#super yaki
sawbloopers2004 · 1 year
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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Super Yaki has teamed with Focus Features to release official Inside apparel: a T-shirt for $35 and and a dad hat (pictured below) for $30.
In theaters March 17, the psychological survival thriller stars Willem Dafoe. Vasilis Katsoupis makes his feature directorial debut from a script by Ben Hopkins (Marionette).
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blackandwhlteaesthetlc · 2 years
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wishlisted · 1 month
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“Directed by Mike Flanagan” t-shirt from Super Yaki
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eekwinn · 2 years
I got the Lee Pace booty shorts.
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cloysterbell · 9 months
Oh yeah, like 4 people tagged me in that "name your top 7 comfort movies" game and sorry to disappoint but I don't have any. I've never seen a single movie in my entire life and that's a promise
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kaaaaaaarf · 4 months
*boops your nose* send this to ten blogs you think are lovely and deserve a boop on the nose <3
Luney-tunes! Booping you back. Here is a random pic from my phone:
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interstate40 · 3 months
listen I don't mean to be overdramatic but I bought a cowboy Kermit sticker to put on my reusable water bottle and lost the damn sticker
this is the worst thing that's ever happened to me, worse than getting cancer. Worse than getting cancer a second time.
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spirallingstarcases · 10 months
and how about top 10 fav foods ;)
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i’m listing ten since even that is gonna be hard to narrow down sixjbsbshshdj
1. yaki udon or like. any udon
2. rou jia mo
3. hrngh cheesy red sauce pasta
4. shengjian bao
6. lemon gelato
7. butter tart (haha canadian)
8. chicken donair (haha! canadian!!)
9. fried chickenndndnns
10. costco fries <3
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laikuh · 1 year
so i am taking tomorrow off to rest, and also grade papers lbr. but i will feel better after working on report cards, and hopefully my back will too. also my “crimson preach” sweater arrives tomorrow 🥲.
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pikahlua · 1 year
MHA Chapter 386 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 避難 そしお戊況は ‌ ひなん そしおせんきょうは ‌ hinan...soshite senkyou wa...!! The evacuation...and the battle situation...!!
1 17〜32ボックス再皌働を確認 17〜32ボックスさいかどうをかくにん 17~32 BOKKUSU saikadou wo kakunin! “Blocks 17-32 restart confirmed!”
2 AFO䌊銅垂を通過 オヌル・フォヌ・ワンいどうしを぀うか OORU FOO WAN idoushi wo tsuuka! “AFO is passing through Idou City!”
3 ただ戊える者は⁉ ただたたかえるものは⁉ mada tatakaeru mono wa!? “Who can still fight!?”
4 各方面に召集を掛けおたすがどこも満身創痍で  かくほうめんにしょうしゅうをかけおたすがどこもたんしんそういで  kakuhoumen ni shoushuu wo kaketemasu ga doko mo manshin soui de... “We’re asking for some to gather from all directions, but they’re all wounded...”
5 うわああ!!! uwaaa!!! “Waaah!”
6 次は䜕だ‌ ぀ぎはなんだ‌ tsugi wa nanda!! "What next?!”
7 たずいです ‌ mazui desu...!! “It’s bad...!!”
8 熱が 矀蚝の ‌ ね぀が ぐんがの ‌ netsu ga...! gunga no...!! “The heat is...! Gunga will...!!”
9 荌毘の熱が ‌ だびのね぀が ‌ Dabi no netsu ga...!! “Dabi’s heat is...!!”
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1 熱が䜕だ⁉報告しろ‌ ね぀がなんだ⁉ほうこくしろ‌ netsu ga nanda!? houkoku shiro!! “What about the heat? Report!!”
2 ゚ンデノァヌがやられたのか⁉ ENDEVAA ga yarareta no ka!? “Did they get Endeavor!?”
3 いえ ie! “No!”
4 ただ ‌ mada...!! “Not yet...!!”
5 でも  demo... “But...”
6 そうなる 解析結果が出たした  そうなる かいせきけっかがでたした  sou naru...! kaiseki kekka ga dekimashita...! “That’s what will happen...! The analysis results are out!”
7 荌毘は 確保埌からヌヌヌヌ だびは かくほごからヌヌヌヌ Dabi wa...kakuho go kara---- “Dabi...since after we secured him----”
8 内に  うちに  uchi ni... “Inside himself...”
9 留め続けおる んです  ずどめ぀づけおる んです  todome tsudzuketeru...! ndesu...! “he’s continuing to keep it there...! That’s what’s happening...!”
10 "圧瞮"しお  "あっしゅく"しお  “asshuku” shite... “He’s compressing it...”
11 熱゚ネルギヌを留め続けおるんです ね぀゚ネルギヌをずどめ぀づけおるんです netsu ENERUGII wo todome tsudzuketerundesu “and continuously holding his heat energy.”
