#that could've been harmful
awakefor48hours · 7 months
In case this needs to be said: don't trauma dump in a stranger's tags. It's disrespectful and not something people really want to see.
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canisalbus · 8 months
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What if I told you that RoobrickMarine went and wrote an entire novella starring my 16th century dog couple? It's very canon-adjacent, well researched and thoughtfully put together, has inspired me a ton during these past months and it's now publicly available at AO3. I highly recommend it.
✦ Separation ✦
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carlyraejepsans · 3 months
i unironically block and avoid anyone who interacts with callout posts btw. unless the post contains information about genuine real harm to real people in unequivocal terms, with solid proof and context that cannot be chalked up to misrepresented friendship drama, i go scorched earth on the notes. the amount of potential harassment and harm they can and HAVE caused in the past, especially to minority groups, trans women in particular, is beyond anything that can ever justify their existence. they're a petty, childish—frequently wrong!—thoughtless and cruel way to "spread awareness". grow up.
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codenamesazanka · 8 days
Shigaraki/Tenko wanting to destroy the false sense of peace All Might and Heroes created
Shigaraki/Tenko wanting to destroy everything that lead to the existence of that house, which he conceptualizes as the embodiment of rejection and injustice in the world. Be a Hero for the Villains.
AFO basically literally created that house
Shigaraki/Tenko helps defeat AFO
Deku telling him 'you already destroyed it' is... apparently Shigaraki/Tenko having finally gotten rid of the true cause of (his) rejection and injustice? main antagonist's big problem that represents an overarching major issue of the story/in-universe society... solved? (main antagonist's big problem that represents an overarching major issue of the story/in-universe society not actually being the problem he thought it was but now also solved?)
No longer a need for there to be a Hero for the Villains, Shigaraki/Tenko dies.
Heroes not to be blamed in the first place. also fuck everyone else and all other 'actual' outcasts I guess.
#i understand that Tenko not having 'supposed' to be rejected doesn't mean the rejection didn't occur for the other League members#but taking that away from Tenko/Shigaraki - leader of the League of Villains - wanting to be their champion#symbolically being their collective grievances and wills condensed into one#taking that away makes the story a lot weaker#GOD what happened#nalslastworkingbraincell#honestly making everything AFO's fault#and making Tenko's main issue being his despair toward himself (created by AFO)#allowed for the (seemingly for now) clean resolution of 'get rid of the both of them' possible#It's AFO's fault? Kill him! Problem solved#Tenko's issue not actually *harm caused by other (non-AFO) people* but instead *harm caused by his self-conceptualization/his own self*?#Tenko's projecting his own self-loathing and anger onto the world and causing trouble for everyone and making his crusade meaningless?#let him die too. Pity but problem solved!#AFO gave him the specific quirk that was Decay because it was such a brutal and deadly quirk that would guarantee rejection#you cannot tell me he could've been fine after manifesting Decay if only AFO wasn't there to tell him he has an innate need to destroy#not after what we've seen of Shinsou and Toga#other 'normal' people would not have let him live a normal life#that *is* also very much a problem that should be addressed#but it was AFO who gave him Decay and Decay was also actually not naturally existing#so everything's fine! no changes for anyone!#all this could've been saved if this was transferred to AFO - AFO also seen as a victim of societal apathy#especially since he was BORN A TRASH RIVER RAT ORPHAN#but he's just a lonely guy who was too unpleasant to form real relationships#so. only real issue Hero Society ever had that needed to be addressed was civilians being too hard on Heroes#gotta love them more and demand less of them#yippee
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
I can't believe I just had to explain my last Zolusan (more Lusan/Sanlu than anything but yeah) fic to somebody because they said it was normalizing unhealthy behavior when it comes to starting poly relationships. As if the monster trio would talk things out like normal people. Seriously.
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Please NEVER leave a comment like this on a fanfic. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it. I am not here to educate people!! I am not your parents!! This is a fanfic site!! Don't expect me to write a manual on how to have a poly relationship, especially when it would be out of character for the main couple.
