#stop saying that the 'love me or I'll die' is the original/traditional
linkedsoul · 2 years
Today is a good day to remind people that "unrequited love will kill me so love me else I'll die" is only one take among many others on the Hanahaki trope and not what it inherently is
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atombonniebaby · 4 months
I've had this idea in my head for a while now...
We all know how much Mac hates getting wet so how would he react when faced with the prospect of a "new" New Year's tradition introduced by his Scottish boss?
The original plan was screenshots, but I had to do a write up!...so maybe today I'll get some proper visuals...but for now I hope you enjoy this silly one shot! (And if anyone wants to do some drawings...I'd love to see some of this hilarity brought to life 🫶)
just so we're clear...Deacon's swimsuit depicted below is 100% what I Invision them all wearing variations off...because...why not? 🤣 (Oh...but not Hancock and Danse...you'll see!)
Happy New Year Tumblr Buddies! Slainte Mhath!❤️
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Here's to new Wasteland Traditions
"You can't be serious..." MacCready searched the boss' face. Shit-eating grin aside, there was not a single sign of a lie.
"I'm tellin' ye lad... every year without fail... rain or shine." Nate sat down on the couch beside his young companion. "Sometimes even snow." He added after a brief pause.
"So you're telling me you dressed up and—”
"Dressing up was optional... traditionally ye just shed to yer kegs and run right in."
"Run into water?"
"Cauld, sobering, icy waters."
"I guess you Scots really are crazy," MacCready chuckled to himself, "or you're full of Brahmin crap."
"Oi," Nate elbowed him. "It's real. On the day o' the new year, we'd head tae the shore, and strip to our undergarments and bolt intae the sea. 'Tis invigoratin', got the blood pumpin' in a way nothing else did. I dinnae even reckon bein' chased by a Deathclaw could get me heart goin' as fast as that did."
MacCready laughed at the mention of the oversized lizard. "Running from a deathclaw is different. You know you'll die if you lose, running into the ocean is just stupid."
"Hypothermia is nae joke, lad... and it didnae need to be an ocean... could be a river... ye know... like that one that runs aroon' Sanctuary..."
There was something in the way the Scot was talking that made MacCready nervous. That sparkle in his eye was never a good sign. "Not on your life!”
Nate's grin only grew wider. "Oh c'mon! Ye'd be the only one bein' a wee rad-chicken! Preston, Sturges, Codsworth, the settlers around Sanctuary…and even Dugmeat all want tae do it."
"Right... and Dogmeat told you that how, exactly? Did he write it out on the dirt using a stick?"
Nate gave a belly laugh at that. "Gave me a paw."
"You are full of it." MacCready shook his head. "No way in hell am I doing this."
"No even for five hundred caps?”
"Five hundr--" MacCready choked on his words.
"Counted them maself... put them in a nice big jar ...but there is a catch... last man standin' ...or lady... gets it!"
MacCready groaned. This was stupid, beyond stupid, but the caps..."Fine."
Sanctuary Hills Annual Loony Dook.
MacCready stared at the painted ply board sign as if it was personally insulting him. Perhaps it was. If it hadn't existed, he wouldn't have been standing out in the rain.
He glanced at the plastic blue pins of Rad-X piled up in the little shed next to the sign, blankets too. Nate was prepared for everything.
MacCready's laugh was almost incredulous. "Is that why you've been hoarding all the supplies!? Because you were planning this stupid event!?"
Nate laughed in response. "Notice that did ye?"
MacCready sighed. "How can I not notice!?"
"I hardly want folks getting sick from radiation poisoning while they're havin' fun. Now, c'mon, come help me welcome our guests," Nate elbowed him in the ribs before gesturing to the rest of Sanctuary.
"Let's get the show on the road," Nate smiled, marching off toward the gates where the majority of the settlers were gathered.
"Hey, Blue!” Piper called out to them as they approached.
"Ah, monsieur! It is quite the spectacle you are throwing here today," Curie said as the two came to a stop. "I must say, I am rather excited to try this 'dooken' as you call it. The effects of immersion in such cold temperatures will be most fascinating!"
"Ye'll love it, lass," Nate replied.
"Where the Frick did you get bathing suits?" MacCready asked her, noticing the bright pink ruffled one piece she was wearing.
"As it turns out," Piper began. "Curie has a remarkable sewing ability...she even made something for you..."
"You made me something...?"
MacCready would have blushed if it weren't for how cold he was, the likelihood of any color filling his cheeks was slim to none–even with all his layers!
Curie nodded enthusiastically. "Wi, Monsieur Nate provided me with a list of attendees!"
He did what?
"Here you go!" She handed him a bundle of striped green and white fabric.
"Thanks... I think." MacCready looked at it skeptically. It was a one-piece suit of sorts. Not unlike what the girl was wearing, but with longer legs.
"Deacon's is blue and white, Preston also, but different shades! They look most handsome!"
"Why thank you, ma'am," Deacon appeared behind the doctor. "I think you look very dashing yourself."
He looked ridiculous, a similarly striped suit to the one in MacCready’s hands, he guessed the red cape was his own addition.
"This IS most invigorating," followed another voice, this time belonging to a smiling tin can.
"Danse...lad..." Nate paused. "Do ye no think that's cheatin', son?"
The ex-Brotherhood Paladin just shrugged. "On the contrary, General. Without the appropriate protective clothing, my Power Armor provides no protection from the elements."
"Without protective—are you telling me you're in your birthday suit under there!?" MacCready blurted out.
