#thank you tia!!!!
delcat177 · 11 months
Okay can we just look at this for two seconds please, for July Disability Pride Month if nothing else
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This is the image description box.
When you click on an image to describe it, do you know where the image description box goes?
I believe in modern science and the ability to make this window movable. Like, this is a known technological marvel, dragging windows to one side.
Could we please for the love of God have that? I can't speak for anyone else, but it would make actually using this accessibility feature a LOT easier, it's just good UI sense
Thanks to anyone receiving this voidscream
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necromeowncy · 1 year
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Shadowbringers plot with an elezen WoL.
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zylphiacrowley · 1 month
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what if we...
<previous - next>
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rihlltalk · 6 months
i'm just. huaaaagh. the exarch when he first realizes that he's losing feeling in his arm as it crystallizes. the panic he must have felt. was he prepared for this eventuality when he bound himself to the tower? did he immediately think of a solution, a workaround?
the exarch having to study golems and golem manipulation in preparation to learn to move his arm. him having to conduct all of his research one-handed, between the scraps of literature salvaged from the flood and what information lies in the archives of the crystal tower.
learning how to manipulate aether as to control his arm. trying to find the right balance between too much and too little force. using too much the first time he successfully manages to do so and his arm shoots up into the air like a scholar eager to answer their professor's query. gradually learning to move his arm in a way that looks normal and not too stilted or inhuman, constantly watching himself and the reactions of the people around him to see how if they've noticed. (they can't notice. he can't let them see.)
learning more finesse so as to curl crystal fingers around the staff with just enough pressure to keep it in his grip - not too much or he'd crush it in two, not too little or it'd slip out of his grasp. perfecting the motion to raise and lower his arm to tap the point of his staff on the ground, needing to figure out the required amount of force again - too little and neither arm nor staff would budge, too much and the staff would shoot from his fingers.
needing to keep enough aether in reserve to be able to manipulate his body when he was away from the tower. fighting through exhaustion the first time he made this mistake, when it had been too long since he was near the tower and he was too tired and his arm drops heavy and limp to his side. fighting to find a second wind and enough focus to move his arm again so as to not worry the people around him.
becoming more accustomed to the practice of weaving aether to move his arm for him that it becomes nearly automatic, nearly subconscious, but never quite getting used to having to do it, to not move his arm on his own accord. catching himself in moments of idleness reminiscing about the past, when he could still control his arm himself, when he could still feel. being touched, or touching with his non-dominant hand, the hand still made of flesh and bone, and wishing that he could still feel such sensations on his crystal hands.
the exarch trying very hard not to think about what parts of him the crystal would claim next, or how much time he had before it claimed him completely.
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graha-stan-account · 1 year
Tfw your husbando/waifu gets off their bullshit and actually shows up in the questline again
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The Etsy shop: CranberryBoss
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tokaritoo · 2 years
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wildstar25 · 25 days
D2 for the polyam ask!! It already reads as them :)
(this is @fourteenthz btw!!)
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polyam pose meme
She was just about to give her beautiful wife a kiss but it seems like she left herself open to a surprise attack!
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umbralaether · 5 months
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A beautiful vintage remake by @otherworldseekers 🩵✨ original photo below:
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nights-at-crystarium · 8 months
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HIIIIIII YES I read all the tags!!
My hc is that his body doesn't grow/change almost at all due to the merge with the Tower, a different sort of a stasis from the one he used to skip 200 years. (Thematically fitting with the umbral aspect, heh). That'd explain how he retains his impressive musculature as a staff user who spends a lot of time poring over the books or simply talking to people.
Small exception: his hair and nails still grow at a glacial pace. Had they stopped, they'd end up in a horrible worn-out state a mere few years later, and, luckily, this doesn't seem to be the case.
I just like to objectify him okay o/////o He stopped being human when he made himself one with the Tower, he doesn't need sleep or food, his body's one of a kind thing that defies logic and enables thirst so I say it gives us the right to build whatever unhinged hcs we like.
Bonus: some of my visual refs for his crystal :> One thing that I fully dismiss on the ingame model, it should and must be as shiny and pretty as possible.
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seaweedstarshine · 2 months
Hi! Long time no yap but I've been really bothered by this thing and I know you're just the person I can go to with this (even if we don't always end up agreeing at times).
I got into a tiff with someone in a comments section of a post that was about Amy (Which character do you think deserved to become a villain? or something similar). They brought up Amy's abuse of her boyfriend. I may have tried to defend Amy (key word is tried. I am officially rubbish at debating) but then I may have said something? Because they said that I (and apparently a lot of other fans) was excusing Amy's abuse because of her trauma. It got me stumped because isn't young Amy's treatment of Rory rooted in her trauma? Did I miss the memo where we separate trauma and abuse? Am I missing something?
That statement bothered me a lot because if there's one thing I never want to do it's defend an abuser. So here I am, humbly asking and hoping to clear the muddy waters.
