#the audience reactions are the best
hazel-callahan · 9 months
just watched bottoms in theaters again. might fuck around and go another time for funsies.
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sylvies-kablooie · 5 months
i do unironically think the best artists of our generation are posting to get 20 notes and 3 reblogs btw. that fanfic with like 45 kudos is some of the best stuff ever written. those OCs you carry around have some of the richest backstories and worldbuilding someone has ever seen. please do not think that reaching only a few people when you post means your art isn't worth celebrating.
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truemeg · 2 years
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"We can hug too if you'd like."
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started watching A Murder At The End of the World and i'm only like 4 minutes in rn but oh my fucking god, they already did the impossible, they made synthesizing a literal audience not only not annoying but actually intriguing and effective. holy shit.
#james talks#james watches stuff#a murder at the end of the world#if you're new here or have never consumed any media: synthesizing a literal audience is one of the most annoying things anything can do#it is at best distracting and at worst condescending and grating bc it assumes and assigns audience reactions and interpretations#and it also REEKS of a lack of faith in the material itself to be able to speak for itself#most of the time it's done for no real purpose and the few times it has a narrative purpose it's done awfully#even a movie i ADORE like SCREAM (1996) was not immune to this.#the one single flaw in that movie to me is Kenny repeating the 'behind you' joke. not only is it not funny the second time but it's—#synthesizing the audience by making the characters an audience to the same movie as us and telling us how we should be reacting.#another movie that tries to do this and fails miserably is like Halloween: Resurrection which tries to make some commentary—#on media as exploitative entertainment and the audience as willing participants and equally culpable in the continuation of trauma but the—#execution of it is absolutely horrible and that's even beyond how bad the rest of the movie is.#every time the characters are watching the same media or there's an actual audience in the media it's literally never gone well—#at least as far as i have experienced. but this is the first time a literal audience in anything has actually worked bc it's like—#right in the opening and it's the audience actually getting invested in the story so THAT audience responding the same way actually WORKS#actually borderline genius tbh
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caswlw · 2 months
the idea that they’re writing the season as they go so they’re seeing the reaction the audience has and that it (even in the smallest way possible) could have an impact on what happens this season (and in future seasons) is so wild to me. not saying that they’re seeing our response and saying “oh that sounds good, totally writing that in,” but it’s not impossible to say that they will see what the people want, realize the best way to generate buzz and excitement and increased viewership is to keep your fans happy, and then actually do something about it instead of killing characters/storylines just for kicks
911 has the opportunity to be that bitch even more than it already is and they shouldn’t squander it while they’re on top
#911 abc#yall remember dabb’s 10% comment bc i do!!!!#i just think they’re paying a lot of attention to promotion and audience reaction in ways that they never did before Because they want it#to continue performing as well as it is (which is to say better than it did on fox)#and because of that they can continue to make moves that benefit them and not hurt them ykwim#i want to be clear that this isn’t me saying buddie should go canon or even anything close to buddie specifically#but more that angering fans by just Deciding to do things or even worse KNOWING it’ll piss ppl off and doing it anyway is the wrong way to#make people want to keep watching your show#like if everyone is begging for more ravi (which we are) and they go okay! here’s more ravi i know you guys love him! that would be great#instead of slowly writing him off (god forbid even worse) just bc they wanted to or bc they know we love him#and they’re in the PRIME position to take advantage of the extra eyes on the show and making moves to make this season (ABC’s First with us)#and have it go down as not only one of 911’s best seasons (by ratings and views and fan opinion) but also a damn good season of television#is this just a pitch for ravi main s8. idk at some point it might’ve turned into one#i just think it’s cool how they’re doing the work they have this season with interacting with fans/the GA and doing promotion#it’s so well done it makes my marketing major heart squeeze a little#anyway. gay eddie 🤔#notes from the prime minister
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dogesterone · 9 months
opening exchange from the gold match of the tournament i won on friday (im the skeleton)
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Sonine Prime ... Part 3
Hi, everyone and welcome back to Sonine Prime! The part of the show when I come out and talk about Sonine (and a bit of Sontails) in Sonic Prime!
Last time we finished up the set of scenes starting with their meeting and ended with Sonic and Nine's capture by the Chaos Council. This time, we're hoping to get to move on to the next episode before moving on to the next part😂
<< Part 2 | Part 4 >>
(Essay/thoughts/analysis under the cut)
Starting out with an honerable mention of a moment!
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"Nine! Is that you?"
Nine: You're just wasting your breath.
