#thank you YouTube person
avengersome · 1 year
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the opening scene of this film is the best bit. I do love the film anyway, but this opening scene is just so damned good. The filming style, in black and white, is class. The effects as fab. The performances are perfect. Richard Roxburgh is clearly loving every second of his performance. The monster is probably my favourite interpretation. Sam West’s double take when Dracula appears in front of him is done to perfection. The writing works beautifully too, and I love that Frankenstein and the monster actually love each other as father and son in this. It makes the “Why?!” and “Father?” lines from the monster absolutely heartbreaking.
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pomegranate · 5 months
Mike Farrell getting dunked in the dunk tank during the Battle Of The Network Stars
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r0semultiverse · 9 months
well, this all looks rather familiar...
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whiteshipnightjar · 19 days
Epicness ensues.
Some songs from Joanna Newsom’s Night 1 show at the Masonic Lodge at Hollywood Forever, Los Angeles, May 15, 2024
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fangsandfeels · 8 months
I don't think I'll ever be able to kill the imprisoned spawns in any playthrough (listen, if Mystra doesn't see any problem with unleashing thousands of hungry illithids and turning the Sword Coast into a horror show, why should the gang of mortals challenge the gods-approved way of solving problems?), but I saw how Astarion responds to Ulma if spawns are dead and he doesn't Ascend.
And I'm in shambles once more:
You know he isn't lying or pretending to avoid their ire. He has always had trouble with sounding genuine when talking about things he doesn't believe in. However, whenever he speaks from his heart, he bleeds with words and emotion.
For all his talks about his grudge against the Gur people, he can willingly add another scar to his collection just to spare them the pain.
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sweetgaleria · 2 months
god it makes my DAY whenever i see a video or a reel about miraculous and it's made by someone that actually likes the show and the characters. like, it's an INSTANT happiness boost i wish i was kidding
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argesta · 3 months
Gibson Girl, Rust Cohle (ii)
🥃: HD link, (i)
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kukekakuningaskris · 3 months
for all the bokris girlies: have bojan playfully almost slapping kris for 5 seconds during plastika and kris really enjoying it (x)
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plasticfangtastic · 6 months
American Royalty Ch. 13
A Homelander x F! Reader/Dadlander fic
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading this whole story this is officially the final chapter but I've written an epilogue and should post that soonish as well as a part 2 of my masterlist. Hope y'all enjoy this story a smuch as I enjoyed writing it.
Chapter 13
He’s more than grateful for his suit as your hand tried to choke the life out of him– only pulling on his collar as you screamed in agony. The epidural had done jack shit, and now you found yourself relieving some terrible memories only this time you could actually curse at the bastard responsible for it all.
Homelander had barely made a sound, keeping sight of the newborn as your muscles pushed and the doctor’s hands jammed themselves inside you to take the head, your tears, screams and curses nothing but white nose, he only wanted to hear the sound of new cries.
The blanket obscuring the sight for you, he looked back at you catching your brain and skull until he shut it off.
“Why isn’t she crying…?” you panted, your body shivering and the pain burning your entire lower half feeling your body trying to re-adjust and struggling with it– John…?”
The doctor and the nurse took the baby rubbing its back and clearing its airways, Homelander just broke the side of the bed into a fine dust as he awaited for any sound.
Any sound other than your spiked blood pressure.
It was all so silent, even if everything was screaming around him.
Wet coughs, and then crying.
His sight following their sullied hands wrapping her on a towel as they brought the wriggling and screaming mass towards you, you sobbed with a smile as the baby screamed, Homelander winced as her cries were more than just deafening, they were rattling the thinnest parts of the equipment surrounding youse, you cringed bringing a weak hand to your ear as the baby whimpers teased the arrival of a banshee.
“That’s going to be a problem.” you said weakly, holding the baby closer to your face as her cries lowered in intensity– hi… hi… Genevieve…”
You tried not to cry but you couldn’t help it as you finally were able to hold her.
Homelander was unable to look away as he caught her pale blue eyes and pale blonde hair.
He threw his remaining glove wherever wanting to hold her, you passed her still connected to her towards him as his whole body leaned towards you in desperate anticipation.
Crying without making a sound, his eyes unblinking as his daughter squinted, she had a lot of hair for a newborn, even some eyebrows too– just like in Helena’s pictures Helena, he thought.
