#talky ghost
snzinite · 3 months
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good news, @messysneezer--my girlfriend @aphrosnziac agreed with you and decided she had to draw Mud/rock according to my headcanon! look at it! it's beautiful! thanks again to her. she doesn't have a blog right now but i'll go back and tag her when she gets around to making one UPDATE: she's here!!! tagged up above. go follow her!!
there's actually more than just her, but i'll leave the rest for her to upload when she gets around to it. until then, enjoy the preview :]
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cyancherub · 11 months
the ghosts in my room watching me beat off for the fifth time in one day:
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Imagine Ghost being an early filmmaker, I’m talking 30’s, still silent, black and white.
Imagine Soap being his star, his muse.
Imagine the fame it would gain them both, or well, the fame it’d gain Soap. Ghost was happy to fade into the background, his only care to keep Soap in his films.
Imagine the tangible yearning in the films being subject to controversy. Not because anything explicit, even for the time, but for the way it looked on Soap.
He was undeniably handsome. The way the camera loved him though, was subject to criticism. The way it would caress the curve of his brow, the slight bump in his nose, the flutter of his lashes. It got audience male and female alike in a flutter. The judgement fell on if it was a good influence, if it brought back the anarchy of the 20s.
But it was perfectly wholesome, just achingly intimate in a way no one could pin down.
Imagine Soap asking Ghost how he did it, how he managed the feat with so little to work off of.
And Ghost just leaning back, calling it a trick of the trade, like he wouldn’t (and hadn’t) clawed tooth and nail to immortalize Soap and all his beauty for centuries to come.
Like Soap wasn’t everything to him. His Galatea he slaved and begged to be given life, without thinking about how the other man would break him.
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stark-illerbase · 1 year
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sentientcave · 3 months
WIP Wednesday - Impound
A little peek at that tow truck driver idea I was tossing around last week, for any interested parties
He shuffled through the papers deliberately. The sound of the cop’s rubber-soled boots squeaking impatiently on the dated linoleum floor was music to Simon’s ears. “Oh, of course. The squad car. Parked in a fire lane.” He tutted, shaking his head. “You’re lucky I got there before bylaw did. ‘S a big fine if they ticket you.”
They both knew that bylaw didn’t have the stones to ticket a cruiser. The fire department might, but they didn’t go around looking for trouble either. That was really more Simon’s area of expertise.
“You could have been impeding an investigation,” Price said, steely eyes narrowing.
Simon snorted. “At Ronnie’s? I fockin’ doubt it, unless you were investigatin’ how fresh the pastries were. Everyone knows that’s Laswell’s girl. Nobody’s stupid enough to cause trouble for ‘er.”
Price’s jaw was so tight that Simon was surprised his teeth didn’t start cracking under the pressure. He could almost hear the grind of enamel. “Fine. Just get the bloody gate open so I can leave.”
“Sure, no problem officer. Just a matter of the impound fees— Y’want me to bill the precinct directly, or are you gonna pay ‘em yourself?” He set the paperwork down on the desk top and fished the debit machine out of the top drawer suggestively. “Just need some I.D., if you don’t mind. Gotta keep things tidy on my end.”
Price snatched up the invoice. “One hundred and fifty dollars? Are you mad?”
“That’s the rate. Take it up with council if you’ve got a problem with it. You still gotta pay.”
Price was pretty near growling as he yanked out his wallet. Simon made a bit of a performance out of logging in the information on his I.D. on the slow computer, of punching in the total on the debit machine, and of checking everything to make sure it was in order. Price initialled the invoice where he was directed, pressing so hard it left a permanent indentation in the cheap veneer of the desk.
“Olright. You’re all set then,” Simon said at last, when he could drag his feet on the matter no more. He got out of his chair with a sigh, pleased to find that he stood a good three or four inches taller than Price, and walked out the side door without any further ceremony. Price was still standing in front of the desk, red-faced and angry. “Come on then.” Simon stopped just past the doorway, looking over his shoulder impatiently. “Haven’t got all day you know. Some of us have important work to do.”
He half expected Price’s head to explode.
Price stalked across the lot to his cruiser and threw himself into the driver’s seat while Simon went to open up the gate. The rev of the engine was the only warning Simon had to get out of the way before Price drove through it, cutting it a little too close for comfort. Simon raised his hand and wiggled his fingers in farewell, enjoying the glimpse of that furious blue glare in the mirrors before Price turned onto the road and sped off.
