#that's what the defibrillator is for
Not My Job: Queen's Brian May Gets Quizzed About Dairy Queen
9-Minute Listen <- (as of 11/21/23, the audio link still works)
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Michael Loccisano/Getty Images
Brian May left a promising career in science to try his hand at rock 'n' roll, and did OK enough, we guess, becoming a co-founder of the band Queen. (That makes him the only Ph.D. astrophysicist in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.) What's more, he's also deeply into 3D stereoscopic photography, and has just published a new book of pictures of his band.
Given his success with Queen, we made him answer three trivia questions about Dairy Queen, the ice cream and fast food franchise.
Queen's Brian May Rocks Out To Physics, Photography Secret Stereographs: Brian May Of Queen Reveals A Pastime
And now the game where we reward a lifetime of achievement with a few moments of trivia. It's called Not My Job. Brian May left a promising career in science to try his hand at rock 'n' roll. And he did OK. He founded the band Queen with Freddie Mercury, John Deacon and Roger Taylor, making him, as far as we know, the only Ph.D. astrophysicist in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. But he had another enthusiasm, 3-D stereoscopic photography. He's published a new book of pictures of his band so realistic you can practically smell the groupies.
SAGAL: Brian May, welcome to WAIT WAIT... DON'T TELL ME.
BRIAN MAY: Thank you very much.
SAGAL: I spent a good part of yesterday evening with your book of these amazing stereoscopic photos and the great little viewer that comes with them...
MAY: Right.
SAGAL: ...Enjoying these 3-D pictures of your band and its history and Freddie Mercury and your other friends and musicians. And I have one thing to ask you. How is it that in all the years that you've been in the public eye, your hair has never changed?
SAGAL: Did any - nobody ever came to you and said, Brian, you know, now it's the 1990s. We need to cut your hair? Has any...
MAY: Yeah, they do it all the time.
MAY: I have a good answer for that. But it's probably not repeatable on your program.
SAGAL: So there are so many things that are interesting about you. You were, as I said - you were pursuing your doctorate in science when the band started, right?
MAY: I was, yeah. In astronomy. In what they now call astrophysics, yeah. And I gave it up. And I thought I was actually doing astrophysics a favor by choosing the other option.
SAGAL: Really?
MAY: Yeah. And I also thought, you know, there's a window opening here. And if I don't kind of walk through - or a door opening, I should say. And I thought, if I don't walk through right now, that door will never open again. So I went off and, against all the odds, became a rock star for some reason.
SAGAL: Yeah. That seemed to have worked out pretty well for you.
MAY: It's OK. It's been OK so far. Yeah.
SAGAL: It really has. But...
PAULA POUNDSTONE: So wait, you're suggesting that you were not a good astrophysicist?
MAY: You know, I didn't think I was.
POUNDSTONE: What would make a bad astrophysicist?
MAY: Well...
POUNDSTONE: Like, you weren't looking in the right...
MAY: Well, what would make a bad astrophysicist would be, like, not being able to complete your Ph.D., which is what happened.
MAY: And I couldn't please my supervisor. So 30 years later, I found myself with another supervisor. And he liked what I did. So I kind of updated my vision of myself. But I got it after 30 years.
SAGAL: Wait a minute. What I love is that you going in to get your Ph.D. not as young Brian May but as Brian May the guitarist of Queen.
MAY: Yeah.
SAGAL: I mean, did you - like, your oral exams - did you come in and say, I could answer your questions, or I could just do the riff from "We Will Rock You."
MAY: Well, you know, they were tough on me. I think they had to be because they couldn't be seen to kind of make it easy for me, you know? And, you know, I got a whole sheaf of stuff that I had to do in order to finish it off.
SAGAL: I bet that...
LUKE BURBANK: Did they try to work in any Queen stuff during the defense of your dissertation? Like, you may think you're the champion, Mr. May...
BURBANK: ...But this panel thinks otherwise. Do they do anything corny like that?
SAGAL: Now, this is the amazing thing about this book because in addition to your interest in astrophysics and obviously shredding on the guitar, you are a huge photography nerd. And you were...
MAY: Totally.
SAGAL: You were always into 3-D photography.
MAY: Yeah.
SAGAL: I'm just trying to imagine though that - it must have been like the mid-70s in the absolute apogee of, like, the rock 'n' roll lifestyle. And there's the cocaine. And there are the groupies. And there's the liquor. And you're, like, trying to get everybody to hold still so you can take a 3-D photograph.
SAGAL: Guys, guys. Come on.
MAY: I'm not going to contradict you there.
MAY: Should we just move on?
SAGAL: All right. I will.
POUNDSTONE: Every high school student has the same story, I imagine, on the way to sports events.
SAGAL: Yeah.
