#thank you for le ask :]
weisbrot · 3 months
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Dear @vivalamusaine thank you endlessly for your patronage and sweet encouraging tags! 🥹💛 please enjoy this enjolras in the musaine ehehe as a token of my love
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senditothemoonn · 8 months
I don't know if you've done other vintage outfits before, but your recent post just made me think of France in a 50s dress, maybe the Christian Dior style from back then with the cinched waist and the full skirt! He'd look so classy 😌🩷
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“It was as if Europe had tired of dropping bombs and now wanted to let off a few fireworks” 🎇 🎆
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Hi Sleepy! I'm so impressed by your art, I even dug up my Tumblr account after like 10 years (yeah, I'm ancient). Your style is amazing and your writing is addictive!
So, what's next on the front of Jade and Ghost? An art? A story?
Hello! Thank you so much! (❁´◡`❁)
Ahh, 10 years ago. I was in my Hannibal and Supernatural craze back then. Good times, good times.
I have lots and lots of ideas for Ghost x Jade in the future. I want to :
Write the whole MWII campaign with Jade in it (Cold Heart series that I've left in the dust for a year now ASHDFASL;DF)
Write the MWIII campaign with Jade in it (and save Soap 😩)
Write/draw some misc. comics of Ghost and Jade visiting the Riley's graves, and Ghost visiting Jade's orphanage.
The ideas won't stop flowing until the next MW comes out, don't worry 😎
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neroushalvaus · 7 months
for the ms paint thing please draw...... either javert or Vicky H himself? i can't decide so i will leave it up to you
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Okay so I couldn't decide either, enjoy a very beautiful comic :D
send me a character and I will draw them shittily using ms paint
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secretmellowblog · 9 months
I’ve read Les Mis a couple times now and I’m always blown away by just how kind Valjean is. Like every time I reread it I’m a little more impressed by the fact that he manages to be a good caring dude even while carrying around his metric ass-ton of troubles.
Yeah, it’s so good! And so complicated too? Idk the more I reread Les Mis, the more I enjoy the way it dives into “the politics of politeness,” the difference between being kind and being polite…and the way people like Jean Valjean are violently forced to behave in excessively ‘polite’ meek conciliatory ways in order to escape abuse.
And again, that’s something that really strikes me about Valjean’s story, and his complicated brand of kindness, in particular?
He’s genuinely a kind compassionate person; but, because of his status as a convict, he’s also forced to be excessively conciliatory to people like police officers who have authority over him, out of fear of punishment and torture. Especially before he earned his money, he had a social obligation to cringe and fawn before authority figures, to prevent them from hurting him. He’s gentle to people out of genuine love and sympathy, but he’s also often forced to be polite out of fear. And while he is a genuinely a sweet gentle compassionate person, you’re often forced to wonder: would Valjean behave with such excessive meekness if he wasn’t living in a state of paranoia and terror where a single ‘wrong move’ could make him suspicious, and lead to his imprisonment, torture, and death?
The lines between Valjean’s genuine kindness and the forced mask of politeness that’s been violently imposed on him can get really blurred.
And it’s telling that some of Valjean’s actually kindest moments are the times when he risks arrest and has himself branded a criminal, in order to save people- the moments where he sacrifices the approval of ‘polite society’ to do something genuinely compassionate.
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shamedumpster · 6 months
hey i love you, what's your favorite (top ten favorites idc) modern amis hc
Hi omg! :D
Well, my silliest (and therefore favorite) headcanon is that modern Enjolras wears velcro sneakers because they're more efficient to put on than laced shoes. And at one point he accidentally gets the kind that light up. like these:
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So when he curb-stomps cops his shoes flash
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cirripedia · 1 month
“But I didn’t and still don’t like making a cult of women’s knowledge, preening ourselves on knowing things men don’t know, women’s deep irrational wisdom, women’s instinctive knowledge of Nature, and so on. All that all too often merely reinforces the masculinist idea of women as primitive and inferior – women’s knowledge as elementary, primitive, always down below at the dark roots, while men get to cultivate and own the flowers and crops that come up into the light. But why should women keep talking baby talk while men get to grow up? Why should women feel blindly while men get to think?”
