#that was fun going down memory lane
cosmereplay · 6 months
Let's start with a run-of-the-mill Stormlight college AU!
For the Five Headcanons ask game Ok I've spent some time thinking about this based on people and situations from my real life college experience. Enjoy!
1. Shallan has no money to attend college but she has great ideas, so she takes a job as a janitor to get close to the prof she really wants to collaborate with. She's so persuasive and charismatic that she is successful in convincing the prof to work with her, and despite the fact she didn't finish high school, they go on to publish some really cool papers together while she earns enough money to start attending university part time.
2. Sebarial started school in first year very ambitious and serious, but after starting to date a very average-looking woman named Palona, he changes his major to something much more pedestrian (let's say from poli sci to accounting). Everyone in residence talks about them behind their backs, criticizing her especially for "changing" him; however, he seems much more relaxed and jokey now, and in the years afterwards they get married and seem very happy together.
3. Before applying to a research position, Jasnah asks around for tips on how to interview for it. She is told that the lead researcher only hires women if they have big tits, and advise her to show off her tits if she wants to be hired. Jasnah really wants the position so she wears a deep vee on interview day. As she discusses her qualifications, the lead researcher stares at her tits. Then he looks at her CV and says, "You have a 100% average in your relevant classes? Alright, you're hired." She never finds out which one of those things did it, but now she wears turtlenecks whenever she works.
4. The Lopen brings in a big tub of homemade one-bite brownies and walks around the school at 11am offering them out, leaving behind a random small percentage of the campus who within 30-60 minutes are all so blisteringly high they need help getting home!!! 😠 Do not do this in real life!! Funny for a fic though lmao
5. Kaladin goes into social work and frequently feels very overwhelmed by how much responsibility the job will be. One day he hears in class, "It's okay if you only ever save one person, and it's okay if that one person is you." Suddenly the weight is lifted from him, and he has to run to the bathroom so he can cry in relief.
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bluedelliquanti · 11 months
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Some of my favorite finds in the folder I made on my desktop 10 years ago. Happy 10th anniversary, Pacific Rim, the story that connected me to more artist friends than I can count.
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vinelark · 4 months
fic writer meme
thank you [checks notes] @megafaunatic, @cairoscene, @englishsub, @yuebings, and @cafecliche for the tags ilu
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 15! which is solidly 14 more than i ever expected to have on there when i made the account
2. What's your total Ao3 word count? 277,844
3. What fandoms do you write for? on ao3: mdzs/cql, tgcf, shl, and dc. in groupchats/dms/my own head i’m running wild all over the place
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 🐉 this river runs to you 💍 i’ll have you and you’ll have me 🪐 i will be chasing a starlight ⚔️ you’re the trouble that i always find 🌊 a wave crashes to shore
5. Do you respond to comments? not often; i have made multiple attempts to start replying regularly but all have eventually failed in the face of me desperately wanting to show my earnest and genuine appreciation for each comment vs. wanting to hide my blushing face under a pillow every time. also, because of who i am as a person, each time i sat down to do it i ended up spending hours making little progress and eventually decided that i will make an effort to spend those hours writing or commenting on other fics instead. i am honored by each and every one though!!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? while i tend to write angst it is always firmly of the “with a happy ending” sort. the one exception is my shortest fic (originally posted on twitter) never been away so long, which is more of an ambiguous/open ending with implied angst. i dooooo outline the eventual happy ending in the endnotes, though. also as it CURRENTLY stands buy back the secrets ends on one hell of an angsty note, but there are two more chapters in the works to fix that.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? despite the wangxian star trek au having like 20k of deliriously happy post-misunderstanding sex, i think trrty has to have the happiest ending because not only does the fic end happily, but there are also multiple very happy codas in which wwx gets a good night’s sleep, finally gets to bang his dragon boyfriend, and, my personal fav, one by aubreyli where wangxian go flying in a thunderstorm.
