#team swarkles
dunnewithyou-arch · 1 year
since summer's adding ted mosby, i must confess that i watched himym in middle school and haven't stopped watching sitcoms since
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Hi very random ask but oh my god I just finished S2 of HIMYF and I need to scream with someone!!!! The Valentina x Charlie reveal made me so happy and Sophie x Jesse finally getting their second chance + a kiss in the hurricane a la Swarkles!!!!! IM KICKING MY FEET AND SQUEALING. ALSO YOUR GIFSET WITH JESSE'S LINES AND THE SCENES THROUGHOUT THE SEASON WAS PERFECT 😍
It's fine. I kind of enjoy people freaking out about the same things I freak out about it's a nice change of pace. Yeah it was a nice ending. Did not see the Valentina/Charlie thing at all. Did not think they would end up together cause of the whole kids thing. Now I can't wait to see the whole thing unfold. I would assume they'd get a Season 3 but who knows whats going on with the writers strike and all. And yes I love love love Jesse and Sophie a lot and hate that everyone is team Sid and Sophie because I don't see the vision haha. Jesse and Sophie did not have enough scenes this season so that bummed me out. But the scenes they did have were really cute and brought joy. Glad you liked that gifset. I love their heart eyes so much. They have great chemistry so I had to point it out you know? Haha.
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the-gongoozler · 5 years
Best Ship/Worst Ship- TV edition
1. Gilmore Girls (the best)
Best Ship:  Jess and Rory (Literati)
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- Very ready to fight about it
- Look at the way he looks at her
- She couldn’t stay away from him, even when she tried
- The literal only case of two exes meeting up and the guy not being an absolute dick about it.
- Sexual tension 12/10
- Friendship 15/10
- Pulls you out of the deep dark whole you dig yourself into 10/10
Worst Ship: Chris and Lorelai (Balcony Buddies)
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- Chris sucks
- This is the best gif he’s in. 
- Same, Luke. Same.
- Sexual tension 1/10
- Friendship 3/10
2. Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Best Ship: Amy and Jake (Peraltiago)
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- They are so sweet and supportive
- Not a couple that needs drama cliches to be interesting
- Kevin and Holt are a close second
- Sexual tension 7/10
- Friendship 10/10
Worst Ship: Rosa and Adrian
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- So unhealthy and sad
- Rosa deserves better and she’s damn well gonna get it
- Sexual tension 8/10
- Friendship 0/10
3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Best Ship: Spike and Buffy (Spuffy)
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- Enemies to lovers stan
- He’s the only one that is 100% honest with her
- He’s the only one that really helps her after she crawls out of her grave.
- Sexual tension 10/10
- Friendship 8/10
Worst Ship: (Briley?)
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- Riley, was there even a point to you?
- Sexual tension 0/10
- Friendship 0/10
4. Friends 
Best Ship: Joey and Rachel (Roey)
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- Joey loved her so much
- He was ready to do anything for her and her baby
- She wasn’t nearly as unhappy with her as she was with any of her other boyfriends
- Sexual tension 8/10
- Friendship 10/10
Worst Ship: Rachel and Ross (Rosschel)
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- Ross is so possessive
- There was so much drama
- They made each other more annoying
- Sexual tension 3/10
- Friendship 6/10
5. How I Met Your Mother
Best Ship: Barney and Robin (Swarkles)
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- Again, supportive.
- They actually have stuff in common?
- “No guy's gonna say "Who's your daddy?" to Robin Scherbatsky; you're your own daddy. And mommy. And weird survivalist uncle who lives in a cabin with a shotgun blaming stuff on the government. And that is what makes you the most amazing, strong, independent woman I've ever banged.”
- Sexual tension 7/10
- Friendship 10/10
Worst Ship: Ted and Robin
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- Ross and Rachel 2.0
- He complains that she doesn’t need him enough.
- Very not a fan of being possessive over an ex.
- She does. not. want. kids. Ted. 
- Sexual tension 1/10
- Friendship 7/10
6. Lucifer
Best Ship: Chloe and Lucifer (Deckstar)
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- He needs Decker in his life
- Tbh, she needs him too.