Your really confused and disturbed moot, Tia 💌
TIA!!!!! Thanks for the ask 💌 , and I send you all the hugs.
Discussion of abuse, trauma, ableism, infidelity, and unhealthy relationship dynamics beneath the cut.
(First off… while I really appreciate your faith in my explaining skills <3 <3 <3 my passion for traumatized characters and mentally ill+neurodivergent rights doesn't make me especially qualified to fully clear muddy waters especially not knowing the full context, but I feel you, and what follows is my informed perspective!)
Speaking generally first, harm done in media is best examined by the impact on the audience, with a different lens than harm done to real people. While relatable experiences in media can be useful and validating and incredibly important, you can’t be “defending an abuser” when the abuse is fictional. It's actually normal for traumatized/ND/mentally ill people to project onto mentally ill villains, when villains are the only significant representation for those stigmatized symptoms in a media landscape that excludes and demonizes us simply for existing. RTD can't stop people who hallucinate from reclaiming the Master's Drums and projecting onto the Master, for example — 90% of the best Doctor Who psychosis fic by psychotic authors is about the Master, whether RTD likes it or not. It's not true crime.
(This is speaking generally. Amy Pond is very much not the Master.)
Abuse is a behavior, and there can be many reasons for it, but reasons based in trauma don’t make it not abuse (some forms of generational trauma can propagate abusive parenting styles, when the parent thinks abusive parenting is normal, or lives entirely vicariously through their child). This absolutely should not be taken to mean trauma correlates with abusive behavior; rather that abusive behaviors from traumatized people are more likely to present in specific ways.
Abuse is also a targeted behavior, based in control — not consistently displayed C-PTSD symptoms as seen in Season 5 Amy Pond through many aspects of her life. Mental health symptoms don't become abuse just because they hinder one partner from meeting the other partner's needs. Any life event can do that.
Without knowing the context of the arguments, this is the aspect of their relationship I've seen you talk about before (which I also feel strongly about), and what I assume is what you were debating? So, here I will talk specifically in regard to Season 5.
We all know Amy — she's never attached to Leadworth because she never wanted to leave Scotland, no steady therapist because none of them stick up for her, can't stick with one job yet her first choice is a job that simulates intimacy because her avoidant behavior (a known trauma response) isn't sustainable to her wellbeing. Rory knows her fears of commitment stem from her repeated abandonments, it’s why he’ll always wait for her, and it's why he blames the Doctor “You make it so they don't want to let you down.”, who apart from having caused a lot of her trauma, has actively taken advantage of her being the “Scottish girl in the English village” who's “still got that accent,” because he wants to feel important, so yeah, I think interpreting Amy's issues (and how Amy and Rory transverse them) as Amy abusing Rory indicates a fundamental misunderstanding of their relationship, as well as a misunderstanding of the (raggedy) Doctor’s role in Amy’s formative self-image (which of course she works through in Season 6, but I am sticking to Season 5).
Abuse is always based in control. That just doesn’t fit here. While Amy's detachment from her real life includes things like calling Rory her “kind of boyfriend” (which she is upfront about to his face; differing commitment levels isn't abuse, though it can be a relationship red flag for both parties IRL) — her Season 5 disregard of Rory’s feelings occurs only in response to the fairytale embodiment of her trauma. It's never a response to Rory; it's a response to the Doctor, who stole her childhood and led her by the hand to her death. She cheats on Rory with the Doctor in her bedroom full of Doctor toys, drawings, models, she made from childhood to early adulthood.
(And yes, like many repeatedly-traumatized people, Amy is prone to being sensitive and reactive. Take her “Well, shut up then!” line in The Big Bang; but given Rory responds to this by hugging her, clearly he doesn’t take it as her actually dismissing him. He knows her better than that.)
And by no means do I meant to imply this is fair to young Rory, poor Rory, who's left struggling with the feeling that his role in her life is in competition with the role of her trauma (aka the Doctor). But not every unhealthy relationship dynamic is unhealthy because of abuse. Labelling Amy's treatment of Rory in Season 5 more accurately isn't the same as excusing her harmful choices — but making mistakes is part of being human, Amy's mistakes are certainly understandable, and she works through them out of love for Rory.
If there's one thing to say about Moffat women, it's that Moffat allows his female characters the same grace that the male characters *coughTENcough* have always had, to hurt and struggle and make realistic mistakes and overcome those mistakes and to heal without being demonized.
Amy isn't perfect, but she is a fully realized character, and her story gives us a resonant depiction of childhood trauma.