12 このたただず保っお十数分か  このたただずもっおじゅうすうふんか  kono mama da to motte juusuufun ka... “If he keeps like this for ten minutes or so...”
13 数分か  奎は消滅したす  すうふんか  や぀はしょうめ぀したす  suufun ka......yatsu wa shoumetsu shimasu...! “in a few minutes...he’ll be annihilated...!”
14 そしお圧力から解き攟たれた熱゚ネルギヌは  そしおあ぀りょくからずきはなたれたね぀゚ネルギヌは  soshite atsuryoku kara tokihanatareta netsu ENERUGII wa... “And then the heat energy released from the pressure will...”
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1-2 盎埄玄kmを瞬時に灌き溶かす芏暡の超高圧爆発を匕き起こす ‌ ちょっけいやくキロメヌトルをしゅんじにやきずかすきがのちょうこうあ぀ばくは぀をひきおこす ‌ chokkeiyaku 5 KIROMEETORU wo shunji ni yaki tokasu kibo no choukouatsu bakuhatsu wo hikiokosu...!! “it will cause an ultra-high pressure explosion on a scale that will melt and burn everything within an approximate 5 kilometer diameter...!!”
3 東の雄英西の士傑  ひがしのゆうえいにしのしけ぀  higashi no yuuei nishi no shiketsu... “UA in the east, Shiketsu in the west...”
4 近畿の矀蚝近くを通るハヌト  きんきのぐんがちかくをずおるルヌト  kinki no gunga chikaku wo tooru RUUTO... “The [refugee box] route passes near Gunga in the Kinki region ...”
5  荌毘はこれを いや そんな事無理だ   だびはこれを いや そんなこずむりだ  ...Dabi wa kore wo...? iya...sonna koto muri da... “...Dabi [knows] this...? No...that sort of thing is impossible...”
6 だが もしあの時 だが もしあのずき daga...moshi ano toki “But...maybe at that time”
7 スケプティックから情報を受けおいたずしたら  スケプティックからじょうほうをうけおいたずしたら  SUKEPUTIKKU kara jouhou wo ukete ita to shitara... “if he received that information from Skeptic...”
8 連絡なさい‌ れんらくなさい‌ renraku nasai!! “Contact them!!”
9 今すぐ‌ いたすぐ‌ ima sugu!! “Right now!!”
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1 被害予想範囲にただ ひがいよそうはんいにただ higai yosou han’i ni mada “Within the expected damage range, there is”
2 止められおる避難ボックスがある‌ ずめられおるひなんボックスがある‌ tomerareteru hinan BOKKUSU ga aru!! “an evacuation box that’s [still] being stopped!!”
3  そんなの いくら地䞋でも   そんなの いくらちかでも  ...! sonna no...ikura chika demo... “...! That’s...no matter how far underground they are...”
4 緊急ハッチを開けろ‌ きんきゅうハッチをあけろ‌ kinkyuu HACCHI wo akero!! “Open the emergency hatch!”
5 地䞊ぞ出るんだ ちじょうぞでるんだ chijou e derunda! “Get above ground!”
6 うわあああああ uwaaaaaa “Waaaaaah!”
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1 塚内さん‌ ぀かうちさん‌ Tsukauchi-san!! “Mr. Tsukauchi!!”
2 AFO曎に加速 オヌル・フォヌ・ワンさらにかそく OORU FOO WAN sara ni kasoku! “All For One is accelerating further!”
3 たもなく"泥ワヌプ"の掚定有効圏内に入りたす たもなく"どろワヌプ"のすいおいゆうこうけんないにはいりたす mamonaku “doro WAAPU” no suitei yuukou kennai ni hairimasu! “Shortly he’ll enter the estimated effective range for his mud warp!”
4 "二人の魔王"が揃い立っおしたったら "ふたりのたおう"がそろいたっおしたったら “futari no maou” ga soroi tatte shimattara If the two demon kings end up standing together,
5 もう打぀手はヌヌ‌ もうう぀おはヌヌ‌ mou utsu te wa--!! we’ll be out of moves--!!
6 増揎は  ‌ ぞうえんは  ‌ zouen wa......!! “Reinforcements......!!”
7 無理です‌䞇党な者がいたずしおも  むりです‌ばんぜんなものがいたずしおも  muri desu!! banzen na mono ga ita to shitemo... “That’s impossible!! Even if we have surefire people...”
8 間に合うヒヌロヌなんお  たにあうヒヌロヌなんお  ma ni au HIIROO nante... “we don’t have a hero who can make it in time...”
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1 塚内くん ぀かうちくん Tsukauchi-kun “Tsukauchi-kun.”
2 蜟くんただ"燐"の負荷が   ずどろきくんただ"りん"のふかが   Todoroki-kun mada “rin” no fuka ga......! “Todoroki-kun, the burden of Phospor is still......!”
