#tejano playlist
Heyyy!!! So I know on Fridays I post tejano songs so I figured I just post my playlist, just in case anyone wants to look at different songs or anything.
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syoddeye · 3 months
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beuatifulbuttercup · 9 months
you cannot convince me that Tejano music isn't 85% of Leo's playlist
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warmsol · 26 days
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals ♥️
ooh, fun! thanks for sending💕
sunset - beach house
gardener of eden - saint avangeline
good luck, babe! - chappell roan
tejano blue - cigarettes after sex
farm - skullcrusher
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sgt-morgan · 2 years
Okay I made the Moonboys personal playlists. 🎧
Moonknight Masterlist
Hear me out, I know there are tons of them out there, but I’m doing you a favor. For these lists I took into mind a lot of personality stuff, and time frame stuff. When they were in high school, languages they’re likely to be able to read and understand, the idea that 30 year old men ain’t listening to no Olivia Rodrigo, nor do they probably really care about Mother Mother. (I get it, they’re great artists, but in your heart of hearts, do you really see Jake Lockley jamming to Hayloft?) NOT TO DIS OTHER LISTS! If that’s the vibe you get for them, that’s the vibe. After all, these are fictional men. But, I’m gonna give you my lists, the reasoning, and the guilty pleasure songs that I DIDN’T INCLUDE on their playlists, because I wanted to give you the vibe lists I use to write with. (Yes I have a vibes list for every character I write for, sue me.) without further ado, the MoonKnight boys, and their lists.
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Jake Lockley🌘:
Man is a punk at heart, truly.
Punk is an angry music, but it bites at its own expense.
Punk often dips into themes of mental illness and bitterness at the system, all things that have failed Jake and his brothers at some point.
Punk is a way of expressing raw emotion, something this man runs off of.
Punk is also very clever, you get tongue and cheek a lot with those artists.
You also hear a lot of struggles with personality, the meaning of identity, the idea of self.
The other thing about it is, punk is about the working class fighting back.
It’s a lot about being broke and cursing at the wind, so Jake as a Working class individual would be subject to a lot of it.
Imagine Jake turning on a rowdy punk song and hitting a punching bag.
Imagine Jake being pissed he had to do a job for a big half dead pigeon that’s probably gonna get him shot at for the fifth time this week, so he turns on a song all about fucking over your boss.
It’s loud, it’s brash, it’s raucous, it’s off putting. Jake can’t afford to be those things, so it’s nice to hear someone who can.
The other thing I imagine Jake likes, is Salsa.
Can’t get enough of the shit.
It’s smooth, danceable, and it’s very very fun.
I imagine this is Jake’s Dance music.
I think this man is a dancer
“What Cariño? Dancing is a good way to keep loose, can I not keep loose?”
Also, I imagine this man is very suave, he’s slick.
Salsa is a good reason to hold your partner close, it’s sexy, up beat, and good for swaying your hips.
“Oye mi vida, let me see those hips! I like the way they move to this one, I gotta see them up close…”
Guilty pleasure is Selena. Man LOVES the queen of Tejano and you cannot change my mind. Mother fucker is getting DOWN to Baila Esta Cumbia and Carcacha in the kitchen, dancing with a spatula in hand just to make you giggle while you wait.
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Steven Grant 🌒:
He’s a sleepy boy who likes soft tunes.
Bon Iver is a biggie on his list.
The music he enjoys most is soft, music you could sleep or read to.
It’s also multi lingual.
He’s got some stuff in Arabic on there, his time studying Egypt contributes to this fascination.
Arabic is one of the major languages in Egypt.
French is also heavily used on this list. Steven’s love of French Poetry can attribute to this.
Whatever it is, it’s slow.
Steven feels like his life is fast paced enough, music should be a means to unwind.
Lots of music for sleeping during rain storms on the list.
Lots of snuggling under blankets to his music.
Lots of reading and falling asleep to music here.
The other thing though, is that the music has really deep lyrics.