Danse simply nodded. "Affirmative."
"General, your friend from Concord has arrived...and he brought company," Preston joined the fold, Minutemen blue in his bathing suit, and still wearing his hat.
"Jacob is here!?" Nate sounded more excited than he intended.
The group glanced at each other.
"Who's Jacob?" Piper asked after him.
Nate just waved her off.
"Does our good General have a secret to share?" A gravelly voice asked from behind them.
"John," MacCready turned to face the ghoul and he couldn't help it. His eyes dropped lower.
What the actual fuck!? Could that even be considered clothes? Red leather Speedo, cowboy boots and his signature hat...that was all he was wearing.
"My eyes are up here, kid," Hancock grinned as the younger man realized what he was doing.
"Wha--I wasn't—"
"You were," Hancock's smile turned into a smirk.
"Well ain't this quite the gatherin' and you thought people would pass up the opportunity for tradition!" Another accent entered their midst.
"I'm only here for the caps...got my eye on a new mod for my rifle," another familiar face pushed through the throng of bodies.
"Aiden's here too?" MacCready muttered under his breath. The ex-minuteman Gunner hunter didn't seem to know where to look as he came to a stop.
"Gotta say, Slick, you got a lotta people who care about ya," Jake leaned against the wooden railings of the bridge.
"Well, ain't you a handsome one!"
MacCready's smile widened. Cait!?
"Uh...thanks..." Aiden mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. "I uh...I'm just gonna..."
"Don't take it personally, darlin'," Jake smiled. "Aiden's not much for conversation."
"Who else are we expecting, Monsieur?” Curie asked.
"Nick's around, he's keepin' Dugmeat busy so folks can get ready and I do believe Strong is off huntin' fer our supper," Nate answered.
"Splendid! Would your boyfriend like a costume, Monsieur?”
"Boyfriend!? I—"
Nate cleared his throat.
"Thank ya, darlin'," Jake smiled at the doctor. "Much appreciated."
"Hey, Sharpshooter!"
MacCready froze. No...fuck no...he didn't hear that. He refused to turn around and look.
"Beau..." the mercenary reluctantly turned.
Fuck! Sturges was wearing one of those swimsuits too, and the size of him. It was...indecent.
"Howdy," Sturges tipped his head and smiled.
MacCready was dead, dying, or just having some incredibly vivid hallucination. No way. Just fucking no.
"What's wrong?"
"I'd harbor a guess our Merc here is wondering how you can fix his plumbing," Hancock chimed in.
"Think he's wondering if your equipment is up to the task," Deacon added.
"That is most absurd," Curie commented. "Sturges is a mechanic, not a plumber."
"A certified handyman," Piper giggled.
"Shut the fu—uh heck up!"
Hancock snorted.
"That's enough...quit teasin' the poor lad." Jake stepped in to defend him.
"Yeah, lay off the kid." Nick Valentine decided to join them, standing by Nate's side, no swimsuit for him...it was almost like he was programmed to wear nothing but his detective gear. "You know how sensitive he is."
MacCready felt like he was about to spontaneously combust.
"I'm gonna go change before I get the urge to shoot someone." MacCready stormed off.
"Someone's touchy," Cait noted.
"More like he can't handle the heat," Hancock countered.
"You should probably change as well," Nick suggested to the newcomer. Knew the fella from all the times he stopped by that information broker who had taken up residence in Diamond City. "The Ron"? Or something like that.
"Right you are, Mister Valentine," Jake agreed. "I will be right back."
"So polite! Monsieur Jacob makes a most agreeable guest," Curie smiled.
"I know, right! He's a peach." Piper grinned. "Got yourself a good one there, Blue."
"No foolin' you lot, is there?” Nate just laughed. "C'mon, we might as well get a move on. It's comin' up to noon soon."
MacCready stood in front of the bathroom mirror. It took him a few minutes to figure out how to put the damned thing on. It was too tight in some places, yet hung awkwardly from his body.
At least his hat matched, because it was staying on.
A knock on the door snapped him out of his thoughts.
"You got lost in there?” Jake's voice carried through the wooden door.
"Just give me a second!"
A few deep breaths, and MacCready was good to go.
"Not a word...not a single freaking word!"
Jake held his hands up and took a step back. "Wouldn't dream of it."
MacCready stomped past the engineer and back towards the group.
"Christ, and I thought I was pasty... lookin' at ye, it's like a white sheet slapped 'er a skeleton."
MacCready glared daggers at the smug looking bastard and wished he had his rifle. How is this bastard not shivering? MacCready could barely keep himself from trembling, and he's standing there, barefoot with no shirt on. Only thing he has on is a pair of red plaid trunks and his glasses.
"Har har... can we get this over with already?"
Nate grinned from ear to ear. "Ye sound like ye don't wanna do this."
"Oh? What gave it away?" MacCready crossed his arms across his chest, the cool air and heavy rainfall chilling his skin.
"All the shivering, mate," Nate gestured to him. "Ye need to move...maybe jog on the spot...keep the blood pumpin'...else ye won't make it tae the end."
MacCready growled at him. "Can you stop patronizing me and just start the damn thing already!?”
Nate looked around the group, taking stock of each person involved. There was a gathering now, a relatively small crowd, but the amount of people willing to participate was surprising.
Nate near on jumped out of his skin. "Where the blasted hell did you come from!?"
X6-88 lowered his sunglasses and blinked at him. "I arrived via relay at 1200 hours, sir. I was ensuring the young sir was adequately prepared for the festivities."
