codegrip-blog · 4 years
Is Static Code Analysis Better Than Dynamic Code Analysis?
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Dynamic and Static Analysis are two types of code security tests. Both of these are used while checking the source code. A static code review does not need the execution of the code while a dynamic code analysis is mainly dependent on how well the code performs during execution.  Normally both the methods are used while extensively reviewing source codes. To understand and observe how well these tests workout, it is necessary for any company to pay close attention to details
What is Static Code Analysis?
Static analysis involves checking the source code without executing it. That means it focuses on the internal structure than on the functional aspect of the code. It is normally performed in a non-runtime environment i.e. it is not done when the program is running. Static analysis involves checking the source code, byte code or application binaries for any possible susceptibilities. While performing this test, application data and control paths are created and then checked for any security weaknesses.
Benefits and Limitations of Static AnalysisBenefits
1) Locates exact area of error in coding
2) It grants ample time for some quick fixes
3) Locates the issues at an early stage
4) Detects certain unique defects like variable use, uncalled functions or unreachable codes
5) It is conducted by trained developers who have a complete understanding of the code or using an automated code review tools like Codegrip.
1) Takes a lot of time if done manually
2) A paucity of trained persons makes it difficult to perform
3) Cannot locate issues faced in the runtime environment
What is Dynamic Code Analysis?
A dynamic analysis is an exact opposite; it is done in a runtime environment. Thus it looks and studies the source code from the outside. It involves manipulating the running state to discover what the possible security vulnerabilities are. It mounts a simulated attack on the application or program and observes how it reacts.
Both of these tests are many times viewed to be conflicting to each other, but for an integrated code review, both are equally important to be performed
Benefits and Limitations of Dynamic AnalysisBenefits
1) Locates vulnerabilities in the runtime environment
2) Helps in validating Static analysis’s findings
3) Allows analyzing programs without having access to the actual code
4) Identifies susceptibilities that might be shown as false negatives in static analysis
5) Can be conducted against any application
1) No guarantee of full test coverage of source code
2) Becomes difficult to go back and trace the vulnerabilities back to its original location
3) Needs longer timeframe to put in the fixes
Let us now quickly see the main differences between these two tests:
Static Analysis
Done at the initial stage before execution
Done at a non-runtime
Internal observation of the structure
Focuses on Structural aspects
Application data and control paths are created to check vulnerabilities
As the name suggests, it is a fixed approach with decided parameters
Dynamic Analysis
It is done at a later stage during execution
Done in runtime
External observation of performance
Focuses on functional aspects
A simulated attack is mounted on the program to check how it responds and then susceptibilities are identified
As the name suggests, it is dynamic in nature and largely depends on challenges faced during execution
Both of these tests are not opposed to each other and can, in fact, be used in unison or simultaneously. Automating your code reviews would be a good start to having flawless codes with the help of review tools like Codegrip.
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margaretwithers · 2 years
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Passing.Love (in.ONES, in.ZEROS); Humanity.Blinks(tumbling, caught); 2022, flashe paint,oil on linen, 38”x 60” . . . #margaretannwithers #staticcode #artworkoftheday #larrys_list #curatedear #contemporaryart #codepoetry #narrative #surreallandscape #womensurrealist #oceanpainting #inthesky #lovespeaks #hope #contemporaryart #largepainting #staticcodeanalysis #artforthewall #tactile #real #passing. #onesandzeros #binarycode https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ__mjNFyoK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hunterxhell · 6 years
staticcode replied to your post “hxh cafe part 1 is now over…. now we wait for part 2……………………. greed...”
Bisky merch When
THIS IS ALL I WANT!!!!!!!!!! omg i would love it if they had both regularly bisky and buff bisky acrylic keychains ;o;
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stonetalus · 6 years
🌠 !!
glitch effects, 90s anime on CRT tvs, hunter x hunter, the lovely green boy known as gon, sombra, purple, lesbianism, techno goth aesthetics
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joywinter19-blog · 4 years
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The most popular forms of security testing include static code analysis and dynamic testing. While both security testing methods help identify vulnerabilities in applications, they both have their own purpose, tools, and processes.
