#ww 20.9.23
leedee013 · 9 months
His grandma twisted her wrinkled lips to one side as she surveyed the situation. "Come, I'll help you get them off you," she whispered, coming over to the side of the bed and prying Camille off of his arm, careful to cradle Camille's head down to her pillow.
Once his arm was free Jean was able to get Amélie to lay down properly, then wiggled out from between them and slipped off from the foot of the bed. Amélie was technically in Camille's bed, but he wasn't about to try moving her across the room.
His grandma met him there and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him close to her and pressing a kiss to the top of his head. "Such a good big brother."
Jean rolled his eyes as they turned the lights off and shut the door quietly on their way back to the living room. "Mom promised that she'd read them a story when they get back. They didn't want to wait that long," Jean said with a shrug.
A shadow fell across his grandma's face for just a second before it was replaced with a thin smile. "Thank you, Jean. Go ahead and grab a cookie before you start your assignment."
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leedee013 · 9 months
OH BOY IM NOT READY. but maybe I will be by the time you get to this so do u have more needle au 👀
(CW: implied childhood trauma, infected wounds)
(SO SORRY—I forgot to add the content warnings to the category!)
Jean's blood turned to ice. He stared at the man's arm, then returned his gaze to the man's eyes, which hadn't looked away from him for even a second. A flicker of something old stirred in Jean under the weight of the man's eyes, a distant memory of France, of the nightmare of a childhood he'd fought so hard to flee from.
"I'm sorry, sir, but we don't have enough time for a session today. Besides, it's against our business's policy and health regulations to tattoo near open wounds or on infected skin."
The man's smirk turned into a grin, though there was no humor or warmth behind it. "You're not from here, are you?" The man asked, his tone cool but haughty. "You don't know who I am."
Jean wanted to shut his eyes and count to ten, but he didn't trust himself to shut his eyes around this stranger, so he just counted to ten in his head. The man in front of him was arrogant and cocky, but there was something else lurking in the man's eyes, like an unspoken plea that Jean was all too familiar with. "In the future, please schedule a session on our website or come at an earlier time in the day if you'd like a tattoo. However, that," Jean said, pointing at the man's arm, "needs to be cleaned and dressed. We have supplies here if you'd like me to help with it."
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leedee013 · 9 months
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meow meow
Jean hadn't been working at the studio for very long, but it hadn't taken long to figure out that it was what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. Another part of the job that surprised him was how much he enjoyed meeting each of his clients. It was the part he'd dreaded the most, but every person who came into the parlor and wanted ink had a story to go along with it, and he was more than willing to listen. He kept a mental tally, even, of what brought his clients in. As it stood, the majority of his clients had come in with a specific design that had a personal meaning of some sort.
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leedee013 · 9 months
Well then . . . Etienne! GOGOGO! Also learned something new, sour cream in mac'n'cheese might just have to give that a go! Ain't had any MnC in ages! XD <3
@oddgreyhound (tagging you since you requested this last week but didn't get to see a dog in that installment)
Jeremy led Jean to a room where one of the staff members was waiting with a medium-sized dog whose coat was mostly white, save for the warm brown of the fur around its eyes and curly ears.
As soon as Jean walked into the room the dog cocked its head to the side and began wagging its tail. Jean glanced at Jeremy and saw nothing but the tender and infuriatingly adorable expression Jeremy always had when Jean was "being lovable." Jean tried to ignore the way his heart swelled at the memory of Jeremy explaining why he sometimes stared at him and focused again on the dog across the room.
"This is Stella," the staff member said, giving the dog a scratch behind its ears. "She's about two years old, fully vaccinated, house-trained, and neutered. She was rescued a few months ago and had to recover from malnutrition, but thankfully we were able to get her back to a healthy weight. Go ahead and say hi!"
Jeremy tapped Jean's hand. "Try sitting down and holding your hand out to her."
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leedee013 · 9 months
Hiiii is it too late to request a snippet from your baby Jean fic? I’m rapidly becoming obsessed! 🤍🤍🤍
Jean frowned. He'd hoped that his grandma would forget the daily reading assignment his parents required of him. The books he was required to read were always dull and were always in English, a language Jean quite frankly hated. It didn't help that he had to write summary papers after each book, still in English, and turn them in to his tutor within a set timeline.
Of course, Jean liked to push his luck whenever possible. He dragged his metaphorical feet through the books, complaining about the topic or the challenging diction used in the prose. He did anything and everything he could to procrastinate completing the books. He'd been hoping, above all else, that his grandparents would give him at least one day of reprieve.
"I know you don't like it, Jean. But it's important. Your father has high expectations for you, after all."
Jean shrugged. He was seven years old. As far as he was concerned, his father's expectations were unreasonable. Still, there was a desperate part of him that wanted his father to look at him with pride. A part of him still wanted his father to care enough to stay home for more than a few days at a time.
"How about this: you get your cookie, I'll get your book, and we can read some of it together. Does that sound good?"
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leedee013 · 9 months
give us the needle au for wip Wednesday 👁️👁️ (please?????)
Jean was in the middle of cleaning his equipment when the doorbell rang. He was alone at the shop that night—he'd told his supervisor to go home early—and this customer was walking in a mere thirty minutes before the store's officially closing time. Jean swore under his breath in French before donning the "pleasantly neutral" facial expression his roommate Renee had made him perfect. He could have sworn that there hadn't been any appointments scheduled for that evening, and he'd already told Renee and Kevin that he would be home in time to help make dinner that night.
"How can I help you?"
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leedee013 · 9 months
for wip wednesday, needle au?
The man in the doorway made his way into the store with a hollow smirk instead of an answer on his lips. The man had a physique Jean was quite familiar with, one of a person who had clearly been a jock in high school, but hadn't quite found the drive to maintain that athleticism outside of an academic setting. As a result, he was imposing despite his less-than-impressive height, with a muscular and stocky body and dark brown eyes that seemed glued to Jean.
(CW: self-harm injuries, infection)
The man came to a stop at an uncomfortably-close distance from Jean and rolled up his sleeve, displaying a collection of injuries surrounded by inflamed skin all over his upper arm. "I'd like you to cover this scar for me," he said, pointing at a scar on the outside of his arm that showed signs of having been stitched back together.
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