#thank youuuu <333
zukkaoru · 1 month
kunichuu + “What, are you scared?”
souheki + “Catch me.” <33
the sillies,.,,
“What, are you scared?” Chuuya raises an eyebrow, smirking in a way that says they know they’ve won. Kunikida should know better than to get caught up in their traps at this point, really, but he still falls for them every time. (At least he knows Chuuya will always be there to catch him.) “Not at all.” Kunikida swipes the other controller. “We only have time for one round, though.” Chuuya’s eyes light up, and Kunikida thinks he can hardly be faulted for giving into their whims when this is the sight he gets in return. Even if he loses, seeing Chuuya glowing with happiness is a victory in and of itself. “Loser pays for dinner?” Kunikida nods. “And winner gets to pick what we eat.” Chuuya laughs. “Deal. You’re going down.”
“Catch me!” Dazai yelps, hardly even having a moment to brace himself before Ranpo crashes into him. Of course he can’t support both of their weights because he can hardly support his own anymore, so they go toppling onto the couch together in a tangle of limbs. Dazai’s head smacks against the cushions, and his vision whites out for a moment. When the world snaps back into focus, Ranpo is on top of him, grinning down at him. “What is your problem?” Dazai grumbles. “You know I can’t catch you.” Ranpo’s smile only widens. “That means we’re both stuck here now, I guess. How terrible.” “Where even is your cane?” “I don’t remember. You should kiss me.” Dazai turns up his nose, as best as he can when he’s lying on his back beneath Ranpo. “No.” “You’re a terrible boyfriend.” “You just attacked me!” “I did it lovingly.” Ranpo bats their eyelashes. “C’mon, would you rather be doing your work right now?” Dazai purses his lips. Unfortunately, Ranpo makes a valid point. And kissing them is a rather entertaining way of shutting them up. So he supposes he’ll let them win this one.
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ladycibia · 1 year
Happy Birthday!!! And the perfect time to say, you are one of my favorite artists and every time your art crosses my dash it makes for a good day!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you soooo much, aaaaa ;////; !!! You're way too kind my friend, way too kind ;A; thank you!! I'm so flattered! From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much! 🌸🌸🌸
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leedee013 · 9 months
Hiiii is it too late to request a snippet from your baby Jean fic? I’m rapidly becoming obsessed! 🤍🤍🤍
Jean frowned. He'd hoped that his grandma would forget the daily reading assignment his parents required of him. The books he was required to read were always dull and were always in English, a language Jean quite frankly hated. It didn't help that he had to write summary papers after each book, still in English, and turn them in to his tutor within a set timeline.
Of course, Jean liked to push his luck whenever possible. He dragged his metaphorical feet through the books, complaining about the topic or the challenging diction used in the prose. He did anything and everything he could to procrastinate completing the books. He'd been hoping, above all else, that his grandparents would give him at least one day of reprieve.
"I know you don't like it, Jean. But it's important. Your father has high expectations for you, after all."
Jean shrugged. He was seven years old. As far as he was concerned, his father's expectations were unreasonable. Still, there was a desperate part of him that wanted his father to look at him with pride. A part of him still wanted his father to care enough to stay home for more than a few days at a time.
"How about this: you get your cookie, I'll get your book, and we can read some of it together. Does that sound good?"
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fruitybashir · 2 months
it's funny how every joker out song is a bokris song like literally. all of them are. this is law. and you are SO so so right about dopamin all their songs are bokris but this one is definitely special so thank you so much for making it kris' confession it's perfect <333
like never underestimate my ability to construct entire narratives around any song to bend them around a ship im currently obsessed with hahaha ANY song can be a bokris song if you just try hard enough 😌✨️
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johnnyutah · 4 months
happy birthday i love you
uhhhh. would amanda young like one direction
I LOVE YOU TOO THANK YOU!!! amanda young would hunt one direction for sport
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winedark · 6 months
9, 15, 66, 98 <3
09. rabbit heart (raise it up) - florence + the machine 15. state trooper - bruce springsteen 66. blind - korn (live at cbgb) 98. dance little liar - arctic monkeys
send me a number 1-100 and i'll tell you a song from spotify wrapped
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mysterious-gizem · 1 year
!!! Howdy :D !!!