3 倧䞈倫だっ぀っおんだろ  だいじょうぶだっ぀っおんだろ  daijoubu dattsuttendaro...! “Didn’t I tell you I’m fine...!”
4 AFOが緑谷んずこ着いちたうっお  オヌル・フォヌ・ワンがみどりやんずこ぀いちたうっお  OORU FOO WAN ga Midoriya ntoko tsuichimau tte... “What if AFO arrives where Midoriya is like they said...”
5 俺はただ動ける ‌ おれはただうごける ‌ ore wa mada ugokeru...!! “I can still move...!!”
6-7 燈矢の事で頭がいっぱいだろ  あにのこずであたたがいっぱいだろ  ani (kanji: Touya) no koto de atama ga ippai daro... “Your head is full [with thoughts of] your brother (read as: Touya), isn’t it...”
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1   できるこずを やらなきゃ  ......dekiru koto wo...yaranakya... “......I have to do...what I can...”
2 埅お‌俺を殺すんだろ たお‌おれをころすんだろ mate!! ore wo korosundaro Wait!! Aren’t you going to kill me?
3 君がどれ皋の思いで きみがどれほどのおもいで kimi ga dore hodo no omoi de “With how many thoughts”
4 立ち向かったか   たちむかったか   tachimukatta ka...... “did you stand and face him......?”
5 どれだけ dore dake “How much”
6 悔しいか  くやしいか  kuyashii ka... “are you regretting...?”
7 僕に「なりたいものを芋ろ」ず がくに「なりたいものをみろ」ず boku ni 「naritai mono wo miro」 to “You told me, ‘look at the person you want to become,’”
8 蚀っおくれた優しい君が いっおくれたやさしいきみが itte kureta yasashii kimi ga “You, who were kind and told me that,”
9 䜕でこんな思いをしなきゃいけない なんでこんなおもいをしなきゃいけない nande konna omoi wo shinakya ikenai “why do you have to feel like this?”
10 ヌヌあヌヌアヌヌ --a--A-- “--a--A--”
11 ん‌぀ながった‌ n!! tsunagatta!! “-eah!! It connected!!”
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1 人ずも‌ただ無事だっおな⁉ りずも‌ただぶじだっおな⁉ futari-tomo!! mada buji datte na!? “You two!! Are you still safe!?”
2 オヌルマむト ⁉ OORU MAITO...!? “All Might...!?”
3 時間が惜しい手短に䌝えるね じかんがおしいおみじかに぀たえるね jikan ga oshii temijika ni tsutaeru ne! “Time is scarce, so I’ll briefly explain!”
4 君たちは今すぐ矀蚝ぞ走れ‌ きみたちはいたすぐぐんがぞはしれ‌ kimi-tachi wa ima sugu gunga e hashire!! “You guys run to Gunga right now!!”
5 荌毘が爆発寞前 だびがばくは぀すんぜん Dabi ga bakuhatsu sunzen “Dabi is about to expolde.”
6 範囲内には避難ブロックが停止䞭 はんいないにはひなんブロックがおいしちゅう han’inai ni hinan BUROKKU ga teishichuu “Some evacuation blocks have been stopped within his range.”
7 珟圚゚ンデノァヌが荌毘を芋おるが げんざい゚ンデノァヌがだびをみおるが genzai ENDEVAA ga Dabi wo miteru ga “Endeavor in his current state is watching Dabi, but”
8 圌の"個性"では爆発を止められないだろう おれの"こせい"ではばくは぀をずめられないだろう ore no “kosei” de wa bakuhatsu wo tomerarenai darou “with his quirk, he probably can’t stop the explosion.”
9 飯田少幎 いいだしょうねん Iida-shounen “Young Iida,”
10 君は走れる筈だ きみははしれるはずだ kimi wa hashireru hazu da “you should be able to run.”
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1 蜟少幎 ずどろきしょうねん Todoroki-shounen! “Young Todoroki!”
2 心ず䜓は䞀元だ こころずからだはいちげんだ kokoro to karada wa ichigen da “the heart and body are unified.” (Note: He’s talking about a metaphorical heart, or mind, or spirit, that is the equivalent of one’s thoughts and feelings and personality.)
3 悩み進んできた君ならわかるず思う なやみすすんできたきみならわかるずおもう nayami susunde kita kimi nara wakaru to omou “I think you understand, as you have progressed from your troubles.”
4 オヌルマむトでも OORU MAITO demo “Even with All Might,”
5 AFOが   オヌル・フォヌ・ワンが   OORU FOO WAN ga...... “All For One is......”
6 倧䞈倫ただ匷力な助っ人は控えおる だいじょうぶただきょうりょくなすけっずはひかえおる daijoubu! mada kyouryoku na suketto wa hikaeteru! “It’s okay! There’s still a powerful helper standing by!”
