#that she can basically control like another version of her for life
bevydev · 7 months
Small rant underneath
Challenge for my mom:
Stop talking about my sister like she's is some ungrateful wild child who ran off on her own instead of someone who was denied any ability to grow and live her life because of your suffocating expectations that eventually succeeded in driving her off since there was no chance to make things better with you at home.
Level: impossible
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relaxxattack · 8 months
Piggybacking off the last anon, what is it you like about Jane so much? I find my feelings on her kind of mixed but I lean towards positive.
okay i haven’t read act six in probably like 5 years so bear with me here. *cracks knuckles*
jane is sooo so interesting and it’s really a shame people miss like everything fun about her.
pre-scratch she used her detective work to literally succeed at tearing down the crocker cooperation, to the point that HIC has to fucking abandon ship and head into another universe to have another shot at her evil empire. pre-scratch jane is also fucking hilarious! if you didnt enjoy her antics with john as nannasprite you must just have no heart
meanwhile HIC breaches a new universe, and her FIRST fucking order of business is to NEUTRALIZE JANE CROCKER because of how goddamn detrimental she was to HIC’s plans the first time around.
not ONLY does HIC pump subliminal messaging and brainwashing into nearly every aspect of jane’s life, she also tries to straight up mind control her basically whenever possible! she ALSO sends assassination attempts after jane 24/7! (people will seriously try to say that jane lived a safe normal life… as if she wasn’t almost killed by walking into her backyard.) this is because HIC is fucking scared of jane, as she very well should be!
jane is also NOT a boring weepy annoying crybaby like everyone and their mother complains about. jane is literally the most fucking supportive friend and emotion-repressing dumbass you could ever hope to meet. jane combines john’s emotional repression and jade’s intentional cheerfulness together into one of the most fucked up cases of emotional repression in the whole comic
act 6 suffers from a LOT of shitty writing choices, but it’s not jane’s fault the whole act turns into a soap opera— and she’s ALSO not the only one who acts all soap-opera-y either! literally all of the alpha kids suffer from this, people just like jane the least so they project it all onto her. despite the fact that she did her very fucking best to NEVER talk about her feelings, to the point where she ONLY started telling people about shit when she was mind-controlled or took mind altering substances to make her do so! and you can say “ohhh that’s stupid she shouldn’t repress things in the first place how dumb” but, one she’s sixteen, and two, everyone eats that shit up when it comes from like. literally any other character.
people (cough hs2 writers) act like she would actually be “pushy” with a relationship on jake— as if she wasn’t literally the one who helped him make the decision to explore dating dirk?? because she thought it was the right thing to do???
jane is incredibly thoughtful and mature and people really throw all of those traits out of the window with preference for a version of the story where she Comes Inbetween Their Fave Gay Pairing as if she wasn’t, again, the one who got them together. jane is also extremely interesting in terms of queerness; she’s got the makings of a really interesting arc, not to mention she’s the only human girl that dresses mainly masc! there’s a lot there that people just don’t care to explore.
people just have less patience for the prospit kids in general. not to mention homestuck fans love to be misogynistic and berate jane for stuff they love the men doing, or claim she’s coming between them when she’s not, etc etc. and then because no one was writing fun meta posts about her, nobody ever rereads the comic to grab little scenes or lines to expand the online discussion about her! and then because there’s no discussion about her, people assume she’s boring and don’t go looking for bits to start discussing, which cycles on and on forever until we have the ripple effects we see of that misogyny today. which mostly consists of, “oh i hate jane because she was a villain is hs2”, or, “i know hs2 isn’t canon but i still don’t care for jane because she doesn’t do anything that interests me.” (and she’s only not interesting because of the cycle i mentioned before causing NO ONE to have meta discussion about her).
idk, it’s been a while since ive read so i could be talking out my ass but that’s what i’ve got.
TL;DR: jane is fucking COOL, she just suffers from intentional fandom ignorance. and she’s also a canonically hot, fat, masc woman, so i don’t know what else you could possibly want.
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gayboysteve · 4 months
It makes such perfect sense to view Marmalade as a manifestation of her wild youth whereas "Baron" is the simple dreamer she wishes she could've been. His being naive and his misusage of words are SO important. He's the person that could've been. And then the "Baron" we see after leaving the prison is the grounded mature version of both mixed together- calculating but also kind, a man but also a woman. Marmalade created Baron to protect her from her trauma and to control her more wild impulses; while in kinda Baron created Marmalade to protect his inner softness that wasn't able to be beaten out of them by a cruel life. "I just want to be with my one and only. She's my girl to protect."
And Baron is talking about themselves. She is her own protector. He has his own plan for justice. Not just for himself, not even just for their mother, but for other abused kids who were failed by a corrupt system and other old people who were failed by an entirely different corrupt system. (Both are represented by the same CEO.) To do so he must let that part out of herself again- that rage-filled impulsive girl stunted by her abuse. It's not a coincidence she appears just after Baron gets news about his mother's medication rising. She is his protector as much as he is hers.
It's important that Baron describes Marmalade as his dream girl to Otis. It's just not the kind of dream that Otis interprets. She basically "arrives" ( maladaptive coping mechanisms reemerging) to plan out the heist. It isn't just that Baron is the person Marmalade wishes she could've been in another life (naive and kind and part of a community), it's that while Marmalade is also a representation of their wild youthfulness she is also now the person that the present "Baron" (recently presented with the rising cost of his mother's medication and medical bills) wishes he could embody again despite having grown out of it because of his loving mother's influence.
I think it's very important that the almost sex scene after they get the masks but right before Mama Eda "dies" is shot almost like a horror sequence with discordant music and quick flashes of Marmalade on top of Baron in their respective masks. This happened just after the heist of the thrift shop where they stole the masks, Marmalade pistol-whipping the cashier before fleeing. An old woman staring up at Baron in fear on her knees.
Whether this is the reality of how this played out (with obviously just Marmalade there) is unimportant. Baron and Marmalade are the same person and when she looks into that mask and sees herself she's horrified at what she's capable of, the kind of harm she can inflict even when her intentions are at the end of the day pure of heart. That her letting back in her past negative impulses makes her a worse person than she is as the adult "Baron" who has repressed his trauma but matured because of their loving relationship with their mother.
Mama Eda's "death" comes quickly after and Marmalade's culpability is called into question narratively. She increasingly answers that she doesn't know what happened and that she was in the other room. She wasn't present. Nor was Baron. This, I think stems from Marmalade's manifestation of her guilt over Mama Eda being in a home where they can't actually care for her directly- and as a manifestation of any potential fears he might have at the idea of attempting to do so. As well, it's just a very real fear of her mother's inevitable death, especially as the heist has already commenced and now the final act is in motion.
If her plan fails then he won't be there for Mama Eda. There won't be anyone there to deliver the pills she (and others need) and thus if the plan fails then any deterioration in her mama's health is her fault. Her culpability for the plan. For not being there. For being in another room when/if/should the time quickly come.
Which is why I think the confrontation between "Baron" and Marmalade is so important. It isn't Baron being unable to trust Marmalade it's Marmalade being unable to trust herself. Trust in her plan and so the two sides of herself stand against each other in a kind of opposition. Self-blame and doubt, rage all in response to the fear she feels at the final leg of the plan.
It's important that this is the last time that we see Marmalade as she appears in the physical manifestation of "Baron's" story. The music goes dreamlike and ethereal as they speak. "You are the man of my fucking dreams. I love you like I've never loved anyone and I've never been loved."
Marmalade is speaking to herself. The version of the man that she's become and the person she is now; it's representative of Marmalade reconciling his past trauma while preparing for the final play in her plan- enacting revenge against those that caused her trauma. Marmalade as the wild youth she was before meeting Mama Eda was someone who never felt like she was loved, and that part of herself is now looking at the grown version of her that loves her back and accepts herself for all her faults. Her parting words are, "Dream big or don't dream at all".
And then we're thrust into the action from the start of the story with "Baron" getting arrested. And so she has now fully become one with herself. Both facets of her life are on the same page, reconciliation of the self. Acknowledgment of that trauma and the plan to enact in order to move on from it.
And then the final piece in her puzzle- Otis. She obviously had been keeping tabs on him. The comment about keeping his hair long because of a show he watched about Rastafarians tells us that he already knew about Otis' mother being from Jamaica. Baron had to sell Otis on Marmalade, he had to make Otis fall in love with her and trust what Baron was telling him was true about their love for each other. Baron needed to truly love Marmalade in order for the story to sell and the plan to work. And by embodying that she finally learned to fully love and accept herself.