I'm gonna leave the link to the fic here and what I told them about it because now I am extremely anxious other people won't get what I want to express with this fic and I feel the need to share my thoughts:
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fate-defiant · 11 months
I can't believe they put my boy Mytho "does fucked up shit to himself because his entire identity and self image relies on being loved(in the right way by the right people)" and my girl Rue "does fucked up shit to everyone else because her entire identity and self image relies on being loved(in the right way by the right people)" togehter in the same show and never did anything to meaningfully juxtapose and explore All That
#princess tutu#rue#mytho#this is a gross oversimplification but you get it you understand#unstoppable selfishness vs immovable selflessness vs unstopable selflessness vs immovable selfishness#these two coulda been so insane their dynamic could've blown minds#i can;t tell you exactly how but it would've#what if the show ended not on them leavig entirely intentionally but lik#e#in the commotion of the story ending they just sorta fall bakc into the story and vanish into the real world#and their ending is them realizing they've both ended up in the fairytale.its not delibarate the way it was in the show#and like. rue has nowhere to go and mytho is still kinda lost in the sauce but they're both unsure how to feel and what to do#so they just kinda. pick a direction and hope for the best#this at least is how i'd tweak it to give us space to imagine they'll have the time to work through everything the show ran outta time for#otherwise id fucking. id tweak the actual show dangnabbit#but yeag.#its just like. there;s this preconcieved notion of the person you are meant to be and sometimes that constructed self has all these surviva#all these survival mechanisms that'll cloud your judgement and someitmes actively harm you the living being the real tangible organism#because you are sad ape and big leaf you need love and sunlight#but the self is an aesthetic it can survive on bad decisions#and a cookie cutter self no matter how painful is better than the uncertainty of being potentially literally anything because in the end#you are sad ape and a big leaf and you can just live however as long as theres love and light and fun and sustenance#and you die either way but the self is a character with a neat narrative attached and the ape is real and messy and uncertain#so the self fights for survival and takes over the sad ape#you Get It. You Understand.#fate.txt
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kathles · 4 months
you ever see the most stupid take about indigenous American history that makes you go "ohhhh this person has no idea what the fuck they're talking about" and then you look up info of their bio and they're literally white
#julien posts#ndn#this post is apt that one person going “hey the noble savage trope is bad we shouldn't infantilize native Americans and here's why”#and then they list a bunch of atrocities indigenous tribes committed pre colonization#like hello#did you forget that the Indian savage is also bad if not worse than the noble savage#like why do you think it's called the “noble” savage to begin with LMAO#indigenous tribes already KNOW the shit our ancestors did#did you forget that how exaggerated a bunch of it was though because of how racist colonizers wanted to emphasize how “savage” we were#and how that became a harmful stereotype towards indigenous peoples#like the “Noble savage” wouldn't have existed to begin with has there not been the “savage” stereotype LMAO#they had the audacity to go at the end#infantilizing indigenous tribes w/out recognizing their past is just as bad as colonizers stereotyping them#as savages#like HELLO?????? LOL#and like its not like infantilizing/romanticising indigenous peoples isn't a problem either#it very much is!!#but op literally could've went “they're history during colonization is actually really complex”#(aka the time period where the noble savage DID emerge. mind you)#“and they're more than just the stereotypical Pocahontas” they could've said#but nooooo they had to go the white supremecist route. okay. lol#like PLEASE do more research beyond Wikipedia if ur gonna be talking apt this shit pls#(yes I know they did use wikipedia. they literally admitted it in the notes. lol)#(also imo I don't think white people should be talking abt this shit to begin with cuz most of them are bound to mess it up#but if you HAVE TO do proper research. I beg of you as an Indian studying American Indian history)#EDIT: btw im not saying you cant include the atrocities some indigenous tribes did commit#when talking about the complexities of indigenous history and how its not right to infantilize us#but if your entire post is ONLY abt said atrocities while ignoring the rest of the complexities during colonization#(esp when the noble savage stereotype was most relevant)#then its a bad look on you and isnt the allyship u think it is. lol
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crossdressingdeath · 6 months
When Ketheric first met Gortash and Kyvir somehow Kyvir ended up killing Ketheric and Ketheric did his big intimidating "drop the weapon at their feet and tell them to try again" routine like he does with those goblins. Except Kyvir instead of being intimidated was like "Okay <3!" and killed him like seven more times before Gortash managed to make him stop. Their relationship continued in this vein. This may explain why Ketheric didn't give him a sword on deployment.
