#takuma scenarios
bzbnong · 8 months
hey adm !!
eu fiquei encantada com o imagine (?) do boynextdoor, os dois em si só que o da thread do batom >>>>>> e queria saber se poderia fazer com o LUN8 já que não tem nada deles, fãs do LUN8 que são escritores por favor apareçam
fico feliz que tenha gostado daquelas capenguices que foram os primeiros posts daqui :( todo dia antes de dormir eu faço uma reza para aparecerem, mas não aparecem 😔 mas tá na mão, mô! espero que goste!
🍥 :: ‘‘LUN8 na trend de mancha de batom..❞
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𔓕 gênero: fluffy, romântico
𔓕 palavras: 1,5k(?)
𔓕 avisos: lun8 x leitor; sem gênero citado; muita meiguice e coisas fofas; talvez esteja fora de ordem, eu não tava afim de arrumar; tudo em minúsculo propositalmente.
ficaria totalmente entusiasmado, sorridente de forma completamente boba quando você sugeriu, ele realmente queria receber vários beijos seus, mas ele é meio envergonhado para pedir, então apenas aceitou a sua proposta sem reclamar;
com toda certeza daria algumas pausas nos bastidores porque ele estaria completamente vermelho;
colocaria as mãos ao redor da sua cintura e sempre que se sentisse nervoso por motivos desconhecidos, ele seguraria firme ali;
ficaria todo animadinho quando visse todas as marcas do batom no próprio rosto;
se você sugerisse para ele escolher o batom, ele ficaria confuso porque tinha sido pego de surpresa, mas também ele não ligaria a cor que você escolhesse, gostava de todas;
ele ficaria sorrindo do nada sempre que você parasse de depositar algum beijo nele, um sorriso reto, sem mostrar os dentes, mas caloroso;
a cada pausa nos bastidores, ele aproveitaria para olhar nos seus olhos e guardar mentalmente cada detalhe desse momento especial, tudo seria algo que ele valorizaria profundamente, principalmente estar ali com você;
demonstraria um enorme entusiasmo com cada marca de seu batom no rosto dele, completamente bobinho;
depois que o vídeo acabasse, ele tiraria uma foto de seu rosto, deixando marcado aquele momento e depois ficaria completamente agarrado com você, tipo, muito mesmo. seguraria suas mãos de forma bem calorosa e apertaria elas. ele não pararia de sorrir lembrando do que acabara de acontecer.
adoraria a proposta, principalmente de receber vários beijos seus, mostrar o amor que sentem um pelo outro é incrível para ele;
gostaria de arrumar todos os mínimos detalhes antes de começar a fazer o vídeo;
faria questão que você tivesse beijado exatamente todo o rosto dele, como também escolheria um dos batons para dar mais destaque nele;
se ele tivesse outra coisa para fazer no dia, ele não daria bola, você estaria em primeiro lugar, quer fazer você feliz;
no meio do vídeo ele com toda certeza te olharia de uma forma totalmente brilhante, colocando alguma mecha de seu cabelo atrás da orelha;
talvez atrapalhasse vez ou outra os bastidores dos beijos, afinal, ele ficaria perdido olhando para você, e por achar que ele estava se sentindo mal, perguntaria, saindo risos mútuos;
iria em sussurro te elogiar e elogiar o momento, que é mais especial quando estão juntos;
mesmo com a possibilidade de erros nas gravações, ele se mostraria paciente e gentil, reforçando constantemente o amor que sente por você com palavras doces, alegando sempre estar tudo bem e te dando alguns toques reconfortantes;
e para o gran finale ele surpreenderia você com um beijo surpresa e doce nos lábios, arrancaria um sorriso genuíno de ambos e assim o vídeo acabaria.
ele ADORARIA mas seria do jeitinho dele, um pouco mais fechadinho e tudo mais;
quando seus lábios tocassem o rosto alheio, nossa, ele ficou tão vermelho que você poderia jurar que estava beijando um tomate;
uma gracinha, todo tímido, mas adorando toda aquela situação;
para adicionar um toque especial, ele acabou sugerindo que você fizesse uma contagem regressiva antes de cada beijo, deixando ele menos nervoso pelo momento seguinte. essa contagem seria cheia de suspense e antecipação, tornando a experiência ainda mais emocionante, porque quando seus lábios tocassem o rosto alheio, ele iria ruborizar novamente;
enquanto você o cobrisse de beijos, um toque de nervosismo acrescentaria charme à situação. os dedos dele brincariam com um fio de cabelo seu ou pousariam de forma desajeitada em seu rosto, tornando o momento ainda mais fofo;
ele adoraria passar o batom em você, respeitar todas as curvas de seus lábios ou simplesmente deixar isso com você, porque é bonito te ver com fissura em algo;
iria gravar o vídeo em si de uma forma bem apaixonada, sorrindo depois de limpar o borrão do batom proposital que ultrapassou os lábios;
te abraçaria e assentiria estar tudo bem, adorando toda aquela situação;
depois de um tempo desencadearia a ousadia e beijaria os seus lábios, marcando os dele.
ele não ficaria quieto por nada, por isso demoraria bastante para começar o vídeo em si, porque os bastidores paravam de segundo em segundo;
o sorriso enorme no rosto dele, brilhante e cativante. não parava por nada mesmo;
abraçaria você ao redor da cintura e balançaria de um lado para o outro, mostrando confiança;
tentaria inovar um pouco na thread, tentando diferenciar um pouco, mostrando algo único do relacionamento de vocês;
ele sorriria tanto que seria um pouco difícil dar o beijo final nos lábios dele;
faria QUESTÃO de te dar um sorriso apaixonado ao limpar o borrão do batom, deixando claro a paixão dele por você;
depois do nervosismo ter passado um pouco, ele colocou as mãos de leve em sua cintura, fazendo um carinho aqui e outro acolá;
faria charme para ganhar logo o beijo nos lábios, fazendo biquinho ou uma voz particularmente forçada a fofura;
talvez enquanto você beijasse o rosto dele, ele aproveitasse para dizer o quanto te ama e o quanto adora te ter por perto.
ele desconheceria a thread, por isso quando você falasse para fazerem, ele ficaria sorridente com uma expressão confusa;
seria todo fofinho, ofereceria amigavelmente para você sentar no colo dele;
e depois colocaria as mãos dele na sua cintura;
estaria sorrindo A TODO MOMENTO pode acreditar;
tenho crenças que ele iria ficar um pouco vermelho;
doce e super suave, seria bem atento a cada beijinho que você desse nele, dando um sorriso e marcando as bochechas sempre, sempre, sempre;
talvez apontasse para algum canto da bochecha e diria "beija aqui?" e depois daria um sorriso singelo;
adoraria retocar o seu batom, acharia isso fofo;
quando chegasse nos lábios dele, ele transformaria um selinho simples, se tornaria em um beijo apaixonado.
tímido, como o chael, mas eram as orelhas dele que ficavam vermelhas, tipo o takuma, como um tomate maduro;
aceitaria fazer a thread para te ver feliz, mas deveria confessar que iria ser algo divertido para se fazerem;
praticamente ele só aceitaria esse momento com você;
receberia com carinho cada beijo seu depositado no rosto dele, soltaria aquele sorriso que soltamos quando vemos algo supostamente engraçado;
estaria abraçado a sua cintura em todo o procedimento;
ele veria isso como uma oportunidade divertida de compartilhar momentos especiais com você;
o sorriso dele poderia ser bobo, mas a expressão seria totalmente confiante e isso provavelmente chamaria atenção no vídeo;
acho que ele não falaria muita coisa enquanto você beijasse o rosto dele, mas se falasse, seria no pé do seu ouvido;
poderia ter planejado um gesto especial ao final da thread, algo que revelasse sua consideração e amor por você.
ele se esconderia no travesseiro por algum motivo, lutaria contra a timidez;
mas, quando você retirasse o travesseiro, veria os olhos dele fechadinhos e ele sorrindo, no fundo tinha adorado a proposta mas não sabia como reagir;
ficou tão animado assim que se acalmou e ele te sentou em um local e pegou um de seus batons, perguntando qual era melhor e assim passou em você, com um sorriso brilhante nos lábios;
ficou com uma expressão serena a cada beijo que você deu nele, enquanto sentia o batom impregnar no rosto dele;
ficaria arrumando as mechas de seu cabelo se elas ficassem caindo;
o vídeo ao ser gravado estava com uma atmosfera acolhedora e romântica, combinando com o momento;
antes de começarem a fazer a thread, estavam ouvindo música e a música estava ecoando bem baixinho no fundo, fazendo vocês sorrirem, porque era a favorita de vocês;
depois de quase terminar a sessão de beijos você começou a perceber os detalhes do rapaz e como ele realmente ficava bem com todas aquelas marcas de batom;
por fim ele ofereceria um momento romântico que seria vocês ouvindo repetidas vezes a música favorita.
estaria confuso por ser pego desprevenido, mas aceitaria;
para ele seria como uma aventura e ele adoraria ela;
só sei que ele saberia aproveitar e muito bem essa situação, ele adoraria ela e tudo que tivesse nela. tinha você, então ele já adorava isso;
teria você bem pertinho dele, com os olhos piscando e de forma bem fofa olhando para você;
toda vez que você beijasse ele, ele revidaria, te dando um beijo bem no cantinho da boca, depois te olharia de uma forma fofa e depois sorriria;
daria um sorriso sem mostrar os dentes o tempo todo;
quando você beijasse os lábios dele, pode ter certeza, ele iria pedir mais, bem mais;
quando terminasse, pode ter certeza, ele te abraçaria como um urso e te encheria de beijos, seja no topo da cabeça, nuca... ele só iria querer te beijar;
beijos, beijos, beijos, beijos... quantas vezes eu tenho que dizer que ele iria te beijar? ele só... queria isso.