He likes the themes that the artists explore.
Tons of slow dances with this list.
It’s used as a tool to fend off distraction, a means to keep the storm at bay.
“Baby? Will you turn the music on? The Neighbors raucous sex life is inhibiting my ability to read.”
Steven’s guilty pleasure? Broadway.
He likes broadway because he is a sucker for a good story.
Telling the story through song? A fun little bonus!
“Good lord! Does he have to sing so dramatically? He’s almost overreacting, it’s taking me out of the story.”
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Marc Spector🌔:
He was a teen/young adult in the 90s and a mercenary, the man loves Grunge music.
I bet this mother fucker bought Bad Motor Finger when it came out on CD.
His taste feels like a mix of Steven and Jake. It’s got that loud mouthy quality, with 90s staples such as Sound Garden and Pearl Jam, but the softness and comfort as well with Radio head and certain Nirvana songs.
Heavy themes of depression on this list.
Lots of Karma talk, self blame for harsh scenarios.
There’s a defying of reverence in this music as well. Shaking a fist at God so to speak.
Lots of talks of suffering terrible hardships with a sarcastic grit.
Lots and lots of talk about the world being against him.
I think Mark is a harbinger of Internal guilt.
He’s a “nothing can ever go my way” type
His songs live in the early 90s and 2000s
Lots of this stuff was popular in coffee shops (the 90s version of coffee shops)
I cannot be convinced that Marc doesn’t do air guitar at his favorite hits.
He plays music very seldom though.
He doesn’t have much interest, it’s not his thing.
He has a fine taste, he’s just not the type to turn it on whatever.
His taste is built around what he likes to hear, but it isn’t really important to him.
He’s not using it while driving like Jake, or while reading like Steven.
He only really listens if he is traveling and needs noise filler.
However, if you are a music person, if you’ve had a bad day, a lot of his music is good for jumping around and head banging. It’s a stress release.
His guilty pleasure? Oh boy baby the crooners! Frank Sinatra love songs? Slowly swaying in the kitchen? Oh, he’s got you covered. He loves the sappy lyric’s, the way they make you blush.
He really loves music when he’s using it to romance, swaying you in the moonlight of your darkened apartment, dancing with you leaning up against his chest half drunk. This is the stuff he lives for.
He will softly hum the tunes to you while you dance, leaning his head on top of yours as you dance the night away.
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trans4trans · 5 months
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this is my spanish music playlist with tejano music chicano rap latino rock and cumbias and mexican rancheras and this picture of jerma is perfect for it i think
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liminalmemories21 · 5 months
LIM please and thank you
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
💖 What made you start writing?
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
I love moments when characters realize that they're known, that someone else has understood things about them that they've never said out loud or explained.
There are two moment in We were in screaming color.
One, early on where Carlos thinks about the pet names TK uses for him, and what they mean.
And then one much later, where TK casually talks about the playlists Carlos listens to when he's cooking.
And both of them are just about being seen and being known without having to say it out loud, and I love that.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Things that come in the cadence of threes.
There's a line in I wanna tell you not to get lost in these petty things where I do it twice inside of one sentence and I contemplated that I might have a problem.
In the wake of that terrible night in New York all he’d been thinking was get out, get away, get somewhere new that wasn’t filled with memories of all the times he hadn’t been enough - not enough to keep his ladder alive, not enough to keep his marriage alive, not enough to keep his son alive.
💖 What made you start writing?
Answered here
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
Never gonna write A/B/O. Never gonna write anything kinkier than light bondage. No shade to the genres, just not my jam.
Probably also never going to write a major character death, unless I guess someone gets killed in canon. Or leave something with an unhappy ending. That's not what I'm writing fic for.
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
I have written fic that centers around Christmas (It came without ribbons! It came without tags! It came without packages, boxes, or bags!), and around Hanukkah (Looking at it now, it all seems so simple), and Once Upon a Bus is a Hallmark fic so it feels like it ought to be Christmass-y, but actually Halloween gets a bigger shout out.
