#taking fate into your own hands
pidgeon-brained · 2 years
Hand In Unlovable Hand
Desert Duo Angst Fic I’ve been thinking about for several hours. This is just straight up hurt/no comfort. Idk what to tell you. 
Grian spawned into the world excited for a new season. He braced himself for a moment, waiting for the usual memory trade. Leaving a hermitcraft world stored the memories away in a separate file, many base things remained, his friends, builds and other ideas. But none of the real memories. Instead, the file containing his memories from various last lives filled his mind, The first to reach him was the desert. Pizza and the final battle. It burned in his chest like the lava pool they grew together by. Next came the anger of last life, his friends and their deaths, the betrayal. His hands shake as he remembers killing those who attack the ones he loves. He takes a deep breath to rid himself of it all. 
This season will be different. The countdown begins in the sky and he can’t wait for his red string to materialize. It wraps around his ring finger and trails off into the distance, he smiles affectionately at the built in ally, before going off to do the normal start of season things, cutting down trees, mining for resources and getting food. Every once in a while, he feels a twinge of pain and discomfort through his string, and as they get increasingly more painful with fewer and fewer breaks, Grian’s hope starts going downhill. 
After his session of collecting the necessary materials, he goes in search of others. He doesn’t care about meeting his soulmate, though he knows eventually he will. First he meets Ren and Scott, neither of which are his soulmate, but it's nice to see them. He continues on his journey, meeting a few more people. Including Scar. 
Grian is messing with his string, pulling on it, when he watches Scar’s hand pull in his direction, like a puppet. Like it was pulled. . . by an imaginary string. He curses to himself, curses his luck, curses the minecraft gods and the creators of double life. He cannot be paired with Scar again. He owes him a life. 
He owes him more than just a life. He owes him the first life of every series, he owed him loyalty and protection, he owed him his own life in trade. He owed him a home and safety. Then he owed him a stolen life, he owed him the betrayal and the stealing. He owed him over and over and over. A life for a life was the motto of the two. And now they would be the thing that destroyed each other. They would die together, tied in a way that could never be undone. 
He turns to the others, notices them noticing what he’s noticing and sighs loudly. This’ll be insufferable. 
“Aren’t you going to tell him?” Impulse raises an eyebrow. 
“No way.” Grian feels the slight tug on his string. 
“SCAR DON’T.” He quickly dives to place water, stopping Scar from taking a great deal of damage. 
Through out the day he follows Scar, checking in on him, as the others begin to settle in with thier respective soulmates, Scar mopes about the fact that he hasn’t met his yet. 
“Man Grian, this sucks, I can’t even see my string to figure it out.” 
Grian’s hopes rose at this. “You can’t see your string? 
“No! Jellie accidentally took it off my finger when I joined!, you know how cats are.” He laughed at this, raising his hand to adjust his hat, which pulled on Grian’s hand. Thank Coders Scar had the observation skills of a bat. 
They went there separate ways not soon after. Which is how Grian came across Scott and Cleo. They were clearly settled into a domestic life, which puzzled him. Their red strings did not lead to one another, but they were tied in a bow, as if connecting them. 
Weird. . . what could be so bad about their soulmates? Still, they seemed happy, so he went on his way. 
Grian began working on a base, occasionally tuning in to the connection between him and Scar, even without the string it seemed they were inevitably tied together. Scar was thankfully staying out of harms way, something Grian appreciated immensely. 
He was also surprised they were not the first pair on the server to die. In fact things were going rather well for them! Aside from the occiasional pinch of a zombie hit coming down the line, or the time he accidentally sent an arrow through the arm to Scar, everything seemed okay. 
Grian was actually thinking about telling him, when the cold over took. He froze in his spot, not of his own will. Shaking slightly, he could feel the cold creep up on him, like the feeling of turning red or when he had fallen into powder snow. It panged across the line, like a snowball with a rock inside, or the betrayal of a friend turning his sword on you. 
In his mind he sought something warm, something safe. He Grabbed onto a memory, and was dropped into the silent heat of a desert. A ring of fire surrounds him and he stands, facing his soulmate. No. . . not here. They are not soubound here. 
There is no armor here, no red string or connection. Just two men, eye to eye in an inescapable ring. But this time, it would not be Grian who survived. 
As quick as it overcame him, the numbness disappeared. He was no longer cold, his hearts hadn’t even dropped below half. Still he was shaken by the experience. 
