#stan is so frickin silly just look at him
owl-with-a-pen · 3 years
Everything was absolutely beautiful about episode 6. The kiss, the dancing, Brainy, nia and young Kara team up, Brainy being absolutely astounded by Nia’s dress?? Bye this is now one of my favorite episodes.
They are knocking it out of the park with Brainia content I’m literally grinning so hard right now! That kiss was everything, that dance was everything! 
I loved seeing Nia, Brainy and young Kara teaming up!! When Brainy holds that weapon to the alien’s neck and Kara is hidden in the trees showing off her laser eyes. Chills, man. Absolute chills. 
Also, I loved the whole interaction once Kara stows away on the Legion ship when they go back in time again. The way Brainy drags Nia away and stares daggers at Kara, instructing her not to use her super hearing. The begrudging way Brainy accepts they could use her help eventually, and how by the time they have to say goodbye, Brainy does seem truly revered to have been able to spend that time with her. 
I really enjoyed seeing those scenes between Kara and Kenny! They make such a cute couple and actually having the chance to see them both together is just the sweetest. When Brainy mentions to Kenny ‘it’s about who you have adventures with’, and then the camera pans to Nia and Kara, and both Brainy and Kenny are looking up at them in admiration. It’s just. So Good. 
I’m so glad that Nia got to see her mentor before she grew into Supergirl. Nia was able to be with Kara at a stage of her life where she felt so alienated from the human race, like she might never belong. Not only that, by Nia being there, she gave a reason for Kara to feel hope that one day she wouldn’t feel that loneliness anymore. 
And let’s talk about Nia, shall we? Because damn. I am overjoyed with how her powers have progressed. Seeing her conjure up a cougar from her dreams was super badass, and the fact she was able to not only figure out what her dreams meant, but give Cat frickin’ Grant inspiration to quit her job at the Daily Planet and create CatCo?? Like, we stan a legend! Nia shone this episode.
And she definitely shone in that dress. Stunning is exactly the right word to describe her, and the way Brainy stopped dead at the sight of her. Just. Love it. Love that trope so much! I loved how Brainy spun her like - ‘should I spin you? I’m spinning you’ as he did it, and when he thanked her again for helping to calm him using her favourite song, how their faces were so close - I was grinning like an idiot throughout, lemme tell you!
Every moment in that scene was incredibly sweet, and I love how when Brainy told her so very gently that she wouldn’t be able to call her mom, Nia just ducks her head against Brainy’s shoulder, because she finds comfort in being close with him and knows that he’s there to support her through the heartache of not being able to do the one thing she wishes she could so much. Seriously, I cannot praise that scene enough.
And speaking of fantastic Brainia scenes, of course I’m going to talk about the kiss. I could write an essay about that scene. The soft way Brainy praises Nia for how amazingly she performed, how he cements to her that she is the reason that any of this is even possible, that she is the reason they’ll be able to save Kara. And the kiss itself, so tender, so sweet, and the first kiss we’ve seen between them both where Brainy is the one to initiate! Nia kisses him the first time, partially just to keep him from freaking out, and she asks him to kiss her the second time, but this time Brainy doesn’t need to be asked. He kisses her impulsively, ardently, to offer her that same comfort she once offered him, but also because I imagine with all those emotions inside of him, with how much love is in his heart in that moment, it was all he wanted, all he needed to do. 
There’s still so much support between the two in this episode. I like that we get to see Brainy using Nia’s coping mechanism when he’s beginning to panic about the likelihood of their failure, but what’s even cuter is how when Nia is freaking out, he tries to encourage her to sing along with him. Because he knows it was how she coped, and because he wants to help her in return. God, it’s all so adorable!!
Speaking of freak outs, I think one of my favourite lines in the whole episode was when Brainy is watching their plan fall apart and he goes up to Nia saying “my heart is racing - feel that, it’s not normal” and Nia just touches his chest and very seriously says “that is not normal”. It’s such a casual line in the grand scheme of things, but it’s those silly little interactions that I love the most about Brainia.
Also, young Cat Grant was excellent! I loved that she gave Kenny a pep talk when they were trapped on that ship together, and every single inflection was on point, it was an absolutely perfect casting choice! 
And Kenny’s choice to not go with Kara to National City, that he wanted to figure himself out, to save himself for a change, I just loved that decision, and I loved that we got to see so much growth from him in just two episodes.
Overall, I have honestly loved these last two weeks, and I’ll certainly be watching these episodes over and over again! 
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sugar-petals · 4 years
BTS Tarot Reading ➝ What Kind Of Porn Do They Watch? (18+)
↳ NOTE - due to several requests, a steamy and detailed one. ☕️ we’re asking the cards about the erotica they fancy in a wider sense. 
warning ⚠️ 18+ // bdsm mentions, worship, kinks left and right. we’re going graphic in all types o’ ways, lads.
♡ DISCLAIMER // tarot is speculative, there is no guarantee for accuracy. believing in the cards is a choice. all portrayals are fictive and for entertainment purposes only.