"Dad?” Shaun emerged from behind the courser.
"Shaun?" Nate was utterly confused. "What are you doing here?"
"Father heard you were hosting an event and thought I should attend," Shaun smiled.
The sight of him. Pajamas, Welly boots and a rain hat, standing beside X6-88 in his ...everything black bathing suit. MacCready's sides ached. He was laughing, unable to control the burst of hysteria that bubbled within him.
"Escaped synths will be shaking in their boots," MacCready managed to wheeze out.
"I believe Ms Curie has made an adequate fit for me... sir," X6-88 said in reply.
It was the boots, the damned combat boots! MacCready laughed louder.
"I do not believe you are in a position to be mocking me, Sir. If my calculations are correct, you have a higher chance of being affected by hypothermia due to your lack of body fat and muscle mass. Perhaps you should reconsider abstaining from the use of cigarettes and alcohol, it would improve your health immeasurably."
MacCready stopped laughing. "Did you just..."
"I believe the term is 'kicking while he's down,' sir."
"A'right...enough eh that." Nate stepped in.
If MacCready didn't know better, he'd have thought the courser was smirking at him from beneath those glasses.
"First things first," Nate opened the shed. "Take a couple rad-x tabs each...Codsworth is gonnae countdown from ten and ring the bell...when he does, ye run in. Simple as that. The last person out wins the prize. We've got fires burning, food grilling and booze on tap...so enjoy yerselves, aye?"
MacCready pulled his cap lower over his brow. This was going to suck.
"Let the games begin," Hancock shouted.
"Okay!" Nate announced. "Everyone in their positions. Codsworth, get ready to count us down, son!"
"As you wish Master Nate!" The Mr. Handy spun in place.
MacCready rolled his shoulders, trying to get the stiffness out of them. He could do this. He had to win. Five hundred caps were on the line.
The merc watched the crowd gather around the water's edge, everyone ready to make a break for it as soon as the robot started counting.
"Are we ready to commence the New Year's celebrations, sir?"
"Aye Codsworth." Nate smiled.
"Very good, sir. I shall begin the countdown now…Ten!"
This was it.
MacCready bent his knees, ready to sprint.
A quick glance left and right, and he noticed all the other competitors were doing the same.
His eyes locked with Nate's, and the bastard winked at him.
Was he planning something?
The sniper shook his head.
He could beat Nate. He's hardy...grew up in a cave!
Focus, Robert. Just focus.
He was doing this for Duncan.
"Happy New Year, everyone! GO!!!”
He couldn't do this.
MacCready darted in the opposite direction as the rest of them.
"Ye wee bastard!" Nate shouted after him.
Fuck you, old man! He was out of there.
"Not on ma watch, laddie," Nate's footsteps pounded after him.
Shit, shit, shit.
"Stay the heck away from me!”
"Och, quit bein' such a rad-chicken!" Nate sped up.
MacCready's heart was racing, and he wasn't sure if it was from running or the adrenaline pumping through his veins. Either way, he needed to outrun the bastard.
"Ye're slowin' down!"
"Like hell I am!" MacCready shouted back at him.
Suddenly, there were arms wrapped around him.
"Got ye! Now intae the drink we go!" Nate lifted him off the ground and over his shoulders.
MacCready struggled in vain. "Put me down!"
"Not a chance! Ye're goan in!”
The world moved in slow motion. He could see Nate's feet running over the grass and dirt as he neared the water's edge. People were cheering, and dogs were barking.
Nate dove forward, releasing his grip on the merc, and they plunged into the icy cold waters below.
For a moment, MacCready floated through the murky depths. Then, he kicked upwards, breaking the surface of the water with a gasp.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Duncan forgive him! MacCready flailed as the frigid temperature of the water hit him. "It's freezing!"
"Aye, it's a wee bit nippy," Nate said calmly, swimming beside him. "Just breathe...in and oot."
"Breathe!?" MacCready screamed at him. "I'd rather—holy shi--"
"See, now ye're gettin' it," the older man was grinning like a madman.
"I'm going to kill you!"
"No if ye freeze...flap yer haunds aboot a bit..."
"C'mon, Mac! Dad knows what he's talking about!” Shaun called from the bankside.
"Your father is insane!" MacCready pointed at the boy.
"Our father!" Shaun smiled and gave him a double thumbs up.
"Get it together, son!" Nate splashed water in his face. "Ye can do this."
MacCready growled and splashed him back. "I hate you."
Nate laughed. "C'mon...I can tell ye're getting used to it."
"I hate you so much," he swung his arms forward, moving them through the water.
"Nah, ye don't...if ye did, ye wouldn't be here now," Nate swam close to him. "It's just water...it cannae hurt ye."
MacCready glared at him. "I'm not..."
"Course not...yer the toughest son of a bitch I know..."
"Tougher than you?"
Nate's grin grew wider. "Guess we'll see."
"Bring it on, Old Man," MacCready's shivering subsided as he kept moving.
"Enough eh the "old" talk..."
"You're over 200...that's old..."
"That doesny count..."
"Says who?"
"Says me!" Nate ducked under the water, and MacCready braced himself for the inevitable.
A sudden tug on his foot, and the merc dropped beneath the surface. The shock of cold hit him once more, and he clawed his way to the top.
Nate surfaced and shook his head like a dog, somehow the glasses on his fat head still stayed on.
"Fun, ain't it?"
"How are you not frozen?" MacCready was panting now.
"Been dookin' since I was a wee lad," Nate answered. "The cauld...it's in ma blood."
