#the NPC names are made up
pumpkincanoes · 9 months
Tighnari's Letter to Cyno
This is a sample? I should say, of my cynonari, as well as my canonverse writing. I've been writing a lot of AUs lately but I don't know why cynonari strikes me as the most easy to write in canonverse. Maybe it's the lack of immortality and peril, maybe it's because Tighnari's character is very natural (and oddly similar to mine) and therefore easier to write. Maybe it's the way they love each other quietly, from the sidelines. Maybe it's all of the above.
In any case, they are very close to my heart, and I hope to be able to write more about them. If you have any ideas, maybe even about the continuation or reply to this letter, please drop me a line through Asks or send a quick DM.
Dearest Cyno,
I hope this letter finds you well. Collei and I are doing good in the Avidya forest, and we wait for your next visit in anticipation.
There has been an influx of people visiting the forest for my lectures, which I am immensely thrilled about. I write this letter a few days after finishing the last lecture that I had planned, sub-urban ecocystems near Sumeru City, which garnered a lot of responses and questions from everyone. I am very happy to see that the people from the city are willing to learn more about their surroundings so as to not harm the plants and fungi in their habitat.
A couple of scholars from Amurta and Spamtamad in particular stood out, Liliya and Afizh are their names, and they were doing joint research on how experiments conducted by the Akademiya near the sub-urban areas of Port Ormos could affect the wildlife and even crops of local citizens. They have shown clear results and was extremely excited to hear what I thought about their work. We discussed it in great detail, and in the end I had asked them if I could talk about their findings as a theme in another lecture, and Liliya in particular to be my assistant in gathering more sources. They both responded enthusiasticly and I feel as if I have gained an intern of sorts. Everyday is interesting, and watching them work together in their robes reminded me of our time at the Akademiya, as well...
Reminiscing old times aside, In the middle of our discussion we had considered cross-referencing these findings with rules established by the matra, to see if the problem of local contamination can be made of concern to the Akademia rulebook, so as to prevent it from happening again. I had the assumption that we could find what we needed in the matra's various publicly-available guidelines, but came up empty. As we concluded this, I had jokingly mentioned your name to Afizh, as he is in his last years of Spamtamad, he is sure to know that you were an alumnus. I said to him that he should ask you about the unclarity of these rulebooks. Now, Afizh is a bold man, sweet at he is, but he claimed that he would rather let his entire TCG collection be siezed by the matra than ask you a question...
I can only assume he does not know that your own TCG collection is five times his size. It's funny that he thinks bringing TCG cards to his office is an offence worthy of property confiscation, but I digress. I offhandedly mentioned that I'll be the one to ask you about it, and their reaction made me realize something that has me... A little unsure on how to feel.
They were shocked to hear that I am on good terms with you, and even more shocked to hear that we are close enough for me to call you my 'friend'. They proceeded to tell me how unexpected it was, that a forest ranger such as myself would have 'connections' with the high-ranking officials in the Akademiya matra...
I don't have connections to the matra, Cyno. All I am is your life partner. Yet I hesitate to say this to them, and I dismissed their reaction saying it isn't a big deal. After all, a man being in a relationship isn't a big deal. But somehow, I think, with you, it isn't that easy.
I know you tell people you're friends with me when asked. I do the same. Most of our mutual friends know that we are more than that, and we had agreed to tell other people of our relationship if it comes up. Wether we claim to be friends or more, the problem is that it rarely comes up in the first place. We have made our lives separate for the better part of this relationship, but I fear that it is too distanced that strangers cannot fathom it being so intertwined.
I am not one to be motivated by the opinion of strangers. It is not that those comments bother me. I know who I care about and who I love, and whether or not other people know it have little to do with me. But that night I had somehow lost my cool, I think. And I had told them that you and I were in a relationship.
