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I decided to design Azuriel's clothing while she was hitting time with Jeele's band. I formerly had a ceremonial outfit too for the Order Initiation (a brief event that took place in the Monastery), but it was silver and white and I eventually came to the conclusion that in today's context, white dresses have very specific meanings.
AND I'd also rather be true to the source material depicting the "nehrimese mages" in green.
So I ditched that, but did not included the green ceremonial one because I have not drawn it yet :3 It's just in my mind for now.
So this is another sheet that I'm planning to keep updated.
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Finally my shadow god Alto 🌌
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gronglegrowth · 4 years
Okay, it's Arcturus time. Arcturus is my Arktwend, Nehrim, and Enderal oc, he is the one I play the games first with. All Arcturuses look similar; they're half Aeterna, auburn hair, purple eyes, and fair skin. I don't have any screenshots of them so I'll go into the games and take some.
In Arktwend, Arcturus is currently lost in Stormwend, having just figured out how to gain entry. I will have to start over again.
In Nehrim, Arcturus is the Shadow God, Tel'Imaltath, the destroyer of Light Born, etc. He spared Tyr though. He was deeply traumatized by Kim's death and it's unknown whether he forgot himself to become Enderal-era Arcturus or if that one's different. I haven't decided.
In Enderal, Arcturus is a new god. After watching the world burn, he is done, and with Calia he will create a new world free of the horrors which brought his down.
I love Arcturus.
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Narathzul (2021?)
Okay, so Azuriel's relatioship with Narathzul is tricky.
You know the situation when two people share the same temperament, they doesn't seem to go along pretty well on the long run. Of course this has to develop that way, because, at the beginning, they were fine (Escaping from Mist Tower, or the Soulflayer Temple teamplay)
So, Narathzul Arantheal's temperamental issues stems from a different mindset than Azuriel's, and that's where they clash.
As Arkt warned her many times about him, he has nothing to lose and will stop at nothing until he reaches his goal. His intentions might be genuine and good, but his grandiosity and hubris mixed with his charismatic persona makes him an excellent manipulator.
His recurring fixation on rising to power and 'fixing Vyn', because he is the only one capable of doing so - is eventually showing up and Azuriel can't help but feel that they were nothing more than a disposable pawn on a chess board - just as Arkt predicted.
After Callisto's death, and Kim's mental breakdown, she confronted Narathzul in a serious debate, which eventually gave them the 'retreat and regroup later', that Azuriel was asking for so long.
Azuriel's temperament issue originates from her perceiving the world via her emotional filters. As the main story progress, she became cynical for the great masses in a whole, but very susceptible for the well being of the individual - especially if said individual is close to her heart. (This was a little bit different in the beginning of her journey, thanks to the systemic exploitation of novices in the Abbey, which is a good soil for the rebellious mindset required for joining against the 'tyranny of the Light-Born').
This, in the end makes her the worst possible candidate for being in the frontline of a large scale uproar 'for the greater good'. The haze have been lifted by Arkt and - by a much greater level - by Narathzul himself.
Tried to do some justice to it by editing somewhat, because there's no way i redraw this... Not in this lifetime...
I personally have got issues with this one, but at the same time i kinda like it despite the proportions and other problems, so i dunno.
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Some goofin around in the Salathin forest between very important missions.
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Guess who's back 👀 WIP for the Hallovyn event. I will be very late with this because the shit is BIG. See you around in easter!
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My Arkt drawingof last year - this one is from one of Azuriel's spooky dreams. I'd like to emphasize his 'mentoring' role for Azuriel by appearing in visions and dreams for the Shadowborn. (As it was hinted in an Enderal book "A strange friend'.) And when the circumstances require more definite interference than dreams - in those occasions he appears as a different person (illusion disguise) to nudge the things into the direction at will... Let's be clear, he is not really the person of straightforwardness and clear instructions in the beginning, (which Az doesn't really like and struggles to get accustomed to) although he obviously had his own reasons. (Proof testing).
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'Aconite' and Monkshood under Barateon's rule, Wolfsbane on the Northrealm, Devil's helmet on the South, and "Voidflower" was it called on Myar.
Azuriel was fascinated from the moment she first learned about this mysterious plant from Brother Noriel.