His hands finally felt the rush, he whimpered as his finger touched the fresh skin cooling down, cleaning some of the spit forming on the corners of her mouth.
Homelander could have stood like this for hours if not days, just watching her, just wanting to cement this memory so deep into his being that he could feel her weightlessness forever.
He had no clue what to say, putting her against his chest wishing he had worn a paper thin t-shirt instead of wanting to make a good first impression.
“Fuck.” He wiped the buggers under his nose, trying to breathe and calm down– hey… buddy… princess…” his body shaking more than his voice.
He kissed her forehead, wanting to keep her against him, his eyes shut, he just wanted to remain in this embrace for the rest of his life, that’s until the nurse asked for the baby, his eyes glowed, leaning away from her.
“Hey! Hey! is okay they have to clean her up!” you took his arm.
He looked so spooked, his skin so pale and his expression mortified at the thought of these disinfectant stenched people touching his baby, the nurse gulped as the blinkers refused to turn off.
The room seemed so white and sterile, everything seemed dangerously familiar, his mind thinking he would never see her again if he let them touch her. Did his mother feel the same? Did they rip him away from her or did his mother not even notice… did she not feel this dread? He wondered.
“He can help clean her up, no?” You were too tired to be nervous.
She nodded violently, like a herded lamb he followed the nurse not wanting to let the baby away from his sight.
You could only half-smile as you watched him try his best to follow the nurses, tearing up as the baby complained, his movements too brusk he swore, god knows how bad he was going to get, after you got to take her home.
Ashley looked at the time, ordering your staff around to triple check everything was perfect– that the house wasn’t too bright or loud, no faucet leaked, that not a single speck of dust would be found, that the beds were made and the new pillows were ready, but above that the nursery was set up. Your sitting room had been made into an informal nursery while Helena’s office was returned into a bedroom. Ashley personally inspecting the room making sure everything was perfect– the dark but elaborate wallpaper was spotless, soft and cozy furnishings ready for you, the vintage cot tidy, and all the organic and biodegradable baby cleaning products a person could get their hands on were still unopened. She took a pack of organic 98% water baby wipes squeezing it to make sure it was still wet inside.
“You could have sent an assistant or let the maids take care of this, auntie Ashley.”
She turned to Helena trying not to fluster, her speech manners never failing to make her uneasy, especially after seeing how trigger happy she was in the labs.
She had seen her leftovers.
The failures that had been flattened for easy disposal– she didn’t doubt this was his kid.
“Homelander entrusted me with making sure everything was perfect… and he’s been in a wonderful mood lately… he even hasn’t left any collateral in the last two months!”
“Sure… but I guess him being extra happy means everybody can breathe easily… considering he’s taking 7 months of paternity leave. Already booked that trip to Costa Rica?”
“Actually doing Puerto Rico, instead.”  She smiled.
The idea of not seeing Homelander for over half the year, had a good chunk of the building ready to whip out the champagne bottles and turn the whole place into a never ending New Years party, so she was more than happy to go the extra mile.
“You wanna bet twenty bucks he drags that second cot into the bedroom by the end of the day?” She takes a clean crisp bill out of her dungaree.
Her phone buzzed.
“He’s here!”
Helena and Ashley rushed to the stairs, a bit unfair if only one of them could jump from the fourth floor effortlessly-- Helena stopped only by a gentle bubble wrapping her, Ryan straightened his shirt having beaten the both of them to the race.
“Did ya brush your hair?” Ryan asked at the sight of his sister.
“I don’t know how to tell you this but a newborn will not remember how my hair looked like.”
“Your funeral then.”
That felt like half a joke and half a reprimand, she looked at her clothes, the maids had picked her a red dungaree, and a black turtleneck not to mention her shoes had been polished she looked fine despite the messy hair, Homelander had wanted everybody to make a perfect first impression and after two days in the hospital god knew what sort of mood he was on.
The doors opened, you entered slightly dazed and glad when Helena jumped to your side, pulling at your sweatshirt, you wished to pick her up but you had little strength so you bended until you could kiss her head, she cooed under your touch, her gaze quickly headed towards the basket in her father hand, and the light sounds emanating from inside it.
The Competition.
“Feeling better?” Helena asked.
