet meets the truck driver.
Most of them felt very right as TV Show scripts or novels, but I am leaning on just writing them all as novels for now. They aren’t series though, all of them are their own contained story– except perhaps Of Rust and Redwood Lungs, but I haven’t plotted it out yet, the world building feels big enough for a series.
💗: what genre is it in?💖: are you planning on publishing it? if so, how?
But a Monster is a lesbian romance thriller
Shades of Red is also a lesbian romance thriller (more erotic though)
Hyacinth Stalks is a crime thriller
Define Vitality is a scifi drama (zombie apocalypse)
A New Holmes is a crime thriller
Puppeteer Plague is a scifi horror/thriller (outbreak/plague)
Before the Green Age (which isn’t on my wip page rn) is the Puppeteer Plague prequel and it’s a scifi adventure
Of Rust and Redwood Lungs is a scifi political drama (Mars settlement)
These Fathoms so Profound is an Urban SFF
Silver Screens Digital Scenes is an urban fantasy
Mare Levest 40 and Skies of Fire are scifi (like Firefly/Serenity)
Build for Base is a drama romcom
Who the Hell is Nina? is a mystery drama.
Yes I am planning to publish, ideally with an agent and publisher.
💘: give us a huge spoiler
The women are fertilizer.
💝: who has your favorite character arc? give a brief summary
Elle Manning in Define Vitality for sure, she goes through the biggest changes.
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maddiesbookshelves · 3 years
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao (November 2021)
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The boys of Huaxia dream of pairing up with girls to pilot Chrysalises, giant transforming robots that can battle the mecha aliens that lurk beyond the Great Wall. It doesn't matter that the girls often die from the mental strain.
When 18-year-old Zetian offers herself up as a concubine-pilot, it's to assassinate the ace male pilot responsible for her sister's death. But she gets her vengeance in a way nobody expected—she kills him through the psychic link between pilots and emerges from the cockpit unscathed. She is labeled an Iron Widow, a much-feared and much-silenced kind of female pilot who can sacrifice boys to power up Chrysalises instead.​
To tame her unnerving yet invaluable mental strength, she is paired up with Li Shimin, the strongest and most controversial male pilot in Huaxia​. But now that Zetian has had a taste of power, she will not cower so easily. She will miss no opportunity to leverage their combined might and infamy to survive attempt after attempt on her life, until she can figure out exactly why the pilot system works in its misogynist way—and stop more girls from being sacrificed.
Would I recommand it to anyone? YES. It's a great mix between Pacific Rim and The Handmaid's Tale in a sci-fi-ed ancient China with a queer romance and an absolutely badass MC.
Level of (dis)satisfaction based on the summary and my expectations? I had seen this book around I Ithought it was going to be meh, but then I started watching Xiran Jay Zhao's videos, and more specifically the ones on Wu Zetian's life, how she inspired them for this book and I thought "ok, I need to read this thing, it sounds amazing". I was scared the hype would be too high for the book, but it wasn't the case at all.
My thoughts on it? There are books where you can easily guess the resolution and you're bored until the end because it's too obvious, and then there are books that manage to keep the suspense for 400 pages even if you've already guessed some of the key elements by page 10. This is Iron Widow. Really, I loved it, seeing an MC this savage had an almost cathartic effect. If Zetian's feet weren't this broken, she would be unstoppable, it's amazing. It was also really satisfying to read a story with a real love triangle, not just an angle, because XJZ knows no fear and wrote a poly romance. I really loved this book, the action was written well, the characters each had their own roles and personnalities. There was some humor but it worked well with the story, it didn't feel out of place. I also really felt the influence of The Internet, but I didn't mind, it made me laugh. Anyways, I only have good things to say about this book. I can't wait to get my hands on book 2 and I am absolutely going to read XJZ's other book coming out in May, which is a mix between Percy Jackson and an isekai.
CW mentionned at the beginning of the book: suicide ideation, abuse, discussion of and reference to sexual assault (not described in the book but mentionned), alcohol addiction and torture.