MacCready cursed under his breath. "Sure, whatever you say."
Nate just laughed in response. "Another one down..."
"Seems Piper's given up."
MacCready glanced around. Sure enough, the reporter was making her way back to shore.
"She's smart," the merc remarked.
"Ye did good, lass!” Nate shouted after her.
"Thanks, Blue," she waved before wrapping herself in the towel Codsworth had waiting for her.
"Woo...goddang I can't feel my digits!" Jake's voice cut through the chill in the air.
"Here's hoping your tongue is next..." Aiden drawled.
MacCready chuckled at the snide remark.
"Ma chère, this is most invigorating!" Curie was just... standing there in the water.
"That's one way of putting it," Piper pulled the blanket tighter around her shoulders.
"I can't...I'm out...ye are all mad!” Cait finally relented.
"I have to agree with you," Preston shivered, retreating.
"As long as I outlast the Brotherhood's cheer squad...I'm a winner..." Deacon chittered next to Danse.
"My training has prepared me to withstand all manner of conditions...you should consider admitting defeat while you still can."
"Nah-uh, Tin Can," the spy retorted. "I once disguised myself as a snowman for six hours...wait till you hear where I placed the carrot..."
Danse just grunted at him.
"This is a rush!" Hancock stretched his arms above his head.
"You say that until your bits fall off," MacCready jested.
"How do you know mine haven't already?" Hancock teased him back.
"Ugh...why the hell am I here..." Aiden grumbled.
"Because Slick asked us to be...so quit your complainin'..." Jake answered.
"Ye alright, sweetheart?"
MacCready nearly swallowed a mouthful of water when he heard that. Sturges was staring right at him.
"I'm fi--fine!" he stammered.
"Yer shakin' like a leaf," the mechanic continued, sweeping back his wet hair.
"I'm just...cold...nothing I can't handle," the merc replied, trying not to stare.
"Well good luck to ya...I need a beer." Sturges swam past him, heading toward the bank.
"I'm with him on that one," Aiden followed.
MacCready gazed longingly at the shoreline. It was tempting. He could just give up now.
Nate smirked at him. "Don't ye dare..."
"I wasn't..." the merc lied.
"Sure ye weren't–”
"It appears something has entered my armor! I appear to have been compromised!" Danse's booming voice rang through the air.
"Nothin' in this water but us, big guy," Hancock called out.
"I can assure you, I am not mistaken! There is something alive inside my suit!"
The spy swam closer to him. "Maybe it's a bloatfly larvae...they like to burrow in wet organic materials..."
Danse froze. "What?"
Deacon tried not to laugh.
"I must terminate this creature immediately!" Danse was starting to panic.
"I shall accompany Monsieur Danse in his endeavor," Curie volunteered.
"I'm out...I'm not missing this! Thanks for the swim, guys." And with that, Deacon climbed out of the water.
"Fascinating...perhaps I should join them," X6-88 followed suit.
"I ain't missing this... Tapping out," Hancock was next.
And then there were three.
"How're ye feelin'?”
"Fine..." MacCready answered.
"Naw really, how are ye feelin'?" Nate asked again.
"I feel...alive," the merc admitted.
"Ye still cold?"
"Too numb to tell..."
Nate let out a belly laugh at that. "That's the spirit."
"Slick?" Jake was shivering now. "I think I'm at my limit."
"Aye...let's get ye warmed up and some scran in ye," Nate agreed.
MacCready watched them climb out of the water. Nate gathered up a blanket from Codsworth and slung it over the pair of them.
"Ye coming, lad? Or do I need tae send Strong in tae get ye?"
MacCready watched them for a moment, Nate's arm resting protectively around the engineer's waist as they walked back toward the common area.
He...he won?
"Yeah...I'm coming..."
"Well done Master MacCready! A stupendous display!” Codsworth greeted him as he clambered out of the lake.
"Thanks, Codsworth," MacCready replied.
The Mr. Handy draped the blanket over his shoulders. "Come now, you must be famished after all that excitement."
"I'm starving..."
Nate rested his head on Jacob's shoulder, fresh clothes and a warm fire and an assortment of familiar faces, it was the perfect way to spend New Years.
"I hope everyone enjoyed themselves today," he said softly.
"You know I did, Blue," Piper replied as she sipped her hot chocolate.
"Me too!" Shaun sat cross-legged on the floor with Dogmeat's head in his lap. "This place is pretty great!”
"Indeed sir," X6-88 agreed. "The festivities were quite enjoyable."
"Oh it was most enjoyable indeed, Monsieur! Perhaps we could participate in this 'dooken' again next year." Curie leaned into Cait's side.
"Ye can count me in!" Cait kissed her on the forehead.
"What are you gonna call him?” Hancock asked, his chin propped up by his hand.
"Call who?" Nate frowned.
"His Stowaway," the ghoul said, nodding to the bundle in Danse's arms.
"My desire is to call him Cutler...but I fear I may not be able to adequately tame him..."
"Cutler is a fine name for a Mirelurk," Preston reassured him.
'I think so too," Hancock agreed.
"This is fascinating. I have never observed a juvenile hatchling in this state before," Curie commented as she peered over Danse's arm. "He is so well behaved!"
"These creatures are normally quite aggressive...but this one...I find it...endearing." Danse admitted.
"I know that feeling," Hancock smirked.
MacCready shifted in Beau's embrace, stretching his legs out in front of him before settling into the comfortable warmth surrounding him.
"Happy New Year," he yawned.
