#that’s why Young Heretics is such a breath of fresh air; he trusts you to know when a thing is wrong
history podcasters will be like “X historical figure was a eugenicist, which sucks, but he also had some progressive idiosyncrasies such as collaborating with feminist Margaret Sanger.” bruh
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countrymusiclover · 4 months
39 - An Ordinary Vampire
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Part 40
Family is More than Blood
Raelyn’s pov
Moving through the airport I ran down the stairs seeing the familiar blonde I had been missing. Caroline flung her arms open embracing me with a long overdue hug. “I can’t believe you just jumped on a plane to see me. Not that I’m upset over it.”
“I just needed to see you…and I need your help with something.” I squeezed her back tightly before breaking the hug holding onto her forearms.
She gave me a look still smiling. “What can I do that the brilliant Heretic Raelyn Mikaelson can’t.”
“I need help just being a vampire for a little while.” I answered her.
Caroline made a confused expression. “Just a vampire. Wait, are you saying you gave up your powers. Why the hell would you do something like that?”
“It’s a long story but we finally defeated the Hollow. But yeah I gave up my powers until I felt comfortable with them again. It’s the same thing that Josette did. I don’t see why there’s a big problem when I do it.”
The mystic vampire slumps her shoulders sighing heavily in front of me. “I guess I understand. And I am honored to think you trust me to be your vampire coach.”
“I could go to Valerie but I was afraid she would try and convince me to return my magic back. I already have my husband breathing down my neck doing that exact thing.” I throw my hands up in the air.
She nodded brushing hair out of her face. “Sounds like you need a drink. Luckily I passed a pretty good bar that has the best margaritas in my opinion.”
We left the airport and I put my bag up in the hotel room she had purchased. Before we strolled the streets of England since she was still looking for any solution to the Merge but has had no luck in solving the problem. We sat down at two empty bar stools waiting for the bartender to come take our order. “I feel like I should apologize for not coming to you when I had the Gemini leader power in my veins.”
“You don’t have to apologize for that. You had to protect your children first and foremost. That is what any parent would do.” She responded to me with a sympathetic look in her eyes.
The bartender came over sliding us each a margarita. “Here you go. One strawberry and one mango.” She left as quickly as she came tending to the next person.
“Raelyn, don't feel guilty about not being able to help my kids. Alaric and I understand why.” Caroline raised the glass to her lips.
Sitting my glass down I huffed under my breath. Closing my eyes I sniffed the air being able to smell the fresh human blood all around us. The alcohol wasn't helping as much as it normally would. Clutching my hands into fists on the bar countertop I slowly put my feet on the floor seeing two young girls sitting in a booth near us just chatting away. “You know what I think I need a different drink right about now.”
“Woah Rae Rae.” She jumped down from her barstool grabbing me by my shoulders. “Just take a breath and calm down.”
I felt the veins beginning to appear under my eyes. “Caroline, I just need a quick taste of blood then I'll be fine.”
“Raelyn, I know you and you are not good at snatch, eat, erase. Let me go to the nearest hospital and get you some or I can get some blood from the bartender.” She held me back still away from the young girls.
I shoved my hands against her chest trying to siphon her to sleep. “Magia tollux de terras - urgh!”
“It's not so easy to get what you want without magic is it, Heretic Queen?” I glared at Caroline before I slowly turned around on my feet after she dropped her hands off of me seeing my husband leaning in the doorway of the bar.
Glaring at him I growled with the fangs appearing in my mouth. “What the hell are you doing here, Niklaus!”
“I felt you weren't acting like yourself so I figured I needed to keep an eye on you.” He responded crossing his arms over his chest.
Caroline sighed brushing her hair. “Klaus, your snooping on her. She just came seeking my help. It shouldn't be a big deal.”
“It is a big deal when she put her magic away without even asking how I felt about it.” Klaus raised his voice striding up to me.
I could hear whispering from some people the bartender specifically where Caroline touched my arm. “You two should take this outside. I'll pay for our drinks and catch up with you later.”
“Fine.” I stomped past my husband and he followed after me. We made our way into an empty alleyway that was behind the building. Leaning my body against the brick wall I still glared at him. “How did you find me?”
Klaus answers my question simply. “You used my credit card. It was that hard to make the airport tell me where you had flown off to.”
