#strange magic series
randombook4idk · 17 days
joining late on this trend...
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sleepyminty · 4 months
Stephen ‘i have a phD but for some reason is a surpreme socerer’ strange
Loki ‘mastery of magic and illusion but still spend centuries to learn advanced MIT ’ laufeyson
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alexanaraxadel · 5 months
every day this app surprises me anew because what do you mean there's an active sisters grimm fandom in the year of our lord 2024. *banging on the walls* LET ME IN
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movie-magic · 2 years
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0rb0t · 5 months
oh man I did not realize how angry people were about the selfcest in loki. I LOVED it. I also tbh thought Loki may have seen Mobius as a father figure, the fact he's even got two sons, one who is a trouble maker and is younger, the other who is a BIT more responsible. THE PARALLELS DIDN'T GO UNNOTICED.
I missed all the trailers for the show, so if they were queerbaiting it went right over my head.
Sylvie and Loki were so cute, but so sad. You could tell they were very much at different points of their own stories, but still very much Loki. That terror she felt of opening up and perceiving betrayal.
But what I REALLY love is how every line they say to each other can also be taken as things they actually feel about themselves.
If Sylvie had just been anyone, Loki wouldn't have fallen in love, and I think the same is true for Sylvie. "I just want you to be okay", that was so meaningful AND can still be taken as Loki talking about himself especially after he's said he's been where she's been.
"I'm not you" she says and kicks him through the door, but it absolutely resonated because they ARE each other, and they DO KNOW one another and it's so tragic.
I LOOOOVE it. I love how desperately she wants to keep her life and choices and how paranoid she is. She never craved a throne because she never even had a chance to be IN that story, she craved having a life, being loved, everything that was taken from her.
But there's a special kind of loneliness for people who don't have a timeline anymore, and can only find love in themselves, too.
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cleabellanov · 5 months
hi and welcome to my ted talk about the latest episodes of what if, please read through 💙 (1)
Kahhori is an absolute badass. In her episode, "What if Kahhori reshaped the world" , what I enjoyed the most was hearing the Mohawk language. What a beautiful sound, really.
And the determination we got to see in this character, in just 30 minutes of animated screentime? So cool
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Looks like the Tessaract isn't done telling stories, and imo, actually good ones!!
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This was a plot twist I thought about, but in the end did not see coming. By the end of the episode, I was expecting The Watcher to narrate the conclusion to this story, and how, out of so many universes, this one got to be. In peace, without wars because of borders and thirst for powers, thanks to the brave Kahhori. Maybe that's what happens, right? After a while.
But for now...
Strange Supreme appears! Looks like we finally know who he was talking to.
But what is he doing? First, he meets Kahhori, then, in episode 8: "What if the avengers assembled in 1602" Peggy/Captain Carter. Of course, the two know each other since the events of season 1. They're Guardians of the Multiverse, right?The Watcher called them like this too.
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Logically, this has to do with episode 9: "What if...Strange Supreme intervened?".
Looks like he is already marching his steps in new universes, looking for allies, both old and anew. Personally, I've been waiting since I knew the title of the last episode to see what happens.
The Watcher has an oath, right? He can't interfere. But Strange Supreme is not just a watcher, he's a very powerful sorcerer, and can leave his marks on another universes if he chooses to.
I think this might be a mission. Similar to how we saw in season 1, but on another level, maybe. The Multiverse right now is "a prism of endless posibilities", but is it safe? Or are they going to make it so?
Also, maybe it's not a mission after all, and it's not about saving, but about discovering. Discovering their variants, and making peace for those who need it.
Whatever the reason, it better be a good one.
Oh, wait, and why were the "tornados" in 2x08 green? Did they use to be like that? I'll say something about that too.
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kmixon · 3 months
Ursula x Splat 💜🩵💜🩵💜
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Splat had personally been in once upon a studio. He crushed on Ursula 😍 finally all the fandoms were talking about 😄😄😄
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vfdinthewild · 1 year
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“He was no longer trembling, but his head felt very fuzzy. Drinking didn’t help, but it at least gave him something to do with his hands.”
-from Babel by R.F. Kuang, ch. 5. 