French version under the cut
Les garçons de Huaxia rêvent de s'associer avec des filles pour piloter les Chrysalides, de gigantesques robots capables de se transformer pour combattre les aliens mecha qui rôdent au-delà de la Grande Muraille. Que l'effort mental tue les filles n'a aucune importance.
Lorsque Zetian, âgée de 18 ans, se donne en tant que pilote-concubine, c'est pour assassiner le pilote champion responsable de la mort de sa sœur. Seulement, elle obtient sa vengeance d'une manière à laquelle personne ne s'attendait : elle le tue via le lien psychique entre pilotes et émerge indemne du cockpit. Elle est classifiée comme une Iron Widow (Veuve de Fer), un type de pilotes féminin particulièrement craint et gardé sous silence, qui peuvent sacrifier des garçons pour booster les Chrysalides.
Pour dompter sa dérangeante et pourtant inestimable force mentale, elle est assignée à Li Shimin, le plus fort et le plus controversé des pilotes masculins de Huaxia. Mais maintenant que Zetian a goûté au pouvoir, elle ne battra pas en retraite si facilement. Elle ne manquera aucune opportunité de prendre avantage de leur puissance et infamie combinées pour survivre tentative après tentative d'assassinat, jusqu'à ce qu'elle découvre pourquoi le système de pilotes marche d'une manière aussi misogyne - et pour empêcher que d'autres filles soient sacrifiées.
Est-ce que tu le conseillerais à quelqu’un ? OUI. C'est un gros mélange entre Pacific Rim et La Servante Ecarlate, dans une Chine ancienne mais version sci-fi avec une romance queer et une protagoniste absolument badass.
Niveau de déception/satisfaction par rapport au résumé et tes attentes ? J'avais vu passer ce livre et je m'étais dis que ça allait être meh, puis j'ai commencé à regarder les vidéos de Xiran Jay Zhao, notamment son explication de la vie de Wu Zetian et comment elle a inspiré son livre et je me suis dit "ok il faut que je lise ce truc, ça a l'air super". J'avais peur que ma hype soit un peu trop grande et au final j'ai adoré.
Avis sans spoiler ? Y'a des livres dont tu devines facilement la résolution et tu t'ennuies jusqu'à la fin parce que c'est trop évident, puis y'a les livres qui arrivent à te tenir en haleine pendant 400 pages même si tu devines des éléments de la fin au bout de la page 10. Ça c'est Iron Widow. Vraiment, j'ai adoré, ça a un effet presque cathartique de voir une protagoniste absolument sauvage, si Zetian avait pas les pieds défoncés rien ne pourrait l'arrêter, c'est magnifique. C'était aussi extrêmement satisfaisant de lire une histoire avec un VRAI triangle amoureux, pas juste un angle, parce que XJZ n'a peur de rien et a écrit une romance poly. J'ai vraiment adoré ce livre, l'action était vraiment bien gérée, les personnages avaient leur rôle et leur personnalité respective. Y'avait de l'humour mais ça mâchait avec l'histoire, c'était pas à des moments où ça n'avait pas lieu d'être. J'ai aussi énormément senti l'influence de L'Internet, mais c'était pas vraiment dérangeant, perso ça m'a fait rire. Bref j'ai que des bonnes choses à dire sur ce livre. J'ai hâte d'avoir la suite entre les mains et je vais totalement lire l'autre livre de XJZ qui va sortir en mai et qui est un mélange entre Percy Jackson et un isekai.
CW mentionnés au début du livre : idéation du suicide, maltraitance, discussion et mention d'agression sexuelle (pas décrite dans le livre mais mentionnée), addiction à l'alcool et torture
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maddiesbookshelves · 3 years
Shadow and Bone #1-2 (out of 3) by Leigh Bardugo (April 2021)
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Surrounded by enemies, the once-great nation of Ravka has been torn in two by the Shadow Fold, a swath of near impenetrable darkness crawling with monsters who feast on human flesh. Now its fate may rest on the shoulders of one lonely refugee.