“Normally I find your snooping into my life romantic. Except for this moment in time.” I snapped at the hybrid.
Klaus scoffed. “I would think you would find my concern for your safety still romantic even though I know you can take care of yourself.”
“You know what I want you to know, Klaus.” I stomped up until we were almost chest to chest. “I want you to wrap it around your head that giving up my magic was my decision. Not yours, but mine. Stop thinking I am so unstable without it.”
He rolled his eyes. “I never said the word unstable to you.”
“What am I supposed to think when you're following me around telling me I made a mistake when you have no idea what it is like to have your own subconscious tell you to hurt the people you love. Even when I knew it was wrong I couldn't break it. I…I was weak and I let it get to me. I just felt so…”
“Broken.” Klaus and I finished my ranting sentence together.
Stepping away from him I felt some tears falling down my face. I knew that he had demons in his mind that he hated having to battle them. But what surprised me was that he seemed to be handing it better than I was. He reached up gently holding my shoulders making me look him in those blue eyes I adore. “How long have you felt this way, Rae?”
“Since the day you brought me back…I pushed through the loss of my family members. But this..this is so much more than those feelings. I don't know why I am feeling like this when I have you and our beautiful kids by my side. Yet I still can't shake it because I almost hurt all of you in a way I am not sure I can forgive myself for.” I croaked wiping away tears that had begun falling faster with every breath I took.
My hybrid husband stared down at me silently for a few minutes. “Time and time again you speak towards me as if you are falling apart and no one is there to catch you. When it is the exact opposite. You aren't meant to go through this alone, Raelyn.” He was still in awe from the first day he met her how she could be so beautiful and fierce even when she stood in front of him emotionally breaking down.
“I know you’re here for me. I appreciate it, I do. I just can't feel the magic running through my veins until I trust myself to not accidentally hurt any of you again.” Rubbing my hands down my arms he didn't waste time drawing me forward to his chest hugging me.
Clutching the fabric of his jacket I began sobbing into his shirt. He wrapped his arms tightly around me. “Sssh love. I am here. I'll be here whenever you're ready.” He whispered in my hair until his phone was ringing in his pocket.
He hit the answer button on his phone hearing Missy’s voice come over. “Mom, dad. You have to come home now.”
“Sweetheart, what has happened?” I asked her to take the phone from his hands.
Missy sounded nervous from the tone in her voice. “Charming and Rapunzel have more power than we thought. And something has happened to Josie.”
“What happened to her, Missy?” Klaus questions our third daughter.
She replied back. “The dark magic that she got from Kai has taken over her. She needs our help, all of us.”
“Raelyn, Klaus, what is going on?” Caroline came around the corner seeing us standing there.
Looking in her direction I ended the phone call with our daughter. “We have to go back to the school. All of us,your girls are in danger.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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teamkaiforever · 7 years
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Should’ve Kissed You
Kai Parker x Reader word count : 3 992 summary : (sort of) based on ‘I Should’ve Kissed You’ by One Direction note : this is an old draft i found on my phone and just got it finished around 4AM, hope you guys like it ☺ * gif by christopherwooddaily ____________________________
Being invited to a party at Elena’s dorm at the end of the weekend, was a surprise for Kai. A part of him thought that maybe after he lifted the spell linking Elena and Bonnie, they were starting to warm up to him so when Damon had asked, Kai had agreed to go but only because there was someone he hoped to see at the party. The night was dragging itself slowly and he spent most of his time with his least favourite Salvatore, mainly because the vampire refused to leave him alone, probably thinking Kai would murder someone. However the young heretic’s mind was far away from this, completely consumed by thoughts about only one person and he hadn’t been able to tear his eyes away from her since the moment she walked in.    “Does she have a boyfriend ?” he asked, when she looked at him for the hundredth time that night with a smile on her face, making his heart skip a beat. Damon followed Kai’s gaze and clenched his jaw the moment he saw who the young heretic meant. A few metres away, at the other end of the room stood Y/N, Caroline and Elena. They were talking and laughing at something on the younger girl’s phone, while holding a red plastic cup in their hands.    “No, no. Don’t even think about it.” growled the vampire. “She is too good for you.”    “I was just asking.” said Kai, raising his hands in defence. For a second it looked like he might give up on the subject, but then he leaned in a little towards Damon, asking the same question. The vampire gulped the rest of the bottle with bourbon in his hands at once and sighed.    “No. She doesn’t. Y/N is shy when it comes to liking guys that way. Even if she likes someone, no chance she’d do or say something.” Kai felt a spark of hope hearing Damon’s words. Y/N was single –    “Why not ? Who would say ‘no’ to her ? She is so beauti –” Kai cleared his throat, seeing Damon’s expression. “I am just saying. Whoever she chooses will be the luckiest man alive.”    “Indeed.” the vampire patted Kai’s back with a smirk on his face. “Except, it won’t be you.” he said in a serious tone. The young heretic looked at Damon as if to say ’We’ll see about that.’ and got up, finishing his cup before leaving it on the table. He took a few steps towards Y/N before Damon grabbed him and whooshed them down the hallway, pinning the heretic to the wall with his hand around his neck.    “Listen to me, twirp. You are lucky I haven’t ripped your head off by now.“    “Why haven’t you?”    “Someone asked me very politely not to, saying that you deserve a chance –“    “Who ?” wondered Kai, his mind immediately going to Y/N. Who else would ask Damon that ? Surely wasn’t Elena … or Bonnie.    “Not important.“ grinned the vampire. “Point is – stay away from her. Y/N doesn’t need you hur–”    “Motus.” muttered Kai, sending the vampire flying away from him. “I am not going to hurt her. I think I might be –” he stuttered and sighed, looking at the ground.    “Don’t you dare say it.” threatened Damon. Kai rubbed his neck, glancing at his least favourite Salvatore. He liked Y/N, maybe even more than like her. Out of everyone in the group she was the only one who actually made him feel welcome and appeared to enjoy his company as much as he enjoyed hers. Ever since the moment he saw her, he wanted her to like him, for them to be friends … Perhaps more than friends, if he was lucky. He had spent countless nights since they met, laying awake at night thinking about her and only her, wondering if there was someone in her life. Now that he knew there wasn’t, he wanted to do something and find out if she felt the same way about him. To find out if her she felt like she couldn’t breath when they weren’t together, or if her skin turned to fire just at the thought of being in each other’s arms. Kai wasn’t good at emotions or feelings but he knew he felt something about this girl and he wanted to be better because of her. When the young heretic had put the sleeping curse on Elena, no part of him had intended on ever lifting it but after learning who the doppelganger was to the girl he liked, things changed. He had done it for Y/N. To give her back her best friend growing up.    “Once. Trust me just this once. Y/N might not even like me that way –”    “If you hurt her in any way, I will kill you. Got it ?”    “Got it.” said Kai, taking a step towards the room while fixing his shirt and hair. He stopped at the entrance and took a deep breath. A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth when Y/N looked up at him and he could hear her heart trying to leap out of her chest all the way from where he was standing when their eyes met. Kai made his way through the crowd, feeling nervous all of the sudden. wondering what he was going to say to her. A few moments later, he had shortened the distance between them and was now standing barely a step away from her and Elena, who glanced between them and then went to talk to Damon at the other end of the room, leaving them all alone.    "Hey.” smiled Kai.    “Hey.” she smiled back. Y/N wasn’t like all the other girls he had met, she wasn’t even like her friends. There was something about her, maybe it was her kind heart or the fact she had seen a sliver of good in him when everyone told her she was crazy and had given him a chance, that pulled every fibre in his body towards her and he was pretty sure he’d fight off anyone who dared and tried to steal her from him.    “What w-were you and Damon arguing about?” she interrupted his thoughts. ”I haven’t seen him clench his jaw like that in weeks…”    “You, actually.” Y/N looked at him with surprise in her eyes. “Me ?”    “He doesn’t approve of me coming to talk to you. He is worried I’d hurt you or something.” sighed Kai. “I’d never hurt you… though, he doesn’t seem to want to believe me.” Y/N turned in the direction of her friends, who were talking without taking their eyes off her and Kai. Damon smiled at them, waved his fingers in a ‘hello’ and leaned in to say something to Elena. Everyone always assumed Kai had some sinister plan, a hidden motive behind his actions. Everyone but not her. Y/N liked him, but as usual she didn’t have the courage to tell Kai how she felt.    “Who cares what he thinks?” she muttered, taking a sip from her cup. “I am more than happy you are here. And I um - I like talking to you.”    “You don’t find my constant talking annoying ?