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lale-txt · 4 months
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❥ subtle ways they say "I love you" without saying it ↳ w/ Nanami, Ino, Toji & Naoya
a/n: gn!reader for Nanami, Toji & Ino, f!reader for Naoya! somehow i got carried away writing these and halfway through wondered if i should have just made single fics for each of them... oh well ♡-(๑˙ー˙๑)-♡
word count: 1.5k
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Nanami needs his sweet time until he’ll put his feelings into proper words, part of him too afraid to pursue love during his time as jujutsu sorcerer, but his actions have always been louder than words anyway
his love is stored in the smallest gestures, like fixing the collar of your shirt or helping you put on a necklace, not letting you go without kissing the back of your neck gently, his lips lingering on your skin for a heartbeat longer than expected
when you’re in a bookstore together, his eyes always follow you around even when you’re looking at different shelves; he observes which books you pick up and put back again because you have too many unread ones at home (both of you are terrible book hoarders), just so he can go back another day and get you the one book you really wanted
sometimes he’ll also make the time to read it before he gifts it to you, small scribbled thoughts on the side so you can discuss them together later–a tiny book club of two lovers
in the comfort of your home, Nanami is also incredibly touchy, never not seeking skin contact; anything will do, even if it’s just linked pinkies across the table while you’re having your morning coffee and sharing the newspaper
his love will seep into you with every gaze, every smile, every kiss you share
with you, Nanami can let his guard down; he can allow himself to just be loved, with his head in your lap as you run your fingers through his hair, charming out sweet sounds from his throat that sound a lot like “I love you” if you listen closely
if he has to leave for a solo mission, Nanami will leave a handwritten note on the table for you to find in the morning, nothing too cheesy but enough to remind you that you’re always on his mind
and if you show him your collection of notes one day, stored in a box in your closet, a smile will play upon his lips, asking you if you really kept all of them (even if some of them just say things like “Can you buy eggs while I’m out? I want to make us waffles for breakfast tomorrow” or “I watered your dying plant on the top shelf. xx”) 
there’s wonder in his eyes when he looks at you, as if he sometimes finds it hard to believe that your love is mutual, that he’s allowed to experience this during his lifetime, and the quiet hope that maybe, maybe this can last forever
Ino’s love for you is written all over his face: the way it lights up when he sees you, the confident yet boyish smirk when you compliment him, the gleam in his eyes when you call out for him
it’s in his touch, too
his fingers playing with yours when you’re sitting somewhere together, always fidgeting with them as if he couldn’t believe that he really gets to hold your hand
or the arm that sneaks around your waist when you’re on the train together and it’s crowded, his body shielding you from the other passengers and giving you some space to breathe (plus–how convenient–he can steal a kiss from your lips without anyone looking, too)
Ino also walks you home at any given occasion, whether it’s after a night out with your senpais or after a mission you’ve been on together; he doesn’t mind that he lives in a different neighborhood or if he has to get up early the next day, he rather wants to know you’re home safely
when you’re apart, Ino and you keep texting with each other throughout the day, his lips curling into a smile whenever your name lights up on his screen
Ino will text you everything and anything that reminds him of you and it’s plenty and in the most mundane things
[img.attached] “saw this chonky cat on my mission. u would have loved to give them belly rubs. Nanami said i’m not allowed to take them home with me”
[new text] “i think we should adopt a cat one day. maybe two so it doesn’t get lonely. knowing us we’ll also adopt a third”
[voice message] “babe can you hear this? i’ve never heard a cat purr like this. (sounds of rustling and Ino sweet talking to the cat, it’s purring very loudly)”
[new text] “i hope the cat distribution system chooses us next”
being loved by Ino means being part of his future and his dreams; he’s thinking of you always and can’t imagine a life without you in it, so listen closely when he tells you all about it
Toji isn’t shy to admit his love verbally, whispered into your ear at night, his voice bourbon raspy, making sure you never forget how your own name sounds when rolled off his lips
being in love makes him domestic; Toji grew up not knowing what a warm home is, and so he’ll strive to make his place one for you both to hide from the world outside
it’s like your presence is a reminder that even someone like him is allowed to love, and be loved in return
Toji brings you your favorite beverage to bed in the morning, urging you not to get up just yet (he also wants to slip back under the covers with you)
if you really have to get up on on cold mornings though, Toji will give you his worn and warmed up sweater for you to wear so you won’t be freezing
he also slips pocket warmers into your coat before you leave the house and gives you the deepest kiss, almost as if his biggest concern is that you stay warm
cooking isn’t Toji’s strong suit but he’ll get you takeout, even if it means driving across the whole town to get you that one dish from that specific restaurant that you’re craving (and some dessert on top); your big smile once he returns home is his solely reward
after seeing you struggle with opening a jar of jam once, Toji will go around the kitchen and loosen the lids of all the jars for you. every single one of them. there won’t be even one jar left that gives you any further troubles
it’s endearing in a way, how Toji always takes the fastest route to solve your struggles (there’s barely anything he can’t solve with his hands)
with love, it all comes down to warmth for Toji: the heat of your body when he has his arms wrapped around you. letting you warm up your cold hands on his stomach (he tries his best not to flinch). sharing a hot bath while you’re getting snowed in.
to Toji, you are his sun, the one who brought back colors into his life and who showed him what it means to live despite everything; he may be blinded by your light but he doesn’t need to see to find your lips in every universe 
Naoya doesn’t do love, he prefers to be worshiped and adored over admitting his feeling for you
yet still, he has his ways of showing that you actually mean something more to him than just being his trophy wife
the kitchen staff and servants have been drilled to cook all of your meals exactly to your liking, and he’ll look overly pleased with himself over dinner when he notices that you enjoy the food, proud of himself as if he was the one who prepared it for you (smug bastard that he is)
there’s always an air of possessiveness around him when you’re with him; as if he wants the whole world to know that you’re his wife, even insisting you walk by his side instead of behind him, always one hand around your waist or in the back of your neck, making sure to keep you close
even though it displeases him that you want to spent time apart from him, he made sure that you get a room of your own in the Zen’in estate after your arranged marriage (he still lingers around often until you kick him out)
he insists on sharing a bed at night though–it’s when he gets surprisingly clingy, insisting to hold you close, his hands playing with anything he can get a hold of: your hair, the hem of the pajamas he picked out for you in the color he thinks suits you best, the ring on your finger that proofs you’re his
Naoya can be surprisingly gentle in those moments when it’s just the two of you–no family and no servants around
his sharp yellow eyes study your features thoroughly, ignoring the pull at his heart strings when he picks up an eyelash from your cheeks and holds it out for you when you make a wish
he’s dying to know what you wished for, but he doesn’t ask; part of him scared it doesn’t involve him, part of him too prideful to believe you could wish for something that doesn’t include him, because at the end of the day you still belong to him–or is it the other way around?
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bas-writes · 7 months
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nonsexual acts of intimacy ↬ finding the other wearing their clothes
❧ ino takuma x gn!reader | cw: domestic fluff, established relationship ❧
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"Have you seen my—"
Ino freezes mid-step when he realizes what he is looking at. It feels weirdly…inappropriate to see you like this, wearing nothing but the hoodie he's been looking for. He's like an intruder amid your little morning serenity, with a cup of warm drink in your hand and bread in a toaster. Your hair is disheveled and face you turn to him: as sleepy as it can be at six in the morning in the narrow kitchen, under the dim light of an old ceiling lamp. 
Then, a shame scratches at the back of his head. It's not a fresh hoodie; he returned home late and found power to only hang it on a chair to "air it out" instead of running a quick laundry. Fate knows how much he had been running that day, sweating buckets and soaking in the city's stench. It just…can't smell good—and you're wearing it, snuggled cozy, balancing on one foot to warm the other against your calf, your favorite mug enveloped by your hands…
"Seen what?" Your voice is raspy and louder than a whisper only just a little. You squint your eyes and tilt your head to the side to avoid the direct light—and Ino's heart melts at how cute you look right now. All his qualms fade when his chest fills with mushy warmth; he doesn't feel awkward or ashamed anymore, just sweetened and weak, and weirdly needy of your touch.
He wants to have you in his arms again, the same way as he cradled you in your shared bed, so happy and relieved to live through another day, to yet again be blessed with sneaking to rest by your side and listen to your calm breath.
"Mmm, nothing." He approaches close and wraps his arms around you, waiting just a moment for you to put the mug on the counter and climb next to it. 
Ino likes to cuddle with your head resting on his chest—but never misses on an opportunity for the opposite. He brushes lips against your neck and lingers for longer in its crook, to breathe the intimate smell of sheets and your skin before the morning shower. But soon enough he trails lower and nuzzles to your chest, into your warmth and the steady sound of your heartbeat. 
You run fingers through his hair, gathering it to the back and exposing his scar, which you soon trace with a thumb, "We need to get you to a hairdresser."
He nearly purrs, then giggles when you wrap legs around him, your cold feet brushing against his bare calves, "Thought you liked me with longer hair?"
"You can barely see."
When you let his strands fall free again, they indeed block the majority of Ino's vision, or rather of its field already restricted by your chest and folds of the hoodie. But he sees your half-lidded eyes and warm love in them, a little droplet of drool dried at the corner of your lips, and all the wrinkles and nooks that make your face so familiar and special.
He has never felt more in love before than in this split moment of early and dark autumn morning in the middle of the kitchen of a little rented apartment on the outskirts of Tokyo, "I have everything I need to see right here." 
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a/n: trying to get myself back into writing with the power of fluff and autumnal yearning for touch. i hope to run through the whole list eventually and before the time for winter comes! this one with dedication to @mirkaaaluv 'cause she really helped me develop a soft spot for ino ❤
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delzinrowe · 2 months
WORD COUNT: ~408 WARNINGS: Talks about pads. F!Reader!
Takuma Ino is a great boyfriend. He might not always be the smartest individual in the room, but he tries.
So you can’t really say you’re all that surprised when you asked him to bring you pads with wings and he ended up coming home with a pack of pads and two boxes with each 18 pieces of chicken wings.
“Babe, I asked you to get pads with wings.” You roll your eyes and all he can do is look at you baffled and confused. That’s what he got you, pads with wings.
