#supplies they need??
elegyofthemoon · 3 months
actually scammers taking advantage of the genocide to make money are The Worst People
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geekeryisafoot · 5 months
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This is the single most attractive thing a love interest has ever said in the history of fiction
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killldeer · 11 months
EDIT 7/27/23: please reblog this version of the post instead! it provides a fuller picture of what’s going on and explains why this isn’t over yet.
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salamispots · 7 months
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posting a gift wip since I know my siblings aren't on here haha
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almondpiglet · 2 months
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stuff i missed for seriweek: animal
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 100
“What are you, a Kent?” 
It’s a saying in the world of the supernatural. A well-known one even. See, several, many generations back, no one quite knows when, the Kent family managed to run afoul of a particularly nasty creature who laid a curse upon them. The original wording, no one quite knows either, but the gist, everyone is aware of. For no firstborns will be born to them before they already have one. 
It was supposed to be airtight in a way, a curse that would end the entire bloodline really. For a child to exist before they could have a child? How could that be? 
Well. That curse had… backfired. It had backfired massively. Most, at least back when blood was everything, didn’t exactly ponder things like adoption to those outside of their own bloodline. The Kents however, lived in a very simple village, one that had disease spread through it often back then, leaving families childless and children parentless. 
What were they to do but take them in? And so they had a son, many sons and daughters even, before their firstborn. Now of course, most would simply dismiss it afterwards. After all, that was the end of the story, isn’t it? 
Well, no. See, the curse was a family-line curse, a just in case perhaps, that meant that each generation could not have any children until they had children. Perhaps it should have ended there, but well. It didn’t. 
Kents are a strange breed in the world of the supernatural, known for having a… bit of an adoption problem. If any child or babe were to be left near their land, one can be assured the family line would take them in as their own. 
Fae, demon, human, changeling, satyr, cyclops, half-breeds, werewolf- it didn’t matter. A Kent would gladly pick the child up and raise it as their own. And now, they could add aliens to that long, long list in the family line. 
And really, perhaps with this context, is it really surprising that when one Clark Kent, said alien, opens his door to a basket on his doorstep holding a trio of godlings, he takes them in with no questions asked? 
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bowelfly · 5 months
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Quercus the Magnificent smoking that Yggdrasil shit
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ekat-fandom-blog · 1 year
Sam dragged Danny to a gala in Gotham. While he'd been excited to go, he was exhausted from fighting a few of his rogues. Make-up helped hide the bruising under his eyes, but not his overall tiredness.
Meanwhile, Tim and Jason are both just as sleep deprived as Danny, but still being forced to go to the gala. Tim is just tiredly allowing himself to be dragged along, and Jason is growling at everyone the entire time. Neither are happy.
Skip to the Gala. Danny loses Sam after she gets dragged off by her parents to meet another person. While searching for her he ends up bumping into Tim. Tim offers to help look, but they both end up just silently standing at the edge of the room hoping no one talks to either of them.
In comes Jason, absolutely seething, eyes almost green. Tim tenses, getting ready for a fight, while Danny just looks at him and is like "this dude is hangry af" and grabs a small thermos(smaller than the Fenton Thermos so he doesn't accidentally try to drink one of the ghosts.) He takes a sip and then hands it to Jason, telling him to drink.
Jason and Tim have no clue where Danny just pulled this thermos from, but figure that he's too sleep deprived to be attempting to poison anyone. So Jason takes a small sip. Then he's downing as much as he can because, damn, he didn't realize he was so thirsty until now. He doesn't even realize the stuff he's drinking is neon green.
By the time he's finished, he's calmed down significantly but is still very tired(that's what happens when you don't go to sleep for a few days.) So he sits down on the floor next to them. They all end up sitting on the floor after a bit, and Jason asks if Danny could get him more of whatever was in the thermos. Danny agrees and becomes Jason's ecto dealer.
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Halloween prompts year 2 day 3
Danny smiled back at the elf boy. Ever since landing in Hyrule this guy has stuck by his side and did everything in his power to help him, even going so far as to learn English and teach Danny Hylian. If it wasn't for Link Danny doesn't know what he would have done.
They were in Hyrule field, practicing Dannys portal and teleporting powers to see if he could open a portal home or teleport there. He began thinking about how pure and clean Hyrule was since it didn't have a drop of pollution and how cities were supposed to be gross and polluted. So he began focusing on pollution, smog and filth, hoping that that would take him back home.
He didn't expect to teleport a city into Hyrule.
Five minutes.
Jason had only brushed his teeth and washed his face and in that time all of Crime Alley had been thrown into another dimension. Typical.