7 迷いを抱いお戊っおもアレには勝おない たよいをいだいおたたかっおもアレにはかおない mayoi wo idaite tatakattemo ARE ni wa katenai “Even if you embrace your hesitation and fight, you can’t win against that.”
8 悩んで迷っお そんな少幎が心に決めた想いこそ䜕より尊い なやんでたよっお そんなしょうねんがこころにきめたおもいこそなによりずうずい nayande mayotte...sonna shounen ga kokoro ni kimeta omoi koso nani yori toutoi “You worried and wandered...and the feelings that such a young man decided on in his heart are more precious than anything else.”
9 燈矢を止めお皆を安心させおくれ ずうやをずめおみんなをあんしんさせおくれ Touya wo tomete minna wo anshin sasetekure! “Stop Touya and put everyone at ease!”
10 君が君である為に きみがきみであるために kimi ga kimi de aru tame ni "Because you are you.”
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1 今 矀蚝の危機をどうにかできる可胜性があるずすれば いた ぐんがのききをどうにかできるかのうせいがあるずすれば ima   gunga no kiki wo dou ni ka dekiru kanousei ga aru to sureba “Now, if we have any chance at doing something about the Gunga crisis,”
2 「゚ンゞン」ず 「ENJIN」 to “it’s Engine and”
3 「半冷半燃」 「はんれいはんねん」 「hanrei hannen」 “Half-Cold Half-Hot.”
4 君たちだけだ‌頌んだぞ‌ きみたちだけだ‌たのんだぞ‌ kimi-tachi dake da!! tanonda zo!! “It’s only you guys!! We’re counting on you!!”
5  走れっお  はしれっお ...hashire tte “..He said to run”
6 飯田゚ンストしたし   いいだ゚ンストしたし   IIda ENSUTO shita shi...... “but Iida[′s engine] has stalled......”
7 矀蚝たで ぐんがたで gunga made “From Gunga,”
8 どんだけ距離あるず思っおんだ  どんだけきょりあるずおもっおんだ  don dake kyori aru to omottenda... “how far do you think we are...?”
9 雚で脚の熱が良い具合だ走れるよ   あめであしのね぀がいいぐあいだはしれるよ   ame de ashi no netsu ga ii guai da hashireru yo...... “With the rain, the heat in my legs will be in good condition, so I can run......”
10 走れる はしれる hashireru “I can run,”
11 蜟くん だっお俺の脚はね ずどろきくん だっおおれのあしはね Todoroki-kun...datte ore no ashi wa ne “Todoroki-kun...because my legs”
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1 迷子を導く為にあるんだから たいごをみちびくためにあるんだから maigo wo michibiku tame ni arunda kara “are for the sake of guiding lost children.”
2 誰が 為にヌヌ  たが ためにヌヌ  ta ga...tame ni--... “For others’...sake--...”
3 しっかり掎たっおろ しっかり぀かたっおろ shikkari tukamattero “Hold on tightly.”
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1 党速力だ ぜんそくりょくだ zensokuryoku da “This is my full speed.”
2 ホヌクスによるAFOずの戊闘蚘録 ホヌクスによるオヌル・フォヌ・ワンずのせんずうきろく HOOKUSU ni yoru OORU FOO WAN to no sentou kiroku From the combat record of AFO from Hawks:
3 若幎化に䌎い力は増すが じゃくねんかにずもないちからはたすが jakunenka ni tomonai chikara wa masu ga as his age decreases, his accompanying strength increases.
4 負の感情が抑えられなくなっおいる ふのかんじょうがおさえられなくなっおいる fu no kanjou ga osaerarenaku natte iru His negative amotions are going out of control.
5 銬鹿ダロり ばかダロり bakaYAROU! “You idiot!”
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1 これでいいんだよ塚内くん これでいいんだよ぀かうちくん kore de iinda yo Tsukauchi-kun “It’ll be fine like this, Tsukauchi-kun.”
2 元々私の もずもずわたしの motomoto watashi no “Because originally,”
3 戊いだったんだから たたかいだったんだから tatakai dattanda kara this battle was mine.”
4 思い出すよなァ おもいだすよなァ omoidasu yo naA? “Do you remember?”
5 長く戊っおきた  ながくたたかっおきた  nagaku tatakatte kita... “We’ve been fighting for a long time...”
6 死柄朚匔の"憎しみ"が しがらきずむらの"にくしみ"が Shigaraki Tomura no “nikushimi” ga “The influence of Shigaraki’s hatred”
7 本䜓にたで圱響を及がしおいるっお おたえにたでえいきょうをおよがしおいるっお omae (kanji: hontai) ni made eikyou wo oyoboshite iru tte? “is affecting your body, didn’t you say?”
8 じゃあ jaa “Then,”
9 無芖はできないだろうなぁ むしはできないだろうなぁ mushi wa dekinai darou naa “you can’t ignore it, right?”