“But I did. Here’s the pads and here’s some wings.”
“No, Takuma… pads with wings.” You repeat but he remained stupefied, unable to follow you when he had clearly done exactly as you asked him.
“But I did…” He starts once again, “I got you pads–”, he gestures to the pack of maxi pads (at least he got the right brand) before he gestures to the chicken wings “–with wings.”
He’s unbelievably adorable when he’s bewildered like this and you can’t help but let out a laugh. Much to his displeasure.
“I don’t know what else you want, I got you pads with wings.” You can hear it in his voice. He’s starting to get frustrated.
To diffuse the situation you take a step forward and reach for his hand. He lets you, because after all he’s in love with you, he wouldn’t refuse being close to you, not even when he’s irritated.
“Thank you for getting me pads– with wings.” You say, and honest to any deity out there you’re trying so hard to stifle your laughter. 
When you kiss his lips he instantly melts against you, all his frustration gone as if it never existed. You appreciate his effort, you thanked him, you kissed him. He’s happy with himself, he did something right, even if he still doesn’t understand why you made such a big deal about it when everything was correct.
It’s only months later when he buys another pack of pads for you that he realizes what’s actually written on the lower part of the package. ’42 pads with wings’
But he doesn’t tell you that felt embarrassed as hell, he doesn’t tell you that he finally figured it out. Instead he keeps stopping at the chicken place and continues to bring you two boxes of chicken wings whenever you ask him for pads with wings. 
Thus a tradition was born.
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oreoishii · 1 year
Ryo practices (secretly) making delicious curry for Takuma. When the big day arrives Ryo will feel nervous about letting him taste it, no matter how disinterested his expression may be in what the other might think...as his heart races and he indulges in pessimistic thoughts Takuma tastes the curry and his eyes light up "It's delicious. You're such a good cook Ryo!"
And Ryo…his face has gone all red and he knows he can't stop grinning like a dork.
"W-well, I'm glad if you...like it...good to know!"
Minoru sees the scene and starts teasing Ryo: "Congratulations Ryo senpai, you're on your way to becoming a good wife for Takuma~" Ryo: "SHUT UP YOU IDIOT!"
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colonelarr0w · 2 months
"My love, mine all mine"
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JJK Characters as oddly specific romantic scenarios.
Contains -> Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Kento Nanami, Toji Fushiguro, Choso Kamo, Ryomen Sukuna, Hiromi Higuruma, Ino Takuma, Yuuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro
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SATORU GOJO as randomly giving flowers.  
The action is unpredictable, unexpected — very similar to the unpredictable tendencies of the Special Grade. Gojo is never a one-trick pony, never does he want you to grow bored or tired of him (not that you ever will, obviously). Money did not matter to him, not when it came down to you. If a bouquet of flowers cost an arm and a leg, Gojo would gladly take a saw and get to work.  
If he happens to see a bouquet of flowers that would just look gorgeous on your desk, he’s throwing various bills at the florist and beelining for where he knows you’ll be. Gojo loves you, which is absolutely not a secret to anyone around him, and him randomly going out of his way to buy you flowers only reminds you of that bursting love that he has for you … and only you. And maybe, just maybe, he'll leave a small handwritten note with a scrawled declaration of just how much you mean to him.  
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SUGURU GETO as admiring the rain. 
How serene and tranquil it is to just admire nature’s tears with Geto. Neither of you have to say anything, not that you want to — lest you want the loving silence to be tainted with whispered words. You don’t mind the silence, and nor does he. It's comfortable, peaceful, and it allows you both to momentarily forget about the world that you lived in. Instead, you could bask in the warmth that Geto emanates, clinging to it like a moth would cling to a light that they found.  
Geto’s arm is loosely draped over your waist, your side molding into his own like two pieces of a puzzle. Your head tucked against his shoulder, ears perked to listen to the rain’s gentle pattering. Geto’s fingers trace mindless shapes into your skin, content to sit in your presence. You carry with you a softness that Geto knew could never be replicated, reminding him that the things that have been done to him and by him are things long left in the past. For now, he could be Suguru – and he would only ever be Suguru around you.  
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KENTO NANAMI as tying untied shoelaces.  
Late night walks where your shoes just won’t seem to cooperate. For as tight as the knots initially felt, they only loosened with each step you took. Even his steps had noticeably slowed to be in sync with your own, being sure to not accidentally leave you behind. Always attentive to you, reminding you that he loves you with a gentle squeeze to your fingers. The eyes behind his eyeglasses soften as you return his squeezes, but their softness is replaced then by a flicker of concern as you stumble, nearly rolling your ankle against the pavement.  
And so he pauses your walk, releasing the gentle grip he has on your hand and touching his knee to the ground. Fingers loop through the undone laces, expertly knotting them before softened eyes flicker up to your own. Your cheeks flush at the sheer adoration that swims in his eyes, your gaze flickering away from his own as a mumbled thanks falls from your lips. But he does not miss the curl of your lips – wearing that sweet smile that Nanami wishes that he could forever commit to memory. Nanami imagines an alternate scenario from his position, one where he holds silver and slips it onto your finger. Eventually… 
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TOJI FUSHIGURO as late night drives.  
With gentle music and the soft rumble of the engine, it’s no wonder that you feel so incredibly safe sitting in the passenger seat of Toji’s (Shiu’s) car. Your hand rests on the back of Toji’s, which lays against your thigh — squeezing every few seconds in a silent ‘I love you’. His declaration spoken in a language that only you understand, one crafted for you and one used only when you were around.  
Your drives aren't known to have a set destination, just filled with senseless turns that never have a true end thought out. Many of them are silent, the car only filled with the sounds of your pre-prepared playlist of songs that both you and Toji enjoyed, but there are times where the car is filled with soft conversation recounting past experiences or simply reciting the day’s events. But one thing is for certain, only you could make the great Toji Fushiguro soft. 
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CHOSO as shared routines.  
Your presence in Choso’s life has brought about notable changes to the course of his day — namely his routine and how he decides to spend the mornings and nights. What was once simply waking up and immediately moving about has now become remaining tangled in the sheets for five (sometimes ten) extra minutes. What was once a simple brushing of the teeth has now become a multi-step skincare routine and lengthy shower. 
His day just wouldn’t be the same without your shoulder brushing against his own as you both cleaned your teeth. It wouldn’t be the same without you brushing through his hair and styling it for him with the gentlest of hands. His nights wouldn’t be the same without your body against his in the bath, sponge rubbing away the day’s tension. And it certainly wouldn’t be the same without you wrapped in his arms, gentle snores fanning against his neck as you doze off — wrapped in the comfort of his embrace.  
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RYOMEN SUKUNA as shared glances.  
They say that the eyes are the true window into the soul, detailing the true feelings of what resides within and bringing it forth in a discreet, almost unknown, manner. Fleeting glances can speak the same amount as a full-length conversation. Softened irises can shine with love and narrowed pupils can convey rage equivalent to that of a freshly sharpened dagger. Sukuna’s eyes were no exception to the rule — the love he held for you couldn’t be hidden behind pointed glares, not when they softened immediately upon finding you.  
The moment your eyes met his own, soft and gentle, something in him promptly melts. How funny that the King of Curses would find himself staring at you — a simple sorcerer — with crinkled eyes. Was he smiling? No, no he’d never admit to ever smiling, but the sight of you just brings one to his face so naturally. Your head turns so that your gaze meets his own, silently reading each other’s eyes before you smile at him. And though he wants so badly to scoff and turn the other way, for you … he returns it.  
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HIROMI HIGURUMA as being picked up from work.  
It was no secret that there were creeps lining the streets of the city, prowling around underneath the cloak that night provided and waiting for the best opportunity to strike. Wandering around at night, while not inherently dangerous, did not sit well in the stomach of Hiromi. He knew that you were able to handle yourself well, you were no stranger to defending yourself in situations where you needed to – but he still could not quell the pit of worry that bubbled in the pit of his chest whenever you were kept late at your office.  
And so, to keep a sound mind, Hiromi would wait outside the double doors of your office building, smiling against your hair as your body molds into his own. His nose nestles itself into your hair, inhaling the familiarity of your scent – a soft mixture of lavender and rose. The hug lasts for as long as you need it to, broken only when you decide to take a step back. The passenger side door to Hiromi's car is then opened for you, your hand is held as you step inside, and a kiss is pressed to your cheek all before the door shuts.  
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INO TAKUMA as sharing food.  
Relationships are meant to be 50/50, an even split that ensures that one party does not contribute more or less to the relationship than the other. To say that Ino believes in balance in his relationship with you would be the understatement of the century – he never wants you to feel as if you're doing too much or that he's doing too little for you. Ino also believes very heavily in sharing everything with you; personal stories, clothes, drinks, and of course, food.  
Never will he order the same thing as you, knowing that at one point or another, you'd try whatever snack or meal he had ordered for himself. Your eyes would flicker to his plate or to the ice cream in his hand, then to his eyes, silently asking permission. With a smile akin to that of a lovesick teenager, Ino extends whatever it is that he's eating to you, feeling his heart warm at the sound of your satisfied hum. You kiss his cheek in thanks before offering him whatever it was that you had ordered. Rinse and repeat, and suddenly you're both sharing two meals as opposed to enjoying one for yourself – and neither of you would change it for the world.  
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YUUJI ITADORI as stargazing.  
Something about the silence that night provides paired with the gentle light that the stars in the night sky had always been so calming for you, always carrying with it a sense of serenity that could only be replicated by something as soft as a mother's love or a hug. And like a moth drawn to a light, you found yourself admiring those very stars every single night – now you had someone to share that peace with, someone to bask in the warm light that the stars provided.  
Laid out over a blanket, two pairs of eyes watch the twinkling stars with a fascination only replicated by that of a child. For a moment the world is silent, filled only with the sounds of your breathing and Yuuji's. His hand is intwined with yours, thumb rubbing back and forth against the backs of your knuckles. Your cheek is against his shoulder, both your eyes and his shut in complete serenity. Those are the nights where you can just be children, as in reality, it is what you both are.  