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kirbyddd · 1 year
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#school rumble#i could write an essay on it#actually i have#one of the most powerful stories ever written gah it drives me crazy that it comes in such a strange package#the story so powerful the animation team rejected the manga's bs to give the characters the finale they deserved#even though they were forced to retcon it in the final 2 episodes to push for another season#literally they just end the story on episode 19 and hard pivot to movie parody skits/vacation specials for the rest of the episodes#it's magical#until the episode 25 does the ''ohhh nooo they forgot the whole thing and put us right back where we started uh oh whoops''#''awww looks like we're gonna have to have another season''#literally#anyway if i ever start feeling emotions im probably going to start school rumble posting and never stop#schoolrum's so stupid you can only appreciate it emotionally#it's not like nichijou where theres still all this artistry and richness you can still engage with if youre cut off heartwise#i didnt even have emotions when i first watched it but it was still powerful enough to make a visceral impact#but at this point im just too far gone i need a bit of heartspace before i can have any chance of actually registering any of it again#<- finally caved and posted a schoolrum rant after like 5 and a half years on here#its the kind of series that lurks forgotten for years at a time#until one day it jumps out and grabs you and refuses to let go until you rewatch it again#best dub in history btw you didnt know english localization and voice acting could be this good#knocks the original japanese out of the park and truly ties everything together#nichijou japanese and school rumble english are the two best animation dubs of all time
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seaglassdinosaur · 10 months
Remembering that two long-running arcs of the Origami Yoda series regarding Dwight were his classmates becoming real friends with him as they stop seeing him as the ‘weird kid’ and connecting with him as a person, and Dwight starting and continuing to date Caroline, the girl he likes. These arcs present to the (presumably neurotypical) audience, an autistic-coded character as someone nuanced and human, who is capable and desirable as a partner and friend, encouraging the idea of looking past dismissive judgements of strangeness and to try to understand people, and even if you can’t, accept them and appreciate them for who they are.
#I am having thoughts and feelings abt origami yoda agin#because like. those are the major arcs w Dwight-the ones that aren’t kept to one book alone#it’s nice seeing them go from kinda just tolerating Dwight because he’s a similar outcast and they need yoda#to them actually liking him and wanting to spend time w him (see the museum visit when tommy is ditched by kellen for Dwight)#and Dwight never magically changes to become ‘normal’. the closest he gets is when he’s at that private school which is observed as kind of#stifling? to all the things that make Dwight interesting and creative#nah the series goes on and Dwight still stims and gets sidetracked by his special interests either to his benefit or detriment#but none of the kids have a problem with him for it. they get that it’s Dwight and these are the things he does#they don’t have a ton of moments of insight into dwight. they talk but they don’t dissect their conversations to parse out what he means#and that makes their communication of messages a little tricky#but the thing is: even though Dwight doesn’t tell them in a way they understand why say the rib bq is so important to him#or why he stims or what sensory issues he has because they might not have the language#even though they don’t have that passage of conversation clicked up#they accept these things as a part of him. and I think that’s a nice message to send.#maybe you won’t fully understand the people in your life but you should try. and even if you can’t you should accept them. quirks and all.#the strange case of origami yoda#origami yoda series#my post#tscooy
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murderedcrow · 8 months
Comfort Movie List
Saw a cute challenge going around and just thought to share mine :)
1. What's Up, Doc?
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2. Strange Magic
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3. Waterworld
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4. A series of unfortunate events (2004)
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5. Sweeney Todd
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6. It's a Wonderful World (1939)
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7. Oblivion
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8. Arsenic and old Lace (1944)
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And everything else Cary Grant really 🤭 :
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backagainpodcast · 1 year
I have a funny habit of trying to draft an entire something every summer, which is useful, because trying to draft anything during the schoolyear is an exercise in futility. For the last, uhh, four summers, this has been alternatingly a huge chunk of BABA or a novel about gay people making bad decisions in slight variations on locations that are about to become or once were very pertinent to me. 
This summer, that’s a book about (checks notes) lesbians perhaps too invested in their high school color guard team, a town-that-is-not-a-town named Thief, drowned girls that wanted to live too much to stay drowned, and possibly arthritic grandmothers. 
Here are some highlights (?) 
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if I don��t finish this chloe (yes, that chloe, what other chloe) gets to bleach a strip of my hair so im FURIOUSLY typing wouldn’t you believe it!!
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kazz-brekker · 1 year
it’s interesting to me that for a series that promises an unflinching look at the reality of a world where the wealthy have access to magic and don’t care about the negative impact that it has on other people (and i think does largely do a good job of showing that!), the ninth house series seems to sort of … pull its punches when it comes to the suffering the characters endure at the climax of each story? recently reread ninth house for the first time in years followed by hell bent, and the scene where the souls that marguerite belbalm consumed then consuming her felt sort of. ikd. optimistic? after all the emphasis on “consumption of souls” heavily implying the idea that those people had totally ceased to exist and had only become fuel for belbalm to draw upon it was a bit confusing to learn they were actually all still around and could take vengeance on belbalm. and then in hell bent tripp turns into a demon instead of completely dying which is probably not, like, a super fun experience, but he seems to almost completely maintain his personality from before so it almost feels like nothing major really happened to him, as opposed to linus reiter, who seemingly was utterly eradicated by the demon who took his place. idk. both of those things kind of made me go “this feels like it is breaking the established rules of the universe in order to make things not be as bad as they would actually be.” i don’t know if there’s a bigger conclusion from this, i’m just thinking about it since i recently finished hell bent.
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movie-magic · 2 years
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joncronshawauthor · 9 months
Magic, Myths, and Misfits: A Journey Through British Fantasy Television
Whether you’re a wizarding world devotee or a chronicler of Narnia, if you’re in the mood to mix a bit of televisual magic into your high fantasy diet, you’ve landed in the right place. Here’s a list of ten British fantasy series that are as alluring as a freshly brewed cuppa. Doctor Who This one’s older than your granny’s favourite rocking chair. With a time-travelling alien who changes faces…
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