And, the very first lecture she was told right then, to avoid it.
Then, of course, there are two sides of the coin - it has a wide range of effects other than severe toxicity to warm-blooded species, HOWEVER, one has to be a properly trained arcanist/apothecary to unlock those.
Next alchemy lesson came, and she was still fascinated by the properties of the plant, that Brother Noriel had to dedicate a special class to the topic.
And it was worth it.
Lesson 1. History:
I.) Aconite it is called after Barateon's attempt to suck out creativity, imagination and fun from everything with a decree - substances, mixtures, ingredients, molecules and the like, has to be called by their 'scientific' name - to 'emphasize realism among the common folk ' as he likes to put it.
"So, instead of 'Monkshood', we got Aconite, derived from itz most prevalent alkaloid prezent in zhe plant : Aconitine."
II.) 'Voidflower' originates from the ancient Aeterna folk from Myar Aranath, because they associated the flowers with 'INVISIBILITY' and the 'VOID'. They knew a method of 'extracting' this 'magical property' of the toxin and infusing it into a subject or an object - but it was risky, results varied on too many factors outside of the subject's control (experience & magical prowess of the enchanter, level of expertise, subject's health condition, even race and many others.)
No wonder both the ingredient and the 'service' was blooming on the black market of Ertorath - although very few aeterna arcanists mastered the enchantment, but nearly every one of them wanted to hack their way to the quick coin.
Jeele was one of those few, who actually mastered this ritual, so when Azuriel became a part of his 'family' on Nehrim and told him about her 'adventuring style', it was obvious for him to help her out with this special enchantment.
Not only by the goodness of his heart btw, because they were in desperate need of a new performer, the 'Trickster' as he called it - and Azuriel's unique look and her furtive skillset made her in his eyes a nice addition to their performance.
III.) Other names are indicate the common usage (wolfsbane) or refer to the looks (monkshood) of the plant - nothing extra to talk about.
Lesson 2. Harvesting of the plant.
Not recommended - but if your lives depends on it, always use GLOVES. The toxins are all over the plant, and they can be absorbed by the skin, causing all nasty stuff.
The root contains the most of the alkaloids - but breaks down pretty fast in direct sunlight, so store it in a cool dry place until usage, but better use it asap.
Lesson 3. Usage
1. In medicine, highly trained apothecaries can use the extract (after a very careful and precise neutralizing process of the toxins) for anti-inflammatory and analgesic purposes.
2. More simple and common usage is applying the ticture onto a weapon - commonly ranged ones to poison the target.
3. And the 'arcane-method' from Myar.
"Detailing the usages would eat up a whole new special lesson, and you probably won't need it in practice, but, there is a whole book dedicated to the topic in the Library if your curiosity is still not satiated."
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Hopefully it's still readable... XD
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“I never stop to notice,
the fire in your hand,
a burning so consuming,
but now i understand,
and now i’m falling, like Icarus to land,
Too late to kill the flame that i fanned,
I never stop to notice
The fire in your hand
A burning so consuming
But now I understand
And now i'm fallin'
Like Icarus to land
We're all victims of the Flame that I fanned..."
Azuriel, red madness AU edition.
Not only she did that cringe-worthy tattoo to herself on the fingers, but 2 weeks prior the sickness completely consumes her and ends her own life in Iron Fire Halls, she murders the last man alive had (indirectly tho) somethin to do with the events led to Kim’s death. Taranor.
Ba-dumm-tsssh. (Arkt does not count, for good reason).
Btw, my fic has a happy ending with Kim surviving with a shady intervention of Arkt;
This one I developed only for the game's ending.
So, uh, I'm still not finished with the OC/inventory sheet I'm doing
and several other WIPs are crying neglected in the "dark corners of my mind", and yet again, I repost these oldies - maybe to delete myself again...? :D jk.
I know, it's messy, but Imma finish those wips and will show them here. I promise. I'm just working very slow in general. :/
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This is one of my favourite, although it has its problems - someday i may 'remaster it' or sth.
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Azuriel. Drawing 1: In her commissioned armor from Maltin of Stonefield. Drawing 2: i had to mess the first up for an Erothin-sewer-escape scene, because, why the heck not. It has to do something with the prison break with Melvin... Yea... Big time.
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