"Happy New Year," Sturges echoed, pulling him closer.
An array of voices replied with similar sentiments.
It made Nate proud. Somehow in the midst of chaos, they found each other, and despite the differences they once shared, the prejudices they had held, he brought them together. He only hoped it would be enough to see them through whatever the Wastes would throw at them next.
Nate leaned over and kissed Jake on the cheek. "Welcome tae the family."
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hobblingeuripides · 7 months
Book Review: Ariadne by Jennifer Saint
It has taken me a month and a half to fully collect my thoughts on this novel, and I think I can officially say it has become my favorite book of all time; and I can't wait to reread it and read her other two novels as well.
Upon introduction to this book, before reading, I thought this would be another version of Ariadne's tragic abandoning by Theseus, maybe introducing Dionysus at the novel's close. However, this book breathed life and an agency into the character of Ariadne that mythology and time has neglected to give her. Saint's eloquent and tragic retelling includes the eras of Ariadne's life in her youthful naivete falling in love with Theseus, framing his abandonment of her as a rightfully traumatic event that stayed with her for her entire life. Saint very carefully wrote Theseus' character in the beginning in a way that you understood why Ariadne fell in love with him, despite all his horrible crimes; it is here that I'll stop to admit a very small part of me was rooting for him to turn out as a hero, for Ariadne's sake. The story goes as it has been previously told, and in walks Dionysus to fulfill all of our protagonist's wildest desire. Ariadne finds content in her love and life as a mother until the feelings of neglect, abandonment, and distrust return to the surface. Dionysus constantly travels, and, when he's home, he attends to secret rituals with his maenads (followers) in the woods. As we see Ariadne's distrust grow, we see more of her maturity and caution as a traumatized woman. When her greatest fears are confirmed, I had so much hope as a reader that this would be a chance for her to become a heroine, flipping the original story and creating a "girl-boss" twist on a traditionally patriarchal tale.
Of course I was shocked and left speechless with the story's end that had Ariadne die with her husband and Hera to blame. There was no hope for Ariadne as a woman, as a mother, as a mortal in that harsh reality.
And this isn't even to mention the massive role and tragedy of Phaedra. A woman who longs to defy tradition but is trapped at every corner, and when she goes to lean on the one person she thinks she can trust, Ariadne, she sees that Ariadne has chosen to live that traditional life that burdens Phaedra so. It sparks a sense of betrayal, heightened when Phaedra opens up to her sister about her lust for Hippolytus. The relationship between Ariadne and Phaedra is such a well-written sisterly bond, which left me wanting to drive the seven hours it takes just to hug my sister. There is no one who understands these women better than each other, yet Phaedra is such a tragic character that she dies shortly after feeling betrayed by her sister; she had already been betrayed and lied to by her husband and had fallen into delusion over Hippolytus. I could go on about Phaedra, but I'll leave more for Saint to say.
The way women are represented without negating the harsh realities of what it was to be a woman in Ancient Greece is just so beautiful and refreshing, and Saint writes every word with love and care for her protagonists. We root for Ariadne, just as we mourn for both women as if they were our own sisters. The roles they take on are roles we still see women succumbed to today, yet they fall to shame and criticism in so many modern stories. It has the same feeling as when you watch Greta Gerwig's films: when the different sisters in Little Women (2019) choose to be mothers or writers or wives or artists, supporting each choice they make. Or when the women in Barbie (2023) want to be ordinary without being called basic or stereotypical. Or even when they want to be extraordinary, there should be no shame.
The tragedy is truly that, whatever role Ariadne and Phaedra chose or were placed into, they were never truly free. There can never be freedom and there can be no heroes in a world that is run by gods and men.
I give Ariadne by Jennifer Saint 5/5 Stars
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
Izzy's face tattoo! Ed in a lap! The question of cum stains and leather. Izzy embarrassing himself! Ed almost doing the same! A post coital three way smoke session, and thank fuck Olu can do the voices as well as Stede.
NSFW, early and oblivious Blackhands (i think i got the ed/izzy ship name right, if i didn't lemme know and I'll fix it lmaoo), to eventual steddyhands.
"Deep breath in, and out," Ed said, breath warm by his ear. "Good boy."
He couldn't help squirming at that. That was a phrase he'd heard Ed say in his dreams, sure, but never once in reality.
It was wonderful and flustering and Izzy really wished it had happened at some time other than while Ed was tattooing him. While sailing no less, Izzy sat on the deck and Ed leaned in beside him.
"This is by your fucking eye, if you squirm again I'll have to hold you down, Iz."
He had to have known, is what Izzy figured. He could hear himself, Ed could, so he had to know.
His breath hitched in his throat, and Ed paused.
"Fine then, I'm holding you down. I really like the idea of this one, so we are not fucking it up."
A small north star, by his eye. Half a chance at getting another common sailing tattoo as tradition, half an inside bit that so long as Izzy had his sight, he could always find them somewhere to rest their head aside from the ship.
He climbed onto Izzy's lap, mindful of his one knee (a recent injury involving a bad fall, that was getting better, but not better enough for either of their liking.)
That was about when Izzy forgot how to breathe. Only for a moment, but a moment too long.
"If it's too much, I can stop," Ed said. "Not like we're on a schedule, so I can always finish this another time."
"I'm good," Izzy managed. "Not as bad as I expected."
"No," Ed smiled and leaned in again. "I think you like it."
The only thing between his cock and Ed aside from clothing was his hand. Originally draped over his lap in relaxation, but now doing the best it could to keep his cock down even as Ed brushed against him.