- Sexual tension 9/10
- Friendship 10/10
Worst Ship: Amenadiel and Linda
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- There’s significantly less chemistry between him and Linda compared to him and Maze.
- Linda and Maze also have more chemistry.
- Linda deserves someone who won’t try to steal her baby?
- Sexual tension 6/10
- Friendship 5/10
7. Once Upon a Time
Best Ship: Killian and Emma (Captain Swan)
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- You could see them together the first time they talked.
- Again, enemies to lovers
- Great tension for a long while
- Sexual tension 10/10
- Friendship 9/10
Worst Ship: Emma and Neal (Swanfire)
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- Not good influences on each other
- She had your baby and you just weren’t around, Neal.
- Sexual tension 7/10
- Friendship 4/10
8. Stranger Things
Best Ship: Jonathan and Nancy (Jancy)
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- My only complaint? Wasn’t a slow enough burn.
- Sexual tension 10/10
- Friendship 10/10
Worst Ship: Max and Lucas (as a romantic relationship)
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- I know they’re young. I just don’t like how they treat each other in season 3
- They honestly both deserve better
- Friendship 8/10
9. Superstore
Best Ship: Amy and Jonah (Simmosa)
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- Goddamit, Amy just leave your husband please?
- There are so many times when they should just kiss.
- Sexual tension 9/10
- Friendship 10/10
Worst Ship: Matteo and Jeff
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 - Sorry, but Jeff kinda sucks. 
- Matteo should have someone who isn’t in the middle of a midlife crisis?
- Maybe Jeff can redeem himself soon.
- Sexual tension 7/10
- Friendship- 5/10
10. The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Best Ship: Sabrina and Harvey (Harvina) 
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- They are too cute together
- It feels like they’re set up for endgame
- Sexual tension 6/10
- Friendship 9/10
Worst Ship: Sabrina and Nick (Nickbrina)
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- It feels very temporary. 
- I don’t trust him. I never have.
- Sexual tension 10/10
- Friendship 4/10
11. The Office
Best Ship: Jim and Pam (PB&J)
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- Absolutely in love
- Smart and funny
- Sloooooow burn
- Sexual tension 10/10
- Friendship 10/10
Worst Ship: Jim and Pam with relationship issues in the late seasons
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- So many shows have this endgame otp slowburn that takes 25% of the plot for a long time and when they get together, there’s nothing to fill that gap. Thus, they cause drama in that relationship when there really shouldn’t be any. Bullshit. 
- Sexual tension 0/10
- Friendship 5/10
12. The Punisher/Daredevil
Best Ship: Karen and Frank (Kastle)
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- After going through so much together, they are definitely in love
- Sadly, the cancellation is why this isn’t happening.
- No other reason.
- Definitely not. 
- Sexual tension 10/10
- Will murder for you 10/10
Worst Ship: Elektra and Matt (Gross)
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- Elektra just sucked in general. Let’s be real. 
- No
Gilmore Girls Literati Brooklyn nine-nine Peraltiago BTVS Spuffy Friends Roey HIMYM Swarkles Lucifer Deckstar OUAT Captain Swan Stranger Things Jancy Superstore Simmosa Sabrina Harvina The office PB&J Kastle Daredevil Punisher
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girlindelusionn · 3 years
finally finished himym!! hated the finale (of course) so here's another "most likely to" but much longer to help me cope (negate, why lie to you) with how the most awesome couple ended
(also this probably has a million mistakes but im too lazy to do something about it, having to write in english is hard man, so please ignore it:D)
most likely to: swarkles version :)
Who spends almost all their money on the other?
barney, definitely. he's not exactly the best at actually coming up with gifts so sometimes for birthdays or stuff like that he just takes her to the mall and lets her pick whatever she wants (he also makes fun of her the whole time, but i don't think it's necessary to clarify that)
Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions?
barney doesn't know how to drive and is generally better with technology, so robin drives and he gives directions and prevents her fights with the gps to get really violent
also robin is a REALLY violent driver, she doesn't go really fast but if anyone has the audacity to get in her way shes going to definitely roast the fuck out of them
Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they're tired?