8. Do you get hate on fics? not so far, for which i am grateful but mostly lucky.
9. Do you write smut? occasionally; on ao3 there’s the aforementioned trrty coda, plus the aforementioned cowritten wangxian pon farr sequence 💪
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you have written? hmm, i’m not opposed to crossovers—i’ve read some really fun ones (recent fav crossover read here)—but i’d have to be really compelled by both source materials and have a very clear vision for how they interact to want to write one myself. i’ve written a few fandom fusions (aforementioned wangxian star trek au; i also started a wangxian dragon age au but again, no dragon age characters were going to show up, just the world/setting) but no full-on crossovers. i did have one partially drafted wangxian fic that was going to have a hua cheng deus ex machina, alas.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i’m aware of! it’s not something i really go looking for/concern myself with, but so far, like with fandom hate, i’m grateful to not have encountered it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? yes! my wangxian wedding fic was translated to russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? i co-wrote seventy thousand words of published fic with @feyburner! and probably two hundred thousand words of unpublished fic and outlines and story ideas just for fun. even when we aren’t co-writing we tend to talk through our individual fics with each other so we’re pretty in sync when it comes to writing. i also spent like a year in @cairoscene’s DMs concocting whole outlines/zerodrafts for batfam fics together that i still cherish and reread (notable favs: tim drake ella enchanted au, concept where the waynes are cursed to suddenly feel nothing but apathy about tim and he has to deal with that, story where robin!tim gets de-aged and oops red hood is the first one to show up…). i’d say the OCBFEU is fic-adjacent and cowritten by a group of us. also shoutout to the mdzs threadfic @cafecliche and i brainstormed/zerodrafted where lan qiren gets cursed into an owl and post-cql wei wuxian is the one who unknowingly saves him.
14. What's your all time favorite ship? oh yeah it’s [loud truck goes by]
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? cyborg!wwx…i still think of you fondly. the only ao3 fic i’ve ever posted knowing i probably wouldn’t finish it but wanted to share just for fun.
16. What are your writing strengths? pangs… mining little character details for humor (or, more often, for more pangs)… i also think i’ve really improved my action writing/pacing over the last few years.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? i write actual drafts/prose fairly slowly, which can be frustrating for me. also like @yuebings i often get very caught up in trying to perfect one small part of a draft before moving on. ummmm describing outfits/settings for reasons other than immediate plot-relevant details, i’m terrible at that + remembering to do it—i literally make myself do a What Are We Looking At Here Pass while revising sometimes.
18. Thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics? i’m not totally sure what this question is asking tbh, but it’s something i think can be done incredibly well—and, like with many things in storytelling, it’s the sort of thing where if you don’t actually speak the second language you need to be willing to put in work beyond a cursory google to try to achieve what you’re doing, and be willing to admit if it’s beyond your capabilities. i really like how the portuguese dialogue in bbts ended up and that’s 100% because @tigerjpg translated it for me and also already understood the scene/concept/characters; without them i would have found a different way to approach that scene. also, stylistically, i personally like when dialogue in other languages isn’t italicized unless there’s a real reason for it to be.
19. First fandom you wrote for? oh it was [a second loud truck whooshes by]
20. Favorite fic you have written? right now it’s bbts, because i think it’s also the fic i’ve had the most fun writing. trrty, though, will always hold a special place in my heart.