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MEGUMI FUSHIGURO as interlocking pinkies.  
Not everyone is affectionate, not everyone is able to easily convey their love through prolonged physical touches such as a hug or a passionate kiss. Certain love languages come easily to some people, but to others it may be a touch more difficult. Some convey it through words, others convey it through actions that are a little more hidden, secretive. Megumi, for as quiet as he is, falls into the secretive category when it comes to displaying his love for you.  
He loves you, hell, he would devote himself to you entirely if given the chance, he just finds it a touch difficult to display that love for you through means of physical touch. That does not mean he won't hug you or indulge in your kisses, it just means that he may not be the one to initiate those actions. But there is an exception to this little rule, and that is the fact that Megumi will always link his pinkie with your own when walking on your side. The smile that worms its way onto his face the moment that his skin touches yours is missed by everyone, but never ever will it be missed by you – and to him, you are all that matters anyway.  
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chososcamgirl · 9 days
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#𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲, 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲! 𝐩𝐭. 𝟒
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synopsis ; in which you and the jik characters conversate about starting a family!
summary ; fem!reader, fluff, crack !, slight suggestiveness
incl ; ino takuma
a/n ; didn't do the minors because i found it weird to put that scenario with them!
pt. 1 , pt. 2 , pt. 3 !!
ino takuma
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likes + reblogs r appreciated ! <3
🏷️taglist: @luvvmae @jadetakumaa @fleurlilly @catobsessedlady @brimmingwtears @hotaru57 @seajellies @megumisdivinedogs @jaslwr @renbittt @typefeisu @galagcica @ilovesakunamorethanmyself @semisutopia
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bzbnong · 7 months
𔓕... lun8 e seus abraços
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𔓕 gênero: fluffy
𔓕 palavras: 1,2k, no máximo
𔓕 avisos: meio meloso e uma escrita meio bobona dessa vez, algo mais simples e tudo em minúsculo; alerta de talvez você querer um abraço deles, mas só vai ficar na vontade mesmo.
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abraçar o chael seria uma experiência incrivelmente suave e calorosa;
ele teria o toque de alguém que valoriza cada momento de proximidade;
o abraço aconteceria de forma inesperada, talvez quando você menos esperasse, demonstrando o desejo genuíno de estar perto de você;
seus braços envolveriam você com gentileza, como se estivesse segurando algo precioso, transmitindo um sentimento de segurança e carinho;
apressão do abraço seria suave, mas firme, revelando o calor do afeto que ele sente por você;
você poderia sentir o bater de seu coração, como se estivesse sintonizado com a emoção do momento;
e a cada abraço, ele se entregaria completamente, como se o mundo exterior desaparecesse, criando um espaço íntimo apenas para os dois;
o sorriso bobo e os olhares profundos seriam apenas a cereja no topo do bolo, revelando o quanto ele aprecia cada abraço;
abraçar esse personagem seria como abraçar um pedaço do céu, onde o tempo para e a felicidade floresce;
adoraria te abraçar quando estivesse dormindo, agarraria você como se fosse um ursinho de pelúcia (ele realmente acreditou que era um, por isso quando descobriu que te abraçou com muita força, te encheu de beijinhos e ficou pedindo desculpas de forma repetida).
algo profundamente suave e caloroso. ele abraçaria você com um toque suave, mas firme, transmitindo segurança e afeto;
seus braços envolveriam você com carinho, como se estivesse protegendo algo precioso;
ele não hesitaria em abraçar do nada, surpreendendo você com sua ternura inesperada, o que tornaria esses momentos ainda mais especiais;
os abraços seriam frequentemente acompanhados de um olhar brilhante, como se ele estivesse expressando todo o amor que sente por você através desse gesto simples;
você sentiria o coração dele batendo, como se estivesse sincronizado com o seu, criando uma sensação de intimidade única;
Jinsu faria questão de te abraçar de uma forma que transmitisse o quanto ele valoriza o relacionamento de vocês, e cada abraço seria uma lembrança do carinho e afeto que compartilham;
teria uma grandíssima mania de ficar esfregando o rosto em sua curvatura do pescoço;
durante os abraços, ele poderia sussurrar elogios e palavras doces, reforçando constantemente o quanto você é especial para ele;
cada abraço seria um lembrete do amor e da conexão que existe entre vocês, tornando cada momento mais especial do que o anterior.
sua personalidade tímida e adorável transpareceria no abraço, tornando-o ainda mais especial;
abraçar o Takuma seria uma experiência incrivelmente suave e calorosa;
ele abraçaria você de uma maneira delicada, como se estivesse segurando algo frágil e precioso;
seus braços envolveriam você com carinho, transmitindo uma sensação de segurança e afeto. esse abraço suave seria carregado de doçura e vulnerabilidade, demonstrando a profundidade de seus sentimentos;
Takuma não hesitaria em abraçar do nada, surpreendendo você com sua ternura e carinho inesperados. esse gesto espontâneo adicionaria um toque de doçura ao relacionamento, tornando cada abraço uma surpresa adorável. se ele não te abraçasse, certo, ai sim teria problema;
enquanto vocês estivessem abraçados, ele poderia brincar com um fio de cabelo seu de forma desajeitada, ou suas mãos tocariam seu rosto de maneira gentil e encantadora. esses gestos desajeitados seriam uma extensão de sua personalidade tímida, tornando o momento ainda mais fofo e genuíno. se apostar, ele estaria avermelhado quando fizesse isso;
você sentiria o amor e a paixão que ele guarda em seu coração, mesmo que seja expresso de maneira delicada. esse abraço seria um lembrete constante de quão especial é o vínculo que vocês compartilham, repleto de carinho e cuidado.
esse daqui amaria abraçar você e te abraçaria com uma energia contagiante, transmitindo uma sensação de alegria e entusiasmo;
provavelmente te apertaria, mas também te daria alguns beijos lá e cá;
seria caloroso e acolhedor, como se ele estivesse envolvendo você em um abraço cheio de amor;
Junwoo não hesitaria em abraçar do nada, surpreendendo você com sua empolgação espontânea, muito pelo contrário, ele amaria pegar você de forma desprevenida, principalmente quando ele entrasse em casa;
ele provavelmente faria movimentos animados e brincaria durante o abraço, adicionando um toque de diversão à situação;
o sorriso constante em seu rosto iluminaria o momento, e a energia cativante dele o envolveria de maneira contagiante;
Junwoo também não se conteria em expressar seu amor durante o abraço, talvez dizendo o quanto te ama e o quanto valoriza a sua presença;
cada abraço seria uma manifestação clara de sua paixão e carinho, tornando-os momentos especiais e cheios de calor.
ele envolveria você com uma ternura cativante, como se estivesse segurando algo precioso;
o abraço de Dohyun seria extremamente suave, transmitindo uma sensação de calma e conforto;
ele não hesitaria em abraçar do nada, surpreendendo você com sua doçura espontânea, o que tornaria cada abraço ainda mais especial;
só cairia a ficha que ele estava agarrado em você mais uma vez quando você sentisse o calor do corpo dele contra o seu e o toque suave de suas mãos em sua cintura;
sempre, sempre e sempre estariam em sua cintura, proporcionando uma sensação de proximidade e segurança;
ele estaria sorrindo o tempo todo, irradiando felicidade e carinho;
acredito que daria uns leves selares em seu pescoço ou esfregaria o nariz em sua curvatura;
seria atento a cada momento e cada toque, expressando sua apreciação de maneira delicada e amorosa. poderia até mesmo aproveitar a oportunidade para dar pequenos beijos e sorrir de maneira singela;
você provavelmente sentiria o amor do rapaz e a valorização dele consigo.
uma experiência suave, calorosa e repleta de carinho;
ele te envolveria de maneira delicada, como se estivesse segurando algo frágil e precioso;
abraços com toda certeza quando estão sem fazer nada, apenas vendo o que passava na tv, ele te abraçaria tão suave e de uma forma tão calorosa que provavelmente daria sono;
o abraço dele seria incrivelmente suave, transmitindo uma sensação de conforto e segurança;
não hesitaria em te abraçar do nada, surpreendendo você com sua ternura espontânea, tornando cada abraço ainda mais especial;
sentiria o calor do abraço dele, que estaria repleto de carinho e afeto;
ele veria o abraço como uma forma de compartilhar um momento íntimo e especial com você, e isso seria refletido na suavidade e no calor do gesto;
ele é alguém que demonstra seu amor através de gestos afetuosos, e durante o abraço, ele poderia sussurrar palavras doces ao pé do seu ouvido, tornando o momento ainda mais especial;
cada abraço dele seria um lembrete do afeto e da conexão de vocês.
incrivelmente suave e caloroso, algo repleto de carinho e ternura;
ele abraçaria você de uma maneira delicada, como se estivesse segurando algo precioso, tipo, literalmente;
seus abraços seriam suaves, transmitindo uma sensação de conforto e proteção;
Eunho não hesitaria em abraçar do nada, surpreendendo você com sua ternura espontânea, o que tornaria cada abraço ainda mais especial;
totalmente o tipo que chega do nada e te abraça por trás ou até mesmo chega com passos leves até você, enquanto lava os pratos ou faz algo nesse meio;
durante o abraço, ele demonstraria sua atenção e afeto ao ajustar as mechas de seu cabelo, garantindo que tudo estivesse perfeito;
o carinho e a dedicação que ele coloca em cada detalhe tornariam o abraço ainda mais significativo;
provavelmente iria roçar seu nariz no dele se estivesse te abraçando pela frente;
você o toque gentil de suas mãos, que estariam em sintonia com a sua emoção;
Eunho seria alguém que não apenas abraça com suavidade, mas também com profundo carinho e isso se refletiria em cada gesto e toque;
cada abraço seria uma manifestação do amor e da conexão que existe entre vocês, proporcionando uma sensação de calor e aconchego.