It has brought me joy to see your sweet generosity on some of my favourite blogs so thank you, you're amazing. So, I know we all agree that is time for your gift!
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Omg...sorry Tumblr absolutely destroyed the image quality >:[ Trust me they looked much better before.
Anyways, your gift includes:
1 flower, 1 food item, 2 pets, 2 stuff toys, 1 drink, and a nice place to chill. I kept your original items, but I couldn't help myself I had to add some more for you!! Alot of them I didn't know what you liked so I just added some of my favs (sorry XD). Let me know if you want them changed! Remember, these are only a fraction of what you truly deserve ;)
Enjoy! Make sure to have nice day, goodbye!
<3 :D
I legit can't say thank you enough like, Omg this is so sweeeettttt.
[Guess who I'm giving a gift next🤭]
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dumplingsjinson · 9 months
Hey there! Hope it's not too late, I'm here to wish you luck about cat guy situation.
It's going to be okay (or more than okay) You can even offer to take down your accounts before you ask him too, if you are nervous about asking him to take down his accounts. Something like, "Hey, I have a really good feeling about this and I was thinking about taking down <whatever you have> Do you think we are at that stage? Is this okay with you?"
Once again, best wishes. Keep us posted if you want to :D
P.S. : I'm sorry but it is singularly hilarious how all your anons and followers refer to this random person we don't know as 'cat guy.' It's so sweet and I'm cheering for you.
Hi!! Not too late at all, the date is tomorrow :D Thanks for the reassurance and advice, I really appreciate it <333
This is the first time I'm broaching the topic of exclusivity (or at least asking them where things are heading) with anyone, so I'm not even sure if asking him if we should take down our accounts would be too much at this stage, even though I do want to ask lweknfekn
I kind of just came up with a simple paragraph I can follow and ask him where his head is at with all of this, and tell him I'm personally not interested in seeing other people, other than him. I'll see if I can slip that into our conversation somewhere.
I'll definitely keep the updates going. Crossing my fingers and hoping things go well ahah.
p.s. : AHAHAH, he started out as cat dude and now he's just "cat guy." my irl friends are the only ones who know him by his real name lol, i think i code-named him as cat guy when i first started talking about him to them? memories are a bit blurry there but yeah HAHA
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non-un-topo · 1 year
★ what was the scene you most wanted to write in [fic]? what was the hardest scene to write?
Hello hello! <3 Oh man this is so dumb, but I really couldn't wait to write Andy and Nicky's little "cage fight" scene in Chronos. Idk, something about the energy and the body language and the parallels between Nicky and Nile (plane fight scene my beloved) just made me really hype. Close runner-up would be the scene at the end of chapter 2 of Tangerine and Roc, wherein shit gets real and the stakes raise for the mystery. Not spoiling anything, but my mental image of Nicky's blown-out pupils is still so clear. Also, I totally know how natural sedatives work dw.
Hardest scene to write also came from Chronos... that fic nearly gave me a stomach ulcer I swear. There are short little flashbacks where Andy remembers details and sensations of an event that occurred thousands of years ago. It was genuinely hard to keep those scenes vague enough that it wouldn't be obvious as to what was going on, but still clear enough that it wasn't just nonsensical. I still don't think I did a great job on those, hence it was hard lol. Andy's POV is just hard in general, because I want to capture how ancient she is and... that's a lot. Runner-up would be a few different scenes in The Falconer (like, training the sparrowhawk and also weaving in the real history and historical figures) because I knew absolutely nothing about falconry and I was so afraid people would be able to tell dfghfd.
fic ask game
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bonolewis · 1 year
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌💙
[pulls out uno reverse card]
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hehehe <3
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timefadesaway · 1 year
Genesis (artist) and Ram (album)!