“If you ever have children, do yourself a favor and pay for a surrogate. It doesn’t get better the second time around” You tried to sound lighthearted but you caught that horrified expression creeping in John’s face– hey if you want somebody to shove their whole hand up your ass without warning after they slice your taint go for it.” You were too exhausted to sound genuinely angry.
“Glad you’re back mom.” She said sweetly.
You held your lower back as you straightened and Helena went to peek at the basket, her tiny hands reaching up, and Ryan was soon joining her, tall enough to catch a glimpse of the pink wrapped bundle.
“Genevieve… this is your big brother Ryan and your big sister Helena” His voice is gentle and quiet, watching their hands intensely, trying to catch the imaginary microbes in their fingertips, he caught himself thinking poorly feeling a squeeze in his chest, his mouth formed a thin line, brushing it off before entering your home– and this is home much better than that hospital.”
Ashley finally makes it down, she isn’t too excited to see him but there was the 7 month long vacation, her smile genuine as she almost jumps across those last few steps eager to welcome you both.
“The kids have been amazingly well-behaved, they missed you both a lot!” She catches her heel before crashing against Homelander’s shadow– oh my god, she’s beautiful, just look at those chubby cheeks!” 
The baby squinted with her pale blue eyes, her skin still pink and out of instinct her fingers wags to catch Genevieve’s attention, Homelander stillness catches her attention immediately.
“This is… Ashley… I guess…” His lack of sudden reprimand worries her, but his expression looks so traumatized, she’s unsure what to feel looking directly at you for clues only getting shrugged shoulders in response– Is her room ready?”
“It’s been deep cleansed, everything fluffed and stocked” She puffed her chest– the baby monitor has been set up, top of the line as you asked and I already set-up the app on your phone” She digs into her pocket to hand him his mobile– made sure to get one of our nerds to ensure there were no open back-channels so no pervy creep can access the video feed.”
“People can do that?”
“Oh yeah, you have no idea how many people go day to day not knowing their baby monitor is being seen by some weirdo in Thailand.”
Homelander stared at his phone, then looked up at the camera set up in her bedroom.
“Thank you I had no idea… thanks” He spoke so softly, Ashley stomach sank as if his words were wet cement setting in her stomach– I’m just going to take Genevieve to her room, you can go rest my love” He looked at his kids who looked so confused– you guys want to help mommy get settled in?”
They wanted to see their baby sister but upon seeing those reddened eyes about to burst into lamentations, the impulses died.
“Is he okay?” Ashley whispered into your ear as Helena took you to the couch and Ryan went to grab you some juice– what happened?”
“I have no idea… he hasn’t… he’s been really odd since he first saw her…”
“I imagine seeing his kid is an albino its doing numbers in his little prejudicial brain, dontcha think?” Helena took your bag and handed it to the maid– so in the likelihood of him committing some good ol’ fashion filicide, how do you want to operate?”
Even the maid looked horrified, Helena sight on the ceiling ears unable to pick up any sounds but as her eyes blipped she could see him standing on top of that crib as if he was cosplaying the creepy corner dude from the Blair Witch Project, in black and blurry blue 240p definition.
“What do you mean ‘albino’?” You asked nervously.
“There’s blonde and there is… we should be running up there and check up on them– white.”
Ashley, yourself and the maid gulped in unison, the maid hurried first unsure as to what to say as Ashley and yourself followed.
Homelander didn’t even notice the door opening, he just seemed so firmly planted in the metal rail of the cot, Homelander hadn’t blink or breathe much as he looked at the tiny thing, and even if she wasn’t yours to keep, you took a step forward trying to calm yourself as you poked his shoulder, he jumped on his heel violently awaken from his trance, his head shaking to see what dangers were around but it was only his picture perfect nursery and you three.
“Hey, John…babe– everything alright?” You asked, trying to keep your voice calm.
“What’s wrong?” He asked you with exhaustion.
“Oh just wanted to make sure if you needed anything, sir?” The maid asked.
“Thought you might like a bath, you haven’t showered in one day… we don’t want Genevieve thinking you're stinky” You say
“I don’t smell.”
“Your suit smells like chlorine.”