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gammija · 1 year
iiii dont think im gonna post much amagaday about this arc, because i don't enjoy the interpretation that jon was completely innocent in taking live statements, nor do i think basira or especially melanie were irrationally upset at him, and i know a significant amount of posts at least read as if people vehemently disagree
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wispforever · 10 months
I really like your headcanon about Sasuke and Naruto finally getting together in the end, even after marrying women and having kids. Do you have any good fanfic recommendations that portray how it all plays out? I want something that's slow burn, close to canon, and not OOC.
So far, I've read "My Lost Himawari" and I think it does a pretty good job. Naruto and Sasuke are finally together! The author also nicely portrays resolution in Hinata and Sakura. Boruto, Himawari and Sarada are included too.
Side note, I've been listening to AI covers with Naruto's and Sasuke's Japanese voices singing Naruto openings and endings. They add another dimension to the SNS fandom. Amazing!
To be honest, I don't read a lot of fic, so I'm not the best person to ask. I enjoy a good read every once and a while, but college really exhausted that part of me. Hopefully someday, I can get it back.
At any rate, you're always welcome to read my fic I wrote about Sasuke and Naruto a while back. Not exactly what you're looking for, but I'll leave a link here for you, in case you're interested :)
The AI is impressive and sounds interesting, but just a reminder, that AI technology is currently harming a lot of content creators and artists, so we should all show our support by staying mindful of the bigger picture and keeping our endorsements at the minimum until all this shit is a little more regulated and there are laws in place to protect people's rights <3
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
mfw finding out that the localization of hopes literally cut an entire frame out of a scene
like can we not
can we not try to make felix seem more angry and edgy than he actually is by removing him smiling/not being aggressive for the explicit purpose of making him seem significantly angrier as a person/purposely not portraying him in a good light
like no seriously tell me why they literally went out of their way to remove an entire frame of him when it didn't improve the scene to remove it and instead paints him in a worse light
#DCB Comments#they do everything they can and bend backwards to make edelgard so uwu so good and justified#but when it comes to other characters who don't fawn over her they actively go out of their way to#remove scenes and change sentences completely to make those characters look worse#or just totally remove lines that might do her verbal harm. I recall a Sylvain line that got#totally removed from the loc too. in the Felix case it just serves to make him look more mean#and I'm noticing this trend of removing things that make characters seem good/better/nicer unless it's Edelgard#in which they bend backwards to do right by her and add in words to make her seem better#Felix's situation is just like with Rhea where they changed her tone/behavior to match Edelgard's view of her#rather than just translating her lines properly and keeping her tone the same in the loc#for some reason the loc is hellbent on making Rhea and Felix seem like terrible people and removing#most if not all instances of them being good people. it's even more glaring of an issue in Hopes in this case#bc Felix has a dramatically less amount of reasoning to be as aggressive as he in Houses#his banter with Dimitri could've just been friendly and reminiscent of them being childhood friends as it is in JP#but in the loc they just went nah this one single frame makes Felix seem like a better person with better relationships#better cut that out so ppl don't get the ~wrong idea~ about him and think he's actually more mellowed out in this game#-.-#DCB Three Hopes Stuff
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anticutes · 30 days
character rant: junko enoshima isn't a sociopath/psychopath/narcissist. (a symptomatic analysis of junko's dysfunctional personality + bpd junko analysis)
over my course in the fandom i've seen my fair share of psychoanalyses of the danganronpa characters, especially of junko enoshima. what i most commonly see is the immediate relegation of junko as someone with aspd/npd because they perceive junko as being pure, unfathomably and methodically evil. i commonly see people say that she's heartless and has no empathy for others- that her interest in others is feigned, her manipulation is a trait, and, most annoyingly, that she's "narcissistic" in the pop culture sense. which, if you take a look at how she behaves- almost bathing in the empathy elicited by the distress of both herself and others, the way she takes a legitimate interest in izuru kamukura, nagito komaeda, yasuke matsuda and naegi makoto, junko's consistent emphasis that she wants people to surprise her and prove her wrong and that she wants a fair challenge, which implies manipulation is not necessarily something that brings her pleasure/done for her own benefit, and her very evident suicidal, self-loathing tendencies, those interpretations, to me, just come off as very inaccurate.