10 なんおったっお nantetta tte “In the end,”
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1-2 "無個性"なんだぞ!!! "むこせい"なんだぞ!!! “mukosei” nanda zo!!! “You’re quirkless!!!”
3 "個性"がなくおもヒヌロヌは出来たすか⁉ "こせい"がなくおもヒヌロヌはできたすか⁉ “kosei” ga nakutemo HIIROO wa dekimasu ka!? Can I be a hero even if I don’t have a quirk!?
tagline 1 No.386 ナンバヌ386 NANBAA 386 No. 386
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tagline 1 I AM HERE  堀越耕平 アむ アム ヒア  ほりこしこうぞい AI AMU HIA   Horikoshi Kouhei I AM HERE   Kouhei Horikoshi
1 私が わたしが watashi ga “I”
2 来た きた kita “am here.”
tagline 2 ぀いに来た‌ ぀いにきた‌ tsui ni kita!! He’s finally arrived!!
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foodffs · 2 years
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Vegetable Udon Stir Fry (Veggie Yaki Udon) This super-simple, rich, and healthy vegetable udon comes together in just one pot in only 15 minutes - perfect for a busy night.
Recipe => https://omnivorescookbook.com/vegetable-udon-stir-fry/
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paulmescal-s · 1 month
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Super Yaki just speaks to my soul.
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turnipoddity · 9 months
I need you to know super yaki is releasing a saw collection this Friday and they are releasing multiple items with Adam and Gordon that are shipping related.
there are like a few people in my inbox all talking about this HAHAHAH AND OMG I LOVEEE THE DESIGNS!!!! lord i want one so bad
 do they perhaps ship internationally
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simizzy-writes · 2 years
happy birthday, Law!
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Pairing: Trafalgar D. Water Law x GN!Reader
Warnings: none. just super fluffing fluffy~
A/N: the cliche is birthday sex i'm sure, but mannnn this doc just needs some fluffy feels in his life. happy birthday, you sexy thing!
+ consider supporting me on ko-fi +
He should be thankful for birthdays. 
Law knew better than anyone that a long life was never a guarantee. But celebrating his birthday never felt quite right after that terrible, terrible night. When he lost everything. Maybe it was survivor's guilt. In fact, it most definitely was. 
But despite his own feelings on the subject, his crew always made the effort to celebrate. Maybe it was just an excuse to party, but Law never made an attempt to stop their generosity. He did have one rule, however. 
No gifts.
This rule became established after receiving one too many tacky shirts that never fit, a polar bear pajama onesie, absolutely atrocious alcohol Penguin swore was sake and not swill, a tacky gold necklace that said "Love Doctor" in gold filigree
.the list went on. 
So, he let it be known that if anything were to be given to him, let it be in the form of food. Onigiri, preferably. That had yet to be fucked up. Key word being yet, but he remained hopeful that it never would. 
"Happy Birthday, Captain!" 
Bepo eagerly bounced over to Law, paws carrying a large, handmade birthday card. Stickers and awkwardly cut shapes were stuck all over the front, and he could see that most of the glue was still wet. A tiny drop fell from one colorful corner of the paper to the floor. 
"We all signed it," Bepo beamed. He handed the card over to his captain, and waited with hopeful eyes for Law's reaction.
The birthday boy opened the card carefully, trying to avoid wet glue and glitter from getting on his hands more than necessary. True to the Mink's words, the inside was covered in diverse signatures. Happy birthday wishes, smiley faces, jokes about him getting old
a little bit of everything was written throughout. Law smiled, and thanked his dear friend. 
Bepo enveloped him in a - literal - bear hug, and informed him that mountains of onigiri were being prepped in his honor in the galley. 
"Your favorite! We made sure to make all of your favorite fillings, too," Bepo said. "We were thinking about having a picnic on the main deck since the weather is supposed to be good tonight. Shachi said that there might even be a meteor shower!"
Law nodded. "Sounds like a plan." 
He noticed small bits of rice stuck to his friend's fur. With a smirk, he asked if Bepo was the 'quality assurance' tester in the kitchen. The polar bear blushed, and sheepishly said that he couldn't resist.
"[Name] is the best cook! They always lets me taste-test when they're on cooking duty," Bepo sighed dreamily. 
Law was aware. Normally, the duties that were assigned on the Polar Tang rotated to ensure fairness, but it was kind of an unspoken agreement that you would cook more often than not. You were an exceptional cook, and spared no expense to make sure that everyone had delicious meals every day. 
His birthday onigiri was in capable hands tonight.
"Don't drop them!"
"If you watch where you're going I won't!"
Penguin and Shachi bickered back and forth, trying to balance two large and heavy trays out of the kitchen. The silver trays were piled high with fresh onigiri. Little pieces of heaven stuff with tuna, salmon, roe, kombu seaweed, yaki
.and much more. Ikkaku and Uni balanced even more trays of onigiri as they followed the other men out of the kitchen. 