I'd actually read a story that centers around Passover and Easter. I do not know enough about what a Tejano Easter would look like, or what Passover looks like to do it myself, so I'm putting out a call to someone who does to do that for me.
I cannot tell you how much I want the show to do a Halloween episode.
I'm loving 10 to Midnight by @heartstringsduet, which is New Year's fic.
And, I am impatiently awaiting the next installment of esta noche es de alegría by @freneticfloetry
And @paperstorm and @birdclowns's Yours for the Weekend was gorgeous.
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1d1195 · 2 months
brothers are a whole other thing LMAO they’re crazy. they will literally call you the stupidest person they’ve met in their life but then buy u ur favorite ice cream at 2AM.
i always tell my sister that i’m so grateful i had her to help me grow up and that i get so sad when i realize she never had an older sister. her response is always that she never thought of it like that but she thinks she was made to be an older sister. i swear you guys are built different, not everyone can handle being an older sister and i have SO much appreciation for u all !!!
i promise you that your mom is 100% right. she probably ADORES you but just doesn’t wanna admit it bc youngest sibling pride yk ?😭 i refuse to believe otherwise bc i sincerely feel like you’re PERFECT sister material. dependent, funny, mature, so sooo kind.
new songs on rotation !! i’ve rlly been enjoying What I Am by zayn and Tejano Blue by cigarettes after sex
i hope you know all i can think about is Ding part 3 :) like omg it’s just been on my mind 24/7 and i can’t wait to read whatever you have. idk if you have this planned out yet, or not, but how many parts do you see this series being ??
I DID SLEEP HAHA i’ve been feeling off these past few days and i woke up SICK today🙁 it’s not too bad just a sore throat and a runny nose but i do hope it goes away soon because i have a friend’s engagement party to attend on the weekend (but im literally drinking a cold diet dr. pepper rn so i have no clue how i expect to feel better lol)
have the best day ever sam !!!
That's so sweet about brothers 😭 I could have used that too growing up!
My sister and I sound WAY less mushy than you and your sister (no shade, just different relationships obviously) but that's so sweet! I can totally see where she's coming from I don't think I could be a younger sister. The vibe would be so off and you'd be able to tell I was not meant to be a younger sister hahahahahaha YOU'RE SO SWEET 😭😭 my sister calls me every day (even when I don't want her to because I have been girl-rotting all week on my vacation and have nothing to report) so I get annoyed with her pretty easily but I do enjoy talking to her. I wish she would put a little more effort into idk taking care of our parents? I don't live at home anymore so I feel like I'm still doing all the grunt kind of work that she could just do because she's AT HOME? but idk. she's a Drama Queen™ or maybe I am and I'm just being bossy 😂
I am putting the final touches on Ding part 3 so it's ready to go for Monday hehehehe I'm really excited about it! I think it will be my favorite part honestly. At least right now. I have it outlined for 7 parts right now! (I think i told someone 8 at one point but I did it in roman numerals and I'm dumb and can't read). But 7 is what I have right now. However it could change because I think parts 4 and 5 could end up being one part. I'm really not sure. Part of my outline for part 5 literally says "filler episode" so it's meant to be a next to nothing update.
UGH! I'm not sure where you're from but I live in New England and it's starting to be spring around here and I usually get a allergy-attack-turned-cold around now and I'm dreading it because it's SO unfair to be sick during the warmer weather. Maybe mix in some water with your Dr. Pepper hahahah Also! I truly believe cranberry juice has medicinal values. OOH I haven't listened to too much Zayn, tragic on my own part. I've heard clips of his new song Alienated though and I'm loving it! I've never heard of Tejano Blue, I will give that a listen as well!
I just made my Spring 2024 playlist--it's a lot of old stuff I've listened to in the past (don't listen to the Stuck on the Floor song I have at the bottom--it's for sad-girl hours hahahaha)
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Hope you feel better!