abraçar o eunseop, digamos que é como uma das oitavas maravilhas do mundo;
incrivelmente caloroso, afetuoso e claramente cheio de energia;
ele abraçaria você com entusiasmo e paixão, como se estivesse celebrando a alegria de estarem juntos;
repleto de calor, dando uma sensação de proximidade e segurança;
não hesitaria de forma alguma de abraçar você do nada, e mesmo que isso fosse diário, você provavelmente se surpreenderia, porque a cada abraço, ele estaria com wolts de energia diferente;
carinhos especiais durante o abraço, alguns beijinhos lá e cá, todos totalmente fofos;
estaria demonstrando seu afeto da forma mais apaixonada possível. não hesitaria, de forma alguma mesmo de mostrar seu amor de maneira efusiva;
provavelmente te balançaria de um lado para o outro, algumas vezes com a voz sonolenta;
falando em voz sonolenta, se ele acordasse e você estivesse de pé, você teria que aguentar ele como um coala em você. e se ele estivesse dormindo, você seria o urso dele :(
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lale-txt · 5 months
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❈ 𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐭 𝐰/ 𝐈𝐧𝐨 & 𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐛!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
where you and Ino are stuck due a snow storm and have to stay warm...
a/n: merry Christmas, my dear @mirkaaaluv (´⌣`ʃƪ)♡ i'm sooo excited i get to be your secret santa! you definitely passed the Ino fever onto me, how is he just so [incoherent screeching]? hope you'll enjoy this fic, i had so much fun writing this for you.
contains: ns.fw under the cut, afab!reader (no pronouns used, ‘cunt’ and ‘pussy’ used to describe genitalia), dirty talk, spanking, breath play, overstimulation, praise kink, fingering (reader receiving), creampie, breeding kink (no mention of pregnancy or babies), rough but loving sex, pet names (babe, baby, sweet little thing, darling)
word count: 3.1k
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“See? A small fire and this place feels super cozy already. Imagine a little winter vacation getaway, just you and me–” “–and the hundred curses hiding outside within the temple, waiting to be exorcized…” “Babe, please… I’m trying to be romantic here…”
You can’t help but giggle when Ino takes you in his arms and kisses the bridge of your nose, rubbing your back to warm you up. He had managed to light up the old stove with some firewood, old newspapers and a pack of matches that you found within the abandoned hut. Now the crackling sound of burning wood filled the room, paired with the relentless howling of the snow storm outside. It was a miracle that you found this place during your mission, caught by surprise from the sudden snow. Judging from the simple but clean interior, someone associated with the uninhabited temple you were supposed to cleanse of curses has lived here before. 
Now it is your safe haven in the midst of a storm. While the weather forecast didn’t look good, neither of you would have expected to get snowed in, but here you are. And still, you couldn’t even be mad about it–being stuck with Ino in the middle of nowhere wasn’t too bad, considering your occupation as sorcerers often didn’t leave you with much free time to spend together as a couple. Maybe the stars had aligned to grant you some time together, or how Ino said: A little winter vacation getaway. 
Your partner seems to be all fired up about the situation you found yourself in, his protective instincts kicking into gear. He scurries around the hut, opening drawers and cabinets and gathering everything that could be useful in a pile; from blankets to an old kettle, he even found some dried tea leaves and pickled veggies (that would go along perfectly with the bread rolls Nanami had gifted you and Ino prior to your mission, a small souvenir from his latest bakery discovery). He also drags the mattress from the other room over, putting it in front of the stove from where you watched him with a small smirk curving up your lips. Within a few minutes the room already looked much cozier than before. 
“We should probably get out of these wet clothes or else we’ll catch a cold,” you point out and Ino nods, a hint of mischief on his face before he peels out of his jacket and his black sweater, hanging both over a chair to dry. Both of you strip down to your underwear (not without a little peeking), then Ino is the first to sit down on the mattress, grabbing the biggest blanket and patting his thigh for you to sit on. You don’t hesitate at all, craving all the warmth you can get. When you crawl into his arms, you’re welcomed with lots and lots of kisses on your face down to the side of your neck, before you settle down comfortably with your back against Ino’s chest, letting him wrap the blanket around you both. He nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck, taking deep inhales of the scent of his favorite person in the whole world. 
A comfortable silence falls between you two, and for a while you just sit there holding each other, watching the fire in the stove almost mesmerized, and listening to the sounds of the storm outside. Snow is already piling up on the windowsill while the sun is long gone, but you’re not afraid; you could never while being in these arms. 
“I love you so,” Ino eventually mumbles against your skin before kissing your shoulder and hugging you a bit closer to him. He cups your hands with his, noticing how they were still not fully warmed up yet. He rubs them a little and places a few kisses on your fingertips. “Should I go find another blanket for you? Or make some tea?”
You shake your head and rest your head against his shoulder, looking up at him with a small smile. “Nah, I’m fine. Let’s just stay like this for a little longer. I already feel much warmer.”
Ino looks like he is about to protest, but then he opts to kiss you instead. He is gentle at first, his lips softly brushing against yours, but he is quick to pick up your subtle cues and kisses you harder, one hand coming to your chin while his tongue finds yours. His arm wraps a little tighter around your middle, pulling you closer to him, till there’s not even an inch left between your bare bodies. You can tell from his breathing that Ino is feeling the same rising heat from within as you do. 
A quiet growl comes from his throat when you arch your back a little, grinding your ass against his boxers from where his cock was throbbing already, and it takes him every ounce of self-restraint to not just pull the fabric aside and sink you down on his length. Instead he makes sure you’re nestled tightly with your back against his chest, the hand on your chin wandering down slowly to your throat while his other reaches for your thighs, spreading them open till your legs are hooked over his knees. The blanket hides the damp patch in your panties that would otherwise be on full display, but by now Ino doesn’t need to see to know how aroused you are; your sweet little sounds and your squirming tell him everything he needs to know. 
“Wet already? My sweet little thing is so eager for me, hm?” he hums in your ear when running his knuckles between your clothed folds, the fabric sticking to them. You whine a little, hungry for more of his touch, and he squeezes his fingers around your throat a bit tighter, not too much but enough to remind you of the position you’re in. “Tell me what you want, baby…”
Not giving you any time to respond, Ino’s big hand cups your cunt, a low chuckle rumbling in his chest when he feels you buck your hips against him. He starts to massage your folds a little, a thumb brushing over your sensitive clit and making your legs tremble, a finger hooked under the crotch of your panties and pulling them up. He always loves to tease you like that, your reactions making him hungry to devour you. 
“Wanna cum on your cock,” you mumble in his ear, kissing every inch of him you can reach. His scent was so familiar, so warm, and a little intoxicating; you just couldn’t get enough of him, ever. “Wanna feel you all the way inside my tummy…” 
“Oh, yeah? Gonna be so good for me, baby? Gonna let me stuff that pretty little cunt of yours?”, Ino asks, his voice low and husky. He’s planning on fucking you against every flat surface in this hut anyway, but he loves it when you use your words to say what you want. He can never get enough of the yearning and the desire in your voice, a melody for his ears only. Patience was never his strong suit though, not when you’re both so riled up, so it’s no surprise when he slides your panties down to your ankles and dips one finger into your wetness. 
Your head falls back against his shoulder when Ino adds a second finger, then a third when he feels how your walls flutter around him. His breath is hot and heavy on your skin while he makes you fall apart in his arms, whispering needy words close to your ear. His hand around your throat squeezes tighter every time you clench down on his slender fingers, rubbing that sweet spot that pushes you over the edge so easily. You start feeling a little lightheaded, your whole body tingling. 
“Cum for me, baby… need you all nice and loose so you can take me, okay?”, Ino mutters, pressing his fingers deeper into your heat. You’re dripping by now, your juices running down his wrist while you swallow him so greedily, close, so close–
Ino lets go of your throat once you gush around him, muffling your mewls and whimpers with a deep kiss that takes your breath away. He keeps teasing your clit throughout your orgasm, the overstimulation making you squirm, but you’re still nestled so tightly against him, there’s no escape. Ino can never get enough of the way you look when you’re wrecked with pleasure, but he’s no bully so he lets you breathe for a moment and slides his fingers out to bring them to his lips. 
“I love how you taste,” he moans quietly against your ear, relishing the sticky mess you’ve made. Ino kisses you again and lets you savor your own juices. “So sweet. So delicious. Tastes like heaven to me.” 
He nibbles on your ear and holds you tight in his arms until your heart rate slows down a bit. The whole time his aching cock is pressed against the small of your back, throbbing and desperate to be touched.
When you finally feel the strength in your limbs returning, you sit up slightly, the blanket falling down your shoulders and revealing your bare form. Ino’s eyes never leave your silhouette, he’s taking you in and admiring the shape of you with the eyes of a love drunk man. 
“Fuck me.” 
Your voice is barely a whisper, a little husky even. Dripping with desire. Ino pulls down his boxers and his cock springs free, resting heavy against his stomach. The pink tip is oozing with precum, he can barely hold back anymore. He starts stroking himself slowly while you get on all fours, facing the stove and presenting him your backside. You lower your upper body to the ground, your ass up in the air, spreading your folds with two fingers wide open for him. Ino lets out a shaky breath at the sight of yours, but he doesn’t dare to touch you yet.
“Please… need your cock. Need you inside. Fuck me, Ino, darling, please, fuck me…”
Your sweet please make your lover’s resistance crumble. Ino gets behind you, one hand on your ass to spread it apart even wider for a better view. The light of the fire dips him into warm shades of gold, and his hungry gaze lingers on you. You let out a needy mewl when he rubs just the tip against your cunt, almost making you jolt from being so sensitive still. You whine out his name and arch your back more to push yourself onto him, but he keeps you in place, his fingers digging deeply into your flesh. Ino breathes heavily, and then his hand comes down for a sharp smack, quickly soothed by more kneading. 
“You’re dripping,” he mutters and teases your clit with the tip of his cock, charming out sweet moans from your throat with every move. “Tell me again what you want, baby, c’mon…”
“Need your cock, please, please, just fuck me already–”, you whimper, and cry out loud when another smack lands on your ass, the other side this time. The sharp pain burns so good, and this time Ino comes down to kiss the spot where a faint red mark blooms. Oh, how badly Ino wants to bury his face in your cunt, and lick and spit and suck till you choke on his name on your tongue, but for now he has other plans.