It smelled like a hospital, he looked back at his baby and with a nervous disposition he headed out more obedient than he had ever been in his entire adult life not even looking back at you, nauseous at his own fictitious odor, catching Ashley by the entrance stopping to put a hand on her shoulder just to ground himself once more.
“Do you believe in God, Ashley?”
She almost shat herself.
“Not sure… I was raised a methodist… sometimes– why?” She squeals that last question.
He marchest away just as Ryan gets to the third floor with a glass of juice in his hand, Helena follows him, the brother hands you your drink and turns to his sister trying to ignore whatever had happened on his father’s face, and the smell of fear tingling his nose.
“Hope you get big soon! So we can play baseball together!”
Ashley bit her tongue as she got closer and pulled you into a corner, still shaking severely.
“You want me to get you some security?”
“I think not sleeping for 4 days has gotten to him… keep your ringtone on.”
Helena poured bathing salts and some other powders that turned the hot bath into some green shade, he half-watchest as the maid was hesitant to leave before leaving the little girl to wash her father’s hair as the man seemed more muppet than person, he was a difficult man to work for, almost one wrong word away from lashing out, difficult to please and finicky but right now this was some stranger wearing his face as his head poked out of the bathtub.
“I feel if I blink my eyelids will stay shut forever.”
“When was the last time you blinked?”
“Twenty minutes?”
She took to the medicine cabinet and with a foamy hand she took the eye drops. 
He could finally blink but he found little relief, he let his eyes close as his daughter washed his hair making a slight mess as she took the shower head and washed the apple cider conditioner off his hair.
“You should go to sleep…”
“I am sorry.”
“Excuse me?”
“I am sorry I wasn’t there when you were born… am sorry…” His chest felt so hollow but incandescent, the water was cold compared to the ache burning his body, a pain squeezing his heart, tightening as he gasped– I…”
She poured rain into his nose, letting him choke, he got the odd coughing fit splashing and sloshing as he leaned forward, he turned barely catching himself as Helena took a jar of hair mask off the vanity.
“Good. Sucks to discover new emotions doesn’t it?” She throws the lid aside and hands him the jar– You should feel absolutely awful about being a deadbeat, and about missing out on Ryan because you decided to be a homewrecker… leave the cream on for 3 minutes.”
She hurried off the bathroom, spear heading towards you as she catches you in your bedroom closing the door to find you and Ashley discussing some escape plans.
“We need to leave. I don’t know what’s wrong with him.” She shushed, pressing her dry back against the door.
“What?” You pressed.
She quickly explained and all you could do was roll your eyes and flick her forehead.
“Helena!” You turned to Ashley calmly– it’s okay I think I know what’s going on please take her and Ryan downstairs… You start writing your apology letter!”
You waited till the floor was empty, heading towards the bathroom just stopping by the sitting room before to catch a glimpse of your gargling bub who seemed to enjoy the colorful toys spinning on top of her head.
You jumped as wet hands touched your arms.
Homelander laid his chin on your shoulder, his wet hair dampening your ear and neck. You tried turning but he kept you still, his long eyelashes clumped together and his gaze firmly placed on her.
He wrapped you in his hot embrace, the steam frizzing your hair. 
“Sorry about Helena… you seem tired, John”
“I don’t want to sleep. I don’t want to miss a single second… what if something happens?”
He ignores you, holding his entire weight against you.
“Nobody, it's going to come here and steal our baby… no doctor is going to put her in a cage… we are safe John…” You whisper, leaning forward to stroke your baby’s cheek– so what’s bugging you?”
“You think I’m going to be a good father?”
You laugh a little, trying your best to turn around but he wouldn’t let you budge out of his grip, you could feel a light tremble in his hand and knees, your words frightened him– his mind back in that awful room but now it wasn’t him sitting alone in the bare room, not him sitting squeezing at his blanket but his daughter and no matter how much he bashed the metal door there was not a single dent to be seen.
“A bit late to ask three kids in… I dunno that’s not for you to decide… no matter what we do now we cannot be certain of our choices until they grow up and let us know. All we can do is try our best– just try your best, and if you need help then that’s what I'm here for.”
“What if I fuck it up?” He whimpered into your shoulder.
“What if I fuck it up, too?”
He lets go of you, letting you catch a glimpse of his wet torso and the damp stain around his toes, he moved to pick her up only stopping himself as his wet hair stained her pink onesie.