You sighed as you wiped your hands on your apron. How long had you been in this kitchen? Too long, but it was a worthwhile endeavor today. Well, it was worthwhile everyday but today was special. It was your Captain's birthday, and you couldn't resist going the extra mile to make sure he had enough of his favorite food. With that in mind, you smiled as you looked at the remnants of today's work. 
"Do those need to go out to the deck?"
You turned, and saw Law standing in the doorway. He pointed to a tray that had a handful of onigiri on them, but you shook your head. 
"No, those ones are for me. They have umeboshi in the middle."
The mere mention of pickled plums made his expression sour, and you laughed. 
"Don't worry, the rest are filled with only your favorites," you said. You removed your apron and set it aside, and you picked up a separate tray that had some uniquely shaped onigiri on it. Some looked like Bepo, others were shaped like whales and penguins. "These are special. Happy birthday!"
Law took the tray, and smiled at how cute they looked. "Seems like a crime to eat something like this. They look great. Thank you."
You felt shy under his gaze, and offered him a bashful 'you're welcome ' in return. A moment passed before you cleared your throat and informed him that you had something to give him.
"I wasn't aware that there was a rule about not getting you any gifts," you explained. "I had already picked out a present for you before Ikkaku told me about it. Um
After dinner, I can give it to you, if you want? When the others aren't around?"
His gray eyes twinkled as an amused, crooked smirk pulled at his lips. He was intrigued, of course, and forgiving towards your trespass against the 'no gifts' rule. You had only been a part of his crew for about a year, having joined after his last birthday. There wasn't a way you could have known, he supposed.
"Alright," he said. Law asked if you needed help with anything else, and when you assured him that you didn't, he made his way up to the deck. 
You gathered up your tray of heathenous umeboshi onigiri, and followed after him.
A harsh whisper of your name stopped you. Ikkaku was by your side in a flash, eyes wide and excited. 
"You got the captain a present?! What is it?!"
You hushed her. "Zip it! Don't let the others hear you!"
She placed a hand over her lips, but impishly pestered you to continue. With a sigh, you shifted awkwardly under her gaze.
"Alright, alright. Yes, I got him a present. It's nothing special, really - "
"Oh, stop. He'll love it as long as it's from you!"
Before you could ask her to elaborate, Ikkaku squealed in delight and continued:
"Are you going to tell him? You know, about your feelings?"
"What?! No! Why would I do that?" You were aghast at the mere suggestion of even telling Law that you liked him. You know, like-liked him. Wink wink. 
How on earth could you possibly navigate a conversation like that with him? He was so stoic and reserved, apathetically amused by the world around him despite how fucked up it was. Surely, he wouldn't have any interest in hearing how much you enjoyed his company, or how much you liked how intelligent he was. Or how, despite his great efforts to seem aloof, he really did care about people. Then, of course, there were the more
physical traits that you could appreciate. That went without saying. 
You shook your head. No! No way! You didn't dare admit your feelings. Not today. It was Law's birthday, and you were perfectly content celebrating the absolute treasure that he was - sans confession. 
Ikkaku pouted. "Aw, that's no fun
You poked your tongue out at her and scurried up the stairs. "Too bad, so sad!"
The evening was a delight. The crew drank, laughed and devoured your carefully crafted onigiri. You believed Law's birthday to be a success, and you hoped that felt that way as well.
He was off to the side and away from the ruckus of his crew. His gray eyes watched the ocean waves, seemingly lost in thought. The sun had set a while ago, and the moon's glow made everything twinkle like silver. You couldn't take your eyes off of him, and it delighted you to see how handsome he was like this. Your fingers held the box in your hands carefully, and you wondered if you should even bother giving it to him. 
"Don't you dare back out," Ikkaku whispered. 
You jumped out of your skin, placing a hand over your heart. "Oh, my God, Ikkaku! You scared me!"
"Sorry," she giggled. "I could see the look on your face. You were second guessing yourself, weren't you?"
You nodded, bashfully looking at the box in your hands. Ikkaku smiled, and hugged you affectionately. 
"Don't worry," she said. "He'll love it. I promise you that whatever it is, it can't be any worse than the pimp chain Shachi got him a few years ago. Can you imagine the Captain wearing a necklace that said "Love Doctor" on it? Ugh."
You laughed. The imagery of such a thing was pretty ridiculous. 
Ikkaku gave you one last squeeze before she directed her attention to the rest of the crew. In a stern and commanding voice, she announced that the next step for the night was to get the kitchen cleaned. Groans of disapproval filled the air, but she wasn't having any of it.
"The sooner it gets done, the better!" She said, "Let's go, let's go, let's go!"
She winked at you, and herded the men off of the main deck. You could hear Penguin complain about cleaning up your mess, followed by a loud smack and a pitiful cry of pain. 
"[Name] spent all day in that kitchen making dinner for the Captain and for you. Don't you dare complain!" 