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⌈ THE WORLD ⇁ Jesus... Someone’s obsessed with girls in the nude. That card has a stark naked woman wrapped in very little satin on it so you know what our funky little guy is up to. Luscious aesthetic fotos might be just around his corner. Big duh, he’s a photography major. These folks are all about body appreciation. He’s also on a personal vendetta against lingerie 😂 Yoongi won’t get hard looking at even the most HD panty and bra ads. Only the skin in its full splendor will do, no editing. He loves pictures of nipples peaking through shirt fabric, it’s all over his phone. Yoongi likes his gals without underwear 24/7 just like he dislikes underwear himself. If we’re talking porn, the woman on the card is holding two very long rods so may I connect the dots: Threesomes, handjobs, blowbangs, spitroasting. Friction, friction, and more friction. To Yoongi’s brain, handjobs are a great um new version of holding hands. Sex standing up also, keeping it vertical. Yoongi doesn’t care about girth, inches count. Nice and elongated with a perfect plunge, something to hold onto. Yep, he’s pretty deliberate when searching that up. Yes, he loves the look of it. However, and you’ll be surprised: Even if he likes poly porn, it’s still nothing too extreme. This card is more about pleasure than pain. If a guy likes rough and degrading sex, you get swords and wands in his spread. THE WORLD is more about perfected skills and success. So, he likes the more accomplished porn stars. With a preference for curly blondes and redheads, that’s sort of the hair color on the card. Natural B or C cup. Medium height, not too curvy. Oversized booty not needed. In terms of nationality: We have three representative animals on the card. Eagle, lion and bull, plus a light blonde man’s head. So, anything that America/Germany/Albania/Mexico/Namibia (and so on, lot of countries with eagles as their national bird my dude), England, Spain and Scandinavia have to offer. Honey sugar is going international, baby.
⌈ QUEEN OF WANDS ⇁ Did I just mention that guys who like rough sex in porn get wand cards in their readings in Yoongi’s segment? Well, there we have our candidate, with a very obvious card since it’s a court figure. Now, the thing is, this is not the guy being rough. The QUEEN OF WANDS is as notoriously femdom as can be. The very fiery and raw and fun version. So, with a degree of lightheartedness, but still being very fit — even buff — and hands-on with the sub. If you get the QUEEN OF SWORDS, that’s the more cool and calculated domme who signs you up for torture and humiliation, and she really looks like a domme. She’s all over the internet because she has the grit. Now wands combined with a tarot queen... it’s more about the stamina and she is approachable. Hobi does not like watching cruel girls, he likes challenging ones. Upbeat porn stars who can take a lot but most importantly dole it out assertively like pros are Hobi’s schtick. He’s unapologetic about that. With him it’s like, please not the local newcomers that turned legal a month ago. The queen cards are all about mature women. Mommy kink, hint hint. The kind of mommy who’s gonna whip out the spreader bar or cane (= wands again) and give a playful type of punishment. See how desert-like that imagery is, Hobi wants to sweat big time when he gets off to this. Now since wands also make for a damn good pole to dance on, go figure. This whole card has me wondering if, well alright, he is a Cardi B hard stan 😅 If Hobi blasts Money to get in the mood, I’d not be surprised. Anyway. Back to pole stuff: If you go through his youtube search history, you will find astounding things. I think he watches the more professional and athletic performers in competition though. High production value is key. Finally, an interesting card detail: There’s a sunflower on it. This is definitely his kind of tarot imagery.
⌈ KING OF COINS  ⇁ This card always looks like a scene from a medieval movie so you might have an erotic film enthusiast here. The more chaste type of genre, pentacles are very grounded and not hypersexualized. The intimacy is slow and more about security and pleasure. It’s graphic and detailed, but gives you a sense of relaxation. With a bit of romance in the plot, that might absolutely be Jimin’s thing. Castles and wine and nobility. Interesting type of erotica. Historical and classy. As expected of a prince, mind you. He might enjoy books of that genre also. And we know Jimin is an avid reader, right up there with Namjoon. Now, even with more risque and contemporary stuff that he googles up, we have similar dynamics going down on screen. With Hobi we had femdom because it’s a queen card, now with Jimin we get the classic male dom type of porn because that’s how the King usually rolls, unless it’s the KING OF CUPS who’s touchy-feely and subby. Meanwhile, the KING OF COINS is your local sugar daddy. Leaning towards being a soft dom, he’s not aggressive. And Jimin surely has a little crush on that concept. Ye know, if all the other members have female cards and Jimin gets the sugar daddy, we might be dealing with mxm action. Because if this card was a porn star, he’d be a really, really rich producer and a bear who’s done this since the frickin’ 90s. He’s treating his subs very gently and lets them sit on their lap, the imagery is sort of like that because the King is balancing a pentacle on his left thigh. Sex and comfort all in one are life for Jimin. A sexy detail I only noticed at a second glance, the King also has a shortened golden staff with him, which has a rounded tip. If that’s not a butt plug… whenever I see props like that in tarot, I interpret it as a sex toy. So, good vibes in here. And a bunch of aphrodisiacs, the KING OF COINS is a foodie. Which you know, might just be a food porn type of reference. Jimin’s taste in sexy things is quite something else.
⌈ THE EMPRESS ⇁ If there’s one thing I like, it’s the Tarot giving me the important archetypes during readings of that kind. The Queens, the Kings, the Major arcana (see Yoongi’s and Jin’s segment). You can really draw a lot of hints out of it. Now with the EMPRESS you have a similar case to Hobi’s, just a lot more softcore. Jungkook has a refined and pretty vast taste in erotica, if not the most refined in Bangtan next to Jimin who likes that kind of dignified touch to it as well as we saw. Jungkook knows his stuff when it comes to searching things up, he is a first class netizen in that regard. In terms of genre: The EMPRESS is your highkey feminist and wholesomeness legend, so — you won’t find any super creepy things in some hidden file on his PC, and things by female producers instead. No slut-shaming or name-calling here, everyone gets their pleasure in their own right. Thanks to online sex ed, Jungkook has a map to the clit and he’s not afraid to use it. He’s the type to watch solo videos ad nauseam. He’s fascinated. Masturbation until it gets all messy with the juices flowing, and you bet he wants to see the girls buzzing themselves off lying on their back. Maybe even outdoors in a field. Cum play is a must, cunnilingus is a must, he loves unprotected sex and creampies, he loves breast massages. And yes. Anything that involves sex with pregnant and chubby women. Similar to Taehyung, it’s all about the focus on the girl, he doesn’t bother much with the guy performers. And given Yoongi’s reading on top of that, we have three members in BTS who are all about worshipping the female body right here, breasts over ass, and he likes blondes, too. The EMPRESS card is like… the entire porn industry who does the MILF and BBW genre is financed by Jeon Jungkook’s website subscriptions. Cue GOT7, with Jungkook it’s girls, girls, girls. The thirst is going strong, and he’s unashamed times ten, sex is sex. 
