#thank you so much!!!! ;_;
frownyalfred · 2 months
Consider...The Purge in Gotham.
Would the crime rate go up or down? I think it's funny to imagine Gotham being chill while everywhere else is chaos.
Also, love your work so much 💛💛💛
The Purge is so G-rated for Gotham. Oh crime is legal? There's already like 0 consequences for crime in this city. If I wanna murder my neighbor, I'm not going to wait for some stinking holiday!
Every guy from out of town who shows up to Gotham on the Purge day with a baseball bat and a vendetta against his like, ex-gf who moved there is laughed out of the city.
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civetside · 6 months
Man, thank you for making more Harrows. I'm so with that other ask that said it motivated them to push through their finals. I'm currently in my 2nd day and also drowning in projects. Seeing your Harrow always makes me smile and I swear is an instant serotonin booster. (the drawing also reminded me that i should probably sleep now haha). pls never stop making smol Harrow
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mycological-mariner · 2 months
i recently found out that the first submarine (called turtle) used a bioluminescent fungus (called fox-fire) to illuminate the barometer and compass, so that the person operating the submarine could see what was going on! anyway i thought you might want to know this piece of information seeing as you like fungi and maritime things. :))
I didn’t know about this!! Also the first submarine recorded for combat use?? This thing looks like a barrel omg… A submarine that uses bioluminescence though?? And foxfire in particular is VERY beautiful and quite distinctive! Imagining this bright green light glancing off the face of the operator, otherwise in total darkness… Anon, thank you so much, I absolutely needed to know about this! Thank you!!!
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A gift for you ole' wise one
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you mentioned you finally saw the barbie movie, and imma be honest when I first stumbled upon your au, "What was I made for?" was playin on FULL blast lol -anywho I hope it's okay that I made you a lil fan doodle! I love your au so much!
brb adding What Was I Made For to the au playlist-
im staring So So Hard at this!! the boy!!! the guy!!! he looks so fluffy and tired!!! ough and the background... top tier lonely vibes <3
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shandzii · 2 years
Hello, ur one of the first blogs I ever followed, yet I never made u fanart :0
So here is my long-over-due fanart of ur sun and moon designs
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nukacourier · 17 days
I know you do this often but
Any thoughts on Arcade? That you’d like to talk about right now?
I love seeing your blog and looking at all the stuff you mention :D
(Thank you so much for your patience with my very general question!!!)
Let's see then. I relate to him about wanting to do good but being so stressed and anxious all the time. So in a way of relating to him/projecting to an extent, to me Arcade definitely seems like he's the type of guy who worries more about other people than himself and it puts a weight on him, feeling like he NEEDS to do good whenever he can and neglecting himself and his needs over it (whether from being hyperfocused on things or just feeling guilty over taking care of himself when he knows others have needs that must be met) and that he generally has a very harsh conscience
I feel like he tends to be pretty prickly with people he just meets because he'd feel less guilty if he pushed them away than if he was too nice and they decided to rely on him and it backfired somehow (ie, them getting hurt or him just generally not doing "good enough" as either a friend or doctor. He also worries about himself getting hurt in one way or another but it's much smaller of a worry to him). I think most of his doubts and overthinking would most definitely stem from his lack of his parents and worrying he'd never live up to their expectations (that's basically canon but I'm using it to clarify my thoughts anyways)
I personally think he'd be an overthinker and uses his studies as a way to focus his near constant stream of thoughts on something other than himself and his feelings too...it's very hard for him to relax
And lastly, despite trying to push others away I see him as being a HUGE people-pleaser. It's hard for him to turn down any ask for help or doesn't speak up about his own thoughts till he just can't keep it in his head. He also probably eats up any kind of praise he gets (but still ends up doubting if it's true after the initial surge of pride wears off due to his very poor image of himself)
To summarize my very poorly strung together ramblings, to me, at his core Arcade is a very good man and very lonely because of it. I think if he saw how many fans love him as a character he'd cry tbh
Thanks for the ask!!! I love talking about Arcade and I'm glad people like you like to hear about it :]
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krisispiss · 10 months
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A Kris for you :3 She was super fun to draw and her colors are so nice!!!!
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dutchimagine · 10 months
You have become my favorite account. Every single post has me dying 😂
POV: You wake up after your top surgery.
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The doctors told you there would be complications and they wouldn't be able to place back both your nipples. You look down to your new chest, but wait... You have both nipples! You look up and see Eddie standing there.
- 'What are you doing here Eddie?'
Eddie looks at you.
- 'Babygirl.... Who do you think gave you the nipple'
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ntj2pj · 18 days
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I just now finished drawing this and I hope you like it! Argos is certainly very excited to have a new friend, especially another soldat!
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I just picture how Argos can drag Flee around in teeth. Argos looks so tough and happy here.
Thank you!
Flee looks so sad 😭 truly an introvert... Or very anxious extravert in this case. Flee loves to socialize actually, just too scared of how harsh and different others are. :D
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ruthplaysthesims · 1 month
200 FOLLOWERS?!?!?!?!! TYYYYYYSMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Y'ALL SO KIND!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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I wouldn't do it without y'all. Thank you especially to all my mutuals! Thank you for the friendships, likes, reblogs. I don't know what I might do. A sim dump, maybe? I'll figure it out I promise!!!
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necropathys · 4 months
I love ur art !
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kaeya-senpai · 4 months
Your art is pretty I like your art I think it looks nice and cool I'm going to put your art in my mouth and I am going to eat your art because it is so amazing and cool and pretty and I like it and omnomnomn
Look at what I found while searching up Akito Shinonome
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He will get brain damage
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meggahamicide · 5 months
your art is so.
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thank you.
Thank you so much! I'm overwhelmed by all of the love my stuff has been getting this past week and it makes me so so happy that people are liking what I'm doing!!!!
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kiwiplaetzchen · 6 months
Approaching the unsuspecting niffler, Wren places a small niffler-sized Santa hat on his noggin, and walks away wordlessly.
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Nosy's eyes widened as he felt something soft and snug settle upon his head. A fluffy hat! A that made his heart sing and his bum wiggle like there was no tomorrow!! This was the best! Unable to contain his excitement, Nosy let out a series of ridiculously loud chirps and honks, much to the amusement of onlookers. 
With his newfound festive accessory, Nosy attempted to waddle after Wren, but his tiny hat bobbed up and down, threatened to send him tumbling like a tipsy teapot. Determined not to lose sight of his beloved friend, he mustered all his strength and leaped onto Wren's leg, clinging on for dear life. 
Looking up at Wren, Nosy squeaked in pure delight, as if saying, "Thank you for this marvellous hat!"
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We all shall hope that Nosy will be a nice Niffler and only spread joy and not chaos wherever he scampers off to!  
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rat-king-they-them · 2 months
You’re doing great work over there. keep it up, vermin.
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M-me (ówò) /pos
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eclown4hire · 5 months
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VGen commission for @sodademon !
Thank you!
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