You laughed to yourself, a certain warmth filling your chest at how much you truly loved your fellow crewmates. But now, it was just you and Law. 
He seemed to be expecting you, as he turned to face you. He leaned against the deck railing, watching as you fiddled with the box in your hands. You approached him carefully, tentatively. It was cute, in a way. 
" you began, "Happy Birthday, Captain. Here's your present."
You held your breath as he took the box from you. The tips of his fingers brushed against yours, and you could feel your soul just about leave your body at the sensation. 
Law eyed the box curiously, tilting it back and forth in his hands. Maybe he was teasing you by leaving you in suspense, but your heart could hardly take it. 
In a rush of words that almost sounded distinguishable, you babbled on about how you didn't have any idea what to get him. You thought about clothes, another hat, jewelry, something physician related
You rambled about how nothing quite seemed to suite him, so eventually you settled on this because -
"I thought that it would make you smile!" You exclaimed. "But then Ikkaku told me that most of the gifts you've gotten were kind of tacky and like a bad joke
I had already bought it by then, and I couldn't figure out anything else - "
You let out a nervous squeak as he stopped you, and for a moment you hated how amused he looked at your expense. He held your gaze as his fingers tore the wrapping paper inch by inch until the top of the box was exposed. You pressed your fingers to your lips, anxiety fraying your nerves terribly. 
Law removed the lid, and lifted out a mug from the crisp and clean tissue paper buried within. It was a simple white mug, but when he turned it over in his hand, Law's eyes widened. 
This is it, you thought. You squeezed your eyes shut, face buried in your palms as you waited for the dreaded moment where Law would scold you for giving him a terrible gift. 
" 'World's Okayest Doctor'," he read aloud. 
You groaned and shook your head. "I'm sorry, it's probably the worst gift ever. I just thought it would make you smile! Of course you're a terrific doctor - "
He said your name again, making you stop short. You peaked at him through your fingers, and were amazed to see the smirk on his lips.
"Nothing could be worse than the "Love Doctor" necklace Shachi gave me," Law said. "Thank you for this."
You nodded slowly, carefully moving your hands away from your blushing face. "Y-You're welcome, Captain."
You were always awake before the others, save for Jean Bart and Law respectively. Or whoever was on night watch. But it was rare that anyone was in the kitchen before you on any given day. So, the fact that the light was on made you curious.
You padded into the galley, rubbing sleep from your eyes. What would you make for breakfast today
With a deep breath, you savored the smell of coffee. Already it perked you up, and you knew that only one person on the Polar Tang would make coffee this early.
"Good morning, Captain," you said. 
Law was leaning against the kitchen island, the morning's paper in his hands. Across from him was a freshly brewed pot of coffee. "Good morning," he replied. He turned the page of his paper, eyes focused on whatever bullshit filled the space. 
You hummed, admiring his bed-head and wrinkled pajamas. He always seemed so put together, so in the rare times you got to see Law in this state, you pressed it upon your conscience as much as you could. You wanted to remember it vividly and fondly. 
Reaching for a clean mug in one of the cupboards, you went about pouring yourself a cup of coffee. "Did you sleep well?" You asked.
"No better than usual," he said. Perhaps one night he would be blessed with a full, restful sleep. But he wasn't holding his breath on that.
"I see. Well - "
You stopped short as you turned to face him. Maybe it was silly to be rendered speechless over something so simple as Law drinking coffee, but it was a bit more than just that.
His gray eyes were on you, watching you carefully over the rim of his mug. But not just any mug. It was the mug. The mug that you gave him. 
You couldn't stop the grin that lit up your face. Your cheeks felt warm, and your heart was giddy. 
"Is that a new mug?" You asked, pretending as if you hadn't given it to him the night before.
Law nodded slowly, appreciatively. "It is," he concurred. "I got it as a birthday present, actually."
You giggled, holding your own mug close to your chest. "Oh, really? That's awesome! Are you really the "world's okayest doctor"?"
Law smirked at you. "I like to think so."
"Then I guess I'm in good hands, then. I-I mean, we are in good hands! As in the crew. All of us. Are in good hands - your hands. Yeah."
You stumbled over your words, blush deepening. You sipped at your coffee, wincing at how hot it was. That's fine - let it burn away your embarrassment.
"I think it's my new favorite mug, actually," Law mused casually. The mischievous spark in his eyes was not lost on you, and you swore that his teasing would be the death of you.
Off in the doorway, unbeknownst to either of you, a bet was being made amongst certain members of the crew.
"I bet a hundred berry that [Name] confesses their feelings by his next birthday," Shachi whispered. 
Ikkaku shook her head. "No way! I bet two hundred berry that they confess before Christmas!"
Penguin scoffed. "You're both going to lose. Clearly, it will be the captain that makes them confess, and I bet three hundred berry that he'll get them to do it by the time we stop on the next island."
