#stray kids chapter
naetles · 3 months
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dazaistabletop · 11 months
I wonder if Crime is the evil Fyodor and Punishment is the terrified Fyodor
Crime Punishment
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hyuuukais · 9 months
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.・゜-: ✧ :- FICTIONAL REALITY .・゜-: ✧ :-
pairing • bang chan x fem reader
synopsis • fiction or reality? y/n preferred the former, escaping into another world, escaping her problems. so what happens when reality takes that away from her; wiping her own story-in-progress off both her laptop and beloved usb? and what happens when she opens the door in the middle of a crisis to none other then the love interest of her novel... and he's holding her usb?
warnings • every chapter will have individual warnings, but overall ones are: swearing, past emotionally abusive relationship, anxiety, major minor character death <- this will likely be updated throughout the story!
taglist • CLOSED
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lemonsharksblog · 2 months
off topic from my previous post(s), i absolutely adore how chuuya isnt doing jackshit to help dazai in the current chapters
like bro was forced to fly to a different continent, get into vampire cosplay, get thrown around like a pokemon by some anemic guy that might as well be jesus himself, be waterboarded in anti ability water, listen to 2 corny speeches crafted by shitty dazai and then in the end he still had to fix dazais broken leg, MY MAN IS ABSOLUTE DONE.
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karmicpunishment · 9 months
okay theres no way aya is dying okay
theres so many people still at the airport that we havent been seeing, not to mention the vampires who will turn back if it works, someones gonna catch that girl
it also reminds me a lot of kunikida 'sacrificing' himself with aya back in ch 40 where we first see her.
and they were fine then.
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aya will be saved!! im manifesting!!
maybe its time for kenji and tecchou to wake up from their nap lol, one of them can catch her.
she manifests her ability. c'mon she has to have one, she's named after an author for a reason.
this isn't even an analysis im just rambling
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im-a-chunky-potato · 3 months
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Fyodor. If you even care.
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evilkaeya · 1 year
Living in yokohama in bsd must be crazy. Imagine you go to your balcony for some alone time after a long, tiring day and you see a kid driving up the building vertically in his pink motorbike
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broken-glowsticks · 4 months
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What Once was Mine
Chapter 11 - When, How, and Why
Genre: Childhood friends, Eventual Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Love corner/love triangle, love rivals, Series.
Warnings: 18+, mdni, mentions of sex and alcohol consumption, additional warnings will be added to individual chapters as needed.
Additional warnings: mentions of explicit sex, loss of virginity, fingering (f receiving), piv, mentions of an underage related, mentions of bruises and bodily harm, slight angst.
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“What do you mean he almost kissed you?!” Felix's deep baritone ricocheted off the walls of his room, immediately followed by your hasty shushing.
“Ssshhhh! Felix, shut your face! I don't want Chan to hear!”
“Chan's elbows deep in work right now, his headphones are basically fused to his head. He's not going to hear anything.” Felix retorted, grabbing your wrists and removing the hands you had shoved against his mouth to shut him up. He didn't let you go, though. “Now spill,” he commanded, pulling you closer, a devious smile on his lips, “what exactly happened?”
With a sigh, you pulled your hands from Felix's grasp. Scooting closer to him on his bed, you tried to keep your voice down as you relayed the events that had happened the previous night.
“No fucking way, you little tease!” Felix basically sang as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, drawing you in to roughly nuzzle you.
“Ow, ow, ow, Felix, knock it off!” You whined, shoving him off you and yanking away the pillow he was leaning on as a form of cover. Felix only giggled.
“Alright, joking aside,” Felix began, once again pulling you in but gentler this time. “How do you feel about what almost happened?”
You sighed. Laying down, you rested your head on Felix's leg, gathering your thoughts as he began to tenderly stroke your hair. How did you really feel about Hyunjin almost kissing you?
“I feel like there's something going on that he's not telling me.”
“Okay, elaborate?”
“Hyunjin… struggles to communicate how he feels, he always has. The sex… always meant more.”
“More for him? I thought it was just something casual?” Felix meant no harm in his questions, genuinely wanting to understand. Before tonight, Felix didn't know Hyunjin as anything other than an obstacle to you and Changbins’ budding relationship. Everything he's ever learned about the guy has come from Jisungs’ blatant and self-admitted biased view. And while you knew Felix was still trying to sort things out, it still stung to be reminded how much you wished the sex with Hyunjin meant something different than it did. But you never pushed. You never dared to expose yourself like that because the entire time you were with him, you knew what those moments meant for Hyunjin.
“Hooking up…” you began, trying to find the words to properly express yourself, “sure, we would sometimes do it for fun or to de-stress, but that's not how it started.”
“Then… how did it start?” Taking your face in his hands, Felix leaned over, meeting his eyes with yours. “If the sex wasn't mainly just for fun, then what made you two start up in the first place?”
Your lips pressed into a thin line. You struggled to hold Felix's gaze, but he asked, and you've never spoken about this to anyone, not even Jisung, who's known you since before Hyunjin even re-entered your life. You don't know why you never spoke about it, maybe it was time.
“Alright, let's get some snacks and something to drink, I might get emotional.”
You sniffled as you curled yourself further under your fluffy comforter, makeup smearing against your pillow - you didn't care, you were too heartbroken. Tonight was supposed to be the best date of your teenage life, never would you have thought someone from Hyunjins untouchable circle would take any kind of interest in you, you always assumed they thought too highly of themselves based on how they acted in the halls. Turns out you were right.
You had planned this night for days. All dressed up in the new outfit you had gotten at the mall with Jisung and his girlfriend, even tentatively donning the pretty lingerie set you had snuck off to buy in the event things got heated and felt right. Your parents weren't home, set to be gone until some time tomorrow afternoon. You had made a simple dinner and picked out a few movies to possibly rent in the event the night stayed chaste. Everything was all set, yet as time ticked by, you began to worry. When your dates' appointed arrival time came and went, you began to get nervous, texting him and Hyunjin in an attempt to get ahold of the elusive boy.
You weren't expecting Hyunjin to be able to do much, he had mentioned he had plans of his own and would check in whenever he had the time, but so far he had only been able to reply twice - both times before your date was even meant to begin. At least Hyunjin managed to reply at all. You had debated over calling Jisung, but you very much didn't want to deal with the embarrassment of admitting you may have gotten stood up because he was so against the date in the first place, only helping because you expressed it was something you really wanted. Maybe you should call your date? Not wanting to seem clingy and give him the benefit of the doubt you simply assumed his phone had died or something of the sort, leading you to lay on the couch to wait for him, eating chocolate and ice cream with some random YouTube videos playing to fill the dead air as you scrolled social media. That's when you saw it.
You had followed this boy on Instagram a little bit ago, hanging on his every post as a way to glean more knowledge of him, but at this moment you wished you didn't even know about his Instagram page at all. There, at the very top of your feed, was a carousel of images of him at a party, an impossibly gorgeous girl clinging to him like shrink wrap.
A burn scorched your throat as it tightened, your heart dropping to your stomach. Hot, angry tears welled in your eyes as, stupidly, you tapped on his profile picture and pulled up his stories, the time stamp indicating he posted only minutes ago. He looked like he was having so much fun, especially with that girl who was showing up often. The final nail in the coffin was when you saw your would-be date's final story, where - presumably - one of his friends had filmed him explicitly licking whipped cream off the girl's chest. Broken and disgusted, you aggressively dashed away your phone, escaping your room to wallow in your sorrows. You stayed there, sobbing, until you had no more tears to give, seeking solace within the plush embrace of your bed.
You were unsure when you started debating over cleaning up, maybe eating the dinner you made - no point in letting good food go to waste. You had only just managed to sit upright in your bed when you heard the tell-tale sign of a fist thrashing against your door, frequent ringing of your doorbell accompanying. The barrage of noise startled you into place, and you thought about pretending you weren't even home, but the sounds of a well-known voice shouting through the wood eased your nerves.
“Y/N? Beautiful, it's me, open up!!” Hyunjins strained voice shouted, screaming at the top of his lungs in hopes you would be able to hear him regardless of wherever you were hiding in the house.
Wordlessly, you made your way from your bed to the front door, turning on the front light so he knew you were there.
“Hyunjin, what are you-?”
“I'm gonna kill that fucking ass-hole,” Hyunjin growled through grit teeth the moment you opened the door, cutting you off by placing his hands on either side of your face. He could feel his temper rising as he took in your smudged makeup and red, puffy eyes. Despite his rough tone he held your face so gently that you almost began to cry again. “I swear to you, I didn't know he was going to do this.”
“I know it wasn't your fault Jinnie…” you breathed, attempting to remain collected enough to not give into your heartbreak. It wasn't enough, as soon as you opened your mouth to reassure him another sob tore from you and you were once again lost. Hyunjin didn't bat an eye, wrapping himself around you and holding you so tightly it felt as though he was the only thing even remotely keeping you together.
“I knew it was too good to be true, but I still believed that he might like me. That, maybe, I had a chance. God, I feel so stupid, Hyunjin!” You clung to Hyunjins denim jacket as you wailed shamelessly into the collar, “and… and when I saw his stories, how this girl was glued to him… it's dumb and I know I deserve better, but I still couldn't help but wonder why couldn't that be me? Did he think I wasn't good enough, not hot enough? What am I missing that I'm so undesirable to him?”
“Y/N stop,” Hyunjins hands were once again at your face, drawing your gaze to his. “You're beautiful, you know you are. Just because this guy doesn't see it, that doesn't mean it's not true. Hell, you even just said that you know you deserve better.” he said gently, pressing his forehead to yours. “God I'm so fucking angry,” he muttered more to himself than anything, squeezing his eyes shut. How dare this prick of a “friend” hurt you like this, in the exact same way he did?
“I know… I know I deserve better, I'm not ugly, but it's so hard to feel like I'm pretty, that I'm desirable at all, when guys keep rejecting me.”
“All those guys are idiots.” Hyunjin sighed, “I wish I could show you how desirable you really are,” he said in a whisper, his brows furrowed and eyes squeezing tighter. It hurt him so much to hear you speak like that.
“I love you for wanting that, but… I don't see how you could,” you whimpered, placing your hands over his, your glossy eyes drifting over his pained features. Was it just the harsh shadows from the front light, or did he have a couple of bruises on his face?
