karasunova · 1 year
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Written for @hermiones-haven Bingo 2023! This is also a LoveFest 2023 gift fic for @stilleundregen
I’m pretty sure this is my first Hermione/Tony fic that I’ve written. I really like this ship and I hope I can write them again in the future. 
Title: The Power of a Well-Fitted Cocktail Dress Rated: Mature Pairing: Hermione/Tony Stark Tags/Warnings: Unplanned Pregnancy, One Night Stands Square:  B1 - Tony Stark Word Count: 1650 Summary: Hermione paced back and forth in front of the fireplace. She smacked the slim plastic stick against her palm and grumbled to herself. The one time she decides to relax, have fun, and not take control and this is what happens. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/.../HHBingo2023/works/45236353
Check out Hermione’s Haven Bingo 2023 Collection over on ao3
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littlemulattokitten · 3 years
"Any chapter where I can get away with Present-Day Tom’s POV for a while without letting too much of the plot be known too soon is a joy"
Looks like you'd like to leave us at the edge of the chair with curiosity, lmao. 👀🤭
who am i to deny the joy. 😘
"One more day, one less day" is a common saying here. but sometimes a few weeks just drag on
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cocoartistwrites · 3 years
Hi! I guess I never stopped to think about Tom Riddle's polyjuice look until I read it yesterday in Unsphere the stars. what do you think hermione's polyjuice looks like?
ooooh good question!!!! maybe like a warm burgundy?
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riverwriter · 2 years
Only God knows warms my heart with every reading. i only read a few but i love it! I also love the dynamics of harry, hermione and ron! and the little fingers intertwined, ah. thank you for such a beautiful story
Thank you so much! It's been such a joy to write and share with you all, and I'm just so thrilled by how many people seem to like it! So thanks for stopping by to let me know and for reading! ❤
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quitethesardonic · 5 years
Tom's cat is having puppies from Crookshanks. someone is angry
Hi!! Thank you for your prompt!! I’m going to assume you mean kittens because two cats having puppies will be difficult for me to write. Enjoy!
Hermione was making her morning cup of tea when she heard frantic pounding on her door. Setting down her mug, Hermione made her way to the front door and opened it to see her handsome neighbor scowling at her while Crookshanks purred contentedly in his arms.
“Good morning has my cat been –” 
“Why is your cat not neutered?” He interrupted her.
“Your cat.” He shoved the ball of fuzz into her arms. “Why is he not neutered?” 
“I – what?”
Her neighbor breathed out through his nose deeply while he pinched the bridge. Hermione, beginning to become angry with his attitude, gently placed Crookshanks on the floor before placing her hands on her hips. 
“Look, mister.” She pointed a finger at his chest. “I don’t even know what your name is, it’s 6 o’clock in the bloody morning, and I don’t have the patience for this. If you can’t calmly explain to me what the bloody fuck is going on, then kindly go back to wherever you came from. Thank you for returning my cat to me.” 
Hermione moved to close her door when he stepped into her house and gave her a tight smile. 
“My name is Tom and your menace of a cat got mine pregnant.” 
Hermione scrunched her nose in obvious distaste. He was making a huge fuss because their cats were being cats? 
“So, we’re going to be grandparents?”
She grinned widely at his reaction. They were going to get along just fine. 
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hello, do you write my own blood in AO3?
Yup! I write that fucked up fic in AO3.
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tomione-trash · 6 years
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[|@stilleundregen request|] tomione trope edit: elemental au
“when i touch things, i make them come alive. but when you touch things, you destroy them,” i scream at him, furious.
he steps forward and glares at me, something dangerous sparking in his eyes. i inhale sharply at the movement, tasting brimstone and ash on my tongue. tasting him.
“then touch me, hermione,” he says, his voice filled with something akin to resentment. something akin to lust. “make me come alive.”
for some stupid reason, whether it is out of anger or defiance, i reach forward and touch his face. 
then, for some stupid reason, whether it is out of anger or defiance, he reaches forward and kisses me.
and like a moth to a flame, i am incinerated by him. the heat from his kiss, from his touch, it burns me. but i cannot stop. and neither can he.
“let it burn,” he whispers against my lips, then kisses me again.
and i let it. i let it.
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aconitumluparia · 6 years
Playlist tag game
Rules: you hit shuffle on your playlist 10 times, post the results, and tag 10 victims.
