#stark v targ
esther-dot · 6 months
Dany may not like the starks but all the starklings love the targaryen tales, they won’t just start hating her for no reason
I assume you’re reacting to this post and I don’t understand how you came away thinking I was blithely announcing they’ll hate her “for no reason”?
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If Dany has a reason to hate the Starks (as you suggest) because of which side of the rebellion their father was on and what that meant for her own life, why don’t the Starks have that same right? If Jon thought this of Mance and the Free Folk:
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What’s he gonna think about an invading force when there’s no wall between them? Led by a woman from the family his father (or the man he believed was his father) rebelled against? A woman with Dothraki who are known to rape and enslave? And she has dragons. I think there’s good reason to believe Jon will be wary from the start, and then things will transpire that make him see her as a threat to his family, to “everyone I ever loved,” and that will make her his enemy. Besides, Jon was willing to kill someone “he half admired and almost liked…” to protect the Starks, so even if he didn’t loathe Dany, that isn’t gonna save her. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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eruherdiriel · 4 months
Pyp grinned. "The Night's Watch is thousands of years old," he said, "but I'll wager Lord Snow's the first brother ever honored for burning down the Lord Commander's Tower." The others laughed, and even Jon had to smile. The fire he'd started had not, in truth, burned down that formidable stone tower, but it had done a fair job of gutting the interior of the top two floors, where the Old Bear had his chambers. No one seemed to mind that very much, since it had also destroyed Othor's murderous corpse.
what else could he be honored for that is considered. hmm. dishonorable. (something ... stabby? betrayal-related?)
And the honor is a place in the Gift?
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agentrouka-blog · 9 months
I don’t know about other Daenerys stans but a relationship is the last thing I want for her in the books. All the men in her life have already put her through so much I’d be nicer to ME if her and Jon bonded as unlikely friends.
It would certainly be unlikely.
Nothing against you, anon, I wish you all the best. I just don't expect that the Starks and Dany will mesh well, all factors considered, or that the Starks will be unrelated to any future hardships Dany goes through in the books. Or vice versa. To put it mildly.
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wibbley-wobble · 2 years
While the whole segment of GOT where Lyanna names her son Aegon Targaryen was absolute dog shit and piss poor writing, I do commend the writers of HOTD for carrying the theme of why it is fucking stupid to name your kid Aegon.
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vincentsambershades · 9 months
How not to tame a dragon
Cregan Stark x Targ!fem!reader
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Summary: when Cregan Stark informs his Targaryen bride that she cannot bring her mount with her to Dorne, all hell breaks loose.
(I usually avoid writing since English is not my native language (be warned). I was, however, inspired by some hotd-fics from my favourite creators and wanted to write something fun, about our favourite northern man, mister cregan, which I'm actually pretty proud of. So here it goes.)
Word count: 2.5k-2.6k
Warnings: 18+, angst, smut, fingering, p in v, tiny bit of breeding kink, flufffffff
When Cregan Stark was first presented with the young Targaryen princess he didn't fail to notice the fire that erupted from within her. A fire caused by her close attachment to her dragon. Her Cannibal, albeit frightening, had served the both of them well enough after their wedding. And even though Cregan was hesitant to ride on dragonback, his wife had charmed him in doing so relatively early in their marriage. 
 In spite of how much Cregan admired the beast, as well as the bond between his bride and her mount, there were moments when he wished he hadn't been married to a Dragonrider. 
The princess was used to roaming Westeros with her loyal travel companion. Therefore, when the time had come for the newly wed couple to head to Dorne, in order to manage 'certain financial and commercial matters', as her husband had called them, Cregan prevented her from bringing her beloved dragon along. He insisted that a dragon, despite being a sign of force and power, would create an intimidating environment that would leave no room for impartial negotiation. He was right of course, as always, but the wrath of the dragon was easy to provoke.
"Cannibal is coming with us to Dorne! The cold of the North is no good for him! The heat will soothe him!" she was red in the face and as terrifying as the wild thing she had managed to tame. 
"My love, you know we cannot travel with a dragon to Dorne, bringing your beast along will only serve as provocation which we cannot afford!" said Cregan only fuelling his wife's fury.
"This is outrageous!" she looked almost as if she intended to feed him to the dragon.
No direwolf would ever be able to save him from that fate.
She didn't speak to him for at least two weeks after that. 
Around that time, their journey to Dorne began.
After long hours of travelling, as night was setting, time had come for them to rest and as Cregan helped his men set out camp for the night, his wife was taking a stroll near the frozen river. She was wrapped in more furs than he could count and looked as if she would tumble over from their weight any moment now.
She would appear comical had it not been for that sour expression on her face. 
Separating her from her dragon seemed to toll on her more and more as the days passed. Her denial to exchange more words with him, other than 'Good Morrow' and occasionally 'Good night', didn't seem to improve her mood either. 
It didn't matter to her that she missed him. The princess wanted for her husband to be the first, out of the two, to break. She wanted for him to seek her out, chase her and claim her all over again. 
Cregan needed her too. He had always known that half her heart belonged to her dragon. That was what happened with all Targaryens.
He had come to terms with that.
Yet, there were moments, like this when the mere view of his beautiful wife had him hoping that he owned at least some part of her heart. 
He felt silly. He knew that their marriage was a political arrangement. Her father had established that when the match was made. However, Cregan couldn't help but feel lucky to have found a match in the princess, their chemistry was undeniable and their times together were filled with all the passion other political marriages lacked. There was mutual understanding in their marriage. 
Cregan shook these thoughts and concentrated on the task ahead. So called traders from Dorne had been entering his borders and tormenting villages on his coastlines. Of course, the Lord had tried to diplomatically remove them from his land but when the situation became unbearable and his ambassadors came back empty handed, he knew it was time for a formal visit to the far South. He had been tempted to use his wife's creature in order to intimidate them, but the thought of causing further commotion, when the throne was so vulnerable, prevented him from doing so. For a Stark, Cregan's will to maintain the peace was greater than his thirst for battle. 
Cregan was lost in his thoughts as the men sat around the fire, passing around carafes of ale to warm them during the cold night. It took his companions quite a bit of convincing, but he finally accepted to take a swing. 
"To keep you warm, Lord." insisted the man who was sitting on his right. Cregan took the carafe, offering the man a grateful smile, and drank generously. 
Instead of downing more, he wrapped his coat tighter around him and relaxed while watching the flames. Cregan managed to lose himself in the moment. He didn't know what it was, the easy atmosphere or his companions' laughter, but something warm bloomed in his chest. How he had missed travelling. Roaming the North with his friends as the moonlight illuminated them.
It felt even better this time. Because in this particular occasion, he had her to share it with. His stubborn little wife. His fierce dragon rider.
And that was when it hit him.
Cregan realised he hadn't seen her in more than an hour. The last time his eyes had fallen on her, she was wandering around, kicking the snow with her feet. He didn't think she had headed for the woods, he knew she wasn't that careless. Before they began their journey he had, after all, made sure to inform her of all the dangers they might come across, wolves, bears and other animals humans shouldn't meddle with. Therefore, she had to be in their shared tent. 
"What is it Lord?" the man turned to him again. Cregan attempted to hide the worry off his voice. 
"Have you seen my Lady around?" 
"I fear I haven't, Lord, she must be resting." offered the man with a toothy grin that did nothing to ease Cregan's worry. 
Cregan rose to his feet swiftly, turning on his heels and heading to the tent where he found nothing but an untouched bed and a trunk he himself had placed there. He exited the narrow space, searching for any sign of his wife. His vision, despite being acute, served him little in the moment and the full moon, albeit helpful, didn't shine enough light upon the heavy snow. His mind ran several miles an hour, considering all the possible paths the princess could've taken. He began his search without being in control of where his feet took him until he reached the river. He looked for footprints but found none. Even if she had taken that route, the fresh snow would've covered her tracks.
His train of thought was rudely interrupted by a crack on the ice that had gathered at the edges of the river. The sound of the rapture was followed by a splash in the cold water and a womanly scream, one that undoubtedly belonged to his wife.
He followed the direction of the sound only to be met with the sight of the princess' attempt at defying the coldness of the river and swimming to the surface. Without second thought, Cregan rid himself of his fur coat, keeping on his less warm leather attire. He placed the heavy coat to the side and got in the freezing water aiming for his wife. She was easy to identify, even in the dim moonlight, and so he reached for her. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and pulled her out, letting her limp body rest against the snow covered ground but only long enough for him to pull his dry furs on top of her soaked ones. After she was securely wrapped in them, he carried her unconscious back to the untouched bed he had prepared for her. 
"You stupid girl..." he scolded her while peeling her clothes off and leaving them near the fire to dry. Despite being close to the fire and covered in all the blankets Cregan could find, she was still shivering. "The blood of the dragon is not enough to keep you warm after all..." she had awakened during this time and was aware of everything he threw at her. 
Had she been in her senses, she would've jumped at him for daring to question the fire in her veins. But she was weak and defeated as she watched him pull his own clothes off. 
He knew there was only one way to warm her up fast and that was body heat. And no matter how mad she had been at him for the past two weeks, she couldn't help but feel grateful as he covered himself in the blankets and pulled her to him. His arms found their place around her waist and she buried her face in the crook of his neck inhaling the manly scent of him. He started running his fingers up her back, all the way to her damp hair, and down again, just above her rear. He grabbed her thigh, hiking her leg over his hip and drawing her closer. His fingers found her front and caressed the skin below her bellybutton, tentatively delving lower. She heaved a sigh, her now hot breath hitting his neck as he let his urges overtake him. 
His hand found its place between her thighs. She was warm there. Warm and soft. He dipped his fingers in her delicate folds, finding her oversensitive bud and circling it. They hadn't coupled in a while and his desire for her was driving him crazy.  
"Cr-Cregan..." she whimpered and for a moment he thought she was hesitant. That thought, however, didn't plague him for long. When he pulled away to look at her face, to search for a negative reaction, he saw her pouty lips regaining their colour and her eyes reddened with unshed tears and clouded with want, pleading for him to finally touch her. 
"Please, please, please-" as much as he usually enjoyed her begging him to take her, he was quick to stop her whimpering by capturing her lips in a kiss. His lips felt hot against hers and as he replaced his index finger with his thumb on her pearl, reaching lower and teasing her entrance, she gasped offering him the perfect chance to deepen the kiss. His fingers felt heavenly inside her, pumping in and out of her always hitting the rough spot that Cregan knew made her see stars. 