― Ursula K. Le Guin
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callilemon · 3 months
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whereismyhat5678 · 4 months
Your art is so cute! Can I request Hilda x Goopy? I think they'd look so cute in your style!
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Also fun fact, I actually shipped this when I was big on it, NOT VERY COMMON SHIP but ADORABLE NONETHELESS‼️🤘🤘💓💓
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pureanonofficial · 4 months
Marius and Cosette in ‚the musings of a cousin‘
send me a ship + a fake fic title, and i’ll tell you what the fic is about.
Theodule prides himself in his sensitivity towards women's feelings. Being oddly perceptive in some ways, he notices Mme. Pontmercy's new forcibly bright disposition. Being rather a well-meaning idiot, he completely misses the reason why, and he takes it upon himself to ... educate his cousin in the best way to please a woman. Marius nearly chokes him out for his pains. Somehow, through Theodule's Wodehousian fumblings and comedy of errors, this turns into a fix it, and Valjean lives, he and Cosette reunite, and Marius gets dunked on.
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angellic-critique · 6 months
Hell I have weird idea about Molly
Sooo Molly basically a Drag queen mafia ADs blood related(AD is more mafia themed)
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I imagine her story where she didn’t really like following orders from the mafia, but when she saw Drag people and their shows, she found her happiness here
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(^the example that's Molly as Drag Queen can be like)
Her sins was:Threatening the lives of others and smoking or more biblical like Envy
Born in 1960s and died from Lungs Cancer
See? Easy fix. As simple and clean as rain. Thank you genuinely this, this ask? This is all I needed to heal my soul over. If vivzie genuinely actually cared about LGBTQIA+ OR the drag community whatsoever then there shouldn't even be an implication that Molly IS Angels' Drag sona, she should just be herself and be her own persona and her own version of drag! Whether brothers/sisters or an open interpretation of their gender dynamic, I adore this
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I agree that she should be within the mafia family and be openly queer as much as angel. And while yes of course I am aware of the blatant homophobia that was within the time periods of the characters [ie. Angel dying circa. 1940s] having his sister live longer after him within the family and unable to handle the burden that was angels' responsibilities and roles, smoking just as much as he did and unable to keep up! Maybe the mafia they were born into is queer friendly/under-the-ropes hence why they can be focused around performing drag freely. Perhaps angels could be promiscuous and still openly be his sexual self but Molly could perhaps be more closed off and serious, sultry and asexual taking pride in her performance and envy with the captivity of the audience rather then the show at hand. There's so many alternative ways to handle their dynamic like maybe they both perform drag to try to compete in a sibling like rivalry that was settup by the mafia for them to always try to be at each others' throats! Arackniss in the corner giving a thumbs up supporting both of his siblings too^^ [or maybe he has something at hand with the family manipulation and could be against them? Whichever way you want to write the family honestly!!^^]]
Could I please get image sources over who these lovely ladies/people are if it's alright with you? I adore this concept honestly I love the rewritten portion of the criticism community because viv misses out on so many missed opportunities within her concept/series that people just scramble to run for the hills and I for one am in full support of this!!!
Why have only one drag/crossdresser when you can write multiple within reasoning?^^
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pokevism · 3 months
Bonnie is so silly stupid def add her
The original comic does... “suck”, and for quite good reasons. Such as... The intention, the themes, and the actual execution do not match in tone with each other, causing confusion and frustration. There's a way to have your characters be silly and whimsical in a serious set story without trivializing, minimizing, or mocking the serious material you are trying to cover. I think Lily wanted to write story-less fluff, but have small serious notes in this otherwise episodic setting. I get that but- Extinction, Mind Violation, the resulting non-consensual marriage between characters we are supposed to see as siblings, the cloning accident, the human experimentation that was glossed over entirely among other things, are not “small serious notes” and require a change in the usual formula to properly tackle. We could've gotten an excellent message about the topics presented if Lily looked at anything through the lens of an adult instead of a child, so unable to even imagine the repercussions to such events let alone how someone might be offended or upset. Instead what we get is AGGRESSIVE coping, trying to have her cake and eat it too. A story about the horrors of degeneracy cannot then turn to tell you how good or at least inoffensive THIS degeneracy is. That's just not correct or smart to do. Moral Decay. That is Degeneracy. It is not a descriptor for everything you hate. To be a Degenerate is to become someone with lacking morals. Lily, the character, is a Degenerate who indulges in Lechery towards a Gardevoir, who reciprocates it. This will never be addressed even though Lily, the character, had condemned a gay man to the torturous life of a lab rat over the same exact crime. This story sucks not because of the topics in the comic, but because Lily Orchard is a Bad Writer. Now, as for the second half of the message... Thank you for your input! i definitely see that people want her to be added, so i'll start working on her story.