“I can think of one way,” Hyunjin said, his voice coming out small, almost shy. This surprised you. You couldn't remember the last time he came off as shy.
“What do you mean, Jinnie?” You asked in an equally soft tone, your curiosity and fear of spooking him out of sharing his idea overtaking the uncertainty of the possible bruises on his face.
Hyunjins eyes open slowly, his gaze unreadable. You didn't know what it was, but something about the intensity of his stare made you flush, rendering you speechless. Eventually, the longer you looked, the better you could see it - the internal war he was having with himself. Whatever his thought was, he was unsure over whether or not to follow through. For Hyunjin, he was unsure if this would help or if it was even something you needed. He was worried that after what happened to him tonight, he was focusing too much over what he needed.
“Are you not going to tell me?” You finally asked, trying to goad him into fussing up, “did you change your mind?”
“No, I just… I don't want to upset you.”
“Sounds like you have something risky in mind.”
“That's putting it lightly,” he chuckled, ghosting his thumb over your cheek. “I don't think we'd be the same after, and that scares me, I don't want you to shut me out, Beautiful.”
“Just do it, Jinnie. I know that regardless of whatever you have in mind, you just want to help. I could never be upset at you for that.”
“Are you sure?” He rasped, snaking one of his arms around your waist. Your pulse thudded at his actions, but after a stiff swallow, you nodded anyway.
“I'm sure Hyunjin, I trust you.”
Hyunjins eyes became hooded as he scanned your face, his lower lip catching between his teeth as he tipped your chin up with the hand that wasn't increasing its grip on your waist. You stopped breathing as Hyunjin ran his thumb over your lower lip, taking in the softness of your skin before delving in for a bite.
You whimpered at the gentle sting as he tugged at your lower lip, eyes screwed shut and hands clutching at his tear stained denim jacket. Before you could even question what was happening, Hyunjins' other arm wrapped around you, pulling your body hard against his as he tilted his head to kiss you properly. Your head spun. All you could focus on was his soft, plush, lips, and warm breath.
A squeal sneaked out of you when Hyunjin licked your lower lip, allowing him to slip between your lips when you gasped in surprise. You put up no fight, allowing him to roam as he pleased. You were so lost in everything about him, his touch, his smell, his taste. It was as if you were caught in a current drifting you further out to sea. Was this why every girl in town wanted a chance just to spend a night with him? Or was he so good because he got around? He was just kissing you, and you could feel your excitement stirring. How did it feel to do more than just kiss him? Wanting to know you released your grip on his jacket, slipping your hands beneath the collar.
Hyunjin shuttered at your cool touch, a stark contrast to the hot skin of his neck. Goosebumps raised as he felt you slip his jacket off of him, and he released your waist to help you along, dropping the fabric by the front door and kicking off his shoes. He was so focused that he let out a small noise of surprise when you slipped your hands under the hem of his shirt, hands resting on his abdomen.
“Y/N,” he murmured against your lips, chuckling when you refused to stop kissing him. Running a hand into your hair, he held on gently as he pulled away, full on grinning when your lips tried to chase after him, “easy there, girl.”
“Why'd you stop?” You softly whined, somewhat out of breath, a pout on your sweet lips.
“I just don't want to keep this up right by the front door, I keep thinking your parents are going to catch us or something,” Hyunjin said light heartedly, his eyes still lingering on your lips. He already wanted to kiss you again.
“Then…” you began, feeling shy at what you were about to suggest, “my room?”
“Your room,” Hyunjin agreed, lifting you from the floor and carrying your giggly self to your bed. Tearing off his flannel and climbing on top of you, he finally took a moment to take in your outfit. His heart sank once he realized this outfit was new, and you looked absolutely stunning in it. How dare your date not come to see how much effort you put in for tonight. Hyunjins hands clenched at your sheets as he told himself that at least you wouldn't have dressed up for nothing. He wouldn't let your efforts tonight go to waste.
“Hyunjin, are you alright?” Hyunjins eyes met yours, and he leaned in to place a kiss to the tip of your nose.
“I'm just nervous, I didn’t think you'd take it this far.”
“I didn't either,” you admitted, suddenly unable to look at him, “but I just… I liked what we were doing, how you were making me feel.” Your cheeks burned, but Hyunjin was right. You deserved to feel beautiful, and you were grateful that it was Hyunjin who was making you feel this way. “Hyunjin… I- I want you to keep going… would you… would you be my first?”
Hyunjins’ breath caught in his throat, and in an instant, he no longer felt like the full of confidence school bad boy. Instead, he was just a boy, a boy with his heart hammering in his chest as he looked down at the girl he secretly loved with the widest eyes imaginable.
“Are- Are you sure?” He whispered, the tremor in his voice matching the one shaking his body.
“Yes,” you breathed, finding the courage to look at him again. “I'm sure.”
With a fervored nod of his head, Hyunjin sat up and hastily fumbled for his wallet in his back pocket, praying that he still had a condom tucked away. With relief, he found one. He couldn't stop shaking.
“I'll stop whenever you tell me to,” Hyunjin said with a mix of excitement and anxiety, placing the condom next to you on the bed, “you call all the shots. I won't do anything you're not comfortable with, okay?”
Unable to speak, you nodded, taking several deep, steadying breaths as Hyunjin returned above you, wasting no time to kiss you sweetly. You did your best to focus on the moment, on the slant of his lips, the smell of his cologne clinging to his undershirt, of his shaky hand that trailed under your shirt to run his hand over your breast which caused your breath to hitch.
“Y/N, are you wearing lingerie?” Hyunjin murmured. Your hands flew to your face to cover your now tomato red face before he could even finish asking his question. Once again, you were only able to nod. With a groan, Hyunjin, unceremoniously and without warning, pushed your shirt up as far as it would go before sitting back on his haunches and tearing your bottoms off of you. Fuck, to think that good-for-nothing almost saw you in this. “I can't tell you how glad I am to be the only one to see you in this,” he said admiringly, pressing kisses to your knees, then down your inner thighs.
Hyunjin paused for a moment, giving you a chance to stop him before he went any further, but when you remained hiding behind your hands he continued to pepper kisses between your thighs as he worked his way down. With a small smirk, Hyunjin traced the little bow that topped the front of your lace panties. You were a present just for him. He felt grateful, getting something just for him.
Wanting to show just how appreciative he was, Hyunjin spread your legs, slotting his head in between them and placing soft kisses to your covered heat. He relished in your shy, needy whimpers as he ran his fingers up and down your clothed slit, pressing more kisses over your clit as the dampness against your panties worsened.
“I'm going to eat you out first before we do this, baby, I want you relaxed and feeling good before I try sliding in,” he instructed as he pulled your panties down your legs with his teeth and slid his finger over your now exposed slit.
You were already a panting mess from this little bit of stimulation, your hands no longer hiding your face but bunched at your chest as you watched him toy with you. You had never seen this side of Hyunjin before and were getting more and more aroused as he focused on your pleasure. You couldn't take your eyes off him, especially as he rested one of your legs over his shoulder, collecting your wetness on his middle finger before easing it between your folds. He pumped the digit in and out a few times, checking if there was any discomfort before easing in another finger. Your eyes fluttered closed at the filling sensation, savoring the delicious drag of his fingers as they slowly pumped in and out of you. Hyunjin took great care in building you up, exploring which spots were your weakest and prodding at them mercilessly until you were shaking beneath him. Right when you thought the sensation couldn't get more intense, Hyunjins' tongue slid over your sensitive clit, causing your hips to buck. Hyunjin grunted but continued licking and swirling his tongue over the bundle of nerves as his fingers continued to expertly press at your gummy walls. Hyunjin was reading you so well and all you could do was grasp at his hair and cry out pathetic moans beneath him.
Before you could even say anything, your orgasm rapidly built before exploding, your creaminess coating Hyunjins’ tongue and fingers. Your body shuttered, and Hyunjin continued to rub you walls as he helped ease you down.
“That's it, baby, you did so good. Just stay relaxed, okay?” Hyunjin cooed, licking you from his lips and fingers and reaching for the condom, “are you ready?”
“I- I think so,” you stammered out, surprised at yourself for managing to speak. Your head felt so cluttered, unable to believe Hyunjin just made you cum. Hyunjin, the guy you've known since you were a kid and who you've been able to platonically share a bed with. You were almost starting to second guess whether or not you should really go through with this, maybe Hyunjin was right about things changing, maybe it would change too much and you'd lose the closeness you had.
You didn't have time to dwell on these hesitant thoughts, Hyunjin unbuttoning his jeans and beginning to slip them down caught your full attention and you could do nothing but watch with bated breath as his stunning cock sprang free. It was too late. You had passed the point of no return, and there was nothing left to do but indulge, to let yourself dive as deep as you could and let yourself drown.
Or maybe that's just how Hyunjin was seeing it. Tonight did not go as he planned, before he deigned to open social media - all the while hiding in a tube slide at a child's park - he had gotten hurt, he was on the run, in overlapping shades of pain, his only solace being that at least you were having a good night with one of his friends. When Hyunjin had seen that the guy had ditched you for a party and some other girl, he couldn't think of a worse end to his night than leaving you to ache alone. So he ran to you, risking himself further with the exposure, but he didn't matter at that moment. He would swallow everything down, just for a chance to lift your spirits, he could deal with his own pain later, he just needed to help you otherwise he didn't think he could last the night.
He truly wasn't thinking of himself when he kissed you, Hyunjin only wanted to do whatever he could to prove to you that you are worthy of being wanted. But when you pulled him close, when you wanted more, Hyunjin realized he needed the same thing - only in a slightly different way.
Tonight had been horrible for you and Hyunjin before he came to you. He was not going to let the sun rise without something good happening for the both of you not realizing that the moment he took your hand in his, both sets of clothes now discarded on your bedroom floor, lips and tongues melting together as his protected head teasing your entrance, that he was giving the both of you the thing you wanted from each other the most.
It hurt, of course, but Hyunjin was gentle. Easing himself in and out in sections, going inch by inch and refusing to push deeper until you were accustomed. He didn't want you to cry. He refused to make you bleed, and when he finally finally bottomed out, you thought you were going to faint from how shallow your breathing was.