Even with his fingers inside her and his length, brushing against her lower stomach, the kiss was his personal way of reclaiming her, swallowing her whole. 
She reached her smaller hand between their bodies, taking him in her hand and stroking him as he sat hot and heavy in her palm. 
She pulled away and her slack expression, lust filled eyes and kiss-swollen lips could have made him peak at that instant. 
"I want you inside of me, now." she stated and how could he refuse her. Especially when she looked so eager, practically begging him to fill her. 
He was quick to pull his fingers out of her, leaving her with an empty feeling. She didn't complain though, not when the sight of him getting on top of her and settling between her thighs had rendered her speechless.
He lowered his hips, reaching between his legs to tease her with his tip before entering her in one forceful thrust. She let out a yelp and choked out a moan.
The feeling of him long and thick, stretching her out after weeks of refusing him couldn't compare to anything. 
Except, perhaps, for the feeling of her, wet and warm and tight, around her husband. Cregan swore there was no other woman besides his wife that felt so perfect. 
Her tears, from how intense their lovemaking was, had Cregan remembering their first time together, right after their wedding feast when he had her lay on silk sheets, broken her maidenhead and molded her to him. 
"Cregan I need to-need to-" she tried to say while Cregan delivered licks and bites to the sensitive skin of her neck. 
"What do you need, my girl?" he thrust in her hard and fast, the way she liked it as his lips landed on her breast, sucking lovemarks and taking her nipple in his mouth, making her moan loud enough for everyone around to hear. 
"I n-need to peak, please!" she managed and who was he to deny her wishes. He led his fingers to her pearl, rubbing it while hitting her sweet spot. 
"Suck a good girl for me, begging me for her peak. Do it, I want to feel you come apart on my cock" he commanded her and not long after that her climax hit her. She held onto him, her nails digging into his biceps as he kept his unrelenting pace. His murmurs of 'that's it' and 'good girl' were muffled by her hair. Endless mantras of his name left her lips as she rode out her orgasm, her hips moving involuntarily against his own. 
"Do you want me to spill in you, uh, my love?" he asked almost mockingly as his thrusts grew uneven, a sign he was close.
"Sp-spill in me Cregan!" she yelped as he continued to abuse her insides. Her husband groaned at her lustful pleas, grabbing her face and forcing her to look him in the eye.
"I will, sweet girl. I will spill in you, make you round with my pup. You would like that, wouldn't you?" Cregan came apart with a satisfied moan, his warmth filling her and then running down her thighs as he grew soft and pulled out.
He didn't leave her side after that. He laid beside her, instead of on top of her, and pulled her to him. Her chest rose and fell as she tried to regain her breath and Cregan placed reassuring kisses to her forehead.
After a few moments of utter silence, he heard her sniffle and mutter something against his throat. He soon came to realise she was apologizing. He gave her a questioning look, wondering what she had to apologize for.
"I'm sorry for avoiding you for two weeks, it was stupid and immature of me and I'm so so-" he silenced her with a kiss to which she responded quickly.
"You have nothing to apologise for." Her expression was hopeful. "I understand what it is like to be parted from something or someone you've truly set your heart to. That's what staying away from you felt like" she gave him a nod before letting his words truly set in. Her confusion painted her face a scarlet red and her anticipation was later imprinted in her voice.
"What are you saying?" she questioned and he sighed softly, cupping her cheek and wholly giving into her.
"I love you infinitely, my fierce dragon princess. And you needn't say it back. Not unless it's your truth." a weak smile formed on her lips.
"I love you too, have loved since I married you, before that even." her cries ceased. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, inviting him to her. "I love you my wild man from the North, my wolf." he laughed at that, an honest heartfelt laugh, the vibrations of which she felt against her own chest, and proceeded to kiss her.
Cregan kissed his dragon princess like his life depended on it.
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vermithorn · 1 year
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pairing: cregan stark x targaryen!reader
summary: an unexpected visitor arrives at winterfell, cregan is surprised to say the least.
contains: 18+, fingering, p in v, afab!reader, she/her pronouns, biting(?) marking(?), masturbation, asks about consent all the way becasue thats cregan ok.
author's note: i was horny in class, you cant relate to my struggle as i wrote this. my comeback and its cregan because i dream about this man and i need him carnally... also pls forgive any mistakes yall know my first language its spanish so don't be mean and leave feedback if you liked it !! pls reblog !!! !!!!!!! also totally inspired by mi amor @fairysluna fic about targ!reader x cregan yall pls read it its GOD TIER. ok bye now pls enjoy !
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Winterfell was.. nice.
Your dragon, The Bronze Fury, wasn't fond of the snowy wasteland you commanded him to fly on. He grumbled as he landed near the northern capital, clouds of smoke coming out of his nostrils as he let you dismount him carefully, as much as he hated the north, he couldn't be mad at his rider.
You petted Vemithor’s snout, his red eyes intently watching you and allowing it, because after all, you were his little human. “Obey, stay here.” Vermithor roared, complaining in his own way, you just laughed and waved him off as you made your way to the castle.
“Warden Stark, this is a matter of great urgency…” 
Cregan stopped himself from rolling his eyes at the request of the Umber patriarch, a much older man who was filled with jealousy because Cregan was the Warden of the North and he wasn't, always mentioning it to the great council that was held once a month in the northern capital.
“My lord,” Cregan sighed, “I do not have time for this right now, you had your time for requesting when we were six hours in the council meeting earlier today.”
Lord Umber was about to speak again, smoke coming out his ears but was interrupted by the door of the Great Hall opening, a servant of the castle stepping in and announcing loudly;
“Princess Y/N Targaryen,” Cregan’s head snapped towards the doors, taking in the sight of you entering the Great Hall.
You were bundled up in heavy clothing to protect against the cold weather, wearing a thick fur-lined cloak over a long (but tight?) black dress with red accents, with the three-headed dragon sigil embroidered on your chest.
“Lord Umber, return to this conversation later,” Lord Umber's grumbles could be heard as he walked out quickly after bowing to you, leaving the two of you alone in the Great Hall.
 As you walked towards Cregan, he could feel a blush starting on his cheeks. 
“My lady.”
Cregan noticed a glint of amusement in your eyes as you spoke, it was almost a purr.
“Lord Cregan,” You raised an eyebrow, smirking, “I am not your lady, I am your princess.”
Cregan’s face turned redder, looking down for a second as if ashamed. “You are right, my princess. I have never before seen the princess of the realm and I was momentarily taken aback, forgetting your station,” He gulped, “I ask for your forgiveness, your highness.”
You chuckled, delighted. “Do not worry, my lord, we all make mistakes.” 
He looked at you in awe, he never had seen a woman as beautiful as you, especially in this land of wolves. He felt like he was being pulled towards you as if he was a moth and you were the flame, taking steps towards you.
“Nice meeting you, Warden Stark.” You could tell he was nervous, hiding his shaky hands behind his back, standing straight.
He nodded, almost a bow, “What’s the Princess of Dragonstone doing in Winterfell if I may ask? It is rare to see a noble of the south in this frozen land, even rarer the Crown’s Princess.” 
You chuckled softly, and Cregan couldn't feel more attracted to you now as he continued, “Is this an official visit? or did you just wake up with a desire to see my homeland?”
“A little of both,” Cregan raised an eyebrow at you, “I came on dragon back,”
He looks at you with a mix of awe and fear. Dragons have not been seen in the North for a long time, so the mere mention of one is enough to make him worry slightly. “Did you fly all the way here alone, princess? Or is there an entourage of guards, servants, and courtiers that I need to prepare for? I would not presume to let you see one of the great houses of the North without a proper welcoming, even if you are visiting unannounced.”
This made you giggle, and Cregan’s face kept getting warmer with each second passing. “I am alone, my lord.”
Cregan bowed, trying to hide his warm cheeks and of course, showing respect for your station and your valor for traveling alone in the frozen wastes of the North. 
He straightened his back and looked into your lilac eyes, breathing softly trying to not get lost in them, “What would you wish to do here, my princess? I could arrange a meal, or a bath to warm up from the freezing weather? Or maybe you would like to talk?”
“A bath would be nice, my lord.” You gave him a wolfish grin, looking him up and down and making him gulp at the sight.
“I will have one prepared for you immediately.” Cregan walked towards the doors, calling a servant to get your bath ready as soon as possible in the guest chambers near his own, he turned around to talk to you but found you were walking around the room, intently watching the tapestries and paintings.
He watched you do this for a few minutes until a servant came back to inform him the bath was ready in the guest chambers, he came out of his trance watching you.
“My princess, the bath is ready for you,” You turned around grinning mischievously, “Is there anything else that I can do for you now? Anything at all?”
Cregan would learn a few seconds later that his words would turn against him.
“Perhaps you could join me?”
A wave of crimson washed over Cregan’s face, and you could see how your words were making sense in his head. What were you trying on him? Was the offer even real or just teasing on your part? He watched you with his jaw slightly dropped trying to think of a proper answer for you, the temptation was certainly great… to see a princess like that, to see you all bare, he could feel himself getting harder at the thought of your naked body, but… what will others think? You came to Winterfell alone, what could happen if others find out he was in your chambers all alone? The temptation was too great to resist it.
“Is this something you truly want, your highness?” Cregan swallowed, taking another step toward you, “Or am I being an object of teasing?”
You grinned widely, taking a step to meet him halfway putting a hand on his wide chest, “My lord, you know how stunning you are?”
Cregan couldn't spit the words out, too occupied focusing on the hand on his chest.
“I am very thankful for your hospitality, my lord,” His gaze fell into your wolfish grin and intense stare, “So I am extending an invitation of my own if you want it.”
Cregan found himself in your chambers, mad at himself for his weak resolve against the Targaryen temptress. 
But all those feelings went away the moment you locked the door after entering the room behind him. 
The bathtub in the middle of the room was big enough for two people, that was out of the question and Cregan wondered if the servants did this on purpose. You walked towards the bed near the fireplace, taking your fur cloak off and leaving it carefully on the mattress.
“Is this room to your liking, my princess?” Cregan said, watching you subtly.
“It is,” You nodded, slowly untying your dress, “Could you help me, my lord?” You turned around, watching him over your shoulder with a playful smile. “This dress is hard to take off on my own.”
Of fucking course.
Cregan made his way over you, his rough hands carefully untying the complicated part of your dress on your back. You could feel his fingers tracing your shoulder blade, now exposed to the warm air of the room thanks to the fireplace. “I can never take this off without my lady-in-waiting’s help.” You giggled, still watching him over your shoulder.