Sonic: Omg Nine👀😊
And then, just before Sonic is put through a series of grueling diagnostic tests, Nine is used as collateral to get him to comply.
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"Do not fight them. It will only end badly. For him."
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"Okay, let's start the test. The sooner we do this, the sooner Nine and I can get out of here."
Another small thing:
The way Nine tenses up furing the first test, as Sonic risks being shot by both laser guns (another tick in the "Nine cares a surprising amount about someone he just met" box)
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Hmmm, and the little things just keep coming, don't they?
Sonic loses his footing in the giant hamster ball filled with spike balls.
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Which of course, makes Sonic palpably annoyed
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Hmmm almost reminds you of when Eggman insulted Tails, doesn't it?
"You wanna test me, Eggheads? Question. How do you tick off a hedgehog? ANSWER. Mess with his friends!"
Hehe. Interesting.
"No one messes with my best friend!"
"How do you tick off a hedgehog? ANSWER. Mess with his friends!"
Sonic begins to "hallucinate" as he says, and we're treated to another flashback
Amy: I guess he didn't hear the stick together part.🙄
Knuckles: Does he ever?
Tails: No. But he also hasn't let us down when it really counts! You know Sonic. He'll catch up at some point.😊
No comment about how everyone else is at least mildly annoyed at Sonic and Tails stands up for him in a way that redirects their attention from what Sonic did/is doing to the fact that he'll be there when they need him.
Good bye Season 1 Episode 1 of Sonic Prime, hello Episode 2!
"It's not about the zigs or the zags... It's about the friends we made along the way."
Sonic looks at Nine, has a flashback/vision of seeing Tails and Shadow before the shattering. Then, he looks at Nine both after being confused and still a bit out of it
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Okay, so aside from that funny little moment (Sonic's face), there are some little things to piece together from Nine's end after the council brings out the energy extractor.
First, unlike Sonic's repeated winking afterwards, Nine winks at him smoothly. He doesn't change expression as he does so, and it happens in a singular smooth motion. This makes sense as to why the message Sonic received from the wink was a sort of "I have a plan". While we can't know exactly what he meant, what is clear was that the wink at Sonic was deliberate.
Second, the way he plays off the earlier wink. I think it's pertinent to mention that he's at the end of two Eggforcer's weapons, and Sonic hasn't exactly been subtle this whole time with the winking. His fairly loud whisper to Nine about a plan isn't exactly subtle either (and Nine isn’t exactly the confessing to caring about someone type), so it makes sense if he plays the earlier wink off as having dust in his eye. There is a real contrast begin the smooth wink before and the way he rubs his eye when he says he just has dust in it. That also being said, they did just meet still, so even if Nine cares about Sonic a surprising amount, I think it can be true that his earlier wink was him trying to tell Sonic that he's thinking of a way out of this just as much as it's true that Nine might prioritize making sure he'll live at least if Sonic's not going to survive the extractor. And since this is all about talking about ways certain bits in this series can be interpreted, anyone want to talk about how "I just had dust in my eye" is commonly used by characters who are pretending they're not tearing up due to the display in front of them? Nine has been watching this display of a hedgehog's last words with...an interesting expression on his face, I'll say. Is he...confused? Just thrown off by how Sonic’s acting here? Dumbfounded? Who knows. All we know is that the camera cuts to Nine quite a bit to show us his changes of expression as Sonic speaks, and that after Sonic looks at him for a prolongued amount of time (after asking if he has a plan), his expression instantly changes. This is to say, even though he clearly wasn't tearing up/betraying sadness in that moment, what if Sonic looking at him then, asking if he had a plan, sort of made him feel laid bare? What if he was afraid for a moment that his expressions betrayed his thoughts and feelings on the inside? I mean, imagine meeting someone for the first time and caring about another person for the first time in years. Imagine you've been lonely and isolating yourself for years of your life, and this hedgehog you've barely met uses his last words to call you one of his friends. Imagine he's begging on what could be his death bed for a plan, and you haven't worked anything out yet (even though earlier you'd winked to make him feel better, feel like there will be a plan). He could die, you don't know what to do, you're still not sure why you care, why this makes you sad. You just met him didn't you? He looks at you for a while, asking for a plan, and for a moment, as you're afraid something will happen to you as he mentions plans to free him, you're also coming to terms with the thought that this hedgehog *could* die. Playing it off as just dust in the eye doesn't just save you from another nasty shock, but it protects you from feeling like the hedgehog is staring right into your soul, seeing your conflicting feelings.