“Breath, baby, breath,” he whispered, kissing you tenderly, “I won't move until you breathe.”
“Hyunjin…” you whined, wrapping your arms around his neck and drinking in his gentle attention. “It's okay, you can move, it doesn't hurt,” you reassured. With a few more kisses, Hyunjin rested his forehead for yours before he slowly rolled his hips into yours.
You squeezed your eyes shut, the sensation - while not entirely painful - felt foreign, and you struggled to acclimate quickly, but you refused to let him stop. You knew you just needed to ride this out, that it would get better, and it did. You could feel your body accepting him and soon wanting more.
“Jinnie… more, it's not enough, more,” you mewled, wrapping your legs around his waist in an attempt to draw him closer.
“Okay, Beautiful, I'll take care of you. Just lay back, Jinnie will make you feel good,” Hyunjin murmured, pressing kissing into your neck and picking up his pace, earning himself a few sweet moans.
It was only when all tension left your body that Hyunjin dared to truly let himself enjoy you. Adjusting so he was on his knees, he pulled your legs up, holding each behind your knees as he began to truly fuck himself into you. Hyunjin watched as your sweet, shy moans turned into heated, wanton screams as he plowed into your gummy spot. Never did he think he would see you make such a gorgeous face or hear your pussy make such filthy squelching sounds as his dick slipped in and out of you. For a moment, Hyunjin thought he was dreaming as he watched you drown in bliss below him. If he was, he never wanted to wake up. He wanted to stay right here, in this too-good-to-be-true moment where all the worries from hours ago purged themselves from his mind.
“Hyun… Jin… Jinnie…” you gasped out, feeling the pressure from your building orgasm start to grow.
“Does it feel good, Beautiful? Are you gonna cum?” He asked in ragged breaths.
“Yes… yes, I think I'm close. Oh, please don't stop,” you begged, closing your eyes and throwing your head back onto your pillow. Almost as soon as you finished uttering those words, your body clenched around him as you came for the second time, a creamy ring coating Hyunjins dick.
“Fuck, baby,” Hyunjin groaned, slamming his dick into you more rapidly as he chased his own orgasm.
Feeling his hips beginning to stutter, you forced your tired eyes to open just in time to watch Hyunjins’ beautiful face twist in pleasure as he came, melodic moans bouncing off your walls. You did your best to memorize that face as he came down from his high.
After a moment of catching his breath, Hyunjin eased himself out of you to remove the condom, your body giving a shudder at the lack of his body heat.
“Let's clean up, yeah?” Hyunjin suggested, helping you up from the bed and leading the two of you to the bathroom. The following intimate moments of clean-up felt oddly comfortable and right. Once your post-orgasm bliss had faded, you expected an air of awkwardness to be lingerie around you both, but there never was.
“Hey, can I wear your flanel?”
“What?” Hyunjin asked with a laugh.
“That's what always happens in the movies. The girl wears the guys clothes after sex. I kinda wanna try it.”
“Just for a bit? That's dumb,” he replied but handed you his flannel anyway as he grabbed the rest of his clothes to put back on.
You needed to change out of your lingerie set, so you opted to wear nothing but his flannel, a comfort pair of panties, and some knee-high socks. You wanted to wear his shirt for the bit, so you were going to commit. Besides, he had officially seen too much for you to be shy at this point.
“Was this food meant to be for tonight?” Hyunjins voice called from the kitchen. You didn't notice he had left your room since he didn't bother to shut the door.
“Yeah,” you replied as you joined him in the dimly lit kitchen, missing his double take and blushing at your choice in attire. “I was actually going to come eat it before you showed up. It's meant for two, want some, or have you eaten?”
“I haven't. Go rest, I'll heat this up.” With a smile, you nodded, leaning up to place a peck on his still tinted cheek.
“Thank you for coming tonight, Jinnie. I needed it.”
“Yeah, of course, Beautiful,” he said as you walked into the living room, “I needed it too…” he added, but you were too far to hear.
It didn't take long for the food to be reheated and soon the two of you were nestled on the couch together, sharing a blanket in the dark living room as one of the movies you had picked out for tonight played.
“In a way, I'm kind of glad the jackass never showed up, I got to have this date with you instead,” Hyunjins said rather sincerely. It made your heart flutter.
“I'm glad too. He set you up to come to my rescue and make my night better. Maybe even better than if he had actually shown up.”
“Do you really mean that?” Hyunjin asked, his heart melting as he set down his plate to pull you close and nuzzle you, “awwwww you're too sweet!”
“Alright, alright, that's enough!” You laughed, pushing his face from yours. You had meant the gesture to be light-hearted, but your nerves spiked the instant Hyunjins head shot back in recoil, giving a small hiss of pain. “Oh my god, Hyunjin, are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean-”
“No, no, no, it's ok,” he reassured, his hand hovering over his eye as if he wanted to soothe the skin but feared touching it.
“Are you sure? Let me see,” you attempted to get closer, but Hyunjins long arm held you back.
“I'm fine, Y/N, let's just watch the movie.”
You blinked at him before frowning and attempted to lunge at him again.
“Hyunjin, what are you hiding from me?”
“Nothing!” He said a little too defensively. Not in the mood to play games, you stood from the couch and walked off. Hyunjin assumed this was you pouting but ultimately dropped the matter, how wrong he was.
Stomping to the light switch, you bathed the livingstone in bright light, noticing the completely unsubtle way Hyunjin dove for cover. You weren't letting this slide. Over to the couch, you didn't even attempt to pull away the pillow Hyunjin used to cover his face, instead climbing on top of him and began to tickle his sides. Instantly, his body began to jerk and wiggle, but he was adamant on not letting you see his face. However, he was struggling to handle your body on top of him and soon had no choice but to tip the both of you off the couch in an attempt to ease the ache.
This did not work in his favor. Easily catching yourself, you now stood over him, the small fall making him release his grip on the pillow just enough for you to yank it from his hands.
Your arms paused as you held the pillow mid-air in shock. Your eyes weren't playing tricks earlier. It wasn't just a trick of the light. Blooming across his cheek bone and at the corner of his lips were two bruises, and there was even a small cut near his brow that would easily be covered by his hair, were he not on his back.
“Hyunjin, what happened to you…?” You breathed, dropping the pillow. Slowly dropping to your knees, you sat on Hyunjins hips, keeping him pinned in place so he couldn't escape.
Hyunjin didn't answer. He couldn’t even meet your eyes as your fingers barely ghosted over the discolored skin. Without realizing it, you dropped your hand on his side, only to snap your hand away when he flinched in pain. You sat as still as a statue for a few moments before reaching down and lifting his shirt, showing more discoloration.
You felt horrible. How could you not notice? How could you not see? The instant the thought popped into your head, realization hit you.
“This is why you didn't want to be by the front door… with the light right on you. You didn't worry in my room cause the lights were off, and in the bathroom and kitchen too… There was only dim lighting. It was so I couldn't see.” The look of guilt on Hyunjins face was all you needed to confirm that you were right. He was hiding this from you, but why? What happened to your Hyunjin that he came to you so hurt?
“Please don't cry, beautiful. You've already cried so much tonight.”
“Then tell me what happened,” you said firmly.
Hyunjins lips pressed together, he didn't want to open up, he especially didn't want to ruin the special evening you two were just having together. But he knew you wouldn't let this slide, and if he was honest… someone about the way you were dressed brought him back to the surprising feeling of comfort he felt while being in bed with you.
“... okay,” he eventually relented, gingerly sitting up and bumping noses with you. “But kiss me first.”
“Just… please.”
He sounded so tired and defeated. Wanting nothing more than to swallow up all his pain, you didn't hesitate again, wrapping your arms around his neck and bushing your lips over his.
Hyunjin kissed you back desperately, wrapping his arms around you and holding on to you. If he didn't, he felt he would fall apart, a stark contrast to the way he held you in your doorway. You didn't realize when his hand had slipped under his flanel until his nails raked over your back, raising goosebumps in their wake as his hands traveled between your bodies.
“Hyunjin,” you called, pulling from his lips. He didn't stop, his lips dropping to your neck the moment you pulled away. “Hyunjin,” you said again, attempting to sound more stern with little success. You were melting under his touch again.
“I just want to feel you against me,” he mumbled against your skin, unbuttoning the flannel and opening it just enough to expose you, but not take it off completely. He then pulled back, once again pulling off his tee before leaning back into you, his arms snaking around you under his shirt and his face buried in the crook of your neck.
You two stayed stationery in that position for a few moments, the only sound coming from your forgotten move. Not knowing what else to do for Hyunjin, at that moment, you slid your fingers into his hair and scratched gently at his skull. Only then did Hyunjin finally relax. He finally felt the same warmth, safety, and intimacy from earlier, making it easier for him to finally explain what happened.
You weren't the only one heartbroken that night. Hyunjin had gotten involved with an older woman. He was really having fun with her. He thought she actually cared about him. She made him feel like somebody. But right when he thought things were going great, that's when everything went wrong.
What was supposed to be a normal night together turned into him finding out she was married in the worst way possibly, with her husband catching them getting hot and heavy together and beating the shit out of Hyunjin for messing around with someone he shouldn't. The guy wouldn't even believe Hyunjin when he said he didn't know the woman was married.
Turns out this woman has a history of luring young, hot guys to her with tons of spoiling and praise, only to then have her way with them until her husband finds out and beats the shit out of the poor boy. Rinse and repeat, right up to Hyunjin. The latest in a line of victims.
Hyunjin managed to get away but never before had he felt so cheap and pathetic, this wasn't the first time a girl slept with him for her own gain but sometimes about this time just made him feel so… worthless. It brought tears to his eyes to admit this, and he clung to you tightly as he cried.
You've never known Hyunjin could cry so hard, and it broke your heart to learn that this happened to him, but you were also proud of him. He said he never intended on telling anyone and that he was just going to hold on to this until the day he died, but he didn't. He told you, he let it out, and even though it broke your heart to see him like this, you wanted him to always talk to someone, even if it wasn't you. You also promised that you would do whatever it took to make him comfortable enough to open up, that while you couldn't fix his problems, you could be his safe place.