Cregan shook his head, amused by the fact you were gonna need help to take this off in any case, thankful it was him this time. He waited for you to move first, removing his hands gently.
He took a step backward, “You may undress as you wish, my princess. It would be rude of me to stare while you are getting in and out of the tub.” You turned around to face him, your dress falling off your shoulders as he spoke, “I will keep my eyes lowered.”
Cregan’s gaze fell to the ground, his hands again behind his back, anxiously playing with his thumb.
“My lord.” You purred, “I don’t mind, you can look if you wish.”
He splutters, his gaze still glued down to the floor, shocked by your words but his traitorous eyes wander back to your figure, he gasps when he sees how your dress is no longer on your shoulders, now hanging low on your waist and your chest bare.
“M-my princess… this is not appropriate…” He exhales shakily, his eyes glued to your chest not able to look away now.
You roll your eyes, chuckling softly, “I don’t mind, my lord, I am not ashamed of my body.”
Cregan’s jaw drops, your words sending shivers to his spine, and his uniform pants getting tighter. You have the confidence of a queen and beauty to match it.
“Then allow me,” He takes a look up and down at your form as you continue to remove your garments. 
“Like what you see, pup?” 
Your words make Cregan freeze on his spot near the bathtub, his eyes roaming crazily over your body, now fully bare to him. You walk towards him, stepping slowly on the hot water until it’s reaching your thighs.
“Words cannot describe what I’m feeling, your highness.” He exhales shakily, “I am merely a northern wolf awed by a dragon’s beauty and power.”
You chuckle, sitting down on the tub, the water reaching your breasts, “You flatter me, pup.”
He looks at you stunned, you seem unbothered by the scalding hot water as you sit looking at him expectantly. He has no words to describe what’s going on inside his head, the Crown’s Princess is bathing in front of the Warden of the North as if there were no one else in the world, he's only able to stare at you in awe, his eyes shining with a glint of lust.
He stumbles on his next words, “W-what should I do now, your highness?”
“Join me.” 
He only can nod and starts to remove his clothes immediately, showing no humility or shame at being naked in front of the princess, your confident self giving him confidence.
He realizes what he's about to do, “You’re not offended by my nakedness?”
You raise an eyebrow at him, amused, “Why would I be offended? You’re beautiful.”
Men are rarely complimented by their beauty, something Cregan doesn't experience as much, and you can tell this by the way his face lits up and blushes hard, turning away from your amused gaze and feeling slightly bashful.
He takes a deep breath and steps into the bathtub, the water is almost too hot for his liking but he seats behind you without any complaints. He is facing your back and he has to stop himself from reaching out and touching you.
“Shall I wash you, my princess? Or shall I merely enjoy the view?” The moments those words left his mouth his face was plagued by a crimson blush, not believing that he could mutter that out loud.
He heard you chuckle, turning your head to the side but not all the way so he could appreciate your side profile as you spoke, “Whatever you want,” 
He scooted closer to you, keeping all his lower body and his not-that-hard (a lie) cock away from your ass. Still half in disbelief, the princess herself telling him to do whatever he wanted? He was an ambitious man, but started on the base of his wants, not wanting to scare you off. He reach out and ran his hands through your white hair, slowly washing it and once in a while touching your neck.
Your skin felt impossibly soft in his rough palms, and your scent was enough to send him far far away. He felt his heart racing, threatening with escaping his rib cage, he couldn’t believe you were there in front of him, a Targaryen princess, naked and inviting.
As he softly caresses your neck, you throw your head back enjoying the feeling of him touching your skin. His hands softly untangle your wet hair, and it surprises him when you let out a low moan when he accidentally pulled your hair.
“Oh,” Cregan could feel the heat rising to his face, and of course, his cock twitching.
Being this close to you was making him lose all his composure, but he did his best as his hands traveled to your shoulders from your hair, massaging them gently as you nudged back, encouraging him to continue.
“Shall… shall I move further down, my princess?” 
He could physically feel your laugh against his hands, sending shivers down his spine. 
His hands moved along your shoulders, past your neck, and down to your upper back softly touching and caressing the path downwards your back. He can hear you sigh quietly, his hands coming back to your shoulder blades and slowly moving to your sides, just below your arms, both of his index fingers just barely brushing your breasts.
He stops, his hands still. “May I, your highness? I would never want to do something without your consent.”
You turn your head over your shoulder, watching him from the corner of your eye. “Go on, pup.”
His hands reach your chest, and he scoots closer, his (now) hard cock a few inches away from your ass. He warily cups your breasts, squeezing them gently as his fingers pinch your nipples, making them pebble.
You let out a whimper, shivering at the touch of his rough and big hands on your tits.
“Does this... please you, your highness? My hands on your perfect skin?” He cannot stop himself now, words spilling out his mouth as they didn’t before, his hands wandering around and playing with your chest.
“Yes, you’re doing such a good job, pup.” He blushes deeply but doesn't stop.
He’s still in disbelief, not entirely believing the situation happening in front of his eyes. The princess of Dragonstone telling him how good he's being for her? It is too much to comprehend, you’re so above him in any situation, but there you are, praising and wanting him to touch you.
“You want me to continue, my princess?” 
You nod, “Go further,”
His heart starts to pound harder in his chest, like a war drum, but he continues to do as you say. One hand stays playing with your breast, stroking your nipple, and the other travels downwards through your belly.
“Like this?” He whispers in your ear, and you can feel his hot breath on the back of your neck.
You surprise him again by scooting back, your ass against his hardened length, he gasps, the plump of your ass touching his cock making him lose his vision for a second, not expecting it at all.
“Just like that,” Your words send chills down his spine, is he really about to do this with a princess? Is he really worthy of that? He swallows deeply, his mouth now dry, but his mind is made up. He wants you, and if you’re allowing him to do this, he won't complain at all.
“As you wish, my princess. How far would you like me to continue?” 
“As far as you wish, pup.”
Your words leave him breathless, but he obliges. 
Cregan’s hand on your belly travels further down, carefully to not overstep your boundaries but decided to resume his wandering on your body as his cock presses against your ass. His eyes are glued to the back of your neck, his touch is hesitant at first but your permission makes him feel bold, so he presses his one hand down further and the other squeezes your breast.
“Go on, pup,” You whisper, leaning your head back and resting it on his shoulder as his mouth grazes your neck towards your throat, breathing heavily, “You know what to do.”
He chuckles, but it comes out as a shaky breath. He knows exactly what to do.
His fingers slowly make their way down to your cunt, two digits slowly reaching your clit hovering over it, and moving down to your folds, feeling how you shiver.
You exhale shakily, leaning even more against his body, “Please.”
Cregan’s resolve breaks, blushing as he continues his ministrations, teasing your clit with his palm and fingers grazing your folds, rubbing them. 
He’s so immersed in his teasing he doesn't notice when your soft hand grabs his, pushing it down towards your pussy hard. “I don’t like being teased, do your work.”
Your words drive him into a frenzy, immediately obeying and pushing two fingers into your cunt, hearing you moan. His hand on your breast leaves to support what the other one is doing, moving his fingers in a circular motion on your clit as the other fingers you.
You throw your head back into his shoulder harshly, groaning. “Don’t stop, pup.”
Cregan grinds himself against your ass as he thrusts into you, fingers deep into your pussy. Your breath starts to get labored and your shoulders begin to shake, he starts going faster, more vigorously as he hears your little whimpers with his name mixed into your chants.
“You’re doing so good for me, pup,” He grins proudly, his cock twitching at the breathy praise that falls from your lips, grinding harder against your ass.
Cregan makes you reach your peak after he pinches your clit and his long rough fingers thrust into you, shaking slightly as he holds you in place.
He’s still rock hard against your ass, and after a few moments to come back to yourself, you turn around to face him, your tits against his chest as you straddle his lap, not caring at all how the water splashes outside the tub.
Cregan’s cock is a sight, long and with a thickness it makes your mouth water. He watches you as you move around him until you grab his shaft making his dick brush your folds as you accommodate, the tip teasing on your hole.
“I want you, do you want me?”
He thinks that’s the dumbest question he's ever heard in his twenty-one years of life.
“Hell yes, my princess.”
You give him a wolfish grin as you sink into his length mercilessly in one go, your tight hole wrapping his cock in a warm embrace he can only answer by groaning loudly, his hands flying to your hips to help you steady yourself.
“You’re so tight, seven hells… my goddess, you’re so beautiful.” Your mouth parted at the sensation of his cock splitting you in two, combined with his praise, it’s enough encouragement to start riding him, water splashing everywhere.
His voice starts coming out as incoherences, between praises and swearing on how tight you are, and how your cunt was made for him, his mouth latching at your breast biting it and marking the sides when he can no longer say coherent words. You ride him hard and roughly, so it’s not a surprise when he spills inside your pussy and you follow him behind quickly with a second orgasm when he moves his hand down to rub your clit.
He hugs you as you both breathe heavily, trying to compose yourselves.
Your hand reaches his face, cupping his cheek as he looks into your lilac eyes like a puppy.
“You did so well, you’re not getting rid of me now.”
He beams at the praise, hugging you tightly, pressing your body against his with him still inside you, getting softer. “It is my pleasure to please you, my princess.”
vermithorn © do not copy, repost or translate my works
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Imo saying Jon won't care that he's half Targ because he has "nothing to do with that house" is a not only very simplistic way of viewing his arc but also just a flat out wrong and bad take. Like my brothers and sisters in R'hllor, he has everything to do with that house even though he may not bear the name! Jon is constantly equated with Targs in the series. In fact, he's constantly equated with the best that house has to offer. He's got Jaehaerys and Alysanne in him, he's directly paralleled with Maester Aemon and Aegon V, he transforms into Daeron the Good at the Wall, and he's basically best boy Jacaerys resurrected some 200 years later. Let's also not forget that he's best girl Dany's 1:1 narrative mirror. Jon's personality is what you get when you combine Daemon the Rogue Prince, a little bit of Maekar I, Egg, a teaspoon of Rhaegar, a few sprinkles of Baelor Breakspear, and a whole cup of Jaehaerys. He has the heroism of Aemon the Dragonknight, the innate leadership of Aegon the Conqueror, the youthful foolhardy of Daeron the Young Dragon, and the aggressive pettiness of Prince Daemon. He's got Daemon Blackfyre's nobility and Brynden Rivers' terrifying pragmatism. His rebirth is literally equated to the waking of a dragon ("two kings to wake the dragon", "promised prince born amidst salt and smoke"). He has both the good and the bad that comes with House Targaryen. He also has the good and bad of House Stark, but no one ever thinks less of him for that... Y'all let Targ hate and Rhaegar hate (both of which are just extensions of Dany hate lbr) cloud your judgement and ignore what's right in front of you. Jon is a Targ. The same way he is a Stark. He's not either or, he's both. The lesson at the end of the day isn't for him to choose one or the other. The lesson is to recognize that he so much of BOTH in him, and he can take these and become whatever he wants - bastard as he is.