Third, after Sonic says "looks like this is game over" and seems to accept there's no way out, the extractor closing in, the camera cuts away to Nine again, zooming in on his face. There's a subtle shift in Nine's face right then and he looks...almost sad, or like he finds it hard to believe that this is real. Then, when it cuts away from Sonic again, after he says goodbye, Nine's eyes are wide.
Actually, on Nine's expressions during what he and Sonic both believe to be Sonic's last moments, I may have hit the picture limit, but I can at least embed a clip here so you all can watch Nine's expressions.
All I'm saying is that if Nine wasn't having feelings about all this in some form, the creators would not have chosen to keep cutting away to Nine's expression, bidding the audience to see and wonder how he feels about all of this. And I think the fact that Nine is reacting at least a little, not looking bored or uncaring or as if he's trying to get this over with, tells us a lot about Nine and what the creators wanted the audience to focus on.
More evidence to the "Nine cares a surprising amount for a hedgehog he just met and doesn't only care about him out of curiosity/what sonic can do for him" box
Not to mention that just after this, when Nine gets his chance to slip away, he frees Sonic right after freeing himself. This is one of these scenes that *is* arguable, as there's really no point in him leaving Sonic there to die. But, we know that Nine has the capability to go on the offensive (not just because of the entire fight scene from episode 1, but also from the fact that he destroys/dismantles an eggforcer at the computer without even needing to turn around) and Rebel and Renegade are there. So it personally tells me a lot that Nine didn't leave Sonic there to fend for himself (especially since he'll later weigh his options and choose to leave Rebel, Renegade, and Rusty to the council over the chance of saving them and losing the red shard).
Wooo! Season 1 Episode 3, everybody, let's go!
Now, this episode starts with a pre shattering flashback. Just like in episode 2, Sonic's friends talk about how annoyed/frustrated they are that Sonic isn't yet fighting with them. After everyone says their piece, Tails again stands up for Sonic, telling them that Sonic will arrive at some point and that he knows he will.
(We'll come back to these flashback bits with Tails standing up for Sonic while others don't trust/believe in him or are annoyed at him later)
And back to the present, Nine just manages to take control of Rusty Rose in time to save Sonic.
Now, as there are a couple things I'd like to bring to everyone's attention with the aid of screenshots, until part 4, everyone!
Next time we'll hopefully get to tackle the rest of episode 3, and there should be smooth sailing til the last few episodes of the season after that.
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raayllum · 1 year
This might be because I’ve been working on the same story idea for close to 12 years, but I’ll never understand the “This wasn’t worth the 3 year wait” complaint about S4, because it’s a muddled complaint and an inherently emotional one. Having issues with the pacing, or characterization, or progression? Those are also subjective, yes, but they’re structural. They can be debated, discussed, explained, etc. But saying “this wasn’t worth the wait” is an emotional complaint. Which is also fine! But it’s entirely subjective. It’s saying your enjoyment of the season (a story that is separate as a concept out of time) is dependent on the time you spent waiting for it, something that means nothing to the story’s structure, because it was never built to take that into account from a Plot standpoint, never mind a narrative one
How I structure and write the plot progression of my novels does not change depending on how many years there are between books, or how long it takes even to write them. Particularly for something that’s long form and developed/created the way something as time consuming as an animated story is. 
I also think separating emotions from analysis is sometimes an important part of understanding and analyzing something, i.e. season three of Trollhunters left me absolutely devastated. I was so upset about a story decision they made I had to take a day just to process and think about it. But I also knew in my heart it was the best decision not only for the characters, even if it wasn’t what I was expecting or hoping for, but also because it worked best thematically and therefore for the story as a whole. My emotional reaction didn’t matter, and now it’s probably my all time favourite thing the show ever did. 
This is also informed by my personal experiences watching Steven Universe. I watched a couple episodes a day and made my way through the show like that from start to finish until SU: Future came out and I think that’s the strongest, story wise, way to consume the show, because I could fully enjoy each peace of filler while also not having to wait forever between drops and/or for lore. 
All of this to say:
S4 didn’t work for you pacing/plot wise is a subjective reading about structure. S4 wasn’t worth the wait after the season three hiatus isn’t grounded in anything other than emotion. Saying “how S4 was plotted/progressed wasn’t worth the 3 year wait” is still saying the structure is dependent on how it makes you feel; it’s an emotional complaint dressed up as a structural one. It’s not grounded in analysis. And you can evaluate stories wholly on how they make you feel, if you want to. That’s entirely within your and anyone else’s right. It’s just not very interesting to me, and doesn’t really do anything from an analytical perspective, which is my own prerogative. 