“It's funny, but… this is what we're doing right now. It's what I need. This is my safe place,” Hyunjin admitted, his lips tickling your collar bone.
“The skin contact??” By now you and Hyunjin had made your way back to your bed, settling in under the covers, each of you wearing next to nothing so Hyunjin could feel as much of you against him as possible.
“Kinda, just… the intimacy of it all. If I could, I'd be buried inside you again. I want to be as close to you as I can. It makes me feel like I'm not worthless. It makes me feel wanted.”
“Having your dick in someone makes you feel wanted?” You teasingly asked with a giggle.
“No, baby,” Hyunjin replied with a laugh, lifting his head from your chest to fix you with a soft stare. “I only feel like this because it's you. The only girl I've shared years of my life and my darkest secrets. The only girl who trusts me so much she'd ask me to be her first and who loves me enough to sit in and listen to my problems the same night.” You were too stunned to speak, but you were sure Hyunjin could see just how red your face was. “You're my closest and most trusted friend, Y/N. I think sex and stuff like that will only feel this special, this safe and warm, with you.” It was also because Hyunjin was secretly in love with you too, but he decided to keep that part to himself, he wanted to enjoy this moment, this look on your face, for just a little while longer.
“I… I think so too, Hyun. It won't ever mean the same with anyone else,” you said, decidingly also refusing to admit the feelings you've been harboring for Hyunjin.
A sweet smile spread across Hyunjin's face, his eyes curving into crescents. You knew you were essentially digging your own grave, dooming yourself to what you assumed was going to be a mainly physical relationship, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. Not when Hyunjin looked so irresistible and said such endearments, snuggling against you and showering your skin with kisses, leading you two to get lost in each other again until you fell asleep in each other's arms, only for him to cling to you the all throughout the next morning. If you could just have more moments like this with him, it would all be worth it. Anything to be the safe space for the boy you were so desperately in love with.
“So that's it, that's how you and Hyunjin became, well, you and Hyunjin. You were in love with him, and you were his security blanket.”
“I mean, kinda,” you replied, polishing off the last of your water bottle and opening another. “Sex with me, at least at the beginning, meant so much to him because I was someone who really cared about him. He never had to doubt if I was doing things with him for clout or for some sick kick. That gave him a sense of safety, and it gave him space to open up. And I was only too eager to please cause not only was I completely in love with him, but he did mean so much to me beyond that. He was a friend who put everything aside, even his own issues, to look out for me.”
“Which is why you feel bad you can't be as close to him as you used to be and why when he keeps things to himself, it bothers you so much.”
“Exactly.” Heaving a deep sigh, you rummaged through your pile of trash to hopefully find an unopened piece of candy. Meanwhile, Felix sat silently next to you, feeling sympathetic to your situation.
“I take it you and Changbin haven't talked about any of this?” Felix asked tentatively, making you pause your search.
“... No, I'm not even sure if it's worth bringing up,” you admitted, laying back against Felix's mattress and watching his ceiling fan turn. “It was such a big part of my life, but it's over now. I made my choice, and I chose myself. I'm finally with someone who's as much mine as I am theirs. I don't want to throw a wrench into things by telling him about something that ended before we even got together.”
“So you have no regrets then?”
“None. I'm happy with Changbin, even if I don't get to see him as often as I like.”
Just then, the sound of Chan's door opening and closing caught yours and Felix's attention. It was the first time you've heard any noise coming from him since you even got to the boys' shared apartment, and upon checking the time, you noticed that it was already 11 in the evening.
“Hey, how often do you get to see Bin?” Felix asked.
“Barely… I see him just slightly more often than I see my own roommate.”
“I hardly see my roommate anymore either,” Felix said, a deep sense of dread building in him. “How… How long has it been since you and Bin started dating?” You swallowed hard at his question, choosing instead to focus on the sound of Chan rustling through the kitchen before returning to his room. You knew where Felix was going with this.
“It's only been a little over a month.”
A tense silence settled between the two of you, neither one of you daring to say it. But you knew what he was thinking. You could feel the worry radiating off of Felix's slender body, seeping into your bones. You had essentially severed your deepest and longest lasting relationship to be with Changbin, and now, due to one stroke of chance you barely get to see him and can't even turn to the person from your second longest lasting relationship for aid.
What's going to happen to your freshly established relationship if this demand for 3racha keeps going? How will you survive not being able to see, not only your boyfriend, but one of your best friends who championed your budding connection to said boyfriend? Especially when the only deep connection you had left was someone you were desperately attempting to put space around?
These worries troubled you. Long after Felix's attempts to sedate them, long after you bid him good night and drove yourself home, and long after, you readied yourself inside your all too silent apartment and clambered into bed. You had been so happy for 3racha, so determined to support them, but now all that lingered over head was the fact that in one fleeting moment you realized you no longer had the steady foundation built by the three most precious people in your life.
Well... this chapter certainly ended up taking on a life of its own, and as I mentioned in this post, it ended up coming to mean a bit more to me than the other chapters.
Anyway, I had intended on this to be a bonus chapter, but I thought it flowed better as part of the main story. I'm getting better at placing the back stories/flashbacks.
If you go back to the first couple of chapters, you can see I was formatting the story differently. I was struggling with the build-up of the story and then found my stride in later chapters. If I allow myself to be a bit delulu for a moment, if i ever get my E. L. James or Anna Todd moment, I'd definitely go back and re-write those beginning segments.
Taglist: @groovygroovyhyunjin @hhwangsmoon @luvyblossom @doggezz@kayleefriedchicken @hyunjinhoexxx
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sluttywonwoo · 11 months
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instead of you [part eighteen] - l.mh
pairing: [best friend’s brother] lee minho x college!reader ft. han jisung
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either. 
warnings: swearing, food poisoning mentions, reader has emetophobia
word count: 3.4k
a/n: revamped my tom holland series from my main blog ( @wazzupmrstark ) to try and motivate myself to finish it!!
series masterlist | early access to the next chapter on ko-fi
“It just looked like you wanted to say something,” Jisung continued.
Minho forced a smile and shook his head again. “Nope.”
“Nothing up there, as usual,” Felix joked, nudging him with his shoulder.
“Very funny.”
“Thanks, I get it from Dad.”
The conversation moved on swiftly as Felix began talking about the arcade he and Minho had visited earlier that afternoon. The food arrived shortly after and you all ate in relative silence, periodically breaking the silence to comment on the meal.
“You want to try some of this, Minho?” Jisung asked, offering a piece of sashimi to his brother with his chopsticks.
“No thanks.”
“I’ll try it,” Felix offered, reaching across the table to steal a piece.
Jisung rolled his eyes, but grinned, turning to you next. “What about you, darling? Do you want to try a piece?”
“Hilarious,” you deadpanned.
“Are you trying to kill your own girlfriend?” Felix joked.
“She wouldn’t die,” he explained defensively, “she’d just get really sick.”
“Yeah, I think I’ll pass.”
“Suit yourself.”
Jisung insisted on paying the tab for you and himself, making an offhand comment about how you were his girlfriend, and his brother was always the one paying for you. You wanted to comment about how old-fashioned that concept was, but you refrained. To be fair, he had a point when he said that Minho was always paying for you- but he was always paying for everyone. He was the one with the budget to do so in the first place.
Either way, it really wasn’t something making a big deal over, at least not in your opinion.
After dinner you walked back to the hotel with the boys and crashed after taking a shower. You actually felt tired enough to be able to sleep through the night regardless of Mingo and Felix’s presence, but unfortunately a good night’s rest just wasn’t in the cards for you.
Almost every hour on the hour you’d be woken up by your best friend getting out of bed and going to the bathroom. You finally asked him about it after the third time it happened, trying to mask the frustration you felt with genuine concern.
“Are you okay?”
He shrugged almost imperceptibly in the dark. “Not feeling very good.”
You frowned even though you knew he couldn’t see you. “What’s wrong?”
“Stomach just hurts,” he said casually, “it’s nothing.”
Your chest tightened with anxiety, not only because you were concerned about him, but because you were extremely squeamish, and he knew that. Your best friend often downplayed his symptoms on your account just so you wouldn’t freak out.
You narrowed your eyes in suspicion, positive that he was doing the same now.
“Are you sure?”
You didn’t believe him, but you’d rather live in ignorance than have the confirmation of what was essentially your worst fear. You rolled over onto your other side and tried to ignore the panic rising in your throat.
Somehow you managed to fall asleep again, only to be woken up a couple more times by Jisung and once by Felix. You weren’t the lightest sleeper, but the Han boys sure as hell knew how to make a fuck ton of noise in the middle of the night.
By the time your alarm went off the next morning you weren’t sure how many hours you had actually slept, but you knew it wasn’t enough.
Jisung looked even worse off. He was paler than usual and the dark circles beneath his eyes were more pronounced. He was already awake when you woke up, sitting upright next to you in the bed.
“What is it?” you asked nervously.
“Food poisoning, I think.”
Your chest tightened again. “Are you serious?’
He nodded. “Felix too. I think it’s just us since we’re the only ones who ate my sushi.”
You sat up and glanced over at his twin brother who was also looking rather pale and clammy.
“And I only had like two pieces,” Felix groaned, clutching his stomach.
“If you need to use the bathroom or get changed my parents said we can get ready in their bathroom,” Minho piped up.
“Wh-what do you mean get ready?”
“For the tour thing we’re supposed to do today.”
“We’re still doing that?”
“I mean, Jisung and Felix can’t go obviously, but the tickets are already paid for and they’re not refundable.”
“But… I can’t leave Jisung,” you reasoned, turning to face him. “You’re sick! I need to take care of you.”
“There’s not much you can do for me, babe,” he pointed out. “I don’t want you to miss out, either. And I know you’d only make yourself miserable here if you stayed.”
You knew he was referring to your… aversion, which he was right about, but you felt guilty just thinking about leaving him here while you went out and had fun. Being alone with Minho was another thing you had to consider. Everything about the plan sounded like a bad idea.
“Are you sure? Because I can stay. I really don’t mind.”
“I’m sure, angel,” Jisung sighed. “This is probably a once in a lifetime kind of thing. Remember when you convinced me to go up the Tokyo Tower? I’m doing the same thing for you now.”
“That only took like an hour!” you protested. “This is an all-day trip!”