“    “No. Not at all.” she smiled shyly and Kai smiled back at her.    “Hey um… D-do you want to dance or something?”    “I’d love to.” she said, her eyes lighting up at his question. Kai smiled widely at her and took the cup from her hands, feeling sparks of electricity the second he touched her and by the looks of it, she felt them too. He left the cup on the nearest table and they pushed their way through the crowd, his hand carefully placed on her back while listening to her heart trying to fight its way out of her chest. For a while they danced and Y/N could barely tear her eyes away from him, just like he couldn’t take his eyes off her. There was something different about the way she was looking at him in that moment, but he couldn’t figure out what it was. Her friends’ kept starring at them, but neither of them cared. Then a slow song started to play. Y/N rubbed her nose just like every time she was nervous and took a step back.    “Um…“ she started to say, when he placed his hands on her waist pulling her towards him again. Y/N looked up at him, smiling nervously. “I am not good at slow songs. I’ll step on your foot and –”    “I want to dance with you. I don’t mind you stepping on my foot –” I just want to hold you in my arms, always and forever. he finished in his mind before leaning in to whisper in her ear. “Vampire, remember ?” Y/N’s lips curled and a moment later her hands hooked around his neck. Their eyes met and her breath got caught in her throat while she got lost in his smoky blue eyes glowing like never before in that instant. They were standing so close to each other, she was worried he might actually feel her heart trying to fight its way out of her chest. Kai rested his forehead on hers, her cheeks flushed immediately and she completely forgot how to breath. Neither of them even noticed the song had changed, neither of them cared about anything else but the other. It felt as if the temperatures in the room had gone up suddenly the closer his lips got to hers, their eyes darting between the others’ eyes and lips. His hot breath was intoxicating her completely and just as he was about to kiss her, Y/N’s feet caved in.    “Are you okay? You look like you might faint or something ?” asked Kai with concern, holding her towards him. “Maybe we should go get some fresh air or something –”    “Mmmhmmm … s-sounds good.” she said, her eyes fluttering closed for a second while he snaked his hand around her waist. Having him hold her like this was definitely not helping her remember how to breath, or calm down her heart. And she couldn’t stop thinking how it felt as if his hands and her body were two pieces of a puzzle, fitting perfectly with each other. They made their way through the crowd and walked outside, sitting on the steps at the entrance of the building. Y/N took a deep breath, feeling the cold air fill her lungs and her mind cleared up a little. Though not nearly enough.    “Feeling better ?” he asked, not taking his eyes off her.    “Yeah, yeah.“ she smiled at the ground, hoping her heart would calm down but that never happened. All she could think about was how he had almost kissed her and that out of all the girls who kept making googly eyes at him all night, he only appeared to have eyes for her. Or maybe she was imagining it. “It got too hot in there.”    “Tell me about it.” he muttered, wiping his face with his hand. For a few long moments, neither of them said a thing. They only kept stealing glances at the other and Y/N couldn’t help but notice how his eyes sparkled differently in that moment and a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.    "So um, are you having fun ? At the party I mean?“    “No, not until I got to dance with you.” he smiled nervously. “Damon invited me and then pretty much forced me to hang out with him. Makes no sense. He doesn’t even like me –”    “He didn’t. I mean… I kind of made him invite you. Though I thought I’d be the one hanging out with you all night, n-not him.“ she said quietly, smiling at the ground again.”I got pulled away before I got the chance –”    “You are the one who wanted me to come ?” he smiled, with a hint of surprise in his voice. “Why didn’t you ask me yourself ?”    “I um…” she laughed nervously, avoiding his question. “I like being around you. You are funny and –“ – you get my heart racing like no one has ever been able to. she finished in her mind. Kai lifted her chin up until their eyes met and he could hear her heart skip a beat the moment he touched her, and then her heart rate increased to dangerous levels. “Woww. Does that mean you lik– are not afraid of being all alone with the big bad heretic ?” Y/N gazed into his blue eyes for a long moment, drowning in them for a millionth time. Had he just almost asked her if she likes him ? Why had he changed his mind mid-sentence ?    “No. Why would I be afraid being around one of my friends ? I um .. actually, I – ” she smiled nervously, getting tongue tied yet again. I like you and I want to be near you and be in your arms, always. she finished in her mind.    “I’ve never had a friend before.” he smiled, “This feels nice. Hey, maybe we can go um get some coffee sometime or … go see a movie or something? F-friends do that right ?”    “Yeah, f-friends do that. J-just the two of us, r-right ?” she said quietly, her eyes darting between his lips and his eyes. Had he just asked her out ? Kai gently brushed his palm against her cheek and nodded, slowly leaning in towards her. Without realising it Y/N slowly leaned in towards him too, her heart beating so fast she was worried everyone could hear it. Kai surely could. They gazed longingly into each others eyes, their lips barely a half an inch away — and then a large group of college students rushed past them down the stairs, nearly trumping them over. Kai cleared his throat while Y/N blinked fast a couple of times, starring at the night sky. A shooting start glazed across it in a blink of an eye, so fast she wasn’t sure it had really happened, but she made a wish anyways.    “I should um … We should probably go back –”    “Yeah, yeah of course.” said Kai, helping her up. “So um, h-how does F-friday movie night sounds ? I can compell the whole movie theatre j-just for … us.”    “Can I pick the movie ?“ Kai grinned. “Absolutely.”     “Hey so, what do you want to – “ said Y/N, turning around so abruptly as they got at the entrance, they bumped into each other and she would’ve fallen unless it had been for Kai’s hand on her waist, holding her steady. He pushed her against the door frame, bracing his hand next to her head when another group college students rushed inside. Y/N could feel her heart beats blurring into one and her cheeks were for sure a very bright shade of red in that moment. Kai’s lips were barely a heart beat away from hers and she wanted to feel them on hers so badly in that moment.     “Whatever you want to … watch.” he replied, his lips almost touching hers as he spoke.  A small smile showed on her face and Y/N reached to touch his cheek, feeling his breath on her face intoxicating her. This time will be different. I don’t want to lose him to someone else. she thought, feeling Kai’s hand on her waist pulling her towards him. I can tell him. Maybe he feels the same. Maybe –    “Y/N ! There you are !” Elena grabbed her hand. “Come on. I want to show you something.” Kai closed his eyes and sighed. There it was again. How it was they always got interrupted somehow ? His eyes followed Y/N through the crowd and she turned around looking at him while Elena continued pulling her away from him. It looked as if she was trying to say something but before he had had time to figure out what, he had lost sight of her. He couldn’t help but feel angry at himself he had missed the moment again, still feeling the lingering feeling of her body this close to his. Almost as if she was still in his arms –
    “Why did you do that ?“ Y/N asked Elena, a hint of frustration in her voice. “I was just about to –”    “No, Y/N. Listen to me. He is bad news.” said her friend, passing her a cup with bear. Y/N pushed it away. Her mind was foggy enough from all that had happened, or had nearly happened with Kai and she didn’t need the extra buzz.    “That doesn’t mean I can’t kiss him and like it. Or feel something for him for that matter.” she blurted out. Elena’s eyes widened and a moment later Damon showed up behind her, snatching the cup from his girlfriend’s hand while looking at Y/N. “You have clearly had too much to drink.”   “Stay out of this Damon. Who I chose to kiss or to whom my heart belongs to is none of your business –”    “He is not –”    “Save it.” she turned on her heels, walking away from them. Y/N looked around, hoping that maybe Kai was still at the party somewhere, or near by at least but there was no sight of him anywhere. “Damn it.”
*       *      *
By the time Y/N got home, it was already 1.37AM. She changed into her PJ’s and headed towards the kitchen to get herself some ice cream from the freezer before sitting on the couch and turning on the TV. Tom and Jerry was on, but unlike all the other times, cartoons couldn’t distract her from the thoughts drowning her mind in that moment. Kai had almost kissed her three times and each time had been seared into her mind, playing on a loop in slow motion. His lips had been so close to hers, she could almost feel them touching hers. His strong hands had held her towards him so gently, just the thought of being this close to him made her heart race. And his eyes – they had been so insanely blue, kind of like comets in the night sky. A sigh left her lips and Y/N took out her phone, scrolling down her contacts until she got to Kai’s name. Her finger hovered over the dial button while she tried to decide if she should call him or not. He didn’t sleep so she wouldn’t wake him but what would she say to him ? And they still had that movie night coming –    “Why are you like this? Why, Y/N?” she said to herself, getting up to return the semi-empty ice cream box in the freezer.” Why can’t you just say ’Hey, Kai. I like you as more than a friend. Do you like me too ?’ but to his face ?”