"I do like it," Izzy said. "Maybe you'll have to give me more of these. Cover my whole face."
"Nah," Ed chuckled. "You're too pretty to hide it, even with art."
He could feel his heartbeat in his cock. He might literally die from it. Ed accidentally grinding down lightly whenever he moved to get more ink; Ed's free hand either at his face holding the skin where he needed it or on his shoulder; Ed's breath on his neck and in his ear-
"Fuck," Ed sighed and leaned back and interrupted his train of thought. "Nearly done, and it looks fucking awesome."
Izzy let his eyes flutter closed as Ed set back to the final bit. If he could think of anything else, he'd be fine.
Like dead fish. They'd seen lots of those. Good distraction, just a bunch of dead fish.
Ed, wondering why the fish were dead in a pile on a seemingly empty beach, but then who cared? Calling Izzy down the beach further, look at it, absolutely lovely! Iz, we can spend the afternoon here and lay out, and that was when Ed had started stripping down-
"You good?"
Izzy couldn't nod. Or speak. He knew very well all that would come out would be something embarrassing. It wasn't like they were teenagers any more for fuck's sake; they were both nearing their thirties and here he was coming in his trousers as if they were both sixteen and back on the beach near both their houses, long after everyone else was asleep, Ed's hand lingering so closely near his-
"Done," Ed grinned. "It's perfect; I'll go find something so you can see it. Accidentally broke that last mirror we stole, but the pieces are still below deck I think!"
He waited until Ed was gone before letting himself let out a miniscule, barely audible moan. His legs felt not unlike jelly, but that could be as much the time spent in one position for the tattoo as the orgasm.
The only blessing to their clothes being taken from those they'd robbed was that any new stains were often not immediately noticeable. Or at least, Izzy very much hoped this one wouldn't be noticeable.
And it seemed it wasn't. Ed only had eyes for him and his seeing the new tattoo.
A bit of a broken mirror was enough to see it well, and Ed was right. It was perfect.
"And you knew the entire time?" Izzy asked. "Why didn't you say something, do something?"
"I was busy trying not to do the same thing!" Ed laughed. "I mean, your lips were right there! And your neck, and..."
Ed took a deep breath. "Forgot where I was going there."
Stede appeared absolutely delighted. "And you two still did nothing about it, for all this time. I know that's not ideal, but it is nice to know I wasn't the only one late to all this."
He passed Ed's pipe over to Izzy. "Think he could make you come that easily now?"
"Did he not do that to both of us literally fifteen minutes ago?"
"Ah, true! The pain aspect of it though, has me wondering," Stede pondered. "Might be about time for me to get my first tattoo, after all. Being a proper pirate now."
Ed and Izzy looked to each other, to Stede, and to their tattooing kit that had a new home on an ornate shelf.
Technically, they were due out on deck for the nightly check in and chapter reading. It came to mind that Olu might have to take over for that, however (unlike Lucius, he could do the voices.)
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space-unicorn-dot · 2 years
“ma melava halani” from the WIP ask game 👀 I’ve been on a DA spiral lately sooo I’m curious
I'd say this is one of the ones I totally forgot existed, but it has actually been almost two years since I started this one probably either while I was still playing Inquisition or shortly after. Probably after; Inquisition was my first Dragon Age game and it's still the only one I've finished. I've started Origins like two or three times now, but I haven't stuck it out yet, partially because I had some laptop issues and Steam kinda ate my progress the first two times when that happened, so that's messed with me a bit, lol.
Anyway, I'm not sure exactly when I set this piece except for clearly sometime after the move to Skyhold, but from a gloss over it, it was a piece between my Lavellan mage Inquisitor, Hallaren, and Cassandra, the pair of which I will still die for, they were literally perfect and I am still emotional about sunset balcony cuddles at Skyhold, okay? I'll never NOT be emotional about this.
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This was my EVERYTHING, okay. Me totally throwing off the main plot for a solid 3 hours, minimum, just so Hallaren could go find his crush some poetry bc he was so head over heels with a woman that could have snapped him like the toothpick that he is.
What I'm learning from this is that, even 2 years later, I'm still insane for them. You're getting my shitty tv screens whether you want them or not bc boy hOWDY do I LOVE these two.
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I want all of the historians for the Inquisition to know that it wasn't the plot that was the biggest thing this boy ever pulled off. THIS. This right here is the SMOOTHEST thing Hallaren has ever pulled off in his entire life full stop. Words do not exist in any language to express his delight that she allowed him that level of trust.
Will I ever actually go back and finish or publish any of this stuff in full? Prooobbabblly not. But I will give you a snippet below the cut (so this doesn't get too long on peoples' dashes) because I still think they're really cute and this isn't a super awkward piece, I don't think, even after not having seen it for almost 2 years.
Anyway, enough of me squealing about Hallaren being utterly smitten and more actual writing about them together below.
And this is from the wip ask meme (le eyes emoji)!
He enjoyed this… The comfortable silence, neither of them feeling compelled to fill it. They simply… were. Night danced gently against the colorful glass panes, drawn closed to keep out the night’s cold, and the fire flickered steadily across the room, casting its embrace softly over the room, setting aglow what they had not tucked into the safety of the blankets.
The Inquisitor’s eyes fell closed as Cassandra delicately traced the intricate lines across his face. With the memory of the frigid journey here, lost in endless snows, praying to whatever god may have chosen to listen… the warmth and comfort of having her near was all the more special.
