#stop climate change
cleopatrachampagne · 1 year
an important analogy from my day drunk while studying ass on the topic of rising CO2 in the oceans (which, from human influence alone comes to over 150 billion metric tons added): it’s not just the quantity that matters in terms of causing biodiversity loss and hostile conditions for marine life, but also the absolutely insane rate at which humans are causing this increase. just like it makes a huge difference to your blood chemistry and health if you drink 1.5 liters of strawberry smirnoff vodka in one evening or one month, it makes an enormous difference whether CO2 is added over a million years or a century.
to the oceans, as to the human liver, rate matters.
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raysomii · 7 months
The flowers they had:
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The flowers well get:
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hiemalstar · 1 year
https://chng.it/K6qBB58WjY  SIGN THE PETITION I do not care where you are from, please sign the petition. All you need is an email or phone number, no cost. The USA is trying to pass something that will allow them to release 3 billion metric tons of oil into Alaska which will produce 287 million metric tons of carbon dioxide over a period of 30 years. Willow project will make climate change nearly impossible to mend and cause animals that depend on glaciers for territory in Alaska immediate extinction. This project will also harm indigenous communities. Alaska has been warming up twice as fast as the rest of the USA. The Willow project will cause irreversible effects. The Willow project first started in the Trump Administration, but it is however starting to be supported by President Biden. They plan to commence the project for the money and the benefits so the rest of us may live conveniently. This is not okay. Not only that, but the money doesn’t even go to the natives; It goes to Alaska, but instead the people of the state who decide whether the Natives deserve it or not. This project will release absolute hellfire on our ecosystem. Sure, it will benefit us now. But in the near future, the planet will be DESTROYED.  Stop Willow Project, sign the petition, spread awareness. More information on the petition page.
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your-local-biologist · 10 months
New Record
On Monday and Tuesday, the Earth experienced the hottest Global Temperature recorded.
How much hotter must it get for something to be done? How many ecosystems must be damaged? How many people have to suffer? How much more?
Are fossil fuels really worth all this damage? Is it so inconvenient to change our ways that we are willing to let the world burn? Is it really worth it?
What will it take for there to be change?
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the-rainbow-of-doom · 5 months
Bringing back the topic of climate change, because brazil got hit by a heatwave so dire that at some concert now a thousand people fainted and one died from dehydration and heat.
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aitlin-with-a-k · 1 year
I just learned something
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As we all know, the health of our planet is a matter of growing concern, and it's up to us to take action and promote environmental awareness in our community. That's why I'm excited to announce the launch of my environmental awareness advocacy campaign.
This campaign is aimed at raising awareness about the importance of preserving and protecting our natural resources. It will also provide individuals in our community with the knowledge and skills they need to protect and improve the environment. Through a series of educational workshops, online learning platforms, community clean-up days, and recycling initiatives, we will engage individuals of all ages and backgrounds in our efforts to promote environmental awareness.
We have a series of initiatives that can help us achieve these goals that I have presented earlier, such which is: One, launch a learning platform about environmental awareness and education, let it be online or fate-to-face, as long as it teaches those who are still clueless about our situation and influence the others to help in saving the world: two, Organizing volunteering activities that help us make the environment a much greener and safer place.
We really thankful to be in this world, thus why we choose to protect and enhance it, thus the creation of this environmental awareness advocacy campaign, we strive for a better world, not only for us, but for our future generations as well. So that humans, animals, and all living things continue to live and thrive in a safe, clean, and beautiful world. By taking action and advocating for environmental awareness, we can make a real difference in our communities. Together, we can protect the natural beauty of our planet and ensure that future generations can enjoy the same clean air and water that we enjoy today. So, I encourage you to join me in this important campaign and be a part of the solution. Thank you.
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I know we’re all still riding the Heartstopper hype wave but there’s something else to be excited abt on Netflix rn!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖
If you’re a fan of the environment and you live in the US (or have a VPN to trick Netflix into thinking you’re in the US) you should watch “Youth v Gov”!! If you didn’t know, there are a group of youth who are suing the US government over its involvement in climate change, and they have all the evidence required, but the government keeps petitioning to keep their case out of the courts. Spread the word and support their cause!! 🌍 🌎 🌏
📢 If we don’t act now, nothing will change! I don’t want to live in a world destroyed by pollution, and neither do you!! 📢
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jam-is-live · 4 months
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chrisshields18 · 7 months
The greatest cause of climate change, is climate waste.
Societies and Civilizations that don’t recycle, are not helping the cause of climate control, they are increasing the demise, of it.