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pinkykats-place · 1 month
Cregan Stark x Reader Insert Fics
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None of the stories linked are mine.
Some contain mature content.
Mostly female readers.
Gif not mine.
Note: if you read and enjoy any of these stories - please like, leave a comment and/or reblog original post!
the wolf's cage
Cregan Stark x Wildling!Reader
Summary: After being captured by the Northerns, you found yourself with the Lord of Winterfell whose strange politeness makes you doubt his true intentions.
Always Good At Playing Pretend
Cregan Stark x fem!Reader
Summary: Making your big strong husband, turn into a mushy pillow prince.
Smutty Cregan Headcanons
Cregan Stark x wife!reader
Cregan Stark x wife!reader
Summary: The birth of your son Brandon Stark was nothing but stressful, and it makes Cregan face some horrible realisations.
The Wolf's Den
Cregan Stark x wife!reader
Tags: wedding night, oral sex (female receiving), p. in v. sex, loss of virginity (virgin reader, implied)
Think I'm Gonna Call it Off
Description: You have been Prince Aemond's secret for years now, but a certain visiting Stark opens your eyes to what could be.
Cregan Stark x Targaryen!Reader
Summary: Your mother sends you to Cregan Stark to make an alliance, and that's what you intend to do.
Marriage for Duty
Cregan x Velaryon/Strong!reader
Summary: After delievering the message and proposal from your mother to the Lord of Winterfell, you’re now stuck with getting married to a Lord you barely know. Yet, he comforts you during your time at Winterfell and completely changes your mind.
Fire On Fire
Cregan x Targaryen!female!reader
Summary: You and your newly wedded husband Cregan slip away from your wedding feast to enjoy a heated moment.
cregan stark x targaryen!fem!reader
summary: an unexpected visitor arrives at winterfell, cregan is surprised to say the least
A Cold Heart
Summary: After distancing yourself from Cregan the truth finally comes out.
Price of War 
Dark!Cregan x Targaryen!Reader
Summary: You are send to the North to rally Cregan Stark to your side.
Cregan Stark x Reader
Summary: You learn that your husband is a very affectionate drunk.
Cregan Stark Masterlist
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madame-fear · 1 year
Request, Enemies to Lover, Stark!Reader X Lucerys Velaryon.
(Also a lil bit smut, hehe...)
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— ☆ amira speaks : ok so, few notes: the starks and targs made alliances first and a short while after luke was sent to storm's end bc this is my own canon, yes? also, conceptually this is a mix of enemies to lovers + slowburn (kinda??) but with the relationship being fastforwarded, iykwim. And, dialogues in italics are from past events. Lucerys is briefly aged up. — summary : [ — ✧ request ] after your brother Cregan became allies with House Targaryen, you are occasionally forced to stand the smartass Prince Lucerys Velaryon, whom always knows how to get on your nerves. Eventually, you soften for each other after he has certain gentlemanly acts with you. But, your relationship drastically changes for the better good when Lucerys is gravely injured on Storm's End, and you are asked to "take care of him." — word count : 4.7k
— pairing : lucerys velaryon x stark!reader — genre : smut, enemies to lover, some fluff.
TW | mentions of near death, unprotected sex, P in V, slight profanity, creampie.
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After your elder brother Cregan made strong alliances between House Stark and House Targaryen to support Princess Rhaenyra's birthright to the Throne, you are occasionally forced to tolerate her cocky, smartass secondborn son: Prince Lucerys Velaryon.
No one knew why your relationship was as complex as that, even if your Houses got along together pretty well. Lucerys just knew how to have an ease to pick up on you with small, silly things, and you just always dismissed Luke, retorting back to any remark he would make. If you had to stay in the same room, you would simply whine and hesitate the entire time you're together, not tolerating each other's presence near one another.
“Why don't you like each other?” is a question you'd both hear frequently, simultaneously. The answers are always: “Because he's a spoiled, cocky, and annoying prince”, and also “Because she's boring. I'd rather die than be on the same room as her”. Yet, none of the responses helps your relatives to make you properly bond together.
With the brief passing of time, you learnt to stand whatever thing you thought about each other, and ignoring yourselves. The main situation that helped you slightly tolerate him, was one time you were in the library and you couldn't reach a certain book you fancied to read. There, his hand appeared from your side, and took the book, reaching it down for you with a rather cocky smile on his rosy lips.
“Thank you.” you spat out, taking the book from his hands, staring at him intensely into his eyes. “No need to thank me, Lady Stark. I am simply being a gentleman.” luke would reply back, ruffling your hair in a stupidly teasing manner, with his prideful smile remaining. Afterwards, and strangely enough, you both leisurely softened for each other even if you simply tried ignoring one another; not finding your presences so bad, after all.
Another situation that helped you bond slightly with each other, was the very first time that, during dinner between House Stark and House Targaryen, Lucerys stood from his seat only to offer you his hand, and take you dancing. He mainly did it because his mother suggested him to do so, and he did as he was told even if he protested against it. Obviously, you took his hand a bit hesitantly, and danced together in the centre of the dinning room.
“I figured, I'd much rather take you dancing, than hear continous political chaos, no?” as the princeling gently swirled you around with constant grace, he whispered to you, breaking the silence. You scoffed, humming briefly in response. “Finally, something we can agree with.” you retorted back, making him widely smirk. “Funny girl.” lucerys replied in a murmur, as you both continued dancing around the centre of the dinning hall.
“I would've thought of you as a terrible dancer, but it seems I was mistaken.” the young prince continued talking in a whisper. In response, you chuckled. “And I would've never guessed you would admit being wrong for once, yet, here we are.” the young Velaryon rolled his eyes at you, as you kept talking. “But, thank you. You aren't a bad dancer yourself as well.” you finished, widely grinning at him.
Despite none of you would ever admit it, you realised you actually had more fun dancing together than you originally would've thought. Some chuckles and giggles were heard coming from both of you that night, and it was a relief for your families to see you both in that state.
Luke occasionally loves to bother and annoy you, but what used to be a tedious rivalry where you couldn't even be in the same room, slowly became mere fun teasing to each other, even if you both preferred to keep the 'we can't stand each other' facade with the rest of your relatives. None of you either wanted to admit to yourselves that you didn't find each other as annoying as you used to.
Curiously enough, the feelings that grew for each other was unwanted as well. You found yourselves focusing and thinking on one another more than you should. Occasional mutual staring because you think of one another as... Strangely attractice, feeling the need of defending each other when someone disrespects you, and using random excuses to be near your presences. Oh, and with all of this, you still manage to roll off a 'gods how can they be so annoying?' from your lips. An overwhelming sensation of bittersweet, mixed feelings with each other.
By the time you were already less bothered with Lucerys, eveytime you had to return to Winterfell from Dragonstone, the thought of not being around Luke and tolerating the way he playfully picked up on you constantly made you feel unused to not being around him. To a certain extent, long for his presence, but you try to wash away those feelings.
Upon arriving back to your home in Winterfell a few days after one of your many visits to Dragonstone, you found yourself sitting down on the floor in a calm manner. The direwolf you tamed rested his head on your lap, immersed in a profound slumber, while your fingers leisurely caressed it's soft, fluffy grey fur. The only sound heard resonating through your room was that of the fire crackling coming from the small chimney in your quarters to keep it warm in the usually cold atmosphere of Winterfell.
Your eyes stood fixed on said crackling fire, being drowned on your own sea of thoughts. The mere idea of feeling the slightest of longing for the — now less — annoying Prince Lucerys made you feel confused regarding your own feelings. Despite you insisted to your own mind that you could never feel attracted to that cocky future Lordling that always found a way to get on your nerves, your heart always reminded you of how gentlemanly, and more delicately he's been treating you on your latest visits to House Targaryen.
A sudden knock on your door interrupted your waves of thought, making you turn your head to stare at the door, as well as awaken your sleeping direwolf. Before you could reply, your brother Cregan swiftly opened the door. His facial expression seemed to be tinted with concern, and inner conflict. “(y/n),” he sweetly greeted you, as always. A brief grin formed on your lips. “Cregan.” you greeted back. “Is something the matter?” you inquired, intrigued at his notorious worry.
“Indeed,” he rapidly retorted, standing at your door. “We must return back to Dragonstone as a matter of urgency.” your brother stated, making you furrow your eyebrows, even more confused. Before you could ask why, he continued. “Prince Lucerys has returned from Storm's End gravely wounded, and we must travel to Dragonstone to support House Targaryen.” a huffed sigh escaped your lips as your brother finished speaking, your eyes widening in surprise at his statement.
“How unfortunate.” you replied to Cregan, continuing to leisurely pet your dire's grey fur. Even if you didn't want such feelings to overwhelm you, you couldn't help but feel a scintilla of deep concern and... fear, for his safety. 'How severe are his wounds?' You wondered to yourself. The feeling of growing worried for Lucerys seemed like a foreign concept for you, but here you were; your heart pounding fast against your chest with nerves, hoping for the best.
A sigh came from Cregan's lips as well. “I know that, even if your relationship is... strangely complex, to put it in a way,” a scoff escaped your lips in response. But your brother wasn't wrong; your relationship with Lucerys had been oddly mixed lately, especially after the certain situations you had together where you found his actions to be proper of a gentleman, but you still picked up on each other and constantly mentioned how much you hated one another.
“But please, meet Lucerys on his chambers, and use the situation as an opportunity to bond together. I am certain the Prince will appreciate your actions after having nearly faced death.” your lips were formed as a thin, straight line as Cregan finished talking. Without responding much, you nodded in agreement.
“Very well, then, I will do my best, and I will go see him.” the tone of your voice seemed weary, but only because you tried to cover the true concern that tightened your chest at the thought of a badly injured Lucerys. And, even if you hated it, a hint of enthusiasm grew on you at knowing you'd see him.
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Traveling from Winterfell back to Dragonstone was, fortunately, a rather fast trip. As soon as you arrived to your destination, you were warmly welcomed and thanked by House Targaryen as always, now more than ever, as you provided full support to their House, and for the health of Rhaenyra's secondborn son. A polite, courting smile remained on your lips as Rhaenyra guided your brother and you inside the rocky castle.