➝ we also have members who don’t really bother with erotica or have a complicated relationship with it.
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⌈  ACE OF WANDS reversed ⇁ He’s not about beating off until the world ends. Taehyung gets bored by porn or heated literature and doesn’t feel very motivated to search it up. He would rather come up with his own ideas to write but doesn’t have the energy. Sex drive: On hold, even if he tries to look something up it doesn’t feel very fulfilling to him. Most of it fails to turn him on, it’s not his kind of taste. He gets frustrated when he masturbates and would rather rest, dream, and doze. The only thing I can see him watch somewhat frequently — hold your horses — is lesbian porn. I’ll explain. The ACE OF WANDS is pretty much your most glaring handjob symbolism card. A hand gripping a stick. Yoongi’s THE WORLD card has very similar imagery, I mean even two wands and a girl, bisexual explosion much. He would be a big fan of the upright ACE OF WANDS card lmao! But the reversal is like, um no silly guys jerking off in here, pls. Keep your cum to yourself. That means: Zero dicks in Taehyung’s zone, girl-on-girl stuff is his very last resort for quality that he is desperate for but cannot find. And not the stuff where the producers just replace the guys with heavy arsenal sex toys, double-ended dildos, fucking machines, endless strap-on action without any clit stimulation on either side and whatnot. Taehyung is like ugh, cherie, why, give me the juicy stuff, give me the basics. What he wants is just pure scissoring, fingering, oral, little gentle bites, a lot of caresses and kisses. And slow, slow sex. Probably the amateur kind. He hates how brutal and exaggerated most things online are. Tae is looking for softness, a lot of lesbian action is what delivers in that regard so he takes all he gets. And it goes further than that, Taehyung knows the finest yuri recommendations, I’m telling you.
⌈  THE STAR reverse ⇁ The opposite of Yoongi: not keeping it very naked in here. The upright card shows a nude woman pouring water from two cups. Hence a strong connection to the card of sexuality, TWO OF CUPS. Everything is very gentle and positive in that scenery. But then, the reversed card rather shows us that Jin doesn’t feel too thrilled watching other people film or write or photograph sex. Like in Tae’s case, he becomes bored, it’s all the same to him. Nothing’s ever new to him in porn. He feels negative and guilty rather than refreshed or entertained. He also doesn’t like a lot of kinks that very literally connect to, well, the pouring water. Squirting, cum play, watersports, sex in the pool or showers, lube overuse, creampies, bukkake, fake cum — Jin is rolling his eyes at that, he thinks it’s a circus. He’s surely given it a try, but ended up feeling worse and even more pent-up or dissatisfied. At best, you will find him on unknown websites looking for the most amateur videos there are. Because: THE STAR quite unequivocally hints at porn stars. If you reverse the card, it becomes someone not very well-known. He roots for the underdog. Accordingly, Jin’s reaction to mainstream videos goes this way: ‚Pipe down, you non-artists!’ 😆 Cause maybe, he does do it better aye, without the awkward angles anyway. He doesn’t want the body cult, like, put that airbrush and silicone out of my face bro. Not because he’s against surgery, but the idea behind sexual extremes and the shady high standards. It’s too polished for him to get turned on. And robotic/staged. Likely because he’s had an IRL sexual experience (gasp!) that set a different ideal to him, so the more glossy porn feels off. Home video has all he needs instead. I think it’s especially because you get so see more body hair there. The woman on the THE STAR card is all sleek, so the reversed card is the opposite, Jin wants that unshaved goodness.
⌈ EIGHT OF CUPS ⇁ Now you’d think — and I thought, kinda — we’d get the master of erotica right here. And he’s had one hell of a reputation for that. Think of the ever-infamous Yaman TV interview where BTS were super upfront and revealing about their taste and what they watch privately. With especially Namjoon having the lion’s share. But this card says otherwise if his current state is concerned. The EIGHT OF CUPS shows a man wandering off into the night, leaving eight cups behind him. I think what that means is, he’s moved on. Namjoon’s cravings aren’t as strong as they used to be, nor does he have the time. He knows it won’t fix his loneliness or answer the questions of life. He might be on the search for different things to fulfill him, or ignore much of his hormones in favor for his career. Not that he didn’t dabble in it, he sure did, but that chapter is slowly closing and what’s next he doesn’t really know yet. He thinks about family and being a father, so the smaller and more risque pleasures become less significant. Desire, too. Ye olde soul syndrome is kicking in. The card is also centered around introspection, a quest for self, all these higher topics that aren’t the most grounded and don’t leave much space for being horny. Joon is simply to preoccupied and on the move. He sees porn as a distraction from his real self at this point, and he’s not the type to feel satiated after masturbating to something, similar to Jin and Taehyung. Instead, I think he carries that energy elsewhere, hence the wanderer going from A to B onto a mountain. In short, Namjoon naturally grew out of it by becoming more, well: Namjoon. He’s left a lot behind, he’s choosing self-development over temporary fun, and he will ponder a lot on the topic, the hows and whys and whats more often than not. So, he’s passed the baton to Yoongi and Jungkook if you will, and keeps a low profile as of now. 