With one swift movement he grabs you by the hips and spins you around, letting out a small growl now that you’re under him. Ino leans down, one hand grabbing your wrists and pinning them down above your head, while his lips find yours again, kissing you feverishly. His cock rests heavy and twitching on your stomach now, as if to demonstrate you how deep he’s gonna nestle inside of you.
“Wanna see your pretty face when you cream around my cock, baby,” Ino sighs and looks at you like you’re magic; pure adoration and desire. It sends warm shivers throughout your whole body and makes your pussy throb, feeling empty ever since his fingers slid out. He lets go of your wrists to grab your legs and put them over his shoulders, making sure you’re comfortable while being spread wide open for him. Ino kisses the insides of your thighs, a few light bites in between, and groans when your hands come to his cock, giving it a few strokes before raising your hips slightly for him to slide in. By now your mind is blank, desiring nothing but to be stuffed to the brim.
The air is knocked out of lungs when Ino finally pushes his cock inside in one swift movement. You’re so wet and your walls swallow him greedily, fluttering around him as you let out a sigh of relief, the biggest smile curling upon your lips when he starts rutting like an animal, setting a merciless pace from the very beginning. While he first held your legs in place, Ino now puts his hands down on the mattress next to your head, basically folding you in half while he keeps on pounding into you. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight, baby, feels so good, so pretty for me…” Ino growls and brushes a strand of hair out of your face to get a better look at your blissfully fucked out expression, your eyes rolling in the back of your head with every thrust of his. Your sweet moans and whimpers are louder than the snow storm outside and awake something feral within him; all he can think about is how badly he wants to breed you, how he wants to stuff you so full of his cum till it’s dripping out of your throbbing core, how he needs to fill you up till you remember his shape forever.
“Close… ‘m so close…”, you mewl, that familiar knot in your core once again dancing on the edge of snapping. You’re melting underneath him, your vision getting a little blurry when you rest one hand on your tummy and feel his cock stretching you out so deliciously. The words falling out of your mouth are drowned out in needy moans and whimpers. “Gonna cum… wanna cum with you, Ino… love you, gonna cum, gonna…” 
Ino lets out an airy laugh, not mocking but so full of love, overwhelmed by his own emotions. He leans down to kiss you again, and to push his cock a little bit deeper inside of you as well until he’s fully bottomed out in your aching cunt. 
“I love you. Love you so much, baby,” he babbles, his hips stuttering by now while he also chases his high, his thrusts getting harsh and sloppy. “Sweet thing… taking me so well… gonna let me fill you up, yeah? Want my cum? I love you. I love you. Fuck, you’re squeezing me, baby, feels good, feels so good… I love your pussy so much… love you. Mine, all mine… ‘m gonna…” 
Your legs slide down from his shoulders and wrap around his waist, pulling him even closer to you, as if he wasn’t already bottomed out in your core, seconds away from falling apart. He moans into your open mouth and after one more brutish thrust you feel waves of pleasure rush throughout your limbs, a numbing and tingling sensation exploding within you. You cum so hard, it makes Ino take a sharp breath and whimper as your cunt milks him, and he buries his face in the crook of your neck when he cums shortly after you, spilling his hot load inside. 
While your orgasm seems to last forever, neither Ino nor you make an attempt to move or pull apart, content in your tiny universe. The only sounds are your heavy breathing, your hammering heartbeat and the crackling of the fire wood. Ino still keeps on mumbling words of praise and adoration against your skin, until you muffle them with a kiss on his lips which he returns with equal passion. 
You trace the scar on his forehead gently with your fingers while gazing into his eyes. They were a bit glazy, with the reflection of the flames dancing in them. Ino leans more into your touch, kissing the palm of your hand and down to your wrist. He doesn’t pull out, not yet, feasting on the feeling of you pulsating around his cock; his load and your juices slowly dripping down from where you’re connected. 
“You’re not cold anymore, are you? I warmed you up really good?”, he asks with a grin and gently bites down on one of your fingers. His eyes sparkle with mischief. You let out a small chuckle. Sometimes he reminds you of a puppy, chewing on everything he could get a hold on, and so eager to get praised.
“Mmm, I’m not sure,” you think out loud and watch his eyebrows twitch in irritation. You laugh again and cup his chin with your hand, pressing another kiss on his lips. “I’ve heard it’s important to keep moving if you want to stay warm…” 
Ino huffs and rolls his hips in response, twitching inside of you, getting hard again. He is so easy to tease, it’s adorable. His hands come down to your hips, and suddenly in one swift motion you’re lying flat on your stomach again, with Ino bottoming out inside of you. Being manhandled like this, plus the new angle, make you moan out loud and tremble from pleasure and overstimulation, and Ino clicks his tongue at your poor attempt to crawl away.
“Oh, I can keep you warm, my sweet,” he whispers close to your ear, pinning you down against the mattress. He lets out a small hushed moan when you arch your back further for him. “Will you be good and return the favor? Gonna let me keep my cock in your pretty pussy? You’re clenching so hard around me, baby, it’s like you never wanna let me go…”
There’s truth in his words, and that night, you definitely don’t let go; and when the sun rises again and the snow starts melting, nothing but love lies on the tip of your tongue, getting swallowed greedily by the one who has your whole heart.
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delzinrowe · 30 days
WORD COUNT: ~1.4K WARNINGS: Mentions of alcohol, idk. F!Reader
Bartender!Takuma Ino has been rotting my brain so here's a little something.
Bartender!Takuma, who is one of three bartenders in a local pub. He’s known for his mixing skills and his moves, constantly getting the highest tips due to his level of wit, skill and his handsome face.
Bartender!Takuma who always has a keen eye for guests and listens attentively when he notices someone with worries. He has a special drink for each occasion that he gives a concerned guest. For a broken heart he has a soft pastel blue coloured sweet cocktail meant to heal. For financial trouble he has a clear drink with green syrup that brings fortune. For family struggles he has a pink cocktail, supposed to lift all the worries and help rekindle.
Bartender!Takuma who gets in trouble with his boss for giving out those cocktails for free (one per guest though) but always gets off the hook cause he brings the most business into the pub and is well liked by all locals.
Bartender!Takuma whose eyes are immediately on you when he sees you walk in. He doesn’t say a word about it but he notices the tear stains on your cheeks, the chapped lips from biting them nervously, the unfocused gaze in your eyes. He’s immediately in front of you when you sit down at the bar, ready to take your order.
Bartender!Takuma who mixes you a special and unique sweet cocktail after you tell him you don’t have the mind to choose from a long list of drinks. He serves you the cocktail with a reassuring smile.
Bartender!Takuma who is known as the one to always make a show but tonight he didn’t perform a single move because all his attention is on you. He keeps coming back to you and asks you if everything is okay, but he never comes across as pressuring or pushing.
Bartender!Takuma who doesn’t give you advice because he knows advice from someone else might come from a good place but mostly falls on deaf ears until the person actually learns the lesson on their own, so he settles for listening to you instead.
Bartender!Takuma whose shift ended half an hour ago, yet he still stands behind the bar, talking to you about mindless stuff until you cheer up a little more because he can’t leave without seeing you smile.
Bartender!Takuma who asks if he should call you a taxi or bring you home himself when you tell him it’s time to go but he knows you’ve had a few drinks. You reassure him that your friend will pick you up and you won’t drive yourself, which has him visibly relieved.
Bartender!Takuma who watches you leave with the sour taste of regret in his mouth that he didn’t ask you for your number or at least gave you his. But he knows it would be unprofessional, and despite everything you (and other locals) share with the bartenders you’re still all just paying customers.
Bartender!Takuma who leaves that day with the least tips he ever got because most of his attention was on you but he really doesn’t care about that because as long as he made you smile it was all worth it.
Bartender!Takuma who spends his shifts during the next few days watching the door almost obsessively in hopes to see you walk in again but he’s disappointed every time it’s someone else. He’s waiting to see you again.
Bartender!Takuma who always gives up on seeing you again and tries to forget you by doing his job extra well, performing different bartending moves and throwing bottles and glasses in the air, effortlessly catching them all and putting on a show for all the guests. He’s so immersed in the show that he only notices the wave of new customers when he approaches them from behind the bar.
Bartender!Takuma who is absolutely elated and immediately has a bright smile on his face when he realizes you are among the wave of customers. He does his best to cater to everyone’s wishes but his attention is still mostly on you as he asks you about stuff related to your first night in the bar. It makes you blush that he remembers even small details.
Bartender!Takuma who doesn’t seem to notice the glances your friends give you whenever he performs a trick just for you. He still performs for other guests too but it’s obvious that he’s putting much more effort into the moves he makes for you.
Bartender!Takuma who slowly but surely gets to know you more, your full name and zodiac, as you tell him happily, your profession, your worries, your hobbies, your likes and dislikes. He’s happy you’re talking to him so much and he’s opening up to you just the same.
Bartender!Takuma who once again forgot to ask you for your number when you leave but it’s okay because he has the strong impression that you’ll visit the pub again, and he hopes it’s because of him.
Bartender!Takuma who is smiling like a little kid on Christmas when he sees you again because he was right that you’d come back. His two colleagues are happy you’re back too because if they had to listen to him talk about you any more they would have punched him.
Bartender!Takuma who builds a solid friendship with you over the course of weeks. You don’t know it but his colleagues tell him when you come in on his days off and how your happy smile always falters when they tell you he’s not working. His heart always skips a beat when he thinks about it
Bartender!Takuma who gladly caters to all your wishes in everything cocktail-wise and always knows which moves to make to get you to laugh. Everytime he succeeds his heart makes a little jump.
Bartender!Takuma who gets urged by his colleagues to finally make a move and ask you out because now that you frequent the pub they have seen many guys looking at you. He gets visibly upset when they tell him that men have bought you drinks on his day off.