Whats more it looked like they were in a green grassy area. A legit apple forest was to the North of them and probably one of the clearest, cleanest rivers he had ever seen was directly East of them. God, he could see the fish swimming in the water.
What was most surprising though was the elf people. They weren't causing trouble per say, but hes definitely had to save some of them that wandered in out of curiosity. After the second or third one he saved he noticed a fence had popped up around all of crime ally over night. There were signs on the other side of the fence with some kind of official seals on them. So elves have political leaders? Works for him, he can guess that the signs say something to the effect of "Stay out" and it should make his job a bit easier. That and the numerous woven baskets left surrounding Crime Alley filled with fruits, veggies, cloth, clothing and soap.
Jason wasn't expecting some of the elves to get through the fencing to throw an unknown liquid into Crime Alley and then run. He panicked at first, thinking this was some kind of attack, but after testing it, he discovered it was just soapy water. He didn't understand at first but soon began getting reports from his men that anyone who wandered out of the city was being captured, thrown into the shallow water of the river, and scrubbed with long poled mops.
Rude. I mean, he gets that the elf people have probably never dealt with pollution, which means they never had to smell it, but still. Rude.
Red Hood gets a bit twitchy when he learns the kids who wander out get captured but chills out once he learns the children are never harmed.
The hylians are taking them in, bathing them, clothing, teaching them to cook and teaching them thier language. They are given lots of clothes and toys and the option to stay with them if they have no where else to go. Jason has no idea about this until a short blond elf guy and a teenage human twink talk to him and explain whats going on, the twink even apologized to him and explained that all of this was his fault.
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tanglepelt · 11 months
Dc x dp idea 80
Danny’s parents don’t take the reveal well. They promise to hunt down phantom and and fix there baby boy. The king Phantom must be possessing Danny. He must be after information on the mortal realm to take it over.
This leads to Danny on the run.
Now he has access to the resources of the realm. He also never tells anyone he left amity because his parents were hunting him down. He just told them he wanted to travel like Ellie.
He earns money and whatnot by selling extinct or near extinct ingredients. Stuff used for spells and other hard to find items. Ghost in the realm are happy enough to tell him where they hid there stashes and the realms plant life is all extinct plants. Those that died out.
This leads to him meeting Zatana and other magic heros (if they have a bad vibe he won’t sell to them). He avoids John. He’s received numerous warnings about the soul seller.
He is in the middle of a transaction when Jack and Maddie locate him. They then proceeded to capture him all while screaming about “fixing” him.
Danny shockingly enough had been concealing his identity. They didn’t need to know he was only 15. And of course he was wearing a device to hide his ecto signature.
During jack and Maddie’s attack. Both his disguise and device are ruined.
Now the magic user knows Danny is at least a partly human child and the king of the infinite realm. Who is being attacked.
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✨💐 Mother's Day 💐✨
Machine. Gabriel omegaverse male pregnancy art.
I'm two days late... *gasp* Did Minos finally..?
Did Sisyphus finally..?
Don't come to my server.
Don't pray to me.
Don't "V1 pregnant" react me.
We're done.
*vine boom*
Guys, stop giving birth in vc.
You know.
I'd really like to say all of the pregnancy jokes catch me off guard.
But to tell you the truth, I was expecting.
i hate it here
Omegaverse clip
Minos clip
Sisyphus clip
Divorce clip
Literally 1984
He was expecting :]
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moussedoodles · 1 month
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I didn't expect the short obsession I had with NSR a while back would come back majorly so uhhh here??? And a bit of a minor redesign while we're at it because I think Bunk Bed Junction deserves piercings and Eloni and Haym's hair would've blocked their other sibs' faces
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arthursfuckinghat · 3 days
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Little update, the hat is complete! It isn't 100% accurate of course, but the hat and everything on it I bought second hand. My determination for a sustainable Arthur Morgan cosplay is unmatched 🫶
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parisoonic · 1 year
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do you know how painful it is to regrow a hand? me neither! lets find out!
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 224
Now Booster Gold would like it known he is Not father material, or even responsible adult material. That is Ted, and even then they seem to share a single braincell when they're in each others presence.
But again, NOT anything close to father material. Which he repeats to both himself and the eldritch Time Entity who just handed him what he Knows to be pretty much an unborn child of its species. look, he Knows about Realms Beings- Espranto was literally his first language like many others of his timeline- so he knows the inherent dangers.
But Somehow him becoming a time-cop of sorts has endeared him towards this primordial one, thankfully. Less thankfully, it has given him a whole-ass CHILD. A BABY. HIM. Of all people!
Ted he needs help, he doesn't know if this counts as mpreg or something and he's freaking out man!
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nartothelar · 7 months
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guys look what I made 💀
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