“May I ask you what it means..?” Even gentle and quiet for their proximity, her voice was still strong. Something he admired about her. How she never seemed to flinch from her actions or what she encountered, even when it shook her.
The firelight reflected in her dark eyes enchanted him as much as the delicate pattern framing his features did her. A smile settled across his lips to behold the sight, and her fingers still gently brushing across his cheek offered the subject her words had not. “My people call it vallaslin,” he said. “It is one of our traditions… A sort of… right of passage, I believe you’d call it.”
Cassandra arched a brow, the earnestness of her curiosity burning in her eyes. A more open side to the Seeker he believed few could read, given how rare it was to see in the first place. He would be lying if he were to say he hadn’t sought it out after his first glimpse of it in Haven. His reasoning at the time had simply been trust, wanting to build a friendship with those that he would aid and would aid him in return, but it had rather quickly become one of his favorite things.
One of the most beautiful things.
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yourbestdream · 2 years
Ok so yesterday I got this vague idea for a toh au then my adhd brain got custody of it and it. Spiraled out of control I'll just say. So I'm gonna infodump abt it below the cut. Sorry in advance lmao (it's really long i'm so sorry mutuals)
So I originally got this idea because I watched Encanto recently (loved it btw) and I thought "oh haha mirabel and hunter are kinda similar, since they're both non-magical people surrounded by people with powers" which then led to me thinking "hey what if instead of witches in the BI being born with magic they were given powers by the titan when they reach a certain age" and then I thought about it more and it became this beast so. Here we are lmao. I'm gonna try to explain it the best I can but sorry if it makes no sense lol
So to start I'm just gonna provide the full backstory/explanation for what's goin on in this au. So first off, like I said before, witches in the BI aren't born with magic, but are gifted it by the Titan when they're about 6 years old. For most of the BI's history, witches were given every type of magic, but in the present witches only receive one type of magic, aka the precursor to the covens. This is because (and bear with me I'm just making shit up here) the Savage Ages were basically akin to the immediate aftermath of the French Revolution, so the government was collapsed and everyone was killing each other. In response, the Titan stopped giving witches magic, which caused everyone to freak the hell out and desperately looking for a way to appease the Titan so that magic wouldn't eventually die out completely. Eventually, Belos gains enough of a following to become the emperor and basically reforms BI society as a whole, which leads to the Titan giving witches magic again. Except this time, instead of receiving all types of magic, every witch only receives the ability to perform one type of magic, which leads to the formation of the covens. So in this universe the covens don't restrict magic necessarily, they just sort people into groups based on what powers they have. Also I wanna state here that Belos is NOT a good person in this au, he's just marginally less awful than canon Belos, but he's still a dictator/abusive asshole to his employees.
So anyway, from there a tradition is formed where every year every child of the appropriate age participates in a huge ceremony/ritual where they're given their magic. So for a few decades, everything goes pretty smoothly, until two things happen: one, some witches start receiving two types of magic, and two, Eda receives every type of magic in her ceremony, which I'll talk about in more detail below.
So when it's Eda's turn at the ceremony for that year, she becomes the first person since the Savage Ages to receive every type of magic. Because of this, Belos obviously wants her in his coven, so she begins training with the Emperor's Coven immediately after her ceremony, and later uses her position to get Lilith special training as well, since being in the coven is Lilith's dream and all. Also probably shoulda mentioned that since Lilith only has one kind of magic like everyone else, this contributes to their mom's unintentional favoritism of Eda and fuels Lilith's jealousy even more. Eda never gets cursed, but their relationship becomes more strained as they get older, with Lilith working harder and harder and Eda still surpassing her every time.
Eventually, Eda decides that the government is fumb and she doesn't want to be a cop, so she runs from the coven and becomes the Owl Lady like in canon. Lilith stays and eventually becomes the head of the coven like in canon, and makes it her mission to capture Eda so she can join the coven and "stop wasting her gift."
That's all ove really got for Eda rn so now let's talk about Hunter babey! So Hunter in this au is just some random orphan lmao, and during his ceremony, he becomes the only person since the Savage Ages to not receive any magic whatsoever. Fun times:). So Belos notices this and thinks "damn that's weird, I should take this kid in and see what the Titan has planned for him", so Hunter becomes the Golden Guard like canon, but is treated more like an experiment by Belos than anything else, so their relationship is a lil more complicated.
Anyway that's the basic idea lmao, I doubt anyone will see/care about this but I'm gonna tag everything anyway bc I am at my core an attention seeker tbh
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curious-kittens-ocs · 5 years
Send me a ship and a number and I'll tell you...
Riley Wayne & Victor Zsasz OTP: Dressed In Black
For: @agb-random
1. How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals.
The two of them usually get to sleep super late because of their inconsistent schedules. Riley will most likely be in one of Victor’s shirts and he’ll be in some pajama pants. Riley is for sure the little spoon between the two of them. If they are at one of each other apartments one will usually drag the other away from work into bed.
2. How’s their team work? Do they share well?
They work really good together because Victor refined her already impressive fighting skills. Riley can sometimes be too reckless and willingly put herself in harms way if it means bettering a situation. 
They share well enough to that it’s equal but sometimes they can make each other frustrated if the other thinks its a game. Riley does enjoy her coffee so Vic shouldn’t try to drink hers.
3. Are they open about their relationship? How do they feel about public displays of affection?
At first they try to keep it on the down low, but as they grow closer and Riley turns more towards the darker side of Gotham. People start to realize she is Victor Zsasz’ girlfriend and they shouldn’t mess with either of them. They are too big on public displays of affection. They’ll kiss each others cheeks and hold hands under tables if they want to. Normally Riley is just close by that they can see each other and they are okay.