Both your brother and you hastily made your way inside Dragonstone, with quick steps following Rhaenyra from behind. Your heart oddly thumped loudly against your chest, and you tried remaining calm with your clasped hands resting in front of your body, attentively listening to Rhaenyra as she briefly spoke about what the inconvenient in Storm's End had been, with overwhelming concern.
“Princess Rhaenyra,” you suddenly spoke, as a moment of silence was made. A soft, low tone came from your lips, yet vehement. “Would it be too much trouble, if I go visit Lucerys and wish him well on his health recovery?” despite your voice being slightly quivering, you somehow managed to inquire Rhaenyra about visiting a recovering Lucerys on his quarters as Cregan suggested without stuttering for a bit.
A warm, polite smile danced on her rosy lips, giving you a single bow with her head. She knew how your relationship with her son was a mix between tense, yet had been latelt formal enough to slightly tolerate one another in the same room. And, even so, she could see the way you occasionally stared at each other, or often found yourselves being on the same room under some dumb, plain excuse. “You may, my sweet girl.” she replied, seemingly happy about your question. “I am certain Luke will be fond of your presence.” Rhaenyra added, and you briefly curtsied as a way of saying thanking her.
Afterwards, a Royal Guard fleetingly guided you through the grey, large halls of Dragonstone, towards the chambers of the Princeling. Fortunately it was a rather short walk, and you quickly found yourself standing in front of a large, dragon-carved wooden door, meaning you had already arrived to his quarters. A respectful, single bow with the head was given to you by the guard, and he left back to where Rhaenyra and your brother where conversating.
Taking several deep breaths, you prepared yourself to be less awkward with the usually teasing future Lord, disliking the feeling of being too nervous at the sight of him badly injured. Your fist was raised slightly, and you knocked the door twice. Not allowing anyone to answer, your hand swiftly opened the door, allowing you to enter.
As soon as you were inside the quarters of Lucerys, your breath sharpened, flinching briefly. A maester stood by his side, Luke laid on bed with a pale face. The princeling wore a silky, white gown, and his face was full of fresh, slightly bloody scars and scratches. Tossed aside on a chair rested his dragonriding clothing, noticing they were dirty, and stained with dried blood. His hair seemed to be wet, and messy. Luke's facial expression was weary, and yet, his green eyes slightly widened at the sight of you entering to his quarters; clearly, he had not expected you to show up.
“Lady Stark.” the maester greeted curtsying you, as Lucerys shyly descended his gaze to his lap upon noticing you, with a tint of pink on his scarred cheeks. Giving the maester a single bow with your head as a form of greeting back, you then fixed your stare on Lucerys. “Hello, maester.” you spoke, with a little grin, and a gentle tone. “May I have some alone time with Prince Lucerys, please?” you kindly asked, and the maester, without hesitation, rapidly left both of you alone on Luke's chambers, bowing down at the two of you before closing the door shut behind of him.
Hesitatingly, Lucerys lifted his stare, shyly taking a look at you. It was annoying to realise how fast, and tight his heart had recently began to feel against his chest at the mere sight of you, but at the same time, he had to admit he enjoyed having you around. “So, you came, Lady Stark.” lucerys mumbled, fixing his eyes on yours, as you gracefully walked to his side of the bed.
“Indeed.” you replied, your lips drawing a genuine smile. “The second my brother and I received the news of your inconveniences on Storm's End, we fleeted to see you, and your family.” as you kept talking, you daintly sat on the edge of his bed, but close enough to his face, resting your hands on your lap, gazing at him. “I must admit, I was deeply concerned for your wellbeing. But... Hearing, and seeing that you're safe and sound relieves me.” the young Velaryon could tell by your gaze, and voice tone, that you were honest. Not even a scintilla of doubt grew on him at your words. A weak smirk formed on his delicate lips. “Thank you, (y/n).” he retorted.
Briefly making an awkward moment of silence, his eyes fell to stare at his own lap. There, the previous pink tint formed on his cheeks, being notorious amongst the freshly bleeding injuries and scars on his face. “I know our relationship is... Strange, to say the least,” lucerys began, as he fidgeted with his trembling fingers. “But even if we're supposed to despise one another, I...” the brunette-haired boy paused. The words seemed to get stuck on his throat, struggling to roll off from his rosy lips. “I... Was frightened of never being able to have your presence near me.” with a sudden keen feeling of courage, Luke lifted his gaze from his lap, staring at you.
“I don't truly care what you think about me, or the things I say to annoy you... But, I genuinely care for you; your presence never fails to lighten my day, as much as I dislike admitting it outloud.” at his words, your lips were briefly apart with surprise. Your face slowly became near to his, being able to admire the precious glint his hazel eyes carried. With shame, he nearly lowered his face back to his lap with slightly weak movements, but you managed to gently take his chin with your fingers, and make him stare back at you.
“You silly, silly boy.” you began speaking, with a stupid wide grin forming on your lips. His eyebrows were furrowed for a brief moment, but you didn't reply, as you boldly pulled yourself closer to him, and planted your lips to the corner of his mouth, dangerously close to his lips. The Prince swallowed nervously as you did so, goofily grinning at you as you leisurely pulled back, staring back at Lucerys.
“I should keep hating you, but I figured... I think, I just love you too much to keep despising you.” you mumbled, as his hazel eyes unconsciously fell down to your beauteous lips, admiring every inch of them. Your own eyes did the same on his enticing, rosy lips. It seemed the tense atmosphere was fervidly felt between the two of you, but it was a passionate, fiery type of tension.
Without saying any other word, you abruptly clashed your own lips against his, while the future Lord of the Tides followed the movements your lips did to kiss his very own. It was alluring to kiss each other, just like two missing pieces of a puzzle that had just found each other. The more intense it became, the more your panting increased; resonating through his quarters.
Despite both of you briefly pulled apart from one another to catch some air, you rapidly returned to keep clashing your lips and kissing, nibbling on each other's lips occasionally, and feeling your accelerated, hot breathing against one another. One of his hands was tightly gripped on your shoulder, and the other one desperately clawed on your back. The way his hand clawed on your back, tugging on your dress, indicated that he so needily wanted to pull you closer to him; and you understood his signals perfectly.
Not breaking the passionate, moist kissing, one of your legs slowly creeped to his side, helping you get on top of him. A breathless moan escaped from him at the feeling of your weight pushing down on his erected bulge that you could feel poking on your in between leg. “Sȳz riña.” luke whispered breathlessly in between the kiss, allowing his eloquent High Valyrian come to light in such heated moment.
'Good girl'. That, you understood. Being a Stark that was deeply immersed in historical readings and had an appreciating thrill for the language of Old Valyria, you had taught yourself how to read and understand High Valyrian. The reaction you were getting from Lucerys made you smirk in mischief, raking your nails on his wet, messed hair, pulling it back, and your other free hand rested on the large, wooden bedheader to keep your balance on top of him.
His shaking hands went to firmly grip on your waist, only to leisurely travel lower to your legs, and slightly hike the skirt of your dress up; giving Lucerys more access to slide his hands under your dress. Even if his hands teasingly moved under your dress to make their way towards your underwear, he managed to, somehow, control your body and keep pushing you on top of his fully erected member. Some strangled noises unwantedly escaped your lips as you rubbed your still clothed, dripping wet core against his bulge.
“You have no idea, how badly I've been lately fantasising about wildly fucking you, every single night.” he husked, beginning to place kisses on your neck, causing you to hitch your breath as you slided your trembling hands through his chest. “Fuck,” you whimpered, feelings his hands precipitously remove your underwear, willingly helping Luke to toss them aside. The windy feeling of the atmosphere hitting your exposed, pulsating genitalia, plus his hands holding a tight, firm grip on your hips, sent shivers down your spine.
Needily, your hands rapidly travelled all across his clothed chest, to all the way below his silk-textured nightgown, rushedly hiking it up to his waist. Your fingers gently — and hurriedly — began working on sliding down his underwear, as your face leaned down to continue placing sloppy, wet kisses on his lips. As you removed his underwear, your exposed, wet core immediatly sat on top of his erection, rubbing yourself against him; his tip already releasing pre-cum from the arousal. The hand that raked it's nails through his hair remained there, holding a tight grip on the back of his head as he released a quivering pant at the pleasure being received.
“You can't tease me, princess.” lucerys kept mumbling in between kissed, intensely fixing his hazel eyes on you as his nails dug deeper on the skin of your hips. “I know you want to desperately fuck me, as much as I wish to.” in response, you teasingly scoffed, and bit his lower lip as to provoke him. Without giving you a warning, you suddenly felt his cock harshly being shoved inside of your wet, throbbing core, causing you to release a sudden gasp against his lips, feeling a brief stinging pain. A strangled noise escaped him, feeling how your walls tightened around his rigid size.
“Fuck, Lucerys...” you groaned, closing your eyes shut, tightening your hand firmly on the bedheader, as you adjusted to his hardened size. Both your breathing was accelerated, hitting against one another's skin. Lucerys descended his lips to trail some small, provoking kisses on hour jaw, and lower his way towards your sensitive neck. As his nails were digging on your skin, he softly began thrusting inside of you a bit deeper, making sure of being as delicate as he could without causing you any type of pain.
You threw your head back, with lips being partly open. Quivering pants and some quiet moans escaped from your lips, as you felt him entering his size deeply inside of you. “You like the way I feel inside of you, no? You're already dripping wet for me, sweet love.” he whispered in a breathless manner, trying to so badly contain his own moaning, widely grinning against your neck, continuing to kiss and nibble gently on your neck to stimulate you even more.
“S-Shut up, and fuck me faster.” you whimpered, nearly begging to feel more, as Lucerys moved dreadfully slow inside of you. “Hae ao jaelagon.” luke growled, briefly pulling apart from biting on your neck's sweet spots, and harshly pounding his entire size against your pussy, leisurely beginning to make an in-and-out motion, having full control of your body. The feeling of your moist genitalia tightening it's walls around his shaft made him throw his head back, parting his lips as some grunting escaped from him.
“Tepagon ziry ry naejot issa, jorrāelagon...” he whimpered, moving your body inside of his erected member. Some slight drops of sweat began appearing on your bodies, as you clenched your jaw, with desperate hope of containing the moans and panting that escaped from you. The wet noises of his own member fervidly pushing inside against your wet core began echoing through the room, slowly being accompanied by your whining moans.