Throughout the hours he put into the base, that was not the only time Scar did it. And Grian was beginning to suspect it was intentional. In fact, Grian was on his way to find and stop the idiot when he found the man himself standing in a block of powdered snow. 
“Grian! Grian! C’mere, come stand in this snow with me and torture your soulmate! Just scare them a little!” he wondered if Scar had the same flashbacks as him, standing in the snow. 
He wondered if he could feel the heat of the ring of fire, if he could smell the blood that had soiled their base. He wondered if he could feel the desperation, the taste of fear. He wondered if anyone else could feel the way his wings singed or the smell of burnt feathers. He wondered if Scar could look into the icy depths of the block of snow and see the destruction they had wrought in persuit of victory. The pits no desecrating the desert. He wondered if the wall of cactus and lava, which now crumbled like their friendship could rise from the ashes and form into a red, red ribbon, forever tying them together. 
He stepepd into the snow, and by stepping in he’s pulling away and by getting closer he breaks what should have been safe. And for the briefest, briefest moment, he is victorious and celebrating. And then Scar is yelping and stepping from the snow and staring in fear as he continues to freeze in the place he had abandonded. 
Shimmering in the sand. . . the snow. Is a ribbon the color of fresh blood, pristine in a way his hands could never be. And he slips back on the ring meant only for his finger and he stares as the line tightens, tying him to the parrot he had swore to keep safe. 
Grian steps out of the snow. 
And a single block becomes an everstretching void. And eyes meet eyes and anger flares in a violent burst that flies between the line. Anger. Fear. Hatred. Anger. Disgust. Fear. Pain. Pain. Pain. Scar pushes Grian from the snow, a final stab, an attempt to threaten him. 
They stare at each other until their eyes water. Grian pulls away. Looking at their line. He thinks of Scott and Cleo. He thinks of every single server mate he’d be happier with. How could he choose the man he had killed?
How could the universe declare such a pair. Who had fought so soundly before, fought for friends. Fought against each other, taking precious things from each other. The life Grian stole burns into his back, in the spot where his many lives brand his skin. In the spot where the color of his name etches into his skin. The spot where they are joined. 
Scar is the first to break the stare, he turns in another direction and forces a laugh. “How long have you known?” 
“Since the river and the bridge.” Grian can’t even manage to lie. 
There is a silence, an unbreakable moment that cements Grian’s traitorous activity. And there is another as they each contemplate the snow. And what it means. 
There is no hope for them. 
They will go down together, of that the gods are sure. They are tied by blood and by magic, they are tied by the one thing they could never escape. Fate. 
Grian stares at the ribbon. Scar had come back home with him, had brought back pandas, but he supposed it was okay. He built the walls while Scar explored and fell and behaved like the idiot he always was. Grian wondered and built and thought a little bit. Finally, he grabbed his comms from his pocket. 
<Grian> Scott, how did you and Cleo do it
Scott looked at the whisper from Grian for a long moment, before sending him the answer. He dind’t know what he wanted with it, but what could you do?
The instructions were disturbingly easy, but could he do it? Another flash of pain came across the line, and he knew he could. 
Finding Scar wasn’t hard, he just followed the string, finding him back in the grove with more pandas, probably planning to lead more home. Grian set up the device, something oddly poetic about it all. No fire this time. No destruction. Just a clean break. 
“Scar c’mere. Come stand under this for me.” 
It almost hurts how much Scar trusts him, prancing over with a smile to stand under the stalagmite. He looks up at it, then at Grian, warmth in his eyes. Like he’s going to crack a joke. 
“What is it?” 
“Just stay still, stay still okay?” 
He breaks the block with the hanging pike, and with it goes the string. 
Grian doesn’t even have the time to be victorious, The pain rips into him, he shudders and collapses, his wings spread wide like he is in flight, they feel like they’re on fire. He feels like he’s burning, everything hurts. A few feet from him he sees Scar. Scar is on the ground mirroring him, his eyes glow with crimson. He glows in spidery cracks, every single one of his veins glowing in a way that is oddly beautiful. Every beat of his heart sends another pulse of magic. 
Why does Grian feel like he’s burning. Scar looks up, there is no anger in his eyes, only hurt. No betrayal, only understanding. 
“I hope you die.” He hisses, pulling on their now severed cord. “I hope we both die.” 