HIII thank you <33
favourite song: firth of fifth i think !! i just think it's very very good musically i love it it scratches a very specific itch
least favourite song: not too sure as im not that familiar with their later stuff by choice. so i'll pick one of those and say illegal alien bc i get it confused with the sting song that i like better
favourite album: selling england by the pound 😁
least favourite album: again not super familiar with their later stuff bc im a peter gabriel warrior so can't say fully... something after duke though <3
song that got me into them: the musical box!
seen live?: no. sad
rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 (but only for the era i like... sorry phil collins)
opinion on cover design: i like it a lot a lot i think it's very suited to what it is and it's a fun design. i also think the beetles fucking on the back is very funny
favourite song: monkberry moon delight babyyyy. or maybe long haired lady i think it's sweet
least favourite song: 3 legs probably
underrated track: eat at home !!
overrated track: um uncle albert/admiral halsey probably. like it's good but i think there r better songs
rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 
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lesbian-hannibal · 1 year
Lilac, sapphire, and lemon :)
i love that i’m just a little creature to all you guys. just a strange being that’s on ur dash screaming about will graham
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theydoctor · 2 years
8, 25, 27 for the ask thing!
8. Do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
Nope! I actually feel really comfortable in my usual hoodie/jeans combo and my family in general isn't in the habit of changing clothes once they get home, so I never really started doing that? And truth be told, I kinda dislikes sweatpants, their texture is irritating.
25. Would you say you have good taste in music?
Hahaha yes, especially since it's been influenced so much by you ;) But I do love my taste in music and it makes me happy to see how much my friends influenced it! And of course I love exchanging music recs with mr s 👀
27. What's your favorite or go-to outfit?
Hmmm, my go-to outfit is really just a hoodie with jeans and my favourite outfit doesn't change that much, buuut I'd say my fav outfit is my beloved Beatles hoodie with a comfortable pair of jeans and the red & white vans socks one of my best friends once gifted me <3
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neonponders · 2 years
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holistic-alcoholic · 2 years
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Thank you!!! 💜💜💜
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Hm, I don’t listen to music while writing/try to minimize all the sounds because it makes it harder to focus. And with songs… I guess “Lions Inside” by valley of wolves (also: I don’t listen to the words, I never listen to the words, pls don’t tell me the words are problematic). I have this idea of a scene with buckytony dancing to it while pickpocketing the weapons from the bad guys during some fancy event.
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
I generally don’t write much angst, so definitely nothing I published. But I wrote a story (unpublished) about Bucky meeting a new hydra agent who believes in the righteousness of what they are doing (mostly because of the propaganda and absolute blindness that slowly turns to desperation — he keeps talking about how no, we didn’t kill those innocent children of defected agents, their own parents killed them! and stuff like that), then the agent tries to defect (after Bucky talking to him and opening his eyes), but then Bucky is forced to kill him. It was very fucked up!
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
The wildest ride was, I think, The Acts of Kindness: at first I had a general thought about 5+1 food fic — 5 times Bucky cooked for Tony and one time Tony returned the favor. But then I thought: what if I make it unreliable narrator plus the plot twist plus this insane amount of hidden foreshadowing and stuff that only I will get ahaha.
Plus I think it was like a week from the first idea to the end of first draft (20k words!), so. Very wild for me.
writing ask game
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seavoice · 1 year
2 & 25 🦋
2. Did you reread anything? What?
Call Down The Hawk, still slaps 🙏 this may or may not have been a mistake because reading Greywaren after this just made me realize how flavorless the latter is in comparison...but good time when it lasted <3
25. What reading goals do you have for next year?
I want to read more sci-fi and classic lit!!! I don't have a specific number of books, but I just hope I get to read more for fun next year. I barely got time the first half of 2022, and when I did I was tooooo tired to open a book.
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