One of trembling his hands kept it's tight grip on your waist as to help his ridge enter deeper on your shaft, as the other one went to take hold of the back of your hair, slightly pulling your hair. “Fuck, you feel so good, p-please, don't stop–” you whined, stuttering and being occasionally interrupted by your own moans, which got louder with every thrust. His twitching cock knew exactly where to continue hitting continously, as to make you reach your orgasm faster.
“Seven Hells, you feel so good” he yelped, fluttering his eyes shut, as he groaned in pleasure. “You are so tight and wet around my cock, y-you feel better than I-I imagined...” as he kept whispering breathlessly, stammering, your own body began shoving itself all the way down to the end of his rigid member, pulling your hips down hard, penetrating as profoundly as he could. “Lucerys...” you whined, barely being able to form a proper sentence.
The rougher he kept pounding against your dripping pussy, getting moister every passing second, the more dumbfounded you felt. You could barely think to form a proper thought, or sentence. Both of you were misted by a cloud of pure ecstasy, beginning to feel an aching inner heat tightening inside of your chests, as an uncomfortable knot inside your stomachs formed. “L-Lucerys, I-I think...” pausing for a second, a crying, loud moan escaped from your lips. Luke's own moaning continued, being joined by growls.
“I-I'm going to cum...” you cried, tightening your hand, whose fingers were deeply interwined around his messy, already sweaty hair. His lips once again went to your neck, but only being placed against your skin, harshly breathing on you. “Māzigon syt issa, dōna jorrāelagon–” lucerys commanded, a cry of pleasure abruptly escaping him.
Hearing his High Valyrian coming from him while he fucked you roughly, made you shudder in pleasure. Your legs were violently trembling at feeling how he continously hit said sensitive spot, making your knees buckle; feel weak and vulnerable under his touch. The uncomfortable knot formed on your stomach was suddenly released, making you scream with pleasure, as a shockwave was felt travelling all across your body. For a second, Lucerys stopped his penetrating motion as his warm cum was rapidly discharged from his twitching cock, to inside of your fluttering walls, accompanying you in your screaming of pleasure, throwing his head back as a trail of fire invaded his insides.
Your hands were firmly, and tightly placed on his shoulder as you had a simultaneous release, having your mutual orgasm. His semen dripped out from your pussy, along with your own wet liquids; it was a rather pleasuring sight for Lucerys. Both your bodies were heavily sweating, as you panted together, deciding to take a small break from all the intensity. Your eyes were shut, your chest arose and fell trying to catch some air. Feeling your weak legs trembling, you lost some balance, and suddenly let your head fall to the crook of his neck.
“I didn't know you could fuck so well.” a breathless chuckle escaped from your lips, relaxing your body on top of his own as his member remained inside of you. One of his hands went to be wrapped around your delicate body, and the other one sweetly played with some sweaty strands of your hair, vastly grinning at your comment. “Now you know, and I have so much more to give, byka jorraelagon.” lucerys murmured, planting several soft, little kisses on top of your head.
“I can only hope my brother didn't hear us. Otherwise, he'd send our direwolves to bite off your cock and balls.” you joked, fluttering your eyes shut. Another chuckle — this time, louder — escaped from his lips, stupidly grinning. Lucerys couldn't care whether or not his brother liked the fact that he was now head over heels for you. All he needed, was to have you by your side, and fill you with all the love he tried to contain for you.
A brief moment of silence was made, as you tried coming down from your high on top of his body, with your eyes shut and your head on the crook of his neck. Lucerys peacefully caressed your silky hair, looking down at you with admiration. “You know, (y/n),” the Lordling began, breaking the silence. “I know we're constantly talking about how much we despise each other, but I suppose it's time for me to admit, that I actually love you. Your personality, your beauty, your grace, your courage, everything.” a deep, crimson flush took over his face, as you once again opened your eyes, and lifted your sight to gaze into his hazel eyes.
A shy smile formed on your own lips, mimicking his very own tint on his cheeks. One of your quivering hands travelled to be placed on his cheek, caressing with your thumb a fresh scar all across his angelical face that still contained some blood, now dried. His face flinched briefly, but rapidly, he gave into your warm touch. “As I now love every inch of your being, Lucerys Velaryon. And when my brother told me about your near death in Storm's End, I realised, I would be so lost without you.” your voice was soft and delicate, making sure to fix your gaze on him, so he could see the glint of certainty on your (e/c)-coloured eyes.
Without allowing him to say another word, you delicately leaned closer to him, tightening your grip on his face — as your hand remained on his cheek —, and tenderly placed your lips against his own trembling ones, savouring his sweet taste. Lucerys wasn't used to such display of affection coming from a Lady, and it was quite a surprise all that it had just happened, but he realised... That with you, he could begin to get used to it.
The mutual hate vanished away rapidly, being turned into something much beauteous and graceful, provoking the feeling of butterflied fluttering on his heart whenever you kissed, stared, or caressed him. Even if he had nearly faced death at the hands of his uncle back on Storm's End, it didn't matter anymore.
The situation made him realise how he would fervidly miss your presence, and how you helped him forget about all his troubles, and he would forever cherish you for such thing by constantly providing you with love, and undying protection.
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catofoldstones · 3 months
hi i'm still here :) those things about fandom denying theorizing about jonsa just bothered me heavily since fans accepted almost every theory under the sun but hypothetical j0nsa is where they draw the line they accepted curtain of light theory and 3 heads of the dragons saving the world for years before a hypothetical cousin marriage/bethrodal that ties a lot of plot threads and themes together and resolves so much of the missing plot pieces from the show, i might not personally like it cause of the incest implications but im also consistent with hating all jon's incest ships and still keeping an open mind about j0nerys and j0nsa on a storytelling basis but j0nsa is a theory that intrigued me so much because it did make sense from the drafts,the fact that sansa will end up at winterfell with the vale army by the time jon wakes up and changes into who knows what (again fans straight up ignoring which stark is actually the closest to winterfell will never not make me laugh) to the many gothic literature and historical references george takes to especially the ashford theory thats so unavoidable i call fans extremely blind for being this in denial that it might happen as a plot point and since aegon is most likely going to be busy with dorne/cersei/dany or euron and most likely die in the south (rip son) i highly doubt sansa will tie into his plot unless thats the last targ suitor she's supposed to be betrothed with and again its kinda a big nothing theory to me cause sansa going south would be repetitive and its already been debunked with the AFFC draft leaks unless aegon wants a claim to the north which again im pretty sure he'll be engaged to arianne for martell points and allyship (also her being engaged to a secret fake bastard heir was already done with joffrey and it being completely reversed with j0n feels more complete as an end point to that theory/arc there's no way george would pass that up).
i also don't think this is all jon and sansa have to offer as characters,its what bothers me with other ship fans as well i like them as separate characters and i also feel like looking at the story, if it were to happen i don't believe it would be a fairytale romance or ending or be anytype of normal relationship, i might even be completely wrong and j0nsa might never come up (also feel like george would be wary of doing this now when media literacy is at an all time low but fandom toxicity is high as the heavens), both sansa and jon fandom theories have been through a rollercoster over the years im just happy that fans finally have theories that actually makes sense storytelling wise and not something for wish fulfillment but bias still runs amok in the fandom unfortunately and it still clouds a lot of convo about the characters and plot theories
sorry for rambling in your inbox again
Hello :3 nice to see you again
anon can I call you soulmate anon because every sentiment you’ve portrayed here is exactly what I believe too! I like jonsa too because it’s v compelling and it has good evidence to back it up, but I’m really iffed up because of the incest too. Well not because I’m a pearl-clutching puritan but because it’s not fair to Sansa tbh, as a teenaged girl in a deeply patriarchal society. If she’s the girl in grey who runs away to Jon for protection, it’ll not be as a friend who’s seeing another friend after a long time, it’ll be because she wants protection from her brother. Then comes in the question of her claim to Winterfell. If she marries Jon to smooth out the inheritance crisis, the North would still belong to Jon & not Sansa. They will not be equal in that marriage or as the lord and lady of Winterfell. However, there are far, far too many indications of a jonsa match, textually and subtextually, which I am right there with you anon, are so compelling! It would only be a blind man to not see them. And the fandom collectively vehemently denying jonsa is v funny to me because it sounds so much like
“Do you believe women are humans?”
“Do you believe women should have the same rights as men?”
“Yes, absolutely!”
“So you are a feminist.”
“Eww, no.”
Like, the text is glaringly pointing at something with air raid sirens and neon red lights, but what could it mean, hmm 🤔 Like c’mon guys my cat could figure out what’s going on at this point.
Though, I do believe that the Ashford Targaryen suitor could be Aegon VI for Sansa. While a lot of people believe that Aegon will marry/betrothe Arianne for that Dorne support but that doesn’t make sense to me because
1. It’s like Sansa would marry into the Tully family for support to take back the North
2. The Dornish are already burning to avenge Elia
3. Arianne is the heir to Dorne in her own right (and has had major plot around that), marrying the next King of the 7 kingdoms hardly makes sense for her.
BUT Aegon & Arianne’s plots are barreling towards each other and they very well might just get married to secure another plot point that I cannot think of right now. And I know that Aegon is doomed and Arianne survives (George, pls or else 🔪🔪) so that’s another reason why Aegon & Sansa can’t happen. And Jon being the Targeryen suitor holds so much more literary weight than a rando who has never had an impact on her or her emotions or her plot (apart from your brilliant points). Also, no I am not debating the “Dunk disturbed the Ashford Tourney so Sxn/dxr is the one for Sansa” because we’ve debated to death that even being granted the title of Maid does not mean anything like a betrothal in Westerosi society or has negative consequences (r + l & that whole war it started). Also, just because Dunk got in the middle of the Tourney does not mean that he got the girl in the end. Hope that helps. Moreover, Dunk’s asoiaf corollary is Brienne not sxn/dxr, so by their logic, briensa ftw!!!!!!!!!!
Anon, the way everyone ignored the affc outline just because it showed something the Sansa fandom had been (rightly) theorising for years now has me rolling on the floor 😂 the denial, the denial is so strong with these people, even the “neutrals”. Don’t even get me started on the BNFs. If something like this were leaked about xrya or dxny, it would have been front page news that breaks the asoiaf fandom containment lol.
Stark closest to Winterfell and takes north! C’mon now anon, don’t give these people a heart attack.
Yes well, there have been one too many people in this fandom (as is common in any other fandom *cough* jxnxryas *cough*) to reduce the characters to the ship but the block button is my lord and saviour. Shipping is so that we can bring out the best (or the worst) character traits in the people we’re shipping, not to water down the said character traits.
