#st margaret's
thegonse · 2 years
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next i would like you to meet pembroke wilson! he is 16 in 1955, and his birthday is april 15! saint margaret’s resident therapist, pembroke’s diaphragm is completely paralyzed, so he depends on an iron lung that uses negative pressure to push air in and out of his body! however, this does not limit him from making friends and being the sun that the boy’s ward’s solar system orbits around. pembroke is seemingly infallible, always kind, generous, and upbeat. he gives the best pep talks and advice, and even when things seem down, he is always there to lighten the mood and find the positive. however, he is no stranger to dirty jokes and digs at other boys in the ward. he has a kitty named klimpern that he got for christmas and he loves her very much. eddy, thatcher and the rest of the boys make sure that his overhead mirror is always decorated with stickers, photographs, flowers, and balloons. 
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corallapis · 1 year
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Henry ‘Chips’ Channon: The Diaries (Vol. 1), 1918-38, entry for 31st January 1923
Wednesday 31st January
An enormous crowd fighting for admission was outside St Margaret’s¹ this afternoon at Joan Poynder’s² marriage to Sir Edward Grigg.³ Joan seem ecstatic, I cannot understand exactly why, as he is middle-aged and almost bald. He is of course the rising young statesman etc, but ugly to look upon and Joan has been in love so often before … she is such a high-spirited, inspired radiant creature …. a fashionable Joan of Arc. First it was Blandford,⁴ and Lady Islington,⁵ ever the most amusing and treacherous lying woman of her age, did her best to encourage the match, as she has all the old-fashioned Victorian ideas about marriage with eldest sons, etc. — and what mother has not??
Lady Islington [had] sent a secret message, which I intercepted, to Gage that if he did not proposed [to Joan Dickson-Poynder] within a fortnight she was convinced Grigg would be accepted …. All the Round-Table milieu with its headquarters at Cliveden⁶ are delighted as this wedding is their handiwork. Joan will make a glorious wife … most of the young men found her attractive but too Amazonian … A letter from Elizabeth [Bowes-Lyon] who is at Sandringham thanking me for my congratulatory letter … she is the thorn in Lady Islington’s flesh.
1.  St Margaret’s Church, Westminster, parish church of the Houses of Parliament, and venue of many society weddings – including Channon’s own.
2.  Joan Dickson-Poynder (1897–1987), daughter of the 1st Baron Islington, had volunteered as a nurse in France during the Great War.
3.  Edward William Macleay Grigg (1879–1955) was Liberal MP for Oldham from 1922 to 1925 and for Altrincham from 1933 to 1945. He had been private secretary to Lloyd George. He was raised to the peerage as 1st Baron Altrincham in 1945.
4.  John Albert William ‘Bert’ Spencer-Churchill (1897–1972), by courtesy Marquess of Blandford until 1934, when he succeeded his father as 10th Duke of Marlborough.
5.  Anne Beauclerk Dundas (1869–1958), married in 1896 Sir John Poynder Dickson-Poynder, 6th Bt (1866–1936). He was raised to the peerage as Baron Islington on assuming the Governor-Generalship of New Zealand in 1910.
6.  Home of the 2nd Viscount Astor and his wife Nancy, given to them as a wedding present in 1906 by the 1st Viscount. Waldorf Astor (1879–1952) was born in New York but attended Eton and New College, Oxford, his family having settled in Britain in 1889. He was Conservative MP for seats in Plymouth from 1910 to 1919, when he succeeded his father as 2nd Viscount Astor. Lady Astor (1879–1964) was born Nancy Witcher Langhorne and in 1906 married Waldorf Astor as his second wife. She was the first woman to sit in the House of Commons, in 1919, when succeeding her husband as MP for Plymouth Sutton following his elevation to the House of Lords. She held the seat until 1945. Cliveden became Britain’s leading political salon in the 1920s and 1930s, and Channon clearly already had the notion that the political establishment settled its affairs there.
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cuties-in-codices · 6 months
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st. margaret emerging from the dragon that swallowed her
in the "breviary of jost von silenen", valais, c. 1493
source: Zurich, SNM, LM 4624.2, fol. 289r
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metamorphesque · 11 months
🌼 poems (and a love letter) that helped me live through july 🌼
One Or Two Things, Mary Oliver
Kitchen Song, Laura Kasischke
The Breathing, Denise Levertov
Trapped, Charles Bukowski
Precognition, Margaret Atwood
Rain, John Burnside
Looking, Walking, Being, Denise Levertov
At Joan's, Frank O'Hara
You, Carol Ann Duffy
Time, Louise Gluck
Effort at Speech Between Two People, Muriel Rukeyser
Still, A. R. Ammons
Sonnet XL, Edna St. Vincent Millay
Sonnet XLIII, Edna St. Vincent Millay
Listen, W. S. Merwin
A Thin Line, Ryuichi Tamura (translated by Samuel Grolmes and Yumiko Tsumura)
Driveway, Richard Siken
The Sentence, Anna Akhmatova
Wanting to Die, Anne Sexton
Eating Together, Kim Addonizio
The Look, Sara Teasdale
The Starry Night, Anne Sexton
Hammond B3 Organ Cistern, Gabrielle Calvocoressi
Richard Feynman's love letter to his deceased wife, 1946
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portraitsofsaints · 2 months
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Saint Margaret of Castello
1287 - 1320 Feast day: April 13 Patronage: Pro-life movement; the poor, crippled and the unwanted
Saint Margaret of Castello was born in Metola, Italy to noble parents who wanted a son. Because their daughter was born blind and a hunchbacked dwarf she was kept hidden and locked in a room onto the side of the parish church for 16 years, where she was fed through a small window and able to hear Mass and receive Holy Communion through another window. When she was 20 her parents took her to a shrine in Castello, where miracles were reportedly being wrought, to pray for a cure for her birth defects. When no miracle happened they abandoned her. The poor of the city took her in as their own. Margaret had to beg for her food and eventually sought shelter with some Dominican nuns. She died at the age of 33 and a crippled girl was miraculously cured at her funeral. Her body has remained incorrupt.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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dramoor · 4 months
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"This morning my soul is greater than the world since it possesses You, You whom heaven and earth do not contain."