"I just want to be with my one and only. She's my girl to protect."
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lovelybrooke · 10 months
Could you write some headcanons for a yandere haru from persona 5? I love our fluffy hair axe wielder
Btw, I'm another yandere writer, and I love your stuff! :)
Yandere Haru x reader
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I didn't know if you wanted romantic or platonic, so I tried to do both, hope you enjoyed.
Check out my other works here: Masterlist
Haru's yandere tendencies are very subtle, you'll never know exactly what she's thinking because she's always so bright and bubbly. It's a big reason why you'll never really notice her strange behavior. Even if you do, you don't have the heart to call her out on it.
Haru absolutely adores you, and she wholeheartedly believes you adore her too. While she's not exactly delusional, she's gaslights herself into believing any kind gesture is you trying to win her favor. In return for basic acts of curtesy, she's gifting you expensive jewelry, food, clothing, anything she thinks you'll possibly like. While I don't think her father was always terrible, I do believe she grew up with the idea that big/expensive gestures are the best ways to show someone you care, so expect to find gifts in your locker every other day.
I don't believe Haru is a stalker, she probably believes it's too extreme. However, this doesn't include online stalking. She'll watch all your social media pages, waiting for posts. This is mainly how she figures out which gifts you like, but she also figures out other things, like where you live. She never shows up unannounced, but if you're friends, she'll constantly ask to come over, not even asking where you live if you say yes.
Haru constantly talks about you to the other Phantom Thieves, it gets kind of annoying honestly. It's like she can't contain her adoration for you, she has to rant to someone. This is mostly Makoto, who doesn't have the heart to tell her she doesn't care, and Ann, who's actually really interested in the drama.
Regardless of if you're together romantically or platonically, Haru does get jealous. She never really acts on her jealousy however, but it doesn't prevent her from being passive aggressive when you hang out with someone else or show interest in something that isn't her. Haru's really good at making you feel bad, whether or not she does it intentionally you'll never know. What you do know, is that she's not afraid to pull out tears to make you look at her and only her.
On the topic of making you feel bad, as Haru's feelings develop, she realizes that it's really easy to manipulate you. She's so cute and kind, no one would believe you if she kidnapped you or hurt one of your friends. While those two would be last resorts, she's aware of the power she holds against you, and as she comes to terms with her feelings, she's not afraid to use it.
Haru might potentially use the metaverse against you. It's usually manipulating your shadow so that your feelings for her in the real-world change. She does this mostly because early on with in your relationship she feels bad for manipulating the real you. It's easier to just exploit a different version of you rather than the real-world version.
Haru definitely want's a future with you, again either platonically or romantically, it doesn't matter to her. She shows how she can provide for you, how you could live such an easy life if you just say with her. Money is just another way Haru controls/manipulates you. She always points out how poor you are compared to her, but you never really point it out because of her cute demeanor, she probably doesn't even mean it. If she comes over to your house, she'll mention how small it is and how better her home is, you should just move in with her.
Either way, Haru just loves you, and she wants to keep you safe. She knows first-hand how corrupt and terrible people can be. IF you just listen to her, follow her, love her, you'll never have to worry about anything any more.
A/n: I'm so happy you enjoy my work. Hope you like this!!!!
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soullessjack · 3 months
so im on s5 of miraculous and i keep thinking about cat noirs whole “kept at a distance” arc bc it’s genuinely really interesting but gets so wasted by always winding up with him basically validating ladybugs nonsensical decisions and treatment—the same treatment that we were already shown upset him enough to destroy public properly about it. the most consistent reason LB ever gives cat about why he can’t be fully trusted or relied on is that he’s too much of a liability for their partnership to work—either because he’s too reckless, too in love with her, or his cataclysm would be too dangerous to use.
whatever it is, the baseline is that she thinks he’s a liability, and obviously that’s like salt in the wound for cat since he genuinely loves her and enjoys being partners with her, but it’s also just sad to see him continue to respect her decision and act like it isn’t a problem for him when he’s literally upset enough to physically lash out and use his powers to do so. and I know a lot of it can probably be explained by ladybug’s experience in the cat blanc timeline, but 1) she starts holding him at a distance way before that even happens, 2) she’s actively making it worse by not telling cat noir about cat blanc and why she thinks she has to exclude him for his own safety, and 3) SHE SHOULD HAVE TOLD HIM ABOUT CAT BLANC TO BEGIN WITH BECAUSE IT’S LITERALLY A WORLD ENDING SITUATION INVOLVING HIM DIRECTLY‼️‼️‼️‼️
instead she just allows him think he’s unwanted and unnecessary, calls the shots on how he should feel about “having more free time” and ironically makes him even more susceptible to being Akumatized because of it. ladybug might not be aware that cat is adrien and has a terrible home life he actively uses his miraculous to escape from, but she’s playing right into all the key aspects that adrien resents from his father; she decides what he wants without considering or asking him, she trusts him conditionally and still distances herself enough for him to just not know certain things. it’s done with good intentions, but it still clearly affects adrien very poorly, and it’s just such a frustrating glass-chewing miscommunication that only needlessly complicates the situation
don’t even get me started on Kuro Neko where ladybug falls head over heels for the changed version of her partner and narrowly avoiding her having to actually screw up and learn a lesson about accepting cat for who he actually is because catwalker is just “too perfect” for her to function—instead of being an obedient idealized version of her best friend who lets her be in control of everything (WHEN ADRIEN LITERALLY USES HIS DOUBLE LIFE TO HAVE THE CONTROL HE DOESN’T GET AT HOME).
theres so much potential for the base concept of the miraculous of destruction and its Kwami/holder being distrusted outliers among the rest of the Kwami/holders, but the magic system sucks and it kind of loses any chance when the other Kwamis are established to be catastrophic if they use their powers without a holder. and it gets even more confusing if you consider that Fu specifically chose adrien to hold that miraculous, but then encourages Marinette to keep her distance from him and barely acknowledges him as a hero in general. Like why did you even bother testing adrien for his worthiness or whatever if you obviously don’t think he’s worthy of knowing anything about you or the rest of the miraculous OR his best friend’s identity??? but you’re totally okay with her just giving them out to anyone in Paris who’s conveniently around and having her know their identity???? master fu when I catch you master fu
auugghhhfgg I don’t know the magic system thing could be its own separate post but likeeeeee I just think the miraculous of destruction whos constantly mistrusted for no reason and goes Kamehameha Krazy in another timeline is very special and could be treated so much better if the writers were good at their job and didn’t make every character’s sole purpose be validating ladybug/marinette even when she’s in the wrong
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anghraine · 8 months
5 AM blogging: another female character we know little about who lives rent-free in my head is ... well, there's even less of an excuse, since she comes from a canon full of distinctive female characters.
But I've been weirdly obsessed with Lady Anne Darcy née Fitzwilliam from Pride and Prejudice for years. My first P&P fic was about her and she haunts several of my other ones in different iterations. There are even more fanciful versions of her in my head that I simply refuse to write. Someone once commented that I clearly dislike her because some of the depictions are unfavorable and it was like ... oh no, these are just some of the many ways she rotates in my head.
I mean ... do I subscribe to the idealized maternal figure version of Lady Anne that P&P fandom has often gone for? No—she was basically a good person, but I think the implication is clear that she was the more flawed and less personable of Darcy's parents.
Do I think she was opposed to her sister in perspective generally or in particular about their children's future marriage? No, I don't think there's any reason to assume so. I imagine her as smarter and kinder than Lady Catherine (Wickham is the first person to mention Lady Anne and doesn't seem to have any particular grudge against her), but by no means opposed in character or opinions. Yet she remains extremely blorbo-shaped in my mind.
There are other scraps, like ... Lady Catherine's chilly remark about daughters not being of much consequence to their fathers. What exactly was the dynamic between the late earl and Lady Anne and Lady Catherine? :\
And both sisters married into quite similar sort of families (not peers but influential old money grand landowners), which inclines me to think the Fitzwilliams were after something there rather than that they were grand romances. Lady Catherine seized control of her life and everyone else's in her vicinity. What did Lady Anne do? Who knows?
These are scraps from a very few offhand statements. Lady Anne is barely mentioned in P&P and we can only piece together a few scarce hints some time after her death (we have no idea how much time) while nearly everyone who knew her and the late Mr Darcy praises her personable, benevolent, kindly husband to the skies. And what little we know suggests IMO that she was ... a messy figure, let's say.
But honestly, I find him annoying and Lady Anne immensely lovable. I don't know!