#abuse#rtd critical#anti rtd#im NOT really anti rtd but im tagging it that because some people block that tag and uhhhh this post strays into rtd critique#maybe he does regret how he wrote the master! we'll never know because rtd is very anti-admitting-his-own-mistakes#words by seaweed#anyways tia i am. SO relieved you’re not upset with me about our last disagreement?#i high key jumped to conclusions after the lack of reply to the last DM? so thank you for this ask it's great to hear from you#sorry you were in a debate about this! that sounds extremely awful.#anyway i'm gonna WAIT at least a week to tag Amy and Rory to avoid this showing up in the character tags right away haha#because I am KINDA scared the anti-media-literacy ppl will find this (I had to include the first part tho its important)#(lack of distinction between harm to audience *in fiction* and irl harm *to actual ppl* leads to problematic public apologies where-#-public figures apologize to fans they let down *instead* of the people they actually hurt. no it doesn't work like that)#(parasocial relationships are not more important than real victims agency or privacy)#editing to say..... yanno what? ive come to terms with not all the posts with the following tag been about the doctor#and I am planning to make a post at some point about the nd aspects of Amy+the Doctor's connection which this stuff IS relevant to soooooo#(eleventh) doctor is neurodivergent tag#editing again to add character tags:#Amy pond#Rory williams
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moment-live · 1 year
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Today XIV shitposts, tomorrow who knows?
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necromeowncy · 5 months
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expectiations · 4 months
Do you have any Doctor x River fanfic recommendations?
cracks knuckles hang on this will definitely take a while. i crow every single moment i get over how i have such a soft spot for young!River fics so here and have your fill :D
even in your darkest hour, i'll never desert you by melodypond_thewomanwhomarriedme (sexymonk)
Study Date on Luna by Deriveress
‘Yes!’ He hadn’t even finished speaking when River jumped to her feet, pulled out a bag from beneath her bed and started haphazardly throwing things inside. ‘Oh, this will be great! That exam will be a piece of cake! And I always wanted to start a revolution.’ She stopped packing, smirking at him. River smiled, a brilliant thing that caused a strange, warm feeling in his chest.
I have no fear, I have only love by mnemosyne_musings
young days, made for mistakes by iknowyouthinkitsmebutitsnot
Seven Kisses by LittlePageAndBird
He’s no-one’s boyfriend. No. Absolutely not. But there's a (tiny, miniscule, microscopic) chance he might just be River Song’s husband. The same very young River Song who he picked up from a club last night (but only after she’d finished dancing with strange men who were not him), who serenaded the Tardis with a Queen song dressed in his old scarf, and who is now not only nursing the hangover from hell but demanding that he make her breakfast. Who's he trying to kid? Amy’s right. He’s so married.
And everything under the stars is in your arms by mygalfriday (BrinneyFriday)
one of the earliest fics i've ever read and i love going back to from time to time. also one of my favoritest Doctor/River authors ever!!
Doctor River Song by tisziny
a short one but it's Pond fluff!! we love Pond fluff
i can't even recognize you now by orphan_account
The Curse of Curves by HellNHighHeels
She’s a menace. No, she’s a minx. She’s a menacing minxy distraction and he can’t be expected to handle her when she’s this young.
but if I fall for you, I'll never recover by Del (goddessdel)
"I've gone into a tiny box with a strange man - they know exactly what I'm doing."
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datastate · 1 year
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i forgot i didn’t post this!!! anyway look at her :]
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avirael · 24 days
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Since I now have permission to post these pictures here, I can show you some more of the wonderful screenshots Khian took involving my OCs as well as hers.
The precious, sweet and especially very kind blue-haired Miqo’te next to A’viloh is named Aveen. 💙
We were both a little confused at first when we realised that our characters shared the same nickname, often being called Avi / A‘vi.
Although Aveen has a phobia of brightly colored Seeker Miqo’te eyes and also him and A‘viloh not meeting in their canon stories, we thought that character-wise they could be best friend in another universe. Rael would secretly find them adorable because they look so happy and now have two shy cats to take care of. 🤭
If you would like to see/read more of this pretty and cute blue cat (you really should!) you can as usually do so here:
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wildstar25 · 28 days
3C for the meme! (I assume the phone would be a book instead)
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polyam pose meme
"Raha, I believe this passage here might be of interest to you." Y'shtola commented as G'raha passed behind her, presumably on his way to the bookshelf. The seeker turned on his heels with immediate intrigue and peered over Y'shtola's shoulder. . She could hear the sound of air moving around. His tail swishing in excitement, she presumed, or his head nodding as he scanned through the page.
"Hm... that footnote, there beneath your thumb," he leaned in further, "to what author does it make reference tooo-?!"
Without notice G'raha let out a large exhale, the hot wind being knocked out of him. She felt his chest press against her shoulder blades, and the fabric of his scarf brushed the backside of her neck. Two familiar arms swung in on either side of her and clasped around her collar bone. Bemused, Y'shtola reared her head to glance over her shoulder. As could be expected another dense aetheric figure was now latched on to G'raha's back, placing all of their weight onto him. Arsay's chuckle filled the room.
"Lali-ho!!" She exclaimed, "What are you two cute lovelies reading up on today?"
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