Shachi and Ikkaku gasped at his audacity. "Bet!"
A sleepy Bepo was left out, confused and hungry. "What do you think [Name] will make for breakfast today?" he asked. "I hope it's more onigiri."
Happy Birthday, Law! 💕
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meikuree · 5 months
FINALLY someone who didn't 100% love BES. I did enjoy some of it but I lean on the "disliked it on the whole" side and it's been so weird seeing everyone praise it to high heavens. I take it that you enjoyed it more than I did (I did not like a lot of the 3D visuals, unfortunately, so the visuals don't really redeem it for me), but I'd love to see some balanced takes from you anyway <3
anon, you're in good company! honestly i've been baffled by the blandly, one-note positive reception to this (30% of my grief has to do with BES's base story, and 70% has to do with uncritical fannish responses), because... to be uncharitable... I have some big problems with its construction. feel free to come off anon and kvetch in my DMs if you want, I'll probably share your sentiments. sorry for how long i've taken to answer this!
to be fair the show does some things right and I think its achievements/innovations in art style and animation are to be lauded; I'm not going to speak over that when I'm not an expert on animation or media theory, but it's a bad sign when praise about any media amounts to "well, it looks pretty" or hinges so heavily on its aesthetics. to be extremely clear this doesn't fully apply to BES, because it does have deft character work, compelling characters, and some impressive cinematic instantiation/inhabitation with its attention to setting and detail -- i was pleasantly surprised by the inclusion of deets like yaki-ire etc etc. -- but even on its purported selling points of japanese historicity and nuanced narratives about race, sexuality, gender, revenge, etc. I think it fails. it has glaring blindspots.
tldr: BES suffers from some (white) american/french narratorial sensibilities that kneecap the full potential of its story
or: BES pinged as an insufferably american and/or ahistorical rendition of its japanese building-blocks to me in some ways
it's probably just a case of misaimed audiences, and This Show Not Being For Me, but I've been baffled by:
how seamlessly some scenes around sex work and brothels and eroticism in this show slide in with orientalist tropes about japan being the Weird Sex and Kinky country despite the japanese-american creator at its helm, who's also spoken out against tropes like that -- until a buddy gave some context that those undertones seem to have been inspired by bande dessinées (french comics) with not-unsimilar tropes that may have been transplanted carelessly into BES by the studio
and this is what I mean by 'american/french' sensibilities -- I don't mean american/french in the most skin-deep representational sense, as in the studio that made it is an american-french one or whatever, as 'representation' is too often conceived on tumblr to be limited to, but on the deeper epistemological level of its worldview, frameworks of sexuality/race, and the cultural terrain it's working off or conversing with. BES includes storylines/arcs/even mawkish dialogue far more reminiscent of those in american cartoons. which is not an issue except of one of taste, but fannish responses holding it up as a groundbreaking commentary on race are orbiting a different universe imo
more egregiously it sustains overtones of that american favourite about the grand, Super Existential! Super Inevitable! and intrinsic clash of Cultures and Civilisations with a big C (a highly discredited idea in critical academic circles now, thankfully, no thanks to samuel p. huntington)
I almost wish the show had maintained a greater separation from IRL analogues or just invented a fresh fantasy universe because why set it in edo-era japan if you're not going to engage with the sociocultural norms, or narratorial traditions of that era
see: literary genres around jitsuroku (revenge narratives), how revenge would have been treated as a tool of sociocultural legitimisation then, the apparent forgettance of the entire history of nanban trade and the fact that japan as a geographical entity was not technically ethnically homogeneous, or only homogeneous from a hegemonic pov, given the existence of the ainu, the kingdom of ryukyu, and northern communities of hokkaido although tbf japan's borders probably didn't include them
i was hoping for an internal critique of or just more nuance about the 'japan = ethnically homogenous' narrative in the show and was more disappointed as it went on -- imo it's a narrative often most stridently parroted by the japanese government for nation-building interests and by others to avoid interrogations of the actual complexity of striations, divisions, etc in japan e.g. with burakumin (lower-'caste'* peoples)
* note: caste is an imperfect and not fully accurate descriptor
a significant part of my ire is reserved for the handling of 'whiteness' in this show although it's mostly hand-wringing over the complexity of intended audiences in this show, which might not be fair to blame on the creators; yes, whiteness is foreign and Other and bad, but what about the material and historical precursors that gave rise to that Otherness in the first place, where are they?; and look! whiteness is demonised; but the cartoon's being released in the USA and europe. it's certainly true that japan is institutionally hostile to foreigners and xenophobic, kudos for depicting the politics of that, but BES's american audiences mean i'm ambivalent about its in-universe premise that what is in fact an oft-fetishised trait in mixed race children (blue eyes) is bad (and the show's aesthetics don't support it; mizu's eyes are portrayed in the most beautiful way possible even though she's diagetically meant to be hideous and monstrous)
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