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thephantomcasebook · 3 months
I truly dislike this phenomena, let's call it that, of changing a character from their book version and causing this domino effect that affects every other character and the plot in general.
Which is what I feel has happened to Chani in Dune Part 2. Her refusal to play along with Paul and Jessica's plot and her general indifference throughout, makes it so hard for me to foresee a situation in the future where she willingly reunites with her man and her mother-in-law.
I sure hope Denis Villeneuve knows what he's doing, because this change could create major complications in Dune Part 3.
But what do you think? And what scenarios do you have in mind for Chani to return to Paul? Do you also think this change could cause Irulan's book character to be different in the movie? 😬😬
It's hard to say, because, Chani is WA-AY different in the books and the ending is completely different and shatters a lot of future story beats in the books. They left a lot out about her character that makes her unique in order to serve the skeptic.
Chani, in the book, was a Sayyadina, a very senior Sayyadina. She was the under study for the Reverend Mother and would most likely be the next Reverend Mother of the Fremen if Jessica hadn't come along.
Chani is also the daughter of Dr. Kynes - Liet - who was basically the defacto leader of the Fremen at the time. So Chani was basically the Princess of the Fremen despite only being half Fremen. And thus her being a bit of an outcast among the native Fremen is why she and Paul bonded.
So being a Sayyadina and the daughter of Liet made her dyed in the wool believer of the Mahdi. If no other purpose than sharing her father's dream of returning Arrakis to a lush paradise.
Turning Chani into a fierce skeptic and basically taking from her all her deeply feminine and lovingly caring nature robbed her of a lot of interesting and unique character traits that she has in the book. They could've chosen anyone else to be a skeptic. Jessica, in the book, was the biggest skeptic and knew it was all bullshit. The problem was that Jessica wanted to protect her children. Also, in the book, which isn't addressed in the movie, is that Jessica is Paul's property.
Lady Jessica was purchased from the Bene Gesserit school by Leto's father for Leto when they were teenagers. From the day that the Old Duke bought Jessica for Leto, Jessica became property of the Ducal Household. Yes, she is Paul's mother. But, legally, Jessica is Paul's property after Leto's death. That's a big part of the book and why Jessica defers to Paul and allows Paul to dictate a lot of the things that are happening in "Dune" once the House of Atreides falls. Jessica is the bound concubine for life to the Duke of House Atreides - no matter who he is.
So, technically, from a legal standpoint, Jessica is actually Paul's concubine, which is classic Bene Gesserit (Spoiler Alert: Bene Gesserit sisters will marry and breed with their own sons if ordered to preserve or strengthen traits in House bloodlines.)
They could've made Jessica the skeptic - like she was in the book, give Chani Stilgar's devoted belief in the Mahdi, and show Stilgar being skeptical at first and then be turned into a fanatic by the end.
Also, Chani and Jessica don't like one another in the books either, never have and never will. She disliked Jessica all the way back when she thought Jessica was Paul's woman and she didn't stop disliking her once she found out that Jessica was his mom.
My theory is that the visions that Paul sees in the first movie of Chani trying to kill him is going to happen in Part 3. Irulan already has a large part in "Dune Messiah" of basically trying to get Paul to get her pregnant so that the Bene Gesserit can regain control of the Atries blood line ... also because Irulan is in love with Paul. A lot of things that happen in "Messiah" go through Irulan, and whether Chani has the same role or not, it won't effect Irulan's core story motivation, which is baring a Royal Heir and stopping at nothing to do it.
But right now, I don't see a path that they get to Leto II and Ghanima from where they ended.
For now, here is the best and GOATed adaption of "Dune Messiah" with the best and most fleshed out characterization of Princess Irulan and Alia ever put to screen.
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heliads · 2 years
Hi. I didn’t know if I could get a Liam Dunbar fic where the reader is Stiles little sister and her and Liam were dating before he was turned, but stiles has a fit about them dating after because Liam accidentally scratched her (or something similar) before he could get himself under control and Stiles makes them break up, but the reader & Liam are so miserable without each other and Liam is hard to get under control because the reader is his anchor or even his mate maybe, and Stiles ends up just giving up and letting them get back together because the reader is like she loves Liam so much and they basically need each other.
when is stiles not causing problems let's be real
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It is funny how love can convince you that you are so much better than you truly are. Liam Dunbar has always been some version of a monster, yet he deluded himself into thinking otherwise because of one girl. One girl. That’s all it took.
Now that he’s alone, Liam’s downfall feels even more severe than earlier. It’s strange to picture himself as the boy he’d been before all of this, before the worst mistake he’d ever made in his life, before he even received the bite and his world changed forever. Before he’d started dating Y/N. He’d thought he’d been a monster then, but he’s just proved himself wrong. Whatever Liam has become is far worse than that ever was.
Back then, Liam thought he knew what it was like to be alone. He had been recently kicked out of Devenford Prep for letting his anger get the best of him. Liam can still see the disappointed faces of his mother and stepfather lurking somewhere in the back of his mind. They’d tried so hard with him, and he’d let them down anyway. It felt like he would never get that anger under control. He’d always be that kid no one wanted to see, the one with pure, hot rage boiling under his skin like it had been injected there instead of blood.
Liam had fully accepted that his life would be hell. Even with a lacrosse team no longer featuring Brett Talbot, Beacon Hills High School didn’t feel like home. It was just another demotion, yet one more sign that Liam wasn’t cut out for reality. He would never be able to pull himself together long enough to make anything last.
When he met Y/N, Liam wanted to hide. For the first time, there was a pretty girl in front of him, smiling at him like he was someone she genuinely wanted to know. Liam walked away from that initial meeting more terrified than he had been in a long time. He wanted to do better, not for him or his parents or the dreams he probably should have had, but for her, some stranger he’d met all of ten minutes ago.
It scared him enough that he tried to avoid her. Liam is used to good things, they always leave. Always. There was no chance that things would work out, he has never been able to stay away from the breaking and shattering of all good parts of his life. It was like he could see their story unfolding before him, all the twists and turns, the ups and downs. The ending was right there in sight, and the glory of all that came before it made that final parting of ways all the worse.
That’s why Liam swore to himself that he’d stop it, maybe find a way to prevent at least one heartbreak in a string of thousands. Leaving Y/N would cut to the bone, he could tell that already. It would have been best if he could have just gotten off of the ride instead of sticking through to the crash and burn, but he never had a choice, not really.
After all, Y/N had made the choice far before he ever did. According to her, she took one look at a young Liam Dunbar and decided that he was the only boy she would ever need. Y/N went home that night and came back for lacrosse practices and history reviews and everything that would set her up to make sure Liam could never truly stay away from her for long. She wanted him, and Liam was so used to being everyone’s last choice that it stunned him into admitting his feelings before he could back out of it.
Their relationship had been hard at first, of course. For one thing, Y/N wasn’t just some nameless kids amongst the masses of students at Beacon Hills High, she was a Stilinski. Stiles Stilinski is the most paranoid kid Liam has ever met. 
He half expects the guy to run a conspiracy theory podcast of something, anything to explain why the older boy jumped at the slightest of sounds and automatically distrusted everyone who crossed his path. Apparently, there’d been an incident earlier with a Nogitsune that messed Stiles up pretty badly, but Liam hadn’t known it then.
All he knew was that he’d barely been dating Y/N for longer than a week before her older brother was suddenly descending upon him with all the fury of the heavens. Liam may have been running literal laps around Stiles at lacrosse practice for months, but you wouldn’t know it from the way Stiles stalked towards him one day after school.
Stiles had been furious, yelling about how Liam was no good for his baby sister and he’d better stay away if he knew what was good for him. It took Liam actually controlling his temper for once long enough to argue that he cared about Y/N more than anything, as well as Scott McCall stepping in to make sure Stiles didn’t start anything, to win Stiles over.
Even then, Stiles has never really been on Liam’s side. The whole matter with the bite didn’t increase his popularity, either. In Liam’s defense, he hadn’t asked to be bitten, but then again, who does? The life of a werewolf may be glamorized in movies and TV shows, but Liam can confirm, as a resident part-time wolf himself, it’s awful. Terrible. 
He has dreams sometimes about being human again. He’ll run through the streets at night, this fantasy Liam, walking unfazed beneath the light of a full moon. He’ll get angry but never have to worry about claws or fangs or glowing eyes. There are no hunters trying to kill him, he’s just another ordinary boy. It is the most marvelous dream, and then he wakes up.
In truth, Liam doesn’t know if he’d give up being a werewolf, even if he had the opportunity to stop. It’s made him feel more powerful than he has in a long time, which is, admittedly, both good and bad. It also connected him with Scott’s pack, the first group of friends to well and truly have Liam’s back. They care about him, and care about protecting him. You don’t give something like that up so easily.