Alina Starkov has never been good at anything. But when her regiment is attacked on the Fold and her best friend is brutally injured, Alina reveals a dormant power that saves his life—a power that could be the key to setting her war-ravaged country free. Wrenched from everything she knows, Alina is whisked away to the royal court to be trained as a member of the Grisha, the magical elite led by the mysterious Darkling.
Yet nothing in this lavish world is what it seems. With darkness looming and an entire kingdom depending on her untamed power, Alina will have to confront the secrets of the Grisha... and the secrets of her heart.
Would I recommend it to anyone? Um, I'm not sure, maybe not. Watch the show on Netflix instead.
Level of (dis)satisfaction based on the summary and my expectations? I started watching the show before reading the books and I really liked it so I thought I would like the books even more. Except what happened is the total opposite. It's the first time I like a book adaptation better than the book itself, it feels weird.
My thoughts on it? Alina, the MC is so boring to read about like ??? girl wake up what the hell. Mal is 100 times worse in the books than he is in the show I want to slap him all the time. He's stupid and jealous when he has no place to be, I can't. The Darkling is an interesting character but I've had it to my eyeballs with the love triangle.
As for book 2, I was barely able to finish it, I skipped a lot of scenes. The only character I liked was Nikolai, since we don't see the Darkling. And I was almost mad when I got to the end because I spent 300 pages dragging myself through this book, yawning at every page and then BAM, the ending is good ? I will not read the third book because I don't want to be frustrated again (I just skimmed through book 3 in 10 minutes to vaguely understand what was going on and see who Alina would end up with and it really didn't make me want to read it).
Aside from that, the universe Bardugo created is so interesting and rich, I want to see more of it so I'll be reading Six of Crows as soon as my dad is done with them because they're my favorite characters in the show and it's a 3rd person POV.
French version under the cut
Le royaume de la Ravka est maudit depuis des millénaires. Son destin repose désormais sur les épaules d'une orpheline. Alina a été recrutée par l'Armée pour accompagner les Grisha, de puissants magiciens qui luttent contre le brouillard maléfique qui déchire le pays. Quand son ami d'enfance frôle la mort lors d'un raid, Alina doit affronter ses peurs et sa destinée... Le monde des Grisha est dangereux et les pièges nombreux. À qui Alina pourra-t-elle accorder sa confiance, alors que la seule personne sur laquelle elle pouvait compter n'est plus en mesure de l'aider ?
Est-ce que tu le conseillerais à quelqu’un ? Euh, je sais pas. Peut-être pas. Regardez plutôt la série Netflix.
Niveau de déception/satisfaction par rapport au résumé et tes attentes ? J’ai commencé à regarder la série avant de lire les bouquins et j’ai vraiment aimé la série du coup je m’attendais à apprécier les livres autant voire plus. Sauf qu’au final c’est l’inverse total. C’est la première fois que je préfère une adaptation aux bouquins de base, ça fait bizarre.
Avis sans spoiler ? Alina, l’héroïne est tellement ennuyeuse à suivre genre ?????? stp réveille toi ma fille. Mal est 100x pire dans les livres, dans la série il était ok mais là ugh il mérite des claques. Il est stupide et jaloux quand ça a pas lieu d’être, je le supporte pas. Le Darkling est un personnage intéressant mais l’intrigue du triangle amoureux me sort par les yeux.
Quant au tome 2, j’ai à peine pu supporter de le finir, j’ai sauté plein de passages. Le seul personnage que j’apprécie c’est Nikolai vu qu’on voit pas le Darkling. Et j’étais presque en colère en finissant le bouquin parce que j’ai passé 300 pages à me traîner dans ma lecture et à bailler puis d’un coup bam, la fin est bien ? Je lirai pas le troisième tome parce que je veux pas être frustrée encore (j’ai juste feuilleté le tome 3 pour voir vaguement ce qu’il se passait et avec qui finissait Alina et ça m’a pas donné envie de lire).
Sinon, de manière générale, l’univers que Bardugo a créé est super intéressant et j’aimerais en savoir plus, du coup je lirai Six of Crows dès que mon père aura libéré les livres parce que c’est les personnages les plus intéressants de la série et le récit et à la 3ème personne cette fois.
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