I will not talk of their reaction afterwards. Suffice to say that my ears hurt from the volume they reached and it became a bit of a talk amongst the participants. I am sorry for this mishap, though I am sure you do not mind. Please do not take this as a sign that I am dissatisfied with our current setting, or unhappy with your position and reputation in the matra. I am neither of those things. I know that your life is inseparable with mine, Cyno. No amount or distance or difference in reputation can change that. I suppose I simply wanted to claim the General Mahamatra as mine, as well. At least at the time. I'm not sure it was an entirely good decision, but I don't think I will come to regret it just yet.
Oh, I had almost forgot. I've attached some of the lines of the matra guidebooks and rules that we needed clarification on. You will see our inquiry in detail for each page and topic. In general, we were wondering if we could access some of the matra's documents regarding this matter, especially the ones that are mentioned but not publicly available. That was the main point of this letter, which I had planned to write since we started discussing about the matra's rulings, but evidently got distracted from.
I hope the desert treats you well, and that you will find time to visit soon. As always, I miss you dearly.
ーYours always, Tighnari.
P.S. Collei is forcing me to mention that I had promised Afizh to show him a TCG match between you and I if you can manage to arrive before they leave for the city. and also that he is leaving in about two weeks.
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robo-dino-puppy · 9 months
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horizon forbidden west | talanah 15/?
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jetaloen · 10 months
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holy crap depth perception is real
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vaugarde · 1 month
the decision to throw you into what i assume is supposed to be the “endgame” is really smart considering memory seems to be a huge theme. bc yeah im confused as hell
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violetgarlends · 3 months
tgcf au where nothing bad happens and they’re just playing an increasingly weird game of DnD
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ellies-enrichment · 1 year
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madamplague · 7 months
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no, im not :]
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No bigger pain than when you namedrop and reintroduce an NPC that you loved and your players forgot them.
He's a fucking blind priest with guns and a dog that helped you kill a demon what the hell is wrong with you guys
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iiscpr · 2 months
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soupcans · 4 months
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im still so proud of this face i drew ☺️
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raiiney-days · 10 months
i think earth is just one big fucked up dnd campaign. like, god is the sleep deprived dm who was trying to run a erious campaign but gave up bcs the players kept fucking around and doing stupid shit. and jesus and the archangels are the players who keep coming up with increasingly stupid ways to deal with shit.
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kreature-ofthenight · 2 years
my family  DnD group can only fit a few games every other month in our schedule, I tried to make the far spread out sessions less of an issue
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medys-space · 1 year
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Angy plant
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ravarui · 9 months
You know it's [BAR]
First Meeting Prompts [ BAR ]  :   for  your  muse  to  join  mine  at  a  bar  Accepting (Mutuals only) @rapxir
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There was something calming about pulling into port after weeks on the sea. To be able to relax for a while, without being subjected to the volatile weather of the New World. Their arrival was more than welcomed by the people of Leewin Island, one of the islands that was under Shanks protections, the hoisted flags on some rooftops showing his jolly roger a clear indicator for it.
His first stop was of course at the local tavern, given it was the best place to gather all kinds of news and get a good drink. "I assume you'll get your usual drink Captain?" "You know me to well Ruellia." He gave the bartender a grin as he sat down on one at the seats right at the front of the bar. "Don't think it will be long until the rest follows." His words were met by a loud laugh of her. "Oh I know. It never takes you guys long to appear in my bar. You're lucky I just got a new delivery this morning." "Worried we might drink the place dry again?" "With you that's not an unfound one."
Shanks didn't even bother to hold back his laughter, clearly remembering what had happened the last time and the terrible hangover most of them had nursed the next morning. With the whiskey placed in front of him, he finally took the time to look around, pausing when his gaze landed on an unfamiliar figure, busy strumming a guitar in a corner of the tavern. "Whos that? Hiring kids nowadays?" His grin widened when Ruellia gave him an annoyed look. "She's new around here, so don't be mean Captain." Voice raised she called out for the other. "Ruby! Come on over here will you?"