However, tonight Liam snaps his eyes shut and wishes that he was no longer supernatural. If he hadn’t been at the hospital that night, if he hadn’t been chased onto the roof by that wendigo and Scott hadn’t bitten him, Liam wouldn’t have made the worst mistake of his life, the mistake that occurred today.
It had all happened so fast. It’s a useless excuse, explaining nothing and clearing Liam of no guilt whatsoever, but it’s true. Liam isn’t good with full moons, a fact known by everybody in the pack and Y/N herself, but he’s proved the worst of himself tonight.
The moon had been out, and Liam was supposed to be heading home. Usually, he tries to avoid people when there’s a full moon, because even though it’s been several months since he was first turned Liam still doesn’t have perfect control over himself, but Y/N had needed a ride home and so Liam had insisted on taking her. Otherwise, she would have had to walk, and that was worse, right?
It was bad, and he knew it. Y/N knew it too, Liam thinks, but she didn’t want to send him over the edge so she didn’t say a word about it. Maybe she trusted him, which was worse, because it means she’ll never trust him like that again. He didn’t deserve it in the first place, but man, Liam hates letting people down, especially people whose opinion matters the most. The rest of the world can go to hell, but Liam needs Y/N, and he needs her to not be afraid of him the way she surely is now.
As he was driving, the night grew later and later, and more of the full moon became visible. Liam’s knuckles were white on the wheel, and even though he swore to himself that he could keep it together, he pretty obviously couldn’t. Y/N had gently suggested that they were close enough to her house that she could walk, and Liam had agreed, pulling over to the side of the road. The Stilinski house was only two driveways down, but he knew he couldn’t risk any more time passing.
Something had happened then, when the car was parked. Maybe Y/N fumbled in finding her seatbelt, or she took even a fraction of a second longer in getting out than normal. Regardless, Liam’s temper spiked the way it always has, with a furious rage blinding his vision. It was only made worse by the full moon, which terrified the small part of his mind still capable of legitimate thought.
“Get out of the car,” he’d snarled, Liam can still remember the harsh way the syllables had slipped out between his clenched teeth, “I need you to get out. Now.”
Y/N’s eyes had widened, taking in how quickly the situation had turned sour. She reached for her door, but it wasn’t fast enough, so Liam leaned over to push the door open for her. That was his intention, at least, but what ended up happening was that he scratched her instead with his claws as he tried to reach the door handle.
The coppery tang of blood immediately flooded the air, and Liam remembers being so confused about it. Why would there be blood? Why, unless he had hurt her? His sanity chose that moment to return to him, and Liam looked with a stranger’s eyes upon Y/N, her hand clamped to her now ripped sleeve as blood began to filter through the fabric.
She claims that the scratch was just a surface wound, barely deep at all, but all Liam knows is that it was bleeding and that was enough. Stiles had been waiting on the front doorstep, but he had seen what happened through the half open door and started racing towards them. His voice had broken the stillness of the night, shouting about how Liam had better stay away from Y/N forever.
Liam doesn’t remember how the night ended, how he got from Y/N’s street to here, sitting on the floor of his room and pressed into a corner as if it might provide the support he so desperately needs. After everything, all the promises he’d made, Liam hurt her, the girl he loves. This is how good things end, Liam supposes, with the tiniest of mistakes spiraling into something massive.
Liam doesn’t blame Stiles for wanting them to break up. He had done this, after all, hurt her, so of course they would have to end their relationship. Y/N deserves safety, and that doesn’t come with Liam. Still, it hurts more than anything. He avoids her during school, and pretends he doesn’t want anything more than to race to her side and apologize a thousand times, over and over until his voice goes hoarse.
He’s miserable, he can admit that freely. Liam has never felt more alone. He knew he loved Y/N more than anything, but this sudden absence is killing him. He can barely pull himself together enough to physically make it to school, and he drifts between classes, not even aware of what he’s learning. His test scores come back worse each time because the only thing Liam knows during class is that he ruined the best thing in his life, and it’s all his fault.
After a week, Liam sees Stiles approaching him after school and honestly hopes for a fight. Even an argument would be enough. Maybe this time he’ll actually feel something more than overwhelming despair as his blood hits the pavement.
Stiles, however, doesn’t seem like he’s here for a conflict. Instead, the older boy scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, sighs, and decides to get right to it.
“You can get back together with Y/N,” Stiles says, and just like that Liam is abruptly dragged back to reality.
“What?” Liam asks, not entirely sure that he’s not hallucinating.
Stiles grimaces. “You heard me. The two of you are miserable without each other. I mean, don’t get me wrong, you really fucked up, but you’ve been doing your penance all week. I almost feel bad for you. You look like you’ve been run over by several trucks that then backed up over your twitching body and hit you another few times. It’s somewhat sickening.”
Liam flashes the older boy a tired thumbs up. “Thanks for the compliment, Stiles. I appreciate it.” Still, he can’t believe it. “You really mean it, though? You’ll let me date Y/N again?”
Stiles chuckles to himself. “I don’t really think it’s my decision at this point. She’s almost as badly off as you are. I don’t want a Romeo and Juliet situation on my hands, so I figure the two of you might as well get back together.”
Liam swallows hard. “You think she’ll forgive me? I mean, I hurt her. That’s the one thing I promised I’d never do.”
Stiles’ face softens in a rare moment of sincerity. “Hey, it’s okay. We all know you didn’t mean it, and it was an accident. In the end, though, I can’t speak for her. If Y/N wants to get back together, she has to make that choice all on her own. Neither you nor I can make that decision for her. Still, I think you have a pretty good shot.”
Stiles looks over his shoulder at a figure across the parking lot. Liam follows his gaze and realizes that it’s Y/N, probably waiting to see how the conversation goes. Heart in his throat, Liam stares at her. What if she doesn’t want to get back together with him after all this? What if this was one line too many to cross?
As he watches, though, Y/N locks eyes with him and smiles, really smiles. She nods to his unspoken question, and just like that, Liam’s doing better. Forgiveness will be a difficult road, but Liam is more than willing to pursue it. After all, why wouldn’t he? He’s got the best girl in the world waiting for him on the other side.
teen wolf tag list: @thatfangirl42, @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @rafecameronswhore, @bellabadacadabra, @watchreadfangirlrepeat
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minecraftbookshelf · 1 year
Life Series Angst Edition: Wing Headcanons
(Angst Edition referring to the version of the life series where they are trapped in it and being fed off of by InTheLittleWood's AU Watchers and everything hurts and everyone is cursed and its fantastic. As opposed to the Less Angst Edition where its just a bunch of friends having fun that kind of gets out of hand at times but everyone is fully consenting and on board with it all.)
Avian/Feathered Wings:
Aka, Grian and Solidarity, sometimes Skizzleman (I have a minimum of three different versions of each character existing in my head at all times, roll with it)
Their wings are still there they just can't really. Use them. It's kind of the equivalent of compounded weakness effects. in a pinch they might be able to glide a little bit but nowhere near the level of even an elytra. They tend to start the series trying to keep them out as much as possible, but usually once everyone starts turning red they bind them, both because it makes it easier to move without semi-controlled limbs flopping around, but also because while they know their friends will not target their wings its still...uneasy. And removing temptation is always best when dealing with Red Lives.
(Grian has Kea wings, Solidarity has yellow Domesticated Canary wings-before Evo they were undomesticated Common Canary wings. Skizz has-slightly singed-angel wings.)
Moth Wings:
Pearl (Hercules Moth wings)
Pretty much the same as the feathered wings except moth wings are a lot more delicate than feathers and while she can bind them its incredibly risky.
Summonable Wings
Aka, the people whose wings more or less exist on another plane and can be manifested or vanished at will (outside the series)
this is Scar, Smajor, and Impulse, sometimes Skizzleman (again, it depends on which specific headcanons im running with for a specific scenario.) LDShadowlady was also part of this group in Last Life, though after she proclaimed herself the fairy queen of the fairy fort her wings manifested without her initiation and functioned more like Pearl's or the avians. (they also looked different than the form she usually had them in)
Basically their wings are locked and they can't access them for the duration of the series.