Bartender!Takuma who is immediately irritated when a guy on the other side of the bar buys you a drink and tells him to give you a message. But it’s his job, so he has to do it. Instead of making the drink and giving it to you right away however, he asks you if you want to accept it.
Bartender!Takuma who smiles a little too happily when you ask him if it’s impolite to reject the drink from the guy. He reassures you that it’s not impolite and takes care of the guy, in a more or less polite manner because he’d like to keep his job.
Bartender!Takuma who scowls the immediate moment a stranger approaches you and asks if they can buy you a drink. It’s different when someone is standing right next to you, so he knows you’re likely to accept just so you don’t anger the stranger. He takes the stranger's order, internally rolling his eyes at the bitter drink he ordered for you because he knows you don’t like bitter cocktails.
Bartender!Takuma who nonetheless mixes the drink and even performs some of his skilled moves to get you to look at him. When he serves the drink he accidentally spills it, making sure it stains the stranger’s pants. Of course he apologizes, but only you know that it’s a half assed apology that he doesn’t mean
Bartender!Takuma who swears the entire pub can hear his heart leaping when you thank him for saving you with his little stunt. It’s the first time he’s actually blushing and you think it makes him look even more handsome.
Bartender!Takuma who finally has the guts to ask you if you want to go out with him after weeks of pining for you. He’s not as smooth when he asks you, almost a little clumsy with his words but unbeknownst to him you think it makes him seem even cuter.
Bartender!Takuma who can’t hide his relieved and happy smile when you agree on a date. He’s so happy he completely forgets to ask for your number or when you have time. When you leave he wants to kick himself because how can he take you out on a date if he doesn’t even have your number.
Bartender!Takuma who almost breaks out in a happy dance when one of his colleagues hands him the napkin you purposely left behind with your number on it. He’s so happy he seems to be floating and beaming, brighter than the sun itself. All because he’s soon taking you out on the best date you ever had.
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matchamocchi · 6 months
Relief - 1
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After the assault of a curse's special attack, Takuma has a problem. But he's lucky that his teammate is more than willing to lend him a helping hand.
P0rn with a bit of plot exploiting the good ol' sex pollen trope.
A/N: This snippet of smut would not fit into my story – which doesn't mean it did not haunt my mind to the point I had to write it down. Enjoy!
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Four missed calls. Two unanswered messsages on read. And he couldn't care less - even though he did care about her. Actually more than about anyone else.
Since their first meeting, he was smitten with every single aspect of her existence. Her looks, her voice, her patience and intellect, her soft nature that contrasted her fierce fighting skills. While he didn't want to surrender to it at first, at some point it was unavoidable to think about the girl during the lonely nights when his urges got the better of him. But each time he pleasured himself to the images of his teammate, he felt filthy afterwards for making this sweet, pure girl the protagonist of his lewd mind-porn.
But right now, as he was lying on his bed, fisting his swollen dick, it did not matter at all. No efforts should be spared to help him getting rid of this painful erection.
Early this morning, he was called to a mission. She was already in the car when Ichiji came to pick him up. They met Nanami at the haunted building and decided to split up to get the job done as quickly as possible. Ino and the girl took out a group of lower grade curses of which one suddenly blew out a thick veil of purple dust. She managed to fight off most of the substance with her cursed technique but Ino was directly hit in the face and inhaled some of it.
Later, Ieri checked on them to find out if it was some kind of poison and they needed further monitoring or treatment.
„Ino-san.“. He was just about to leave her office with Nanami and his teammate when Ieri addressed him and made a come hither movement with her finger.
„There's something you should know.“ She closed the door, sat down, lit a cigarette and tapped the pile of papers in her hands against the desk. „Your blood analysis shows a consideringly increased testosterone value.“ The doctor took a puff before continuing. „Apparently the strange dust this curse emitted was some kind of pollen that fuels the sex drive with the goal of incapacitating its victims.“
Ino's eyes widened. „That means?“
„Well, it's very likely that you will be easily aroused or fall into a state of permanent stimulation. I advice you to stay inside for the rest of the day and maybe also tomorrow, depending on your condition.“
Ino cleared his throat. „Okay. But... I don't feel any form of, uhm, arousal right now...“
„Thanks to your teammate you only inhaled a small amount of the curse's pollen. It can take some time before it takes effect.“
„And... is there... you know, something I can do?“
Ieri grinned and made a gesture with her hand that told him: jerk off.
If only it were that easy!
This was the most persistent boner of his life and no matter how long and hard he tried, he couldn't cum. He was horny to no end, his mind flooded with unrestrained scenarios of his cute teammate. But touching himself just didn't cut it. His body demanded for the real thing. A hot, juicy pussy that would milk him dry. He realized this after two hours of smearing an entire tube of handlotion onto his dick, rubbing it in all ways possible that would normally get the job done within only a couple of minutes.
Sex, sex, sex.
It was the only thing on his mind. However, the feeling was far from adolescent horniness. It was a destructive carnal thirst that seized his body from head to toe. Like a fever he could not escape. He was so deprived of most of his self-control that he felt like an animal. Takuma wanted – no, needed – it so bad that the desire caused not only his hardness to ache but also his conscience.
He had to fuck right now or he would lose his sanity.
With a groan, Ino pulled his pants up and sat down in front of his computer in a corner of his living room. He typed his address into the search field and added „callgirls“. Paying for sex had never crossed his mind before but now it seemed like his last resort. He studied the search results and opened some tabs when the sound of his doorbell sent a thunderbolt through his guts and he winced like he had been caught doing something illegal. No matter who it was, he would ignore them. Neither physically nor mentally was he in a state to interact with other people.
„Ino-san?“ The sweetest voice he knew called his name from the other side of the door.
No. Please not her. Not her of all people.
„Hey, are you okay? You did not answer your phone. I'm worried, so I came to check on you.“
Ino bit his lip. What should he do now? „Just pretend to not be at home.“, he concluded
„Ino-senpai?“, her voice made his cock twitch and his heart beat faster. „I'll come in now, okay?“
Next thing he heard was a rustle when she lifted his doormat to get the spare key he had told her about some time ago.
Shit. What now?
The second he heard the key being turned inside the lock, he hurriedly closed his computer, quickly threw on a hoodie and grabbed a blanket which he placed on his lap to hide his boner. Ino remained seated and put on his earphones so he could pretend he had not heard her.
Damn! How he loved it when she called him that!
It made him fuzzy-headed whenever he explained things to her and she would listen and nod enthusiastically, responding with something like „Really? That's interesing! Thank you, senpai!“
Remembering the way senpai fell from her lips also never failed to get his dick hard. Now, those six letters only sent another surge of pain to the region between his legs.
„Ino-san?“, she gently touched his shoulder to get his attention. The touch covered his entire body in goosbumps.
Takuma turned around, looked at her, doing his best to fake surprise and took off the headphones. „Oh, hi! What's up? What are you doing here?“ His voice was shaky and sounded raspy.
Takuma tried to sound as casual as possible despite the thick lump in his throat. When he looked at her, his fingers trembled and his jaw clenched. He involuntarily licked his lips when his eyes caught sight of her chest. She wore a tight shirt which accentuating the curves. Before his eyes, he saw a very clear vision of how he would kiss and suck the smooth flesh and could almost feel the weight of her breasts on the palms of his hands.
She had to go. He had to get her out of here immediately.
„You didn't answer my calls and messages. I was scared you might suffer from the attack this morning.“
„I'm fine but a bit sleepy. Actually, I just wanted to take a nap. Don't worry about me, I bet you have better things to do.“
He looked at her lips. They looked a bit shiny from the peach-tinted lipbalm. And inviting. They would perfectly match the pink hue of his cock.
„Oh my, you're sweating!“ When she reached for his forehead to check if he had a temperature, Ino flinched.
„It's okay, it's okay!“, he stammered, stopping her assault by grabbing her wrist.
His reaction shocked her, he could tell by the hurt expression on her face. Which turned into an angrier one within only a split second.
„No, I insist that we go and see Ieri-san. Now! Let's go, I'll call Akari to come and get us!“. The girl pulled her phone from her pocket and when Ino got up to stop her from making a call, the blanket fell off his lap, exposing the huge tent in his pants.
„...oh.“, she almost whispered and looked at the sight with widened eyes. The outline of his cock was prominent against the dark grey cotton of his sweatpants. „Oh!“, she exclaimed once more as she fully realized what was going on.
With glowing cheeks, he hurriedly picked up the blanket and covered his groin as if he were naked. He noticed that her wide-eyed gaze still lingered between his legs.
This was by far the most embarassing moment in his entire life!
„Okay, I have an issue! This is the curse's work and it won't go away! So could you please, for fuck's sake, leave me the hell alone so I can take care of it?“, Ino almost yelled due to his nervousness. „Can you just go now to not make this any more awkward than it already is? Please?“ He was so agitated that his voice threatened to break any second.
He pointed towards the door but when she did not move, instead remained in the living room with a baffled look on her face, he fled to his bedroom.
The brunette sat down on his bed, face buried in his hands. He was hot – but couldn't tell wether it was due to arousal or embarassment.
„You want me... to help you?“
He looked up and their eyes met. She leaned against the doorframe. Ino knew her well enough to know that this was no joke. The tone in her voice, the posture. She really wanted to help him.
His brain spat out so many thoughts at once that it felt like it was riding a brutal rollercoaster:
"But wait. What does she want to do? Does she want to do this. No, absolutely not! There's no way she means to have sex with me. But she is smart. So does she have another idea?"
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oreoishii · 1 year
I like to imagine that Kunemon is the first to notice Ryo's crush on Takuma and then starts doing his best to create the right situations that allow the two to be alone and bond. Agumon will become his "partner in crime" but sometimes he might make Kunemon regret involving him.