putting this disclaimer in big red font: i don't believe that headcanoning junko to be aspd/npd is wrong fullstop. first of all, you can headcanon whatever you want! i don't actually mind the headcanons and i also do believe she presents a number of traits, but personally, i don't think she shares enough traits with either personality disorder in my opinion. my problem with this general consensus is how fandom often pathologizes a typical villain's motivation and behaviour as something innate- which more often than not perpetuates social stigma around those already stigmatized cluster b personality disorders.
under the cut is my own psychoanalysis of junko enoshima, and an alternate interpretation of junko's behaviour. i am not a professional, so please take all this with a grain of salt.
in cross-cultural psychology there are two types of behaviour to take note of: pathological behaviour displayed by a person, behaviour that is seen as dysfunctional across cultures, and culturally-sanctioned behaviour displayed by a person, which is behaviour that are cultivated by cultural background (socialisation, cultural beliefs, societal norms).
firstly, let's talk about boredom for a little bit, shall we? we love talking about boredom. it's enriching! also, a lot of people do not take her boredom into account when psychoanalyzing her, which pisses me off!
boredom on its own indicates a lack of engagement or interest in the world and oneself. chronic boredom requires a higher level of stimulation in order to become engaged. in a lot of psychological research about boredom- specifically, one's susceptibility to boredom, many call a chronic susceptibility to boredom a pathological trait, evidence of a disordered way of thinking (here and here for example). particularly, many who deal with an extended period of boredom are more willing to hurt themselves or others, engage in risky behaviour, and may even result in hallucinations and depression (here).
junko's boredom is a rather extreme manifestation of that susceptibility. what i find interesting, though, is that junko's susceptibility isn't really a pathological trait- in fact, junko's susceptibility, in context with the story and her talent... is actually understandable. it's not unusual to the world- she is essentially a human processor, able to take in large amounts of data and come up with a sizable number of predictions. to put it in an understandable comparison, she is reading a book in which she knows everything that is to happen in the plot. emotions such as surprise, anticipation, fear, she cannot feel at all because she knows what is coming. in conclusion: boredom is a behaviour that is influenced by the way she interacts with the world.
in a particular non-academic article (here) i was reading while researching on boredom as pathology, a social worker talks about how her client's apathy is a defense mechanism against emotional pain and discomfort. however, for junko- i believe that this i don't care defense, as hendel puts it, is not against emotional pain, but against boredom itself. because to junko, it's easier to not be affected by your lack of interest to anything; lack of emotional pain, by distancing yourself from it. this is why ryoko holds onto that mantra that "[the current situation] has nothing to do with her".
so, now that we have laid out boredom, i want to talk about junko's talent.
i think what intrigues me is that junko's talent as the ultimate analyst is not compared to other talents as much as it is compared to izuru's talent as the ultimate hope. not even yuto's talent as the ultimate spy is compared to ryoko's talent in the same way junko's is to izuru's, which gives me the impression that junko's talent is not like anyone else's. her talent is unnatural, to the point that the only comparable talent to hers is one that humans tried to make themselves. furthermore, the backstories of other danganronpa characters often talk about the character's hard work and meticulous cultivation of their inborn talents. junko stands out among the rest by having her state that she was born with this talent. she didn't need to cultivate it in the same way many people needed to, in an institution with teachers and instructors. most probably, this was something she had to learn how to yield herself. this gives us the narrative that there is no one else similar to her.
so, having defined a major cultural syndrome and pathological symptom, i want to display my table of both behaviours. the pathological column lists traits that remain consistent between junko and ryoko's characterisation, the culturally-sanctioned behaviour column lists traits that are only seen in junko enoshima. the uncertain column lists certain traits that could be either pathological or culturally-sanctioned, but have no clear origin.