barney to robin, one of the "corny couple" million things he swore he wasn't going to do. but then robin simply looks at him with a sad face, explaining how much her feet hurt and he can't say no
Who is the most affectionate?
barney, actually
it's surprising, cause he's always been someone who likes his space but there's times, mostly in private, when he just can't keep his hands to himself. and you would think it's purely sexual but no, in the contrary, most times it's just a hand in her hair or her back, or demanding hugs and cuddles
Who falls asleep in the other's lap and who carries them to bed?
trick question! barney is who carries robin to bed, but she falls asleep in his shoulder
and he is the one who falls asleep in robin's lap, with her running her hands through his hair
Who wakes up first?
neither of them is a morning person, but usually robin works out in mornings so her. on weekends they stay in bed as long as they can
Who apologizes first after an argument?
they're both stubborn as hell so they schedule apologizes and take turns on doing it
Who is the nerd?
both of them, in different aspects. like robin likes math to the point of doing problems and equations for fun ??? and well, barney is a huge star wars, lord of the rings, that kinda books, nerd
i like to think that they have harry potter in common, they've read all the books, make marathons with the movies, they even went to the universal park! and had a lot of fun there (of course they've never told the guys that)
Who makes the other one laugh the most?
barney, he knows robin cant be mad and laughing at the same time and he uses it as an advantage
Who sleep talks?
robin 🥺
Who hogs the blankets at night?
also robin, but barney doesn't care
Who is the neat freak?
neither of them, but they manage to keep the place decent
Who likes to surprise the other with random gifts?
barney! single flowers, tiny chocolates, etc
Who buys the healthy food in the house?
robin, but it's mostly barney who does the actual cooking
Who has better music taste?
robin 😎
Who takes care of the spiders?
they do it together as a team, and if that doesn't work (aka if the spider is slightly bigger than average) they just go whining to marshall and he fixes it
Who uses more nicknames?
barney is mostly sweetie but after the wedding robin is kinda obsessed with the word husband
"so how's the most handsome husband, huh?"
"did you buyed the milk I texted you for, husband?"
"hi, husband!!"
robin is babe or sometimes honey, and after the wedding barney keeps calling her his "ex-girlfriend" (don't tell anyone, but he also LOVES the term wife, he can't comprehend how is he so lucky to have her as his wife)
(update after actually finishing the show: r-train and b-nasty!!!)
Who's the little spoon?
first year of dating? robin
after that is barney, you can't change my mind
Who suggests scary movies for film night?
robin!! but they both like them
Who gets jealous more often?
both, barney is less dissimulated about it
Who brings up kids first?
no of them, lol
Who borrows who's clothes more?
robin, she has stole the few hoodies he had and sometimes for sexy times likes using his ties
barney secretly uses some of her giganteus t shirts (he makes fun of her for buying them but he's actually glad she does) for sleep when she's away for the night
...they smell like her, okay? leave him alone
(also he loves when she uses his underwear and sometimes the only way to convince her to do it is doing the same himself, so he has wore panties)
(don't tell ted)
Who cries more during sad movies?
barney, is hard for robin to cry for movies, also he loves villains and they hardly have a happy ending so...
Who falls asleep on the other more?
robin, she falls asleep very easily
Who says I love you more?
barney :)
Who initiates kisses more?
also blondie, again he's a little obsessed with his wife
Who initiates hugs more?
robin this time
Who takes more pictures of the other?
robin, for sure. at first it was cause she wanted that bad picture of him, but then his husband is really cute with his sleepy eyes and the sun on his face, or looks so excited to watch the next episode of some lame show, or he's bringing her breakfast at bed with a big smile or looks a little too good with his new suit and she can't help but take her phone out and snap a pic of him
Who leaves notes for the other one around the house?
barney, at first it was to annoy her, like writing "you lost the game!!" at random places (i'm sorry lmao, i just realized i made you lose too, lol) or "sorry, babe! i ate it all last night" at the empty wrappers of candy in the fridge
but then one day barney found one in a coffee mug:
"wow, you didn't put much imagination in hiding this one, didn't you?" he said, his girlfriend was in the bedroom finishing to get ready for work.
