#starting to workout as a beginner can be so difficult and confusing with all the information there is
applepidotcom · 2 years
on day 2 of my attempted cardio workout and today I managed to do 7 minutes instead of my 6 minute limit yesterday. the grind never stops ladies it’s nothing but the grind 😤
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philipperrefitness · 17 days
A Results-Based Personalized Experience with Personal Fitness Coach Online
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Embark on your fitness journey with a personal fitness coach online. They can deliver the best support and guidance to make you stronger and healthier. You can achieve your fitness goals from the comfort of your home. They offer personalized plans that will help you shape your physical and mental well-being.
You no longer require generic workout routinesand one-size-fits-all advice. Let’s figure out the benefits of an online fitness coach.
Personal Fitness Coach Online for Personalized Fitness Experience-
Tailored Workouts for Unique Needs-
The fitness level and goals vary with different individuals. Wandering the gym floor with a confused mind with no structure will not lead you to achieving fitness goals. Your online coach will analyze your fitness level, body condition and your fitness dream. The plus point is that they will work as per your time and create safe workout plans. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned athlete, they can meet your desired outcome. Rest assured that you will enjoy the workout sessions designed just for you.
Constant Support and Motivation-
You are not alone on your fitness journey. Your online coach can act as your virtual instructor, cheerleader and motivator. This will help you to achieve your long-term fitness goals. In addition, you can ask your questions through video calls for any corrections and plan adjustments.
Accessibility and Flexibility:
It may be difficult with busy gyms, expensive one 2 one personal training sessions, or not having consistent available hours. With a personal online fitness coach, you can work out when it suits you. Train yourself from your space, time and convenience. Professional online coaches offer flexibility to cater to different lifestyles. It is the best part that you can take advantage of.
Nutrition Guidance for Regular Wellness-
Proper nutrition has a vital role to play in your fitness journey. Online coaches understand the role of nutrition, so they provide personalized dietary advice. It will fuel your workouts, recover faster, build muscle quicker and get results faster. Their expertise will equip you with the knowledge and tools to make informed food choices. What are you waiting for?
Cost-Effective and Time-Saving-
Online fitness coaching is more cost-effective and timesaving compared to traditional in-person
PT sessions. It enables you to invest in quality equipment, cheaper memberships and healthy groceries. This is a win-win solution for fitness seekers.
Finding ThePerfect Personal Fitness Coach Online:
Look for a fitness coach with certifications and experience. Make sure they meet your personality and training style. Online fitness coaching is the virtual way to get in shape.
Indeed, Virtual Fitness Training is more popular these days comparatively. People are ditching crowded gym classes for various reasons such as getting no individual help, seeing no results, long traveling, being expensive, and having no guidance. Online fitness coaching is the right solution in this regard.
Are you Looking for a personal fitness coach online? We offer 1 on 1 Bespoke online coaching programs that are tailor-made for busy professionals with packed schedules who are finally ready to make a change in their lives! At P-PERRE FITNESS, I’m at your side at all times. No matter your goal or starting point, I have the perfect online personal training package to help you achieve incredible results and learn the skills to maintain them for good. Visit https://philipperrefitness.co.uk/online-coaching/ today!
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stayjoy · 8 months
How Many Squats A Day To Lose Belly Fat: Perfect Workout to Shape Your Body
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Squats are an amazing workout to get back into shape. This is a complete workout that not only targets the lower body but also improves your overall physique. If you are a beginner or just starting squats, then you have a question about how many squats a day to lose belly fat. Don't worry; in this blog post, you will learn everything about squats. Remember this popular quote No Pain, No Gain Only counting does not help get results. You need to feel the pain to gain the figure you desire. Don't count until you're hurt. Start counting when you start filling up. It will be your warm-up before starting actual squats. No doubt, squats are the most effective workout, whether you do air squats or with weights. It gives the maximum boost to anyone. It helps burn out the maximum calories because it directly targets the biggest muscle group in the body. But most people ask, Is squatting helpful to flatten their belly also?
Do Squats Help Lose Belly Fat
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How Many Squats A Day To Lose Belly Fat Yes, squats help you lose belly fat, but you need to do them perfectly. It triggers the fat cells and helps to burn belly fat as well. It burns out the maximum calories and helps you get back in shape. Those who do regular squats do not face the issue of obesity or being overweight. Squatting also engages abdominal muscles and shapes your belly area. But you need to do it with consistency to see the results. Many people just do it for a few days, not the proper way, and say it does not work. So do it the right way and do it regularly to see the results.
How Many Squats A Day To Lose Belly Fat 
There are no exact numbers, but you need to do it effectively. Start by learning how to squat effectively. Your whole body should be engaged while you do a proper squat. But first, warm up your body before doing a squat. Don't be confused about how many squats you need to do a day to lose belly fat; you need to do squats with full perfection. Only 4 to 5 sets of 10 reps can give you amazing results, but on one condition, you need to do them perfectly to engage all the muscles. Most people do half-hearted squats for almost 100 reps in a single run and don't see results on their belly; it is due to their wrong style of workout. You need to squat slowly and feel the contraction of the muscles to get the desired results. A perfect squat will activate your whole body and exhaust you completely.
100 Squats A Day Challenge
To get a perfect body shape, you need to do 100 squats a day. It will definitely help you but don't start immediately. First, grab the strength by doing 10 to 20 squats daily and increasing with consistent efforts. You can make squats more effective by including weights such as dumbbells. Do these professional tricks to increase your strength. - Do one squat and take a 5-second rest. - Do two squats and take a 5-second rest. - Do 3 squats and take a 5-second rest. - Increase the number to 20 with this strategy. - In this style, you do 200 pulse squats. - This is more effective than doing 100 squats in a single session. Initially, doing this is very difficult for beginners, so you should do 10 squats a day. Start to learn the perfect form of squat and take the 100-day squat challenge; it will definitely help you stay on track.
What Squats Do to Your Body: Benefits of Squats
Doing a regular squat with perfection can completely transform your body. Enjoy the below benefits of this single workout: - Make your body fully active. - Increase heart rate - Consume more oxygen. - Full-body workout - Improve body posture. - Strengthen muscles and joints and improve bone density. - Give you a flexible body - Improve stamina
Will 100 Squats A Day Help Lose Belly Fat
Yes, when you do it with perfect manners. It definitely gives you results. Simply take the 100 squats a day challenge; it will help you stay on track. Doing 100 squats the right way burns the most calories and also builds muscles in the lower body. If you are a beginner, then you must start with 10 squats and gradually increase the number while gaining more strength. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkMu4IFSSMs How Many Squats A Day To Lose Belly Fat
Celebrities Who Do Squats Everyday
Famous Hollywood actresses such as Lindsey Lohan, Jessica Alba, and Jennifer Lopez claim that they do squats every day to stay in shape. Yes, of course. This is the most amazing workout that helps anyone get in shape. If you are overweight or obese, then simply first grab strength in your lower body, and after that, start squatting slowly and increase the number when you become an expert in squats. This single workout targets whole body fat and boosts the resting metabolic rate, which means you burn calories while you're sleeping.
How Many Squats To Lose 1 kg
To burn 1 kg, you need to consume around 3 kg of oxygen. And for consuming this amount of oxygen. You need to breathe hard and consume more oxygen with a hard workout. Yes, definitely, you can do it, but it takes around 2 to 3 days to burn 1 kg with a squat. You should also consider your food choices; only doing squats will not give you satisfactory results.
How Much Weight Can You Lose By Doing 50 Squats A Day?
There is no exact number that will tell you that it helps you lose weight. Everyone's body is different, and if anyone gets results with 50 squats daily, it does not mean it will work for others either. There are many factors that influence losing weight; your lifestyle, body composition, fat percentage, hormones, age, and weight matter a lot. If you want to start, you should definitely start and enjoy squats but don't count like this. You should count on improving your performance and motivating yourself to do your best the next day. Yes, 50 squats a day are good for targeting fat cells, but you should do them in a perfect manner.
Types of Squats
Squats come in many types. It helps you shape your body and build muscles. Here are some famous kinds of squats: - Bodyweight squat - Goblet squat - Barbell squat - Resistance band squat - Sumo squat - Jump squat  But among the most simple and easy are bodyweight squats. These are simple to learn and ideal for newbies. The right way to do a bodyweight squat - Stand on the floor. - Your feet should be wider than your hips. - Hands-on the back of the neck - Spine straight - Start to go down and bend your knees. - As you descend, inhale, and as you ascend, exhale. - Don't go too far down; hips and knees must be aligned. Just squat slowly and learn to maintain perfect posture. After knowing the perfect way to squat, do 4 to 5 sets of 20 squats.
How Good Are Squats To Lose Weight
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How Many Squats A Day To Lose Belly Fat It's extremely good to lose weight. Yes, squatting is a complete body workout that not only targets the lower body but also builds strength in the upper body when you do it with weights. Squats are very effective for getting back into shape. This is the most important workout that should be on every fitness freak's list. A single squat burns around 0.32 calories, which depends on other factors such as weight, intensity, posture, etc. If anyone squats with the right posture for at least 1 minute, he will burn at least 8 calories. Squats also strengthen muscle mass, which helps boost the resting metabolic rate and helps anyone burn calories while not doing squats.
How To Do Squats To Lose Belly Fat
This is the most interesting question every man and woman asks their trainer: How to do squats to lose belly fat? Squats are simple, and anyone can do them, but you need to take care of your position. A complete squat targets all the body parts, whether it is the glutes, hamstrings, buttocks, or belly fat. Regular practice definitely shapes your entire body. So start doing squats and see the transformation within a few weeks.
Is Squat Also Burn Inner Thigh Fat
A squat workout also targets your inner thigh fat, and regular squats help shape your legs. If your thighs have lots of fat and they touch each other while walking, then you must do 4 sets of squats daily to burn out extra thigh fat.
Best Time To Do Squats To Target Belly Fat
The best time to do squats to target belly fat is in the morning. Yes, a morning workout is the best way to burn fat cells. Studies show that those people do intense morning workouts. They not only burn calories but also boost their body's core temperature, which also improves their resting metabolic rate. It means they also burn calories while not working out. The morning squat fully activates your body and increases body temperature. You consume more oxygen and have energy for the whole day. Do at least 4 sets of 20 squats. Final Thoughts So now you know that the number of squats does not matter. It only matters which way to squat. The above points have surely cleared your doubts about how many squats you should do a day to lose belly fat; it could be 100 to 1000. Because each person's body is distinct and responds in a different way. Your main focus should be to improve your squats and enjoy the fitness journey. You will definitely lose belly fat when you are consistent with your workout as well as your calorie-restricted diet. FAQs How many squats a day are needed to build glutes?To build glutes, you need to do at least 3 to 4 sets of heavy squats with weight. Weights pressurize the glute muscles to develop. With squats, you need to consume a healthy diet to see quick results.How many lunges a day are needed to lose belly fat?Do 4 to 5 sets. 10 reps with dumbbells help build more muscles and consequently burn fat cells. You need to be consistent with regular workouts.How many squats a day are needed to lose hip fat?About 100 squats with perfection help to lose hip fat. You should also focus on calorie restriction.Squats to lose weight on the thighsTo lose weight on the thighs, you should feel the compression on the thighs. Posture should be correct, and do at least 5 sets of 10 reps with 30 seconds of rest. You should also focus on a calorie-restricted diet to lose weight on your thighs.Does squatting make the buttocks bigger?No, it will shape your buttocks and make them more attractive. If you are in a calorie surplus, it also helps to make your buttocks bigger, but when you are in calorie restriction, it shrinks the size. Read the full article
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hey so i want to start dancing, and have been starting to, but any tips for beginners? like good stretches to do idk. you clearly know about this stuff lmao
okay so this is a little difficult cause i started so young so im not really sure what would be the best advice for an absolute beginner who isnt a toddler but i can tell you useful basic stuff that every dancer should have in their bag of tricks
1. spotting
spotting is an essential skill for literally any kind of dance ever. for those of you who dont know, spotting is a technique used when turning to make you less dizzy and help you turn more. essentially you keep your head in one spot for as long as you can before flipping it really fast to look back at that same spot (hence the word spotting)
if you’re still confused, here’s a gif of michael dameski’s spotting in sieze the day:
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see how his head is snapping around and moving differently than his body? thats spotting
as a bonus here’s one of sky doing it too
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spotting is something you can definitely practice at home (you literally dont even have to turn, just pick a spot to stare at on the wall and stare at it for as long as possible before flipping around and continuing to stare at that spot) and it makes turning so much easier if you’ve mastered it.
also tip form my senior year ballet teacher: think of lengthening your neck when you turn because it will help you spot and turn better
2. plié
you might remember my post yesterday about skys plié. having a good second position plié makes dancing (esp contemporary) like a Whole Lot Easier. essentially its just strength to be able to stay in that position for long amounts of time so that you feel comfortable enough to stay low while you’re dancing. would recommend doing things like jump squats, burpees, and those obnoxious things in every jazz warm up where you stand in a second position plié turned out, as low as you possibly can, and pulse very very minutely so that you’re forcing yourself to go down lower. also just doing plain old releves (calf raises) either turned out or parallel. single leg or double leg. like 100. in a row.
having a good deep plié also helps with landing jumps and stuff.
3. core strength
no matter what kind of dance you do you need to have a Really Good Core because well, thats just how it is. i have a whole plethora of core exercises/ ab workouts (and if anyone really wants a step by step i could give like 20 different ones) but just regular crunches (again like 100) or planks (at least 30 seconds) word great
4. endurance
dance literally Is at its core a stamina work out. and you have to have the stamina to do it. this can be achieved by running (which isnt my personal cup of tea but if you like it hey you do you) or just regular old cardio (literally you could jump around in your room for 5 minutes straight) 
5. flexibility
flexibility is something that a lit of people think is Essential to be a dancer, and in a sense, it is, but its not like The Most Important Thing. but it does help. i would suggest doing splits (left right and center) for at least a minute each day. if you’re not all the way down in your left and right ones stack up some books or if you have yoga blocks use those to put under your hands so you’re not reaching for the floor, it’ll help you get all the way down quicker. and in the center split the most effective way to gain flexibility is to either lay with your back on the floor and your legs up against the wall and open them all the way, letting gravity pull them down (and stay there for as long as you can bear) or do This Thing:
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but like put your hands on the floor instead of in the air 
also know that unless your hips are Really Open you will never get completely down in a center split cause of genetics and stuff.
6. cross train
cross training is the easiest way to gain strength and once you have strength controlling your movement becomes easier. cross training i think is more common with male dancers because they are often forced to have a lot of upper body strength (for lifting girls in ballets) and esp if there contemporary dancers (cause they often support their weight on their hands) but i know a handful of female dancers who also cross train and it is very helpful. cross training allows the building of endurance and also strength more quickly than you would get in class
hope this helps !!