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eitmonline · 2 months
EITM Playlist 4/9/24
Clarence “Frogman” Henry - Ain’t Got No Home | 6:08
R.E.M. - So. Central Rain | 6:24
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Alice Merton - Vertigo | 6:28
Glass Animals - Creatures In Heaven | 7:03
Letdown. - Hate Myself | 7:35
R.E.M. - Pretty Persuasion | 7:47
The Exies - For What It’s Worth | 7:52
Cigarettes After Sex - Tejano Blue | 8:24
Pearl Jam - Running | 8:48
Krooked Kings - Sick Of Being Young | 9:10
R.E.M. - (Don’t Go Back To) Rockville | 9:30
Koe Wetzel - Damn Near Normal | 9:35
Catfish and the Bottlemen - Showtime | 10:09
Sierra Ferrell - American Dreaming | 10:36
Belle And Sebastian - Dog On Wheels | 10:53
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supernaturalkickparty · 9 months
Happy Tejano Friday! I'm sick and can't figure out what mood I'm in so I put the playlist on random and heres my 3 for the week
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syoddeye · 2 months
6 Random Songs From "On Repeat" Playlist:
Piece of My Heart by Janis Joplin
All I Ever Asked by Rachel Chinouriri
Run Your Mouth by The Marías
Tejano Blue by Cigarettes After Sex
Ruined by Adrianne Lenker
Sun Bleached Flies x Dancing On My Own (mashup) – Ethel Cain, Robyn
thank you @femalefemur 🧡
tagging @sleepyeugene @stuffireadandenjoy @keegansshark @sentientcave @secretsynthetic
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petervc88 · 3 months
Cappelle Calling - 4 maart 2024
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De LP van de Week was deze uitzending een album dat 40 jaar oud was: The Works van Queen. Ondanks dat het niet bekendstaat als één van hun beste albums, kreeg ik er wel zoveel verzoekjes voor nummers, dat ik er uiteindelijk 6 nummers van heb gedraaid. Ook een 40 jarig jubileum viert de satirische muziekfilm 'This Is Spinal Tap', dus die kan niet ontbreken als Filmplaat.
Terugluisteren kan hier.
Dit was de playlist:
Uur 1:
Bobby Womack - Across 110th Street Kings Of Leon - Mustang Beck - Loser Queen - Radio Gaga (LP van de Week) Lady GaGa - Born This Way (The Country Road Version) Albin Lee Meldau - Elvis, I Love You Elvis Presley - Suspicious Minds Keith Richards - I'm Waiting For The Man (DisCovered) Chris Rea - Fool (If You Think It's Over) Spinal Tap - Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight (Filmplaat - uit 'This Is Spinal Tap') ABBA - Waterloo Queen - It's a Hard Life (LP van de Week)
Uur 2:
Editors - Papillon Elbow - Balu Queen - I Want To Break Free (LP van de Week) Norah Jones - Staring at the Wall The Velvet Underground - I'm Waiting for the Man (DisCovered) Cigarettes After Sex - Tejano Blue Queen - Keep Passing the Open Windows (LP van de Week) Bleachers - Me Before You Queen - Hammer to Fall (LP van de Week) Queen - Is This the World We Created...? (LP van de Week) Son Mieux - Tonight K's Choice - Not An Addict
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Cappelle Calling is iedere maandagavond van 20:00 t/m 22:00 te horen op Radio 90FM. Iedere woensdagmiddag wordt de uitzending herhaald van 18:00 tot 20:00. Suggesties voor DisCovered of De Filmplaat zijn welkom via de Facebookpagina van het programma of via [email protected].
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recvordshqs · 3 months
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* EXTRA, EXTRA! desde westbound mag nos complace presentar a otra de las estrellas del firmamento de don crowlley, ANGEL ha hecho una aparición de último momento en las oficinas de westbound tras el fallecimiento del rey midas de la música ¿cuál será su próximo movimiento? descuida, que maureen y sus secuaces le seguirán muy de cerca.