and i tag! @tlumeti, @burins, @smilebackwards, @bonesbuckleup, @hearteyeshayley, @sonosvegliato
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mindboogling · 1 year
I mean with such an offer of an au like that we GOTTA see the trio of kids in their prom outfits!!! /nf
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its a real shame cause im sure they would have been stylin' (OoPs forgot Mu GHHG)
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lasudio · 7 months
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From the archives of a previous save file: the wedding of Olive Specter and Lyla Vandermorgan 💘
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strangefable · 1 year
oc tag game
thank you for tagging me, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @marivenah, @clonesupport, & @voidika <3 <3 <3
passing no-pressure tags onto: @confidentandgood, @v0idbuggy, @adelaidedrubman, @florbelles, @unholymilf, @henbased, @direwombat, @trench-rot, @detectivelokis, @ivymarquis, @schoute, @dumbassdep, @legally-a-bastard, @wrathfulrook, @incognito-insomniac, @roofgeese, @theelderhazelnut, @poisonedtruth, @fourlittleseedlings, @inafieldofdaisies, @cassietrn, @vampireninjabunnies-blog, @harmonyowl, @redreart, @jacobseed, @euryalex, @mars-colony, @glass-hope, @gayafsatan, @the-lastcall, @shegetsburned, @g0dspeeed, @eclecticwildflowers, @aceghosts, @megraen, @strafethesesinners, @derelictheretic, @sukoshimikan, @inquisitors-grave, and anyone i've missed or forgotten, i'm tagging you too <3
(also forgive me but i'm not making banners for ocs i hardly ever talk about any more, so this post is gonna be mostly text. if you want images of anyone i can share, but i just don't have energy to make new banners and i still want to actually post this so, please forgive me <3)
favorite oc
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she's my baby girl right now. she's got the most space in my head, at all times i am thinking of her. she owns me and i'm not sorry. this is micah's world, i'm just here to serve her, and i would not have it any other way
honorable mentions: niamh gannon & beauregard barrett
they've been with me the longest and once had the strongest hold on me for more than a decade. they're two very formative characters for me and i will always have tiny palaces in my heart for both of them
oldest oc
niamh gannon
as far as fandom ocs that i've written and shared anywhere online, ni is the first baby girl. i started writing her when she was just a wee 11 year old student all the way through to her adult life as a wife, mother, and badass. she's the most developed oc i have, because i spent decades writing her. (she's also a bit of a precursor to what lore eventually became)
newest oc
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i've got a few newer concepts circling, but as far as ocs that fully exist, lil is still the newbie on the team. she's a fun way to stretch and do some things i've never dared try before. fiery little pistol and demon who is out to create chaos in an act of revenge against a world that's wronged her
meanest oc
this is a hard one! i have several evil ocs, but they're not necessarily mean in any traditional sense. they play politics too well for that, though they can be underhanded and they'll fuck you up. of the ones i talk about here, it's probably either lilith or bowie, but neither of them are mean, exactly. lilith just wants to lash out and hurt everyone, and bowie is just blunt and crass. of my older ocs, there's fletch, who's a dumbfuck gay werewolf with a chip on his shoulder and no filters. and daphne, who's the evilest monster you'll ever meet: she wants to cut you open and splay your insides while you're still alive, but she'll talk so sweetly to your face. there's leona and lysandra, who are daddy's girls and spoiled brats. there's lux, who wants to look like a bad boy and live up to his evil father's legacy, but mostly he's just an asshole. and his father, chrys, who is evil. he trains monstrous dogs that are built to attack people. also he's a ruthless murderer but he's a suave and smooth politician, so you'll never catch him. also there's rand, my evil alpha werewolf man. then there's alfie, an absolute shithead of a bully and a punk, but he's really just a sad lonely idiot. there's torvald and romeo, my supercreeps. elena my snarky little shit who lashes out and hates everyone.
yeah, this is too hard, i have several meanies.
softest oc
none of the ocs i talk about here are soft in the least. but i have some old ones who are total cinnamon rolls. dierdre delaney is a soft sweetheart of a seer. there's bethy baby, bethany, who is a shy tiny pixie girl who is full of love and sunshine. liam who is a soft gentle romantic soul. naveen who is a sweet little nerd. rune, my soft gentle werewolf boy. olwen, who is gentle like a fairy. sienna my sweet little miracle baby. kaz the softest cuddliest kindest doctor you'll ever meet. teddy, the most cinnamon roll to ever cinnamon roll. ajlgdjlg agh i can't any more, the soft ones make my heart and teeth ache and i'm missing them so much now
most aloof/standoffish oc
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i'm gonna give this one to micah, though some of my older kids could probably show her up on it. she's the one of my current stable that has the most trouble interacting with people.
smartest oc
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nora by a landslide. she's a certified genius and a savant. the woman knows all.