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having this table set-up, i want to talk a little more about her hyperintelligence- although this isn't an accurate, one-on-one real-life representation, i find that it shares some similarities to savant syndrome: a phenomenon where a socially/intellectually impaired person (as a result of a traumatic/congenital brain injury/defect, central nervous system injury, or a neurodevelopmental disorder) has incredible talent in specific domains, such as art, linguistics, knowledge/memory, maths, music, and visualisation, due to an extraordinary declarative memory. this phenomenon is commonly detectable in one's childhood. in junko's case, i think her ability to memorise and organise observable data such as speech patterns, body language, mannerisms, and be able to accurately predict what people will do next and future chain of events resembles incredible talent in the knowledge/memory domain.
in psychological research, savant syndrome is associated with a loss of function in the left anterior frontal lobe or the left temporal lobe that is compensated by activity in the right brain. and, interestingly enough, in this article (here), the negative emotions that one feels in state boredom is associated with activity in the right frontal brain area. although her boredom is environmentally-influenced, the level of her boredom could very much be influenced by overactivity in the right brain.
something that is also relevant in this meta is the fact that children with savant syndrome eventually began to 'live in a world of their own', spoke 'in the third person' [...] and had a lessened response to all endearments of friends (here), which brings danganronpa zero to mind and the constant reiteration of ryoko/junko 'living in [their] own world'. furthermore, despite the dubious canon state of danganronpa 3, junko's brief obsession with narration in both the anime adaptation and her referring to herself in the third person throughout the series also matches up with this observation. from this, we can infer that junko's brain dysfunction existed since childhood- and with junko stating she had felt this way from the moment of her birth, that it is very likely this dysfunction is congenital.
so, what are my own headcanons? personally, i believe that she has a frontotemporal brain defect (unspecified for the time being) which manifests as savant syndrome, and her response to that fits bpd more than aspd/npd. the rapid changes in not just personality, but self-esteem, the persistent pattern of unstable, intense relationships in her life, risky behaviour and impulsivity (especially suicidal behaviour), self-sabotaging behaviour (self-harm), chronic boredom and feelings of emptiness- all these specifics fit her to a t.
you could even argue that she has a fear of abandonment- although i feel that junko's reaction to abandonment and her attempts to isolate very unique due to her ideology of despair. i think she might fear it, and she might try to isolate by lashing out, but because of her belief in despair, that might make her feel good instead of scared.
i feel that most people perceive fear of abandonment as behaviour and beliefs in response to the tangible concept of being abandoned, either to prevent it from happening (excessively clinging onto others, the idea of 'leaving before they leave you') or protect one self from the idea of it happening (leading to preemptively avoid the concept by not creating connections altogether or pushing others away)- however, while researching on bpd, i found that this fear of abandonment can manifest as an obsessive preoccupation with (not) being alone- which can also result in paranoia. research also shows that being in familiar people's company limits the severity of paranoia (here, here)- and i think that junko is extremely obsessed with the idea of loneliness. in fact, i think she abhors the idea of being alone. i mean, she tried to connect with izuru kamukura, the person that the narrative constantly compares her to, through sharing her ideology and beliefs with him! one of her reasons for starting off the tragedy in the first place is because she wanted the world the feel the same way she always felt! which has always felt like an attempt at connecting with a world she had always felt distant from to me, a manifestation of her frustration with being so stuck in her mind all the time. i'd even argue that the killing game she put class 78 too was a twisted attempt to foster a genuine connection with them through despair! junko hates being alone. she has always been alone, and her vehemence for isolation and solitude is something that i believe also drives her character.