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for anon:
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gaypasta · 5 years
maybe 16 or 2 for reddie!
“Are you hurt?” “No.” “Then why are there bruises all over your face?”It wasn’t that Richie didn’t like being at home - he did. Maggie and Wentworth were great and all of the Losers were treated like an extension of the family whenever they would crowd into Richie’s living room with bowls of popcorn and a plethora of sugary snacks. The issue was the Richie didn’t really like being alone. He got antsy, he couldn’t concentrate and more often than not, couldn’t fall asleep. 
It happened first, with Ben. Sweet Ben who couldn’t have kicked Richie out even if he wanted to when Richie knocked on his bedroom window of the bungalow and wormed his way into Ben’s bed and talked and talked until he’d talked out all of his energy and he passed out with Ben sat beside him wondering what the hell just happened.
Then it was Bill, when he was understimulated. Richie would pedal all the way to Bill’s, climb the tree, then hop onto the porch roof and then pull open Bill’s bedroom window - which was always a little open. Bill liked the fresh air. He would wake Bill up and they’d play video games or go for a walk or do anything to get Richie stimulated enough to be able to fall asleep without twitching in the bed like a live wire. 
Then, Richie chanced it with Mike. An hour long bicycle ride later and he stumbled his way around the farm up to the house and shouted for Mike to let him in. Richie was mad. So mad. It was after the fight between him and Bill and he had thought it over and over and over again in his head until he wound himself up into a ball of rage and Mike brought him around all the animals with a flashlight in hand and let his anger dissipate. 
Then it was Stan. After the sewers. They all had nightmares, sure. Richie could never get back to sleep. He hated sleeping alone. So, he hopped on his bike and made the trek to Stan’s. Stan didn’t sleep well after. He didn’t really sleep at all. His bedroom light was on and Stan opened the window when Richie climbed up onto the tree beside it as if Stan had been waiting for him. The nightmares bled out of his head and they both slept as Richie told Stan about how he didn’t want to be forgotten, how he didn’t want to fade from people’s memories like all those faded gravestones in the Cemetery and Stan told Richie all about what he saw in the Deadlights.
Richie would sit on the fire escape and tap Bev’s window out-of-view and she would open it some minutes later with her smokes and a pack of matches and they’ll talk about things. Beverly talks about Ben but no one knows what Richie talks about. Something important, probably.
Then, lastly, some months after the sewer, it was Eddie. Richie threw rocks up at Eddie’s window and Eddie asked him what he wanted, “Let me in, Eds. Open the front door,” And Eddie did. Richie’s face was red and puffy and his eyes were ringed much the same.
“Have you been crying?” Eddie asked.
“Yeah, I saw your Mom in the shower,” Richie replied, voice taut with sniffles.
 “That’s frickin’ disgusting.” 
“Yeah, it really was.” 
Eddie knew something had happened - he wasn’t slow. He knew Richie didn’t go to Ben’s with tears in his eyes or sneak through Bill’s window with a sad, faraway look on his face. Eddie knew that if Richie wanted to talk about it, he would. But he wouldn’t want to talk about it - Richie breezes over difficult questions with clever quips and silly voices and Eddie pretends he doesn’t know what he’s doing.
So it went on like that. Every so often, Richie would throw a pebble at Eddie’s window and Eddie - without looking - would flutter downstairs and unlock the back door to a subdued Richie who would ruffle his hair with a sad, wet smile. 
There had to be a line to how much Eddie would ignore. And one day, he found it. 
It wasn’t nighttime, it was barely three in the afternoon when he heard a familiar thump on his bedroom window. Eddie opened it and shouted that the door was open, come on up. Eddie barely had time to put away the deck of cards he was playing with before Richie all but slammed open his door. He shot about two feet in the air. “Hey!”
“Sorry, I’ve been working out.”
“Jerking off doesn’t count,” Eddie said, putting his cards on his bedside locker, when Richie didn’t reply he took a look at him, but his head was low and he couldn’t see his face, “What’s wrong.” 
Richie sat down on the bed after kicking the door closed and flopped backwards, nearly collapsing onto Eddie’s lap. Eddie barely choked back his cry of shock when he saw the state of him. A smash of blood from his nose, exploded onto his Freese’s tee. His glasses cracked and warped and his eyes an angry shade of purple - visible even through the cracked coke-bottle glass. “Take a wild fuckin’ guess.” 
“Bill finally had enough of you imitating his stutter?” Eddie joked, even as he moved forward to get a closer look.
“Nah,” He said, lifting his glasses off to clean them, but Eddie took them out of his hand and set them out of reach, “Asked your Mom to sit on my face.” 
Eddie gave his cheek a light slap, “Beep-beep.” The more Eddie looked at Richie’s face, the worse it looked. His lip was busted open and he had scratches and gravel all up the side of his cheek, like roadburn. Richie didn’t meet his eyes as Eddie looked over him, but he did wince when Eddie brushed some of the gravel off of his cuts. The air was steady and Richie seemed content in sitting in silence, but Eddie couldn’t leave it there. He’d found his line and this was it. “Bowers?” 
Richie stiffened under him, “Bowers didn’t sit on my face but thanks for that image.” Again with the deflection.
“Richie, I’m serious, okay - stop fucking about.” 
“I didn’t come here for a fucking lecture!” Richie said suddenly, whipping himself up into a sitting position only to let out a wheeze of pain and fall straight back down with a groan, “I can’t move right now but emotionally I’m storming out and slamming the door,” Richie winced as he touched his nose and groaned in pain.