The pain fades, the shame does not. When Grian regains his feet, he notices an odd lightness, he thinks perhaps it is the lack of cord, the lack of soulmate. But a sickening realization sets in as he spreads his wings to fly. 
Scar stares at him in horror, and fumbles for a looking glass, which he holds up. 
Grian’s wings are nothing but blackened bones, he turns this way and that, finally catching sight of the cracked and golden heart set between them. The heart that was once gold, the heart that once connected them. It is not yellow, not like Ren or Tango. It is gold, and cracked. And he knows without a doubt that he is alone. And that his wings are not coming back.
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wistrearchived · 9 months
bg3 spoilers / and when i talk about kira during her time with the dead three influencing her eventual deviation from bhaal because she begins to think of every possibility, every little detail that could be so much more… wanting to be more than her father’s limitations, taking power for herself…
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thesparklingwriter · 8 months
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taking fate into one's own hands
Word count: 1.3k
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You look at him carefully. Perhaps this whole act he’s putting on is an attempt to be more personable. But it’s in your best interests to, at the very least, get along with the man you’ve been promised to. When it comes to loveless marriages to bind nations, divorce isn’t an option. There’s no going back. 
“Alright, I’ll eat dinner with you.” You say quietly, and the sides of Morax’s lips quirk upwards. You’re convinced for a second that you made it up somehow, for even when he’d spoken to you as a dignitary, he hadn’t smiled once.
“I hope your room is to your liking,” He says, as you follow behind him. “If there’s anything that it is lacking, please do let me or one of the help know.”
You glance at him, convinced that he can’t be in earnest. He’d been so stoic when you first met him, and even once he’d come clean in regards to his identity, his emotions towards you had seemed to be nothing more than detached amusement.
“Everything is alright, thank you.” you say, bowing your head in gratitude to the man who places your food on your table. You hadn’t considered the change in cuisine and you steel your expression as well as you can, in order to not show your hesitation to eat the unfamiliar food. The butler pours you each a drink, a glistening pale wine, and bows as he excuses himself quietly. Besides your plate, there are golden chopsticks, and then a fork by its side, its dark silver tone standing out against the rest of the tableware. Is it some kind of test?
You glance worriedly between the two, as Morax’s unruffled gaze settles on you. 
“You seem troubled. If I may, might I request that you speak freely?”
You glance down at the cutlery again and back up at him, shaking your head softly. 
“Nothing troubles me.” you whisper, picking up the two chopsticks as confidently as you can, arranging them in your hands as subtly as you can. You haven’t seen anyone eat with chopsticks for a long time, and suddenly realise you should have waited for him to start so you could copy his technique.
You attempt to pretend to take a sip of your drink or look at the spices on the table to delay your eating, but Morax simply watches you with an even gaze as you quietly panic.
“Is the food not to your taste?” he asks you, finally looking away from you to pick up a fork. “I find that sometimes chopsticks make eating take longer than necessary. I used your arrival as a reason to justify getting some new cutlery.”
You blink at him. “Pardon me if I speak out of turn, but I had always believed you were a firm believer in traditions.” you refuse to relinquish your chopsticks, too embarrassed to admit that using them was a front to try and impress him. You hadn't realised you were acting in a way that might win his favour—and the thought of it surprises you.
Morax’s eyebrows quirk slightly at your implied question, carefully trying to craft an answer that wouldn’t make you question your presence in the palace too much. Perhaps the reaction you’ve had towards him so far is out of fear that you’re not Liyuean enough from him and his people. It wouldn’t be an absurd thought, but if the situation in your home nation remains as rocky as it is now, he wouldn’t want you to return. He certainly want to be the reason you go back, either.
“Ah,” he says quietly, chewing his food. “That is a common misconception. Perhaps when it comes to certain meetings and negotiations, it is true that I remain true to the conditions that have always been stipulated by ancient Liyuean law. However, I myself, think there isn’t much to be learned by holding steadfastly onto tradition in day to day life.”
You gape at him. “So I’m not to be hated by every member of Liyue for not hailing from here?”
Morax sighs. “I cannot speak for my people. I sometimes find they can be stubborn and they often do not like change.”
“You are not filling me with confidence.” You reply drily. Morax fixes you with an even stare, wanting to make sure you listen to his next words.
