second-gen-ut-askblog · 4 months
Who of the adults remember the war? Is it just Toriel, Asgore, and Gaster? What was it like before?
"It's not just them." Grillby answered, signing "I was a child at the time, but i remember it clearly. My father was a general alongside Gaster, and after his death, Gaster and Toriel set up the orphanages i grew up in." He looked off with a distant expression, "They captured every wood elemental except for myself and dragged them off to a lake. The only reason they didn't catch me was because my father gave me his cape to hide under. Toriel found me a few hours afterwards. We lost the war two days later."
"Riverperson remembers it too." Gaster stated, "but they stayed underground after the barrier was broken. They prefer the darkness, so you wouldn't get many answers out of them."
"Gerson remembered it, as much as he remembered anything, but he died a few years ago. Tortoise monsters may be long-living, but they aren't immortal. Undyne went on a distraught rampage through the mountain's forests for a day or two after the funeral. I think she's come to terms with it now."
"As for what it was like," Gaster continued, "It was peaceful. Humans and monsters had co-existed for many, many centuries before the war, though skeletons didn't co-exist with either until about a century before. Which, in skeletal lifespan, is only about half our lifespan. Myself and my brothers were considered the first generation of skeletons to be born amongst humans and monsters. I'm just glad my sons were the only generation to be born underground."
"We had human friends when we were young- myself and Asgore, that is. One in particular was a perseverance soul called Percy. Creative, i know. I believe he was sentenced to death after trying to warn us about a human invasion in the last few days of the war, though. He was the understudy for the Perseverance mage that sealed us away, but he was a good man. I hope his bloodline continued after his death."
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second-gen-ut-askblog · 11 months
Anon asked - "Uh, why does Vess have 'human' in their bio? Are they not?"
"Well, its a...weird story." Asriel explained, "He's a goner- about as human as Chara is now. We rescued him from the void when we found Gaster and...well, he was cute."
"And now we're married." Vess finished, from his desk
Asriel blushed, "heh, yeah, we are." He hummed, "strange thing about it, though, Gaster didnt seem to recognise them, i certainly dont remember there being two humans back then, and they recognised both gaster and kris, though they uh, aren't a fan of either. We still don't know why, they sorta lost their memories in the void."
"Anyway, thanks for asking"
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Now for Chara's lot
Open for Asks:
Chara Dreemurr - 35, they/it, half Determination, a ghost, works with abused kids
Proto Type - 35, they/xe, runs a bakery, has a younger sibling
Kris Dreemurr - 16, they/them, adopted by Toriel but lives with Chara, prefers masc or neutral terms
Gabriel Dreemurr - 12, he/him, likes climbing and history
Ben Dreemurr - 11, he/him, very sporty
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Alphdyne's the next family!
Open for Asks:
Alphys Scales -54, she/her Science Teacher, does tech on the side
Undyne Scales - 51, she/her, PE Teacher
Ruse Scales - 13, he/she/ they, the sporty and loud future himbo
Elliot Scales - 12, he/him, the formal poet
Arthur Scales - 8, he/him, the shy nerd
Kayla Scales - 6, she/her, the loud, sweet, and not-so-smart
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Next up, the Sansby family
Open for Asks:
W.D 'Sans' Fire - 53, he/him, Scientist/Researcher, still has a hotdog stand
Grillby Fire - ???, he/him, Bar/Cafe Owner, quiet
Franklin Fire - 13, he/him, anxious, combusts under stress, likes acting
Indie Fire - 12, she/her, naturally scorched, the sporty one
Myriad Fire - 10, she/her, partial wheelchair user, nerdy
Source "Kayza" Fire - 6, he/him, shy, very weak, likes birds
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Next up, the Kidd household!
Open for Asks:
Frisk Dreemurr - 34, they/them, Ambassador of Monsters/Monster Rights Activist/Lawyer, Half determination
Myron Kidd - 35, they/them, stay at home parent, has siblings
Merrida Kidd - 14, she/her, powerless, often mistaken for being fully human
Acosta Kidd - 12, he/him, the chaotic and intense one
Bridge Kidd - 10, he/them, has ice magic, has arms, the quiet one
Cricket Kidd - 10, they/it, has electric magic and electric arms, has a certain plushie
Bernal Kidd - 8, he/him, mute, prone to violent outbursts and anger issues, very protective
Addyson Kidd - 6, she/her, smart little sweetheart with an inability to stay dead
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you heathens will reblog day specific posts any day of the week. i woke up thinking it was wednesday
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Is g.aster the skeleton brothers father? Or are they all brothers or just not related? If they are related do you all hang out and do family stuff together if so what do you do? :)
“Ah, yes, they are my sons. Though, nowadays, we look more like brothers. When i was first brought back, everyone presumed we were, but that has been thoroughly corrected by now.”