¡bienvenide a recvordshqs, BOBI! te agradecemos muchísimo el interés puesto en el proyecto, te recordamos que cuentas con veinticuatro horas para enviar la cuenta de tu personaje, de necesitar más tiempo no dudes en enviar un mensajito a la administración.
# fuera de personaje.
SEUDÓNIMO: bobi.  
ZONA HORARIA Y/O PAÍS: gmt -6, méxico.
TRIGGERS: cualquier tipo de abuso.
CANCIÓN PARA EL PLAYLIST: born to run de bruce springsteen.
# ficha de identificación.
NOMBRE Y STAGE NAME: bautizada como angélica laurent, pero arriba del escenario siempre ha sido solo angel.
FACECLAIM: alexa demie.
EDAD, FECHA Y LUGAR DE NACIMIENTO: treinta años, nacida un veintiuno de septiembre, en houston, texas.
PSIQUE: chica encantadora, por supuesto desvergonzada, contoneos de caderas subida en la tarima y el brillo prendido siempre en la mirada, ocurrente y charlatana y extremadamente orgullosa de ser absuelta de castigos en una sociedad que siempre encuentra la forma de torturar a las mujeres que no son humildes ni serviciales. angélica cree que la honestidad es una virtud invaluable, ella siendo el catalizador, y se desenvuelve en el mundo con la propiedad de alguien que no tiene nada que ocultar, mucho menos algo que temer. pesadilla andante tras bambalinas, aunque eso último nunca formando parte del articulo de la prensa, malos atributos pertenecientes más a los cotilleos a la hora del coctel, haciendo especial incapie en su corta paciencia y el extremo espiritu competitivo. no es que se esmere por ser la villana de la película, pero, piensa, si quiere llegar al estrellato no queda de otra.
FÍSICO: un poco enamorada del viejo hollywood, ese de marilyn monroe, y como ha crecido en el sur, resulta simplemente natural andar de un lado para otro con el cabello arreglado, la ropa impecable y los labios entintados en carmín. parcialmente adversa a las tendencias actuales, ¿qué es eso de presentarse en un concierto con vaqueros y camisa? o ¿de vestimestas oscurisas con semblante desgreñado como en un fineral pagano?. más alineada al estilo de dolly parton, aunque nunca se dedicaría a la música country y dolly nunca vestiría los conjuntos diminutos y brillantes que angélica a veces saca a relucir, piensa. su voz es ligeramente más profunda de lo esperado por su contextura pequeña, capaz de entonar las notas altas, aunque la magia está presente en las en el registro bajo, casi seductor, a juego con la piel morena y los ojos almendrados.
triggers por mención de muerte y mención de depresión.
uno. nacida de una socialité mexicana y un magnate del petróleo tejano, a pesar de los años de diferencia en la pareja, quienes los has visto juntos juran que se encontraban verdaderamente y completamente enamorados, de esos quereres que te avergüenza presenciar, igual que un cuento de hadas, aun si las malas lenguas se echan a andar acerca de que la madre de angélica ya estaba en cinta antes de que conociera a su futuro esposo, por eso la boda rápida, y luego la escapada de tierra natal a suelo norteamericano, dejando el pasado acusatorio apenas como un susurro a la distancia, perdido en el viento. angélica no recuerda demasiado en de su padre, fallecido cuando ella apenas tenía seis años, en la memoria queda el aroma de los cigarros cubanos que encendía todas las tardes y las cejas encrespadas que se movían en el su rostro acompañado por la estruendosa carcajada, así como orugas de color pimienta, aun más relevante, en lo terrenal, quedan millones en el banco, casonas y una colección de coches.