EDIT: just throw yourself into things!! if you have the opportunity to take class a level ahead of where you are or take like a combined level class do it!! its always really motivating to take class with people better than you cause you can watch them and learn from them and it also forces you try hard to not be the worst in the class (thats how i learned how to tap dance)
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anjodalua · 4 years
How To Pass Time Easily While Lockdown Occurs
Specialists’ tips on surviving – even taking part in – life underneath lockdown
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lacking the pub? Invite friends to on-line cocktails. That’s just one tip from our panel of professionals on the way to make the maximum of enforced downtime
henry porter, novelist and conceitedness honest editor one of the nastier elements of the pandemic is that it turns your buddies and all which you do to show them affection – hug and kiss; proportion meals and drinks – right into a lethal threat. And but, on this appalling second, we need our buddies more than ever, and it is probably real that our immune structures do, too. Isolation is terrible for a species addicted to social intercourse. My solution has been to start a cocktail hour on a video conferencing web site, sending one or two friends each day an invitation to drinks in the front of their pc (or cellphone) at a time when we might typically meet in a pub or at every different’s houses. It’s unexpected what a difference it can make to an afternoon of isolation, and in your spirits in fashionable, to look your pals’ faces in the evening and listen them communicate and laugh. Henry porter playing cocktail hour with glass of wine, a pc and some pals. Henry porter enjoying cocktail hour with a few friends. Image: liz elliot the scale of covid-19 and what it’s doing to us is very stressful, but an hour with specific buddies each evening certainly helps lessen anxiety, and of route you could make much more attempt than i do – get dressed up, mild candles, offer nibbles (crisps make an excessive amount of noise). Anything pleasure is launched when you see your pals inside the flesh is likewise found in those video cocktails, and the lovely component is that for a small price the host receives unlimited conference calls (i pay £one hundred ten yearly for bluejeans) and guests pay not anything. Honestly, this will be expanded to speaking to neighbours you could not recognise very well, or humans you accept as true with are actually stricken by enforced isolation and loneliness. It can also be an amazing way of meeting people. Each participant may invite a person nobody else is aware of. It’s truely terrific for brand spanking new moms, e book clubs, soccer supporters – all and sundry who's lacking out on regular touch. Despite the remoteness of the interplay and the occasional annoyances of the generation, i find that humans honestly talk inside the video cocktail hour. Maybe that has some thing to do with the anomaly of the interplay – you are neither by myself nor certainly in organisation. You're half-manner between the two and possibly that makes you extra candid. Sites i have used include zoom, bluejeans and whypay? And my daughter has simply brought me to the houseparty app. Grow herbs alice vincent on her south london balcony. Alice vincent on her south london balcony. Advertisement
alice vincent, city gardening columnist and writer i in reality suppose gardening is what will hold us sane via this. It connects us with the outside and the gentle delight of looking matters develop brings a unique positivity. If you’ve no garden, there are masses of methods to grow indoors. You’ll want a sunny windowsill, inner or out. I always advocate beginners to develop herbs. They’re smooth and delicious – and whilst grocery store components are low they turn out to be more and more worthwhile. The plastic trays that tomatoes and mushrooms come in will do – just make some holes within the bottom for drainage. Fill with, ideally, peat-unfastened multipurpose compost (most nurseries supply and will be thankful for the custom). Parsley and basil rub alongside thankfully subsequent to each other, but mint’s a piece of a thug and better in its personal pot. You could also chuck in some salad leaf seeds: pea shoots, rocket and nasturtiums germinate speedy and are tasty at any point of their growing cycle. Sow in keeping with packet instructions: you’ll need a fragment of what’s in the packet. Preserve the soil moist – an vintage spray bottle is perfect for this – earlier than and after shoots seem. If youharvest no extra than a 3rd of the plant at a time, all should get better.
justin jacobs, manager, equinox fitness golf equipment we're creatures of habit in what we consume, whilst we paintings, what tv indicates we watch. Right now, all the ones habits had been shoved out of the window. There’s quite a few confusion, but that is an possibility to create new conduct. So what to try? What’s your new routine? It is able to be fluid and might change, but what do you want to attempt? There’s lots of first-rate on line content available. Equinox’s moreover platform gives an expansion of workouts, however seek the web to discover a trainer or trainer you want and accept as true with. John berardi, a nutritionist i paintings with, is often requested, “what’s the fine vegetable to devour?” his solution is that it’s the vegetable you like and could eat regularly. Workout is the equal. There may be a run on domestic health club device proper now, but dumbbells, ropes and other useful merchandise are nevertheless available online. Choose what’s proper to your area. I’ve just ordered a few opposition kettlebells due to the fact they’re some thing i in reality experience. There’s copious anecdotal and scientific proof displaying how vital fitness is for mental health: so for the duration of this very stressful time, it’s even more crucial. It also boosts the immune device. However workout isn’t just about fitness – it’s frequently a social activity, too. I’m the use of facetime more than ever earlier than due to the fact i’m no longer having normal social touch. Exercise session with a chum on facetime or have a web dance party along with your family. Remaining night i watched a band i like known as sofi tukker dj live on instagram. That become a brand new enjoy. Find some thing like that and dance for 1/2 an hour and your aerobic may be executed. Pickling jack monroe with pie in kitchen. Jack monroe in her kitchen. Image: shutterstock commercial
jack monroe, meals creator and activist in times of meals scarcity and uncertainty, we have to make do with what we've got. I haven’t been so much panic-buying – not having a vehicle limits that – however i've been guiltily hoovering up scraps from the decreased cupboard past due inside the day, to save them being discarded. This week’s haul protected 3 packing containers of chestnut mushrooms, a withered bunch of wild garlic and a pile of french purple garlic, a little battered round the edges. I'm able to dry the mushrooms, peel and pickle the garlic cloves, and knock the wild garlic with a few nuts right into a sauce aillade. This will maintain for a month beyond the sell-by way of date that consigned it to the bargain bin in the first place. Retaining meals isn't going get us too far in an endemic, admittedly, however pickling what we've now's an investment in destiny dinners. I am also pickling a sluggish cooker’s really worth of dried white beans in oil and vinegar, to apply till tinned ones come returned into inventory. Candy-sour cannellini beans makes a huge jar
examine extra
400g dried cannellini beans
½ a small onion
100g frozen peppers
80ml vinegar – purple, white or cider
1 tbsp white sugar
100ml oil (any)
drain and rinse your beans, then pop them in a pan of cold water. Convey to the boil, then lessen to a simmer. Simmer for 15 mins then drain very well then return to the pan. Add the onions and peppers, along with the vinegar, sugar and oil. Thoroughly clean and sterilise a big jar and its lid. Bring the pan to the boil very carefully. Do not take your eyes off it for a second as you are handling hot oil, which poses a fire danger if unattended. As soon as bubbles start to form, do away with it from the heat straight away. Permit to cool for a minute, stirring well, then pour into the sterilised jar, filling it as complete as viable. Flip the jar upside down and permit to chill completely before placing in the refrigerator. Withstand sampling them for at the least seven days, as the flavour will increase in this time. In a easy and sterile jar, these can hold for a few months unopened. Once opened, use inside a week. Jack monroe’s modern-day e-book is tin can cook (bluebird, £6. Ninety nine)
couple attempting out paint shades
trying out paint colorings. Image: alamy
laura de barra, ‘she’-i-y expert and author if you need to apply this time it to zhuzh up your property, start with paint. Take into account the distance and consider what mood you want works best. In case you need your kitchen to provide you a touch lift every morning, go for light, bright tones. Keep away from mistakes: that colour that appears terrifi on the tin (or on instagram), can look much less attractive on walls with much less herbal mild or in a different-sized room, so swatching is key. Check a couple of swatches on each wall. Paint dries to a different shade, so don’t be freaked out. Stroll away and are available lower back while it’s fully dry before thinking about how it seems. If you’ll want two coats, do  coats while you swatch. Take note of how the colour is affected by mild on the times you operate the room most. With regards to portray a wall, use a broom to “reduce in” first. This indicates portray the corners and edges before something else – it gives a better finish. Rollers are perfect for huge regions and less difficult at the hands. Make sure you have an appropriate curler for the floor – test along with your paint supplier. I favour water-primarily based paint – it doesn’t trap moisture, it’s kinder to the surroundings and the smooth-up is simpler. Also, even as contemporary satin and sheen paint finishes are extremely good, don't forget a matt paint in an older home: it received’t soar light from any dents and imperfections. C’est bon! Laura de barra is creator of gaff goddess
john-paul flintoff, creator and crafter ten years ago, to be kinder to the planet, i took up mending garments. I knee-patched jeans, darned jumpers and, before you can say “treadle-powered singer sewing system”, i had sold one and started out making matters from scratch. I shirted and trousered myself, and with knitting needles i socked and jumpered. I discovered crochet so i ought to make y-fronts the use of nettle fibre. (we’ll all be carrying nettle whilst the cotton stops, so plant it now. And relax: the fibre doesn’t sting.)
did human beings chuckle? Nicely, it became intended to be funny. But now not simplest humorous. Like all activity that involves making use of your thoughts to the bodily universe, sewing is meditative. It puts you in the here and now. Gradually i set apart the angst that had were given me started out and began sewing for delight. Hoping others might observe, i permit my maintenance show themselves off, using thread of contrasting colours to facet holes in a jumper, and to stitch the slogan “sparkling air system” at the back. I published a e-book about all this, first of all as a restrained collection of hand-bound books i sewed collectively, with bits of cereal box and old shirts for the cover. (higher than it sounds.) this, too, was meditative work. In case you need to have a pass, attempt darning something. (observe youtube.) reduce some thing up and use it to patch some thing else. Study specific stitches (for exclusive results), and test by way of combining materials. Using embroidery, write your call in your shirt or provide it a luxury logo logo: it will make you smile, and might provide pleasure to others. John-paul flintoff’s e book is stitch your very own (profile books, available on kindle, £6. 40)
fun with kids younger women with facemasks and cucumber on eyes permit the children play splendor salons - and attempt no longer to get too concerned. Image: rachel warne
after 3 youngsters and eight years of “screen-unfastened own family sundays”, i've masses of ideas for wonderful youngsters at domestic. First, get secure with mess. Children having amusing do no longer preserve matters neat. Manipulate the chaos with a “tidy-up half-hour” for all people earlier than they visit bed. Additionally supply the children some manage – they’re always more inclined to throw themselves into things in the event that they feel it become as a minimum partly their idea. Let them lead: help them collect cloth for junk modelling, a style display or residence construction, however resist getting too concerned. Their imaginations are better than yours. On day one among any lengthy stretch with the youngsters, we make a “boredom buster”. Take a big jar and lots of squares of paper. On each, one, write an interest absolutely everyone can do – play a board sport, make a milkshake. Whenever every body says “i’m bored”, you pick out an pastime from the jar. The only rule is you all must do it earlier than you select every other. To add an element of trepidation, slip a few chores into the jar: easy your room, empty the dishwasher. That manner, the jar won’t be empty with the aid of the cease of day two, and the residence might not appearance as if a bomb has hit it. Anything out of the ordinary is constantly more fun. If it’s mealtime, why no longer have a picnic at the carpet rather than sitting at the table? In the event that they need to run a cafe and serve the family lunch, or installation a library, let them have a pass. Just don’t count on perfection – they’re nonetheless apprentices.
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kookookafreakinchoo · 5 years
This is sort of a weird question (ignore if you don't wanna answer), but I'm writing fanfic about a comic book character who's an acrobat. Idk anything about acrobatic stuff but a mutual told me to ask you. Any tips/insight? Sorry this isn't about DP specifically...
I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that this is either about Nightcrawler or Nightwing? I’m also curious as to who this mutual was lol there are very, very few people on tumblr who would know to ask me this question. 
Regardless, I’m happy to help.  
Fair warning, I’m just going to cover the basics and I’ll probably forget some stuff. Also, when I talk about “circus” or “circus arts” I’m referring to lyra, silks, trapeze arts, cube, etc specifically (the aerial arts). I’m guessing since it’s a comic book and since you’re asking me you want answers catered to that - so if I say something about an “acrobat” I’m using it interchangeably with “aerialist,” but acrobat can encompass other disciplines as well. 
Stuff about aerial arts equipment: 
- There’s three (general) types of apparatus: a lyra (basically a steel hoop, sometimes with a bar across the top of it and they’re usually taped), silks (two pieces of fabric that vary in stretchiness; can be tied to create a sling or hammock and the stretchiness of the fabric will alter your approach to it), and trapeze (can be standing or flying). There are more, but these are the three that people are probably most familiar with. 
- Rigging is an art form in and of itself. Aerialists have different standards when it comes to what they’ll accept as “safe,” but in general the standard is “if it can’t hold a truck, it can’t hold me.” 
- People usually have a favorite apparatus. This seems to revolve around 1) what type of pain people are willing to put up with and 2) what makes “sense” to someone conceptually; aerials often involve weird, upside down movements and you need to be able to visualize placements and move your body appropriately. Sometimes people have an easier time doing this with one apparatus compared to another. 
Stuff about aerialists: 
- Circus hurts. I think the biggest thing that people don’t realize is how physically painful and damaging aerial arts can be. The lyra, silks, trapeze, etc can all leave a lot of really intense bruises and burns. It’s super common for aerialists to have strange, ugly bruising and/or rope burn all over their body from the equipment itself. The injuries vary depending on the apparatus someone uses, but everyone who does aerials has them. It’s more common for beginners but even experienced aerialists get them when trying new things or if they’ve taken some time off. 
- Experienced aerialists have thickened/leathery skin at various pressure points on their body. It develops over time as your body adjusts and builds layers to combat tissue damage (see previous point). The most common areas are places like the top of the feet, back of the knees, palms, hips, and armpits, but it depends on the apparatus the aerialist uses. I’m not saying that someone can tell just by looking at an aerialist that they have thickened skin (it’s not grossly obvious or anything like that), but you can usually feel it.  
- In terms of build, aerial arts are as much about endurance as they are about brute strength. Because of that, many aerialists are fairly lean (think of a build like a lean gymnast or a ballerina). Any type of aerial art is a full body workout, but aerialists tend to have very strong hips, abs, shoulders, backs, and arms, including forearms; if there’s one consistent thing I’ve seen across aerialists, it’s broad shoulders and muscular forearms. Still, people of all different body types can be incredibly successful aerialists/acrobats, so if you’re writing a story involving acrobats don’t be afraid to make the acrobat have whatever body type you want.
- The rumors are true: flexibility is very important in the circus arts and aerialists tend to be very flexible. Having said that, being too flexible is just as much of a problem as being too stiff; if you can over-extend, it will “look” pretty because it leads to cleaner lines, but there’s also an increased risk of injury and “floppiness”. Basically, the more flexible you are, the more control you need to have in the air. 