I was tagged by @ninjafairy86 & @weestarmeggie17 love you two ♥
1. Power - Little Mix
2. I Want Your Bite - Chris Crocker
3. D is for Dangerous - Arctic Monkeys
4. Thriller + Heads Will Roll - Glee 2 (lololol I love it ok)
5. Lane Boy - twenty one pilots
6. Woman - Harry Styles
7. Crying Lightning - Arctic Monkeys (♥♥♥)
8. Breathe - of Verona
9. Natural - Imagine Dragons (♥)
10. Green Light - Lorde
I’m tagging: @littlemulattokitten @acidicnightmare @kyoki777 @nerysdax @ibuzoo @serpentinred @stilleundregen @mrsren96 @arigoddessofnight @talloohlips have fun! Byeeeeee♥
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devdevlin · 6 years
Playlist Tag Game
Rules: you hit shuffle on your playlist 10 times, post the results, and tag 10 victims.
I was tagged by @stilleundregen and @labime - thanks guys, I love these things 😈
1. Year of the Tiger by Myles Kennedy
2. I Don’t Give a Honk by the Lonely Island
3. Haunting by Halsey
4. Lightning by Cash Cash
5. Miracle Man by AWOLNATION
6. Trap Queen by Fetty Wap
7. One Track Mind by Thirty Seconds to Mars
8. Bad Things by Jace Everett
9. Where Did The Party Go by Fall Out Boy
10. Suffragette City by David Bowie
Not gonna lie, I was a bit embarrassed when the Lonely Island came up bahahah. I shan’t tag anyone cos it makes me feel annoying, but if you see this and you want to do it, consider yourself tagged 😁
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littlemulattokitten · 3 years
it's Halloween. Hermione wants her son to live out his muggle heritage. Tom agrees if he is responsible for the costume (Merlin, help him if she dresses it up like an elf house)
what fantasy would it be? without being a snake. (I just laughed a little imagining a mini basilisk)
My first thought was also baby basililsk 😂😂😂😂 or a rooster since then Tom could be the basilisk.
Surely a Tomione child has an ironic sense of humor. Surely this child would be a wizard and beg for permission to cast Wingardium Leviosa as a magic trick to get more candy.
Or like the kid says the words but Tom casts it wandlessly for the "illusion that's actually real magic" and they rake in a ton of candy impressing everyone?
It's Tom. One way or another this kid is rigging the system.
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littlemulattokitten · 3 years
hey Kyla
do you have unpopular headcanons about your favorite characters? (Hp)
Stille! Hello love ❤ Of course I do 😄
Tom Riddle would've played quidditch. This is an idea many of us love but few seem to incorporate into their content. Which I understand, I only added it to Diary as a thing of the past, but it's still part of his character. He would've wanted that reputation boost. The social status. Practice managing his Knights before he chose them. Tom. Would've. Played. Quidditch.
Hermione should've been in Slytherin. She was too ambitious and understood the value of education outside of school. Could she be bold? Yes absolutely. But was she always prepared for the danger as to best avoid death (self-preserving and prepared)? Also yes.
Harry and Hermione wouldn't have been able to maintain a friendship with Ron after the war as a result of the trauma and fractured trust he caused by abandoning them. "Whoops, I fucked up, sorry" is not enough to repair the damage done to emotional bonds in the middle of a vicious life or death situation — especially when he signed up to be a ride or die during said circumstances as a fully aware adult. That broken faith and trust, coupled with the abandonment they suffered together, would've created an extra layer of trauma bond in Harry and Hermione's friendship that should've prevented Ron from getting as emotionally close to them in any healthy way again for YEARS at the very least.
Those are the only ones coming to mind at the moment, lol. I'm very tired. Ty for the ask, dear. <3
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littlemulattokitten · 3 years
He didn’t like her keenness for hiding things from him. If she was going to help him take control over Britain, and maybe the world, then secrets between them should be minimal to nonexistent
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At some other point in the same future chapter:
And Tom had already stated his opinions on marriage thoroughly to Cherie whenever she saw fit to remind him that Hermione was a treasure of a witch.