Agumon suddenly enters the classroom: Takuma! Ryo! Did you do that thing??? Hmm...how was it? Kis-
Kunemon: KEW KEEEEEEW!!! *nervous*
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ironnbarbs · 3 months
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Various drawings from last night mostly based off on Infinity Millenia (eventual fancomic), first one is based on an hc i had that the deeper the bond of a human and a kemonogami, the human also gets traits from their respective kemonogami (mostly minor things such as sharper teeth).
But in very specific scenarios, similar to an dark evolution but in this case the kemonogami doesn't turn against their partner, the human and the kemonogami act almost as an entire unit to the point that its damaging to both, almost like an manic episode.
In that specific drawing, i imagine Takuma and Tuskmon are so pissed and violent that their strength and bond causes Takuma to heat up and spill smoke.
(Also, the second one is just some cute silly doodles because i got tired from the angst)
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lady-boketto · 2 days
Difference in Taste! (Random Drabble)
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A/n: Honestly this was one of those random scenarios that pop up in your head and unlike the other ones I had to write this one out, I also included a lot of characters so I put it under the cut
It's one of those rare afternoons where you have the pleasure of passing the time not really doing anything but relishing in the peaceful comfort of your home with your beloved partner.
Not wanting to waste the opportunity of your significant other's already sparse time, you were determined to spend some quality time with them as you thought the day was perfect for a outdoor picnic with bright blue skies and the temperatures being well above the average day, yet the day was still accompanied by a slight breeze with the warm summer air.
As you walked with your arm linked with your partner through the field you both wandered into, your eyes scanned the surrounding for a perfect spot to set up your picnic blanket when your irises catch a nearby oak tree that is providing a nice umbrella of shade.
With the blanket set up nicely in the shade of oak tree, your significant other is already starting to unpack all your belongings and placing them down eagerly on the soft fabric of the blanket, clearly overjoyed to relax with their love one while also enjoying the food the both of you had spent the better part of the morning preparing.
while in their warm embrace you decide to fill the silence with mindless conversation, it's mostly what has captured your attention that day (whether it's mindless banter or enticing gossip you have to tell, your significant other is always listening with a smile with on their face while trying to keep the conversation to the best of their ability) while in the middle of answering your previous thought of what would be the most diabolical smash or pass topic, you think of a another thought that would hopefully shake your partner's thoughts and they finally stumble over their words.
" How do you think I'd taste? what you you think?"
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Those whose minds thought you meant food wise:
JJK: Kiyotaka Ijichi, Utahime Iori, Yuta, Miwa, Takuma Ino, Mahito
AOT: Zeke, Annie, Bertholdt, Mikasa, Hange
Inuyasha: Ayame, Ginta, Hakkaku, Inuyasha, Kikiyo, Sango
CoD: Gaz, Konig, Roze, Kleo, Gus, Farah, Soap
Demon Slayer: Mitsuri, Giyuu, Rengoku, Kanae, Akaza, Daki, Makio
RDR2: Arthur, John, Bill, Molly, Kieran, Mary-Beth, Lenny, Swanson, Pearson, Mary, Lemuel Fike
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Those who are confused on how to answer because they understand both meanings:
JJK: Nanami, Nobara, Megumi, Maki, Mai, Noritoshi, Choso
AOT: Erwin, Levi, Onyankopon
Inuyasha: Kagome, Kagura, Sesshomaru
CoD: Price, Ghost, Rodolfo, Chuy, Laswell, Alex
Demon Slayer: Urokodaki, Tamayo, Gyomei, Kagaya Ubuyashiki, Kokushibo, Hinatsuru, Obanai
RDR2: Abigail, Charles, Hosea, Trelawny, Sadie, Grimshaw, Tilly, Black Belle, Bonnie
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Those whose minds went straight into the gutter:
JJK: Gojo, Yuji, Shoko Ieiri, Toji, Geto, Yuki Tsukumo, Mei Mei, Inumaki, Todo, Naoya
AOT: Armin, Jean, Colt, Reiner, Porco, Eren, Mike, Conny
Inuyasha: Hiten, Jakotsu, Koga, Miroku, Naraku, Toga
CoD: Nova, Alejandro, Enzo Reyes, Horangi, Valeria, Graves, Makarov
Demon Slayer: Shinobu, Uzui, Sanemi, Shinjuro, Muzan, Doma, Gyutaro, Suna
RDR2: Dutch, Javier, Karen, Micah, Sean, Eagle Flies, Flaco, Madam Nazar
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ohnococo · 6 months
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🤍: SFW 🖤: NSFW 💛: New [Up to date as of 02/02/2024]
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Magpie | Toji Fushiguro x F!Reader || CHAPTER 2 || CHAPTER 3 || CHAPTER 4 - Leaving you high and dry, taking you at your worst, fucking you on your wedding day. Moments in your tumultuous relationship with Toji, and the person you become because of it. 🖤
Gunshow | Toji Fushiguro x F!Reader [Gunplay] - A mysterious and violent stranger at your local dive awakens a new kink in you. 🖤
Give and Take | Toji Fushiguro x Vampire!Reader - You need to feed as much as any other vampire. Lucky for you, you have donors like Toji, a man that offers more than most. 🖤
Gratitude | Kiyotaka Ijichi x F!Reader || CHAPTER 2 || CHAPTER 3 || CHAPTER 4 [Praise Kink] - Ijichi is sweet, considerate, cute… you just have to show your appreciation. 🖤
Fight Night | MMA Fighter!Ryomen Sukuna x F!Reader || CHAPTER 2 || CHAPTER 3 || CHAPTER 4 || CHAPTER 5 || CHAPTER 6 || CHAPTER 7 - You weren't familiar with Infamous MMA Fighter Ryomen 'The King' Sukuna when he entered the club, but he certainly wants to become familiar with you. 🖤💛
Between Water and Wind | Satoru Gojo x F!Reader - Sukuna isn't good for you, you know this, Gojo knows this. You can't leave him though, so instead you'll seek comfort in Gojo's arms in secret, even as he asks you to want better for yourself. 🖤💛
Eyes on You | MMA Fighter!Ryomen Sukuna x Scientist F!Reader - Sukuna takes a keen interest in you after a meeting discussing having him promote the protein powder you helped develop. 🖤💛
Right on Time | Takuma Ino x F!Reader - You get stuck in traffic with your boyfriend, Ino, on the way to his mentor's birthday dinner. It's not the right time or place, but you just can't keep your hands to yourselves. 🖤💛
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Toji Fushiguro NSFW Headcanons 🖤
Toji Fushiguro x Pregnant!Reader Headcanons 🤍
Pining Toji Fushiguro HCs 🖤
Takuma Ino NSFW HCs 🖤
Kiyotaka Ijichi Relationship HCs 🖤💛
Having a Sweet, Girly, & Childish S/O Headcanons [Nanami & Gojo] 🖤
Nudes/Lewds Headcanons [Gojo, Nanami, Geto, Toji, Choso, Yaga, Ijichi] 🖤
MMA Fighter AU Headcanons [Toji, Geto, Gojo, Sukuna] 🤍
Pining Hiromi Higuruma HCs 🖤
Dating Co-Worker Hiromi Higuruma HCs 🖤
Restaurant AU - Dating JJK Co-Workers [Gojo, Geto, Choso, Toji, & Sukuna] 🖤
Service top Gojo 🖤
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NSFW Alphabets
Takuma Ino | NSFW Alphabet [Complete] 🖤💛
Choso | NSFW Alphabet [Complete] 🖤
Kento Nanami | NSFW Alphabet [Complete] 🖤
Satoru Gojo | NSFW Alphabet [Complete] 🖤
Kiyotaka Ijichi | NSFW Alphabet [Complete] 🖤
Hiromi Higuruma | SFW & NSFW Alphabet [SFW: A, C, J, & K // NSFW: D, K, M, & O] 🖤
Suguru Geto | SFW Alphabet [N, R, & Z] 🤍
Suguru Geto | NSFW Alphabet [C, D, E, F, & K] 🖤💛
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Car Sex with Ino 🖤
Choso x Femdom 🖤
Soft Vanilla Sex with Ijichi 🖤
Sub!Ijichi Getting Pegged 🖤
"Open your mouth for me, baby." | Kento Nanami x Reader [Quote Challenge] 🖤
"Are you holding back? Don't." | Satoru Gojo x Reader [Quote Challenge] 🖤
"Does it make you nervous when I stare?" | Choso x Reader [Quote Challenge] 🖤
"You know i'm holding back from fucking you over this kitchen counter, don't push your luck." | Toji x Reader [Quote Challenge] 🖤
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JJK Thirst - Random thoughts, blurbs, rants, and interactions thirsting for characters. Things too short or casual to really call a drabble or headcanon post.
Old Masterlists - from fixations past
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manofmanymons · 3 months
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Okay, now I'm actually wondering...
What would the Survive kids think about Digimon Survive?
As for whether or not they would enjoy the gameplay style
I think Shuuji would have fun with the tactical rpg element. He has the energy of someone who enjoys strategy games. The only one in the group that wouldn't employ the "random bullshit go" tactic, he actually reads what the equipable items do.
I think Miu, Aoi, and Takuma would like the story part and going through the different dialogue.
Lowkey I had the same hc from the time I was talking about the kids playing kh but like,,,Miu handing the remote to Kaito whenever she hits a boring grindy part. I think he might actually also enjoy seeing all the different ways a conversation can go depending on what dialogue option you pick. Local idiot learns the importance of phrasing and tone from a video game.
Idk if the rest of them would enjoy a game that's 80% reading lakdja. Maybe if they played it together and could use funny voices.
As for like,,,the actual game Digimon Survive itself
I would like to see it as a startlingly accurate retelling of their adventures in the kemonogami world where the moral, wrathful, and harmony routes are hypothetical "what if" scenarios alkdfjak
In which case they'd probably all hate it. I mean okay I think finding out some of each other's thoughts and feelings when everything was going down and realizing what the events were like from each other's perspective would be neat but I do not think a soul alive would enjoy having all their cringe moments thrown in their face and replayable for their loved ones to see. Big Zuko watching the ember island play energy y'know like my god especially poor Shuuji would NOT need that ToT
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