- I think people sometimes confuse bravery with recklessness. Aerialists are very brave; I’ve never met an aerialist who is reckless. Being an aerialist requires a pretty strong mind and a sense of self-confidence but rarely do aerialists take needless risks.  
- Aerialists/acrobats are among the most welcoming people in the world. Aerial arts is a real adrenaline rush, so I guess everyone could just be high… but I’ve never met a “mean” or unfriendly aerialist. It’s definitely a family. 
What the sport is like: 
- The aerial arts are very difficult. Most people understand that conceptually, but nearly every beginner underestimates how tough it is or overestimates their own strength. There are muscles that can only really be worked through aerials. Most true beginners take several days just to be able to hang off of an apparatus for an adequate amount of time. That’s not to say that beginners don’t get “in the air” on their first day, but they’re rarely more than a few feet off the ground. Part of this, too, is because beginners don’t have technique - a lot of aerial is about proper technique.
- I think what people underestimate the most is the amount of grip strength you need. The vast majority of beginners will lose grip strength long before they lose shoulder strength when they’re first starting out; I’ve seen people who have incredibly strong backs/shoulders but struggle with the silks because they don’t have the grip strength for them. 
Some aerialists will use sprays or powders to increase their grip strength; this is a huge point of contention in the aerial community. If you ever want to open a can of worms among aerialists, ask them their opinion on the use of rosin. It’s banned in some training centers and encouraged in others - people can get very, very heated over it. 
- For reference, in my experience a typical training practice can last anywhere from 1.5-3 hours, but you don’t spend the entire time in the air. Practice is usually anywhere from 1 to 3 times a week, potentially more if you’re training for a performance. Conditioning is serious business and is typically done before practice, but sometimes training will finish with “last actions” which is basically conditioning when you’re exhausted. Fatigue is a real issue so I’ve never seen anyone train everyday. 
I think that’ll cover the basics if you’re designing an aerialist/acrobatic character or building a story for one, but let me know if you have any other questions! And if anyone has stuff to add feel free to comment. 
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eerythingisshaka · 6 years
The Coffee Prince Pt. 2
(T’Challa x Reader)
*Part 1*
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Word Count: 3k
Plot:  Stuck in your ways of living, one day at the coffee shop, you run into a tall dark roast that threatens to wake you up from your romantic hibernation.
You are unphased and not listening when you get up and see this 6’0 man picking up his drink and turning towards you.  He makes his way to the side table, and your heart literally stops pumping for a split second from the anxiety.  He hasn’t seen you yet and he could easily leave very soon without your acknowledgment,  What if he doesn’t recognize you?  The L’s you could take outweigh the dubs by a mile.
You get up to go get an unnecessary sugar packet.
“Excuse me,” you say.
He looks to you and gives you a crooked smile.
“Ahh, how are you today, Ms. Macchiato.” He says while stirring his coffee.
You spontaneously start ovulating at his title for you.  He remembered your order, and made it a pet name for you!
You smile goofily as your heart threatens to fall out of your chest, “Yeah, that’s me!  How have you been….Thomas?”  Your voice rises an octave as you coyly played like you couldn’t remember one of the few things tied to him from your one engagement.
He furrows his brow at your statement.  “Ohh, you must have me confused with some other American coffee drinker.”
“Oh?  So that accent makes you from where, Boston?”
You both laugh.  Your mouth is getting dry from anxiety, so you sip your drink.  
“Gah! Fuck!”  You sputter some of the liquid down your chin, tongue hanging out fanning it.  The drink was scalding hot still.  
‘Thomas’ gets a napkin and hands it to you, concern clouds his face.
“Are you all right?  Should I go get you some water or…”
Heated with embarrassment noe more than the coffee, you shake your head trying to speak clearly.  “It’th fine, thankth.”  You say with a scalded tongue.
“Please, sit a moment.  I’ll be right back.”  He touches your arm to guide you back to a table and makes his way to the register.  You keep fanning yourself, mortified by your not so graceful behavior.
“Ok, come on, get your thit together.  You are a queen goddeth.  Anyone would be lucky to dick you down proper.”
You take a deep breath and look off to one side and see an old white woman shaking her head looking at you.  Of course that last sentence would come out clear as a bell, but you gave her a look of ‘and?’ while she continued eating her oatmeal.
‘Thomas’ comes back with cold Fiji water, cracking it open before handing it to you.
You take it in you hand with shock clearly displayed cross your face, ‘Thomas’ sits down across from you and notices your expression immediately.
“Is something wrong with it?  Is something in it?”  He leans to look at the bottle clutched in the hand.
Why did he have to be so cute when he scrunches his face with worry?  You snap out of it and try to relax again.  “No, it’th juth uh, you know they have free water cupth, right?  Like, you didn’t have to pay for one”
He waves his hand in protest, “It’s nothing.  I mean, you don’t need lukewarm tap water, this is better for you.”
You say before taking a sip, “Well that was very thweet of you.  I owe you one.”
“Don’t worry about that.  I can’t standby while you’re in pain.  Though, the temporary speech impediment is kind of cute, I must say.”
“What do you mean?  Thith ith my real voice.  I wath juth trying to impreth you with perfect diction last time.”  You say, blowing your coffee, batting your eyes.
He chuckles, “Right, and I’m from Boston.”
You smile and look out the window for a second.  The high you feel from being in his company makes it hard to come back down to the reality that you have to make conversation, and you’re suddenly lost for words.  You want to know more about him but don’t want to come off as nosy or interrogative, or too eager, though you could smile at him giddily all damn day  But this is a cute guy, who is clearly attentive, splurging on some fresh H2O.  Ask him something!  Get some personal shit out the way!
You face him to see his round, gorgeous eyes looking at you.  You can’t read his expression before he looks down at his coffee again.
“What is your name, by chance?  I don’t think I got it before.” he asks before puckering his lips, that look like they’ve never known ash, to take a sip.
“Oh, it’s (Y/N)” you say.
“Ah, (Y/N) that’s a beautiful name.  It doesn’t seem too difficult to me.”
You practically melt at him saying your name.  You’d never want a different one long as those lips spoke it.
“Well, it shouldn’t be.  But people sense something has more than 2 syllables and their mind just flips.”
“Does it have any meaning behind it?”
“Mmm, not that I know.  I’d have to Google.  But all I know is my mom just liked it.  But what about you, ‘Thomas’?”  You say with a goofy grin, resting your chin on your hand.
“Yes, my name is T’Challa.”
“Yes, that’s right! First try!”  He holds his hand up for a high five.
The world seems to go into slow motion when connecting your palm to his.  His hand is a skyscraper compared to yours, trying to memorize the feel of his hand through the little contact you had.
“What can I say, I’m a pro!”
“Very nice.  Impaired tongue and all!”  He pauses a moment before continuing, “Have you got time for a walk around to get some air?  It’s so beautiful outside.  May be nice…”
You look at your phone and see you should've been back at your desk 15 min ago.  
“Uh… actually I do need to go…”
“Bast! Well that’s ok. Maybe our paths can cross again in the future?”
Your face fallen, “Yeah, hopefully so.  Thanks again for the water…”
You start to get up and leave, “Ah, Miss (Y/N)?”
You turn to him, “Mhm?”
“Do you think I could call you sometime?  If it’s not too forward, we could arrange meeting outside of your work hours so it’s more convenient?”
You heart jumped into your throat at the proposal.  He’s asking for your number!  
“Sure thing!  I would love that.  Just let me know or I’ll call you whichever.  Cool!”
You back up to leave before you add anymore positive phrases to your long phrase affirming his invitation.
You step out the door of the shop and do a little Tiffany Haddish ‘she ready’ dance.  You couldn’t wait to fill Tavia in on the details.  T’Challa, T’Challa, the name just rolls off the tongue.
“Miss (Y/N)!  I thought you trying to dine and dash but …”
T’Challa was standing behind you for God knows how long, struggling to hold back his smile.
You straighten up, mortified.  Could he possibly be any more handsome and you be anymore a dork?
“Oh, no.  Um, what do you mean?”  you stammer, folding your arms to look semi-normal.
He pulls out his phone.  “We actually need each others numbers to call each other right?”
You still didn’t exchange numbers!  Thinking of how much of a mess you are you say, “Yeah, sorry!  Of course, allow me.”
You take his phone and type it in with your name saving it.
Handing it back, T’Challa takes it and puts it in his pocket, eyes never leaving your face as he gives you a closed mouth smile.
“You have a good rest of your day, (Y/N).  I look forward to connecting with you soon.”
He turns and strides down the sidewalk away.  As much as you hated to see him go, you loved watching him leave.  Was the dip in his gait put on or natural?  Either way, you loved it.
Later that day you go home, light as a feather.   You lowkey hate how some male attention could give you such an array of hormonal bliss that you felt like a traitor to the sisterhood.
Your roommate hadn’t gotten home yet so, you take the time to cook yourself some food, even though your hunger was honestly minimal.  Whenever you got really excited in any emotional direction, your appetite just goes south.  But you earned a meal today, so why not celebrate with dinner.  You look up a bookmarked recipe on your phone for some baked chicken with steamed vegetables and curl up to some Grown-ish as you work.  The episode with Yara Shahidi’s character obsessing over the relationship status of her and Cash was queued up.  Seeing her send literally 30 text messages to Cash saying an unintelligible number of things made you cringe hella heavy.  Why would she get caught up with a college athlete anyway?  You knew where this episode was going, as you turn back to seasoning your food.
While binge watching, you only eat about half of your food, which is better than nothing.  You have more energy than you know what to do with though, so with the extra living room space, you decide to knock out a little yoga to center yourself.   Laying out your mat and queueing up YouTube you switch to a yoga channel for beginners and put a chill playlist on shuffle.  You close your eyes as the instructor tells you to be present in today’s practice, breathing deeply and exhaling equally.  The practice started off simple enough with some cat-cows and downward dogs, but the intensity picked up soon once some planks and chair poses were thrown in.  You perspired like a Pinocchio meeting a woodpecker but pushed through each pose with a little motivation in your head.  If T’Challa could see me now.  Each challenge you faced, you thought of him being under you while you planked, over you while you did a bridge.  Once the poses were over you’d curse yourself for being so silly but hey, it worked.
During the cool down, the instructor tells you to get into happy baby pose, which you welcome with a deep sigh, wiping your brow.  You didn’t expect such an intense workout, so luckily you didn’t go ham on your food.
You hear the lock turn on the door, and in walks in Tavia.
“Well damn, bitch, am I interrupting something?!”
You look between your legs at Tavia, “Nah girl, I’m almost done.”
“You sure?  Cuz looks like you just getting started to me.  Why are you spreading your legs for anyone who walk in here?”
You roll out of your pose, grabbing your water. “Nothing, it’s been a minute since I got my mat out so…”  you say taking a sip.
Tavia takes a seat in a easy chair across from you, taking off her shoes.  “Mmhm, so what else is it bitch, cuz the fact that you ain’t posted up here smashing some cookies, watching Chocolate City or some other trash got me almost concerned.”  She says, faking her best concerned face.
You roll your eyes,  “It’s nothin!  Really, but I mean, I may have ran into someone today, but that’s not why I’m over here ‘pussy poppin’’ like you say.”
“Uh-uh.  How juicy is this?  I was drinking tonight anyway but lemme know should I grab my bottle right now?”
You look at her sideways and give a slight nod.
Tava screams like the Holy Spirit just caught her as she runs with her hands raised over to the fridge.  She gets out her moscato and runs back to her seat.  
“Uh, I don’t get a glass?”  You ask offended.
“No ma’am, you got talking to do.  You can’t talk and drink at the same time.” Tavia says with a tongue pop.
“ANYWAY, so I’m going to the coffee shop on my break, right?” You say excitedly.
“Right, ‘break’.” Tavia says clutching the bottle while doing air quotes.
“Listen, plenty of them folks go and do whatever on company time.  I need some caffeine to get through the mess.” You say defensively.
“Whatever, continue!”
“Ok, so I’m getting my shit, and just as I’m bout to leave, HIS order gets called.”
Tavia’s body melts into the chair as she exclaims, “Whaaaaa??”
“YES! By the way, his name is T’Challa.”
“BITCH, you talked to him??”
With a little dance you confirm, “Hell yeah, fucking right!”
Tavia gets up to do a quick celebration twerk with you, passing the bottle. “Go head girl!  Ok, so how did you go up to him?  What did he say?”
Your face hurt from all the cheesing, “I just walked past him and he was like, ‘Hey, don’t I know you?’  and I said, ‘I hope so, cuz trying to know you.’  And eventually he remembered, so we got a table and talked about real surface level stuff, then I told him I gotta go back to work, so he was all ‘Well, I can’t have you walk out here without seeing you again.  Put your number in.’ So I did, and that’s really about it.”  You say content with your ‘story’.
Tavia was on the edge of her chair during your entire explanation until she said, “You gave him your number?”
You nod proudly, “Mhm!”
Tavia throws her hands in the air, “Girl!  You ain’t gonna be nothing but a booty call then.”
Ou screw your face up at this admission.  “Whatchu mean?  He ain’t hood actin’,  I just gave you the clipped version of how it went down.  Why you think that?”
Tavia sighs, “You gotta get his number, so you have control.  But since it’s the other way around, you gonna be waiting for him to call, and then when he does at 11pm, you gonna be showing off your wingspan and upset cuz he ain’t called you since.”
“Tavia, calm down.  It ain’t even been a day.  I’m not tryna wild like that, and he don’t seem the type.”  You say with less spirit than before.
“And if that’s what you wanted, you know I’m down for you; hit a split on the dick shawty act up!  But I know you for real want some committed peen, so I’m just giving you worst case before it slaps you in the face, ok?” Your good vibes from earlier are coming down faster than guillotine so you decide to dismiss yourself.
“Don’t be upset girl.  You still did your thing, and milk him for all it’s worth either way.  Hate the game, not the player!”  
You roll your mat up and go back to your room.  Your eyes go straight for your phone.  You think back to the articles you read on dating.  People usually wait 3 days to call right?  Or is that just after the first date?  What’re the rules for the phone exchange?  He could’ve texted you right there to have his number, but he didn’t so, could Tavia be right?  And if she was, is it so bad?  Dick is dick, and it sure hasn’t been present in your life.
You go to pick up your phone, opening up to the main menu.  
Missed Call (1) Voicemail (1)
Your heart thumps in your chest as you check the number.  It’s just digits, not one of your known numbers.  You walk across your floor couple times before listening to the message, calming yourself down and for the first time hoping it was just a bill collector.  You select the number and dial before closing your eyes to center yourself like the yoga instructor told you.  A few rings pass before you realize what you may have done.