He knew she was irreplaceable, he wasn’t a simpleton, but she was a far softer heart than he would ever be. A marriage bond purely for the sake of combining their magics would never appeal to her. He wouldn’t be surprised if she one day happily consented to marrying a wizard less powerful than herself simply to marry for love of all things. But until that day and the witch or wizard who would eventually catch her eye came along, Tom had her company more-or-less to himself. Yes, he had to share her with her friends, but when their schedules aligned, she was usually in the Room working away by his side.
He didn’t even mind sharing his sofa with her when they boys joined them. Sometimes it was pleasant, having her closer. His right hand witch should be the only one in his personal space and she should belong there, rather than aggravating him like everyone else did by encroaching on his personal bubble.
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littlemulattokitten · 3 years
what are the smells of your Amortentia?
Hi dearest!
That's a tricky one! Hmm.
Chocolate chip cookies, wet leaves, and there's something in a lot of men's cologne that I don't know the name of but that I enjoy very much. So that vague substance lol.
;) Thanks, lovely.
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littlemulattokitten · 3 years
I started reading fanfic when I was 11-13 years old. falls into Rabbit's Lair after innocent research into the canon just because I wanted to read more about it. it's funny because I read for a long time couples and plots keeping the canon, until I got to know the wonders of alternate universes. do you remember how it was for you?
I do! I started primarily in the Twilight fandom, but I read some HP fic too at the time. I liked Harmony (HarryxHermione) because I've always disliked Ron in canon and that was around the time I was gifted and read the 7th book. Like shortly after it came out, I think. So I was extra pissed off at Ron because of him ditching them in the forest.
I was also deeply over Edward and Jacob in every capacity in the Twilight series because they were problematic af, even if they were hot as hell in the movies. So I was tip toeing into the world of AU ships. I nose-dived hard into JasperxBella and CarlislexBella, but to this day like 90% of those begin with the premise of EITHER: A.) Alice/Edward cheats or B.) Esme and Carlisle aren't true mates. Literally all of them. Maybe one or two all human AUs didn't start that way but there was almost NO decent stories that weren't written by the same few titans in the pairing.
I wrote several fics with decent premises and absolutely god awful meme-tier writing (because I was fucking TWELVE) that have since been deleted. Sometimes people still message me asking about a few of them??? I don't understand??? The concepts were fine but I did them no justice??? I digress.
And mind you this was back when Twilight had like...maybe 70k fics total, I think? On FFN. I didn't even learn about AO3 until 2016. On FFN HP had like 550k fics back then? Its way more now for both.
HP was more intimidating because I didn't think anyone would even see my stories in that saturated of a fandom. I think I wrote one Twilight HP Crossover fic where Bella basically replaced Hermione, the Cullens showed up, got verbally shit on, Alice wanted to be a Hufflepuff, Bella-mione told them all to go fuck themselves, nobody trusted Dumbledore, and she was dating Harry. This fic was a travesty. And crossovers don't usually perform well anyway so like...that fic is gonna stay dead.
At some point between....2012 and 2013, I think, I purged all but one or two of my fics. I left my beauty and the beast fic that I need to finish. And my Hunger Games fic that is literal garbage because I wrote it in HIGH SCHOOL, but it was my most popular fic and my only completed fic.
I had gotten tired of reading Hunger Games fics, I didn't want to write Twilight fics bc original concepts didn't seem to get a lot of attention, just trope recycling. So I finally said fuck it and started writing HP fics. I'd been toying with The Fourth Blood Princess' plot for years, so I started playing with that.
Somewhere between 2013 and 2014, was into Tomione (not for the first time) and was inhaling all the fics where Hermione met Tom when they were both school aged. I was quickly burnt out on all the (delightful but) common time turner fics and I desperately wanted to know what would happen if the Diary was connected to 5th year Tom Riddle (sans horcrux) and if that Diary was given to Hermione.
I wrote most of the now archived version of Diary without posting a single word. I made a friend on this very website who I still talk to sometimes though she's no longer on Tumblr and let her read what I had. She encouraged me to post it.
And we know what Diary has turned into lmao. I still don't know why it has taken off the way it has, but I'm here for it. Still wish Fourth Blood Princess had gotten that attention sometimes, because I firmly stand by the fact that there are not enough fics where Severus get's a true chance to atone AND the love he deserves, but it's fine. Slowburns always out perform family-centric fics.
;) Thanks, lovely. I hope this didn't bore you lol.