“I do not seek to deceive you.” he replies evenly. “As of right now, our arrangement is unofficial. Thus you have every right to choose how you wish to proceed. If you cannot bear to stay here with me for a moment longer, you may go home at any point.”
“But what would come of my kingdom, or of me?”
“That would be subject to negotiation. But in situations like that, Liyuean law isn’t particularly favourable for foreigners.”
The word foreigner hits you in your chest. Of course, you didn’t expect to be treated as if you were from here, but to be categorised as something else entirely? It stings, regardless of how you feel about the situation with Morax.
“Your food,” he prompts quietly. Even though you’re almost certain that he isn't going to smite you for using the fork instead of the chopsticks, you refuse to put them down, instead choosing to use them with varying degrees of success.
He watches you carefully, before silently switching to his own chopsticks, quietly pleased with the way you snatch looks at him to copy his form. Slowly, but surely, he’s beginning to understand the way your mind works.
“Have you any interest in looking around Liyue? I’m sure a tour could be organised, if that’s what you wish.” he says to you, once you’ve finished. The food is good, almost as good as the food was at home before things began to go south. 
You want to say no, and to stay within the confines of your new room for as long as you can manage, but the lack of clothing is beginning to worry you. When you don’t immediately reply, Morax tries again.
“Have you everything you need?” He says. “If you aren’t interested in looking around the harbour’s stalls as of now, you can always request what you need from the help, and I’m sure they’d be happy to oblige. The choice is yours.”
You take a bite of your food, and try not to cringe at the sudden spice you taste, trying to calmly take a sip of your wine. 
“Let me finish my dinner before I make that decision,” you say quietly, and Morax simply nods, his eyes narrowing at you slightly. You don’t notice, almost entirely focused on trying to finish the rest of your food without falling apart.
Compared to where you come from, Liyue is loud. Even when you’re deep in the mountains as you are now, the birds and crickets and bugs are louder than they ever were at home, and it makes for a somewhat settling feeling.
“Whilst we’re on the topic of shopping,” You say quietly, ashamed in advance of the words you’re about to say. “It’s not a secret that my nation wasn’t the most prosperous, my existence here is evidence of that—”
“You are here as a guest. Nothing is expected of you in a monetary or emotional aspect unless you are able and willing to provide. Do not worry about things that are unnecessary.”
Your naivety manifests itself in the raucous beating of your chest in response to his words, and you find yourself utterly embarrassed by how easily swayed you are by a basic display of human decency and respected boundaries.
“Alright,” you say quietly. His words have removed him from the centre of your decision and it’s only yourself to consider now. But perhaps that makes the decision harder.
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(didn't have enough character left to write what reader says like i usually do sorry lol)
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notes: i'm afraid that doing the polls like this will nerf this series even more but its less work for me so :3
i like to pretend that i don't really care about notes and stuff on my posts but for this series specifically the lack of engagement is gagging me lol i've tried so much to get it more out there but ahhh
taglist: @ainescribe @tartigglez
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bloobluebloo · 1 month
I’ve gotten a few new followers since the last time I’ve posted this but here in the bloobluebloo house we believe in the “Groose is Ganondorf’s ancestor” theory because they are like almost the same person if you look at their character traits carefully.
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dykedvonte · 2 months
If Ulysses has a million haters, then I'm one of them. If Ulysses has one hater, then I'm THAT ONE. If Ulysses has no haters, that means I'm dead. If the world is with Ulysses than I’m against the world.