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shortnotsweet · 1 year
Helaena The Dreamer: A Dissection of Symbolic Tragedy and Green Conservatism
Mythology in the Flesh: A Song of Tragedy
Defining tragic principles and their application to the narrative
Helaena’s ironic significance as a Dreamer
The role of the self-fulfilled or unfulfilled prophecy
Climate change deniers and why they’re fucking annoying but also everywhere
Helen of Troy and Her Sweet, Dead Boy
Significance of motherhood in four instances
Birth, Abortion, Abandonment, Contraceptives, and Miscarriage
Commentary on girlhood, womanhood, and self-extension
The Pious Nature of Being Evil. Like, Super Evil.
She Blinded Me with Political Silence
Conservatism and right-wing ideology within the Greens
The Faith as a mechanism of cultural deterioration (for Westeros and the Old Gods); the Political Machine
Impact in Westeros (theoretical and literal)
Sisyphus’s Hill: A De-Girlbossification of Alicent Hightower
Character Nuance + Vitality to the Plot
Deviance from the source material and why it was beneficial to the story, but had detrimental effects
Anti-feminist females and a never-ending boulder over a hill (ie. “Women for Trump”) ft. Olivia Cooke
The Inherent Eroticism of Catholicism
Sexual Repression vs. Lack Thereof (orientation and sexual expression)
The literary merits of Catholic/religious guilt
Alicent’s fate: guilt wins the day over greed, lust, love, and vengeance
Epic Slays and Their Legal Ramifications: Why Twink Death Leads to War
Faces that launch a thousand ships
Death of legitimacy => death of order => death of justice => tragedy => we’re back to climate change
The Self-Mastubatory Practice of Historical Revisionism
Fandom practices and response
In-text unreliability
Real-world significance and practices
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outrunningthedark · 2 months
@ anon (you'll know who you are)
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jefferythejelly · 1 year
thinking about that time skeppy got asked what animal he’d want to be reincarnated as and he said rat. like badboyhalo’s dog Specifically. idk what kind of demons that counts as but skephalo is so interesting to me
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constantvariations · 6 months
Thinking about making the intro to my Adam essay a comparison to Dragon Age's Anders/blood mages. Pray that I can keep focused and not go on tangents about the Everything
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day 290 - a song that makes you feel successful
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plaguerat1351 · 5 months
being 23 is so awesome cause I can bring a Cola can into my room before bed and nobody makes me put it back in the fridge! *realising i sound like a loser* i mean uh being 23 is so awesome cause I can take the bus to go have a sleepover at my best friend's house and we can stay up as late as we want! *getting visibly nervous* and then later... we have sex with eachother. *checking for audience reaction*
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abyssruler · 8 months
furina’s guide on the art of matchmaking
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neuvillette x gn!reader
it’s no secret that furina is constantly bored of the mundanity that comes with court, but with the recent discovery of neuvillette’s crush on you, things have just gotten a lot more interesting. if only you and neuvillette would just get together, but alas, it comes down to the great hydro archon to bring justice to neuvillette’s sad, pathetic love life.
furina pov, comedy, furina being dramatic as hell
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Furina knows the best way to get under Neuvillette’s skin is through you. The Iudex may seem impassive from the outside, but she knows where to look for his tells, particularly when he’s annoyed (she has, after all, been the recipient to silently judging stares, usually those of a disappointed or even irritated nature).
And she’s seen the way Neuvillette looks at you—his face softening, an almost imperceptible smile on his lips, and most damningly of all, the slightest hint of a blush whenever you stare into his eyes a little too long to be considered proper.
It’s all so entertaining to watch, if a bit miffing to endure seeing how utterly slow the two of you are. If Furina had been in Neuvillette’s shoes, she would have long since enacted a performance grander than anything Fontaine has ever seen and asked you out on a date. Not just any date though, no, she would have to pull an all-nighter to come up with the best date there is. One does not simply go on a date with the God of Justice and have it be mediocre.
But all that aside, with how boring Neuvillette is with his stricter than strict rules and views on how one must go about their day, it falls upon her to make sure he doesn’t die as a decrepit old bachelor who’s never felt the touch of another person intimately. (Not that Furina had any say on the topic of intimacy, seeing as she’s never had any experience in the romantic aspects of life, but experience means nothing compared to the wisdom of the God of Justice!)