Green societies and civilizations, truly show, that they care.
People are quick to complain about the change in the climate, but are not willing to do their part to care for it.
Keep it green, or turn it green, to prove that you care.
Words mean nothing, actions do.
Do your part!
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ghostieking · 8 months
stop climate change!! i want to keep wearing boots all year round!!!
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madametamma · 1 year
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Phytoplankton: Why they're so important!
While phytoplankton may not seem that important at first, they are very, and I mean VERY, important. Phytoplankton are responsible for most of the transfer of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to the ocean! They're also extremely important to the Earth's carbon cycle, they help to process and store carbon. They can also produce oxygen! Prochlorococcus and other ocean phytoplankton are responsible for 70 percent of Earth's oxygen production. However, some scientists believe that phytoplankton levels have declined by 40 percent since 1950 due to the warming of the ocean. Ocean temperature impacts the number of phytoplankton in the ocean.
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The Saddest Part of Climate Change
So, as I have (probably) stated, I live on a hill in Southern California, that is surrounded by more mountains and hills. Around this time, the tallest mountains used to be covered in a white layer of snow...
Used to be... It is December 19th as I write and post this, and there isn't a single drop of snow to be found. And if my memory serves me correctly, this is the second year that this has happened.
This is the sad thing that people don't realize about climate change. We end up losing such beautiful things.
The trees and flowers that once flourished, now brown and dead because of drought. The jungles and rainforests that produced life-giving oxygen for the planet, now chopped down for fickle reasons. The animals that use to thrive in their habitats, now becoming endangered or extinct. The rivers and lakes that used to sustain a wonderful ecosystem, now dried up and/or polluted.
All of this damage, we're responsible for it. All of these beautiful things, we have ruined them. Yet we continue to deny it, again and again and again.
And that to me is the saddest part about climate change. We have the power to do something. We can change it. But we don't want to. Even as the world crumbles around us in retaliation for all the damage that we have done to it. We do nothing.
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fitnessiown3 · 1 year
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ex1st · 2 years
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if y’all haven’t got the memo 👀
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kiakeys · 2 years
Before the Flood
Halo Tumblr! Senang sekali, akhirnya pada malam ini saya berbesar hati untuk kembali menulis disini, kali ini saya akan sedikit bercerita tentang film dokumenter asal Amerika Serikat yang berjudul “Before the Flood”.
Dibagian awal film ini, penulis mulai menggambarkan awal mula kehidupannya. Ia memiliki seorang ayah yang berprofesi sebagai distributor komik Underground yang memiliki banyak pengalaman semasa beliau berkarier.
Sejak kecil sang penulis memiliki rasa penasaran terhadap lukisan yang selalu ia tatap di kamarnya. Lukisan tersebut berjudul “the garden of earthly delights” karya Hieronymus Bosch. Rasa penasaran itu membuat ia terus mengamati dan mencari tahu arti dari lukisan tersebut, sampai akhirnya dia faham bahwa lukisan tersebut terbagi menjadi 3 bagian panel lukisan, yaitu:
·         Bertemunya Adam dan Hawa
·         Bagian dari kehidupan indahnya dunia
·         Surga yang dihancurkan secara sengaja
Diantara ketiga bagian panel lukisan tersebut, ia sangat tertarik pada bagian panel ketiga, Bagian tersebut menggambarkan planet kita yang sangat rapuh. di film ini membahas tentang kerusakan iklim berskala dunia yang terjadi akibat meningkatnya kebutuhan batu bara, minyak bumi dan kebutuhan kayu di dunia. Hal ini menyebabkan dunia telah melepas 6 milyar ton karbon dioksida akibat emisi dari kegiatan industri dan kendaraan bermotor.
Duta perdamaian PBB Leonardo DiCaprio yang percaya dengan adanya perubahan iklim yang disebabkan oleh perbuatan manusia ini membuat suatu penelusuran dunia selama 2 tahun yang bertujuan untuk melihat langsung dampak dari perubahan iklim di beberapa negara. Ia berkelana sambil menelaah faktor terjadinya perubahan iklim yang berdampak langsung di planet ini.