POUNDSTONE: Like, when I played lacrosse in high school, we would bang our sticks on the roof of the bus.
MAY: Oh.
POUNDSTONE: How this driver tolerated it I'll never know. And we would scream at the top of our lungs the lyrics to, you know, "We Are The Champions."
MAY: Great.
POUNDSTONE: And it was so much fun.
SAGAL: Oh, yeah.
BURBANK: Did you guys ever win a match?
MAY: It did you no good whatsoever.
BURBANK: What would you sing on the drive back, "Another One Bites The Dust?"
BURBANK: Can I just ask what - like, in the creation of an amazing, iconic song like "Bohemian Rhapsody," did Freddie Mercury write those lyrics?
MAY: Absolutely.
BURBANK: And, like, what was it like when he says, OK, these are going to be the words to this song?
MAY: We had a kind of unwritten law. You know, generally, this song was kind of the province of the writer. And the writer would have the final say. So yeah, we didn't really discuss it. We didn't say, you know, why are you saying that, Freddie? It was just...
BURBANK: So no one looked at him when he started singing scaramouche?
MAY: You know, we were enjoying ourselves.
SAGAL: Can you do the fandango?
MAY: I mean, this stuff is really fun to do in the studio.
MAY: And nobody had ever done it before, you know?
SAGAL: Oh, absolutely. I'd never heard anything like that in my life when that song came out.
MAY: Well, and you won't again.
SAGAL: I know. I know.
POUNDSTONE: So you guys just, you know, scaramouche, scarmouche, not even looking at one another?
SAGAL: I can imagine.
POUNDSTONE: It does sound like fun.
SAGAL: Last question - as an astrophysicist, because this is interesting how you both - do both - can you scientific explain how it is that fat bottomed girls make the world go round?
MAY: Yeah. I think that's still true. I was just lucky to find out early, you know?
SAGAL: Well, Brian May, we can talk to you all day. But we have business to do. We've asked you here to play a game we're calling...
BILL KURTIS: Have a peanut buster parfait.
SAGAL: You, of course, as we have been discussing, are one of the founders of Queen, one of the iconic rock bands of all time. So we thought we'd ask you three questions about Dairy Queen.
MAY: About what?
SAGAL: Dairy Queen. You might have come across it in your travels across America. It's a popular ice cream and fast food franchise.
MAY: This is the bit I've been looking forward to so much.
SAGAL: Oh, you are.
SAGAL: Answer two questions about - by the way, I should say that absolute ignorance is always an advantage in this particular game.
MAY: Well, you've got it in this case.
ADAM BURKE: I'm just picturing the Queen tour bus pull up to a Dairy Queen.
SAGAL: It'd be the greatest day of those people's lives.
BURKE: Freddie just marching in. Blizzards for the lot of us.
SAGAL: All right (laughter).
MAY: Can I go home now?
SAGAL: This is already going very well.
SAGAL: So the question, though, for Bill is who is legendary guitarist and astrophysicist Brian May playing for?
KURTIS: Ella Jones of Baltimore, Md.
SAGAL: All right.
POUNDSTONE: Here we go.
SAGAL: Just two right, and we win it all. None right - who cares? Here we go. Dairy Queen has given us so much by way of frozen treats, the Blizzard, the Dilly Bar, the Oreo Brownie Earthquake. But it's also responsible for what other wonderful thing? A, the defibrillator device; B - the band No Doubt, or C avocado toast?
MAY: I would say none of the above. But I have no idea. The defibrillator. I'm going for the defibrillator.
SAGAL: You could use a defibrillator at any Dairy Queen. But the answer is the band No Doubt...
MAY: You're kidding me.
SAGAL: ...Because it turns out that Gwen Stefani and two of her band mates met and formed their band at a Dairy Queen in Anaheim, Calif., when they both - all worked there.
MAY: I'm on the edge of my seat.
SAGAL: But we have other things. There's this Dairy Queen - one of them - in Morehead, Minn. And it's legendary because it still uses all the old recipes. And it was the place where their famous dilly bar treat was invented. Now, the owner there invented a number of other things that corporate never liked - so they didn't catch on nationally - including which of these? Which of these failed Dairy Queen treats? A, the flaming sundae; B, the meat shake...
SAGAL: ...Or C, the heck-of-a-job brownie?
MAY: I'm going to go for number one.
SAGAL: The flaming sundae. You're right.
SAGAL: He invented a flaming sundae, a sugar cube doused with liquor - set it on fire. Very attractive. So your last question. If you get this right you win, which I'm sure will go well with your CBE.
SAGAL: Last question. Dairy Queen has a deep, dark secret - something they would rather that you - none of us - would know. What is it? A, their original name was Dairy Fairy; B, their ice cream isn't actually ice cream or C, the chain is wholly owned by the government of Iran?