"read it!!" she shot back, a little… nervous?
"i love you", the note said.
"come here"
"what's up?" she finally showed up to the living room, looking all tiny and scared
"love you too, loser"
Who gets drunk faster?
barney? i don't know, they both handle scotch pretty well, so i'm guessing it takes a while for them to get drunk
Who gets hit on more by strangers?
robin, but she couldn't care less
Who makes food for the house more often?
barney, he's a surprisingly good cook
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aspiestvmusings · 7 years
My favourite TV weddings:
List (in no particular order) 
QUINTIS - Scorpion, 3x23: This was the perfect TV wedding. I loved every second of it...from the moment (he proposed, to the wedding planning, to the wedding day events and then when...) they arrived to Kovelsky’s til the moment they decided to sneak into the closet... A rare occasion, where I’ve loved every detail (props, line of dialogue...) used for the tv wedding... If we’d seen the first dance it’d been just extra perfect... But I honestly think  there might not ever be a tv wedding that I’ll love more. This was just... perfection.  
MONDLER - Friends 7x23/7x24: Though there was a bit of  overdone comedy added at moments, the wedding & vows part themselves were perfection. Joey officiating,  the vows, even the “who is pregnant” fun plot... And also the deleted scenes... were great.  #MyPrinceMySoulmateMyFriend 
SWARKLES - HIMYM 9x22: I don’t think a full season of wedding weekend worked that well & I didn’t like a lot about the weekend/season/wedding, but the bride & groom scenes + the moments with Tracy in this episode were just great (their little “just the two of them” scenes, and then the actual “ceremony” parts...were lovely. Very them) Those are the parts I liked. 
MARSHMALLOW - HIMYM 2x21/2x22: This might be my second-favourite-ever TV wedding (after Quintis) - this wedding story for Lily & Marshall had so many great moments. With the fun wedding-preparations (wedding dress, haircuts...) and the big wedding, and especially the small circle-of-friends ceremony...
CHARAH - Chuck: 4x24 --  Chuck & Sarah’s wedding... AKA so “no vows”.  I also loved  their “wedding planning, and rehearsal scenes at home” and Sarah’s wedding vows earlier in the ep... Also... watch this wedding scene and find all the parallels between Chuck/Sarah & Toby/Happy weddings (fun games for tv fans!).
CASKETT -- Castle 7x06 -- there is one element that “distracts” and makes it hard to like as much... that (sunset) background they used for the scene. And it was kinda..off...but the vows/ceremony part was beautiful, and funny, too. Very them. Extra points for incorporated “in my veins” to the wedding...as their “first dance” song. 
MELVESTER - Scorpion 2x09: While we did not get to see the “wedding ceremony” and while it was just Ray marrying them, in that hospital room, and there was no wedding or anything else, I really love it. The idea. 
EDNA/IRV - Everwood 4x01: These two characters and their relationship were one of my fave things on this show. So while the wedding episode focused more on other characters and relationships, I loved the little wedding scene (vows)... that we did get. #whydidIrvhavetodieinep420 #Ep420wasperfectbecauseitwastheIrvandEdnastory
Honorable mentions: 
Phoebe/Mike - Friends 10x12 - I loved the winter wedding, and several details. 
Ryan/Jenny - Castle 4x11 - a little too short scene, but that’s expected for a side ship (for a ship of one main and one recurring guest character)
Andy/April - Parks & Recreation 3x09 (if I’d follow the show, this would probably be on the main list)
Jim & Pam - The Office 6x04/6x05   (if I’d follow the show, this would probably be on the main list) 
Jack/Angela (Hodgela) - Bones 2x21 (the interrupted big wedding party) & 5x20 (the small spontaneous jail-wedding) 
Patrick/Teresa (Jisbon) - The Mentalist 7x13  (if I’d followed the show more closely, this would probably be on the main list)
Ray/Kevin - B99 -- though I am still waiting for a re-doing their vows/wedding episode/scene and/or longer “flashback” scene/story, the little glimpse that we got to their wedding in 2x17 was brilliant. Very in character, and very truthful. #Officient #Efficient
Ross & Emily - Friends 4x23/4x24/5x01 (too much drama & a bit too much over-done comedy that made it less perfect for me, but the whole wedding arc was still great, plus it gave us the start of one of the best tv couples ever -- Mondler)
Luke/Lorelai - Gilmore Girls 8x04 “Fall” -- there were many great elements incorporated to the wedding.