Scar has vex wings. Depending on the scenario i'm running with, Smajor's manifest looking either like his snowy owl wings from Empires Season One or allay wings or his Empires Season Two elytra. Impulse has classic bat-like demon wings. Skizz's look the same as they do in the other version. Lizzie's change at her will (within a set framework that she has never explained to anyone except maybe her husband)
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explosionshark · 11 months
my favorite Miorine thing is that she's so laser focused on suletta to an almost comical degree. prospera reveals that she wants to ruin delling's life (like, her dad, who is dying at the hospital) and miorine goes "ok but leave suletta out of this!". near the end prospera goes on a tirade about eri and miorine, pissed out of her mind, says "you have another daugher! suletta, remember??". i love her.
I think the show does a really good job acknowledging that 1) Suletta and Miorine both have REALLY different methods of parsing their emotions and expressing themselves and 2) holy shit they're fucking IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER FOR REAL
You really cannot meaningfully analyze these characters and the decisions they make and the way they relate to each other without keeping their toxic relationships with their parents in mind. There's SO much projection going on - Miorine project herself onto Suletta and Suletta projects her mother onto Miorine.
When we meet Miorine she's isolated and miserable and her only concern is to spite her father and secure her own future. She feels at once dismissed by Delling and also oppressed and controlled by him. Suletta and, subsequently, Earth House are the only real connections she's made with other people. It doesn't take very long for her priorities to shift from getting herself away from her father to providing for her groom and gund-arm.
By late S1 she's undergone this massive shift - she's in charge of a project she chose, working with people she cares about. She's got two things she never had before: autonomy and support.
When Miorine hurts Suletta's feelings by trying to take greenhouse duties away from her, by endorsing her spending time with Elan, she is trying to give Suletta the most important thing she can think to give: autonomy. Freedom to choose how she spends her time and with who. It's a great conflict because it's such a revealing miscommunication. By projecting her own feelings and trauma onto Suletta, Miorine misses what Suletta actually needs. And it beautifully foreshadows the conflict in s2.
Bc the turn in s2 is that Miorine needs to reconcile the version of Suletta that she has come to know and care so much about with the Suletta she was confronted with at plant Quetta. Correctly, Miorine identifies that Suletta is being manipulated and controlled by Prospera. But she takes it further - she overlays her own parental trauma onto Suletta. Miorine sees herself and her father in Prospera's control over Suletta. Worse even: to her father, Miorine was a chess piece in reserve. But Prospera isn't holding Suletta back from anything to preserve her though: she's putting her on the front lines. She's using her as a weapon. And Suletta lacks the perspective to see it.
Suletta is, it seems, incapable of conflict. She can't stick up for herself. We see this all the time but especially in the whole lunch fiasco when she decides everyone hates her because she's too sad to ask for food. Miorine, on the other hand, actually has an easier time expressing conflict and disapproval than she does vulnerability. Calling out Prospera for the way she dominates Suletta makes perfect sense because Miorine has been calling her own dad out for the same things pretty much her whole life.
So, ultimately, Miorine deciding that she has the moral right and authority to make decisions on Suletta's behalf is a great piece of character work. The thing she spent her whole life resenting her father for becomes exactly what she does to Suletta.
Suletta projecting her mother onto Miorine is definitely another part of the dynamic. Again, it's something we see most in s2. Right before the sabotaged duel, we see this moment of total cognitive dissonance in Suletta's thinking. Miorine and Prospera come to hold fully oppositional places of importance in Suletta's world. She ascribes basically an equal level of authority to them.
She loves her mom > her mom loves her > her mom would never make choices against Suletta's best interests > whatever her mom says must be right > if it hurts or if it feels wrong, it's because Suletta has to be more mature. And at the same time she loves Miorine > Miorine is smart and capable > Miorine wouldn't make a wrong decision > if she hurts Suletta, it's Suletta's own fault.
After she loses to Guel, Suletta copes by blaming me herself. She doesn't know how to be angry at someone she loves, but she does know how to feel shame for not being good enough. She wasn't the victim of a cruel betrayal, because her love for Miorine means she CANNOT be capable of doing something that bad. It becomes instead a failure of Suletta's - if she has been better, Miorine wouldn't have abandoned her. It's her own fault for losing and for wanting more than she should have in the first place.
It's the exact kind of broken, warped thinking she applies to Prospera. And it's why Prospera is exactly right when she tells Miorine that she too could get anything she wants from Suletta.
This is why I love the reunion so much. It's so explicitly about owning your own actions and allowing the person you love the space and freedom to decide how to respond. Suletta extends her hand. Miorine decides to meet her there.
Suletta chooses to risk herself in the Calibarn. Miorine alone respects her choice enough to raise the permet score, even if she breaks down immediately after.
Anyway wow I'm fully brainsick about these two. Sorry for that long ass rambling reply but oh my god I'm in a chokehold atm
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inkblackorchid · 11 months
I was gonna try to keep my mouth shut, but I can't. I just can't. I have to go on another Aki rant because I feel like I'm going to explode. It's about this scene:
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This drives me insane and I'm putting this under a readmore. Expect incoherent screaming, all ye who enter here.
Ok. Ok. I have so many issues with this scene. Specifically, with the way it develops later, when Aki's busy trying to figure out how to save a child from being swept up by a storm:
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And I just. Look, I think the fact that I already wrote a fic that basically completely turns Aki's reaction here on its head should basically tell you everything. But! But. Allow me to defend why I think this whole scene is one big heap of horseshit, with a bit of analysis of canon and actual evidence to back up my claims and shit.
The thing is, I have seen people give this scene a charitable read. I've seen people be happy for Aki to enjoy freedom from the psychic powers that have given her so much trouble in her life. And the thing is, if this were season one or season two Aki, I would be completely on board with that take. Unfortunately, this scene is preceded by the pre-WRGP arc. But more on that below.
Moreover, I can make an educated guess about what they were going for here (in terms of messaging, because this is a kids' show at the end of the day and messaging is something you have to be properly concerned with when it comes to these). I can imagine it running somewhere along the lines of "you don't need special powers to be a hero". Or even "you can grow past the hurt and/or the mistakes in your life and still become a good person or even a hero". And really, I wish I could believe that take. It's just. The writing simply doesn't add up. I wish it did, but it doesn't.
This is where we get back to the pre-WRGP arc. And not just that, actually, but the timeskip between the dark signers and pre-WRGP arc, too. Because the thing is, the last time we have seen Aki in anguish about her powers on-screen by the time the episodes above (108-109) arrive was during the DS arc, during the duel with her father, which happened during episodes 40-41. 40. to. 41. This was over sixty episodes ago at this point. And after that, that's it. As far as the DS arc is concerned, Aki's conflict about her powers is resolved the second she controls them for the first time when her father tries to interfere in her second duel against Yusei.
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(Yeah, remember this moment? That was literally the last time we saw Aki in conflict with her powers.)
And I know some people would argue "but what about the dark signer duel with Misty?". And yes, I get it. Misty does accuse her of having murdered her brother with her powers and Aki gets incredibly (understandably) upset about it. But the thing is, we know that's fake, and during the duel, Aki knows that, too. She goes as far as insisting that there were no casualties at the duel where Misty thinks Toby died.
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(Yes, I have screenshot proof for literally every dumb little thing in this show, why do you ask?)
It's only after Misty keeps pushing and backing her into a corner during their duel (and literally gaslighting her) that she begins to believe Misty's version of the events. Which is why this doesn't "count" as Aki being in conflict with her powers the way her second duel with Yusei does. At least not to me, feel free to debate me over this if you wanna.
Okay, but what am I driving at here? Fair question. Let me hop back to after the dark signers' defeat.
So, we know there's a half-year timeskip between the DS and the pre-WRGP arc (which was allegedly enough for NDC to connect the city and Satellite, deal with all the social issues that entailed, and also build a giant duel network, which I will never believe but I digress). Unfortunately, what exactly our main characters did during that timeskip is never addressed, it's just kind of there to segway immediately into the WRGP setup. So the only thing we can do is guess at what they got up to based on where they are as people by the time we get back to them during the start of the pre-WRGP arc. So where's Aki at when we see her again after the dark signers' defeat then?
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Oh, she's attending duel academy again now! That's nice. So that probably means the student body isn't scared shitless of her anymore and she's not being ostracised anymore.
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Wow, she's an exceptional student! That means she must be a really good duellist. So she got the hang of her powers, then?
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Do you start to see my problem? Past the DS arc, we are not being given any indication that Aki is still struggling with her powers or still resents them or herself like she used to. You could be forgiven for thinking that she's healed in the meantime. She's fine. She has accepted herself and can now use her powers safely. Which makes her later claiming "she no longer needs that cursed power" a bit... hmmm. And another thing. The fact that she refers to it as "cursed" rubs me the wrong way. After the defeat of the dark signers, she literally never does that even a single time before the moment in the hospital during the storm. (I'd post all the screenshots to prove it here but for one, tumblr doesn't allow it, and for two, I hope you'll believe I did my due diligence without it.)
