#st v2
nilemar · 2 years
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Mike told them that he has a girlfriend? I mean, he couldn't have said that his girlfriend is Eleven, bc they know about her in S1 and they thought she was dangerous etc.
I mean, Ted could be talking about a girlfriend that Mike told them, but it's stupid bc Mike is going to California bc of the BYERS. The most realistic thing is that Mike asked if he could go to California in spring break to see the Byers.
So, who is this sweetie pie? Even Mike has this confused face. And this scene there is Mike with the pop tarts (@causeineedu has an analysis about them). Is Ted talking about Will? Is he? Bc why is saying that comment? I
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moonywing · 2 years
Ao3 authors are out there writing life changing masterpieces for free while the Duffer brothers are completely unable to create a single decent character arc even though they are getting paid for it
I mean most fic authors could write better endings for stranger things characters any day but the duffer brothers would never be able to create pure gold stories like The Lathe or The Most Remarkable Thing
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Me after watching volume 2, where I had expected Eddie to make it out alive and well and proceed to graduate, Will to come out and make a move on Mike, Robin to get a girlfriend, Steve have a bisexual awakening and for Jonathan, Will and Mike to have any sort of plot relevance at ALL: 
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lighthouseas · 2 years
Thoughts on st s4 v2
I know this blog is slowly turning into a stranger things blog but I have a lot of thoughts lol
Obviously, major s4 spoilers under the cut so be warned.
If Max dies I’m literally going to jump out of a window /hj but seriously when she was like “I’m not ready to die” I almost screamed like my poor baby jeez.  I don’t think she’ll die though just because idk why they would drag it out into the next season if they were just gonna kill her off
LUCAS MY BOY.  He deserves WAY more credit than he gets.  Lumax for the win
Yes finally Brenner is dead I hated him
Jason is also dead which is great
I CALLED Eddie dying y’all.  He was an okay character imo but he was gonna die at some point.  Especially when he and Dustin had that whole emotional convo I knew.  I KNEW.  I’m sad about how Hawkins treats him though.  That really fucking sucks. He deserved better.
Jonathan is still partially evaporated.  That Jancy reunion was half-assed and they acted like they were about to get divorced 
Ok so.  I saved this for last because...uh well.  The whole thing with Will...obviously, he’s VERY gay for Mike and for whatever reason the writers decided not to have him come out, but hey, maybe we’ll get that in the next season.  But also do take into account that this was the 80s.  I’m not saying gays didn’t exist back then, but it was a hell of a lot more dangerous to come out then than it is now (not saying it isn’t still dangerous, but y’know).  Maybe he wasn’t ready, but at the very least, it was strongly implied.  
Also, to those who wanted Byler to become canon...I’m sorry.  As a writer myself I knew from the start it wasn’t gonna happen.  Writers don’t just establish relationships like those of El and Mike and then randomly drop it for some other fan-favorite ship.  It just doesn’t happen.  I’m not talking in favor of Mileven, nor am I talking in favor of Byler.  I’m just being realistic here- it wasn’t gonna happen.  All of that hype for Byler- it was most likely just to promote the show since basically everyone knows how popular the ship is and the actors, producers, and everyone else hyping it up meant that more people would swarm to see the episodes, which means more money for them.  Yeah, it sucks, but unfortunately, that’s the entertainment industry for you.  
HOWEVER.  I do agree what they did to Will’s character was shitty.  Really shitty.  On his own, Will has so much potential, but they’re reducing him to literally just a little weak gay boy who has spidey sense.  He deserves to be happy- he’s been through literal hell every season and to top it off, he has unrequited feelings for his best friend.  I really don’t know why they feel the need to do that to him since he’s such a good person, but hopefully, that will be resolved in s5.  I’m begging you, Stranger Things, PLEASE give Will the arc he deserves- not a dumbass arc where he just suffers and is in pain.  My poor boy doesn’t deserve that.
Last thing- there’s still a lot of questions I have about everything, which I’m really hoping are answered in season 5.  I hope they’re able to tie up any loose ends, but you never know.  At this point, especially with all of the angry fans at the moment, it’s a make or break.  To be completely honest, I’m excited to see how everything plays out.
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frankencanon · 2 years
if will had met eddie he would've painted his favorite album cover on a denim jacket or vest for his birthday
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demobatman · 2 years
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punkbuckybarnes · 2 years
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just watched ep 8 of ST. will crying BROKE me, the mileven reunion was adorable!!, and dr. brenner died, so overall good episode! going to start ep 9, but might not watch the whole thing, because i’m sleep, it’s like 2 AM here, but priorities, you know? let the pain ensue!
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prime-catra · 2 years
okay going into v2!!! I’m still a believer of the mike is an asshole who needs to grow up a little bit bc they’re all emotionally stunted but i wouldn’t be COMPLETELY shocked if it was bc he liked will. Erica and Karen are definitely going to have bigger roles (why tf else are they mcs??) and i feel that Karen is definitely getting vecnaed, maybe erica?? Idk. Will also is totally getting vecnaed or SOMETHING bc he did his little neck touch thing in the trailer, but I am also a believer in the Jonathan is dying theory, so… 
I legitimately feel like there is a set up for ronance (didn’t someone say that the duffers literally said there’d be canon queer relationshipS this season?), but I also feel like Nancy might be in danger but not necessarily die bc I feel like karen’s already dying. Something is going to happen to Erica I feel (die?) to affect lucas, and I can’t imagine what but I feel like something is going to happen to dustin bc he doesn’t have a main arc this season (maybe Érica dies protecting him?)
Eddie is probably dying bc the main one off characters always die, but i am very excited for his badass guitar scene. If max dies i will cry because she’s canonically partially suicidal (and the end of ep4 already made me cry), and bc cliffhanger characters never die and doing a fake out only to actually kill a character would be so annoying, I feel that Nancy, hopper, and max are safe from death. I really can’t imagine how el might defeat vecna, unless the whole buildup of mike saying ily to el helps her gain power or something and she unlearns the power from anger thing kali taught her or whatever? Feels kind of overused bc I’m pretty sure the power of love was also the resolution to one of the other seasons but still
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King Steve and Eddie the Freak
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Obviously had to make a Steddie version of these classic XY Magazine photos 😎 Patreon
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nilemar · 2 years
So yeah, Mike complained about the Byers telephone line being always occupied (bc of Joyce's work) And the funny thing? Those calls were for Will, bc in the last ep of S3 Mike literally asked Eleven if she packed the walkie-talkie bc he was going to call her all the time with Cerebro. So the letters (Mike sees them as something romantic) and the walkie-talkie were for El, but for Will were the calls. Mike just gave up bc the line was always busy...
So now I can understand why Mike says that maybe was Will the one who should've reached out more... bc actually, Mike tried...
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yelenadelova · 2 years
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I want them back, I want them back,
the minds we had, the minds we had,
it’s not enough to feel the lack.
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escape-in-time-x · 2 years
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22 is his year
Joseph Quinn for 1883 Magazine
Photography by Pip (instagram: @bypip
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tsugarubecker · 2 years
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has this been done yet
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ndscottsummers · 14 days
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X-Men v2 Annual #2
fred "matchmaker" dukes
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demobatman · 2 years
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some stranger things as textposts to lighten the mood
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