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I'm sorry. I am so, so sorry but.... do all of the fandom-related questions, please.
A: Your current OTP.
I’ve got a thing going for Emberly and Grunt from Firebringer right now. I just love “Just a Taste”
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind.
Robin and Regina from Once Upon a Time. Lana and Sean changed my mind.C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can’t.
Ruby and Victor (Once Upon a Time). A lot of fanfic authors write them, but I prefer Mulan/Ruby or Dorothy/Ruby.
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom?
A Percy/Annabeth one-shot entitled “Simply Complex” for the Percy Jackson fandomE: Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what?
I have written something cracky, but never posted it. Again, Percy Jackson.F: What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? What fandom was it?
I’ve been reading Percy Jackson since I was nine and I’m 20 now so… I think that’s the longest. What constitutes being in a fandom?G: What was your first fandom?
Percy Jackson… Or maybe Harry Potter. Not completely sure.H: Do you prefer real-life TV shows or animated TV shows?
Live. I could never get really into cartoons.I: Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
No, I’ve just stopped liking fandoms on my own.J: Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr.
Once Upon a Time. All I could tell was that it was kinda Disney-ish in modern settings, and it sounded SO COOL. So I started watching.K: How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s).
So far, everyone seems pretty cool. And they make gifts of everything so that’s like AMAZING.L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?
I really want a cute Coffeeshop AU with Snow and Charming from Once Upon a Time. Like, thank you fandom for all the wonderful Captain Swan AUs, but I’d love love LOVE to see some Snowing AUs.M: A person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you in to.
My aunt bought me my first Harry Potter book when I was 12. I haven’t stopped reading them.N: Your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over).
Def the Team Starkid fandom, because I feel like we all know our situation is strange, obsessing over a group of actors who mainly do parodies on YouTube, but we don’t care. We just band together and cheer them on.O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of?
”You Give Love a Bad Name” makes me think of Swarkles (Barney and Robin, HIMYM)P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
AU for season 9 finale HIMYM… Robin and Barney stay together and the writers don’t kill off the mother so Ted can be with Robin.Q: A ship you’ve abandoned and why.
Not that this was really an OTP, but I kinda liked them together, but Lily/Snape. As I got older, I thought, “Wow. That doesn’t seem healthy”R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
Schwoopsie and Tiblyn, FirebringerS: What’s a headcanon you have?
Harry’s scar was a lot cooler than depicted in the movies.T: What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships?
Zazzalil/Jemila (Starkid), Tony/Steve (MCU), Kurt/Blaine (Glee)U: What are your favorite male/female ships?
Captain Swan, Snowing, Outlaw Queen (or is it the other way around?), Percabeth, Swarkles, Lily/Marshall (did they have a ship name??), and that’s all I can think of tonightV: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what?
I don’t have any.W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms.
Annabeth Chase (PJO), the Lobster (Starkid), Emma Swan (OUAT), Peter Parker/Spiderman (MCU), Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter)X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms.
Emma/Killian (OUAT), Tootsie/MegaGirl (Starkid), Harry/Ginny (Harry Potter)Y: A fandom you’re in but have no ships from.
Does Shakespeare count? I have no ships, really because I can’t understand who’s supposed to be with who half the time.Z: What’s a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it?
I don’t think I have one… Guess I’ll find out when I post
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birdwithfrenchfry · 7 years
My forever OTPs Masterpost
 Okay so I am a classic fan-girl. I can love a lot of tv-shows, but what gets me addicted are the shows with amazing characters and relationships. You know those ships that steals your soul and you daydream about then instead of your own life? The ships where they are imperfect, but they make eachother better. Yup, those ships. 
(These are in no special order, because all my forever OTPs are my babies.) 