that's something i'll have to expand on in another meta, though! this is already 1.7k words lmao. in conclusion:
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wriochilde · 6 months
#wjatevr. i dont care#no actually i do care. its about morishige how can i not care#i saw a very interesting take on why morishige chases yuka (not the tutorial idea. thats also interesting though)#something about how he was protecting her and he was never going to harm her#and i was like huh. maybe i misunderstood because i played the game when i was 11#and then i realized i literally played it last week#i cant help but disagree? yeah he wasnt planning on hurting her. it makes the whole chase scene very funny especially if you get caught#he keeps repeating the same thing and me and my sister joke about it all the time lol#but anyways. i think that even in the manga he wouldnt have hurt her even though he hints at his intent being more malicious than in game#i love this scene because i love hearing people talk about why the fuck he did this#let me talk about the manga instead for a moment actually i think this scene is much funner there#he stops for a moment when yuka stops crying before he breaks into this very obviously malicious grin#like he was EXCITED. the darkening had already startrd to show and its very clear while hes chasing her#the whole time he was just messing with her. he wasnt planning to harm her in the manga either#because he literally catches up to her. and he could've caught up to her multiple times had he not been taking pictures as she ran#all he did when he caught up to her was whisper in her ear. so#yeah. he wasnt going to kill her or injure her like in the anime. but does that mean he had any good intentions?#im not sure how this could be described as him simply helping her#and i could be remembering wrong but doesnt he somewhat explain himself in book of shadows?#i remember him saying something about him just having fun and enjoying how scared she was#so ive always just seen it as him enjoying the rush he got from chasing someone weaker than him#because it was partially the darkening right?#im not one to say that morishige is inherently evil or always had a huge interest in gore or anything. becausw its not true#but i dont want to deface his character by warping his intentions to seem less malicious#i need to get a fucking journal this is getting out of hand#finn.txt
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piplupod · 6 months
man. my brother asked me if Nickory (one of my OCs, he wears a roe deer skull mask) is a wend*go and. man. that hurts. that one does hurt a bit. fuck I'm tired.
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hermywolf · 2 years
https://www.tumblr.com/hermywolf/697741088936640512?source=share - What is this about? I'm confused...
i just got here so im also kinda confused but from what i understood. a spn blogger made a callout post about another one bc they found their comment under a really dark, triggering fic. which caused a fuck ton of people to be exposed to said dark fic and be triggered by it as well, the user was kicked out of spn tumblr, and now people are saying we're entitled to other people's ao3 history so we can pass judgement on them. also the user who did the callout post is now gaining a bunch of followers, nevermind the fact that, well, to find that comment in the first place, they had to be on that fic anyway. literally girl what were YOU doing at the devil's sacrament
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brainjuicey · 7 months
my mind is so funny for making me relive my worst nightmares and memories everytime I go to sleep
#my uncle is threatening to harm me and my family again but especially me this time for some reason but this time we're making a case#and if it goes to trial ill have to testify even though he hasnt come up to the house and ive never seen the text messages#and i have all my end of year assignments due rn and im dying from stress#and i still havent passed my drivers license its all so#overwhelming#and then i have to go and dream about the christmas i went to visit my bff and ex in germany#and crashing at my bffs house he got drunk and assaulted me over and over and in my sleep as well#and then i went to my exs and we stayed w her family for xmas eve and they were horrible to me and then we broke up that night#and she just cried forever and said i deserved better and i just sat there in bed like how did i even get here totally detached#you invite me to xmas with my family in another country only to realise that you'll never be mentally stable enough to move and be with me#and its been like 7 months since i made that decision and you could've told me something before? but you didn't?#life was good when i was the one making all the sacrifices. right.#life was good when i did all the work. but as soon as you have to enforce your own boundaries its too hard.#do you ever believe someone when they say theyre getting better? and then look like a fool?#every now and then i remember something about that relationship that makes me fucking angry#its all very. art installation i just cant help myself
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