And it just irks me. If the powers are still a "curse" to Aki by episodes 108-109, why give us the moment above?
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And why give us this moment, where she saves Sherry, Yusei, and herself with those powers?
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And why give us this moment, where she literally uses her powers at a public event to protect people, and is evidently not cussed out as a witch for it? Neither of these moments do anything to indicate that Aki still hates her powers. They don't indicate that she sees them as a "beast of burden" or necessary evil of a sort, either. On the contrary, I don't think it would be too out there to claim all these moments make her look rather badass. Like a small celebration of "hey, now she can finally use these powers for cool and not evil things!".
Yet, somehow, we still end up with episodes 108-109, where the writers expect the audience to buy that Aki was secretly still hoping she might eventually be rid of these powers after all. And maybe this would be easier to swallow if there weren't also the fact that they later literally go back on it to add to this confusing mess. Because the thing is, we all know the finale scene after the three-way duel with Sherry where Aki protects them with her powers (which have suddenly reappeared, aha!) again and also finds out she can use these powers to heal. So not only is the framing of Aki suddenly being glad to have lost her powers extremely weird, it's also temporary anyway!
So my question is. What was the point. What was the point of all this if the writers ended up going back on it anyway? Because I want to believe there's a reasonable, charitable explanation that also makes sense with what they show us in terms of Aki's characterisation past the DS arc, but if there is, I cannot for the life of me find it. If anything, this whole thing feels like it completely contradicts itself.
First, they tie up Aki's conflict with her powers with a neat bow after she manages not to hurt her father anymore. Then, they launch into the pre-WRGP arc and blatantly tell us that she can now control them. No questions asked. Indisputable fact, and we get nothing that contradicts that, either. Then, we get a bunch of setup showing her using her powers, too, and what's more, we get other significant players in the cast taking notice of it, too, as though it might become relevant. Because Sherry isn't the only one who gets curious about Aki's powers.
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(I will never understand how Placido's hood works together with his horn-thingies and have stopped trying at this point.)
The literal, central antagonists of season 3-4 also take notice of it. Like that means something. Like it'll come up again later. But, well. We know it doesn't.
Instead, she suddenly loses her powers out of nowhere (and we are never given a reason for it, either, which does nothing to make this writing decision seem anymore understandable). And, look. The thing that upsets me most about this isn't even the fact that it feels a little inconsistent with Aki's character post DS arc. If that were the only problem, I could still suspend my disbelief far enough to go along with the idea that she secretly still hated her powers quietly in the background and wanted them gone anyway. What really pisses me off is that it reeks of zero setup and knee-jerk decisions in the writing room ten miles against the wind. If they wanted us to believe Aki's glad to be rid of her powers, why give absolutely no indication that she's at odds with them past episode 41 anymore? Why let her state outright that she can now control them? Why show her on several occasions using them to her own and other people's benefit, the way a hero would? And if her powers are supposed to vanish and it's supposed to make sense, why is there no reason for it? They already used cyborg timetravel at that point, they could have literally come up with any nonsense related to that and it would have probably made at least more sense than just letting her powers vanish for no reason at all. Also, if the message behind all this is supposed to be either of the things I mentioned way above—if the idea the audience is supposed to be getting is either "you don't need special powers to be a hero" or "your past and/or your mistakes don't define you and you can heal and grow past them"—why reintroduce the powers, which, in this reading, would be a symbol of Aki's pain, of her mistakes and her dreaded past, at the very end, during the finale, then? It just doesn't add up, and it frustrates me to no end.
The writers wanted to make the moment Aki realises she can help people (well, one person, a child) without her powers seem triumphant so bad, but every time I watch it, it just completely falls flat for me. This isn't a triumph, this is a hot mess of bad writing decisions. All I'm saying is, if they wanted me to buy that Aki would be happy about losing her powers here, they were missing a hefty amount of setup and also shouldn't actually have given them back to her during the finale (no, not even as healing powers).
Moreover... I'll freely admit I also have a personal problem with this scene. I've seen this show and these episodes several times by now, and during my last rewatch and my current one, something about this scene has been creeping up on me, and I think I've figured out what that is now. So I talked about the possible message behind this scene already, and the reading I've given so far was fairly forgiving. But the thing is, there is another reading that has occurred to me that I can't unsee anymore. As much as you could make a valid case that this scene is trying to say that people don't need to be special to be heroes and save others, that past mistakes don't define us, and yadda yadda, there's also a much, much less pleasant way to interpret this scene: "You're better off if you don't stand out." And I'll freely admit, this interpretation probably occurs to me specifically because I was considered a "weird kid" at school, singled out by bullies, and avoided by "popular" kids (take a wild guess why I relate to Aki so much!). And over the years, you learn to downplay that "weirdness" because you become desperate to be accepted by someone, anyone. And given everything the show gives us about Aki's relationship with her powers, it'd make sense that this idea would be buried somewhere in her head, too. It's better not to stand out. Don't be weird. Sand down your edges so there's no chance people could get upset about them. You're better off being whatever everyone else considers "normal" than being whoever you are. It doesn't matter if this is a part of who you are, just become someone else. Someone who's easier to accept. Who's easier to love. You don't need your "weirdness".
You don't need this cursed power.
You know, the "cursed power" that Aki had from the beginning of the show, that was a part of her for years, and that the show didn't give any indication could vanish. The power that we were led to believe would just be there forever, because it was simply a part of Aki, not a conscious thing she (or the narrative) could choose. The power that we were, for all intents and purposes, led to believe she had mastered and maybe even accepted along the way. But sure, let's get rid of that. It's better if she's """normal""". And more convenient for the writers, too! After all, if she doesn't have powers anymore, they can't cause plotholes (of which the WRGP already has enough) and can't possibly give Aki any more badass moments, which makes it that much easier to sideline her. And let's package this weird, shittily set-up moment in a message about how she's better off without her powers anyway. She's happy! It makes complete sense that she's happy. She's finally normal like everyone else. Ignore the way people who might relate to the character could possibly interpret this moment differently. And ignore how none of the writing surrounding this moment makes sense.
Okay, I think I've let off enough steam. I just. Yeah. I'm sorry, but I cannot for the life of me view this scene in a favourable way and watching it today made me want to chew glass tbh. My only solace is that they went back on this trainwreck writing decision in the finale. Which, really, just makes this whole mess really, really pointless, doesn't it?
For anyone who stuck around this long, thanks for reading. Sorry if this got extra-rant-y. Idk man, I just think “it’s worth the effort to accept yourself as you are, even with all the bits you might not like at first” would have been a better message than whatever this turned out to be.
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elitehanitje · 5 months
Astonishingly, a lot of people are freaking out that Christian hooked up with Shayna. I predicted this after what happened to them, so lemme tell everyone that Christian and Shayna don't care about one another. But they need to be together because revenge is soapy and delish. Shayna and Nick are the pawns for Christian, and we'll see what happens in the next stage.
Christian Cage craves a family. That is clear as day.
Especially after his divorce when he lost his family, moved out to an island, trained like crazy, changed his body, no longer retired, and was given another opportunity to start a new life in a new company.
But he needs a family that he can control.
Isla Reso was never interested in the wrestling world, and how dare she want to touch his TNT belt. Denise probably wouldn't want her daughter to follow in her father's footsteps, especially after he almost died and couldn't wrestle anymore.
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Jack Perry was someone he couldn't control in the end, so he needed to get rid of him. As Luke Perry's son (the man Christian was in love with back then), Jack wanted more. Christian would not let him overshadow him - he already had a partner in the past who overshadowed him. So he tried to kill him.
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He is keeping Luchasaurus because the lizard is super loyal, and Christian definitely controls him with substance abuse, or something like kinky sex - but he would definitely throw him away the second he shows a sign of betrayal and weakness. And it seems his loyalty wavered nowadays.
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He dislikes Darby Allin because, in a way, Darby reminds him of himself. Darby is a reckless, vampire goth who is an adrenaline junkie. The reason Christian hates Darby is that the younger man can see right through him. Christian is an insecure veteran who has self-sabotaged every relationship and sabotaged every match to be on top, and Darby knows it.
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It was when he saw Nick Wayne; Darby's protégé. At first, it was more of a revenge against Darby. Christian's plan was to steal Nick and turn him into a younger version of himself, as a form of revenge against Darby. Nick is fast, bright, smart, young, and easy to manipulate, which makes him the perfect candidate for Christian's scheme. However, when Nick got angry at Darby for abandoning him after being attacked by the Mogul Embassy, Christian saw an opportunity to draw him closer to himself.