“So it was Bowers?” He didn’t quip back at Richie. It was no fun when he was rolling about in pain. 
“Yes.” Richie’s voice was a little nasally and gurgled. He sat up a little and blood came trickling down his nose and into his mouth. Eddie wretched and threw a box of tissues at him. Richie got through about six before his nose stopped bleeding again. 
“Are you hurt?” 
Richie stared at him blankly, “No.”
“Then why are there bruises all over your face?” 
“He loaded me with sedatives before he beat my shit into the pavement.” 
Eddie huffed and shuffled towards Richie and tore the tissue from his nose, “Stop being an ass. I’m trying to help, Rich and I don’t need you running your mouth and being a sarcastic asshole when I’m doing it. Sit there, don’t touch anything or …. bleed on anything. I’m gonna go and get some stuff from the first aid kit.” 
“Hey, Eds?” Richie piped up in a soft voice as Eddie was about to leave the room. The softness of his voice caught him off guard and he didn’t have the heart to tell him not to call him that.
“Yeah, Rich?”
“One of your tampons should fit up my nose, it’ll stop the bleeding, right?” 
“No - but I could see if my knuckle will fit up your nose - want to find out?”“Nah,” Richie pointed at his nose - “Henry already tried.” 
Eddie got the things he needed from the first aid kit and brought Richie into his bathroom and locked the door. Richie was sat on the toilet seat, with Eddie leaning over a little to get a good angle to dab at Richie’s nose with a wet wipe. The blue-ish tint from the fluorescent lighting of the bathroom only made Eddie’s gut fall, more than he had expected really. Maybe it was the sad look in Richie’s eyes, too. “Why did he do this?” Eddie muttered, not really a direct question, but one Richie answered nonetheless.
“Cause I’m a faggot,” The matter-of-fact way Richie said it made Eddie’s stomach lurch.
 That word - or anything related to being gay, really - always set Eddie on edge, always made him paranoid and his hair stand up on the back of his neck. Like there was a monster standing behind him, breathing rotten breath on his neck that would unhinge its jaw and swallow him whole if he even thought about other boys. The tone that Richie said that threw him off enough to ask, “Are you?” 
Richie looked from the wet wipe, covered in Richie’s blood, that Eddie had moved away from his face a little, to Eddie and back to the wet wipe, “No. It was a joke.” 
Eddie caught Richie looking at his own blood and felt sick, “I don’t think gays have AIDs - I saw the way you were looking at me. Anyone can get it - I read all these journals about it and it’s a disease. It doesn’t pick who it infects. Did you see Princess Diana shook hands with a patient? It’s terrible, don’t get me wrong but it’s not as contageous as the news is saying, and it’s definately not a ‘homosexual disease’ and-” 
“You think I’m gay?” Richie cut him off.
“I - no. I don’t. I wouldn’t care if you were, though, for the record. I wouldn’t care if any of the losers were,” Eddie said, words rushing into each other as he spoke quickly, moving back to dab at Richie’s nose. It was hard to concentrate with the way Richie was looking at him. Like he was examining him. 
“Are you?” Eddie flinched like he’d been shot when Richie asked that and he didn’t mean to physically take a step back. He opened and closed his mouth but nothing could come out. Nothing will come out - he’s fuckin’ sure of that, “I wouldn’t care either, you know.” 
“Okay.” Eddie forced out.
“Okay.” Richie said. 
They both agonised in the silence. Both a little wild-eyed like hares in headlights at each other. Richie’s face was clean of blood now. His shirt was still ruined but he didn’t look quite like he’d just gotten out of a bar fight now. He looked a lot better. Richie always looked kinda good, Eddie thought. The thought always embarrassed him. Richie was a bit strange looking, with a short face and his awful glasses and giant teeth that Richie insists he’ll grow into, but Eddie could never help the way his stomach lit when Richie laughed - or even when Richie pinched his cheeks and called him cute. 
Richie thought the same thing. With Eddie and the way he was so quick to rile up, going from placid to in a rage at the drop of a hat. The way Eddie, all five-foot-three of him, kicked a fucking demon clown square in the snotter. When Eddie got his cast re-done because he got his ruined in greywater and he asked Richie to help re-write the LOSER on it. Eds sure was cute. The cutest fuckin powerhouse in all of Derry. 
“I am.” Richie said suddenly, like a bubble bursting and suddenly his world was bigger. No longer closed in on himself, “I’m gay.” 
Eddie looked like he’d seen a ghost and the wet wipe fell from his hand, “Yeah. Yeah, uh - okay. Me too.” 
Richie blew a huge sigh of relief. A massive weight off of his shoulders. Although, when he looked at Eddie he didn’t feel the same radiating off of him. Eddie looked like he was about to either cry or pull a Johnny Twango and go mad, “You okay?” Eddie shook his head, not lifting his eyes off of the bathroom floor, which had suddenly gotten very interesting, what craftsmanship. 
Richie pulled Eddie’s hand into his own, “Scared?” Eddie nodded, “I’m scared too.”  Eddie finally willed himself to pull his eyes off of the incredible craftsmanship of the bathroom tiles and met Richie’s eyes, soft and vulnerable, “Scared together?” 
“Scared together.” Richie squeezed Eddie’s hand and Eddie squeezed back. Eddie’s eyes widened suddenly and his hands shot up to Richie’s face, Richie flinched and looked up  in confusion, “Your nose is broken, I’m gonna set it,” Eddie said and pinched Richie’s nose - Richie’s eyes blew open and he voiced his distress but they were cut short before Richie had the chance to push Eddie away as a loud CRACK sounded out into the air. 