“Wha’ the hell was all that about?” Johnny asked, leaning out of the building, braced on the door handle, Roach a step behind him. “Ye pissin’ off the new police chief?”
“Yep.” Simon corralled the boys back into the office. “Fuckin’ hate cops.”
“Sure, but aren’t ye worried—”
“Not really. ‘F ‘e gets to be a problem I’ll talk to Laswell, get ‘er to put ‘er fuckin’ dog back on ‘is leash. Owes me a favour.” He snagged the singular tea out of the tray of paper cups and lifted it in thanks. “See you lads later. Goin’ home. When Kristen comes in to pick up ‘er shitbox waive the fees an’ tell ‘er not to park there again. Pretend you’re riskin’ your ass doin’ it, she’ll prob’ly give one of you muppets ‘er your number.”
Johnny and Roach looked at each other, and immediately launched into a game of rock-paper-scissors to decide who would get to be the knight in dirty blue coveralls. Simon let the garage door bang shut behind him, and trudged across the dimly lit space to the back door. The acrid smell of weed smoke hung in the air, thin tendrils of it still drifting across the bars of sun coming through the back windows. Fucking muppets, smoking up while chief of police was steaming mad on the other side of the door. And they thought that Simon was the one who needed to be careful.
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baconcolacan · 5 months
HEY wanna see my pokemon gym leader sona??
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m3llowm1sh · 2 months
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guys holy shit i predicted melodie................
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loveoaths · 1 year
au where maul’s dead ass is haunting the darksaber and his ghost becomes din’s advisor but only because whatever maul tells him to do din does the opposite. din becomes the most successful mand’alor of all time. maul is furious AND takes credit for din’s success in the same breath.
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marlinspirkhall · 1 year
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Literally David Lister
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[ID] Screenshot of a tumblr post by EvilPotato512 reads: Imagine the most serious character you know. Now imagine them getting scared by the toaster going off as they walk by. [\ID]
[ID] A GIF from Red Dwarf shows a sentient toaster talking. The captions read Given that god is infinite and the universe is also infinite, would you like a toasted tea cake? [end ID]
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sentryablaze · 10 months
Since today (in my time) and the Ghost Trick remaster has finally arrived, and with so many people joining in, I must also say this thing just to warn some people: If you still haven't played Ghost and still yet plan to do so, please block the spoilers tag (aka #ghost trick spoilers) because I promise you, it's so much better if you play the blindly and the surprises you'll once have won't be ruined. So with that outta the way, you're free to block the spoiler tag including me because I'll be posting spoiler art especially that one character who won't be mentioned.
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snzinite · 4 months
i'm looking to write another snzfic. submit/ask characters for it if you fancy. for now ark/nights characters only. bonus points if you include some kind of prompt
also still accepting headcanon requests
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daandori · 5 days
sliding in the sewer vibes are getting stronger by the minute today
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hajihiko · 1 year
just found out you read homestuck. what do you think of vriska
I'm not answering that question but I AM gonna point out how funny it is that a tumblr user The Komaeda is asking about Vriska Homestuck
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liminalweirdo · 6 months
someone talk to me about all the ryans on the spirit box
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taffingspy · 17 days
btw if you want to use Florin in any rs3 AUs just lemme know im p fine with that
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loveoaths · 1 year
woke up with mauldin on the brain. because. listen. maul has essentially never experienced true, unconditional loyalty to or from anyone before, except maybe savage and feral, but with savage he imposed conditions because that’s what he was used to. but then he starts traveling with din — din, the guy who followed boba into an unwinnable battle against insurmountable odds who, when offered the chance to save himself, refused and said “if i die, it’s with you.” because he’d promised to fight and he refused to go back on his word. now imagine maul experiencing that. first of all, he thinks din is a fucking idiot, because maul would definitely skedaddle without a second thought. “loyalty is overrated.” but over time, he begins seeing its value; sees that loyalty feels different than forced submission, feels good, that he does not need to manipulate grogu and din into staying around if gives them reasons worth staying. that the only way to get this thing he’s subconsciously craved his entire life is to give it, first, and… that’s hard for maul. he is not the giving type. but he has to learn to be. to give back. to rise out of the muck closer and closer to din’s level. he will never be a knight in shining armor rushing off to do good deeds out of the kindness of his heart, but he can be a ghost. his loyalty, so rarely sought after and more rarely given, is a haunting: he will be there lurking in dark corners whether you want him or not, your furious poltergeist, ready to destroy anyone and anything unwise enough to enter his home and touch his things, of which din and grogu are now counted.
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