~St. Margaret of Cortona
(Photo © dramoor 2015 Zermatt, Switzerland)
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sometimeslondon · 9 months
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The Walkie Talkie contrasts with St Margaret Pattens Church
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browsethestacks · 11 months
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Miss Marple
Art by...
1) Brent
2) Eenara
3) Rebecca Sampson
4) Al Hirschfeld
5) Andre Paploo
6) Fan Tom
7) Peter Oedekoven
8) Robert Schulz
9) Robert Schulz
10) St. Mary Mead
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alienoryva · 2 months
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"Queen Alysanne arrived in winterfell for a royal progress in 58 AC, Received by Lord Alaric Stark"
art ; William brassey hole, The Landing Of St. Margaret at Queensferry AD 1068.
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armoricaroyalty · 4 months
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𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐄'𝐒 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 / ❛ boy crazy ❜ part two (@nexility-sims)
When Zofia walked into a room, everyone noticed. It might have been the enormity of her hair or the constant noise of her rings and bracelets or else the overwhelmingly sweet scent of her favorite body mist, but she was captivating in every sense of the word. Hannah had been jealous of her, once upon a time. It would have been impossible to grow up with her without any jealousy: next to Zofia, everyone became shabby and dull. Ranks didn't matter at all, no title or royal honor could ever compete with that kind of natural charisma. Hannah loved her, but there had been days when she'd hated her, too. Now, though, she was only grateful. When Zofia walked in, nobody noticed the rest of them slipping out.
read part one here
author's note: @nexility-sims and I have been working on the zofia/rui romance since....early 2022? some time in 2021? since #rufia has completely dominated 2/3 of our joint brain power for years, it seemed fitting to finally let them out of our DM's to celebrate Love Day Valentine's Day. Happy V-Day, everyone!
Transcript under the cut.
CHEF | Aren't long nails against dress code, anyway? SERVER | [laughs] Girl, I don't give a fuuu— SERVER | You wanna know who else is wearing acrylics tonight? CHEF | [bored] I dunno, who? SERVER | Oh, nobody, just the Princess Zofia. CHEF | [gasps] CHEF | Shut. Up. You actually talked to her? What was she like? SERVER | She's fucking gorgeous. Like, obviously, but up close, she's even more beautiful. CHEF | Yeah, yeah, but what was she like? SERVER | Okay, so I didn't actually talk to her because she was all over her new boyfriend. They were like, so into each other. It was so sweet. CHEF | Really? I heard it's just a PR relationship so people will think she's over Sigis. SERVER | No way! They're obviously crazy abut each other. You can't fake— UNIDENTIFIED MAN | [offscreen] EVERYBODY OUT! HUGO | What, do I gotta say it again? All of you, clear out! HANNAH | [sighs] Please excuse us. HANNAH | My cousin and I need somewhere to speak privately. Will you please excuse us for a moment? CHEF | ??? SERVER | [shrugs] HUGO | ...anyway, did you see it? HANNAH | See what? HUGO | That stupid little hair flip. He did it a million times. HANNAH | He's growing it out for her. HUGO | Really? Hard to believe, he's so fucking vain. HANNAH | She told me she asked him to grow it long. [deep, beleaguered sigh] She thinks it's sexy. HUGO | What, are you for real? HANNAH | Oh yeah. She's always had a thing for guys with long hair. HUGO | ...huh. HANNAH | Anyway...what's your take? Personally, I don't see what she sees in him. HUGO | [snorts] He's better than Marshall. HANNAH | That's the world's lowest bar. Subterranean, in fact. HUGO | So what are we going to do? HANNAH | He's not a dog, we can't just run him off. HUGO | Well, you can't, but maybe if I— PIDGE | [offscreen] HEY! What are you two talking about? PIDGE | ...and why are you hanging out in the kitchen? ARTHUR | ....hi. HUGO | [icily] Farrier. HANNAH | It's late, Pidge. What are you still doing up? PIDGE | Uh, excuse you. Mama said I can stay until midnight. ARTHUR | ...you two aren't talking about Rui and Zofie, are you? HUGO | ... HANNAH | ...no. PIDGE | You two are such LIARS! PIDGE | Both of you are judgy control freaks! I thought he was really nice. HUGO | He could barely string a sentence together. ARTHUR | I mean...Armorican is his third or fourth language, isn't it? HUGO | Whatever! He gives me the creeps. HANNAH | Well, she says she's in love. HUGO | [scoffs] In love? They've known each other for six months. PIDGE | So? What if it was love at first sight? HANNAH | [exasperated] Pidge— HUGO | Just ignore her, she's fourteen. PIDGE | For your information, I'm fifteen. And I'll be sixteen in May, sooo— HUGO | Yeah, a baby— ARTHUR | Can I remind everyone that Zofia is twenty-two? She's an adult, she can make her own choices, and this is none of our business. HUGO | You're right, Farrier. It's none of your business. HANNAH | [offscreen] Hugo, enough. PIDGE | [mouthing] Rude. HANNAH | Arthur, what was your read? ARTHUR | I don't know, and I don't want to form a judgment until I've actually gotten to know him. He seems...fine? On par with the other guys she's dated. HANNAH | [sighs] "On par with all her other boyfriends" is the entire problem. HANNAH | I just don't want her to get hurt again. This happens every time, you know? She falls hard and fast and then the guy turns out to be a scum-sucking lowlife. PIDGE | [laughs] Hellooooo, what about Van? He was— HANNAH | Probably thw worst of all of them. Trust me, Pigeon. He's...he's no good. HUGO | [jokingly] You see, baby bird? That's why you're not allowed to date until you're thirty and why Hannah's gonna join a convent— PIDGE | No way, that's not fair. HANNAH | [tiredly] Hugo, shut up. No one asked. PIDGE | Yeah, Hugo. No one asked. ARTHUR | Look, I think we should at least give the guy a chance. HANNAH | [sighs] I guess we owe her that much. PIDGE | Guys, I actually talked to him, and trust me: he is like, sooo nice. HUGO | ... HUGO | I bet I could take him. PIDGE | Hey! Hannah, did you hear what he just said—
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peggy-elise · 6 months
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Judy Garland and Margaret O’Brien in Meet Me In St.Louis 1944 🎁🚃
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anastpaul · 11 days
1 June – Devotion for June – THE MONTH OF THE MOST SACRED HEART of JESUS In 1899, Pope Leo XIII Consecrated the world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Since then, his successors have exhorted the faithful to turn to the Sacred Heart and make Acts of personal Consecration. They have also begged the faithful to offer prayers and penances to the Sacred Heart in reparation for the many sins of the…
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cuties-in-codices · 7 months
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st. margaret in prison, battling a demon
illustrations for an account of the martyrdom of st. margaret ("passio s. margaretae" by pseudo-theotimos), italy, c. 1350-1375
source: Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Douce 41, fol. 24r-27r
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earlymodernbarbie · 2 months
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Margaret of Austria as Mary Magdalene by Bernard van Orley
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Today, we will open the Field of Remembrance outside in the grounds of Westminster Abbey.
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Now in its 95th year, the Field is a poignant tribute to the fallen of the First and Second World Wars and more recent conflicts.
The opening of the Field has marked the start of the nation’s Remembrance commemorations since 1928, when the Poppy Factory brought a tray of poppies and a collecting tin to the grounds of St Margaret's Church.
9 November 2023
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oldschoolfrp · 1 year
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“Gnolls:  A cross between Gnomes and Trolls (. . . perhaps, Lord Sunsany (sic) did not really make it all that clear) with +2 morale.  Otherwise they are similar to Hobgoblins, although the Gnoll king and his bodyguard of from 1-4 will fight as Trolls but lack regenerative power.”  (Dungeons & Dragons, Volume 2: Monsters & Treasure, Tactical Studies Rules, 1974; Greg Bell illustration)
As he noted, Gary Gygax borrowed the name “gnole” from a story by the Anglo-Irish writer Lord Dunsany.  The “cross between Gnomes and Trolls” detail was entirely a product of Gygax’s imagination, based solely on the appearance of his spelling of the name.  When he rewrote the monster descriptions for AD&D he kept the name but gave them a new identity as hyena-men.
Lord Dunsany’s “How Nuth Would Have Practised His Art upon the Gnoles” first appeared in The Book of Wonder in 1912.  He did not describe his gnoles beyond being a very dangerous sort of woodland creature that kept large emeralds.  An illustration showed shadowy ape-like shapes.
Margaret St. Clair wrote more about Dunsany’s gnoles in her story “The Man Who Sold Rope to the Gnoles,” in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, V2 N5, October 1951, under the pseudonym Idris Seabright.  She described gnoles as lumpy (”a little like a Jerusalem artichoke made of India rubber”) and with tentacles, repeating Dunsany’s details about having emeralds in their homes and their habit of hiding in holes in tree trunks.  Gygax acknowledged both St. Clair and Lord Dunsany as inspirations in Appendix N of the AD&D Dungeon Masters Guide.
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