Eddie laughed and laughed and laughed before he wiped the tears from his eyes as Richie was still complaining and groaning in pain, “That’s payback for my arm, dipshit.” 
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cchellacat · 5 years
How did stumble upon the bucky fandom?
You’re really going to wish you hadn’t asked.  I’ve had this written for months!
It’s utterly loco.  Itwasn’t as if it was love at first sight, or even second sight.   It’s like you see the same guy in passingfor years, nod say hello and carry on with your day.  Then one day, bam!  He’s saying hello and it’slike a veil has been lifted from your eyes. Choirs of angels singing, heavens bells ringing in your ears, earthquakes, the world tilting on its axis, gravity taking on a new origin point, anew true north, suddenly I’m no longer orbiting the sun, oh no, my new sun justbarged right in and drew me out of my orbit and into his.  It’s like the matrix glitched and althougheverything still seems the same on the surface, the truth is that everythinghas changed and it can never go back to how it once was, nothing will ever bethe same again.  My own personal serpentand apple moment.  New flash, I ate thebloody apple.  Took the blue pill andthere is no way back out of this rabbit hole.
The worst part?  Idon’t even know how it happened.  It’snot like I was out looking for it.  I wasminding my own sodding business, going through the motions of my usualroutine.  It was April, the end of Apriland I was looking for some new fan-fiction to read.  I chose a pairing I hadn’t read before,nothing odd about that, I choose new pairings every other week onaverage.  That days pairing?  Darcy and Bucky.
I like to be able to hear the characters I’mreading about so I went to YouTube to look at some clips of the two actors whoplay the parts.  Well, look how thatturned out.  I listened to some clips ofBucky and decided the sample wasn’t big enough to get a good idea in my head ofwhat he sounded like so I typed Sebastian Stan into the search box and watchedsome fan vids and some clips of him taking on other roles.  
That’s when it started. I was seeing all these characters he had played and it slowly dawned onme that I had seen him so much over the years and never realised it was thesame guy. 
Wow, that is some serioustalent, I thought.  I never recognised ordrew a connection between his various roles. There was Cater, the little shit, whom I had loved on Gossip Girl andlooked forward to seeing just because his presence could overturn the applecart beautifully. 
Then there was TJ whoI had completely fallen in love with on Political Animals, he was a mess, butso vulnerable and heartrendingly lost.  
Jefferson from OUAT, that blindsided me alittle, I adored Jefferson and had been so disappointed to see him not comeback to that role, he was a much better love interest for Emma I had thought. 
I loved the movie, The Martian, do you knowwho I completely didn’t notice yet again?   That’s right, Sebastian Stan, playingChris Beck!  How does one man look andact so differently, even sound different enough that me, who notices so muchwhen it comes to shows and movies suddenly got blindsided by a guy who is myfreaking age?  
Confused by all of this I want back and watched episodes andmovies again and was blown away.  Thisguy isn’t just cute, he’s got talent. Like, on a level of OMFG.  Talentwith a capital Oscar.  Why is he not ahousehold name?  He should be gettingbigger and better roles than this, he’s amazing, he can do anything and he canmake me cry.  Do you know how hard it isto make someone as cynical and inured to sadness as I am cry?  It’s pretty freakin hard.  
 This isn’t even the last of it.  The man is adorkable.  He’s a space nerd, watched the x-files andgenerally did the same silly shit I did as a teen.  He’s not some suave playboy with a list ofconquests he’s just an ordinary, sometime confused guy who has the mostbeautiful eyes I’ve ever had the pleasure of looking at.  
His eyes, I could write a sonnet to those frickin eyes, butcould I tell you what colour they are? No.  I have no idea.  The closest I could get was that they werethe colour of the ocean after a storm, what colour is that I hear you say? Beautiful. Yes, I just quoted Friends (Or was it HIMYM?), but in this one instance it’s totallyjustified.  
Next on the list of reasons Sebastian Stan should be lockedup, his smile. OMFG, that smile, thoselips, those adorable teeth, before and after dental.  The before teeth were just the sexiestthough.  It made his smile a little bitnaughty and racy, made my tummy do flips and made me fucking giggle.  Yes I said giggle, like some inane preteenblushing at some Disney channel heartthrob. Its embarrassing.  
He consumes my thoughts through out the day.  I find myself daydreaming about him for hoursat a time, this is not healthy.  Butwhat’s a girl to do when she gets swept off her feet every time she seems abloody picture of the man? 
You remember that sort of sick nervous feeling you get whenyou crush hard on someone and just thinking about them gives you thrills andanxiety in equal measure, that’s been my life for months now.  When I see a pic or a video of him that Ihaven’t seen before it’s like seeing him for the first time all over again.  Like the universe is reaching out to remind mehe exists, if feels like a punch to the gut, all the breath leaves my body andmy insides turn into knots.  I don’t havebutterfly in my tummy, it’s as if a freaking flock of Crebain flew through me,each out tearing out a tiny piece of my heart and soul.  
He owns me.  Everyatom of my being has cleaved to him seemingly without my forethought orpermission.  I didn’t want any of this, Ididn’t ask for it.  I was content, damnit.  I was free.  Now I will never be free again.  He has me, hook, line and sinker. There is nopower on this earth that could change my mind about him.  
The most wonderfuck and tragic part of all of this?  I love him, not because he is perfect, butbecause he is imperfect.  He shows us histruth, or at least enough of it to capture our unfailing and unwaveringloyalty.   His truth is that he is ashuman as you or I.  