Let’s take a look at both methods to better understand the differences between static code analysis and dynamic testing.
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candycryptids · 7 years
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Feeling depressed so here's some pics that make me happy ~^~ Starting with both my husbands @zombiesockfuckingloveshomestuck and (Zakk who doesn't social media) at Thanksgiving with Kalebs (Calebup according to SBux) lovely family and all 9 million dogs A photo edit done by @polka-dot-princess of some wild hamsters 😂 Cash and Benji, outside, looking delighted as hell to be outside with people @staticcode as a Lup so small I cried laughing about it @aroaceinyourface as Garryl, @lord-darth-tantrum as Taako (Teacher Form) and The Hunger who is plantshinji on insta but idk if he has a Tumblr? Taking a selfie together and looking gorgeous and smiley. A memory of a good time.
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sarahbellia · 7 years
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Please accept this humble offering
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changkyunnnie · 7 years
Kpop Ask Thing
1. Who was your first ult bias and who is your current one?
Nichkhun from 2pm and my ult bias now is Seokjin from BTS. 
2. Why did you get into Kpop?
2pm’s I’ll Be Back popped up in my recommended videos on youtube and here I am. 
3. If you could join any kpop group, who would you choose?
Monsta X 
4. If all your biases proposed to you, who would you pick?
5. you could be in a fanfic, what genre would it be?
Some kind of flower shop or teacher AU. 
6. What mythological creature would you be if you had the chance?
Totally something related to marine life. 
7. Supernatural!au or mafia!au?
Mafia Au for sure. 
8. Which idol would you switch bodies with?
Sunny (Girls Generation) 
9. If you could have any idol as a pocket size companion?
10. If you were only able to say 5 words to your bias, what would you say?
You are doing absolutely amazing. 
I tag: @staticcode @saltyauntsuga @cup-of-stars @useoyaji and anyone else who wants to do it. 
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eldritchdraaks · 7 years
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Ikkicon XI - Day One (7⁄7) Greg & The Beast ~ @thehappygoldfish Eleven ~ @dysfunctionalshenanigans Undyne ~ @staticcode Panty & Stocking ~ @levis–teacup Dandy ~ @groundnova Blue Inkling (right) ~ @eldritchdraaks
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automatismoateo · 5 years
At church today (cause family) and I'm feeling physically sick via /r/atheism
Submitted April 28, 2019 at 05:03PM by StaticCode (Via reddit http://bit.ly/2vq8Q03) At church today (cause family) and I'm feeling physically sick
I was feel sick going to church. Family forces me to. But today hearing the pastor's wife say she saw a gay man at an event and prayed for him to become sick when he goes home to his husband both made me sick to the stomach while also making me lose more faith in humanity. How can anyone promote this. It's sickening.
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akhilmenonz1 · 6 years
5 Reasons Why Every Business Needs Static Code Analysis https://t.co/1L6S3ANwrz via appknox #MobileSecurity #MobileApp #StaticCode #Business #Tech #Pentest #Vulnerability #Development #AndroidDev #iOSDev #Agile #Testing #CyberCrime #Cybersecurity #Infos… https://t.co/fek9HZqIwJ
5 Reasons Why Every Business Needs Static Code Analysis https://t.co/1L6S3ANwrz via appknox #MobileSecurity #MobileApp #StaticCode #Business #Tech #Pentest #Vulnerability #Development #AndroidDev #iOSDev #Agile #Testing #CyberCrime #Cybersecurity #Infos… pic.twitter.com/fek9HZqIwJ
— Akhil Menon (@akhilmenonz1) January 30, 2018
via Twitter https://twitter.com/akhilmenonz1 January 30, 2018 at 07:02PM
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hunterxhell · 7 years
staticcode replied to your post “does Alluka not have any control over the requests she makes? Like, it...”