BURBANK: He's operating at a slight disadvantage having never been to a Dairy Queen.
SAGAL: That's true.
MAY: I think B.
SAGAL: Yes. You're right.
SAGAL: It's true that their product - their frozen soft serve cannot be legally called ice cream because it doesn't have enough real cream in it.
SAGAL: Bill, how did Brian May do on our quiz?
KURTIS: He is a champion.
POUNDSTONE: There we go.
KURTIS: Two out of three.
SAGAL: My friend, Brian May is an astrophysicist, guitar legend and one of the founders of the great rock bands of all time - that would be Queen. His new book, which is completely worth the hours you will spend staring at it - it's of stereoscopic photos he took. It's called "Queen In 3-D." It is out now. Brian May, what a joy to talk to you. Thank you so much for...
MAY: Thank you all.
SAGAL: Brian May.
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sexynetra · 18 days
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jamiethebeeart · 2 months
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I'm so very very normal about Dani, I promise (lineart by @five-rivers ) @green-with-envy-phandom-event
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longelk · 1 year
it never slips my mind that kaycee died young but it took me a bit to register that her manner of death is one of the most unimaginably painful ones to go through. oh well if homegirl was lucky she passed out from the smoke before she could feel her skin peel off 😁🤞
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lion-buddy · 9 months
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i hate her so much
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allerod · 6 months
house md drinking game:
take a shot every time wilson appears somewhere where he has no business being
admit yourself to the hospital with alcohol poisoning
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tumhara-raghav · 2 months
So sorry if you text me i am busy staring at a screen drooling and smiling over this girl good bye everyone i am dying pls send help
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tortilla-of-courage · 2 months
Tortilla! Your back!
hi!!! yeah ive had the Zelda Brainworms for the past couple of months while ive been playing totk and really wanted to shake this blog back to life but kept forgetting. oops?
better late than never,
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eves-da-best · 1 year
And the crowd goes WILD🐝
Eve Best Nation, I adore you. There is nothing more soul-filling to me than this, a group of individuals from every part of the globe collectively losing its mind over every sighting of the elusive Eve Best. 😅😍💖💖 Good luck to us all being productive at work or school or wherever we find ourselves today, struggling to think about anything other than THAT LOOK😍🥵
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saltpepperbeard · 11 months
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musclesandhammering · 7 months
Ok but I have a question about the finale
Why does Loki actually have to stay in the tree? I get that it’s a sacrifice so the multiverse can live and be free, but what is he doing specifically?
Is he holding them in a certain order so they don’t get tangled and collide? Is he feeding his magic into them to keep them alive like life support? Is it just that his magic is what’s keeping it in a tree shape so they can grow? Is it that he just needs to be there on the “throne” keeping an eye out in case anything starts to go wrong?
Like what is he actually doing there? Lol
I mean the multiverse can exist on its own without a loom. It existed without a loom before HWR stepped in. From what I understood, the problem was just that the loom was designed to detonate and kill all the branches as a failsafe- and that’s what happened. So it seems like- if what he basically did was revive the branches the loom nearly killed and then order the multiverse into the shape of a tree so it could infinitely grow…. why does he actually need to be there and physically hold them in his hands?
Or was it supposed to just be an “I’ll make the sacrifice of taking this throne and watching over everything so that this will never happen again” type thing?
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tutuandscoot · 7 months
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Patch is looking at S/D like he read on Twitter that apparently they hate each other.
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sepostscreencaps · 7 months
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Maybe but not really blasphemous panel from Soul Eater post chapter 24
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milimeters-morales · 1 year
thinking of Miles being super powerful and not realizing just how powerful that means again!
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storyweaverofgondor · 11 months
Someone: *fandom* is dead.
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spiinsparks · 1 year
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the  intimacy  of  hands. / @badnikbreaker / ACCEPTING !           ↳   [ no tears & kiss ] AMY I AM FORCING SONIC TO CRY
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          IT  WASN’T  ALWAYS  AS  EASY  AS  HE  MADE  IT  LOOK.   the  whole  moving  forwards  ,  no  regrets  thing.  when  the  curtain  fell  ,  and  the  lights  dimmed  ,  all  that  was  left  was  a  lone  figure  on  a  STAGE  whose  smile  wavered  ,  flickered  ,  FELL.  it  had  been  a  CAKEWALK  to keep  up  the  act  when  he  had  locked  eyes  with  whisper  and  returned  her  stolen  wisps  to  her.  it  had  even  been  easy  to  sit  with  his  brother  in  SILENCE  on  the  transport  back  to  south  island  ,  where  their  friends  were  waiting.