#this is slightly joking but like also not but also like am mixed on Ulysses on many factors#infuriating because i sympathize with his pain but it’s like#he is a well written and fundamentally flawed character whose hypocrisy I found doubly in#black characters I can tell were designed by white people with a semblance of an understanding of activism and bipoc oppression#but not enough for the character to not feel like hand holding for the majority white audience#plus personal grips with the whole twisted hairs thing and reference to slave braiding patterns#Ulysses irks me as a black person on a weird personal level and I can go into debt on why him being black is a big detractor for him to me#like he continues this cycle of distancing himself from his roots before remembering over and over again through his actions#he leave so much in his wake that the courier ends up correcting or helping like in honest hearts and old world blues because he’s self#righteous in a subtle way even to himself that he believes he stand out of his one man rule when he does not play an active hand#saw a post talk about how you choose to continue moving through his story and can leave at any moment and this it is partially your fault#but what of the oath that is set before you and is forced to take that he set up#I do not have to walk it but when I do the steps are not my own but those taken for me#you have to go out of your way to change it which is not something he expects because he’s playing by a story he’s been perpetuating in his#head about you two and the effect one man has when he’s continually been that one man more so than you as many of his actions directly lead#to the one you go through also the irony in the flag he continues to bear being the real reason he has no home#like he reps it when the package is likely enclave and thus use the same symbol#also still can’t get over how anyone could have delivered the package and he tries so hard to act like it was the couriers destiny or fate#when this was the one case of chance and that once man was likely a enclave engineer and how it’s really is never one man#it the process and he’s so annoying about it like he’s a cool character but if you don’t believe in his philosophy or already went through#these ideas cause they are very common talking points in poc especially BIPOC spaces he’s just old hashings and stunted#fallout#fallout new vegas#Ulysses you upset me but I’m like I feel you could be better if you weren’t so incessant#I don’t think I ever want to make a serious post stating this about him just because I’d start yapping and it’d never get finished#ulysses fnv#fnv ulysses#lonesome road
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thatlittledandere · 11 months
If you use tumblr on the app, now would be a good time to disable auto updates. If we can't stop them, we can at least put off the changes for a while.
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kakusu-shipping · 11 months
I’m kinda insecure about one of my f/o’s because, 1. He’s a teenager (and I’m an adult), and 2. He’s kind of a meme character. I’m worried people will think I ship myself with him as a joke, but I’m not. I really, really like him!
This is the Internet and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks ever.
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Well that's my go to response anyway, but I do understand the hesitation, especially with a canon minor character, feels like you gotta dance around certain people for that, and it makes the whole thing feel kinda exhausting. Though I'll say, it's probably not as scary as you think it is, it's easy to fall into this hole on the internet that if you make even the slightest misstep people will scream for your head, but it's really not that bad, I promise. Maybe I'm just lucky though, or off most people's radar.
The other half though, the worry people think you're self shipping with them as a joke? Honestly, if people think that, it's probably fine all things considered? Like I get it kinda sucks not being taken seriously, kinda hurts, but at the end of the day your F/O knows you're serious, and you know you're serious, and that's what matters.
Every character is someone's unironic Fictional Other. There are people out there who'd unironically want to Marry Shrek, or Nagito Komeda, or Sans Undertale and the Oncler together. And like!!! Good For Them!!! I love that for them!!! Shrek and Sans love them back!!
So if you're comfortable with it, take a deep breath, and love loud.
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thunderbottle · 1 year
id like to apologize to earmuffstar for my poor reading comprehension
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death-rebirth-senshi · 7 months
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The prophet despaired, looking up at the Erdtree, for soon the kindling would burst into flame, bringing ruin.
"The burning of the Erdtree is the first cardinal sin. That is not the domain of mere men."
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general-kalani · 11 months
"Not that scary"
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"Good! Because if I was scary, I wouldn't be a well-known galaxy-wide singer."
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cheemken · 9 months
I’m avoiding my assignment rn by typing this but it’s already 12:20 am and I’m only halfway done so I need a break
Anyways, for the Villain Unova Kids AU; what if the three dragons were the evil ones?? Maybe they’ve been influencing the Unova Kids minds? And like idk why they’re evil but they are, maybe trying to re shape the world how they like? Kinda being like Giratina and wanting to take Arceus place? Or something else
Like Iris is pissed off about how she’s treated by people and Kyurem tells her to take action about it, to make them feel the way she feels everyday. Putting ideas in her head until she eventually snaps
Or Hilda talking about how she wishes she lived in an ideal world where everything was fine and they didn’t have to worry about criminal teams like Plasma or not being worked to death trying to help the People of Unova. So Zerkrom shows her that she can have her ideal world, she and all her friends can, if she allows him to help
And Hilbert seeing the truth of the people of Unova and not liking it. How unruly and selfish they are. Wishing for everything from the Hero’s but never appreciating what they’re given. Always asking for more and more. Now Reshiram is telling him how him and his friends can get rid of that ugly truth he doesn’t like
For Bianca, N and Cheren I suppose the others just convinced them to help them shape Unova how it should be. How Kyruem, Reshiram, and Zekrom are right and that they deserve to be above everyone else as they’re the strongest in Unova. How the three dragons used to be the strongest together, just like the six of them will be if they join them
Also for the Tao Trio lore, what if instead of the original dragon getting split up because of the two brothers, Arceus was the one to split it apart in an attempt to subdue its power and influence over the other legendary Pokémon. And the two brothers are just a story that was eventually believed to be true
Now since it’s split apart, it needs someone to fuse them back together. Someone who’s strong and capable of the task, someone who’ll believe that they deserve to be a hero. To be Hero’s of Truth, Ideals, and Fate
Mood tho felt that abt the assignments lmao
No cause like, it's like the reverse in Galar's lore where people thought that the heroes were humans where in fact they're pokemon, and now w that people believed the two brothers were the reason for the og dragon to split, but it's in fact Arceus, as he knows Kyurem is too powerful to be left alone like that, he's not gonna have another Giratina 2.0
And god chmdbd imagine Arceus believing that was it tho, that him splitting the dragons and confining Zekrom and Reshiram within the stones would be enough, that binding Kyurem within the Giant Chasm was enough, those three separated and never to form the original dragon again, as the Splicers were hidden by a human Arceus had entrusted with and has been passed down that family for generations. Until Drayden was the one to guard it. And ofc, Drayden knows he won't stay in the world forever, so he told Iris of the Splicers, so she would be the next guardian of it, to make sure to keep it hidden from those who only demand power, those who wish to form the original dragon once more. Little does he know, that's Iris' goal.