His honesty makes him vulnerable in a way I find incrediblyattractive.  He respects the peoplearound him.  He reaches out when he can,just to help.  He understands, empathisesand is deeply compassionate.  I bothcurse and thank the universe for him everyday.
My life is ruined, my heart sore and tired and I will beforever changed on such a fundamental level that I may never recognise who ambecoming till it is too late.  I onlyhope that I can shake off this spell eventually.  Okay, so a huge part of me doesn’t, that partof me wants to love him forever and never let him go.  Christ on a cracker I’m pathetic.  I don’t even know why I started to writethis.  I guess I just needed to get someof this off my chest and let my feelings bleed out all over my laptop.  Mission accomplished for now. 
And that’s how it all began!  I am so embarrased I even wrote this, but you know what, I don’t care right now!  Thanks for asking!
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radioactivedelorean · 7 years
Hmm, let's see, number 10 with stanley and Stanford Pines?
10: “Can’t you see I’m just trying to help you?!” - Stan and Ford.
“Can’t you see I’m just trying to help you?!” Stan pleaded, reaching again for the half-empty bottle of whisky in his brother’s hand
Ford pulled the bottle out of Stan’s reach, taking another large swig from it. He was already rather tipsy. He’d had a particularly bad nightmare and had immediately hit the bottle in order to calm himself down. Stan had gotten up to use the bathroom and found his brother sitting in the cabin with half a bottle of whisky.
Stan sighed, sitting opposite his brother. “Ford, please, just hand me the bottle.”
“No.” Ford shot him a glare, taking another swig from the bottle. “I’m a grown man, Stanley, I can make my own decisions and right now I’m - *hic* - finishing this bottle.”
“Ford, we both know your tolerance for alcohol is pretty poor, so why don’t you just hand me the bottle and we can talk about it, instead of you drinking yourself silly,” Stan said softly, slowing reaching across the table for the bottle.
Reluctantly, Ford handed the bottle over to his brother. Stan immediately set it out of Ford’s reach. Ford crossed his arms on the table and put his head down. Nausea and vertigo were beginning to kick in. His head was spinning and his stomach was churning. “Urgh….”
“Easy there…” Stan got up so he could sit on the seat beside his brother, rubbing his back gently. “Deep breaths…”
Ford swallowed the vomit rising in his throat and grimaced. “C-could you get me some water…?”
“Sure…” Stan got up and went to fill a glass with some water from the tap. He passed it to his brother, along with an aspirin. “Here you go.”
“Thanks…” Ford sipped the water, placing the aspirin tablet on his tongue before swallowing it. He cringed a little as it went down, before taking another few small sips of water.
Stan rubbed small circles across his brother’s back with the heel of his hand. “It’s alright, just breathe slowly.”
“I’m fine…” Ford murmured, clutching the glass with both hands, desperately wishing it had a little more in it than just water.
“Sure? You look sorta pale.” Stan frowned.
“I just need to lie down,” Ford said quietly, putting his head down on the table. He always regretted drinking just after he’d done so, as it always made him feel horribly sick and dizzy.
“Well, why don’t we have a chat first? Then you can go and lie down.” Stan suggested, squeezing Ford’s shoulder.
“What about…?” Ford lifted his head off the table to glance at his brother.
“Your drinking.”
“First of all,” Stan said, “why?”
Ford sighed and shrugged. “I don’t know, it helps me calm down,” he muttered.
“More so than a hot drink and a blanket?”
“Y-yeah…” Ford glanced away. “It makes everything go numb and stops me thinking about things.”
“But it isn’t healthy.” Stan frowned. “You always end up getting sick after drinking, and then you complain about being sick, but you still go and do it again anyway.”
“It’s these stupid nightmares,” Ford muttered. “Every time I close my eyes I have to watch one of you die, or watch as the world around me burns to ash, or as Bi-…as he destroys everything. I can’t take much more of this. It’s every frickin’ night and there’s nothing I can do to stop any of it happening.”
“I know, bud,” Stan murmured, frowning softly as he wrapped one arm around his brother. “Trust me, I know all too well what those sorts of dreams are like.”
“Do you?” Ford turned his head towards him.
“Yeah. I used to get them all the time after you - … before I brought you home.” Stan leant back in the seat a little. “I’d see the portal burst into flame as I tried to fix it. I’d see the portal open up only for nothing to come through. Heck, most of the time, I opened it up and you fell through, but you were….y-you were…” he swallowed, a lump forming in his throat. “Well, you were either in pretty bad shape or already d-dead… and every time it was my fault because I couldn’t bring you back sooner. I couldn’t save you. Every night for thirty years it was the same thing over and over again.”
“Oh, Stanley…” Ford sighed, leaning against his brother a little. He set the glass of water down on the table and turned slightly in order to wrap his arms around his brother. “I’m so sorry…”
“Hey, it’s okay.” Stan returned the hug gently. “It’s okay. I brought you home safe and sound, so none of that shit matters anymore.”
“But it did before,” Ford murmured. “It did matter for thirty whole years. I’m so sorry… If I’d never built that stupid portal in the first place then -”
“Then maybe you wouldn’t have ever gotten in contact with me again,” Stan said. “Maybe you would have lived your whole life in that house, all on your own with nothing but your research, those cryptids and that demon. You would have gone insane, Ford.”
“I’m already insane, ” Ford said. “I’ve already spent two months at sea with you.”
“Oh ha ha, real funny Poindexter,” Stan grumbled, though he couldn’t hide a smirk. “I guess that means I’m equally as insane the, huh?”
“Oh shut up Stan,” Ford rolled his eyes, chuckling quietly. “… I don’t know what I’d do without you, I really don’t.”