dos. la depresión post muerte a la madre de angélica le dura lo mismo que un suspiro, al menos, eso es lo que parece entonces, porque de pronto la casa de houston se llena de piezas de arte, vajillas costosas y vestidos de telas preciosas mandados a hacer a la medida, no es que no tuviera cosas hermosas antes, es que ahora aparecen en con una abundancia absurda, luego madre se convierte en una mecenas de la música, un viejo pasatiempo del matrimonio, aunque nunca llego a nada, entonces angélica descubren las sueños de antaño de su madre, si le pregunta en la actualidad; ¿por qué decidiste convertirte en cantante?, angélica respondiera que siempre fue su sueño, tal vez sin darse cuenta, tal vez sin querer darse cuenta, de no es por sí misma, si no por madre. en fin, a los diez años es un rostro conocido en la pequeña región del sureste, apareciendo en pequeños papeles actorales y en festivales de música, y cuando angélica es mayor se mudan a california y ahí conocen a don crowley.
# archivo en westbound records.
POSICIÓN EN WESTBOUND: cuando firma contrato de don, angélica forma parte de un dúo música, dicen que el trato a su compañera fue tan demencial que no tuvo otra que retirarse. desde entonces, angélica es cantante solista, y por insistencia de los productores aprendió a tocar la flauta transversal y el piano, aunque a ella solo le interesa cantar.  
RELACIÓN CON DON: don crowley para angélica es algo así como un tío, hermano putativo de su madre, a veces, lo invitaba a pasar la tarde en la casa, donde su madre y él se fumaban lo que quedaba de la colección de puros de su padre y echaban fiestas, celebrando los éxitos. primero fueron amigos, o tan amigo como puedes ser de alguien a quien patrocinas. así que no puede evitar sentirse un poco demandante, de manera que sorprende, sobre todo las discusiones volviéndose algo habitual entre don y angélica, ¿cómo es que nunca la hecho de la empresa?, es un misterio para todos.
OPINIÓN DE WESTBOUND: angélica tiene extraño sentido de pertenencia hacía la compañía, aun si piensa que podría haberlo logrado en cualquier otra casa productora. seguramente propiciado por la cercanía de su madre con don, ve a westbound como parte de su propia herencia, así como los millones, las casonas y los coches. aun si aborrece a los otros artistas y la música atribuida a ellos le parece sosa, aburrida, por en cima de los defectos que se empeña en encontrar prevalece ese abrumador sentido de lealtad.
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fr3akinthecorner · 7 months
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chilling with a bitch she the shit and she know it ur gonna get in trouble!! u just told that to the other cute guy hey ok well im smoking too much no smoke more meth! ok i will is that what you meant? no cigs cigarettes do u like this part of the song? no u weirdo i hate that playlist too all these boys know everything about u now and they're partying at their houses hey that last guy was complex right? it's ang the last airbender hey ang but i don't like u go away! yes she likes u but we're having a conversation don't worry too much about chanhee he will come back did u see our manga where he made fun of me and sent me to he'll? no! well he's so fucking mean but it's funny now why do u think incest is weird? bc it's illegal and the dna part oh ok you're really intelligent your font chats are about to change i can tell! no way?! how do i do it ah... your father will show you i want the thing where it looks like a comic book yea that's the part thats about to happen! do u have samsung? i do now ok cool i want the 5 well go get it! ur not gonna be poor trust me manifestation is real thank u friend um no!! i am your boyfriend and u better fucking talk to me more how?! how come u can't sing anymore? tejano opium omg you're tejano? yes and japanese omg ok so im gonna fuck myself right now u need to go and talk to other guys omg?! what babe?? why is that okay? bc we love u! and ur beautiful don't forget that it's about to sell for how much $64 fonts chat is being sold to cigarettes lucky strike purchase from carlos montoya omg lol no! buy from me :) tumblr.com ok sexy girl lol! i am a girl hahaha ok so this one is $44 and it will be sold to the girl right now she just has to unplug her phone and it's unplugged! so press 766 perfect! it'll start to get a little more loose but u just need to go to the font chats station and the lake will give u new colors oh yea i forgot! ok so the next chan family font chat is hard because u might be able to buy a new theme will u try it? later is ok alright so how do i buy? purchase a jam jam theme she did the correct process to make