So, after many nights spent huddled beneath her blankets, scribbling on her notebook and brainstorming the best way to get a rise out of Neuvillette, she happened upon a breakthrough. An idea so great it would not only be something worthy of the Steambird’s headlines, but also be something the people of Fonatine would speak of for years to come.
Yes, it all comes down to this very moment, standing over the highest place in the opera with hundreds of eyes watching her as she points an accusing finger at your figure standing on the very stage she’s set up.
Neuvillette watches it all with his eyes narrowed at her, hands clasped tightly around his cane, and Furina would have loved to relish in that reaction, but alas, she must continue with her script.
With a haughty smile, she meets your eyes as she yells out loud to her captivated audience.
“I charge you, (Y/N), with the crime of theft!”
The people below gasp in shock at the sudden accusation. Only natural, of course. You, an esteemed person of reputable background who most people view as a kind person, being charged with theft? How scandalous!
But that’s not all!
“You stand accused of thievery,” Furina pauses for a dramatic effect, feeling the spectators hold their breaths as they await her final verdict.
She then looks up at Neuvillette, and it takes all she has in her not to burst in hysterics at the comically pinched face he’s sporting. She moves her finger from you to Neuvillette, practically preening in place as the assembled crowd below let out varying expressions of shock.
And with a smug smile, she deals the final blow.
“For stealing the Chief Justice of Fontaine’s heart!”
One, two, three—
Screams erupt from below. Women squealing in delight while the men cheer at the sudden twist from accusation to romance.
Furina basks in the attention as the people sing praises of her.
“Of course, how could not I have seen it before?”
“Lady Furina is so sharp to have caught on!”
“Monsieur Neuvillette and (Y/N) do make a good pair, don’t they?”
“How ingenious! As expected of our Lady Furina!”
But then, Neuvillette stands, a stern look on his face as he taps his cane on the ground hard enough to rattle her eardrums.
His face could have been made from stone with how hard he’s looking at her. If looks could kill, she’d be dead on the spot. Yikes! Perhaps it’s time to make a swift escape…
“Lady Furina, might I remind you that charges and accusations are not to be made lightly within the court. To abuse your position in order to make a ridiculous statement. I…”
With every word that leaves his mouth, Furina slowly begins to feel that perhaps she’d been too hasty in thinking that all would turn out well. And oh, maybe she should have thought up of scenarios and what-to-dos after she finished performing her grand plan, but in her defense, she’d been too excited at the prospect of finally pushing you two together that it completely slipped her mind!
Is it too late to claim it was all an elaborate performance not meant to be taken seriously?
Neuvillette stares thunderously up at her.
She’ll take that as a no, then.
Just when all hope seemed to have been lost, a savior comes in the form of you raising your hand.
Neuvillette immediately stops speaking in favor of addressing you.
“Would the accused like to defend their innocence?”
You take a deep breath, gaze briefly flitting to Furina’s before meeting Neuvillette’s. And even without much prompt, from that single glance alone, she knew she was about to witness something extremely entertaining.
“I… I would like to press charges as well,” you say evenly, and for a second, Furina’s heart drops as she thinks you’re about to charge her for false accusations and perhaps even slander, (the first time in history that anyone has charged the God of Justice for a crime!) but then, you continue—
“I would like to press charges against you, Monsieur Neuvillette, for stealing my heart too.”
Your statement is followed by a stunned silence that only lasts for a brief moment, before it’s overcome by exclamations and whoops at the sudden turn of events.
Furina falls back on her seat and howls with laughter as she watches Neuvillette be struck speechless, red creeping up his cheeks as your statement echoes across the cavernous hall. She reminds herself to gift you something extravagant for saving her at the very last moment.
Ah, what a delightful way to end the show.
She watches you direct a besotted smile towards Neuvillette. Another day, another poor sod saved from the horrors of a nonexistent love life.
Furina mentally pats herself on the back for a job well done.
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landosjpg · 3 months
chicken shop date | ln
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the one where your boyfriend gets invited to the chicken shop date and you’re not really happy about it.
lando norris x gender-neutral!reader
word count: ~1.1k
warnings: just reader being a tiny bit jealous and insecure & fluff at the end
note: based on this request. took me a little longer than it should had but i wanted to watch the interview before to know how to approach it, but hope you enjoy it!
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"i'm just not really fond of the idea!" you huffed, sinking further into your boyfriend's couch, dramatically crossing your arms under your chest with pouty lips.
your reaction got a laugh out of lando and he let his body plop down next to you, looking over at your saddened expression with a soft smile on his lips.