           it  had  also  been  easy  ,  as  night  fell  ,  to  SEEK  OUT  AMY  once  tails  had  been  shuttled  off  to  bed  after  an  hour  or  so  of  repeated  ,  careful  reassurances.  (  it’s  alright.  he  was  fine.  they  were  both  fine.  and  he  was  GRATEFUL  for  the  save  ,  as  usual.  tails  was  a  LIFE  SAVER  ,  and  there  was  nothing  for  tails  be  frightened  of  ,  not  while  sonic  was  here.  )
        easy  ,  to  ask  for  a  moment  of  her  time  and  sit  with  her  as  the  night  grew  old.  easy  ,  to  PLAY  OFF  the  jitter  in  his  hands  with  a  languid  SHRUG  and  a  casual  laugh  that  flit  off  the  tongue.  easy  to  sit  and  talk  about  all  of  the  LITTLE  NOTHINGS  of  life  they  shared.  grateful  ,  as  ever  ,  TO  LIVE.
          . . .  but  eventually  ,  even  between  the  best  of  friends  ,  silence  reigned.  and  this  one  was  TENSE.  it  was  uncomfortable.
          (  water  filled  his  mouth  and  stung  his  eyes.  it  flooded  his  ears  and  drowned  out  his  voice  as  electricity  blazed  fire  through  his  every  muscle  ,  every  vein.  he  was  STOPPING  /  STARTING  /  STOPPING  again.  his  heart  flew  into  his  throat  and  choked  out  the  SCREAMS  that  fled  from  him  the  same  as  the  hands  that  gripped  his  throat  and  plunged  him  beneath  the  water’s  electrified  surface.  )
           YOU  DON’T  GET  IT  —
                   surge  had  yelled  over  the  gurgle  of  bubbled  cries  and  frantic  splashing  of  his  spasming  limbs.
                                 THERE  IS  NO  FREEDOM  FOR  ME.
            sonic’s  heart  had  plunged  into  the  depths  of  him.                              it  skipped  —  it  stuttered   —  
                                        NOT  WHILE  YOU’RE  ALIVE.
                                            (       it  stopped.        )
        for  about  thirty  seconds  ,  it  had  stopped.
                        and  sonic  had  made  certain  not  to  let  tails  in  on  that.
        but  now  ,  in  the  dark  ,  when  all  that  was  left  was  the  SILENCE  of  this  night  without  the  hum  of  wisps  cuddled  close  under  his  arms  and  against  his  quills  ,  with  his  brother  having  been  ushered  to  REST  after  the  day’s  taxing  ordeal  and  the  damage  he’d  sustained  in  that  sinkhole  of  a  laboratory  ,               now  . . .  it  was  JUST  HIM.  him  and  amy.  and  it  WASN’T  AS  EASY  ANYMORE  ,  to  temper  the  rage  that  boiled  in  his  blood  ,  or  squash  the  FEAR  IN  HIM  —  suppress  the  shudder  of  his  body  as  the  fatigue  of  death  and  defibrillation  caught  up  with  and  tore  right  through  him.  
          sonic’s  eyes  pricked  and  stung  and  his  vision  blurred  and  his  shoulders  TENSED  as  he  turned  from  his  friend.  he  was  as  UNWILLING  to  shed  this  weight  as  he  was  to  let  them  see  how  terror  and  rage  and  regret  did  fester  where  it  shouldn’t.  he  squared  his  shoulders  and  squeezed  his  eyes  shut.  inhaled  deeply  through  his  mouth  and  out  his  nose.           but  a  pressure  cupped  his  cheek  ,  so  soft  and  gentle  he  nearly  missed  it.
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           ❝  —! ❞  
            sonic  FLINCHED  ,  at  first  ,  when  they  touched  him.  then  winced  at  himself  for  flinching  at  all.  then  ,  allowed  them  ,  with  the  only  the  slightest  of  resistance  to  it  ,  to  tilt  his  chin  towards  their  face  with  nothing  but  the  gentle  coaxing  of  their  kind  warm  hand.             as  her  fingertips  brushed  the  wet  from  his  eyes  ,  sonic  grit  his  teeth  and  swallowed  the  guttural  sound  that  swelled  from  deep  within  his  chest  and  stuck  painfully  in  his  throat. (  —  was  it  a  SCREAM  that  clawed  and  stung  there?  or  was  it  a  shattering  ,  fracturing  WAILING?  )
            he  wanted  to  tell  her.              he  wanted  to  tell  her  EVERYTHING.
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                          instead  ,  sonic  let  out  a  breath  that  carried  with  it  the  tangle  of  emotions  that  crowded  his  mind.  LEANED  FORWARD  ,  and  broke  their  hand’s  contact  with  him  to  bury  his  face  against  their  shoulder.  and  it  was  EASY  to  let  the  shudder  in  him  shake  the  tears  out.
           at  least  ,  just  for  this  little  while.
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