dumbest (affectionate) oc
oh boy let me tell you, i love making himbos. fletch is one of them, what an idiot. there's rory who's a hardheaded dick. there's junior, declan, and nate, who are the pinnacle of himboness. there's cosmo, my silly class clown boy. there's virgil the clueless. there's pillip, who's theme song is literally 'stupid boy'. and then there's emmy, my flighty fashion icon
oc i'd be friends with irl
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giving this one to the jameson sisters. they're the kind of friends anyone would want, imo. (there's a lot of my oldbies i'd put here, too, but this post is too long already)
if you bothered to read all that nonsense, i owe you a kiss or a cookie <3 thanks for listening to me ramble incoherently about ocs i never share any more lmao
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valeriianz · 3 months
9 Albums That Made Me ✨
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tagged by @seiya-starsniper @virgo-dream & @tj-dragonblade
first of all, please excuse the terrible image quality (and lines) i made this in MS paint and it took WAY TOO LONG!
anyway, i agonized over this one because, like Seiya, i define my life more in songs than albums. sure i bought CDs as a kid, but it was always only to pick through the tracks i liked and burn a mixtape. but each of these albums i like almost if not completely cover-to-cover, and they each remind me of a moment or turning point in my life.
(not tagging anyone because this trend seems to have died and i havent a clue who did this already lol)
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maranull · 2 years
I know I'm one of the people that left, but it does feel a bit sad that Ouihaw and Mekamechanic have died down, at least in here.
Also, Overwatch's ship names in general were just amazing.
Like, Spiderbyte? Mekamechanic? Pharmercy? Roadrat? Meihem? Fantastic.
And literally nothing will ever top Ouihaw.
In no other fandom have I met ship names that are this imaginative.
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arisenreborn · 14 days
painstakingly going through and fixing tags 😩 mostly removing the arisen/pawn identifiers because I'm too inclined to making role-swap stuff lmao
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slonechnik · 3 months
i like revachol bc i can describe all the places i slept in or visited and no one would bat an eye
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witherfide · 11 months
#32 and/or #40 for the OC meme! ✨✌️
yippie time to share old art
32. which one of your oc’s would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
this is kind of a hard one for me. many ocs to choose from but as always none of them are developed past a single sentence i wrote about them at 3am… i think this guy fits the bill pretty well so!!
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this is kenny! he works at M.S.P, which stands for the “Monster Surveillance Program” (pretty on the nose..) his world is overrun by cryptids, urban legends, and spooky fellas all around! never fully established his role in the story, but he definitely would get scared shitless over some creature of the night chasing him through a dark forest as he’s bleeding everywhere. he’s a bit of an unorganized wreck of a human being who just wants an easy day at work for once..
42) any fond memories linked to your characters? feel free to share!
now here’s an oc i hold close to my heart! this is Hollow, the first oc i ever made!
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just a basic black and white skully in his current state, but he used to have red, black, silver, and white stripes!! i remember thinking he looked so cool :,) my emo little guy
he lives on as i always try and draw him every couple of years (i am too sentimental to let him go <333)
he was the character i wanted to get a fursuit of when i grew up. he’s been with me for many years and i hope one day i can make something to properly celebrate him and all he’s seen! maybe a little clay statue!!
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alainas-sims · 6 months
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Character Moodboard: Alberto Manuel Marquez
- Founder, Gen1 Heir, father of Gen2 Heir Arturo Marquez
Read Alberto's story here.
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libraryofgage · 8 months
how long have you been in fandom spaces?? and do you have any funny/weird stories about being in fandom?
Hi, anon!