Ia beranggapan bahwa manusia sedang terang-terangan merusak iklim di bumi. Perlu diketahui, saat ini di Amerika Serikat tempat ia tinggal merupakan salah satu produsen listrik terbesar di dunia yang berasal dari bahan bakar fosil dan batu bara, namun di Amerika Serikat banyak orang yang tidak percaya terhadap faktor utama perubahan iklim yang terjadi di dunia itu disebabkan oleh perbuatan manusia. dan mirisnya, dalam hal ini ternyata malah mendapat dukungan dari elite politik yang beranggapan demikian, sehingga hingga saat ini Amerika Serikat masih tidak memiliki Gerakan perubahan untuk memperbaiki iklim yang terus memburuk. Hal ini membuat Leonardo DiCaprio miris dan tertarik untuk mengenal perubahan iklim lebih mandalam.
Selama perjalanannya menelusuri berbagai belahan dunia, ia menemukan beberapa fakta:
1.      di daerah Miami, volume air laut meningkat akibat perubahan iklim yang menyebabkan kawasan permukiman penduduk mulai tergenang air. konon katanya amerika serikat sedang dalam proses pemasangan pompa listrik penyedot air pencegah bajir yang memakan biaya 400 juta dolar Amerika.
2.      3 tahun belakangan ini, China sebagai penyumbang polusi nomor 1 di dunia ini telah masuk kedalam fase industrialisasi dan urbanisasi secara besar-besaran. Bukan tanpa musabab China dinobatkan sebagai penyumbang polusi nomor 1 di dunia, hal ini terjadi karena china merupakan pabriknya dunia, china membuat barangg-barang untuk negara barat. Hal ini berdampak pada kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat yang mengalami sesak nafas ketika berada di luar rumah. Tidak sedikit juga masyarakat yang berdemo untuk mengambil hak nya menghirup udara segar.
3.      India sebagai penyumbang polusi nomor 3 di dunia ini ternyata 300 juta penduduknya hidup tanpa energi listrik dan lampu. Hal ini pun bukan tanpa musabab, hal ini terjadi karena menurut mereka masalah kemiskinan di negara ini sama beratnya jika dibandingkan dengan perbuahan iklim yang terjadi. ia bukannya tidak perduli terhadap perubahan iklim. Tetapi akses terhadap energi di negara ini masih sangat sulit didapat. Bahkan masyarakat sekitar memasak makanannya dengan biomassa yang sumbernya dari kotoran sapi.
4.      di Indonesia, tepatnya di daerah Sumatra pembakaran hutan malah dengan secara sengaja dibuat untuk menggantikan hutan hujan tropis menjadi perkebunan kelapa sawit yang nantinya akan diperuntukkan sebagai bahan baku minyak paling murah di dunia. Selain minyak, kelapa sawit merupakan bahan baku utama pembuatan kosmetik, detergen, makanan kemasan, dan makanan ringan yang sering kita jumpai ketika kita berkunjung ke supermarket. Karena murah, pengusaha yang menggunakan kelapa sawit sebagai bahan bakunya tentu mendapatkan untung yang bernilai fantastis. Pembakaran hutan yang paling tinggi terjadi pada tahun 2015 di Sumatra.
5.      Sapi merupakan sumber utama gas metana terbentuk. Penggunaan daging sapi yang biasa kita konsumsi merupakan tindakan yang tidak efisien. Gas metana terbentuk ketika sapi mengunyah makanannya. Jika kita bercermin dengan daging burger yang populasinya sangat pesat di berbagai macam negara, ternyata gas metana ½ lb burger yang berasal dari daging sapi setara dengan:
·         200 jam pengguna listrik 60 watt
·         24 jam penggunaan AC
·         42 mil mengendarai prius
6.      Kutub Utara dan Kutub Selatan yang mencair ternyata menyimpan gas metan didalamnya, yang sewaktu-waktu bisa menyambar keluar permukaan es. Kini kawasan es yang mencair tidak terlihat biasan cahaya dari es dan warna esnya menjadi keabu-abuan.
7.      Dalam kurun waktu 30 tahun terakhir, 50% batu karang dan biota laut menghilang akibat dampak dari perubahan iklim, dan pencemaran air laut.
Fakta-fakta tentang isu lingkungan ini bukan tanpa solusi, Solusi nyata yang bis akita terapkan ialah mengganti daging sapi menjadi daging ayam yang kadar gas metana nya jauh lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan daging sapi. dan solusi yang sempat menjadi pertimbangan ialah penerapan Pajak Karbon, pajak ini nantinya akan diperuntukkan kepada berbagai macam aktivitas yang kegiatannya bersifat membuang karbon dioksida ke atmosfer. Namun hal ini belum bisa di wujudkan, karena masih banyak oknum elit politik yang masih mementingkan kepentingan finansial dibandingkan dengan kesejahteraan bumi kita.
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