There’s a chance that jonsa doesn’t happen in the books or happens just in the subtext or whatever, and I’ll be fine with that as long as the stories for both Jon and Sansa have satisfying and empathetic progression. Though I would terribly like for it to happen just to dunk on the haters and the BNFs and the “skeptics” lol. I am trying to be a better person these days, but pettiness is my second daughter 🤪 and to add to this point, if jonsa doesn’t happen, that still won’t erase the heavy foreshadowing we’ve been seeing in the text till now. If some other ship had the Ashford theory, the Byronic connection, JONnel Stark marrying a girl named xrya or an ancestor Sansa Stark marrying a -whoever- in their lineage, the plot satisfaction, the narrative parallels, the textual connection, it would be considered canon by now. But no, since it’s Jon x Sansa and that is still somehow a pretty strong contender for breaking all your ships, they will close their eyes and call it a crack ship. Baby a crack ship is me and Oscar Isaac or Sasuke and Taylor Swift. But if Sasuke and Taylor had all of this evidence, it would, once again, be considered canon. Sigh, just take your Sansa hatred elsewhere man, we’re not in 2006 anymore.
Dude, I found older forums/metas a while back and there is nowhere that Sansa was mentioned w/o sxn/dxr. Sxn/sxn was just a given. It was canon, it was always going to happen and that’s just so reductive tbh. I’m v v grateful that the meta and fandom spaces (maybe just a small corner but that is enough for me) have evolved so much through the years otherwise I would get beaten here every day. It’s still toxic as hell though, with the level of trash metas that will give early asoiaf fandom a run for its money and at one point you just want to scream- you all realise that these are books, right? and we’re the readers! you’re not dxny or jon or tyrion or even fleabottom ragpickers! none of this is real 😭 i should not be coming here, armoured and with a sword, to defend my fav characters, i should be having fun here and exchanging stupid ideas 😭 but asoiaf fandom remains asoiaf fandom however well the ways of hating may have changed.
But please, always ramble in my ask box anon. I love reading your thoughts and it gives me a chance to ramble as well :)
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esther-dot · 6 months
targ stans love book!jon now but will turn on him the moment he thinks dany is kinda weird 😭
Jon looking at the burned remnants of KL,
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"Dany did this? What a fucking weirdo" 😂
I just think it would be a shame for all the history between the families to be brushed aside rather than culminating in an interesting way? As in, Aerys murdered Jon's grandad, his uncle, and Rhaegar ran off with Jon's mother only for her to die. In addition to any anger about being lied to about his birth, grief over his mother, the loss is of learning he is not Ned’s son, Jon should feel the full weight of Ned claiming him as his own to protect him -- despite what the Targs did to his family. Shouldn’t Jon then have some feelings about a Targ invading Westeros? Even if his dad was a Targ? It makes it interesting because on the one hand, there’s a unique connection there to allow layers in a confrontation (they’re family!), but on the other, few have greater reason to be opposed.
For Jon "Let them say that Eddard Stark had fathered four sons, not three" to have no opinion on a Targ brutally conquering Westeros after Ned tried to get rid of them, well, it would feel like a waste of all that backstory? Also, shouldn’t he have thoughts about Dany specifically after she kills Aegon, after the Dothraki do what she's gonna be incapable of preventing, after the destruction of a city with unimaginable civilian deaths? So not only pre canon puts him on guard, but then what transpires in canon will horrify him?
Even if we take it out of the Targ v Stark context, very early on we learn Ned had to chase Jorah down for being a slaver and Mormont told Jon what a disgrace Jorah was, so Jon got the "Jorah Mormont is a loser" message coming from two father figures. Doesn’t that seem like a deliberate choice by the author? To prime Jon to despise a man he’s written as obsessed with Dany? And of course, there's Tyrion, a Lannister who wanted to hold the North by marrying Jon's little sister who will be with Dany too, so there’s just all sorts of angles to approach a Jon and Dany meeting, none of which bode well.
So much fun stuff to dig into! To ignore it seems like a far less exciting take. But yeah, judging by the reaction to show Jon, I don’t think the fandom will take kindly to his inevitable reaction to Dany.
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agentrouka-blog · 10 months
"I said nothing of need," Lord Tywin replied. "My words were courtesy, nothing more. You need not join us. The men of the winterlands are made of iron and ice, and even my boldest knights fear to face them."
Northmen here are being referred to as ice men.
Nice catch!
Armored in ice, one might almost suspect.
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ladystoneboobs · 10 months
y'know it occurs to me that the idea of 'bastardphobia' being the source of all problems in a certain asoiaf main pov, (ie, the erasure of adultery and betrayal as factors in the very specific situation in the stark family/wf household, irrespective of any bastard stereotypes), and the accompanying assumptions that the stigma of being born out of wedlock only exists out of deeper (racial) prejudices and that blended families involving cheating husbands raising a lovechild with their disrespected wives would otherwise be perfectly natural, all of that is necessarily related to the belief that the conquereor trio and their two sons were all one big happy family all the time.
why would visenya using black magic to conceive a rival to aenys be seen as a sign of a problem with rhaenys and her son? no trouble at all in that spouse-sharing paradise! (just like there never could be between elia/rhaegar/lyanna if only the good prince's brilliant plans had all succeeded.) helping to avenge rhaenys is enough proof that the trio always had a beautiful, loving relationship. not like familial vengeance against common enemies is a basic feudal concept regardless of sentiment. (like stannis saying he would get justice for robert and even ned, while repeatedly insisting that robert was not his beloved brother and ned was never his friend.) no, two bickering little girls are the clear stannis/renly equivalent, not sisters producing rival sons leading to kinslaying in the next generation. that was all on maegor alone, and if she can't be definitevely said to have slain aenys, then what does it matter that visenya wanted her son on the throne from day one and ultimately helped him take it from his nephews/her sister's grandchildren? she couldn't have known all that nephew-slaying and niece-rape would result from empowering her bloodthirsty son, could she? could she? can we really dare to cast aspersions on the sacred love and loyalty of visenya for her family? (the fact that polygamy was clearly noted as not a common practice before the conquerors can only be a weird coincidence, right? the only reason no groups of odd-numbered targ siblings had tried this perfect arrangement before must be because they just hadn't thought of it yet. aegon the conqueror sure was a unique genius that way, huh?)
I know you trust [redacted]. But can you trust his sons? Or their sons? The Blackfyre pretenders troubled the Targaryens for five generations, until Barristan the Bold slew the last of them on the Stepstones. If you make [redacted] legitimate, there is no way to turn him bastard again. -Catelyn V, aSoS
imho the real irony here is that cat was not only wrong about the loyalty of the bastard in question, she was wrong about the blackfyres being the apt nightmare precedent. that loser bastard daemon and his loser descendents only ever succeeded in getting themselves slain without ever managing to kill any royal rival or take their throne. but curiously enough, maegor slaying his brother's sons (and forcibly marrying his brother's elder daughter) and successfully taking the crown for a few years, that does sound a bit more similar to the scenario catelyn dreaded. doesn't it?
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seventhwinterwolf · 1 year
Jon Snow’s Targaryen Name
(I had an anon send in a question about my thoughts on Jon being called Aegon and when I went to reply the site crashed and it was no longer in my inbox... rip)
Short version, I think he would have had a name that started with V, my personal favorite is Viserax or Visenya had Jon turned out to be a woman.
First off, I think Jon as Aegon is dumb given that Rhaegar already had Aegon and Rhaenys with Elia Martell and was hardcore obsessed with prophecy. The dragon has three heads and Aegon the Conqueror and his sister-wives in particular. I think he would have given Jon a V name like Visenya if he had been a girl or maybe Viserys but that is already somewhat taken by Rhaegar’s brother. Other VISE or V names could include Viserra, Vaella, Valarr, Valerion, or made from the long list of Valyrian combos. (Here’s a thorough list of prefixes and suffixes)
I don’t think that Rhaegar would be concerned with Lyanna Stark not being married to him and thus Jon being a bastard. Rhaegar could have planned to legitimize Jon at any point after the war had he survived and assumed the throne. Elia’s difficulty in childbirth was not going to prevent Rhaegar from having another child in his dream of recreating the first King Aegon with Queen Rhaenys and Queen Visenya. Jon being a boy skews this and if Lyanna had lived I could see Rhaegar having another child from her in the hopes of attaining his Visenya.
Furthermore, the show was also stupid to do this knowing that fake Aegon/Young Griff is a thing in the books and one more current-gen Targ being called Aegon is unnecessarily confusing. If the show had named Jon something else closely related like Aemon that would have been slightly better even though it only has meaning in retrospect given Jon’s relationship with Maester Aemon. Better yet, name him Aemond as the younger brother to the next King Aegon to resemble the Dance of the Dragons.  
I do like the common trope of Jon having a name starting with J, unfortunately, it’s a limited J list in the canon name histories. Jaehaerys is neat and I am fine with that being Jon’s name. Especially if Rhaegar planned to have more children from Lyanna then Visenya could be next. Jon not being his preferred and ideal daughter could potentially lead Rhaegar to cast him aside to keep going for a girl. In this scenario where Lyanna lives and Rhaegar has more children after his first three then I could see Jon having any Valyrian name that wasn’t already in use by another family member.
List of Alternative Valyrian Names for Jon
Not V or J: Aemond, Aerion, Daemon, or Maekar
Starts with J: Jaehaerys, Jaegal, Jaelys, Jaelyx, Jaehaerax, Jaeraxes, Jaeron, etc
Starts with V: Viserys, Viserax, Valarr, Valerion, Vaelerys/Vhalerys, Vaelyx, Vaelor, etc
My Faves: Viserax, Jaehaerys, Daemon, Aemond, Maekar
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your post about rhaegar and martells being POC can literally be debunked in few lines: 1. george PICTURES the martells as LOOKING mediterranean, but he also wrote martells with orientalist tropes, they are victims of westerosi discrimination/colorism and targ/valyrian imperialism (because he also said they were inspired by wales and palestine, people who resisted COLONIALISM) so theyre still the marginalized “other” (part 2 in next ask)
Okay, let's go through this in its entirety, because I think it would be very fun to pick apart.
Allow me to post the comment that George made here:
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Why are you trying to argue with the author here? It is very clear to me that he has a specific look in mind when it comes to the Dornish. George mentioned Amok's version of Oberyn, pictured here:
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And here is Magali's version of Arianne:
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Neither of these artworks resemble PoC to me.
And speaking of Palestine, I think you misinterpreted what George was saying here:
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He said nothing about colonialism in this SSM.