“The circumstances are different!”
You sighed in frustration and threw the covers off of yourself as you stood from the bed. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Minho and Felix trade wary looks with each other like they always did when you and Jisung argued in front of them.
“Fine, I’ll go.”
“Atta girl.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’ll hate every second of it.”
“No you won’t.”
“You don’t know me.”
Jisung turned his attention to his older brother. “Make sure she’s not too stubborn to let herself have fun, yeah?”
“I’ll do my best.”
“I can hear you, you know.”
“I know.” Jisung grinned weakly. “And you, go easy on Minho, alright?”
“Yeah, yeah,” you grumbled, shuffling over to your suitcase to grab a change of clothes.
“I mean it!”
After telling Jisung you loved him and instructing him to try and drink plenty of fluids if he could keep them down, you and Minho gathered all of your things to bring down the hall to their parents’ room to get ready for the day.
“Take lots of pictures!” Jisung called after you both as you walked out the door.
“Get lots of rest!” you shouted back, forgetting that it was still early in the morning and other hotel guests were likely trying to sleep. “Fuck, sorry.”
Minho chuckled as he checked the door to make sure it locked behind you and then led the way to his parents room just a couple doors down.
Dom and Nikki were already dressed and sitting on the bed, out of the way, so that only you and Minho would have to share the bathroom space, rather than all four of you trying to get ready at once.
“How are you two feeling?” Nikki asked, her voice laced with concern.
“We’re fine,” Minho answered for you both. “Neither of us ate any of Ji’s sushi and I guess we got lucky with ours.”
“What did he have?”
“Tuna, I think.”
“Poor thing. I’ll call room service to bring them some soup later, but you two go ahead and get ready. The shuttle will be here to pick us up in about thirty minutes.”
Minho let you have the bathroom first. You got changed and put your hair up before giving it to him. Nikki had you put your pajamas in a laundry sack that was hanging on the door and then you and Minho brushed your teeth in front of the sink together, silently eyeing each other in the mirror.
“What?” you asked finally through a mouthful of toothpaste.
“Nothing!” he mumbled back.
“Why are you looking at me?”
“Why are you looking at me?”
“Because you started it!”
“No I didn’t!”
You paused to spit. “You definitely did.”
“Why would I be looking at you?”
“I-I don’t know!”
“That doesn’t change the fact that you were staring at me first.”
“I-” he stammered, “I was just staring off into space! I wasn’t intentionally staring at you.”
“Seemed intentional.”
Minho bent over to spit in the sink before responding. “Well it wasn’t.”
You turned on the faucet and rinsed your mouth out, leaving the water running for Minho to do the same.
A knock on the already open door startled you both. It was Minho’s dad, looking at you both expectantly.
“Are you ready? We gotta get downstairs.”
“Yeah, sorry,” you said and quickly splashed cold water on your face. That would have to do for ‘washing your face’.
“Dad, what are we meant to do for breakfast?” Minho asked, following his father into the bedroom.
“We’ll figure it out.”
‘Figuring it out’ ended up meaning stale granola bars from the bottom of Nikki’s purse. You and Minho shared one as you sat squished together on one of the shuttle benches, and Dom and Nikki shared the other one. The bus driver had said that there were vending machines with snacks at the pickup point where you would hop onto a larger bus for the trip to Mt. Fuji.
“Want the last bite?” Minho asked, offering the piece to you.
“No thanks, you can have it.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, thanks though.”
Minho shrugged and popped it in his mouth, crumpling up the wrapper and shoving it in his pocket to throw away later.
“You can put your stuff in my backpack if you want,” he continued. “Since I know you usually keep it in Ji’s.”
“Oh, that’d be great, actually. Thank you.”
He unzipped the bag and held out his hand for you to pass him your things. You handed him your wallet, phone, and AirPods, all of which he slid into a pocket on the inside of his backpack before zipping it back up.
The shuttle brought you to a centralized bus station where dozens of coaches were parked and waiting to pick up their passengers. The drivers were standing outside of their respective buses with signs that told you what tour they were leading.
“Be quick,” Dom advised you and Minho. “Mum and I are going to head over to the coach in case they try to leave you behind. Use the bathroom, get food, drinks, and meet us on the bus.”
“Do you want us to get anything for you?” Minho asked.
“Um, grab me a tea or a coffee if they have it, and grab mum one too.”
“What about food?”
“Fruit or trail mix is fine.”
You parted ways and went with Minho over to the cluster of vending machines underneath one of the pavilions. You were immediately overwhelmed by choice. You didn’t even know they made vending machines for half of the products that were being sold. Fresh fruit, umbrellas, condoms… they had thought of everything.
“I’m going to get one of those waffle things,” Minho announced. “Want one?”
You breathed a sigh of relief. Having decisions made for you made life so much easier.
“Yeah, that sounds good.”
“Cool, I’ll put in the order for both of us. What flavor do you want?”
“Wait, you don’t have to do that. I can get my own.”
“I think Jisung would kill me if I let you buy your own,” he said, shaking his head.
It wasn’t the first time Minho had said something like that, and you couldn’t help but laugh to yourself thinking about all the times Jisung had slid the bill towards you at bars and restaurants with puppy-dog eyes.
“He doesn’t have to know,” you tried.
“He’d find out.”
“Who’s gonna tell him?”
“Do I need to remind you that I have your wallet?” Minho asked with a smirk.
You sidestepped him and made a grab for the strap on his shoulder, but he dodged you easily and swung the backpack out of reach.
“Nice try.”
You crossed your arms over your chest. “I want the strawberry one.”
“Was that so hard?”
You didn’t bother responding. Minho bought the waffles and a couple apples from the next vending machine over. While he was distracted you snuck away to the drink machine and used the cash in your pocket to purchase four iced lattes.
It wasn’t long before you were caught, but you’d already fed the bills into the machine.
“What are you doing?” Minho demanded. “Where did you get that?”
“I keep some money in my pocket,” you replied smugly. “Ever since the same thing happened in Paris when I tried to pay for myself.”
You could tell Minho was trying to push down his annoyance, but the tips of his ears were already turning red, giving him away.
“This is for you.” You smiled sweetly and held out one of the cups to him.
He took it begrudgingly, eyes narrowed. “I’m keeping my eye on you.”
The bus was still relatively empty when you and Minho joined his parents minutes later. Minho distributed the food and you gave the other two coffees to Nikki and Dom before taking a seat a couple rows behind them.
Each row had two seats. Minho took the window seat and you sat beside him next to the aisle. You weren’t sure if you should sit next to him, or if that would be weird, but as far as you knew this tour was fully booked and everyone else was a complete stranger to you. Sitting next to your best friend’s brother for three-ish hours on a bus wasn’t the end of the world, even if there was a… weird tension between you.
Minho didn’t seem to think anything of it. He gave you your waffle and your AirPods from his backpack without a word. The bus driver boarded a few minutes later and announced that you’d be stopping by two more pickup points before starting the route to Lake Ashinoko, the first stop of the day.
You ate your strawberry waffle quietly as the coach navigated the narrow streets of Tokyo. It was a little cold, but that was to be expected seeing as it was stored in a refrigerated vending machine.
No one was in much of a mood to talk, save for one or two families sitting in the back. Everyone was seemingly in agreement that it was too early for socialization.
Minho was listening to music with his own headphones and looking out the window, watching the city fly by in a blur of color.
The sun was sitting high in the sky by now. Its rays stretched through the windows and warmed the inside of the bus. The driver had the AC running on high which made you unconsciously lean towards Minho, towards the warmth coming from outside.
“Cold?” Minho asked suddenly, snapping you out of your train of thought.
You hadn’t even realized you were practically encroaching on his personal space. You leaned away from him and averted your eyes in embarrassment.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to smother you!”
“No, you don’t have to- uh,” he paused, knowing he needed to choose his next words carefully. “I have a sweater in my bag if you want to use it as a blanket, or, um, wear it.”
“Oh, that’s okay. I’m okay,” you assured him.
“I’m not even using it.”
“I’m fine.”
He was already unzipping his backpack despite your protesting. You tensed, feeling caught between your feelings and your rationale. You were cold. Minho offering you his sweatshirt was a gesture of politeness, nothing else. Accepting it meant nothing. Not accepting it would be rude and make things weird, right?
Your inner dialogue was so distracting you didn’t even notice that Minho was draping the sweatshirt over your shoulders until you felt the weight of it resting on your chest.
“Thank you,” you whispered.
“Don’t mention it.”
It wasn’t a surprise that you fell asleep on the ride to the lake. After the shitty night of sleep you’d gotten, it was expected. What was a surprise, though, was Jisung’s mother shaking you awake and realizing you’d fallen asleep on Minho’s shoulder.
“Kids,” Nikki said gently, nudging you and then Minho.
You groaned and blinked your eyes open, confused as to why you were slumped over to the side. And then it dawned on you. You bolted upright, nearly bumping heads with Nikki. Luckily, she had quick reflexes and jumped back before you could give you both a concussion.
“Sorry,” you apologized, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“Don’t worry about it, love. Could you wake Minho, though? We’re at the lake.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Tell him to hurry, we only have a little while before we’re off to the next stop.”
Once she had walked away you turned to Minho who was resting against the window and shook him awake. You weren’t sure which one of you had fallen asleep first, but you had a feeling it was you. Why hadn’t Minho pushed you off? Or woken you up? What had his mom thought when she saw you sleeping on top of her son- the one that wasn’t your boyfriend?
“What’s wrong,” Minho mumbled.
“We’re here.”
“At the mountain?”
“No, dumbass. The first stop is the lake. Were you listening to the tour guide?”
“Listen, I just woke up. Take it easy on me.”
“Well, your parents are waiting for us. They say we won’t be here long.”
You didn’t wait for a response, leaving him there to join his parents outside. The view was beautiful. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky and Mt. Fuji stood proudly in the background of the lake, surrounded by green mountains and forests that went on for miles.
But it was hard to enjoy with all of the thoughts about Minho swirling in the back of your mind.
You heard him approach your group, but didn’t turn to acknowledge him.
“Are you mad at me?” he asked once you were back on the bus. “Did I do something?”
“Why did you let me fall asleep on you?” you blurted out.
“I- what do you mean?”