“I know you have only been a dad for like– what 3 or 4 years when you got Ryan and with Helena not even 2… but you’re doing okay. A few things here and there that are questionable but I can’t say I can judge, I am always wondering if I am treating Helena the right way, or if I am not overstepping with Ryan… but you won’t because as much as I struggle with you… you do love Ryan… You love Helena and god you truly love Genevieve… just the way you looked at her… I don’t think I could ever believe that you could make such a face.”
“She’s so beautiful” He tears up, sobbing– I don’t think I've ever seen something so pretty before… like she shouldn't be mine…”
“John... oh she's just as pretty as you... as pretty as Helena was and am sure just as pretty as Ryan was” You let him cling to you, his sight glued on her as he cried.
He smiled, as her heartbeat flooded his senses, as he caught Ryan’s steady song above and Helena’s rapid rhytimns below.
This was all he ever wanted, all he ever needed, he looked up to face you, cleaning his tears with the back of his hand, trying not to be loud as the baby cooed awake, gargling and kicking her legs.
“Thank you for giving me a second chance… I won’t fuck it up… I won’t” His voice held back from sobbing– I’ll be better.”
“You better… otherwise I’ll be taking the house” You chuckle softly kissing his cheek.
He laughed awkwardly, making your cheeks blush as he stared at you with adulation written in his eyes. You've given him everything he’d ever wanted, he made a silent oath to give you everything in return, you just didn’t know it yet.
Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad, you thought as you stared at that loving gaze, thinking that all the pain you endure would be returned with a mountain of blessings... after all that was what you had hoped for all those years ago.
“Thank you.” He whispered into your lips.
You smiled into his kiss thinking things were finally right for you... for you both.
taglist-- @immyowndefender @demodemo909 @ghqst-fqce @fromforeigntofamiliarity thank you all for reading this hope you can enjoy my future projects and will tag y'all for the epilogue too.
as a little treat here are the 5 songs that inspired this fic:
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I loove the android robin au it's really one of the most interesting au I have seen in a while.
I am always happy to see new post abt it
Also making my favourite characters go through hell and then receiving comfort from their people is like the best thing ever for me so every time I see a whump!Robin post I like automatically
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People loving android!Robin makes me so happy anansnssndsnsns she's curious and excitable and full of wonder and the world keeps punishing her for simply being alive. Sometimes it's too painful even for me, big whump lover 😭😭 though seriously, there is not enough Robin whump, and while all the characters in the show are very whumpeable, hurting my little blorbo Robin feels special because... she's just so deeply lonely. She's lonely and she thinks she deserves to be because of something wrong with her (pulling this interpretation from Surviving Hawkins lore which is canon to me 😭). That was a big idea I had when I first came up with android!Robin... that there is something wrong with her. Broken. In this AU she's literally broken in a lot of way (battery and memory problems, weak joints in her lower half, etc), but that's all within the range of normal robot problems. The real issue with her is that she's sentient. It terrifies people because it really brings out the existencial horror of... well, existing. It terrifies Robin most of all. She is the problem. She is what's wrong with her. She shouldn't exist.
But at the same time, she loves being alive so much! She doesn't understand it and doesn't know how it happened, but it happened, and now she's real and wants to experience life and the world and know people like human beings do. So it's her constant battle to become human despite humans having hurt her so much in the past... only for Nancy to already see her as human. Just one made of metal and plastic, but human nonetheless. She's the first person to see her that way and maybe everyone else thinks she's crazy, but Nancy is used to that. She's so sure of this, though, of Robin's self-awareness. She trusts her so blindly. She doesn't even need proof. And not only does she believe her, but she defends her humanity in front of her friends and family so ardently, fighting so hard for Robin to be aknowledged by everyone else as human. Fighting so hard to give her a home and family for the first time in her life.
Nancy has it bad for Robin, really. She's just so in love, even if everyone else thinks she's crazy for falling in love with a machine (no one thinks she is, though, because they all know Robin, and once you know Robin, it's impossible not to love her).
