#stressed alec
lurafita · 28 days
Mundane Malec au, cop magnus, rebellious teen max, guardian alec.
Mundane AU where Magnus is a cop and Max gets hauled in for vandalism (he spraypainted a public building) The cop who brought Max in is possibly an asshole and is doing the whole "bad cop" routine way too much, so Magnus intervenes. (also, Magnus has been a troubled teenager once as well, so he can spot one from a mile away. So no, asshole cop, the kid isn't a future drug dealer or whatever else, now kindly go and inform his guardian, maybe, instead of getting in the poor boy's face.) Alec has custody over Max because Robert and Maryse died? And he is completely frantic and stressed when he gets to the station and this isn't the first time that Max acted out like this (just the first he was actually arrested!) and he is just at his wits end. So Magnus just sends the asshole cop away (again) and takes over and lets Max off with a warning and gives Alec his number and from there on out, things progress.
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0800cloro · 3 months
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put them in a room together i want to see who's crying first
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madseance · 1 year
me every time in Broadchurch that Alec Hardy is forced to do something other than be a detective, like socialise with coworkers or go on a date: someone HELP HIM he's in a Situation
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scrambledslut · 9 months
if you’re into murder mystery/crime shows i highly recommend watching Broadchurch, not only bc david tennant is hotter than a motherfucker in it and i would sell my soul just to have him yell at me BUT the acting and story is genuinely so good and interesting, the plot twists are fucking insane i was literally left speechless when i finished season 1, don’t think i’ve ever gasped that much watching a crime show
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leverage-ot3 · 3 months
silly episode idea but hear me out
okay well the first part isn’t silly! so the episode is based around a con they are doing where a polyam triad wants to get married and have been writing to senators and stuff for years but nothing has happened. maybe there is a time element that leeway has to happen soon (not sure what that would be yet, maybe someone is sick???)
(obviously polycules aren’t only and are often more than just a closed three-person system, but I’m saying triad right now bc I feel like that would be an easier and more ‘socially acceptable’ gateway into more accepting legislation for diverse relationship dynamics)
the leverage crew, of course, can’t outright change the public perception of poly marriage, but they can use the ‘enemy’s’ tactics against them and slip stuff into legislation without people noticing like they do. it’s slimy and it’s not a permanent fix, but it’s a start, and it gives people the opportunity to see poly marriage in action and that it isn’t as terrifying or pearl-clutching-inducing as they think it would be. there’s a long way to go, but the seeds of change have been sown and they will make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible
this is one of the cases that they will monitor on the back burner over time. some cons can finish within a few hours (the bottle job), and some things they will follow over time and make adjustments when needed- amplify voices and expose corrupt politicians etc
and then it’s just after 3/4 of the way through but the con has been finished? what is going on? this is where the silliness comes in
the camera turns to the ot3 and…
hardison, pulling out three individualized rings: I know it’s not legal yet, and we have the necklaces, but I think rings would be a nice touch
eliot, pulling out an intricately carved box that also has three self-handcrafted rings: dammit hardison (with feeling and tenderness, and damp eyes)
parker, pulling out three very stolen rings from her pocket: does this mean we’re getting triple married if we all have three rings???
harry pops into the conversation (practically vibrating) excitedly just casually mentioning that he’s a notary and would be honored to marry them to each other if they wanted to
(they do)
wait, did I say silly? I meant unwaveringly tender and heartwarming
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heartofalifer · 29 days
alec hardy stans are as equally tired as he is. we really try to defend that man with all that we can but look... he's just... leave him alone, okay? he's been through alot. don't bully him, please. it will only be on your conscience.
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lakesbian · 10 months
btw i think alec genuinely unironically maintains that the heartbroken household was not homophobic because no one actually physically stopped him from extensive sexual interest in and/or interaction with men and in fact it was at times encouraged (which is normal and not 'grooming' he doesn't even know what the word 'grooming' means don't look at him so funny it's fine) and if you brought up the thing where he kept getting mocked 4 being a little gaylord by his older siblings he would be like. Its fine. They were just kidding around, that's chill. which is part of why he's the way he is now
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glassknee · 2 months
Cannot figure out what went wrong in my brain bc I liked the alec on puppet strings animation when I posted it but today it is. Very not good. Deleting it and kicking it under a rug
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rapha-reads · 9 months
I'm finally reading Red, White & Royal Blue while I wait to see which unstable, fragile piece of my life is going to implode in the next few days, and gods, I'm literally crying, this shit has no right being so amazing and deep and well-written and emotional and intense and real. Why is it so good? How? I was up til 5am when I had planned to go to sleep hours before, shaking in the dark trying not to lose it completely at the emails, the fucking emails I swear, and it's the first thing I picked up after barely sleeping 4 hours, my life is a mess but at least I'm not them and their gigantic diplomatic mess. Gaaaah. Alright, guess you guys were right; this book is amazing and I'm going to learn whole pages of it by heart.
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sunshine-hufflepuff31 · 5 months
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Guys I need me car guy Alec right now because I had to drive to Baltimore and I’m hating life right now 😭😭 he can drive me and I won’t have to worry lmao I’m stressy af
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lux-the-witch · 9 months
Broadchurch is stressing me out I need to vent.
Spoilers below !!
I'll put what episode I'm at in each comment
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Season 2 ep2 :
First of all Miller need to go on vacation. Fucking Hardy treats her so poorly it almost makes me hate him
"Go do this" "do that for me" "trust me and ask no questions" shit man hug her and shut up
He fucking made her go back to her house like it was nothing aaaargh. (<- very insightful ahah)
Between that and the Latimer family basically blaming her for everything that happened (which I thought was a bit much in the first episode. Like I get that they're resentful, and that Beth is angry and maybe not super objective, but before Fred's confession was denied, I found her anger a bit much ? I guess it's what makes the series, humans being irrational)
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trans-gainerism · 9 days
If nobody told you this today, you're a very sweet and handsome guy. 10/10 would recommend
Aww this is super sweet, thank you 🥹 same to you!!
No joke this really brightened my day 🥰
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delusionsofspace · 4 months
Shhh nobody tell Ryan I'm on tumblr (I'm probably not allowed to be on it rn </3)
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imaginesfortwilight · 11 months
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absolutely, i am leaving the ask in my inbox so i don’t forget about it. i have errands to do but i will work on it after i return
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my family has been watching leverage together & were finally on s5, and I can't wait to watch them all go "??!? What the hell is this??" at the finale
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I was at the gym this morning and this guy comes in and says to his friend “wow, it’s a beautiful day today” and his friend goes “yeahh it’s such a nice day” and the first one says “today’s gonna be an amazing day!” “Yeah! It’s gonna be an incredible day!” And they were so excited, in my head I was like, “yeah, it is gonna be a great day”
Anyway, that’s my slice of life
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