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Your second point makes no sense. Jaime was a knighted member of the Kingsguard. Rhaegar entrusted him to do his job. Are you trying to suggest that in a fictional world where ten year old Osric Stark and sixteen year old Jon Snow can become Lord Commanders of the Night's Watch but Jaime is completely and utterly incapable of protecting Elia and her children?
The day had been windy when he said farewell to Rhaegar, in the yard of the Red Keep. The prince had donned his night-black armor, with the three-headed dragon picked out in rubies on his breastplate. "Your Grace," Jaime had pleaded, "let Darry stay to guard the king this once, or Ser Barristan. Their cloaks are as white as mine."
Prince Rhaegar shook his head. "My royal sire fears your father more than he does our cousin Robert. He wants you close, so Lord Tywin cannot harm him. I dare not take that crutch away from him at such an hour."
Jaime's anger had risen up in his throat. "I am not a crutch. I am a knight of the Kingsguard."
"Then guard the king," Ser Jon Darry snapped at him. "When you donned that cloak, you promised to obey." (Jaime I, AFfC)
Jaime was a crutch, but not a hostage. The hostages were Elia, Rhaenys, and Aegon.
"Rhaegar met Robert on the Trident, and you know what happened there. When the word reached court, Aerys packed the queen off to Dragonstone with Prince Viserys. Princess Elia would have gone as well, but he forbade it. Somehow he had gotten it in his head that Prince Lewyn must have betrayed Rhaegar on the Trident, but he thought he could keep Dorne loyal so long as he kept Elia and Aegon by his side. The traitors want my city, I heard him tell Rossart, but I'll give them naught but ashes. Let Robert be king over charred bones and cooked meat." (Jaime V, ASoS)
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No, he did not.
Rhaegar had put his hand on Jaime's shoulder. "When this battle's done I mean to call a council. Changes will be made. I meant to do it long ago, but...well, it does no good to speak of roads not taken. We shall talk when I return." (Jaime I, AFfC)
He had always had plans to depose his father, even before the Tourney at Harrenhal. I posted a passage before, of how it was speculated that Rhaegar put forth a large amount of gold for prizes so that he could have an impromptu Great Council to discuss what to do about Aerys. I'll post it again for you.
This is known: The tourney was first announced by Walter Whent, Lord of Harrenhal, late in the year 280 AC, not long after a visit from his younger brother, Ser Oswell Whent, a knight of the Kingsguard. That this would be an event of unrivaled magnificence was clear from the first, for Lord Whent was offering prizes thrice as large as those given at the great Lannisport tourney of 272 AC, hosted by Lord Tywin Lannister in celebration of Aerys II's tenth year upon the Iron Throne.
Most took this simply as an attempt by Whent to outdo the former Hand and demonstrate the wealth and splendor of his house. There were those, however, who believed this no more than a ruse, and Lord Whent no more than a catspaw. His lordship lacked the funds to pay such munificent prizes, they argued; someone else must surely have stood behind him, someone who did not lack for gold but preferred to remain in the shadows whilst allowing the Lord of Harrenhal to claim the glory for hosting this magnificent event. We have no shred of evidence that such a "shadow host" ever existed, but the notion was widely believed at the time and remains so today.
But if indeed there was a shadow, who was he, and why did he choose to keep his role a secret? A dozen names have been put forward over the years, but only one seems truly compelling: Rhaegar Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone.
If this tale be believed, 'twas Prince Rhaegar who urged Lord Walter to hold the tourney, using his lordship's brother Ser Oswell as a gobetween. Rhaegar provided Whent with gold sufficient for splendid prizes in order to bring as many lords and knights to Harrenhal as possible. The prince, it is said, had no interest in the tourney as a tourney; his intent was to gather the great lords of the realm together in what amounted to an informal Great Council, in order to discuss ways and means of dealing with the madness of his father, King Aerys II, possibly by means of a regency or a forced abdication. (The Fall of the Dragons—The Year of the False Spring, The World of Ice and Fire)
About Jorah...
Authors do not include lines like that for fun. They are specifically there to show similarities between characters, even characters that we do not know much about. Again, we know what kind of person Lyanna was like just by reading Arya's POV chapters and gauging her behaviour. George deliberately makes them literary mirrors.
We also know what kind of person Rhaegar was through Ser Barristan. Especially when he makes comparisons between Dany and Rhaegar. He wasn't being biased, as he had no qualms of telling Dany that her father was mad.
"His father's son?" Dany frowned. "What does that mean?"
The old knight did not blink. "Your father is called 'the Mad King' in Westeros. Has no one ever told you?"
"Viserys did." The Mad King. "The Usurper called him that, the Usurper and his dogs." The Mad King. "It was a lie."
"Why ask for truth," Ser Barristan said softly, "if you close your ears to it?" He hesitated, then continued. "I told you before that I used a false name so the Lannisters would not know that I'd joined you. That was less than half of it, Your Grace. The truth is, I wanted to watch you for a time before pledging you my sword. To make certain that you were not..."
"...my father's daughter?" If she was not her father's daughter, who was she? (Daenerys VI, ASoS)
I'm curious on where you got the idea that Aegon was born as Elia was bedridden, because I cannot find anything that says that.
Some claimed that the crown prince was planning to depose his father and seize the Iron Throne for himself, whilst others said that King Aerys meant to disinherit Rhaegar and name Viserys heir in his place. Nor did the birth of King Aerys's first grandchild, a girl named Rhaenys, born on Dragonstone in 280 AC, do aught to reconcile father and son. (The Targaryen Kings—Aerys II, The World of Ice and Fire)
Elia went on bedrest for half a year, or close to a half a year.
After the birth of Princess Rhaenys, her mother had been bedridden for half a year, and Prince Aegon's birth had almost been the death of her. (The Griffin Reborn, ADwD)
Rhaegar left Elia and their children in King's Landing in 282 AC, so how was Elia still on bedrest?
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Elia always had a frail disposition, but she was not *sick*. She simply had fragile health.
I don't consider Littlefinger and Rhaegar parallels just because they muttered a woman's name. That's silly.
I have no idea what Jon has to do with refuting stupidity. Your entire post was about headcanons on top of headcanons with no passage from the series in sight.
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mneiai · 1 year
The thing about Jon Snow possibly being named Daemon is that, thematically, it would have been a great name for him. Daemon Blackfyre and Daemon Targaryen were incredibly skilled and had great martial feats. Daemon Targaryen was also loyal to his older brother even though they clearly had a falling out later in life (for a value of later) and Daemon Blackfyre had been loyal to his father, if not his brother. Both fought against usurpers (if one believes the Blackfyre version of events). Etc etc.
But realistically, as a name that Rhaegar and/or Lyanna would give their child, it's a fucking horrible name for Jon (a horrible name for any natural born child actually so I'm baffled by its use in asoiaf but anyway). We're not just talking about people who did one or two bad things, Daemon Targaryen is best known for KINSLAYING, the worst thing a Westerosi can do, and Daemon Blackfyre was an attempted kinslayer who usurped his older brother and brought decades of war to Westeros. Nevermind both are also associated with some of the most tumultuous years in the history of Targaryen reign.
Names matter in Westeros. Aegon V became king because he was basically the best contender for the throne according to the Great Council, but LEGALLY and by the precedent of past Great Councils he actually usurped his nephew. Why? Partially because the kid was named Maegor. No one alive had known Maegor or been affected by him, but the name was damning enough that grasping lords who would have surely loved a long regency still passed over the kid.
During Robert's Rebellion, plenty of people alive had fought the Blackfyres--Barristan and the Blackfish pretty much got their renown doing so. The name Daemon was intrinsically linked to the Blackfyres (there had been THREE Daemon Blackfyres claiming they were the rightful king, the last one dying in battle only about 50 years before), so that name had still been affecting their lives, still leading to unnecessary death and destruction.
On top of that, of course, was that even if we allow for some convoluted plot that means Rhaegar married Lyanna or that Aerys had pre-legitimized Jon or whatever, people would still see him as a bastard and he was undeniably a younger half-brother. The optics of the name are horrible. Daemon Blackfyre is synonymous with grasping, greedy half-brothers/bastards willing to usurp their older siblings.
Even if we go with Rhaegar being incredibly foolish and running off with his OTL or obsessed with prophecy to the point he didn't care who he hurt, it's hard to imagine he'd consider Daemon a suitable name and even harder to imagine Lyanna would (it's easier to think she was half dead and couldn't think of a good Targaryen name and actually did name him Aegon as the only one she could come up with than that she named him Daemon).
Not least of all because there's so many better names: Aemon, of course, both as being many respectable historical Targs and as a relative that Rhaegar knew (and I'm not even getting into the reader-viewed aspects, like the association between the name and wolves or that was the first Targ name Jon basically claims). Jacaerys, as a Targ that had been connected to and looked favorably upon by House Stark (and possibly half First Man). Jaehaerys, Daeron or Maekar (emphasizing friendship with Dorne), basically any of the kings that history remembered fondly or at least not badly. Hell, Duncan, for the Prince and for the Knight who saved Rhaella and Rhaegar. Baelor to offset his mother not following the Seven and for Breakspear. Vaegon, if they wanted to give the impression they expected Jon to join an ordee to protect Aegon's claim. Just a straight up non-Targ/Valyrian name to help silently remove him from consideration, like Torrhen for the King who Knelt or Brandon to emphasize his Starkness. Or Bryden, if they wanted to get spicy with it.
The name Daemon basically needed to be "reclaimed" before it can be used so casually again by Targaryens. If Aegon had been named Daemon it would have basically been a perfect way to do so, as Aegon was undeniably the legal heir to Rhaegar who was undeniably the legal heir to Aerys (no matter what Aerys was up to). But JON being named Daemon? Horrible on basically all fronts, impossible to imagine a parent actually giving it to him when alternatives existed.
"But what if they predicted the future and knew what was coming??" Ummm I'd still say that Aemon was a significantly better name than Daemon and also would point out literally no one has the power to clearly predict the future to that extent, like it's one thing to dream about the eventual Doom or the Long Night, but it's another entirely to be like "ah, yeah, this specific kid of ours will be doing all these things while all this other stuff is happening and also his older brother would have been murdered so no one can say he's usurping him." Also that Rhaegar specifically had realized that he wasn't entirely accurate with his interpretations so would surely have had some measure of caution before just going all-in. (But also that's a better reasoning for the hated Aegon naming than the Daemon naming lol in fact nearly every reasoning for naming Jon Daemon is a better argument for the name Aegon)
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