4. First impression of each other? Was it love at first sight?
Victor saw her in a club so she was all dressed up to get some lookers. She saw him and was intrigued. They both saw danger in each other but they liked it. It wasn’t love at first sight, more like lust.
5. Nicknames? Pet names? Any in-jokes?
Victor calls Riley his Angel, cause that’s her nickname in Gotham, but when Victor calls her it she takes it as a sign of affection. Riley calls Victor, Vic or Babe if she’s feeling affectionate. 
6. Any tasks that are always left to one person?
Then tend to do a lot of their tasks together, if they have to torture someone its more Victor, though Riley tends to stand by watching. Domestic wise Riley normally cooks until one night Victor surprised her with dinner.
7. What annoys them the most about their partner? Would they change it if they could?
Victor would probably change the way Riley is reckless in situations, running in despite the obvious danger. If he could change it he would try to have her see his thoughts on it. Riley would probably change how unemotional Victor can be at times, it’s annoying when he’s being stone cold.
8. What do the like best about their partner?
Riley likes that Victor accepts all parts of her, especially the worst parts of her. She was raised to be a pristine example of the Wayne family and that just isn’t the real her. She loves how even as a Hit Man Victor still has his own moral code. Even if its rather unique, but Riley doesn’t have to worry about Victor going after people she cares about. 
Victor likes that Riley cares so much about her family that she’d die for them. Better yet, she’d kill for them. And she does so for Bruce. With the amount of rage she has built up over years of being pent up she lets it out and everyone gets to see the real her. Victor sees the real her under the Wayne Facade.
9. Do they discuss big issues? Religion? Marriage? Children? Death?
They talk about Gotham, discussing the cities problems and what they do for it. Riley wants to find her parents killer/enemies. She wants to clean up Gotham in her own way. Her own way being diving straight into danger to get information and fighting those who get in her way. 
They’ve discussed marriage briefly, the subject was quickly changed when brought up. The two of them thought it was a bit too soon to be talking about it, Victor was spinning one of his many rings on his fingers while they were talking about it.
They have discussed children a few times as well. The two of them agreed that neither of them could handle a child in their lives and that they were both in danger quite often that it wouldn’t be good. Also Riley had some private aspects with it that she hasn’t told Victor yet about her younger years.
10. Who drives? Cooks? Does the handiwork? Cleans? Pays the bills? Handles the public?
Usually Riley would be driven by Alfred to places. Riley convinces Alfred to just worry about Bruce for a while and that she would figure herself out. She has her own car of course and is good with driving. Originally she would drive herself wherever she needed to go, then as she and Victor get closer she likes to ride with him. 
Public image is extremely concerning to both Riley and Victor. On one hand Victor is alright with being in the spotlight for murder. He sometimes enjoys it. As a Wayne, Riley is always in the spotlight of someone. It makes it very difficult for her to have a double life if she’s being followed all the time by cameras. She’s done her best though, and so far it’s worked.
11. Do they celebrate holidays? Anniversaries?
Riley goes to Wayne Manor for Christmas and Victor shows up unexpectedly. Alfred invites him in which is when they all meet. Riley is shocked and drops a mug of hot chocolate to which Alfred catches. The Christmas actually turns out pretty good, Vic brought gifts for all of them. They celebrate holidays together and sometimes with family. 
For their anniversary they went out for dinner, getting an entire restaurant to themselves, based off both their reputations. At the end of the night Victor surprised Riley with desert and a stereo playing there favorite song. They danced on the rooftop for a while. Later in the night it was steamy.
12. Is there a wedding? What was the proposal like? Any kind of honeymoon?
Riley wakes up one morning to smelling a fresh pot coffee, her eyes open to see Victor walking over to her. He kneels down next to her and grabs her hand. She’s obviously a little nervous. He slips on one of his rings he had sized down and asks her to marry him. It’s not extravagant but it’s emotional because shes crying as she says yes and pulls him into a kiss.
The wedding consists of a decent size amount of people. Riley has Alfred walk her down the aisle. Victor’s grandmother is there, Riley is super happy to see Victor with his grandmother, cause his grandmother is all he has for family.  Now Riley was a part of his as well.
The vows aren’t traditional and the honeymoon is them in Greece for a week. They spend a lot of the time exploring the ruins and cost line. Riley and Victor cliff jumping which was completely Riley’s idea. She convinced him to jump by her jumping off first.
13. What do they do for fun? Do they have a favorite activity or do they like to switch things up? 
When Riley figures out that Victor likes disco she insists that they go to a disco club. She gets all dolled up in 70′s era dress and when they arrive she gives him roller skates. He doesn’t skate the first few times but he eventually tries it and he and Riley both have a good time. They do like to spar with each other, Victor finds it fun when she ends up pinning him. They also like to go terrorize people idiots of course. 
14. Anything they both dread?
They both dread losing each other but I have a feeling that’s a cop out.
Riley dreads having to pick between her two worlds, the one where she is a Wayne having to be a CEO and her brothers guardian. The other world where she is able to stop the bad within her city, being the anti-hero Angel.
Victor dreads if one day he would have to kill the only other person he felt a connection with besides his Bubbie. Victor has stuck by himself for most of his life and when he meets Riley he sees how his life could be. He has talked to Bubbie about her and she has given him some advice.
Don’t lose her.
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