Ough your honour Kyurem telling Iris that he wishes to see Zekrom and Reshiram again, so they can be one again, and together, they'll help Iris be the most powerful trainer. Ofc, Kyurem didn't know Zekrom and Reshiram found their own heroes now too, also promising those heroes to find the other two pieces of themselves to form the original dragon, promising them power. Even better the heroes that Zekrom and Reshiram found were Iris' friends, who also believed the world could be better
And like it'd be dope tho if the dragons did see potential in Cheren, Bianca, and N.
Cheren was idealistic, Zekrom was drawn to him as well, he saw Hilda's vision of the world, and Cheren supported her wholeheartedly, believing it would be for the best, for their ideal world, that they kill off anyone who dares disrupt the peace, and Zekrom will be there to help them with it.
Bianca was truthful, Reshiram saw the fire in her eyes, as she knows just how painful the words of the people could be, how again and again she's been told she wasn't enough, and Bianca knows how selfish people are, something she wished the people of Unova knew, and Reshiram can help her and Hilbert with just that.
N knew all too well how powerful of a drive fate could be. N thought his destiny was to be Plasma's king, a hero, but he sees now destiny is quite an enigmatic thing, as his friends became the heroes instead. But he believes there's more to fate, he knows the ones who hurt his pokemon friends would be destined a bitter cold death, as he believes their deaths would be righteous, for no more will they hurt pokemon. Of course, Kyurem will grant him that wish.
With those three along with their respective heroes, the dragons are one step closer to becoming to becoming their true self, Unova's Dragon, Kyurem in its final forme. The only thing left now is for Iris to bring them the Splicers.
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antiquery · 1 year
[shoots bolt upright in bed] rey and kylo are just reverse buffy and faith
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thesparklingwriter · 5 months
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taking fate into one's own hands
Word count: 1.5k
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Morax does not press you for a response as to what you plan to do regarding your shopping. A day passes and if he's honest, he finds it strange that you choose to silently cope with the little you have rather than reach out to him and ask for help. In fact, the help you brought with you seems to be more comfortable in the new surroundings than you are, fitting perfectly in with the staff.
“She will not engage with me.” Morax says to a frustrated Xiao, running a hand through his untied hair. A few unread letters litter his otherwise pristine desk, and the sleeves of his casual gear displace them further as he moves them out of his eyeline. His statement, despite not having the intended effect, is meant to calm Xiao somehow—to show him that the current lack of progress is not from a lack of trying. “I cannot help a person who does not desire it.”
“Then you should consider engaging with her.” Xiao’s hands remain firmly clasped behind his back. Morax might not be as much of a stickler for tradition as many think, but in situations like these, it’s best to err on the side of caution. Especially when Xiao is telling him something that he very likely does not want to hear.
“It is not my intention to smother her. She does not have to like me.” Morax says through gritted teeth. “We do not have to be friends.”
Xiao pointedly ignores the tension in the king’s frame. Perhaps he isn't lying, and he truly does not care whether you like him or not, but the origin of the king’s frustration is a topic of his curiosity.