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mrs-mikko-rantanen · 2 years
I may have accidentally given falathiel a love intrest
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kazeofthemagun · 1 year
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@relentless-understudy asked the summoner:
A good dream
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The wind carried the hot breath of desert air. What little yellowed grass still lingered between rock swayed gently as harsh terrain slowly gave way to a golden savannah, spiraling crags pointing towards the sky like brazen spears. The sun was low on the horizon, descending steadily over the western ridge. Soon, only the twin moons would be left to gaze upon the vast steppes of Windaria.
Lir Hassan stood ever imposing, a fortress city painted in hues of various colors. But, most of all - blue. It was always this shade of blue, this simple design that adorned billowing flags and made up the ekkti that had come to be painted upon his features. Home. Not one of his birth, nor of his lost bloodline, but a home to his heart nonetheless.
The hustle and bustle of the fortress town had resumed, citizens lured back onto narrow streets by evening. Here and there, merchants peddled their wares underneath canopies of patterned fabric, the waning daylight casting a soft red glow through hanging cloth.
"I can pay you an honest three hundred saki, kind Sir, but four hundred you will not squeeze out of me." The soft voice of his small companion had taken on a hint of annoyance, or, perhaps, disappointment. To think some would try to swindle him so..! But, alas, he was no fool and though small of stature he was, his confidence was not and he could barter rather effectively. "It smells like the sea, yes, but even such finds had gone down in value with the recent opening of trade routes. Yes, I do know what I am talking about, thank you very much."
The furry white creature shook his head, the light organ upon his forehead buzzing with an electric yellow glow. Though calm he may appear, a Moogle's emotions were most apparent in their lanterns. "Tis a good quality, but good luck finding buyers with such prices. Hmph." Kupo's blue eyes stared with a certain snarkiness, and he huffed. "Four Winds."
The summoner observed in silence as his partnered Missionary haggled with the third seller in a row. Well, he almost had it, but not quite. Endlessly contesting prices did not exactly serve one well when they still left with nothing by the end of the day.
A soft hmm escaped the Wind Warrior's lips, similar shade of blue gazing down upon his companion with eyebrows riding a tad higher than they tended to rest. "Just buy it already. I will lend you the hundred. You need time to cook it, still."
"She's just going to get mad at us for spending this much on spices, Rorahm." The Moogle complained, crossing little arms beneath his folded wings. "Traditional Malatuurese cuisine is expensive. I wanted it to be a good gift, but Winds! The audacity to still charge that much."
Kupo was funny (adorable) in the rare moments he got angry. It almost prompted a chuckle out of the gunmage, steeled blue gaze softening with a silent laugh in his eyes. His partner knew that look well, and promptly gave a jab to his shin with a wingtalon.
"Ow." Black Wind pretended to be hurt, drawing out the noise in the most sarcastic deadpan he could muster. "It's okay. She will not have your hide. We can afford."
"Really? I mean -"
"Get it."
His companion seemed to finally be won over, accepting the hundred saki from the summoner and paying for the satchel. He gave it one last sniff, just to be sure it was exactly what he needed.
"I think... I think Pelo is going to like it very much." He smiled, holding his purchase close to the chest. "Thank you."
Perhaps the Wind's eyes were not the only thing smiling - nobody could ever tell with the way his cape covered the lower half of his face. It was a look so rare upon his features, brought out by the only two people who could heal his troubled heart. And one of them was right there, in front of him. "You have to pursue that which is close to your heart."
He was so very glad his dear friend had found a love. It was something so very needed in such uncertain times. Who knew when the trade routes would be closed off again, or when their savings would run dry - this opportunity could disappear in the flash of a centipede's jaws in sand.
Feeling guilt over spent money was unavoidable, but hopefully their hides would not be had. Hopefully.
"...Ahh, I am so happy, Rorahm!" There were sparkles in sky blue orbs, and the Moogle's lantern was shining brighter than ever. "I'm going to make this count. It will be so good."
"I bet it will be." The Wind hummed, eyes closing contendedly.
His right hand rested on his companion's head, petting white fur gently.
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