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pilferingapples · 7 days
Am writing a fic about of course Les Amis, so 18 and 20 for ask game Grantaire? If it hasn't been done yet ofc
Thank you! Questions from this Character Ask game: 18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
he has so many! steering away from the Obvious answer here: I didn't notice until @alicedrawslesmis pointed it out that Grantaire is really super attentive to Bahorel's fashion-and-lifestyle advice/example, which is hilarious and I love it. There are so many implied Choices there. It's not even a bad idea for Grantaire in particular, it's just also so wildly unsustainable for him?? but you go, Grantaire. You can steal the Look even if you can't steal the conviction!
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn’t matter?
In this case I think the obvious answer is also right one-- Legle and Joly are just so good for him. They've got all the right things in common to be good company for him, without the melancholy streak that pulls Grantaire under. I think he knows it, too-there's a reason they're the friends he chooses to spend his last meal and last happy hours with (and vice versa!).
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mister-eames · 5 months
sitting here thinking what made eames snap at arthur “your condensation AS ALWAYS is much appreciated arthur thank you” what’s the back story what’s the hidden angst I’m dying here
This, reeks to me of at least one significant incident in the past of one of them shooting down the others idea shall we say 'gently, with a chainsaw.'
Maybe their last job together, before the Fischer job. Arthur was having a bad day, you know, like a rare and real Bad Day. His brain was too loud, his back was in pain, he had a burgeoning migraine, their extractor had fucked off so now Arthur was trying to fill two roles, his mom is very sick, and he has calculations of her medical bills interfering with actual calculations for the job. You know when you're at peak stress? Like you have 18 things to cross off your list before you can even think about a food break, and you just don't have the time to consider taking a breath, or delegating the tasks, you just have tunnel vision, your blood sugar is low, you just need to get through this and you need a radius of silence around you? I think Eames got in the way of that. He was probably trying to help Arthur out and volunteered an idea for the job and was shot down gently, with a (metaphorical) chainsaw. Arthur probably felt bad for it by the time the job was done and paid Eames some pithy compliment like, 'you did good' and Eames, who has been subjected to a terse and surly Arthur for a week thinks the compliment isn't genuine, is forced, hence the 'condescension' remark. Eames shrugs it all off. He doesn't need Arthur to stroke his ego, he knows his worth. It'd just be nice, is all.
Also, this may sound weird, but I also think it's also a very cute kind of thing that they do. They pick something to attribute to one another and it almost becomes a game. "Your sarcasm, Arthur, as always, is much appreciated." "Your inane ramblings, Eames, is much appreciated, thank you." "Your lack of enthusiasm, is much appreciated." "Your tardiness--" 'Your stubornness" -- and perhaps it slowly, slowly it starts to get kinder. There's a few "Your resourcefulness is---" and "Your creativity is---" until, until.....
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minty-plumbob · 6 months
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happy halloween!!! 🎃 I hope you have a howl-ing good time! ;D
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emilyartstudio-s · 1 year
If it helps, it's because of Pinterest that I found your art and when I can was planning to order some badges and stuff off of redbubble. You also brought me back to Tumblr hardcore lmao
It helps :,)!! I’m happy people can find me on there! I much more appreciate it when those reposters turn comments off though 😭 one can dream
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