1. Buffy & Spike (Spuffy) - BtvS
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She is the vampire slayer. He is a vampire. They started of trying to kill each other. But somehow they never did.. Long story short he fell in love with her. Helped her save her sister. Helped save the world. He was there for her when she felt broken and lost. Sure, these characters had one of the roughest stories I’ve ever been invested in, but I never stopped loving these two characters. He hurt her, but then he fought to get his soul back. For her, to be the kind of man she deserves, 
Favourite quote: 
Spike: You listen to me. I've been a live a bit longer than you, and dead a lot longer than that. I've seen things you couldn't imagine, and done things I prefer you didn't. Don't exactly have a reputation for being a thinker. I've only my blood, which doesn't exactly rush in the direction of my brain, so I make a lot of mistakes, a lot of wrong, bloody calls. A hundred plus years, and there's only one thing I've ever been sure of -- you. Hey, look at me. I'm not asking you for anything. When I say I love you, it's not because I want you, or because I can't have you, and it has nothing to do with me. I love what you are. What you do. How you try. I've seen your kindness and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you, and I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You are a hell of a woman. You're the one, Buffy.
2. Rory Gilmore & Jess Mariano (Literati) - Gilmore Girls
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Okay so who was Rorys best boyfriend has always been a BIG part of the Gilmore Girls universe. Imo no one even compares to Jess! Bad boy moves to small town. Boy meets girl. They fall in love. Their connection was real and they challenged each other on so many levels. Their relationship was pretty brief, which sucked. But Jess came back for a visit on several occations and he was always the one to get Rory back on track when she felt lost. He understood her better than anyone. No one will ever convince me these two didn’t get together in the end, even if we never got to see it happen. 
Favourite quote: 
Rory: We're studying. Jess: You're studying. I'm prying into your personal life.
3. Kate Austen & James “Sawyer” Ford (Skate) - LOST
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Okay so I have no words to tell you how much this ship meant to me. It was my first ship where I actually were a part of a online-fandom and these are friends I still have now, 10 years later. But THESE characters.. her sass, his nicknames.. they break my heart. Lost gir & lost boy. Together they were perfect, with a chemistry that still to this day can make my heart skip a beat. 
Favourite quote: 
Sawyer: You taste like strawberries. Kate: You taste like fish biscuits.
4. Emma Swan & Killian Jones / Hook (Captain Swan) - OUaT
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So I’m a Disney addict. Like, I moved to the other side of the world twice to work for The Mouse. Fairytales has always been my thing, so me being addicted to Once Upon a Time was a given from the start. I was a casual viewer for the first season, but then this man (Captain Hook!) showed up, and my life has been all about Captain Swan since that moment. He was a villain (but not really, he wanted revenge for his first love) and then he met Emma who is sunshine and everything good. She has been alone most of her life and her walls are so high no-one can get close. Together they make each other better. He works hard to be a good man for her, and she finally finds someone who will never leave her and treats her like the princess she is. They are so good together, true love. 
Favourite quote:
Killian: With all this talk of authors and the book, we've never discussed one fact: I was a villain. Emma: But you're not anymore. Killian: Neither is Regina, but she still lost her happy ending. If we're to believe the rules of the book, then it's only a matter of time before I lose mine. Emma: Wait. If you're afraid of losing your happy ending, that means you found it. What is it? Killian: Don't you know, Emma? It's you.
5. Clarke Griffin & Bellamy Blake (Bellarke) - The 100
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Aka. my sun and moon, king and queen of the ground, and all-around adorable hurt puppies. Started out not liking each other very much, but  found themselves working better as a team and as leaders of their people. They have a deep connection, and work together perfectly. She’s the brain, he’s the heart. They have tried doing things on their own, but turns out they work better together. Clarke and Bellamy trust each other completely and they would die to protect each other. Plso their chemistry is insane, been shipping these since like..the second episode. We are now on season 4 and they STILL haven’t kissed. I feel the Bellarke strong this season, so I think it will happen soon. But as long as I get to see these two working together I will go down with this ship with a smile on my face. 
Favourite quote:
Clarke: Thank you. For keeping me alive. Bellamy: You don't make it easy.