Nick's patience was up to his neck when Darby for the second time abandoned him and even forgave AR Fox after almost killing him. To him, Darby betrayed him and his mother. Nick made a decision after All-In (when Lucha kidnapped him during the match between Christian/Swerve vs Sting/Darby) to join Christian.
In his eyes, Darby failed to become a superior figure, and Christian stepped up. Nick betrayed Darby and joined Christian, and for the first time in his life, he felt appreciated. Christian also found someone he could leave a legacy to. Nick is really the son he wanted.
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When he flirted with Shayna, and she rejected Christian, it didn't bother him much. Sure, she's her type: BLONDE. Trish was blonde, Denise was blonde, Gangrel was blond, Jericho was blond, Adam was blond... But Shayna was too bland for his taste. He needed a raging fiery bitch to complete his family collection.
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And speaking of a blond bitch... Adam Copeland suddenly appeared in AEW. Adam interrupted him when he was in the middle of murdering Sting and Darby. Adam, whom he didn't talk to for almost 3 years, basically after COVID-19 and the birth of the company. When Christian joined AEW, Adam was on top of the world in WWE and he was going to retire. I don't need to rehash my opinion about Adam coming to AEW, but I was so excited and scared at the same time.
Shayna hates Adam more than she likes Christian. The man almost murdered Nick. That's the reason why she joined his group and is by his side. The best place to be with her son is to be with his Father figure. If she has to...be Christian's waifu or something, blech, then so be it. Nothing more than that. So what she almost got murdered herself by Christian and Nick? It didn't matter. IT MADE SENSE from a PoV of a mother.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
(Personally, I don't see any chemistry between Shayna and Christian. I think because deep down inside she's a good woman or a bit bland. She's not a bitch like Trish who can go toe to toe with Christian. The way Christian smiles at her is more like a respectful smile, not really a lusty one or even love, and he is just happy to have the mother of his son around).
This storyline is good if you like slow-burn soap. Not everything has to be quick and then move on to the next plot. This is the equivalent of 22 episodes of drama, which I enjoy so much.
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thesharktanksdriver · 16 days
(I realize that all your resent asks have been about your determination series,, amazing series btw,, but imma bout to break that streak with a question about the magical girl 🤞)
So I was rereading basically every work you’ve written,, cause it’s my therapy,, and I saw that you made a post about magical girl y/n and that Justice League movie “Crisis on two earths” I was wondering what that would be like?
In an other universe where all the heroes are evil is the magical girl also evil? (<<<evil magical girls 😻)
I thought about how y/n is like on neutral grounds but leans towards the “good side” more. So is “evil” y/n the same she just leans towards the “bad side” more?
And I don’t know about you but I’d love to see others reaction to a y/n who is aggressive or is just wearing black,, lol.
A potential villain y/n as just been a brain rot for the past couple of decades.
But I’d like to hear your opinion about it! 😽🫶
I’m happy to be yalls therapists tho be warned u might need a second one after all my shit lol. I love me song angst and yall are the ones who pay the price.
But to answer your question it actually gets pretty interesting with crisis on two earths because something impossible happens. Cause, everyone in that universe has a parallel version of them. All of them for some reason except y/n.
It’s puzzling for them along with the other characters within the films because that shouldn’t be statistically possible.In every universe almost no matter the outcome there should be a version of you. Theoretically as you said an alternate version of y/n should be someone who maybe leans more towards the side of bad but retains some element of neutrality to them.
Something along the lines of maybe an informant or even some sort of back alley doctor of sorts. But there’s nothing.
While y/n knows that they can be the only magical girl (due to the fact Rigel can only pick one vassal per dimension/universe there should be a different version of herself. One she was actually quite excited to meet even if they were evil because she wanted to know if this life had been any different from her own.
But nothing
Not even Rigel seems to know why there is no different version of her. But to be fair it brings up another question for Rigel, what about the other girls? They’d never sought out to try and find any sort of alternate version of the other girls due to the guilt. But it now brings up the question that no matter the universe they had never seen a dopple.
But in that regard it catches the interest of the alternate justice league from this flipped world. Especially Owlman.
The entirety of the film is about his existential crisis that nothing matters because everything that could have possibly been done and said by you has been done before in a different universe. But here’s seemingly an outlier to this very idea, something that seemingly goes against multiversal theory in the form of a young girl of all things.
One that is moldable and malleable, something that in his eyes the entire multiverse deemed as important and literally one of a kind.
Someone with more power at her fingers tips than she could ever imagine with literal infinite potential.
Someone that could potentially shift any scale if she so deemed.
Someone they need on their side.
Yeah….his plan becomes less destroying every universe into first trying to manipulate y/n which failed and then into aight we doing this by force then.
Mind controlled y/n which I’ll call evil y/n for now is someone like you said that’s aggressive and most of all bitter. It kinda takes all of y/n stored away anger towards a society that left them to rot as well as the fact that they had to literally scrape by half the time and almost no one noticed nor cared. It kinda cuts off her memory at a certain point, the part where things got better for her, that she found a home and people who do care. As cliche as it is it’s that which is used to snap her out of it along with the general mental fog she has when not just focusing on her anger.
But anyway evil y/n is wholeheartedly destructive, using everything she can to essentially just destroy. Using that enhanced strength to good use, and while she can’t use her magical weapon on things that aren’t Shadowmites who’s to say she can’t find an actual weapon to do the job instead lol.
I feel like as well evil y/n would have a bit of not only a god complex but also simultaneously a lot of self-loathing. She uses being the only magical girl in the multiverse and being the only one to kill Shadowmites as a point of ultimate power, seeing it as things people should worship them for. But at the same time she hates herself, she so lonely and mad at everyone including herself.
Because why did the world abandon her? Why did it hate a little girl who dared to dream about helping people just like the girls in her shows?
Why did her parents leave her before she could even remember them? Was she not good enough? Is she good enough now for them?
Why did that little weasel who keeps telling her to “remember” choose her? Why did it place such a burden on her shoulders? Was it cause she’s expendable?
And lastly why does it tear her apart seeing people look at her in fear? Why does it hurt when those heroes go flying through walls when she hits them? Why do her eyes water when theirs do as well?
Her outfits would definitely be the typical evil magical girl wear black type of thing but I feel like hers would almost look in a way godly and ethereal. But then become more and more disheveled and dark as she mentally cracks more and more.
(Sorry this was a long response lol)
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y2klostandfound · 11 months
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Space Channel 5 Part 2 on Dorimaga Magazine Vol.1 (2002-01) (Video game Magazine) (11-25/01/2002)
Translation in English:
(Page 66)
Dorimaga Special Report - DC PS2:
Video Game Consoles : Dreamcast / Playstation 2
Scheduled to be released: February 14th
Completely: 100%
Dreamcast: 6,120 Yen Dreamcast(Special Edition Pack): 9,900 Yen Playstation 2: 6,800 Yen
Genre - ETC (Musical Action Adventure) Manufacturer:Sega/United Game Artists Players: 1-2 Number of discs: 1 URL: http://www.u-ga.com/ Controllers/Memory Cards PS2: DualShock 2, trance vibrator compatible, memory card 161KB. DC: 5 blocks of memory used (VMU), Purupuru pack support
Online Shop:The DC version is exclusive to D-DIRECT.
Is there something wrong in the galactic universe!?
After seeing this screen, "Mexican Flyer" came to my head! Are you ready to dance? "Space Channel 5 Part 2" scheduled to air on two platforms has finally started! Let's all enjoy the full polygon SHOW together!
Greetings to the 30 million "Channel 5" viewers nationwide, it's finally here! "Space Channel 5 Part 2" from UGA, which has been silent since the Tokyo Game Show in autumn, is finally on air!The memorable day is February 14, 2002, Valentine's Day.and it will be broadcast simultaneously on DC and PS2 as planned! I can't wait to see how Ulala, who has crossed the century, will come back!
Popular characters from the previous show, as well as new characters, will appear one after another! They will make the program even more exciting!
The basic rules seem to be the same, but new elements have been added, such as singing and playing! I have a hunch that it will be fun!
The next enemy is the "Dancing Troupe(Rhythm Rouges)"! ?
The next enemy is the "Dancing Troupe(Rhythm Rouges)" who appeared out of nowhere. Innocent people are made to dance one after another, just like the Morolians last time! Their purpose is completely unknown. Ulala will report on their true identity!