No matter how hard Kai tried, he couldn’t stop thinking about the moments he and Y/N had almost kissed at the party. Magic could do a lot of things, but couldn’t turn back time like he wished. Instead of going home, he just walked aimlessly down the streets around her apartment, trying to work up the courage to knock on her door. Around 2.17AM he couldn’t take it anymore. All the thoughts and feelings he felt in that moment had consumed him completely and he had to see her, immediately or he’d lose it. Kai got to the third floor, where her apartment was, and knocked on the door. He could hear she was still awake - the TV was on, then suddenly got turned off and footsteps neared the door. The young heretic took a deep breath, feeling the collar of his shirt tighten around his neck a little… and then Y/N opened the door.    “Kai ? Wh-what are you doing here ?” her eyes lit up.    “Hey, um … Can I come in ?” he asked, smiling nervously while his palm pressed against the invisible barrier keeping uninvited vampires out.    “Yeah, of course. Come on.” she smiled shyly.    “Cute PJs.” he smiled, touching the loose ponytail as he walked inside. Y/N was wearing short shorts with a top saying ‘I ♡ cupcakes.’ and a drawing of a cupcake with white fuzzy bunny slippers.    “T-thanks.“ As soon as the door closed, Kai backed her against it and placed his hands on either side of her, caging her in with his body. He hadn’t taken his eyes off her since the moment the door had opened, listening to her heart beating faster than a hummingbirds at the sight of him. His fingertips brushed against her cheek and the corners of his mouth twitched, noticing how she literally stopped breathing for a second when he gently touched her lips.    “Don’t freak out.” said Kai, in a hushed voice a second before his lips pressed against hers. Butterflies flapped their wings in her stomach, spreading the feeling through her entire body and her heart almost burst out of her chest. Kai kissed her. He kissed her !!! Y/N’s mind went on full overload and she couldn’t think about anything but his lips on hers and how soft they were. Or how it felt as if they were literally made for each other. Then, too soon, he pulled away.    “I had to do that, at least once.” he rested his forehead on hers. “I should’ve kissed you earlier, I almost did. Three whole times I missed every single chance. Y/N, you are all that I can think about. You are always in the corners of my mind, sneaking into my dreams and it’s driving me nuts how much I want to be with you but … Damon is right. You are too good for me.” Y/N started to say something but he didn’t give her the chance.    “I am just happy I got to kiss you.” he slowly stepped away from her, placing his hand on the door knob. He started opening the door when Y/N put her hand on his and pushed the door closed again. Her lips curled into a smile at the way their hands looked together, feeling Kai’s thumb lightly rubbing her hand and she looked up at him, her heart skipping a beat, or ten.    “Kiss me again.” she said quietly. So quietly, if Kai didn’t have supernatural hearing, he would’ve completely missed it. He smiled at her, cupped her face and took a small step closer until their lips met again. This time Y/N hooked her hands around his neck, pulling him against her until his body was so close to hers, there was literally no space between them. His hands found their way on her waist, moving up and down her back while their lips moved against each other as if they had kissed their whole lives. Everything felt like a dream, like maybe she had fallen asleep on the couch and would wake up at any moment, but she didn’t care. All that mattered were Kai’s lips on hers and his hands on her body.    “Y/N –” he brushed his palm against her cheek, resting his forehead on hers.    “I want to be with you too.” she smiled at him. “I – I like you and I’ve never been able to say that to anyone I like, but I’ll be damned if I let some girl take you away from me.” Kai smiled at her. “No one can take me away from you. Not now, not ever. I belong to you.”    “And I belong to you.” Kai grinned at her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Hey so um, d-do you still want to go on that movie night with me ?”    “Y-you mean as a boyfriend and –“    “– girlfriend. Yeah.” he smiled nervously.     “Like on our –”    “–first date.“ he finished for her. Y/N pressed her lips against his. “Is that a ‘yes’?’    “A million times ‘yes’!’ ________________________ MASTERLIST - SMUT MASTERLIST - FLUFF
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