6. Katara & Zuko (Zutara) - Avatar: The Last Airbender
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Prince Zuko, firebender. Katara, waterbender. Opposittes, night and day, yin and yang. So this ship never happened, but that doesn’t stop me from still daydreaming about them and reading tons of fan fiction. They were enemies turned friends and together they were amazing. This is the kind of ship where I feel so blessed that we have internet. There’s just so many fics and fanart out there about these two silly babies. 
Favourite quote:
Katara: What are you doing? Zuko: Keeping the rocks from crushing you. Katara: Okay, I'm not crushed. You can get off me now. Zuko: I'll take that as a "thank you."
7. Zoe Hart & Wade Kinsella (Zade) - Hart of Dixie
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Big-city doctor moved to small adorable town. Meets bad-boy Wade. They argue. They have a LOT of chemistry. There’s a lot of on and off all through this series, but it was wonderful to watch. This show just makes me feel good, and these two love-birds made it perfect. Wade grew up, Zoe learned that she didn’t have to follow her big plan and let her heart decide where and who her home was. Perfection. 
Favourite quote: 
Wade: Maybe I'm not 100 percent sure that you wouldn't hurt me if we started things, but I know that I have never felt about anyone the way I feel about you. And I guess that I realized it's worth the risk.
8. Robin & Barney (Swarkles) - How I Met Your Mother
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Okay, but do I really have to explain this one to anyone? Everyone knew these two were perfect together. Barney & Robin were funny as hell, they loved each other even with all their little quirks. Perfect pairing and I will ship them until the end of time. (and I will never ever forgive the writers for that ending). Rude. 
Favourite quote: 
Barney: I love everything about her, and I’m not a guy who says that lightly. I’m a guy who has faked love his entire life. I thought love was just something idiots thought they felt, but this woman has a hold on my heart that I could not break if I wanted to. And there have been times that I wanted to. It has been overwhelming and humbling and and even painful at times. But I could not stop loving her any more than I could stop breathing. I am hopelessly, irretrievably in love with her. More than she knows.
9. Veronica & Logan (LoVe) - Veronica Mars
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Yup, that’s LoVe. Silly puppies who are just great together even when they don’t want to admit it to themselves. The original series ended so suddenly that I never got closure when it came to Logan and Veronica, so I was SO happy that they made a revival movie and it was PERFECT! These kids have been through so much, they just need to be happy! 
Favourite quote:
Logan: I thought our story was epic, you know, you and me. Veronica: Epic how? Logan: Spanning years and continents. Lives ruined, bloodshed. EPIC. Veronica: Come on. Ruined lives? Bloodshed? You really think a relationship should be that hard? Logan: No one writes songs about the ones that come easy.
10. Isak & Even (Evak) - SKAM
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Okay so for those of you who don’t know this show: SKAM is a Norwegian show that follows a group of teenagers through High School. And in season 3 Evak stole all of our hearts. It’s all about falling in love, coming out and a bit of mental health, all done perfectly. They are so cute and amazing, even when they were breaking my heart. What makes this show so great is how realistic it feels, and you smile and hurt with them. 
Favourite quote:
Isak: Du er ikke alene. (You are not alone).
Honorable mentions
Jackie & Hyde - That 70′s Show
Luke & Lorelai - Gilmore Girls
Fiona & Steve - Shameless (US)
Jeff & Annie - Community
Willow & Tara - BtVS
“You don’t love because: you love despite; not for the virtues, but despite the faults.”
                            - William Faulkner
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ariela03 · 7 years
team swarkles 💖
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Okay, what did Ted do to make Robin stay in the episode called 'the possimpible'? SERIOUSLY, TELL ME.
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I love Swarkles so much and you? Like if you love Ted and Robin. Reblog if you love Barney and Robin.
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adpismylife · 8 years
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me when barney and robin finally got married.
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iamheartless · 10 years
HIMYM finale sucks.
It was supposed to be a comedy show. But I didn't laugh one bit with that ending. 15 minutes of it, and I'm bawling. How could you break my heart like that? Now I'm fucking sad! Damn it.
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cordeliafoxx · 12 years
Robin is like my fav character in the show, but when she shook her head no to Barney in Tick Tick Tick I actually screamed at my tv, YOU BITCH!
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