“Some might say you are as stubborn as she is. Perhaps you might use that similarity to understand what she is experiencing.” 
Morax looks at Xiao properly then, and Xiao expects to hear a light-hearted reprimand, but it does not come. Instead, he hears a quiet, defeated, exhale.
Alanna too, finds herself curious at your actions. You have been taking your meals in your room after the dinner you had with his majesty, and if she had not known that you were out of fresh clothes to wear, she might have assumed that he had offended you somehow.
“Your Highness,” she starts, but the look you give her from across the room cuts her off.
“Please speak freely. I no longer possess the title you address me with.” you say quietly, sitting up from your sprawled position on your bed.
Alanna clears her throat. “Is spending time with the king so agonising that you’d rather don the same sleep gown for consecutive days than be with him?”
You sigh and close the cover of the book Alanna had kindly found for you whilst exploring the grounds. “I do not enjoy relying on others. If I were to go out to town, I would be forced to wear what I wore when we arrived. I will not be caught in such a predicament.”
In Alanna's opinion, your thought process will not serve you in the long term. In fact, the longer you spend refusing to leave, the harder it will be to express your needs when push ultimately comes to shove.
“Perhaps you ought to take the steps necessary to make your time here more agreeable.” Alanna notes the glare you send her way and sighs. “I am not suggesting you seduce him.”
“And I thank the Archons for that.”
“But I am suggesting that you use this opportunity to make a friend.”
“I do not lack friends.” You reply petulantly. However, having grown up with Alanna, you know you cannot conceal the truth from her. You had never truly ventured out of the palace’s territory unless it was on royal excursions, be it recreational or for charitable deeds. Perhaps you thought you were friends with the palace staff, but they likely thought of you as the child of their employer and nothing more than that, regardless of how friendly you were.
“Count them.” Alanna smiles. “And you are not to include me.”
Alanna chuckles at your silence, and the petulant look on your face as you try and fail to count a single friend you have. “Perhaps you might consider making your first friend today.” Alanna starts. You know where she’s going wit this and you glance at her incredulously. “He is not poisonous.”
“But he is unpredictable. He claims he does not want me as his wife, yet he invites me to dinner. He claims he will protect my family anyhow, yet will not allow me to remain with them. He is contrary, and that scares me.”
Alanna can’t help but stare at you. You are a completely different woman from the one who left her home less than a week ago. You never would have dared to utter the words you are now. You would have chosen instead to hold it in until your dying breath and never mention your feelings to anyone. And although she wishes she could have been the person to bring out this side of you and not him, she is glad that it has happened. Before Alanna can comment on this, there’s a knock at the door, and she excuses herself to the bathroom.
“Who is it?” you call out, adjusting your robe. It is unseemly to answer a door in such a state of disarray, but when you’re insisting on being this stubborn, there’s nothing else that can be done.
“Do you have visitors here often enough that you feel the need to differentiate between each one?” Morax replies, and you scowl at him from behind the door. If you had opened the door, you might have noticed the mirth and teasing in his eyes. Why must he have an answer for everything? Your silence seems to say enough to him, and he continues to speak. “Forgive me if I am speaking out of turn, but I am concerned for you. It is not healthy to be confined in your room for such a long period of time.”
“You are concerned for my wellbeing?”
“You were not worried when you removed me from my home.” You hiss. Perhaps you are lucky that you cannot open the door in your current state of undress, for uttering these words to his face might have proved difficult. “You were not worried when you bought me like bread in a marketplace.”
“You seem to misunderstand my actions.”
“What is there to misunderstand? You claim you will take care of my kingdom regardless of whether I marry you or not, but yet, I am still here. What good does it serve you to house a woman you have no intention of marrying? Do you not see how that might cause someone discomfort?”
“The situation is tense. It is not my place to speak on a subject that does not concern me.”
“You cannot tell me the reason why I have been uprooted from my home, but you can pester me incessantly. You claim it does not concern you, but here I am, in your territory.” you scoff. 
“I am not in a position where I can tell you the information you are asking of me. I apologise. However, I cannot allow you to rot in your room out of hatred for me. I do not ask that you conceal or manipulate your feelings towards me, but I ask that you don't allow them to cause you harm.”
“My feelings cannot harm me anymore than you would.”