“As for ‘family stuff’ we all live fairly close to eachother- none of us ever left Ebbott City either- so meet ups are fairly easy, given our schedules are not in the way. The boys love to spend time with their baby siblings, though i think Sans is still adjusting to actually having triplet siblings this time.”
“We initially did boardgames, but...well, Tori banned those relatively quickly, after we included the step-children and Asriel lit the board on fire. Nowadays, its usually a family vote on the activity, but cooking is one of the most common ones. Science is more just me and Sans, but Papyrus has joined in a few times, though it tends to get a bit...fire-y.” 
“Frisk likes to picnic with us, and Asriel enjoys going up to the top of Mt Ebbott to watch the stars. Chara prefers Asgore’s company, that never changed, but we have made some rather nice paintings together. Their quite artistic, though that may not be surprising.”
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Does it have anything to do with Asters being yellow flowers?
“...not initally. I was quite fond of the Aster flower, but...well, after what happened with the children, i figured it was better to distance myself from the association. Of course, i wasn’t around for much longer after that, but i think the thought was appreciated.”
“The golden flowers found in the underground are not Asters, thankfully. Asters do not get as big as those do, even under magic distortion. Unlike common belief, however, they also are not buttercups. Buttercups and Asters were some of the few flowers that were brought underground with us after the barrier was sealed, the golden flowers of the ruins are from Chara’s old village, of which is now Ebott City. In all honesty, their still a slightly touchy subject for everyone.”
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Gaster, are you trans??
“Skeletons are more complicated than that. We are not assigned anything at birth, and we are raised neutrally until we can show our own preference. It is not a yes or no answer, at least in most cases. My own gender is...about as stable as my physicality.”
“If you are referring to my name, though, that’s a different matter. I gave myself a new name because i didn’t like how ‘aster’ sounded on its own, and i wanted a more human name, which was common amongst skeletons in those days. However, as i aged, the names merged to become ‘Gaster’, and i’ve been happy with that ever since. Although, Asgore still calls me Gabriel at times.” 
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....G. Aster? isn't it one word?
"Yes, G. Aster. Aster is my given name- skeletons are named after fonts, after all, but 'Gabriel' is the name i gave myself as a child, when we were originally on the surface."
- Gaster
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The third family is the L-Dreemurrs, aka Asriel’s! (ship name Vessriel) (ignore vess’ stripes, that was teen art)
Open for Asks:
Asriel L Dreemurr: 36, 7′6ft, Crown Prince of Monsters, goat/boss monster
Vess L Dreemurr: ‘37′, 6ft, Programmer, ‘human’
Ali L Dreemurr: 10, 4′8ft, the quiet and ominous eldest daughter
Eric L Dreemurr: 9, 4′5ft, the kind but emo youngest son
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The Second Family is the W.D Dreemurrs, aka Kingdings!
Open For Asks:
W.D G. Aster Dreemurr: (1)59, 7′8ft, Head Scientist/Researcher, Former Resident Of The Void
W.D Asgore Dreemurr: 160, 8′5ft, King of Monsters
W.D Lydian II Dreemurr: 14, 5′7ft, the smart and responsible eldest daughter
W.D Roman Dreemurr: 12, 5′3ft, the confident future-himbo middle son
W.D Verdana Dreemurr: 12, 5′3ft, the formal and musically-inclined younger-middle son
W.D Caveat Dreemurr: 12, 5′2ft, the naive youngest son
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((hello we’re back, no more sprites though, my artstyle changes too often and it takes too much time to draw every single one of them with like 10+ expressions each, so only items and important stuff will be drawn))
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How're you liking the surface?
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The first family to be available is the W.D Blooks, aka the Papyton household!
Open for Asks:
W.D Papyrus Blook: 48, 6′1ft, Works at the Embassy
Mettaton Blook ???, 6′3, Still a Celebrity
W.D Lato Blook 15, 5′3ft, the popular eldest son, a skeleton...?
W.D Fira Blook 14, 5′4ft, the dramatic eldest daughter, a robot
W.D Brandon Blook 13, 5′1ft, the sensible middle son, a skeleton
W.D Rubik Blook 11, 4′8ft, the nosy middle son, (mostly) a skeleton
W.D Spectral Blook 10, 4′6ft, the shy youngest daughter, a robot
W.D Tai Blook 8, 4′2ft, the loud youngest son, a skeleton
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