“I woke up and I was sleeping on your shoulder. Why did you let me do that?”
“What do you mean ‘let you’? It just happened.”
“And you didn’t stop it.”
“I didn’t know I was supposed to!”
“It didn’t mean anything,” he argued.
“So if Jisung was here you would’ve let the same thing happen?” He looked at the ground. “That’s what I thought.”
“I swear, I didn’t mean anything by it- it just…” he trailed off.
“It just what?” you pushed.
“It just felt natural, I don’t know!” he finally admitted. “I didn’t even think about it.”
“How is that possible?” you hissed in frustration. You were trying not to raise your voice because you didn’t need the whole bus overhearing your conversation, especially not Minho’s parents.
“I was half asleep when it happened, y/n! You know, you’re the one who fell asleep on me.”
“Oh, so it’s my fault?”
He doubled down. “I never said that.”
“It’s not like I did it on purpose!”
“Didn’t you?”
You looked at him incredulously. “What the fuck’s that supposed to mean?”
He raised his chin and chuckled bitterly. “I think you know.”
“Please, enlighten me.”
But instead of doing so he leaned forward, eyes trained on your lips. A familiar feeling rushed to your stomach- a combination of nausea and adrenaline. The same feeling you’d had when Minho kissed you the first time. You knew it was about to happen again, yet you couldn’t bring yourself to lean away. Fuck his pretty brown eyes and cute smile and curly hair-
“You have a freckle on your bottom lip,” he said matter-of-factly, completely dropping the argument you’d just been having.
You swallowed harshly, unsure of how to proceed. “Always have.”
“Never noticed it before,” he whispered, gaze flicking up to meet your eyes. You stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. He was only inches from your face. “Tell me if I’m overstepping.”
Your breath caught in your throat and you could barely manage a response. “You’re overstepping.”
“Do you want me to stop? Tell me the truth.”
“You know I can’t do that.”
lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
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2. ⟣ Toddlers In Training ⟢
Stray Kids x Platonic!Reader
Skz Family!AU | SMAU | Written | Humour
As I.N’s best friend Y/N knows the whole family pretty well, she’s asked to babysit Chris and Lixie quite often - which she couldn’t refuse having a large soft spot for the kids, this story follows her “adventures”as a babysitter and the madness which is the Skz Family unit…
(1393 Words)
⟣ Toddlers In Training ⟢ Masterlist | Main M.list
Chapter Two: Sooooo Cute 🥰
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Knocking on the door, Y/N sighed - she had a great time on her bus journey over to Lina's home (note the sarcasm) and had just barely got to the door at five minutes to six. The door swung open, Lina had a bright smile on her face.
"Hey Y/N. Come in!" Y/N smiled back at the older woman, stepping through the door and removing her coat and shoes.
"Hey, sorry I wasn't here earlier. The bus took forever to get to my stop." she whined as Lina laughed,
"Oh, no worries, darling. It happens to the best of us!" the pair walk into the living room where an adorable scene took place.
Seungmin had Lixie in his arms, talking to her about where they were going and what was happening - Lixie was listening intently to her dad. Meanwhile, Hyuna and Han were talking with Chris who seemed to be in the middle of a little tantrum. They were both holding him as they spoke and he seemed to brighten up at little as his dad tickled him on the sides. Lina walked over to her sister who was sitting on the sofa, very engrossed in whatever she was doing on her phone.
"Innie, it's time for us to leave." the girl looked up from her phone, nodding before loking over towards Y/N,
"Oh hey, I didn't hear you come in." Y/N smirked before saying,
"Well, you were probably to busy thinking about your little boy toy." the teasing remark caused Innie's ears to go red as her older sister looked around towards her,
"Innie, do you have something to tell me?" the smirk on her face, showing she was teasing, Innie's ears got impossibly darker as her sister started to laugh. This caught the attention of the others in the room, Chris and Lixie squealed as they spotted thier favourite person in the room.
"Y/N!" Chris yelled jumping off of the sofa and running up to the girl, Seungmin also put Lixie down so she could say hello.
"Y/N! Y/N!" the small girl cheered, Y/N crouched down and opened her arms for the kids to run into,
"Oh, hello little ones! Are you excited for tonight?" both children nodded at her words.
"Okay babies, come and give us a hug before we leave." Hyuna spoke up, smiling at the scene. The children ran over to Hyuna and Han giving them a hug before running to Lina and Seungmin doing the same.
"Okay, you guys be good for Y/N and Innie!" Lina spoke, walking out of the door,
"Oh, Y/N, Binnie will be here later on to pick up Chris - though I don't know what time." Hyuna called as she was pushed through the door by Han.
"Okay! Have a good time guys, say hello to your parents for me." the babysitter called as she waved them off. Walking back into the house she saw Lixie and Chris sitting either side of Innie on the sofa.
"Right... what do you guys want for dinner?"
It didn't take long for the kids to set themselves up at the dinner table, colouring books and crayons infront of them keeping them quiet for now...
Y/N and Innie were preparing the meal while gossiping about what had happened since the last time they saw each other - which was like two days ago but the tea is always hot with those two, especially if Binnie's huge tiny crush on Innie was involved.
"He came into work, with two of his friends - I don't think he realised I was there at first and then they got to the counter. His friends were ordering, everything was fine and then it was his turn." Innie paused, leaning in so the kids couldn't hear, "and I kid you not, he looked at me, froze, unfroze, turned around, and walked out. His friends were like, what the fuck!" Innie giggled,
"No way! I can't belive he did that!" Y/N spoke, giggling as the image of Binnie running out of the coffee shop,
"Literally! His friends were whispering about something while they waited for thier drinks, they kept looking over at me - so like I don't think he actually speaks about me to them."
"Wait! No way... he has to speak about you?! He's literally obsessed with you!" as Y/N finished her sentence the front door opened, the girls looked at each other in concern before they heard a voice call out,
"Hey, its Changbin." the girls looked at each other with wide eyes before giggling quietly,
"Hey Binnie, we're nearly finished with dinner. Come and sit down." Y/N spoke out to the boy, while looking at Innie with a cheeky expression. Binnie walked in as Chris jumped up to go hug his older brother, his hero Y/N found out once - which she found incredibly cute. The older boy bent down to hold his baby brother as he looked up, expecting only Y/N but spotting Innie behind her, he froze.
"Uh, hello… girls." he stuttered out, unsure on what to do. They pair smile down at him with knowing looks. Lixie seems to finally notice her big cousin, jumping down to greet him - taking his attention away from Innie.
"Hey, Lixie. How are you little one?" the three cousins started to talk as Y/N and Innie plated up food, Innie lent over towards Y/N once again,
"I have to admit that was sooooo cute." Y/N giggled, nodding.
"Bets on him flirting with you in the next ten minutes?" she teased, eyebrow raised at her bedt friend.
"Ain't no way am I taking a bet I have no hope in winning." Innie challenged, Y/N laughed before picking up some plates.
"Hey, the least you could do for him is flirt back!" she turnt towards the table, but not before catching the embarrassed look on her best friends face.
After dinner, the kids were allowed to play for a little longer, Innie went to play with the kids as Y/N and Binnie tidied up.
"How's life at the moment, Bin?" Y/N spoke first, she had known Binnie as long as she had known Hyuna and Han but never really had full coverstaions with the guy.
"Uh, yeah, it's good. Uni is kicking my arse but other then that lifes good. How about you? I hope Chris has been good for you." Y/N smiled, humming before responding,
"Uni is a pain, I understand completly. Chris is an angel ninty-nine percent of the time." the pair laughed at that, his concern about his little brother made her think about the age difference between them and how shocked Y/N was at first. Until, Innie had explained the difficulties that Hyuna had getting pregnant and the many miscarriages that she had gone through - it almost caused a huge rift between her and Han because Hyuna thought he would eventually leave her, or worse cheat on her to have another child. Luckily, Han managed to calm her down and they worked it out. Two weeks later they found out that they were expecting once again - Han literally waited on her hand and foot, making sure she was never stressed about anything and thats when they had Chris - a baby most definitly born of love and adoration. The story made Y/N cry, thinking about having a love like that was almost impossible at her age.
The pair finish the dishes in silence. Walking into the lounge, Binnie spoke,
"Hey Chris, we've gotta go buddy. It's time for bed soon." Chris pouted but got up to get ready. Y/N helped him with his coat and shoes as Binnie said goodbye to Lixie and Innie. Lixie came running out to also say goodbye to Chris, who was a little off put by the hug but reciprocated anyway. The brothers walked out the door with a wave.
Soon after Lixie was put to bed, Lina and Seungmin walked through the door. Y/N and Innie were quick to greet the couple, who sent them on their way with payment and making them promise to message once they got home. The girls left, deciding to have a sleepover at Y/N's, instead of going their seperate ways in the dark.
⟣ Toddlers In Training ⟢ Masterlist | Chapter Three
If you want to be added to a tag list lmk!
| @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 | @chlodavids | @kpopsstuffs |
| @yukimy |
(Warning: I don’t actually ship idols/band-mates together, it’s just for subplots!)
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoyed this part of Toddlers In Training! I’m trying to post one part every 5ish days but as assignments and exams are coming up for uni idk how good I’ll be sticking to that!
If you like this, check out my other Stray Kids SMAU:
Oh To Be A Cat In Love <3 (Lee Know x Fem!Reader)
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mindpalaceofmyown · 7 months
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etrevil · 10 hours
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enchantedgrunge · 10 months
💖 Snapshot (Idol!Hyunlix x Reader) 💖
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Chapter One - The Beginning - MDNI
Paring: Idol!Lee Felix x Reader x Idol!Hyunjin (Some Hyunlix action)
Word Count: 1.6k (I hope this isn’t too long!) 🫣
Warnings: I don’t think there are many maybe cursing? And some feelings of being too much for people?? Please let me know if I missed anything!
A/N: Hello! This is my first ever written out fan fiction and I hope that it does well and is received well. Also, I am really bad a synopsis or intros so I will not be including one of those for this! If I do end up writing one, I will include it at that point and time! Enjoy! :) Oh, I want to note that Y/N speaks Korean fluently so everything she says to the kids is in Korean! If something is said in English, I will show that by having it bolded and italicized. Also, I refer to the group of them as “the kids” quite often! Let me know in a comment or an ask if you want to be a part of the taglist! Current no smut is present in this but there will be in the future MDNI ONLY. If I cannot find your age on your account, I will most likely block you! Thanks for understanding!