Morax’s sigh is exasperated, tired. He cannot reason with someone who does not want to be reasoned with. But he cannot allow you to return home any time soon, and when you can return, your people will need you more than ever. It is in your best interests that he provides you a place to thrive. And that he will do. He will succeed. He has never once failed before.
“I understand that your assistant has requested some clothes for you. My reason for being here is to deliver them to you.” Aside from the fact that you’re surprised Alanna was comfortable enough with others in the palace already to ask for such things from you, you’re surprised that the request was passed to the king himself. Surely a task like this is below his pay grade.
“Am I to believe that you don’t pay people to cover such menial tasks?”
“You are to believe that I do not have any ill will towards you.” He says lowly. “And if I had, you would have fallen victim to it already.”
His words render you silent as you consider them. It makes sense. Despite all the inconsistencies and things you don't understand, this line of reasoning makes sense to you. Is he truly just doing this out of the kindness of his own heart? Is he that kind of person?
You sigh heavily and open the door. Morax extends the package of clothes out to you, and you thank him. Perhaps if you weren't so occupied with your thoughts, you might have noticed the way his eyes scan you, taking stock of everything to make sure you truly aren't harmed.
“While I understand your desire to remain cautious—” He starts, but you cut him off.
“You are right. I was being unreasonable.” You hold the clothes to your chest.
“Those are not the words I would have used,” Morax chuckles, and the sound is so new to you that you forget what you were about to say. His expression softens slightly, and you find yourself looking at a version of him that you haven't seen before. “I have finished my duties for today, so if you wish to have a look around the palace or the harbour, I would be happy to accompany you. Or if you’d rather not—”
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notes: the problem with me is that everything i write goes slightly to the left so although reader TECHNICALLY expressed a desire to go shopping on her own she didn't cause no clothes
Taglist: @tartigglez @ainescribe @blue-sapphire-ink
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Do you believe in fairytales
Of wonder and joy
And miraculous endings
Where endings are predetermined
And the roles printed in ink
Do you believe in fate
Of the stars twinkling above
And the galaxies beyond
Where the divine govern
And you can't say a thing
Or do we forge our own way, together
Wow who told you people who write me poetry get to bend me over hahah what a coincidence-
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how miraculous it is, that you, feeling so small and fragile are so full of desire to reach out. i picture the sun, a gentle sun, a soft sun, treasured inside your body. i picture a little bird freely fluttering in your chest, it's singing the prettiest of songs. you can't help but reach, you reach with everything you are. you reach for your family, your friends, for strangers you share a second of eye contact with, for that one pretty cat you saw 8 months ago, you reach for yourself. it's not a secret that the universe is spun together with infinite particles of love, and it's so obvious that you were spun from the same fabric. you're the hope that someone can do better, you're the conviction that everything will be okay. you're the one that's been hurt time and time again and you've hurt yourself more than anyone else but here you are still. flying, shining and singing of the littlest bits of hope. oh my pretty thing. i wish for you every day and i plead you may receive even just a spark of the magic you so easily give. i plead you may see your face in the mirror and feel that sun inside light up and shine brighter than it ever has. i wish you someone, or many someones, to share with. wish you kisses, cuddles and laughter. i want to thank you. i want to ask you to never stop reaching for yourself. i want to marvel at the parts you find within your soul. every single part as magnificent and breathtakingly beautiful as the next.
you, i recognize you. you constantly chase this beautiful, desire to understand and be understood in return, yet more often than not you find yourself tripping over your own feet. what does it truly mean, to you, to "understand"? i can't say, i can't know. but i can share what i think, if you'll allow me. we're ever-changing, the world is ever-changing, our friends are ever-changing, when our desire to understand is limited to understanding things how we, as an individual, perceive them right now, we can get lost in time, we get frustrated, we become so many things we never intended to become. you're ridiculously intelligent and harbor such unique love for the tiniest details of our existence. there's probably nothing i could tell you that you haven't told yourself, and you're probably already writing up a counter-argument to everything you conclude from this (i wish i could sit down with you and listen to every word). the thought of you makes me smile. i wish a lot for you. i hope you can relax. i hope you can allow your emotions to be what they are. to allow yourself to be who you are. i hope you can find people who will ask you just as much as you ask yourself, people you feel safe with, safe to answer, to enjoy giving and taking with an absence of judgement. safe to bounce ideas off of and - at the end of the day - to simply embrace and be embraced back. hearts overflown with silent knowledge.
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fatherofmachine · 2 years
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