The mysterious dance group "Dancing Troupe (Rhythm Rouges)" has arrived! A person who looks like a captain and robots attack people one after another!
(Page 67)
What happened to the Jaguar! ?
An evil hand approaches Jaguar who has discovered something somewhere in the universe...! ! Meanwhile, the "Space Symphony," a ship cruising around Neo-Pluto, is attacked by a mysterious group! "Space Channel 5" quickly caught the information and sent Ulala to the scene to report the incident. The spirit of Director Fuse enters. "Come on, let's start!!"
I'll charm you, Ulala Seven Changes
This time Ulala will be reporting in even cuter and cooler outfit! There will be a "Ulala's Costume Room," so stay tuned!
A reporter for Space Channel 5, she was born on May 30 and her blood type is B. The other day, she tried to save the galaxy  with great energy, but she's still a newcomer and spends her days being yelled at by her boss Fuse. Her goal is to become a galactic reporter.She is the only person who can fight back against the "mysterious dancing group" that has appeared.
The time is the 25th century.
The "Morolian" suddenly invaded, causing people to dance one after another with their "Dancing Beam"! The space broadcasting station "Space Channel 5", which caught this catastrophe, dispatched a new reporter "Ulala" who is good at dancing, selected by the director "Fuse", and report the incident. She fully opens her mysterious dancing puff, sometimes fights and cooperates with Channel 42's "Pudding" and the Space Pirate Broadcasting Station's "Jaguar" to uncover the true nature of the evil that hides behind the Morolians' intentions. Thus, this ascension case was resolved.........
In this galaxy where the memory is fresh in our minds, a new evil is rising.......
Although "Ulala" had solved the "Morolians Attack Case" by dancing with her miraculous performance, there was no change in her role as a reporter, and she is cheered on by a director "Fuse" every day.
Such a daily life suddenly changes with a report from "Chief Space Michael ". A "mysterious dancing group" has appeared, making people dance and taking them away one after another!
Now, Ulala's dancing report begins again.
Come on, Let's start!
SPACE CHANNEL 5 Part 2 - First Implession!
A little impression of the sample unveiled at the recent PS Party! The game is very busy with more things to do such as singing and playing, not to mention the increased power of the graphics and presentation. Compared to the previous game, which was a bit monotonous, this one is even more fun. The storyline is also very exciting!
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my assumption is that alastor already sold his soul to lilith while he was alive, earning him a boon of pre-installed op abilities in his next life/beyond the grave (hell). and if the overlord rumour that alastor had been taken out by an exterminator had any traces of truth, maybe he did “die” activating his end of the bargain with lilith- full control of his soul/person. maybe he used to be on a very long loose leash, basically independent, but now that lilith’s cashed-in the leash has been reeled in taught.
still unsure about the 7 year gap, he tends to play it off as time spent doing something mysterious for his benefit that others should be wary of, which is 100% a bluff to throw prying minds off course. his interaction with husk suggested to me that whatever happened was something thats severely compromised alastor, he’d prefer people not know about it- “they don’t need to know” vs. they must never know about it. so it’s something that he could theoretically survive/push through, but would still be a major pain in the ass or ruin his reputation, something he’d need to haul-ass to regain his status. it being revealed that he doesn’t even own his own soul could be it, but that reveal doesn’t exactly feel juicy enough of a payoff somehow. i want the tea to be steeped
some thoughts are that maybe it took 7 years for alastor to reform (“we can rebuild him!” haha) or get his shit together enough to return to service, or maybe it took 7 years to bring him to heel, condition/break him in enough to do as he’s ordered. he doesn’t seem like the type to go down without a fight. or it was just 7 years of boring services, maybe he was liliths grumpy butler or something, unceremoniously dropped back into the serving class with husk and/or nifty. also, “I spent 7 years scrubbing floors for your ex wife and all she did was bitch about you the entire time” would be a funny reason alastor was so irritated by lucifer visiting the hotel
that’s my essay WHAT ARE YOUR THEORIES
I loved your essay!
I'm also curious about what led to Alastor and Lilith disappearing for seven years. One theory I have is that Alastor's growing power prompted Lilith to intervene, possibly imprisoning him somewhere. She stayed close to ensure he remained supervised, releasing him only when he agreed to sign the contract and protect Charlie. Alternatively, he might have been under the contract already, and Lilith took him as her bodyguard for unknown reasons when she had to leave (maybe she's doing some dangerous quest? I can't imagine another reason why she'd left Charlie). Or maybe she took him as a butler, that would be fucking iconic (maybe Lucifer knows what's the deal and that's why he out Alastor into butler clothes during the song!). Before episode 5, I liked the idea that Alastor and Lilith were friends who left Pentagram City to chill and sing together. This would paint Lilith in a different light, considering we only know Charlie's idealized version of her. Before the Husker scene, I even thought Alastor's hate for Lucifer stemmed from his loyalty to his bestie.
Oh, oh, considering Alastor selling his soul while alive—what if his crimes were sacrifices made for Lilith? He's the sole demon surrounded by Veves when using his powers. Perhaps he had somehow mixed VooDoo and occult and connected with Lilith accidentally?
Also, I think that Lilith tricked him into selling his soul, that's why he's extremely bitter about it.
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luxlightly · 9 months
Post canon Astarion snippit
Giving this its own post. Basically Astarion contemplating the possibility of becoming a full vampire after discovering Tav saved a vial of Cazador's blood. --
Astarion rolls the vial back and forth between his fingers for the hundredth time, feeling the faint prickle of magic beneath his fingertips.
Sealing runes of all different types adorn the glass and stopper. Courtesy of that foul sanguine experimentalist drow. Astarion seethes at the idea of his beloved having to give up more blood to that horrible woman in exchange for her service, but he concedes that she's no doubt the most qualified for the task.
No one really knows much about vampires or how the "affliction" is passed from sire to spawn. Vampires are secretive by nature. Any knowledge about them could be used against them. Therefore, no one knows exactly what quality about a sire's blood makes it such that consuming it elevates their spawn to true vampirism and so no one could know exactly what properties would need to be preserved in order to store it for later consumption with the effect being likewise preserved.
Even Araj couldn't say. She apparently preserved the state of the blood perfectly at the precise moment it was sealed, but it's possible that the fact Cazador is dead now, alone, may mean the blood is powerless to grant true vampirism. Or the fact it was drawn after his death. Or drawn with a needle and not with fang. Or simply because it had not been Cazador's choice that he should have it.
It may well be that the contents of the vial in his hands is nothing more than a bit of cold, worthless blood drawn from a corpse. Not even worth the glass it's stored in.
Or, maybe not.
Maybe in his hands, Astarion holds the means to become a true vampire. Capable of siring his own spawn. Of turning to mist or summoning wolves and bats. Of creating thralls and controlling minds.
Of turning Tav.
Of preserving his love forever. Extending their life together into eternity.
He rolls the vial back and forth, his eyes fixed on some spot in the middle distance, thoughts far away.
"I wanted you to have a choice," Tav had said, when the Astarion had spotted the vial amongst the other potions they'd collected in their travels through the Underdark.
"I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to ever doubt I support the decision you made, or to think that you need to change a single thing about you. I just wanted you to have the choice."
Something so simple yet so powerful. So liberating. So terrifying.
Choice is freedom. But it's also accountability. It's guilt. Blame. Responsibility.
Living with one's choices. The ever present possibility of making a choice one cannot live with.
In the ritual chamber, he'd come so close to losing everything. To becoming something unspeakable. To becoming Cazador in all but name. The thought of what would have happened if Tav hadn't talked him down haunts him still.
What might he lose if he drinks the contents of this vial?
They say a vampire lord cannot know love. Only hunger for power. That they cannot care. Only control.
Of course, they also say a vampire spawn cannot feel anything but hunger for blood. That they are all but mindless husks, incapable of feeling beyond bloodlust.
Astarion knows he can be more than his hunger for blood. He knows what he is as a spawn. Who he is. But as a true vampire? He doesn't know.
Maybe he'd be the same. Just with a few more powers to boot. Like when a sorcerer unlocks new abilities of their magical bloodline or a wizard unlocks the mastery of another level of spellcraft.
Or maybe he'd grow cold and power hungry like Cazador, like the version of himself he came so close to becoming that day. Maybe his love even for Tav would turn wicked and cruel. Maybe he'd lose the sliver of a soul he'd worked so hard to nurture. Maybe he'd lose everything he and his love had fought so hard to preserve.
Or maybe nothing would happen at all. Just a brief taste of stale blood. There's always a chance.
A bottled chance.
A bottled choice.
He rolls the vial between his fingers.
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