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littlemulattokitten · 3 years
So, I'm curious, which chapter did you most enjoy writing in Diary?
I hope your day was good
My day wasnt terrible friend but I am very tired. 2 more days until my day off. I've worked 2 weeks with 1 day off each and I'm starting to feel the fatigue again.
Favorite chapter that I've written so far? Hmmm. It'd have to be an unposted chapter I think. Because truth be told? Where we're at in Diary's story isn't the reason I'm writing the fic. We're still in all the necessary prologue details of this story, establishing the world and characters. The stuff I've been eager to write for years doesn't happen for a while.
That said, of the chapters I haven't posted yet, some have been really fun. 32, 39, and 41 come to mind.
Any chapter where I can get away with Present-Day Tom's POV for a while without letting too much of the plot be known too soon is a joy. Usually because Abraxas and Flynn are there to crack jokes and annoy Tom.
Past-Tom is fun too though. He's oblivious and it's so much fun to craft his view of the world in a way that just keeps him on the edge of understanding why Hermione is so important to him.
Ty for the ask lovely. Diary questions are always fun 😁
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littlemulattokitten · 3 years
Is writing cathartic or stressful for you?
Both. Writing is a compulsion and a hobby.
I got into fanfic really young (somewhere between 9 and 11) and it turned into a way to channel my already-existing habit of maladaptive daydreaming. And then the under-developed OCD would kick in and I'd have to write.
Not being able to write for 3 years really...messed with my head. My primary outlet for my primary coping mechanism just...stopped being something I was capable of. I could still do the daydreaming, and I did, often, but when I'd try to purge the dreams from my head, I couldn't.
For a while, I couldn't even use dreaming to plot out or plan Diary. I was so over-stressed by the story and the pressure of the rewrite project that I could barely stand to think about it. Nevermind play with it. My safe-spaces became old fic ideas for fandoms I'm no longer active in that I never planned to type out anyway.
And the more stress I faced in my day to day, the more I wished I could purge those emotions into other things. But everytime I'd sit down to write, I'd just stare at the screen. Maybe edit a few words here and there. But writing new words...they wouldn't come.
In the 3 years I was away from fandom, the most words I ever wrote at one time was 157. It took over an hour. A blink of the words flowing and then they were gone again and I felt worse.
It wasn't until right before the move, when my former therapist and I were talking about how I usually coped with stress in less time-consuming situations, that I brought up my long lost compulsive-hobby.
She told me, in the most jolly, unconcerned, and certain tone: "Oh it'll come back. You know that right?"
I told her how I had written something almost everyday of my life since middle school. That words and blocks had never really happened for longer than a few weeks. That despite my best efforts, nothing had made the words come back. They were gone and so was a massively defining part of who I was as a person. I couldn't describe my hobbies to people without a disclaimer.
"I'm a writer! Well...I used to be. I haven't written much lately. There's hundreds or maybe thousands of strangers on the internet who would get an email alert if I updated a story. Sometimes they tell me they miss me. But I can barely log into those sites long enough to tell them I miss them, and me, too."
After the move, I slept for a month. I had to wait to set my computer back up until I got a new desk. So I didn't do anything but eat, sleep, and heal.
Then I could play on my computer again.
I opened all my WIP docs, Scrivener, all my spreadsheet for Diary. Chapter 30 of Diary was mostly written, but incomplete. It had stopped somewhere vaguely around Tom giving her the reward hug after she becomes a parselmouth. That's where it had stalled out and frozen for almost 3 full years.
I backtracked a few hundred words, started rephrasing things. Tweaking the way the emotions came off. I changed how they talked to each other and how Hermione thought about the situation.
And then I wrote how Tom was feeling. And I checked my notes. Tom wants to charm a hair accessory to fix her curls. Hairstyle insp in locked Pin board. And I remembered what I was doing with the story as a whole and I wrote.
Since that day, I've written just over 40,000 words in Diary alone.
So while I can be cute and say "I love writing it's so much fun" that's bullshit. I do love writing. But not because it's fun or a neat hobby.
It's who I am. It's who I've been since middle school. And whether its a hobby forever or eventually something I do for money (*gives the Novel project a side eye*) it doesn't matter. I only sort of do this by choice. It's part of what I'm here to do, I think.
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