her own with jamjam ok so she is gonna be so happy with this one! it's about the daughter of love sold! keeho has purchased the font chat for his daughter and she will smoke meth with it too so not to worry cute asian boy it comes with drugs and now we give the merlin code 888 for the armor to work as well lmao! she wears merlin armor? yes she does from the south korean lake! it's going to work in the one she was born in so it will come with her diary from high school available for keeho how do i get it? u cant it's kèeho ok dude let her read ir! alvin said no ok so alvin is one of her butlers so this will be respected keeho she can access it way into the future not today solid ok so buy the font chats from disney, tumblr or samsung ok so we're jn still? yes you can be she told me i died today chapter one and that is her diary! it will tell her when to write it down automatically on tumblr and keeho said no interruptions ok so what about the other book website? can't I just do it their? yes that would be better if she can finish we might sign her ok leave bitch Mac Dre
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thequeerhistorian · 8 months
Selena Quintanilla - Queen of Tejano
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If any of you grew up in the 90s to early-2000s, you know about Selena Quintanilla. Whether it's hearing her music on the radio, or your mom's CDs/playlists, or you were made to watch the movie every year in your Spanish classes. As I have grown up, trying to learn about my own Mexican heritage, I have had the joy of teaching her songs to my mom and learning about her story. Selena has certainly become a beloved icon to Mexican heritage in general, and her love only grows with each generation that is taught about her. In celebration of this Hispanic-American Heritage Month, I want to be another person to highlight the incredible memory of the incredible Selena Quintanilla, the queen of Tejano music.
Selena was born April 16, 1971 in Lake Jackson, Texas. She was the youngest of three children to her parents, Abraham Quintanilla and Marcela Ofelia Samora. Selena and her siblings, Suzette and Abraham III. (A.B.) The Quintanilla family would end up opening a restaurant that would be the thing to propel Selena and her family's future.
Abraham Quintanilla was a former musician, specializing in Tejano music. (or, "tex-mex" music - a blend of both Mexican and US influences) He wanted to get his children involved in the world of music, so he had them form a band known as Selena y Los Dinos. Abraham would have Suzette play drums, A.B. on guitar, and Selena did the vocals. Perhaps as a way to bring them closer to their Mexican roots, Selena was instructed to learn Spanish and sing in Spanish. She had only spoken English up to this point.
At just the age of 9, Selena was already becoming a sensation. With her father acting as manager to get them gigs at restaurants, weddings, and other local events, Selena Y Los Dinos was already making a name for themselves. Sadly, though, the band would not be able to use their performances to sustain them in the beginning. The Quintanillas would have to declare bankruptcy and move to Corpus Christi, Texas.
There, Selena and the family began to make themselves more well-known in the Latin music world by publishing their albums under smaller Tejano labels. Due to their growing popularity, Selena would stop going to school by 8th grade, but would still get her GED and study business at Pacific Western University. In 1984, Selena Y Los Dinos released their first album, "Mis Primeras Grabaciones". They would create more albums such as "The New Girl In Town" (1985), "Alpha" (1986), "Muñequito de Trapo" (1986), "And The Winner Is..." (1987), "Preciosa" (1988), and "Dolce Amor" (1989).
During this time, Selena would be awarded with Best Female Vocalist and Performer of the Year at the Tejano Music Awards in 1987 at just fifteen. Two years later, at the Tejano Music Awards in 1989, she would sign with EMI Latin Records, and begin her solo career, releasing her album "Selena" the same year. She would still have the support of her family with her brother, A.B. writing many of her songs and acting as her producer. During this time, she would also start dating her guitarist, Chris Perez, who she married in 1992*. Coca-Cola would also sign her on as a spokesperson.
Her 1991 song, "Buenos Amigos", would hit the top of the US Billboard for Top Latin Songs. She would also release "Entre a Mi Mundo" in 1992, which would top charts in the US. She would tour Mexico and present her newest song, "Como la Flor", which would reach number 6 on the US Billboard for Top Latin Songs.