Your pulse literally stops as your eyes fly open at the voice on the other line.  You accidentally hit call back instead of call voicemail.
“Miss (Y/N)  Is that you?”  T’Challa says.
“Yeah, hey, how are you doing?”  You say in as steady voice you can muster as you pull at your hair in frustration.
“I missed you earlier.  Uh, your call, I mean.  Well, I called you.  Did you get my message?”
So that was him on that voicemail.  You didn’t want to lie but you didn’t want to look weird calling without context either.
“Uh, yeah. I did.  Thanks for calling by the way.”
He could’ve called to say he didn’t want to see you again.
“Please, I should be thanking you for offering your time.  So do you know when you would like to do it?”
Heat crawls from neck to your cheeks, out of your pits, from your nani, all at once. Do what?!  Is he inviting you somewhere or asking a favor?
“Uh, how does Saturday sound?”  You freeze at the anticipation of his answer.
“That’s great!  I have no problem with that.  We will try for 5pm?”
You nod like he can see you before responding, “Yeah, that’s good to me.  I can’t wait.”
You could practically hear T’Challa smiling as he said, “Wonderful.  Forgive me for the time of the hour, I hope I didn’t wake you.”
You sit on the bed to keep from falling under your buckling knees.  “Not at all, I was just turning in so I didn’t want to leave you hanging.”
“You’re too kind.  I will see you then, if not at the shop first!  Good Night (Y/N).”
“Good night T’Challa.”  You press the red symbol and take the deepest breath you’ve done all day.  How erotic did that sound ‘goodnight, T’Challa’?  Geez just call him back to come over and get it over with already, you thought.  
You turn off the light and lay in your bed electrified with that same energy from before.  You almost forgot, but you pick up the phone and push for voicemail this time and listen:
Hi, I hope this is the right number.  (Y/N), I’m just calling to see if you would come with me to the music festival this weekend.  I don’t know if you heard about it or if it is your thing, but it sounds like a nice time.  We could just walk around, enjoy the sounds.  Uhh, just let me know when you get the chance, or I may see you at our favorite place.  (laughs then clears his throat)  Umm, but yeah, sorry for the long message.  This is T’Challa by the way.  Hope to hear from you soon.
Your phone prompts you to save or delete the message and you carefully save it before you listen a couple more times.  Putting your phone away you turn on your side, squeezing your legs together to bring yourself back down again.  You remind yourself that this is still just nothing more than two people meeting up at a public place with a bunch of other people.  No one has claimed nobody yet.  But like Tavia said, gotta milk it for what it’s worth, and how you feel right now is pretty damn priceless.
Part 3
Other Works
King Kil’mawalls  
N’Jadaka’s Helpful Hands
Some Weeks Are Better Than Others
The Coffee Prince
Commencement Day
My Ragtag
@sweetpeachjones@scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade@hairhattedghooligan@universalbri @therevolution-willbelive @you-like-this-chain @sarcastic-sunshines @airis-paris14
groovybbyy and nyeebey, yall here too! I just can’t tag you for some reason <3</p>
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booksandmorestuff · 3 years
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New Post has been published on https://booksandmore.online/courses/sample-course/chapter/chapter-6-types-of-yoga/
Chapter 6 – Types of Yoga
There are so many different types of yoga disciplines, it can be confusing to pick one. Don’t let the variety stop you from diving into the yoga pool. There are certain yoga types that are geared toward beginners, and these are your best option when learning about the movements.
Also, keep in mind that the teacher can make or break the experience. If you don’t feel comfortable in a particular class, it may be the instructor rather than the yoga. Explore until you find your perfect yoga fit.
To begin yoga at home, you will need a mat, yoga blocks, or towel for support, when needed, and a strap to use as a prop in certain bending poses.
Hatha Yoga Hatha yoga is the most general type of yoga and perhaps the most difficult to define. Depending on the teacher, classes can be slow and easy, but some may be more strenuous. To be sure a particular Hatha class is suitable for you, visit a class as a guest before signing up.
Hatha yoga consists of gentle movements without a continuing flow between each pose. This makes it easy for beginners to learn the basics. It is extremely adaptable to individual needs and physical conditions and a great way to increase strength and flexibility while reducing the risk of injury.
It is the best place to start and learn the basic poses before moving on to more arduous movements and positions. The focus is on holding a pose and strengthening balance. Hatha yoga is slow-moving, so if your goal is to move fast and sweat, it isn’t the best option. The benefit of hatha yoga is a decrease in stress and blood pressure as the body learns to relax.
Vinyasa Yoga Vinyasa yoga has a quicker pace than Hatha, and poses can rapidly flow into each other, rather like dance steps. Each movement is linked to an inhale and exhale, thus linking movement with breathing. The mind remains focused and in the present. There are no strict sequences to poses, and teachers can “mix and match” to vary the routine. Therefore, if a particular Vinyasa class doesn’t appeal to you, another might. Vinyasa yoga is less gentle than Hatha and pushes the boundaries of flexibility and strength. It provides a wonderful cardio workout, as your body is continuously moving, except when doing the restful Downward Dog. It is sure to work up a sweat. Relaxing music is frequently played in the background. Like Hatha, Vinyasa is an excellent starting point for beginner-level yoga students.
Iyengar Yoga Iyengar yoga is an extension of Hatha yoga specifically focused on bodily alignment and can be tremendously healing. It increases flexibility through slow stretching moves that are held for a period of time. These still moments have meditative qualities. It tones the muscles and calms the mind. Better alignment can strengthen muscles, help with pain, and improve posture. Iyengar yoga involves the entire body and improves circulation and digestion. With a better, healthier body, better lifestyle choices usually follow. This form of yoga may use chairs, belts, or other props to improve bodily alignment. It is perfectly appropriate for beginners.
Ashtanga Yoga Ashtanga Yoga is more structured than some of the other asanas. There are a series of movements, six in all, and each series must be mastered before moving on to the next. Ashtanga Yoga is not for beginners. It challenges strength, endurance, and flexibility; therefore, it is best to begin Ashtanga Yoga after some familiarity with other yoga disciplines.
Ashtanga works the entire body, so results will come quickly. It does require commitment, and most practitioners of Ashtanga do the exercises every day. Each series can take years to master. Patient people will love Ashtanga because it requires repetition of the same poses. There is no variation until you reach the next level. Bikram Yoga There are 26 poses to be completed in a structured sequence for each Bikram session, which lasts for 1 hour and a half. The twist to Bikram is that it is practiced in 105 degrees heat. You will sweat and will need to remain hydrated. The heat, of course, adds an additional challenge. It also adds benefits, such as ridding the body of toxins.
Hot Yoga As the name implies, Hot Yoga is also performed in a room filled with high temperatures. It differs from Bikram in that Hot Yoga is unstructured, without the 26 specific poses. This makes it suitable for beginners, but do consider the added challenge presented by the heat.
Kundalini Yoga Kundalini uses meditation to energize the body. Its effects on the mind are extremely powerful as it increases awareness and strengthens your inner self to allow for a more authentic you. This harks back to yoga’s beginnings in its quest for spiritual elevation. Kundalini Yoga blends movements with breathing and chants.
Yin Yoga Yin Yoga combines the physical with the mental and is specifically designed to provide energy and calm a busy mind. The benefits of regular practice are a sense of calm, reduction in stress, improved circulation and flexibility, and greater joint mobility. The principle behind Yin Yoga is the yin and yang concept of Taoism, which seeks to balance all opposites in nature.
The exercises are done on the floor and involved holding poses for a long period of time. This affects the lower body parts, specifically the hips, thighs, and spine. Poses may be held for five minutes or more.
In a world that assaults us with stimuli on an ongoing basis, the mind easily becomes overloaded and overwhelmed. This is considered “normal” to such an extent people pride themselves on being Type A personalities. They are filled with a sense of urgency to always be on the move. The body is unable to relax, and the mind cannot become quiet.
Yin Yoga brings balance back to mind and body. The long poses stretch the tissues and strengthen the body while allowing awareness into the mind. Much energy is expended in suppressing unwanted thoughts and emotions. Yin Yoga releases that energy.
Restorative Yoga Restorative yoga restores your mind and body. It is easy, slow-moving, with poses that are held longer to provide a state of utter relaxation. Props such as blocks may be used to help you hold on to your pose.
Restorative Yoga helps you slow down when everything around you becomes hectic. Think of it as an isle of tranquility in a crazy world.
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r1-fitness · 3 years
Secrets Of Rapid Muscle Growth
If you are a resident of a gym or fitness club and are working to increase the number of muscles, read this text. I hope this will clarify the process, adjust your expectations and help get rid of the destructive training myths.
What Did You Think Before?
There are many reasons why people don’t see results in their workouts:
Invalid expectations. A desire for quick results and therefore loss of motivation. Skipping workouts starts.
Suboptimal recovery. Food, sleep, stress…
An exercise technique that prevents the target muscle from being properly loaded.
A workout program that does not provide the optimal stimulus for growth. Now about the latter.
Click here@https://fitnesstudy.com/2021/05/13/secrets-of-rapid-muscle-growth/
Thoroughly about how muscles are built, it became known not so long ago – the last 10-15 years, and this topic continues to be studied. This time is not enough for every fitness trainer to know about modern innovations and how to apply scientific and clinical knowledge in practice. Therefore, it is still widely believed that muscle growth is due to one factor – muscle microtrauma, after which recovery occurs with hyper compensation.
Therefore, in clubs, you can find people who are desperate to gain, torture their muscles in 30 sets per workout, and the absence of muscle pain the next day is considered a sign of poor training.
But this argument breaks down for professionals – why do they hardly experience post-workout pain, their muscle damage after exercise is minimal, and yet they continue to grow (those who don’t use pharmacology)?
What Are Microtraumas?
Our muscles are made up of fibers, and each fiber contains about 2000 myofibrils – contractile units. These myofibrils in an untrained person are all of different lengths, there are short, long ones, and not all of the contract. When you start exercising, putting stress on the muscles, the shortest myofibrils break. An inflammatory process begins, droplets of water are attracted to the damaged cells, which press on the membrane of the cell, which has pain receptors, and the next day we feel pain.
If you train regularly, then the myofibrils become the same length, evenly receiving the load during training and stop hurting. Only after a long break of about a month and a half, they grow crookedly again, short myofibrils appear and the beginning of training will be painful again.
Micro-trauma to muscles and pain from training is not a factor in growth, and at some points, it can even delay recovery.
What Is The Growth Factor?
1. In fact, back in 1975, researchers were able to accurately establish that the main factor in growth is mechanical tension. This is any muscle tension, even when moving in space. But of course, just brushing off flies is not enough to grow, it is important that the muscles reach failure.
2. Closeness to failure. This is when the next repetition in the approach cannot be performed without breaking the technique.
The understanding of growth stopped there for a long time. It was not clear how a mechanical action becomes a biochemical signal? During this time, many approaches were born that tried to somehow explain what was happening (pumping and pumping the muscles with blood; muscle hypoxia and tugging of the working muscle with harnesses; the energy theory said that it was necessary to completely empty the muscles so that there was no energy left; metabolite – to bring muscles to a terrible burning sensation and cause metabolic stress) and some of the work to some extent. But they do not explain and do not continue the idea of what has already been proved in items 1 and 2.
A little later, mTOR, a polypeptide that triggers protein synthesis, was discovered. If its action is blocked, then the muscles will not grow even after training. It is activated by training and amino acids, especially leucine. But how much training does it take to activate mTOR?
The theory of useful repetitions – To date, the most complete explanation is provided by the theory of useful repetitions.
There are two types of fibers in our muscles – type I and type II.
Type I – slow fibers. They are difficult to fatigue, difficult to hypertrophy and are inherently thinner than Type II fibers. They are almost always used; any action during the day is performed by these fibers. They are trained by marathon runners so that they do not get tired so quickly when running.
Type II – fast fibers. They generate maximum strength, fatigue quickly, grow easily and are initially thicker than Type I.
While we are performing simple actions (walking, light jogging, bags from the store), mainly fibers of the first type are involved in the work. But as soon as the load increases (light running turns into a sprint, and a 20 kg dumbbell bag), more and more type II fibers are recruited. At some point, the load becomes maximum, and the closer you are to failure, the more fibers, in general, are recruited and the required high-threshold type II units.
To create maximum mTOR activation, you need to perform 5 reps with high threshold units involved, involving almost 100% of the muscle fibers. After that, mechanoreceptors receive a mechanical signal, and they already send a chemical signal to the central nervous system.
5 reps are useful reps that create signals for muscle growth. Therefore, powerlifters are so strong and less muscular than bodybuilders because they work in the 1-3 repetition range. And for the same reason, the optimal rep range for muscle growth is from 5. During this time, high-threshold muscle fibers are recruited an optimal number of times.
5 or more reps
And indefinitely? Almost yes.
You can also do 20-30-50 reps. All repetitions will be ineffective, and the last 5, after which the muscle fails, will be effective.
But there are a couple of tricks here. There is a technical failure when a collapse occurs.
But for more than 18 reps, technical failure can be confused with metabolic stress. The burning sensation in the muscles will be so strong that you can complete the approach before rejection comes.
Nervous system collapse and fatigue accumulation. The central nervous system will not be able to generate the stimulus to perform a new repetition and will shut down before the muscles have received the optimal stimulus.
Total loss of energy stores (creatine phosphate and glycogen).
So the optimal rep range will still be 5-12 reps, stopping 1-3 reps before failure. Why, nevertheless, it is not worth going into complete rejection, but simply keeping this state as a guide, I will tell in the next article.
Now To Practice.
The main goal is to accumulate as many useful reps per muscle group as possible in one workout.
But it is worth considering the previous facts. Rejection can be confused with fatigue and metabolic stress. Therefore, it makes no sense to do a large number of approaches. It will simply traumatize the muscles without creating an optimal stimulus.
So it is optimal to do 3-5 sets in the range of 5-12 repetitions per 1 muscle group in one workout.
3-5 sets do not mean in one exercise. You can do 3 + 2, for example.
Those. it will be optimal to do with one, maximum of two exercises per muscle group, not exceeding 5 sets, or “did 4 sets in the bench press and went to biceps.” No need to do another 5 sets of butterfly, 5 sets of wiring, press on an incline bench. This is trauma without incentive.
And do the rest of the exercises on other days. Yes. Those. train in a full-body format, working out all muscle groups during a workout.
This will create an optimal stimulus, after which you can easily recover, in order to make a new stimulus every other day. And so it is constantly. Accumulated repetitions, went to rest.
What Can You See In The Gym?
Chest day, back day, feet day, left pinky day, and full body for beginners …
What happens when you work on a split system, doing 15-20 sets per muscle group in one workout? There are two options:
You give your best in the first exercise, creating the optimal stimulus, and then torture the muscles, making a long delay in recovery, but you do not create additional stimulus.