I misread this as: does Alluka have any control over how many cakes she makes? And your response as: I don’t think she has any control and became very confused like did I miss a few episodes when did the pastry arc happen is Alluka just an unstoppable baking machine??????????
@togashi please show me this forbidden arc of hxh, i beg of you
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changkyunnnie · 7 years
Ask Thing
Tagged by @useoyaji Thank you bb <3
1: Are you named after someone? My Dad wanted to name his first born after him but jokes on him I am a girl so they just changed it a little.
2: When is the last time you cried? Literally last night when my neighbors were being loud as fuck.
3: Do you like your handwriting? Hell no I am left handed 
4: What is your favorite lunch meat? Chicken
5: Do you have kids? No. But I have Frederick.
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Hell yeah 
7: Do you use sarcasm? Yes, way too much though. 
8: Do you still have your tonsils? No
9: Would you bungee jump? fuck no
10: What is your favorite kind of cereal? FRUIT LOOPS 
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? no
12: Do you think you’re a strong person?  No, I am a marshmallow
13: What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Vanilla
14: What is the first thing you notice about people? I always notice when people avert their eyes or have nervous ticks. 
15: Red or pink? PINK
16: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? I literally hate myself tho
17: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? Pink and grey shoes and black shorts
18: What was the last thing you ate? Banana Nut Bread
19: What are you listening to right now? Don’t Threaten Me With A Good TIme by Panic! 
20: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? I would be Cotton Candy for sure 
22: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My Dr.
23: Favorite sport to watch? HOCKEY
24: Hair color? Black.
25: Eye color? Blue.
26: Do you wear contacts? Yes but I prefer my glasses.
27: Favorite food to eat? Chicken
28: Scary movies or comedy? Scary
29: Last movie you watched? Rosemary’s Baby 
30: What color of shirt are you wearing? Blue, Its my Aoba Josai training shirt. 
31: Summer or winter? FALL
32: Hugs or kisses? Both
33: What book are you currently reading? Warriors Don’t Cry
34: Who do you miss right now? My nana
35: What is on your mouse pad? I don’t have one
36: What is the last TV program you watched? The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack
37: What is the best sound? silence or rain on a window pane 
38: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? Neither.
39: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? Maine???
40: Do you have a special talent? I can sew
41: Where were you born? Texas
I tag: @staticcode and anyone who wants to do it 
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zipper-nova · 9 years
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The only off photos I have on me. AKA mostly the Batter messing around with Hugo. (who belonged to kr0x)
The Batter: zipper-nova Zacharie: staticcode The Queen/Vader Eloha: kr0x Enoch mask belongs to: thatonechickyoudontknow
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akhilmenonz1 · 6 years
5 Reasons Why Every Business Needs Static Code Analysis https://t.co/ISGx7dhszN via appknox #MobileSecurity #MobileApp #StaticCode #Business #Tech #Pentest #Vulnerability #Development #AndroidDev #iOSDev #Agile #Testing #CyberCrime #Cybersecurity #Infos… https://t.co/i2W2H3nM6H
5 Reasons Why Every Business Needs Static Code Analysis https://t.co/ISGx7dhszN via appknox #MobileSecurity #MobileApp #StaticCode #Business #Tech #Pentest #Vulnerability #Development #AndroidDev #iOSDev #Agile #Testing #CyberCrime #Cybersecurity #Infos… http://pic.twitter.com/i2W2H3nM6H
— Akhil Menon (@akhilmenonz1) January 18, 2018
via Twitter https://twitter.com/akhilmenonz1 January 18, 2018 at 10:00PM
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omgseungkwan · 9 years
Vixx and EXO
idk vixx so i looked up pics of them yikes
vixx: hyuk (?? is this even a real member or am i making this up lol)
exo: UM if tao is still considered a part then him. but if not...... xiumin probably
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