#ronance#android!Robin AU#robin buckley#😭😭 every day im emotional about her at 4 am#ok nice things now:#nancy takes her shopping for the first time! because robin never quite developed her own style#and being a girly girl to Nancy clothes are such a big part of your identity#robin finds these cool chains peoole wear as necklaces and bracelets and all these rings and she loves how they all look on her#and this jacket with different patches on it... she never thought she'd be the kind of girl to like shopping but she's so excited#because its the first time she's choosing what clothes to wear#Nancy introduces her to many different kinds of music alongside Steve#and then eventually the whole gang joins them. everyone gets to suggest one artist and soon Robin has this long asf playlist#to listen to so she can figure out what she likes#same with movies - they all now have weekly movie nights so they can show Robin different films#robin slowly discovering her passions... she reads a lot and finds out she loves languages and literature#and she decides she wants to get into college to study something related to it#she also decides she wants to travel through Europe and wants to bring Nancy with her#she decorates her room with movie and music posters#she decides she really likes cyndi lauper#she tries to learn how to dance with youtube tutorials#dragging Nancy into it#she gets to watch a lot of movies at her job at the movie theater#and she makes friends with her coworkers there#she's not fully and truly becoming a person#she has never been this happy#my posts#thank you for your ask i love talking about android!robin
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idsfantasy · 10 months
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I have the thing!!!!
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lyxchen · 9 months
Look I just found the video that got me into jatp!!!
It's so cute <333
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thebuttsmcgee · 2 months
Man. I just get so actually legitimately sad each time I remember that toh ended and that we live in the post-toh world. Like it really is over.
Ms Dana Terrace has said that she'd like to do more given the chance (and after some quality time off of bigger projects, just to chill), but as far as we know, it's the end.
Heck, we barely got anything after the final episode, no books, no special merch, no dedicated little chibi shorts, nothing really, aside from the, thankfully fun, get-togethers of the cast and crew!
Idk. Ah well actually nah, I do know, that this show just meant an enormous lot to me. Incredibly huge, the kind that you can't break away from and wouldn't want to anyway. The kind that feels like, man, where would I be without it.
Happy 1 Year, to the end of The Owl House. Thank you, The Owl House.
I hope the future is bright, for all of us.
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#The Owl House#TOH#Owl House#and tbh. its also why I havent exactly been posting as much!#I just. really miss it man.#and thinking so hard of how great it all was. gets me choked up for real lol.#I do hope theres more for us in the future. I really cant say for certain.#Cause to be less sentimental and more analytical for a moment#TOH was d1sney's biggest original ip hit that wasnt a movie for both such a long time and in a good long time!#Yes yes the internet doesn't always entirely mean the reality of things (which is why financially bcg is their biggest hit technically)#but to actually think back upon it all#TOH always had news articles and video essays and huge followings on tons of communities#especially on youtube! which isn't that easy! Youtube will always be dominated by bigger named things so the fact that toh DID get trending#number 1 more than once? Was incredibly impressive. And not just that but the viewer demand and count were through the roof! Huge in general#television numbers. All to say that is is that toh was an enormous hit. both financially and to people. so. yeah. It's. kind of in the air?#I guess? that no one really knows what could happen. I mean hell amph1bia is still getting books.#Granted....lets not forget ofc that disknee really. really. reaaaally doesnt. like. toh. ×^| but who knows!#personally? still hoping for a save the light styled game someday. or just some game that I can play on my switch someday.#but yep! Enough of my rambling. Thank you for everything The Owl House. really. Truly.
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wolfpup10 · 7 months
Enjoy 😊😊😊
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wilyserpentofeden · 9 months
Technically if anyone is fraternizing™ it's Azirapahle with his "discreet gentleman's club" doing the kissing dance.
🤣 which Crowley is DEFINITELY NOT jealous of. Nope. Not even a little thank you very much.
SO GLAD YOU MENTIONED THIS bc I was almost gonna bring this up in the tags of your post lol but its true Crowley has been bitchless for millennia meanwhile Aziraphale has kissed every man in that gentleman's club while doing the Gavotte and if he just so happens to usually partner up with the men there that are ginger that's purely coincidental!! No he doesn't have a type what are you talking about!! He's certainly not just flirting- er- "fraternizing" with men who remind him of a red-headed demon!! And he definitely doesn't imagine that he and that red-headed demon are the ones dancing the Gavotte so they can kiss on the lips at the end!! Absolutely not!!
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naewonn · 6 months
Tela de bloqueio. Tela inicial.
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