Thinking that there are still many repetitions ahead and you need to save strength, you do not reach close to failure in any approach, but by doing a large volume of repetitions, you depress the central nervous system, make a delay in recovery. This is all an exaggerated description, but the point is clear – destruction prevails over stimulation.
A full body exercise is the best that a natural athlete can do for his progress.
By spreading exercises from one day to several, you allow your body to work out to the maximum in each exercise, because you come to it “fresh”, and not after a series of exercises.
What To Do?
– Spread the exercises from one day to several days (2-3 per week). You will be much more effective doing the exercise after rest, rather than one after the other.
– Work for each muscle group at least 2 times a week. Better 3. Why, I will write a separate article if there is a response from this one.
– Work in the 5-12 rep range per set.
– 3-5 sets per muscle group per workout.
– 10-15 sets per muscle group per week.
– Bring the lagging or priority muscle groups to the beginning of the workout.
– Do not change exercises too often, progress to the same ones.
Stimulate, don’t destroy.
Lee Haney
The incentive has been created! But quality muscle growth doesn’t end there. Then it is worth monitoring the quality of recovery: the quality and quantity of sleep, the norm of protein in the diet, the level of stress and chronic inflammation, the hormonal response, the cytokine signal, the% of subcutaneous fat … But without what I described above, this does not make sense.
2. Which Treats Of The First Sally The Ingenious Don Quixote Made From Home
These preliminaries settled, he did not care to put off any longer the execution of his design, urged on to it by the thought of all the world was losing by his delay, seeing what wrongs he intended to right, grievances to redress, injustices to repair, abuses to remove, and duties to discharge.
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Whether you are just about to start with an exercise program or it has been a while since you started to go to the gym but have not seen any substantial results, getting yourself a personal trainer in Kensington can provide you with the help that you need. Many of you might have an impression that only pros and wannabe athletes need to hire a personal trainer, but that is nothing but a misconception as to the perks and benefits of getting personal training from these professionals extend beyond goal-oriented athletes and pros.
 There are more than just a couple of reasons why people work with personal trainers in Kensington. Most of the people wish to have an individualized program in order to lose some weight and get in shape, and some just need to be held accountable for their workouts. No matter where you are in your journey towards fitness, a personal trainer may just be what you require to reach your fitness goals a lot more effectively and quickly.
 Investing in a personal trainer to help you get the most out of your workout sessions has a wide range of benefits. Some of the main advantages are mentioned below.
Motivation:     Most of us have a tendency to work harder in the     presence of others watching over us. Hiring a personal trainer to be with     you through your workout sessions is most likely to provide the     encouragement, energy, and motivation that you require in order to     jumpstart your exercise regime. A personal trainer may also help you to     set realistic and achievable fitness goals, come up with a plan to     accomplish them, and also celebrate with you once you reach them.
Consistency:     For a majority of people working out, following a     program or habit might be a difficult task. In such scenarios, a trainer     would hold you accountable and assist you in overcoming all the excuses     and reasons you might give to avoid your commitment to exercise. It is     just a lot harder to skip a session when you aware that your personal     trainer is waiting for you.
  Clarity:     Fitness regimes can be quite confusing. There is an     immense amount of information to sort through. There are restrictions on     eating, and in what order you must do the exercises. Don’t worry, a     personal trainer would help you learn all the credible information and     guide you in the right direction on your fitness journey. He or she also     helps get rid of all the hesitance and guesswork so that you can solely     focus on accomplishing your goals.
  Avoid injury:     If you are a beginner or find some of the exercise     movements a bit too painful, then it is safe to hire a trainer and ensure     that you are moving in an effective way. Getting to know the proper     technique to do the exercises has the tendency to improve your results and     preventing any sort of injuries.
Now that you know about some of the benefits of hiring a personal trainer, surely you would consider it and start your fitness journey in the right manner.
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Why is freestyle step aerobics popularity decreasing?
Freestyle step aerobics has been around as one of the best cardio workouts since the '80s in Australia. The high-intensity activity is choreographed in groups to increase social harmony and motivation with excellent benefits such as physical strength building, fat burning, etc. and as a result it pays back with improved cardiovascular health, improved body balance and overall coordination. It is a fun social work-out where the instructor with a good set of “bopping” music keeps people motivated
Why then the decrease in its popularity?
We know that freestyle step aerobics started as part of the “gym” curriculum in Australia since the 80s. Back then it was difficult getting a spot in one of these sessions. During this beginning period, people flocked to their more choreographed routines, and their “star” instructors, as they were the “hot cake” of the gym world at the time. But now freestyle step aerobics has experienced slow-down that seems that it might not recover from. But why? Since it was so popular, what happened to its popularity? Why is it so hard to find a gymnasium that offers freestyle step aerobics?
No, freestyle step aerobics is still a part of activities in various Australian gyms. However some reasons, which I have elaborated below, has contributed to its downfall.
Same old, same old
The lack of interest in freestyle step aerobics classes is caused from all three sides that I can see, the instructors, the participants and the Gyms. But we will concentrate on the instructor and participants in this section.
Back at the beginning, instructors used to execute their classes with a bit of self-taught routines, which some were less than perfect, however the attending members would still attend in masses as the whole package, instructor friendliness, music and routine was worth it. But….. times are changing. Things are quite different now. Participants have become more advanced, that they seek more and more challenging routines with a perfect delivery by the instructor.
Although the advancement of the members in this art is a great thing to have, it comes as a double-edged sword. If instructors cater for these group of members, and these members get a great complex workout, the new members to the freestyle step aerobics will find themselves so lost and confused that 99% of the time they just never return. The member base growth does then become…. negative.
Constant planning of new routines
As the members keep asking for a greater variety in the routines provided by the different instructors, means that instructors have to come up with choreography as fast as they deliver it. Members do catch up on new routines quickly and find that the same routine by the 3rd or 4th time is just way too repetitive. You will find that many times, many instructors find it difficult to cope with this demand. When this happens, many instructors do give up the freestyle step world and move to a pre-choreographed program such as BODY/Step by Les Mills, where the routine and music are given to them to deliver to the class. No more thinking, no more creating, no more originality. However, it is an option for those instructors that still want to teach a workout session with a step platform under their feet but still get a strong athletic workout without much preparation.
Personalisation of a Step Aerobics class
Another item that has assisted in its decline is the “personalisation” of step classes. At the beginning there was “basic”, “intermediate” and “advanced” classes. This set-up assisted in the member growth to a more complex or “intermediate” class, when the member felt that he or she had somewhat dominated the “basic” style session. Then again, when confident that the “intermediate” session was starting to feel easy, there was the logical progression to “advanced” class.
Then it came “Moves”. People flocked to this class style for its fun choreography and mind-blowing complexity. Then there was the “Step and Butts” where slowly replaced the “basic” class in many gyms. People not interested in the “butts” portion of the workout, would stop attending these classes. As the numbers decreased, so was its appearance of “basic” freestyle step in gymnasiums scheduled timetables.
Having to create a challenging routine for the members and do this without the assistance of a programmed team, meant that every time there were less and less instructors interested in following the freestyle step style. Thus the number of instructors able to cover these classes were less and less every time.
Then there was the difficulty in finding step instructors that would be able to deliver “advanced” and/or “Moves” sessions, thus gyms started to replace all “intermediate”, “advanced” and “Move” sessions to just “Step”. “Advanced” and “Move” members were not impressed by this approach, as most instructors were catering for the “intermediate” levels. So, members started following specific instructors that would deliver their “poison” style. The style they enjoyed.
Instructors, as well as members, come and go. At this point in time in the history of Freestyle step aerobics, many members also gave up when their “Step Master” gave up their art or moved to another country. Thus again, reducing the overall growth of freestyle step aerobics to even larger negative number. Decline was now obvious.
New participants and complex sessions
Another reason for the noticeable decrease in freestyle step sessions can be attributed to members fears. New members, and some newly introduced “intermediate” members found themselves suddenly in turbulent waters. Their fears of not being fit for this type of routine was not unjustified.
Sessions might be delivered by a complex routine instructor. Many members, no matter how physically fit they might be, might find these sessions over-confusing and over-coordinated. I understand what these comments. They would find it difficult to understand the moves, or that the cues are too complex to learn and understand, and without prior training of that level, their bodies are still uncoordinated for that session. The fact that they had no progression to go from the level they are, to this new level might be seen as a very large gap to be able to cover themselves. These members tend to leave, and typically shelf the style under “just too difficult”.
Members need to see this as a challenge, and not as a failure. One of the things that needs to be repeated, time after time, is that everything takes time to learn.
The fear that everyone is watching, and if they fail then, everyone will make fun of them. Remember, everyone was once a beginner.
Research material or marketing material?
Step workouts became less famous when some researchers started to push the need for weight training and other body workouts. Some researchers also started false claims that freestyle step aerobics had no benefits, or that it caused harmful effects on the body.
Step aerobics was created by Gin Miller back in the late ‘80s who was told by her doctor to step up and down on a milk crate to rehabilitate a knee injury. Like all things, in moderation and with care. All Step sessions, when executed as they should be, there should be no or negligible damage to knee joints.
This is the same as weightlifting, same as BODY/Step, same as any other workout. Do it correctly, as it was designed, or by ensuring all your joints are safe and you will be stepping as long as I have been…. Now it has been since 1989… and going. Not once I had an injury.
So please when you read a single report, do cross reference it with trustworthy sources. Do not just believe a “Company” marketing group or a marketing company contracted by other fitness businesses to state in their advertising to induce fear on the freestyle step participants, so they move to their newly $$ paid $$ workout $$ routine $$!
The researchers can only find what is out there in the cyber world. And as programmed styles such as BODY/Step are backed up by a business, there is a budget that helps them in the promotion of their product. On the other hand, we have freestyle step aerobics that are not supported by a company, thus there is less and less good material out there. Thus the lack of material is making freestyle step a less talked about item, thus it gives the impression that it is less wanted. Further from the truth!
Step aerobics… “wherefore are thou”?
Classes were calling for more complex routines. Instructors were taking the easy way out by moving to other programmes, some instructors would just retire, new programmes were appearing in the gym schedules fighting for space to execute their sessions, etc. Due to all the above, we now find gyms finding it difficult to find instructor’s covers for their tabled freestyle step classes. The appearance of “not so good” instructors started to appear in some gyms in their attempt to cover a class, either as a once off, or as a permanent cover. The permanent covers by more basic instructors would then start to deplete of members, until the gyms find no other option than to replace the class in the timetable.
The permanent classes were not always covered by “basic” instructors, some very qualified instructors would also take some of these permanent classes. But then the member’s pride or personal style would get in the way. Members might find that the new instructor style, more athletic, more dance styled, more choreographed, etc. would not be what they have been doing for years under the good management of their previous instructor, or might find that this is not the style for them. This would most likely result in further depletion of the class.
Routines are a big aspect of the mental freestyle step aerobics, not just the physical workout
Since members expectations were growing, sometimes exponentially, the instructors faced the difficulty of creating routines that would cater for their attending members. Not really catering for the newly attending ones. As the name implies, freestyle step routines do not have a program that tells the instructor what to do, or how to teach the different moves. Instructors have to create and come up with routines and then be able to break them down for the members to achieve the intended result in a safe manner. With members asking for complex routines and finding this to be a hard task, thus sometimes the same routine might be on the timetable for 3, 4 and sometimes 5 weeks at a time, causing members to perceive the routine no longer a challenge by week 4 or 5, thus stopping their attendance, as well as some participants also moving to the programmed Les Mills BODY/Step or other programmes making the freestyle step class depletion even more noticeable.
The jump from beginners’ level to advanced is way too big of a gap for newbies.
Gimme more! Gimme more! Gimme More! by memebers
This subject has been discussed before. Seasoned members want to enjoy the class as much as any other member. However, the needs from this group, substantially defers from the needs of the “intermediate” and “basic” members. For this reason, stop going to classes when a session is ran by an instructor addressing more towards the needs of the “basic” or “intermediate” attendees. This reduces the class numbers even further.
The result is clearing the path for gyms to change the low attending freestyle step classes for other more popular classes.
Age is just a number, or is it?
I find that “natural” selection is another factor that reduces the numbers of members in a class, or the number of freestyle step classes in a gym timetable. Age. The big “A” word!. We all have our own opinion about this word, but one thing that is clear is that age does impact the availability of members in the attendance of a class, as well as the number of freestyle instructors available to take a class.
There is no question that when you reach certain age, you tend to diminish your physical training. This includes freestyle step aerobics. Once you reach that age, and you decide to step (“pun” intended), then if you are a member of a freestyle step class, your class numbers will go down, and if you are a freestyle step instructor, then your class might be considered for removal from the timetable.
Other programs address the step version they have to the younger generation to ensure that there is a constant flow of members into their session, making them see all these happy instructors and all these great pre-fab “cues” to entice them to believe that doing a “copy-cat” of what they see on stage is the way to go. Aged members see through this. Although you will find aged members in other programmed classes, these are normally the instructors, or the instructor’s personal fan-based group.
Done that, I got the t-shirt! Now what?
Mmmm…. Lack of challenges. Members do get bored when there is a lot of repetition in a freestyle step class. They find that there is not enough challenges. If this is an issue that they find often enough, they might stop going to the class all together. This has been said before, and many other times. We are all, and I include myself into this category, whores for more challenging routines.
I do get bored sometimes if I do not get a difficult class, or a highly choreographed class. However, I personally cannot live without freestyle step classes (I know it sounds dramatic but believe me!!) So I do attend as many classes as I can, regardless of their level. Currently I have two different memberships for two different gyms as I needed more than what one gym could give me. Specially now with COVID-19 issues, where the physical classes have been reduced to a minimum, and many of the freestyle step classes have been removed from the timetable.
Freestyle step aerobics came into Australia in the 80s, and it hit all gyms in a big way. You could find 5+ classes of step a week per gymnasium, thanks to its great high-intensity workout as well as its mental workout. Its results talked for themselves.
Although step aerobics is still in some gyms timetables, it is clearly considered an “specialty” class, reserved for those of a certain age bracket as it is considered a “retro” workout style.
However, not having step classes on the timetable of many gyms is a result by members, instructors, gyms and specially programmed fitness sessions providers.
Seasoned members seek more challenging sessions, new members find these sessions way too confusing to start with. Thus, season members would not attend instructor lead classes addressing the basic members, and newbies will stand clear from advanced instructors.
Instructors have a hard time to plan a session where both seasoned and newbies can enjoy a class, since there has been no breakdown of “basic”, “intermediate” and “advanced” session classes for a long time put in by the gyms. Many instructors choose to be a “Basic/intermediate” level instructor, or a “advanced” instructor. Making their classes specific to a type of members, or simply they choose to give up teaching freestyle and let enterprises to tell them the routine to use by moving towards a pre-programmed routine provider.