Though she was largely ignored outside of the Tejano music scene, she would begin to blossom in 1993 into the iconic popstar she is today. Her album "Live!" (1993) would earn her a Grammy for Best Mexican-American Album, also becoming the first female Tejano singer to win a Grammy in that category. "Amor Prohibido" would be her next album in 1994. During that year, she would be labeled "Most Influential Texan" in Texas Monthly, and get an interview with the LA Times. She would also create her own clothing brand and a pair of boutiques in Corpus Christi and San Antonio.
By 1995, Selena would be nominated for another Grammy for Best Mexican-American performance, star as a mariachi singer in the movie "Don Juan DeMarco" with Johnny Depp and Marlon Brando, as well as a few other Latin American shows such as the "Johnny Canales Show".
Sadly, and I'm sure many of you knew this was coming, Selena would not be able to show us how much her legacy would grow past 1995. During her growing career, Selena and her father, Abraham, would be approached by a former nurse named Yolanda Saldivar. Saldivar would propose a Selena fan club, which she would become the president of. Over time, Selena would have Saldivar managing one of her boutiques, believing she could trust her. Sadly, though, Selena would go to meet Saldivar at a hotel on May 31st, 1995 due to Selena's concerns that Saldivar was embezzling from her businesses. Saldivar shot the singer in the shoulder, and Selena tried to flee, collapsing, and being rushed to hospital. She would sadly succumb to her injuries in Corpus Christi, devastating the Latine community. Her family would release her final album, "Dreaming of You" posthumously in 1995.
Selena was a person full of passion. Coming from a working class life, she would remain in the working class community of Molina in Corpus Christi, despite her wealth. She would also involve herself in many social programs, such as working with the Texas Commission on Drug and Alcohol Abuse, the Coastal Bend Aids Foundation, the D.A.R.E. Program, her PSAs for the Houston Area Women's Center and pro-education content, as well as plans to visit a Boys and Girls' Club benefit before her death. In 1997, Jennifer Lopez would star as Selena in the movie by the same name. Chris Perez, Selena's husband, would write a novel to her titled "To Selena, With Love".
Selena's legacy paved the way for new Latin American artists to really explode in the mainstream. She would be an icon for young Hispanic people everywhere. It's truly heartbreaking to lose such a kind and passionate person at such a young age, and not get to see what she could do if her career was able to continue in the way it had been. Yolanda Saldivar is able to ask for parole by 2025, but she'd better prepare for the vehemence of the Latine community for taking such an icon away from us. May Selena rest well always knowing that she is most beloved.
*One of the sources states that Selena and Chris eloped in 1999. This is not true, and I'm not sure why this was stated.
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ashketchup119 · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
yooo! i think ur blogs rlly cool, thanks for sendin this!
as for 5 songs… *sweats in main playlist 3000+ songs*
1) beast and the harlot by avenged sevenfold. i grew up listening to avenged sevenfold as the younger brother of 2 scene teens, so this one gets stuck in my head a lot lol. i like to go EeSaDwEliNpLeSfAdEmAhH in the beginning of the chorus :D
2) mania by madeon. i like madeon’s music, but this one in particular scratches my brain correctly.
3) si veo a tu mama by bad bunny. no, im not going through a breakup. i just like the song. im always down to go like TODAVIA YO TE QUIERO
4) el chico del apartamento 512 by selena. im tejano, i HAD to include a song by selena. this one’s my fave tho. its v cute n i just find it fun. el chico del apartamento cinco-doce!
5) dont want it by lil nas x. this song. i like it. it makes me feel ok in a way i think sun goes down makes other ppl who listen to lil nas x feel. 🤷🏽‍♂️
yeah these are some songs i like to listen to! i know it’s… a pretty varied mix 😅 but honestly im the type of person who listens to just songs i like, not really a particular genre. though i do typically like most rock songs. they calm my adhd brain down. i literally listen to rock music to go to sleep haha.
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