So, I've been in fandom for a while. I first started reading fanfiction in junior high and began posting what I wrote in high school. My first fandom space was Hetalia (yes, it's cringe; yes, it's ironic considering I'm Jewish; no, I don't shy away from this part of my fandom past lmao) on ff.net
I wrote a few (like, ten or so?) x-reader fics that got flagged by the roving gangs of morality/ff.net guidelines police that haunted the site back in the day lmao
I've recently finished a master's program, so after doing math that took me way too long, I can say it's been about a decade for me in fandom spaces
Regarding funny/weird stories:
My go-to get-to-know-me story for any fandom server is the time I learned how to get into the Houston NASA base undetected via backroads (and just straight up driving through grass at one point) because a scientist there wanted a TV fixed by the company I worked for in high school (I was too young to work there, some child labor laws were def being broken but it was 10/hr so, like, fuck it we ball)
In my first year participating in the Tododeku Big Bang, I derailed the server for, like, over an hour if I remember correctly with a single question: does syrup go in the fridge or pantry after opening? This became, like, a full-blown debate; friendships were ruined, betrayals were discovered, and like half the people there gave the wrong answer. (it goes in the fridge, btw, and you can't change my mind :P )
In high school, I once got so desperate for fics that I turned to fucking Quotev and DeviantArt. If you know, you know, and if you don't, I wish I were you hfjdks I deserve a fucking purple heart
I took a class in undergrad where the big final was just to show that you'd been working on something creative the entire semester. Some people showed original comics they drew, others showed off websites for their poetry, one girl showed off a website for a DC Batman AU that she wanted to pitch to DC (I have her AO3 and her posting consistency is so admirable omfg). @amy-airheart took that class with me and can confirm: I wrote 50k in one week, wrote even more, and then presented my AO3 stats page as my proof of doing creative things during the semester. I think the total was like 80k or something. The professor asked what drugs I'd taken and where he could get some
That's everything I can think of for now. I'm sure there's something buried deep in my subconscious that I'll remember later, but I hope you found at least one of those amusing hjfkds
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bridgeportbritt · 9 months
Sims Say the Darnest Thing: When you get this, list five of your characters and their best quotes so far. Then pass it on to five other storytelling simblrs.
Alright! Lets's try this one again! Thanks for sending.
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Emmitt excited: Recently divorced? It must be fate then!
Why is this one of the first pieced of dialogue Emmitt had?? lol He knew the minute he saw Bria, that she was the one. Can we blame him? Side note: That photo?? Ahh the memories. This room is now Emmitt and Bria's bedroom!
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Gerhard confessional: I realize that Maranda informed us to get comfortable, but I’m not sure why anyone would “dress down.” We’re here to impress and what’s more impressive than a good suit?
More early quotes that make me chuckle lol Back when Gerhard was competing for the affections of Diana, I wanted to show that he meant business and had what it took to be the husband of a Queen.
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King Spencer: The SimDonia Bureau of Investigation is working to uncover the exact individuals who committed this heinous crime. At this time, we do know that this was carried out by Pendites. At this time, I’m officially denouncing Penditism in SimDonia.
The Pendites storyline will always be my favorite because it touches on discrimination, Spencer's downfall and the history of SimDonia. I know this one was kind of complex and I hope it was recieved the way it was meant to!
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Elizabeth: It’s time for the SimDonian people to know what kind of man, Emmitt Winston really is…
Poor Elizabeth came into the story as a villian, but it turns out she just had a lot of hurt behind her sinister plans. Not sure if it was clear, but she is the one who leaked Emmitt's alleged sex tape here lol.
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Lillian: You, my brother… two people who have only shown me love and all I can do is be terribly mean in return. I’m so sorry that I let jealousy and insecurity ruin our relationship and make me just… so bitter. This is not who I want to be. I don’t want to leave behind that memory of me with the ones I love.
Another misunderstood villian! Lillian has been through a lot in this story. Much of which was due to her own behavior, but I'm glad that her and Diana had this talk and could turn it around!
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charismat1c-megafauna · 9 months
I have come to the grim realization that Fitzjames in the white coat (dare I say the Ikea monkey look) is no longer thirstable for me because I suddenly realized he looks exactly like my mom in the 90s and now it's weird.
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idsb · 1 month
i don't think you should base your self worth on some random guitarist who seems like he makes poor life judgements anyway. maybe he wouldnt want to introduce you to his friends and family and doesnt think you're "gf material", but thats his problem. i know im just a random person on the internet, but if you were my gf id show you off to everyone like "look at my hot talented artistic funny smart gf" and id be so proud. pls dont base your worth on one person's opinion
I just randomly found this in my ask box and like. Vibes I should’ve listened to you
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