Gyms are merging the three sessions into a single “step” class since they find difficult to find an instructor to cover a class when someone is sick, or moves to a different location, or simply retire. Gyms also will see that when an advanced instructor is running a session, only certain number of members would attend, and when a “basic/intermediate” instructor is assigned, also only certain number of members would attend. These numbers tend to be low to medium in density. Gym’s are businesses, and as such they look for giving sessions that would attract a larger number of members to their classes, making them choose a different class type to replace the low attendance ones.
3rd party providers, or pre-programmed enterprises fill in this gap by providing sessions that can be covered by many instructors, providing gyms with certainty that their time-tabled session will not be left “empty” or covered by a different class style due to lack of step instructor covers. Also using their business knowledge to flood the market with marketing material that would attest for the benefits of their classes versus the freestyle (non-business lead) sessions. The freestyle community will not contradict or confront these marketing comments since freestyle sessions are not managed by a business that can market their product to the public. Then the silence, or lack of action against these comments makes this market a free for all.
Harder routines address a subsection of the freestyle step community. Basic routines address a different subsection of the freestyle step community. Less attendees to basic classes and/or less attendees to advanced classes means gyms need to find other sessions to cover them with. Gyms are businesses, they are to ensure their sessions have a minimum number of attendees, thus low attendee classes are replaced on the timetable. Difficult sessions to cover by instructors when sickness or permanent replacements come about gives gyms another reason to remove these sessions form their timetable. This gap is quickly covered by businesses that claim their sessions are all basically the same level across all instructors, and that they can find instructors to cover session at any time. Gyms take the advantage and book them.
"The information provided herein is strictly for educational purposes. Always consult your qualified Group Fitness Instructor before implementing any suggestions above."
You must get your physician's approval before beginning any exercise suggested in this blog or any of its articles. Any recommendations found within these articles are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only. You must consult your physician prior to starting any suggestions in this blog, or if you have any medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity. The suggestions in this blog article are designed for individuals 18 years and older that have been approved by their physician to take any of the suggestions above. The information in this blog article is meant to supplement, not replace, proper exercise training. All forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. As such we advise readers to take full responsibility for their safety and know their limits. Before practicing the exercises in this blog article, be sure that your equipment is well-maintained, and do not take risks beyond your level of experience, aptitude, training and fitness. The exercises and dietary programs in this article are not intended as a substitute for any exercise routine or treatment or dietary regime that may have been prescribed by your physician. Do not lift heavy weights if you are alone, inexperienced, injured, or fatigued. Do not perform any exercises unless you have been shown the proper technique by a certified personal trainer or certified strength and conditioning specialist. Always ask for instruction and assistance when lifting. Do not perform any exercise without proper instruction. Always do a warm-up prior to resistance training and interval training. See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you are taking any medications, you must talk to your physician before starting any exercise program, including Freestyle Step Aerobics. If you experience any light-headedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop the movement and consult a physician. You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. If your physician recommends that you do not do Freestyle Step Aerobics, please follow your Doctor's orders.
Bruno Jimenez
September 2020
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Muscle Gaining Secrets 2.0: Skinny Guy/hardgainer Niche
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/muscle-gaining-secrets-2-0-skinny-guy-hardgainer-niche/
Muscle Gaining Secrets 2.0: Skinny Guy/hardgainer Niche
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    If you’re like me and have always struggled to build muscle and gain weight I’ve got some bad news for you. If you keep doing what you’re doing right now you’ll never gain any significant size or strength.
That’s because you’re a hardgainer. A hardgainer CAN’T do what everyone else does and expect the same results. We don’t have the genetics for it.
It’s always going to be very difficult for us to build muscle if we keep making these same mistakes over and over again.
So, why are you still skinny and not building muscle as fast as you’d want to?
Here are five reasons…
Reason #1: You’re Ignoring the Law of Progressive Overload
To build muscle you have to get stronger.
Using the same weights for the same number of reps does absolutely nothing to force your body to adapt. You’re just spinning your wheels and wasting your time.
The guys who gain the most muscle are the guys who gain the most strength.
If your program doesn’t allow for consistent strength gains on a regular basis you’ll never build any serious muscle.
Reason #2: You’re Not Training With Enough Frequency
The more frequently you can train a muscle (while still recovering and getting stronger) the faster you’ll grow. Most bodybuilding programs have you training each muscle once a week.
But what if you planned your workouts in a way that you could train each muscle group 104 times per year instead of 52? Two times the growth stimulus would certainly lead to a hell of a lot faster results.
Reason #3: You’re Doing Too Many Sets & Reps
Forget about copying the workouts of your favorite pro bodybuilder.
The total weekly training volume they use will kill the steroid free, skinny guy who wants to build muscle.
There’s absolutely no reason to be doing numerous sets and exercises for every bodypart.
The goal is to get in, hit hard, do slightly more than you did last time (either more weight or more reps), stimulate the muscle growth process and get out.
Like Lee Haney said, “Stimulate, don’t annihilate.”
Reason #4: You Don’t Have a Proven Plan to Follow
Failing to plan is planning to fail. You can’t just go into the gym and wing it. You need a proven system to follow that will allow you to make regular gains that you can record from workout to workout in your training journal.
Stick with a plan for at least 12 weeks and for the love of all things good, PLEASE don’t be a program hopper like everyone else who never makes an ounce of progress.
Reason #5: You Never Cycle Your Training
Overzealous skinny guys love to pound themselves into the ground by always training with full-on, balls-to-the-wall intensity.
This is a surefire path to overtraining, burnout and injuries. You’re only human and the body can only withstand so much.
Yes, you have to train hard but you have to do so in a smart manner. This means you have to slowly ramp up the intensity and then pull back the reigns, give your body a break, then push forward again, trying to exceed your previous bests.
You can’t just have the pedal to the medal week in and week out or you’ll burn out in no time.
What Works For Everyone Else DOES NOT Work For Skinny Guys Like Us
Unfortunately, the way you’re training right now is robbing your body of 90% of the muscle gains you should be making.
But it’s NOT your fault.
You’ve been lied to. By supplement companies, bodybuilding mags and clueless personal trainers.
They want to keep you skinny so you can keep buying all their useless crap.
I’ve been in your shoes so I know how it feels. That’s why I want to help you end the frustration and finally start gaining some real muscle.
After many years of painstaking research and experimentation, I’ve developed a system that packs muscle on even the skinniest, most genetically cursed hardgainers around.
Over the last 23 years I’ve used this system to achieve lightning fast results with more than 52,000 thousand skinny hardgainers just like you…
Who Am I and Why Should You Listen to Me?
My name is Jason Ferruggia. You may have read my monthly “Hardgainer” column in Men’s Fitness or seen me featured in any number of magazines such as Muscle & Fitness, Men’s Health or Maximum Fitness, heard me on radio stations such as CBS and ESPN or even seen me on TV stations like ABC and Fox.
My monthly Hardgainer Column in Men’s Fitness
More importantly, I’m a former skinny hardgainer.
Growing up, I was the weakest, skinniest punk around and gaining weight was impossible for me.
When I first started training, I took advice from bodybuilders and busted my ass in the gym, trying every program and supplement under the sun for fours straight.
But I got nowhere.
Eventually I realized I couldn’t find the answers in the muscles mags or from bodybuilders so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I started spending countless hours reading through stacks of studies and over 300 books on the subject of building muscle…
I Finally Stumbled Upon the REAL TRUTH About What Skinny Guys Need to do to Build Muscle & Gain Weight…
And in doing so I overcame the worlds worst muscle building genetics and went from 147 pounds all the way up to a rock solid 204 pounds, drug free!
After 20+ years of intense research and in-the-trenches experiments, I’ve created a fail-proof program that will help hardgainers build muscle as fast as humanly possible…
Without steroids….
Without expensive supplements…
Without spending more than 4 hours a week in the gym.
Introducing Muscle Gaining Secrets 2.0: The Ultimate 90 Day Skinny-to-Jacked Transformation Plan
Muscle Gaining Secrets 2.0 is the skinny guys bible and is jam packed with tricks, tips and advanced techniques that most people have no clue about.
No overly complicated scientific formulas or insider jargon that requires a degree in advanced physiology. No nonsense, no filler, no fluff; just the hard hitting, scientific truth about exactly what you HAVE to do to build muscle faster than ever before.
If you’re sick and tired of being skinny, fat and weak this is the workout program for you.
Here’s Just a Small Sample of The Secrets You’ll Discover…
How to break through any frustrating muscle building plateau… Even if you been stuck at the same size for years.
“The 7 Anabolic Factors” that must be utilized in order to ensure rapid muscle growth. Unfortunately, most guys only use 3 or 4 of them.
The “Big 4” Exercises that build muscle like crazy.
Why your current workout isn’t thoroughly activating all of your different types of muscle fibers… And how a few simple adjustments will allow you to fully stimulate every untapped fiber, literally forcing your body to grow.
The exact sequence of workouts that produces the fastest gains.
The BEST rep range for skinny hardgainers who want to build massive amounts of muscle. Training out of this range is a waste of time.
Why traditional cardio methods suck and what REALLY works for getting ripped.
Tips and tricks to avoid common injuries.
Why the precise rest periods you take between sets is crucially important to your results. This could be the difference between being jacked and ripped versus being fat and soft.
The forgotten finisher that builds mountainous traps and thick, muscular forearms.
How to make every set of biceps exercises you do 2-3 times more effective for building sleeve ripping arms by utilizing this one simple trick.
How to get stronger EVERY week
How to dramatically increase your gains while cutting down your recovery rate between workouts by making a small adjustment to the speed at which you perform your exercises .
The BEST muscle building exercises for every body part.
Why crunches and sit ups are the absolute worst things you could do if you want a ripped, muscular six pack with no back pain.
A pre-workout warm up routine that will fire up your nervous system for enhanced performance and bulletproof your body against injuries.
An exercise NO ONE ever does that gives you the POWER LOOK.
And much, much more…
In Addition to the Main Manual You Also Get…
Printable Workout Sheets
You get a fully detailed, step-by-step raw beginner program as well as the 90-day main Muscle Gaining Secrets 2.0 program. These workouts were designed with you, the skinny “hard-gainer” in mind and will pack on size and strength like nothing you’ve ever tried before.
The exact number of sets, reps, rest periods are all laid out for you in beautiful, printable workout sheets. All the guesswork and confusion has been removed.
All you need to do is follow the program to the letter for 90 days… then sit back and smile while you watch the new muscle start piling on.
30 Days Free Access to Our Private Coaching Community
That’s where you’ll be able to watch instructional videos of every exercise in the program, interact and develop lasting friendships with thousands of other members, have your questions answered, and get coaching from our professional staff.
The most important, and often missing, element in making a lasting transformation is social support. We’ve got you covered in that department. You’ll be able to post your workout logs, before and after pics, and questions for accountability to ensure the fastest rate of progress.
Kyle Gained 21 Pounds of Muscle
“Jay, I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me. My entire life has moved on to the next level and I feel like I owe it all to you. You’ve provided me with so much determination it can’t be expressed in words. I gained 21 lbs of mass and lost an equal amount of body-fat using your program!” Kyle Matthews
Brian Gained 23 Pounds of Muscle
“When I first started following Muscle Gaining Secrets I weighed 169. Today I’m a lean 192 pounds, can squat 365, deadlift 435 and bench press 300, respectively. By following all of his advice on nutrition, training and recovery to the letter I was able to make size and strength gains that I would’ve never imagined possible.” Brian Eskow
Geoff Gained 14 Pounds of Muscle
“I’m in the best shape of my life, because of your program. My goals: be about 210 but jacked and chiseled, able to deadlift 550, squat 400, and do a body-up or one armed pull up. Currently I deadlift around 490 & squat 405. Before picture is how I have looked for the last 4 years. After picture is due to Muscle Gaining Secrets.” Geoff C. Morehart
Christian Gained 14 Pounds of Muscle
“Stumbling upon MGS was like the answer to everything. I have complete faith in your training philosophies and feel that the words “thank you” ain’t enough. So far I have gained 14 pounds of muscle while simultaneously losing fat!
Thank you again.” Christian Bylsma
Steve Gained 10 Pounds of Muscle
“I really thought i knew everything about building muscle and gaining weight, I read every muscle magazine, and followed every stupid strength training phase that they invented. After giving myself a good slap for what an ass I had been I got into Jason Ferruggia’s Muscle Gaining Secrets. The results speak for themselves.” Steve Pharr
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What equipment do I need & can I train at home? Barbells and dumbbells. A basic home gym will cover you as there are no machines or fancy gym equipment required. A chin up bar and a power rack would also be a huge plus. But if you don’t have these things I’ll show you a few substitutions.
Q: How soon can I expect to see results and how much muscle can I build using this program? You should notice results within the first two weeks. After a month you’ll have made some noticeable changes, and by two months you’ll see a big difference. How big you get is ultimately determined by your genetics.
Q: Am I going to have to spend countless hours in the gym every week? Absolutely not. You’ll only have to train four days per week and you’ll be in and out of the gym in just 45 minutes!
Q: What if I don’t want to get big like a bodybuilder? Can I still use your program? Yes, you can. If you just want to achieve muscular male model type physique or the look of a pro fighter this is the best program to get you there. Getting big like a bodybuilder will take many years and a lot of steroids.
You can control how big you eventually get simply by controlling your caloric intake each week. So you determine exactly how much muscle you want to gain… a lean 10 or a massive 30+. It’s all up to you.
Q: Is this program suited for a complete beginner? Yes.  We have an introductory program for those who aren’t ready to start on the main program just yet.
Q: I want to start building muscle today. How long do I have to wait for you to ship everything to me? You don’t! Because the entire MGS 2.0 system is fully downloadable, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to it as soon as your payment is accepted. There’s no waiting at all. You can get started in the next five minutes.
Neil Gained 11 Pounds of Muscle
“Following the Muscle Gaining Secrets program I have gained 11 pounds of muscle mass while shredding 15 pounds of fat. Jason’s training principles and workouts work for all ages as I am about to turn 46 and am still gaining muscle and strength. This is the real deal for the natural strength athlete looking to get big. Cheers Jason!” Neil Archibald, UK
Gary Gained 22 Pounds Muscle
“I have used Muscle Gaining Secrets with great success from the beginning to help pack on a solid 22 pounds of muscle. Not only has your program helped me personally, but by using the knowledge I gained have from reading your work to become a successful personal trainer with more than twenty clients, doing 120 plus sessions a month.” Gary Deagle
Eddie Gained 12 Pounds of Muscle
“Since I started training with Muscle Gaining Secrets I’ve gained 12 pounds of muscle and lost over twenty pounds of bodyfat . My conditioning has improved dramatically and the sore joints I used to deal with are a thing of the past. ” Eddie Santana
Check Out Some More MGS 2.0 Success Stories From Facebook…
Download the entire system right now for just $19.95
NOTE: Muscle Gaining Secrets is a downloadable e-book. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the e-book onto your computer. The e-book format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC. At the end of your 30-day free trial in the Renegade Strength Club you will be re-billed $19.95 every month for access to brand new workouts, videos, and the coaching community. Cancel hassle free at any time.