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You had been working as a photographer in Seoul, SK for about 2 years. You mostly did freelance photography and some bigger gigs, enough to make a name for yourself. You started to work with a few fashion brands in the past few months but nothing ever stuck or felt right. You were job hunting when you noticed JYPE was looking for a new traveling photographer / videographer for one of their KPOP groups. The name was not disclosed due to privacy reasons and wanting only serious applicants.
“Oi what the hell?” You said as you filled out the application sending over your resume as well as your portfolio. Little did you know, you were already under consideration for the position due to Bang Chan having found your work on Instagram and brought your photos to JYP saying he liked the style and thinks it would fit well for them and their next comeback.
A few days later you received an email from JYPE offering you the position you applied for and inviting you to an in-person interview. You stare at the screen in shock for a few moments unsure if this is really happening. You laugh to yourself and quickly type out a reply and scheduling your interview for the next day at 10am.
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The next day comes and to say you were nervous was an understatement. You got dressed in a white sweater with a plaid pair of pants that fit your curves. You added a bag and a pair of sneakers since you do have to walk to the JYPE building.
(Y/N is a bit curvier than this in my head but feel free to picture them differently)
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You arrive at the building and are greeted by a receptionist. “Hello, can I help you?” she asked with a soft smile. Her soft features were a welcoming sight. You gave a warm smile back as well, “Hi, yes my name is y/n and I am here for an interview.” The receptionist typed something into her computer and nodded. “Yes ma’am, I will let them know you are here, they will be out momentarily.” You needed and sat down in the lobby looking at your phone occasionally trying to control your breathing and doing a few calming techniques you have learned. A man comes down the hall he has a stern expression but just seems more serious rather than mean. “Hello, Mrs. Y/L/N?” You stand up and smile at the stranger, “Yes hello” you bow politely and then shake the man’s hand. “My name is Yeo-sun, but you can call me Yeo.” He leads you down a long hallway to an interview room.
“So, I am going to get right to the point Y/N, we want you to be a photographer and videographer for the KPOP group Stray Kids, have you heard of them?” Your mouth falls open momentarily before you nod. “Yes, I have they’re one of my favorites.” He nods and smiles, “Good that means you will be up to date on a lot of their information, but we still have some prepared. Basically, just a list of likes and dislikes when it comes to photos as well as video aspects.” You nod and continue to discuss the position, and everything involved, including the fact that you would be living in the same space as the kids. However, you would have your own dorm and bathroom, but you would just share common spaces like a living room and kitchen. This was to make it easier for you to film behind the scenes content as well as help with live streams and any other aspects the guys needed help in. This was also a bit of a PA job which you noticed. You could not turn down this opportunity and it honestly seemed like a fun time; you just hoped the kids were as nice in person as they seemed online.
“Are you ready to start today?” Yeo asked and you nodded. “I left my camera at home but if you have equipment for me to use, I’d be more than happy to start today.” You said as you fiddled with the strap of your bag and Yeo smiled at you kindly. “We have plenty of equipment but once you move here you will be welcome to use your own equipment.” Yeo said before standing from the conference table “follow me.”
Yeo led you out from the room and went down to the dance studio explaining to you this is where the guys should be at this time. You braced yourself giving yourself a small pep talk before you both walk into the studio. The lights are dimmed some, but Yeo turns them up making the 8 men in front of you stop what they are doing.
“Oi Yeo-Hyun why the sudden assault” the aussie leader you know as Bang Chan laughed. “Ah, good to see you too Chan, this is Y/N the new photographer and videographer.” Chan walked up to greet you. “Oh! Glad to see everyone took my advice! Hi Y/N, big fan of your work, I recommended you to the staffing agents” Chan said with a bright smile that was contagious, you found yourself smiling brightly as well. “Oh, you’ve seen my work? That is so kind of you. I am also a fan of your work.” You said with a smile causing the others to laugh and Chan’s ears to go a bit red.
“Hi I’m Han!” The man bounded over and shook your hand smiling brightly. You loved his smile; it was something you admired about him from afar. Each of the guys came up to greet you, you expected a lot of hugs and laughs which you got. However, the one person you expected to be the touchiest barely shook your hand. Lee Felix. “Hello, I’m Felix, you can call me Felix or Yongbok like some of the other members do.” He said simply and did a little bow as he shook your hand. “Hi, I’m Y/N as stated” you giggled softly at his formality, but he shied away and stood back by his members. “I hope you all come to trust me, since I will be with you and living in the same area as you.” You laughed and so did the others as they all sat down to take a breather from dancing. You looked over and grabbed some bottles from the fridge before handing them out to the guys. “Ah! Y/N you didn’t have to do that!” Chan laughed but took the bottle chugging it as they all did. You smiled brightly and just laughed fidgeting with the camera Yeo had given you before he left.
You sat down on the couch as the kids began to practice again. They were practicing for the new comeback, one you had only heard about via twitter. You were smiling and bobbing along to the music that you had not heard before. You hummed quietly and began to move around the practice space taking some behind the scenes photos that the boys could post on bubble or that could be posted as teasers for a practice room video.
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*Felix POV*
He couldn’t keep his eyes off you, he was trying but it was hard. He watched as you moved around the studio taking photos and laughing when the other members interacted with you. It was like you had been with them since the beginning laughing and joking around with one another. You were beautiful. God, he was worried about showing affection to you like the other members. He normally didn’t think much about his preference to skinship, but that was before yesterday. He had overheard some other staff speaking about his over affection and how it made them uncomfortable. That was the last thing he ever wanted to do to someone. He knows what it’s liked to be uncomfortable when someone is touching or hugging on you, and it broke his heart that he made someone feel that way. So, he decided would just stay back and watch and be nice but not overly friendly.
You felt accepted and safe with the kids despite being there for maybe 3-4 hours. The kids really made you laugh and feel like you were friends for years, however, something you didn’t expect was the distance Felix was keeping from you. You had always thought he was the most affectionate person, having talked about skinship and being one to show it more than others. He was always seen cuddling, hugging and touching the members and honestly it hurt a bit that he wasn’t that way with you. Did he not like you? Did you make a bad first impression? You tried to be respectful and kind, hopefully it was just new person jitters. Your thoughts began to spiral as you were thinking of all the mistakes you could have made.
“Hey Y/N are you a stay?” You hear Jeongin’s laugh, and it broke you out of your downward spiral of thoughts. You smiled up at him, since you were now sitting on the floor after getting some cool shots of the kids dancing. “Oh yeah I am, I’ve been following you guys since your debut.” You laugh feeling your face heat up a bit as they all look at you a bit shocked. “I uhm, really enjoy all of the work you guys put into keeping stays happy.” Your ears began to heat as Jeongin’s laugh broke your thoughts again. His smile so big his eyes were almost closed. “Oh, that's good!” he said as he sat down on the couch chuckling to himself.
Minho sat up from his position laying on the floor “Who is your bias then?” he asked with a smirk as your cheeks flared again so much you felt the flush going up your neck. “Ah I don’t think I should really talk about that.” You said getting nervous as you played with the setting on the camera again trying to stop blushing. “Ah come on Y/N pleaseeeeeeee tell us?” Han whined throwing you a bit of puppy eyes. You laughed and shook your head looking around and realizing this was going to be a fun job.
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・゚Previous [✦] Next [✧] Master List ・゚
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🩵🤍💖 Tag-list 💖🤍🩵
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sanrio-grl · 3 months
BAD LUCK - 🍀*✮∘˙
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all hail J 🙏🙏
WARNING: telling secrets 🤫
the what - masterlist - critikally thinking
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A/N: finally started to plan ahead !!
taglist: @peachysull @iadorethemskz @sstarrysshit @doodoo-pellacin @end0rchans @deadgirlwalking3 @iflmho @mynameisnotlaura @amara-mars @multifandomedsimp @hyunsllvr @cr4ziee0szn @111skz @hyunjinshairband7 @thinkingaboutlana @tinys0ftie @briar-rose23 (OPEN)
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aiko0invalid · 9 months
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Genre: Fluff/Slow burn
Au:Non-idol/Vampire/Strangers to lovers
Additional info: Reader is Female and a human while Minho is a Vampire. Reader is visiting family during the holidays and encounters Minho throughout her stay an oddly amount of times. Stray Kids are a clan of Vampires. Mentions of Hyunlix.
Next: ->>
“I’m leaving now, I’ll be there in a few hours. Yes Umma, I packed enough warm clothes.” You were currently on the phone with your mother as she frantically told you what to pack and asking when you were arriving.
After moving across country to attend University in Seoul, leaving your family up in the mountains, it has become very important for you to take things like holiday break off and spend time with your parents and little sister.
“I’ll call you when I get into town, but I have to go or else I’ll be there even later.” You reminded her, quickly saying your goodbyes so you could load up your car and drive the most grueling 5 hour drive of your life. It was worth it though, anything is worth it when you get to see your family.
You were on the road in no time, taking quick stops to get gas or buy a few snacks but after 5 hours you finally made it to the familiar cabin you grew up in.
You got inside quickly, escaping the cold and entering the warm house as you saw your little sister and dad on the couch. "Appa! Soomin!" You said, getting their attention with your voice.
Soomin, your little sister who was only 14, jumped up and ran over to hug you. Since you guys had such a big age gape there wasn't that much sibling rivalry between you two and the relationship is super sweet.
You also didn’t have to worry about clothes, makeup and skincare products suddenly disappearing since by the time you moved out the house, she was only 6.
And now you're 26, fresh out of medical school/ college and currently looking for a job. That being said, that isn't the only thing your mom has pestered you about. The topic of love has come up many times and each time you've replied that between studying and self-love your life is too hectic to add someone else to the mix.
Thankfully she's on the more understanding side and had dropped the conversation after a few failed attempts of asking about how your love life was going.
“Umma is making some tea right now.” Soomin explained while picking up one of your smaller bags. “The room is still the same.”
After you moved out of the house the room that used to be yours was the guest room but after Soomin got older and wanted a bigger room they switched them. So technically the guest room is Soomin’s old room and not yours.