"baby, come on. i'm gonna be late," he cooed, his fingers trying to reach for your chin to get you to look at him so he could give you a kiss goodbye, but you easily managed to turn your face in the opposite direction before his lips could touch yours.
this gesture got a sigh out of lando, making him drop his hand to your lap in defeat.
"it's gonna be alright," he said, his voice still sweet as he tried te reassure you, knowing that under your over dramatic reaction lied the anxiety of him getting even more popular.
just the previous evening, his team had informed him that he was scheduled for a new interview in the morning. when he finished telling you all about it after hanging up the phone, your eyebrows were furrowed and the pout you made hadn't left your face since that very moment.
the chicken shop date.
you usually watched the show, so you knew how big of an audience it had. it wasn't the fake dating part that worried you, but the huge amount of fans it would get him.
it was a little stupid, you knew, considering that he was one of the most popular faces of the sport. but you couldn't help the little insecurities that surfaced from time to time, thinking that he could find someone to replace you at any given minute.
lando's hand squeezed yours softly, making you get out of your mind and look back at him. he knew what you were thinking, so he gave you a reassuring smile before bringing your hand up to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss to your knuckles. so you gave in.
"just don't be funny. or nice," you said, trying your best to forget about your worries and trust that nothing would change. "don't be cute, either."
"i can do that," lando chuckled, and with your hand still in his, he leaned closer to you to finally peck your lips.
"good, cause i don't want to share my boyfriend with any more people," you added, making him smile as he pulled away and got up from his spot next to you.
he found your overprotectiveness rather cute sometimes, and every single time he tried to comfort you, reminding you that you were the only one he wanted.
with your little act over, you looked up at his figure in front of you as he gathered his things before leaving the house. he looked extra good; you had noticed how the color of his hoodie was bringing out the blue of his eyes a few minutes earlier and how his curls were still a little damp from his shower, one of them perfectly falling over his forehead.
he turned to look at you one last time, leaning to kiss your forehead and whisper an "i love you" before he left the apartment in a rush, your little tantrum surely making him arrive a good couple of minutes late.
lando had asked you to join him in australia so you could spend a few days exploring the city before he had to go back to work. and naturally, you had accepted.
as any other day, you woke up in his arms, limbs tangled under the bedsheets and your cheek softly pressed against his bare chest.
you lazily turned around, trying not to wake him up, to reach for your phone to check the time. that was your intention, but as you saw your phone blowing up with notifications, you remembered.
the episode had come out only a few hours earlier.
not wanting to spoil yourself scrolling on social media, you quickly opened youtube and looked it up, feeling a little uneasy once again. you weren't sure what you could expect, lando hadn't said much about it when he returned home that day.
you couldn't help the smile that creeped up to your lips the second he appeared on your screen, his soft spoken voice warming your heart and making you snuggle closer to him, your back against his chest now.
you felt the grip around your waist getting a little tighter, his knees tucking behind yours.
"are you serious?" his voice was hoarse, his breath on your skin as he hid his face on your neck.
"you didn't think i wouldn't watch, did you?" you giggled when he pulled you closer to him, only getting a soft groan from his lips as an answer.
he didn't say anything else, just kept pressing soft kissis to your skin as you finished watching the interview, your smile growing wider at his shyness.
once you were done, you put your phone down and turned around to face him again. your eyes met his under the soft morning light, the corners of your lips moving upwards at the beautiful sight in front of you.
"it wasn't that bad now, was it?" he whispered, clearly referring to your tantrum the day of the filming.
"it was fun," you admitted, running your fingers through his curls slowly.
he hummed, letting his eyelids flutter close once again at your touch.
"i'm still not happy about sharing my boyfriend with new people," you playfully added after a few seconds, the little pout on your lips, but lando was quick to kiss it away. "and i could've asked you those questions myself," you sassed, making him roll his eyes with a chuckle at your words.
"maybe you should go on a date with me if you want to ask me those questions so bad," he said, trying to nuzzle his face on your neck again to hide his smirk.
"smooth," you giggled, wrapping one of your legs around his body and pulling him a little closer to yours. "i'd love to go on a date with you, baby."
he smiled at your murmured answer, kissing your jaw before mumbling himself, "tomorrow night then?"
with a slight nod of your head, you hummed and let your eyes shut close to enjoy a couple more minutes in bed with your boyfriend before the alarm went off.
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