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practicalhealthtips · 4 years
Keto Diet Plan For Beginners | 8-Weeks KETOGENIC DIET Meal Plan [Custom Keto Diet Review]
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Are Thinking of Perfect Keto Diet Plan for Beginners? Try Custom Keto Meal Plan Custo Keto Diet I mean Foods to eat and avoid to burn calories... This video review custom keto diet meal plan if is it legit or scam? Is the diet meal plan still working to burn excess fat and your shape back? Keto diets are high in fat and protein, that remove carbs from your body then forced to burn fat as fuel The diet focuses on eating mostly fat, limited amounts of protein, and almost no carbs at all Keto diet remove carbs from your body then forced to burn fat as fuel You can start fat burning with a Personalized Keto meal Plan Right Nutritions Get the results you want without impossible workouts or crazy diets might be practical difficult The reason why most people fail at keto in the long term is due to the fact that HOW and WHAT they are eating cannot be sustained very Many people are still trying verify if ketogenic diet is great for weight loss it's might probably they have tried different diets meal plan and it's working The targeted ketogenic diet ( TKD) is ideal for maintaining exercise performance, and therefore best for the so that get back to shape with much workouts or much supplements However, a true ketogenic diet is different. Unlike other low-carb diets, which focus on protein, a keto plan centers on eating high protein foods without adding weight The goal of the eating plan is to get your body into a state called ketosis, where it's burning fat, instead of carbohydrates What is the best Keto Diet Plan For Beginners? Beginners need best Personalized Keto Meal Plan to lose weight quickly for a special occasion or event or purpose list below should give you an idea of the best and worst foods for a low carb diet.
Top foods to avoid or limit on a low-carb diet.
Starchy vegetables Pasta Cereal Beer Sweetened yogurt Juice
Top Low-carb foods to eat
lean meats, such as sirloin, chicken breast, or pork. fish. eggs. leafy green vegetables. cauliflower and broccoli. nuts and seeds, including nut butter. oils, such as coconut oil, olive oil, and rapeseed oil. some fruit, such as apples, blueberries, and strawberries. If you decided that the keto diet was a good way to meet these goals, congratulations you will definitely eat your favorite foods and loss weight.
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The question What is a good keto meal plan? Look for some simple and easy to 8-Weeks Keto Diet Meal Plan out and simply questions related you body weight target to receive your personal keto diet plan. Perhaps if you want to create Meal plans for ketogenic diets by yourself and observe it according it can be difficult to create and follow This keto meal plan will help you choose keto foods, keto snacks, and give you keto recipes Turn your fats into fuel while eating the food you love Reaching Ketosis. Achieving ketosis is pretty straightforward, but it can seem complicated and confusing with all you don't follow right deity guidelines Your body uses whichever energy source is most readily available. This is normally glucose   Read the full article
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lazilyfreshtheorist · 5 years
Don't Be Afraid Improve With The Other Strength Training Beginners Guide For Your Body From The First Day
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-EpfBhO9jE Strength training beginners guide has a new, modified concept. If you do a sport every day or every other day, it can become monotonous at some point. Then there is the willingness to change something and try something new. What is it like when you try strength training? It may be an unfamiliar terrain, but if you start with our sophisticated program, you'll understand the basics very quickly. Time will help you to feel safe and master your weight training basics. Strength training beginners guide defines the term strength training. Strength training or resistance training; both are the common name of the exercises performed for enhancing body strength. So when I say strength training, do not get confused because we are talking about strength-building practices only. As a beginner, you will surely hear a lot of what is right and wrong. Do I start with strength or resistance training? Or what if you bring barbells to high-altitude? To answer these questions, we wrote this beginners guide to strength training.
Strength training beginners guide:
The strength training beginner guide is a guide to weight training. As a freshman, keep these things in mind before 1st training: Begin beginner training with a simple cardio program and full-body strength training. Noteworthy points for your practice from the strength training beginners guide: • It may be necessary to take extra rest days after the first few days of training. Maybe you need more time to rest and heal muscle injuries. But if you have sore muscles the next day, you have exaggerated it. Then you have to train another muscle group at the next workout to protect the injured tissue. • The content of a beginner program in one week consists of two or three days of cardio and a maximum of two days of strength training. • When I speak of intensity in beginner training, this means choosing a middle level. For example, you start with 3kg and realize that it is too easy. Then you take 5kg and notice the dumbbell I get up, then that's the weight with which you should start. Strength training beginners guide stands for a cautious start. For example, you can do the so-called talk test during cardio training. You talk while you train. With someone and something out of breath, we speak of moderate intensity. What is strength training in the definition of strength training beginners guide? Strength training beginners guide shows the different meanings of the word strength training. Strength training connects many people with the lifting of weights. If you want your muscles growing, you have to challenge your muscles, let them work. You can do this faster if you need to lift something or push it away. So you use resistance. What is the opposite? Strength is a counterforce that a muscle has to overcome. The question, what can anything serve as resistance? There are a few possibilities: The easiest is your bodyweight, then you can use so-called free weights such as dumbbells and weight cuffs. In the fitness area, the elastic bands are trendy. After all, what you know from fitness studios are the specialized machines. For all this, a beginner needs weight training for beginners guide. No matter what you want to use for a counterweight, your muscles are built up. Your muscles have its beginnings on two joints. The exercises can strengthen your bones as well. Strength training beginners guide health obstacles Weak muscles can make even minor exertion — such as walking a few blocks, climbing stairs, or only getting out of bed-difficult. Equally important, weak muscles compromise balance. With health restrictions such as the Atheros or arthritis, you must, of course, adjust your workout accordingly. Through regular training, these so-called limitations become less with time. You turn this process around. With the muscle building, you increase your range of motion. Take as an example the Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is bone loss where the bone becomes brittle and unstable over time. Muscles then help to balance this deficit. A hint of strength training beginners guide: These notes and designs do not replace a medical diagnosis or a visit to a doctor !! The first program in strength training beginners guide: As a beginner, you first have many questions: • With what weight do I start? • How many times should I lift the weight? For these questions you need beginners guide to exercise. If you're newbie, it's essential, as we've suggested to you in an earlier article, to trust an experienced trainer. He can show you the gym basics for beginners and also your strength training goals. What you learn first and your instructions are expert, that is an excellent basis. That will make the difference between wasted training time and steady progress. There is a need for foundation and structure in the beginning. Strength training beginners guide wants to make your training more accessible. It starts by learning the feel and getting comfortable with the movements. Aim for precision as much as possible, but understand that in these primordial stages, your form will most likely be imperfect.
Best workouts for strength training:
Strength training beginners guide - Running Treadmill - Do 1 set, 5-10 minutes. • When entering the warm-up treadmill, select your program from the menu. Set it either manually or take a programmed schedule. • While running, it is essential to pay attention to correct posture and appropriate pace. Use the retaining bars only when needed.
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Strength training beginners guide - Leg Press Exercise 2 - 1 set with 8-12 reps. • Sit in the machine and put your feet in a shoulder-width foot position on the press surface with the trudged legs. • Now push the platform up and release it. Now you start training by bending your legs up to 90 ° again. • You start inhaling and push the platform away from you. The legs are long but not stretched (margin in the knee joint). • Tip: Press mainly with your heels and the quadriceps. Return to the starting position when exhaling.
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Triceps Pushdown 3 - Rope Attachment - Do two sets, 8-12 reps. • Stand straight with your upper body slightly bent. • The upper arms are on the outside of the body and face down. Your forearms are pointing up, as the rope with your palms facing each other. That's the starting position. • Now you pull the string with the triceps down, so you inhale. The arms are far stretched and at the side of the upper body. • Keep this rope position for a second. Then you bring the forearms back to the high place, and you exhale. Single-Leg Deadlift – Do three sets of 6 reps per side, rest 1-2 min. • With the long arm, you hold a kettlebell in one hand. • Your body weight is now on the leg on its side, which is a kettlebell. The knee is slightly bent. Now you perform a deadlift, you lean slightly forward, and the other leg back stretches (hold balance). • Bend so far that your upper body is parallel to the ground. Then raise yourself again.
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Strength training beginners guide - Ab Crunch Machine – Do one set, 8-12 reps. • You choose a resistance that you can handle easily. Sit in the stomach machine and put your feet under the foot padding. The hands include the upper handle pads. • Your arms are 90 ° angled, and the upper arm backs are on. That's the starting position. • Now move your legs and upper body together with your abs at the same time. You are crunching while sitting. In doing so, you breathe in. • The movements should be slow and controlled. • Finally, you return slowly to the starting position and exhale.
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Strength training beginners guide final words Strength training beginners guide follows a different approach. This workout is for newcomers to the gym who want to get better health and fitness. Most beginner exercises you do best with or on equipment. Why this? A beginner without experience and stamina has less body stability in the center of his body. His joints are not used to stronger forces acting on the body. When training with so-called free weights such as dumbbells or stones, you can hurt yourself because they have no guide rails. If you lose your balance during an exercise, the pressure will pull you down, or it will fall on you. Train at least twice a week then you can already get excellent strength gains. The above workouts are just examples of the strength training beginners guide. You can do exercises that your trainer will show you. Read the full article
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ebenpink · 5 years
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How to answer the most common nutrition questions like a boss: A cheat sheet for helping anyone hone their eating habits. http://bit.ly/2HYqtgK
If you love nutrition, health, and fitness — or you’re already a professional in one of these fields — you probably get a LOT of diet- and nutrition-related questions from friends, family, clients, and/or patients. 
That’s why we created this cheat sheet, with evidence-based, easy-to-understand answers to the most common questions, all of which are covered in our newly updated Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification program.
If you’re a health and fitness professional, no doubt you get a ton of diet- and nutrition-related questions.
Heck, even if you’re just really passionate about health and fitness, you’re probably getting questions all the time.
Coming up with the right answers can be difficult, because:
The right answer depends on who the asker is. Young athlete? Middle-aged man? Sixty-something woman? Whether you’re actively coaching, or you just have a diverse social network, the questions will run the gamut.
There are so many facets of nutrition. Macronutrients, micronutrients, supplements, pesticides, GMOs… where do you start?
There’s a TON of confusion about nutrition “truths.” Is red wine saving your life, or killing you? What about red meat? Eggs? And how ’bout that new plant-based diet?
The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to any nutrition question.
However, if you build a strong foundation of nutrition knowledge, you can:
learn how to accurately determine each person’s individual needs,
understand how targeted nutrition can support their goals, and
get better results for them, confidently and reliably.
With this article, you’ll start to build that foundation.
Here we’ll cover:
what’s really behind the most common nutrition questions,
why each person’s unique physiology matters,
how each person’s situation can help determine your response,
how to handle diet trends (Paleo, carb-phobia, etc.), and
how you can incorporate this knowledge… starting today.
Of course, this “cheat sheet” is just a start. There’s so much more you can learn.
That’s why devote the entire first unit of our newly updated Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification — 300 pages, 8 chapters, 8 comprehensive video lectures — to the most crucial elements of nutrition science.
That includes the most up-to-date findings in cell physiology, digestion, energy transfer, nutrient biochemistry, and more.
And, in case you’re wondering, the other 300 pages, 9 chapters, and 9 video lectures are devoted to the art of nutrition coaching.
That includes the most up-to-date findings in change psychology and the latest things we’ve learned having coached over 100,000 clients.
If you want to learn, we’re here to teach.
If you feel excited and inspired by what you learn today, and you’d like to learn more about the program, please put your name on our Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification presale list below.
We’re excited and inspired too.
We recently updated the program with the latest research, and enhanced it with a new workbook/study guide, over 35 new client assessment forms and questionnaires, and 17 brand-new animated videos.
The program opens up on Wednesday, April 3rd.
Since we only take a limited number of students, and the program sells out every time, we recommend adding your name to our presale list below. When you do, you get the chance to sign up 24 hours before everyone else. Even better, you’ll save up to 33% off the general price of the program.
Double win.
For now, let’s get started with some of the most common nutrition questions, including:
Question #1: “I’m new to this whole nutrition thing. Where do I start?” Question #2: “What’s the best diet to follow?” Question #3: “Is counting calories important for weight loss?” Question #4: “Should I avoid carbs?” Question #5: “Should I avoid grains?” Question #6: “What (and when) should I eat around my workouts?” Question #7: Should I drink less alcohol? Question #8: “Does the Paleo Diet live up to the hype?” Question #9: Should I do a detox or juice cleanse? Question #10: “Do sleep habits and stress really affect nutrition?” Question #11: How should I eat to get six-pack abs?”
Question #1 “I’m new to this whole nutrition thing. Where do I start?”
Answer: Let’s start by eliminating nutritional deficiencies.
This one is always interesting, because no one ever wants to believe they have nutritional deficiencies.
People might not want to hear it at first, but nutrition beginners don’t need a major diet overhaul on day one. They don’t need to “go Paleo” or “eliminate sugar.”
As their coach, your first step should be to open newbie clients’ eyes to the fact that they probably have one or more nutritional deficiencies (seriously — more than 80 percent of the population has at least one).
Until nutritional deficiencies are removed, the body simply won’t function properly — and that makes any health or fitness goal a lot harder.
So, to eliminate deficiencies, your first order of business is to help the person find workable strategies for rounding out the diet, so they get:
a bit more protein,
ample vitamins and minerals,
sufficient healthy fats, and
more water.
Tell them that you’re going to help them establish optimal eating habits one step at a time. Then talk through some strategies: Find out which of the nutritional areas listed above will be most challenging for them (for example, some of the beginners we work with don’t know how to cook meat). That’s the problem you’re going to help them solve first.
Once nutritional deficiencies are addressed, you can start to focus on things like food quality and portions.
What to say when the person seems impatient? Explain: “This process isn’t slow; it’s systematic. It focuses on the things that are in your way right now. Once they’re eliminated, progress happens fast.”
The 3 steps I teach trainers and health coaches to fix any diet problem.
How to fix a broken diet. [Infographic]
What to do when you don’t like vegetables. [Article + infographic]
Question #2 “What’s the best diet to follow?”
Answer: There is no “best diet.”
As you emerge as a health, fitness, and nutrition expert, everyone’s going to want to know: Which dietary “camp” do you belong to?