“Thank you.” You said quickly as you followed Soomin upstairs despite knowing full well where the room was.
It was nicely decorated, on the more minimalistic side but that was fine with you. Soomin left quickly so you could get yourself situated and that’s what you did for the next 20 minutes.
You took out your clothes, curler and/or straightener, hair products, makeup, and many more stuff. You filled the dresser with your clothes and that’s when you heard your mom from downstairs.
“Soomin! Y/n!” She called out, yelling for them to come to the kitchen since the tea was ready.
You quickly made your way downstairs, Soomin and your mom already there as your dad stayed in the living room. He wasn’t a big fan of tea. “So, How have you been lately?” Your mom asked after sliding over a cup of tea towards you.
You shrugged your shoulders, picking the cup up for a sip. “Nothing interesting lately, I sent in some job applications but haven’t gotten any words back yet.”
Your mom understood that well, knowing it took time to find a job fresh out of university. “It’s good you’re atleast trying.” She said before standing up. “I know you just got here but, do you have anything in mind for what you’d want for dinner?” She asked as you smiled and shook your head.
“It’s ok Umma, really.” You tried to convince her but, as if you were straight out of a cartoon, your stomach growled and your mom looked at you with an ‘really?’ Look and signature hand on her hip.
“You know what, Jjigae sounds good!” You said, remembering the warm and hearty Korean stew that your mother was always good at making. “Ohh! That’s sounds good!” Your sister said immediately, looking up at your guys mom. “Appa wouldn’t mind having that either, you know he doesn’t care as long as there are soft boiled eggs too.” She added which made your mom nod in agreement.
“Great! I’ll start making that.” She smiled and turned around to grab all the ingredients out of the fridge. She brought out the meat, they recently gotte pork belly so that’s what they were going to use. Along with veggies before she paused. “Oh no…” she dragged out, grabbing a mostly gone tube of soybean paste.
“Aish, I’ll head to the store to grab some more.” She sighed but you’d topped her. “It’s ok Umma, the store isn’t far away, I’ll go get it and you can cut up the vegetables and meat so it’s ready to go when I come back.”
“Are you sure?” She asked ever though she was already grabbing her apron and tying it around her. “Yes, I’m sure.” You reassured her and she smiled more. “Ok! Thank you!”
You nodded and quickly went to the door to slip on your shoes, grabbing your coat again and keys before going to your car.
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The store wasn’t busy, thankfully, but it was rearranged differently than you remembered and you were having a hard time find the soybean paste. “They had it with the broth last time…” you muttered to yourself as your eyes scanned the shelf’s of canned chicken and beef broth.
“They moved it to the fridge section.” A voice said, scaring you since you hadn’t heard footsteps behind you.
You turned around to find a young man, dark brown almost black hair, equally as dark eyes and blank stare face. His cheekbones were high and he had a deep cupids bow with a plush upper and bottom lip. ‘How can someone be so… perfect..?’ You thought to yourself in awe.
He, after seeing your wide eyes, quickly flashed a smile. “Sorry, I heard you talking to yourself and thought I could help.” He explained, making you sigh a bit in relief.
“It’s ok, your hearing is amazing by the way!” You noted, a bit shocked he was able to hear your quiet muttering. “Been told that before.” He grinned, one laced with mischief and smugness. “You’re looking for soybean paste right? I only know because it used to be here.”
You nodded with a small smile of your own. “Yeah, you said fridge section? Is it by the butter?” You questioned and he nodded his head. You knew if you stayed any longer you would inevitably blush if you’re not already.“Thank you.” You said before walking off to get the small tube quickly.
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“Can you go to the library with your sister? She usually goes alone but since you’re here I would feel better if she was with an adult.” Your mom asked while tying her hair up.
She approached you as you were sitting on the couch and you smiled up at her. “Sure! To double check, they didn’t move that too did they?”
You asked in a joking yet serious tone. After the grocery store, you had wanted to go to the strip mall, only to find it’s location moved and demolished. It also just so happened that the local ice skating rink also moved spots!
You were beginning to think the town was just going to get up and leave too.
“Yes, same place it’s always been”. Your mom chuckled and you stood up while stretching. “Ok, I’ll go drive her now.” You said as she took your spot on the couch next to your dad.
“Drive safe then!” She smiled and waved as you and your sister got into your car. “Since when did you go to the library?” You asked as soon as you guys buckled in. “I don’t.” Your sister smirked.
“Wanna know where I actually go?”
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“Soomin, where do you even get the money from?” You asked, parking right in the town center where there were lots of shops open for business. It looked straight out of a hallmark movie.
“I do people’s work for cash, the longer I know them the less they pay me. Which means they recommend me to their friends and I always get new clients! I’m currently doing all of my 4th period classmates work.” She smiled smugly and you chuckled.
“Hustling for money at the ripe age of 14, maybe you are my sister.” You joked, messing up her hair with your hand before getting out of the car. “I won’t rat you out to mom but that doesn’t mean you get to drag me around today. If we spend more than 2 hours here Mom will get suspicious.”
Soomin nodded in agreement, closing the car door before jogging up to you with a big smile. “That’s fine! You haven’t been here in forever, let me show you around!”
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It was close to the time you guys were about to leave when you entered an actual book shop. “I know I said I don’t like books, but I need one to read for English so I can write a report on it.” Soomin explained, leaving your side immediately to go to the fantasy shelves.
You went to your own way, roaming the fiction side a bit. You were in the dark romance section before bumping into someone. “I am so sorry!” You apologized quickly, turning around to see a blonde slightly shorter male there.
Damn, had there always been this many gorgeous people?
“It’s all good, I didn’t see you either.” He said, his voice way deeper and richer than you expected. You couldn’t help but blush and turn to look away. “Sorry if this seems nosy, but are you new?” He asked before you could fully turn away.
“Not really, I grew up here but moved a few years ago for school. I’m visiting family this week.” You explained and he nodded. “Ahh, understood. My family and I moved here a few years ago so that must be why I didn’t recognize you.”
You nodded also and couldn’t help but glance down at the book he had in his hand. “Vampire story?” You guessed, seeing the fangs on the cover as they hovered above a rose in a glass case. He smiled instantly and nodded.
“Yeah! I don’t do much reading but my boyfriend has been pestering me a bit, says that gaming for too long hurts my eyesight.” He rolled his eyes as he explained and you laughed softly at the sass. “He’s not wrong, blue light actually makes it harder for you to sleep also. Doctors recommend that people don’t use any electronics 2 hours before bed if they want to fall right asleep. Otherwise you’ll just be staying awake for the whole night.”
He blinked a bit, processing your information with surprise. “Wow, you sounded like a doctor yourself!” He chuckled which made you blush in embarrassment.
“Sorry, I study medicine so I tend to info dump whenever the topic of health comes up.” You explained which only made him laugh more.
“I get it, my boyfriend is that same when it comes to art. Like painting and drawing.” He reassured you. You were about to say something else when his head snapped to look at his right.
“Hey hyung!” He smiled brightly as a guy came around the corner where you two stood. “Ready to go home, Felix?” The guy asked and that’s when you recognized him. His familiar monotone but lively voice triggering a blush to dust across your face.
It was the guy from the store, he was now in black jeans, gray V-neck tshirt and a black & white plaid jacket. He had regular white sneakers and black ball cap that made his dark drown hair almost cover his eyes.
“Awh, already?” Felix pouted before sighing and nodding his head. “Bye, hope to see you around.” He grinned before walking up to the guys side. “I’m ready Minho-Hyung.”
They left quickly, not giving you a chance to say bye before the bell above the door rang and they began walking on the brick sidewalk.
It was a strange swirling feeling in your stomach at the sight of the man who you now know as Minho. It made you stare off in space for a bit as your mind raced with him. Was him and Felix related? It would make sense, they were both stunning human beings. Almost too stunning to be human.
The town was small, but was it small enough to run into someone twice in tow days back to back? Maybe, it had been awhile since you had been here. “Uhm, earth to Smile McGee.” The voice of Soomin said, pulling you out of your trance.
You blinked a few times, the brain fog clearing and you smacked her shoulder. “I told you to stop using that dumb nickname.” You hissed, remembering the times you used to have braces and when you had a few friends over they teased you with that nickname.
She was only 4 at the time but seemed to remember it like it was yesterday.
She mumbled an “ouch” and gave you a small glare. “Anyways, I’m ready to go.” She said, holding up a hefty sized book. “Maybe you are a nerd.” You mumbled, eyeing the huge book before shrugging and buying the book for her.
“Who was that by the way?” Soomin asked once you guys exited the bookstore. “Who?” You rebutted and she rolled her eyes. “That guy you were talking to, the blonde haired one.”
“Ohh.” You said, nodding before shrugging your shoulders. “His name is Felix apparently, I don’t know him personally though.” You explained and it was her turn to nod her head.
“And that other guy?” You felt the same swirling feeling in the pit of your stomach as she referred to the other guy. “Minho, I actually ran into him yesterday at the store. I only just now learned his name.”
Soomin hummed in thought before looking up at you with a smirk. “He’d make a good boyfriend~.” She said, bumping her hip with yours as you shook your head in disagreement.
“No way, I just got Umma to stop pestering me about dating; you can’t start.” You lightly scolded her as she just ignored you. “He was handsome though, you can’t deny that. Both of them were.”
You grumbled slightly, looking off to the side so you wouldn’t have to verbally agree with her. She knew she was right, the proof was the guy’s themselves.
Felix had a softer and more happy vibe with him, a golden brown eye color and blonde hair cut in the style of a mullet. He had many silver rings adorning his fingers and piercings on his ears.
He was dressed in a black turtle neck, dark blue jeans and a mocha brown fluffy jacket. His style was different from Minho, along with his appearance.
While Felix had freckles and slightly bigger eyes, Minho had not one mark on his clear and slightly tan skin. He had two silver mini hoops on one ear while three mini silver hoops on the other ear.
His outfit was a bit more casual compared to Felix’s but his stunning and sharp face made up for that.
“Whatever.” You grumbled back at your sister, sighing a bit as you both made it back to your car.
Safe to say, you stayed up a bit longer than usual with thoughts of a certain dark eyed boy.
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