#sprite askblog
Intro & Rules:
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Hey! Welcome to the Second Gen UT Askblog, set in my au, Surfacetale: Generations!
It is set 25 years in the future, and everyone has kids. Ask around and find out what’s happened since monsters got to the surface!
As i am prone to artblock and burnout, this will be a text only blog, maybe with textboxes for the parents
1. no NSFW asks, im a minor and so are most of these characters
2. no incestuous or pedophilic ships will be involved ever, don't ask or suggest it
3. Headcanons will be literally everywhere, be warned
4. Feel free to ask about angsty topics, i thrive on angst
Current families open to ask:
[Papyrus & Mettaton’s]
[Asgore & Gaster's]
[Asriel & Vess']
[Sans & Grillby's]
[Frisk & MK's]
[Alphys & Undyne's]
[Chara and Proto's]
Main Ships in this AU:
Mettaton x Papyrus, Sans x Grillby, Asgore x Gaster, Asriel x OC, Frisk x Monster Kid, Undyne x Alphys
(and background ships like Nicecream Guy x Burgerpants, Royal Guard 01 x Royal Guard 02, Bratty x Catty, etc)
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front-facing-pokemon · 6 months
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mugs-n-cans · 14 days
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[Sniper is brooding].
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ask-bad-end-sunny · 29 days
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If i smooch the misery ghost on cheek will he happy,,,,,,
Just curious
(If I remember right you're a sunburn shipper,,, I can pull up an Aubrey just for you!! Why? No reason I wanna communicate and make people smile and feel loved,,, fictional misery ghosts too)
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You said Sunburn, you have my full attention.
I will not complain about having an Aubrey interact with Sunny, or his other friends interact with him for that matter! There's already been some of those kinds of asks before so!!
A smooch from Aubrey would make him happy....though he'd probably melt first. Melt into a misery ghost puddle bro 🥺
You are too kind 💕💕
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poorlydrawneridan · 27 days
day 70
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sleuth-mila-young · 3 months
A black screen awaited any viewer who dared to tune in. Judgement here was long gone, it being passed onto the unrighteous. A sizzling, static noise struck the shadow-filled display, absent of any empathetic touch.
A shriek of pain interrupted the solitude.
To follow the yelp, a long, quiet rustle was audible on the other end. Though whatever waited on the other end wasn't visible, the panicked, hurried sounds spoke for them all the same. Rustling and rummaging hissed through the blackened screen. The mental picture could easily be put into your mind.
...After a minute or two of agonizing and awkward waiting, the camera finally took focus, colors flooding the screen. What stood in plain view was a short gentleman with tanned, bronzed skin and short, black curly hair. They smiled sheepishly, smoothing back their hair and brushing off their suit. "...It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." They nodded politely, putting a gloved hand on their heart. "We don't know each other yet, but... I hope we will come to. I'm Mila Law Young, a detective at the Royal Court Agency."
"For a back of a better word, I have gotten wind that thing's have been... risque, around these parts, wouldn't you say? An assortment of crime running in these dark, shaded backstreets, hiding under our noses... And I simply cannot live with the idea that innocent civilians are getting mixed in the middle of it."
"So... that's why I'm here!" Mila beamed, grinning from ear to ear. "To protect and serve! To get to the bottom of these terrible sins that are haunting our youth! Whatever you need, please don't hesitate to contact me. Please remember that I'm a resource, an ear to listen, and, hopefully, a friend."
The sleuth bowed, looking up with a wink. "...I'm at your service."
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@ask-a-gremlin @ask-shslpianist @ask-miu-iruma @a-perfect-wish @scxrs-will-fade @roguesinger @ask-the-ultimate-cosplayer @photographic-misery @obsolete-journalist @demons-for-darling @candy-cocktail @ultimate-class-rep @depths-of-hope-and-despair @devoted-nychta and anyone else not tagged! feel free to jump in/ignore!
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 6 months
why does art suck so much sometimes
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yellow-leaf-clover · 4 months
Meh I'll ask her if I can find her asks, flowey gives me shivers sometimes but thats just the charm of flowey ig, speaking of him what do you think about his weird powers to save and load. If you do know what that is at least.
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lairmadness · 1 year
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It was Super Effective!
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heyyy i was thinking of (MAYBE) reating a dhmis askblog so I took my shot at trying to make talk-sprites, it was fun tbh.
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anyways, probably will never happen
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askobliviatwo · 8 months
( @ask-team-spectrum Enjirou @ Zlato)
“Apologies if I seem rude but you’re a Mewtwo… as well? Where are you from? Are you ok? Are you treated well?” Enjirou’s tone sounded worried and almost frantic, as if they worried that someone might hurt them.
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agent-flyingfox · 8 months
Oh I can show you the Raccoon real quick!
*Buggy runs out for a bit, then runs back in holding the most deranged looking raccoon. The raccoon is huge, looks like it just came out of a dumpster and wouldn’t be surprising if the raccoon had millions of diseases that hasn’t even been discovered yet*
This is Patrick! Found him injured in a dumpster so I took him in! He likes to steal things and can apparently set things on fire now but he’s a lil bud!
*She sets him on the ground and he flops on the floor*
"Wait - Wait Buggy I didn't ask you to BRING- "
*Plop. Patrick is there, on the floor, frothing and contorting.*
"I...Well. Words on their own could have been enough, but now that he's here, I....Hm."
*They crouch down to get a closer look. Patrick snarls and thrashes as Flying Fox gets closer...And after a little fit...He flops back down. Breathing.
Like a scared or cornered cat. Breathing. In and out and in.*
"Ah. Poor thing... You have a bit a habit, don't you Agent Buggy? Taking in lost and scared animals. We ought to call you Agent Noah's Ark, eh?
Jokes aside. I think we should take little Patrick to an animal rescue. If not well, maybe a doctor? We have a few here, right? What kind of injury does he have?"
Kind regards,
Agent Flying Fox
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mugs-n-cans · 12 days
This image reminds me of you guys
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Scout: Which of us is the flat dog?
[Sniper just looks at Scout silently].
Scout: Ugh…yeah.
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mind-or-matter · 11 months
Question to all who wish to answer! What do you do when you're sad? Do you have something specific (i.e. a food, show or person) that helps you feel better?
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battle-subway-ghost · 4 months
Guess what. Here it is.
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(You can send it through text if you were an anon too. Because most of the shit that goes on is anonymous.)
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rockyracetrack · 2 years
A collection of sprites for my ask blog @ask-pink-ler
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I've been having a lot of fun with these, but alas, they have been taking away from my time to do actual art so I will probably be taking a short break for like a day or two.
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