“Heck, I don’t know what I’d do without you either, Ford,” Stan grinned, pulling away so he could smile at his brother. “I’d probably have gone off the rails completely.”
“Haven’t you done so already?” Ford smirked.
Stan laughed, tousling his brother’s hair. “Only because I’ve been living on a boat with you since October.”
Ford rolled his eyes again, hugging his brother close once more. “This is still better than working on my research back in Gravity Falls.”
“Oh? Why?”
“‘Cause we’re doing this together, Stan.”
“You’re such a sap, you know that right?”
“Oh please, you’re worse than I am at times. I was separated from any of my family for thirty years; I’ve got a lot to make up for.”
“You can start by doing the dishes in the morning,” Stan teased. “That’d be helpful.”
“I meant that I’d make up for all the hugs and sappy family stuff I’ve missed, not doing your chores, Stanley.”
“Hey! We both agreed we’d split the chore work evenly while we were out here.”
“I did the dishes last time!”
“Wel, it’s mostly your coffee cups, Ford.”
“I thought ‘we both agreed we’d split the chore work evenly’?”
“Shut up, Ford.”
Prompts list 
(I’ve actually got two prompts with the Stans and #10, but the second one specifies something different than this one)
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machsabre · 7 years
My non-spoiler-ish review of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
"I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!"
I consider Guardians of the Galaxy not only the best comic book movie of all time, but it’s actually my favorite movie of all time too. Not because I think it’s better than Citizen Kane or anything, but because it hit on all the personal particular points and desires that I wanted to see in an movie for many years. As a science fiction fan and a comic book fan, particularly of the cosmic side of the Marvel Universe, I absolutely loved the fact that they embraced all the silliness, whole heartedly and with total conviction, without forgetting… It’s a movie with a talking tree. So for me, the sequel had a lot of living up to do.
And I”m happy to say, for the most part, it did indeed do just that.
There is not a cynical bone in this movie’s body. (If movies had bones, that it.) Everyone is enjoying their role, everyone gets a decent amount of screen time, and there’s some really decent character development going on. I greatly enjoyed this movie. It’s a two hour plus movie, and it didn’t feel that way to me.
Is it as good as the first one? No. But it’s close. If I had to rank the Marvel comic book movies, it would be Guardians 1, Winter Soldier, and then this one. (Deadpool’s around here too, but technically that’s not a Marvel Studios movie.) If the first movie was an A+, this is an A… JUST barely missing out on that plus sign. So let’s go through the good and bad. I’ll do the bad first. Slight spoilers ahead…
The humor was a little too much at times. Especially from Drax. I love a great comedy, but there are times I don’t want to be laughing during a serious moment.
The Peter and Ego relationship never really fleshed out as much as I wanted it to be. It may be because I’m already familiar with Ego from the comics, so I kept looking for his eventual heel-turn and when it came… It wasn’t exactly well built up. Though they did explain why… I had trouble buying it. I kept wondering if that was all or if there was more. And I was kinda disappointed to find out… There wasn’t.
Baby Groot is adorable, but unfortunately, he’s there JUST to be adorable. And not much else. That’s not a bad thing… But if you’re wanting him to have more of a prominent role than “OH MY GOD, HE’S ADORABLE!” then… Sorry. It wasn’t a problem for me personally, but I can see how some people would be annoyed by it. I wasn’t one of them. In fact, this comes up below in the good.
There is no particular ongoing “threat” in this movie, like Ravagers were in the last one. The Sovereign (the gold aliens from the trailers) are more an annoyance than an actual danger. But they do have their moments.
I don’t think the Soundtrack is as strong as the first movie’s soundtrack. It’s still great, but the lack of David Bowie didn’t help.
Oh lord, strap in.
Michael Rooker OWNS this frickin’ movie. His portrayal of Yondu was so damn good. I mean, this is never going to win an award for a comic book movie with a blue skinned dude with a fin on his head, but my God, does he give it his all and it is amazing. In fact, if the first movie was basically Peter, Groot and Gamora’s movie… This one is Yondu, Nebula and Rocket’s movie. All three of them get some wonderful characterization.
You know how the opening to the first movie had Peter dancing across the screen during the credits? This one has Baby Groot dancing to “Mr. Blue Sky” in the middle of a massive battle and Good God, it was so damn adorable and funny. If that’s not for you, I don’t know what to say. Sorry. I loved it.
The amount of easter egg cameos in this one far surpasses the first one. Speaking of which…
The Ravagers get some heavy characterizations in this. Including a few, what I thought were Easter Egg nods to the original Guardians team from the 90s that with one of the FIVE ending post credit scenes… I lost my shit! If you’re a fan of the 90s Guardians, you are about to fangasm! “All right! Let’s go steal some shit!”
David Hasselhoff. Seriously.
The Stan Lee cameo has interesting ramifications for every single Stan Lee cameo done in every Marvel movie made. (Probably including the Fox and Sony ones too!)
There are some tragic moments in this movie that because you’re so invested in the characters… I actually teared up. The ending was a little over the top on sentimentality, but damn, it worked.
The fact that Thanos was really one horrible father is really driven home here.
The end credits are really super effective. And outside of “outtakes” movies like Cannonball Run did, it’s really one of the most engaging ways to keep the audience interested while waiting through the credits to see the extra scenes.
Seriously, James Gunn? Please give me Nikki Gold, Replica, Talon and Vance Astro for Vol. 3 as well. PLEEAAASSSEE?
There’s a bunch of more stuff, but I’m afraid I might have gone too far into spoilers territory, and if i go too much into them… I KNOW I will. In short, I really liked it. Is it perfect? No. But who gives a crap? I had a lot of fun with this one. By all means, I totally recommend it.
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