The best coaches maintain a neutral position on this. If you can, strive to be a nutritional agnostic: someone who doesn’t subscribe to any one dietary philosophy.
Why? All dietary protocols have their pros and cons. What works best for one person won’t work best for another. Also: A diet that has worked best for someone in the past won’t necessarily be what works best for them moving forward.
Tell your client or patient that you’re going to help them find the approach to eating that works best for them right now, whether it be Paleo or vegan, high-carb or low-carb, tight budget or unlimited funds — or some blend of all of these.
The truth is, the human body is amazingly adaptable to a vast array of diets, so the best diet is the one that:
matches the person’s unique physiology,
includes foods they enjoy enough to follow consistently, and
is realistic for them in terms of life logistics and budget.
Indeed, you can make people lean, strong, and healthy on a plant-based or a meat-based diet. You can help improve their health with organic, free-range foods and with conventional foods. They can lose weight on a low food budget or an unlimited one.
It just takes a little know-how and a system for using the best practices across all diets.
Paleo, vegan, intermittent fasting: Here’s how to choose the best diet for you.
Question #3 “Is counting calories important for weight loss?”
Answer: For many people, calorie counting may be more of a hassle than it’s worth. The good news: There is a better way.
Weight management is a simple equation: Eat more than you burn, and you gain weight. Eat less and you lose weight.
But the physiology behind “calories in, calories out” is actually much more complex and dynamic than most people realize. Plus, it’s imprecise; we estimate that there’s typically an error of up to 25 percent on the ‘calories in’ side, and on the ‘calories out’ side.
Beyond that, counting calories is an external system (outside of your body). In essence, people who count calories are less likely to see lasting results because they’re outsourcing appetite awareness to the food-label gods. To really win at portion control, coach your clients or patients on tuning into their internal hunger signals.
For these reasons, and more, we tell our clients that for most people, counting calories is a lot of work for very little benefit.
(Interestingly, most clients become elated when they realize they can get the body transformation they want without ever counting calories again.)
Instead of calorie counting, we recommend a hand-measure system for portion sizes. Here how it works:
Your palm determines your protein portions.
Your fist determines your veggie portions.
Your cupped hand determines your carb portions.
Your thumb determines your fat portions.
This system counts your calories for you, and gets your macronutrients lined up too, without having to do any annoying food-label math.
Plus, your hands are portable — they go wherever you go, making portion-sizing very convenient. In addition, your hands are generally scaled to your size — the bigger you are, the bigger your hands, so the more food you need and the more food you get.
Clients typically get the hang of this system within a week of learning it; then we help them monitor results and tweak as needed.
Forget calorie counting: Try this calorie control guide for men and women [Article + infographic].
Can eating too little actually damage your metabolism?
The surprising problem with calorie counting. Part 1: ‘Calories in’ and Part 2: ‘Calories out’ [Infographics]
All about eating slowly (for appetite awareness).
Question #4 “Should I avoid carbs?”
Answer: No; but let’s make sure you’re getting the right kind of carbs.
Ask almost anyone what they need to do to lose a few pounds, and they’ll probably say: “Cut back on carbs.” As a professional in a health/fitness field, you’ve probably heard it dozens of times.
However, most folks would do best eating a moderate amount of quality carbs—whole grains (when tolerated), fruit, potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans and legumes, etc. (We emphasize moderate, of course).
For men, this usually means about 1-2 cupped handfuls per meal. And women, about 1 cupped handful per meal.
Of course, the needs of each individual may differ, based on their size, activity level, goals, and genetics.
But, bottom line, carbs are not inherently fattening, especially whole food sources. And getting adequate carbs can help most clients exercise harder and recover better, optimizing progress.
Yep, this is a controversial position to take. But it works. And while avoiding carbs may facilitate rapid weight loss initially, we’ve found that it’s not practical (or necessary) for long-term success for most people.
Carb controversy: Why low-carb diets have got it all wrong.
The ketogenic diet: Does it live up to the hype?
Question #5 “Should I avoid grains?”
Answer: No; most people trying to stay lean do best with a reasonable amount of whole grains.
Grain discussions are really trendy right now, as many people have suggested they’re dietary enemy #1 and should be completely eliminated. This is hot news as, just ten years ago, they were supposedly one of the healthiest foods on the planet.
From our perspective, grains aren’t as evil as they’ve been made out to be by the Paleo and Whole30 camps. At the same time, they aren’t the superfood vegans and macrobiotic eaters suggest either.
Bottom line: While you don’t need to eat grains, unless you have celiac disease or a FODMAP intolerance, there is absolutely no need to avoid them. (And even in those two scenarios, it’s only specific grains you need to worry about).
Most people follow a better, more health-promoting diet if they’re allowed grains in reasonable amounts, along with a wide array of other non-grain carb sources like fruit, potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, lentils, etc.
Remember, it’s the ability to follow a diet consistently over time that provides the greatest results, regardless of what that diet is. And unless you’re intolerant, there’s no good reason to totally exclude certain foods, especially foods you enjoy.
Settling the great grain debate: Can wheat and other grains fit into a healthy—and sane—diet?
Question #6: “What (and when) should I eat around my workouts?”
Answer: It depends on your goals. Let’s talk about those… then we can come up with specific recommendations for you.
If you train athletes, this is a really common question. But lots of non-athletes are curious too.
Contrary to popular media, most folks are best served by eating good quality whole foods in reasonable amounts, without having to focus on specific workout nutrition products or protocols.
So you can advise non-athlete level clients to eat a normal, balanced meal 1-2 hours before and after exercise. This will provide adequate protein and carbs to both fuel the workout and maximize recovery/adaption.
However, if you coach advanced, hard-training clients or athletes, tell them you’re going to help with their unique workout-nutrition needs.
Endurance athletes, bodybuilders, or those looking to maximize muscle gain could add a protein and carbohydrate drink during their workout. We usually recommend about 15 g of protein and 30-45 g of carbohydrate per hour of exercise.
Physique competitors, as well as people trying to maximize fat loss, could add essential amino acids (or branched chain amino acids) during their workout. We usually recommend 5-15 g of EAA (or BCAA) per hour of exercise.
In the end, rather than having one stock answer here, you need to be clear about who you’re working with.
Best workout nutrition strategies: A useful guide for what to eat before, during, and after exercise.
Workout nutrition illustrated. [Infographic]
Question #7 Should I drink less alcohol?
Answer: If optimal health and fitness is your priority, consider reevaluating your drinking habits.
People may balk at that answer initially, but once you lay out the facts and make it clear that you’re not telling them not to drink, their ears will open.
There’s a lot of confusion about whether drinking is good for you or not. That’s mainly because the news media likes to play up new studies revealing the possible cardiovascular benefits of alcohol.
But the truth is, no one really knows who will benefit from light to moderate alcohol consumption. Meanwhile, any level of drinking (even “moderate”) comes with health risks that should be considered.
Heavy drinking — more than 7 drinks a week for women and more than 14 per week for men — increases the risk for a long list of health problems involving the heart, brain, immunity, hormones, liver, and metabolism.
But even light to moderate drinking can affect sleep, appetite, and decision making — which absolutely can have a negative impact on your clients’ health and fitness goals.
Still, drinking is an undeniable part of culture, and when enjoyed reasonably it can be delicious and fun.
Tell your clients or patients that you’re going to help them sort out their priorities to determine the best level of drinking for them. Then encourage them to track their drinking habits — and how their drinking habits make them feel physically and psychologically — for a couple weeks.
Most drinkers consume a lot more alcohol than they think, and when they stop to evaluate, many decide on their own that it would feel better to cut back.
Would I be healthier if I quit drinking? My quest to understand the real trade-offs of alcohol consumption.
Question #8 “Does the Paleo Diet live up to the hype?”
Answer: Mostly, yes. But not for the reasons you think.
The Paleo Diet is one of the most popular nutrition approaches in the world right now. There’s no doubt that it works for many people. However, the reason it works has little to do with the story the Paleo proponents tell (evolutionary adaptation, inflammation, etc.).
Here’s the deal. Paleo does work for a lot of people because it emphasizes mostly whole-food sources of lean protein, vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats.
However, while Paleo is starting to incorporate more high-quality carbs, grass-fed dairy, red wine, and other things that used to be “off limits” — the diet can still be too restrictive for some folks.
In the end, Paleo likely gets more right than wrong. And if people want to follow it, you can help them do it in a sane, reasonable, sustainable manner.
But for most, it’s unnecessary to follow such a strict dietary ideology. You can take the good from the Paleo approach and get rid of the silly dogma.
The Paleo problem: Examining the pros and cons of the Paleo diet.
Question #9 Should I do a detox or juice cleanse?
Answer: Probably not; most popular detox diets don’t remove toxins or lead to fat loss.
Lots of people are worried about the effect of modern lifestyle factors like poor nutrition, sleep deprivation, stress, and environmental pollutants on their health.
So you probably get a fair number of questions about detox diets and juice cleanses, which have come into vogue as an efficient way to (supposedly) lose weight and rid the body of impurities.
But detox diets don’t clean out toxins or help you lose body fat. In fact, detox diets can work against these goals by bypassing the body’s natural detoxification systems and creating a feast-or-famine cycle of eating.
Among many problems, detoxes and cleanses often:
are protein deficient,
are extremely low in energy,
cause unhealthy blood-sugar swings,
cause GI tract dysfunction, and
lead to a yoyo of restrictive eating and overcompensation.
If doing a juice cleanse or detox diet helps a person get ready to make further helpful and sustainable changes in their life, OK. Just coach them through a cautious and monitored protocol.
However, we prefer helping them build life-long skills and incorporate daily practices to improve their health, performance, and body composition without extreme (and unsustainable) things like detoxes and cleanses.
Are detox diets good for you? How a 3-day juice cleanse landed this dietitian in the ER.
Question #10 “Do sleep habits and stress really affect nutrition?”
Answer: Yes, but those effects vary from person to person, as do the best sleep and stress management strategies.
Sleep is just as important as nutrition and exercise when it comes to improving your health, performance, and body composition.
Clients and patients should be coached through:
creating a sleep routine, including having a regular schedule,
limiting alcohol and caffeine, especially in the afternoon/evening,
choosing de-stressing activities before bed,
setting an appropriate room temperature for sleep,
making the room dark,
keeping the room quiet, and
waking up appropriately, with light exposure and soft noise.
As for stress, it’s all about finding the sweet spot. Too much stress, or the wrong kind, can harm our health. Yet stress can also be a positive force in our lives, keeping us focused, alert, and at the top of our game.
It all depends on what kind of stress it is, how prepared we are to meet it — and how we view it.
Since stress affects the mind, body, and behavior in many ways, everyone experiences stress differently. Each of us has a unique “recovery zone,” whether that’s physical or psychological, and our recovery zone depends on several factors.
It is critical to teach people strategies and skills to view and handle their own stress load appropriately. The following can increase stress tolerance or diminish stress load:
meditation or yoga
outdoor time
snuggling a pet
listening to relaxing music
deep breathing
drinking green tea
Hacking sleep: Engineering a high quality, restful night [Article + infographic]
Good stress, bad stress: Finding your sweet spot. [Article + infographic]
Question #11 How should I eat to get six-pack abs?”
Answer: First let’s explore whether a six pack is worth the trade-offs.
To answer this one, you first have to know if six-pack abs are really what your client wants. (And if they’re prepared to do what it takes.)
Getting ripped abs is a much bigger undertaking than most people realize. There are definite benefits to getting that lean (<10 percent for most men, and <20 percent for most women), but there are real trade-offs too.
Alcohol, processed foods, and desserts all need to be severely limited if you’re trying to lose fat and show off a washboard stomach. Social situations often become difficult. Other interests and hobbies may need to decrease.
However, if clients really want to get a six-pack in the healthiest possible way, they’ll need to follow these principles 90-95 percent of the time:
eat protein and vegetables at every meal,
include healthy fats at most meals,
eat a small amount of carbs post-workout only,
limit carbs at all other meals,
exercise intensely 4-5 times per week, and
get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.
Armed with this information, you can have an honest conversation about whether your clients want the six-pack badly enough. (Or if they’d settle for moderately lean and healthy without giving up some of the other things they enjoy).
The cost of getting lean: Is it really worth the trade-off?
Here’s the cost of getting lean. [Infographic]
In the end, yes, it’ll take some time to master these answers on the fly with a wide variety of people, but the only way to get started is to dive right in.
Remember: While you’re expected to know all the answers, you can’t be expected to know everything about every single person.
So use the answers in this cheat sheet as a starting point (I recommend that you do the deeper reading first), and then learn more with strategic questions about their particular needs and goals.
In the end, being the go-to coach for nutrition questions is about — yes — knowing the facts. But it’s also about meeting people where they’re at and garnering experience while you make the journey together.
If you’re a coach, or you want to be…
Learning how to coach clients, patients, friends, or family members through healthy eating and lifestyle changes — including how to manage energy balance — is both an art and a science.
If you’d like to learn more about both, consider the Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification. The next group kicks off shortly.
What’s it all about?
The Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification is the world’s most respected nutrition education program. It gives you the knowledge, systems, and tools you need to really understand how food influences a person’s health and fitness. Plus the ability to turn that knowledge into a thriving coaching practice.
Developed over 15 years, and proven with over 100,000 clients and patients, the Level 1 curriculum stands alone as the authority on the science of nutrition and the art of coaching.
Whether you’re already mid-career, or just starting out, the Level 1 Certification is your springboard to a deeper understanding of nutrition, the authority to coach it, and the ability to turn what you know into results.
[Of course, if you’re already a student or graduate of the Level 1 Certification, check out our Level 2 Certification Master Class. It’s an exclusive, year-long mentorship designed for elite professionals looking to master the art of coaching and be part of the top 1% of health and fitness coaches in the world.]
Interested? Add your name to the presale list. You’ll save up to 33% and secure your spot 24 hours before everyone else.
We’ll be opening up spots in our next Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019.
If you want to find out more, we’ve set up the following presale list, which gives you two advantages.
Pay less than everyone else. We like to reward people who are eager to boost their credentials and are ready to commit to getting the education they need. So we’re offering a discount of up to 33% off the general price when you sign up for the presale list.
Sign up 24 hours before the general public and increase your chances of getting a spot. We only open the certification program twice per year. Due to high demand, spots in the program are limited and have historically sold out in a matter of hours. But when you sign up for the presale list, we’ll give you the opportunity to register a full 24 hours before anyone else.
If you’re ready for a deeper understanding of nutrition, the authority to coach it, and the ability to turn what you know into results… this is your chance to see what the world’s top professional nutrition coaching system can do for you.
The post How to answer the most common nutrition questions like a boss: A cheat sheet for helping anyone hone their eating habits. appeared first on Precision Nutrition.
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