#spirit of corruption
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vannpirestims · 7 months
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Spirit of corruption/Necrosis stimboard for @silkekruse
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nelkcats · 8 months
Winter in Spring
Danny was not a spirit of the seasons, he didn't have any idea if those kinds of spirits existed out of movies, what he did know was that for some reason the flowers were behaving rather strangely in one particular dimension right at the beginning of spring. And although he certainly didn't want to affect the place he knew he had to investigate it.
From what it seemed: strange plants that glowed just like those born in the Infinite Realms were appearing in Gotham and coming to life on their own. At first he suspected Undergrowth but the Ancient was offended by the accusation and commented that he was too busy in his haunt to care about a random city. Which turned out to be true.
Then he thought that maybe it was fine: the bright flowers seemed harmless (although they were very very...alive?) and didn't hurt anyone. That was until a red-haired girl seemed to upset them and they started attacking everyone around them; unfortunately, because they were ghost flowers they could dodge attacks very easily and the "heroes" couldn't defend themselves.
So, with no other options Danny traveled to Gotham and well, to put it simply he became a fake winter spirit; what else was he supposed to do? He needed an alibi and to spread ice as quickly as possible. Telling Gothamites that winter was coming early because of him was the least of his problems.
What he didn't expect was that after turning the city into a wasteland of ice and snow (and saving them from the invasion of ghost flowers, you're welcome), some guys in bat suits would start following him around with questions. He also didn't expect one of them to stare at him and ask if he'd be back in winter, he wondered if faking his identity was a good idea.
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ganondoodle · 6 months
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did another rough concept for faron for my comic
design is based on both skyward swords and botws look since they are the same character in my AU, idk if this is the final one; she will show up in chapter 4
basic design, with robe, and one of her being noisy
(comic concept art)
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sc0lippi · 23 days
(sighs) i miss my wife, dale. i miss her a lot.
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seafoamdew · 1 year
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He skulks in the shadows, relentless and wild
in his search for a tender, delectable child.
With his steely sharp claws and his slavering jaws
oh he's waiting . . . just waiting . . . to get you.
- The Bogeyman, Jack Prelutsky
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phantomrose96 · 2 months
is a Riteru read of ABoT the intended one?
It can be if you want it to be buddy. Go enjoy the world!
More genuine answer: I'm an aro-ace writer with a long long streak of gen-fic. Shipping doesn't interest me. I don't hate it; it just doesn't click for me at all. I joke that the only way romance ends up in the story is if it's a plot-necessity (Tetsuo and Jun are there because 'married man suspected of having an affair' is what pulls Reigen into the entire Mogami-possession plot. The Kageyama parents are married because they're, well, the parents. Teru and Mei's relationship is a joke until it's plot-relevant.)
So to me, I'm not writing Ritsu and Teru's relationship as a ship. But also? This is all pretend. It's all transformative. This is for fun. I absolutely know that if I were a ship-writer, Riteru would be the obvious choice. I know they're one angry-kiss away from being someone's enemies to lovers fic. So if you look at Ritsu and Teru in ABoT and say "they're holding hands, to me", go right ahead, go hog-wild, come play Barbies with me.
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chipistrate · 9 months
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A Legacy's End.
William always ends with Cassidy. Whether that be the real thing, or just his legacy living on through another. If Afton is hurting people, Cassidy will always be there to tear him down, over and over. No matter how many times it takes. No matter how many times they play this game. They'll always do their best to contain him, and anything that remains of him, down in their special corner of hell.
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jack-gourdon · 8 months
It’d be funny if the code decided going into this with “I can fix him” with Charlie but it ends up going the other way around where being with Charlie causes the code to become caring and wanting to be accepted by everyone
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No DL6 hcs (for the first game):
Miles follows in his dad's footsteps and becomes a defence attorney
He still takes the Terry Fawles case, but as a 19 year old defence prodigy
Diego Armando would still be the co-counsel, but they would both work for Edgeworth Law Offices (or whatever Gregory's offices would be called)
I think Mia would still be a lawyer, but would be a prosecutor. I think she would be a moral one like Klavier
Mia and Diego still fall in love working together on the death of Terry until Diego is poisoned, at which point she becomes more ruthless in her methods
Miles would be as badly affected by Terry and Diego's fates as Mia was, and so wouldn't take a case until he and Gregory help Phoenix
Miles helps Phoenix, who then decides to take some law classes as well, because he was so moved by Miles helping him again
Miles becomes an ace attorney and Phoenix is his co-counsel whilst he studies
Then the Redd White incident happens, and Gregory is killed (RIP) and Phoenix is accused
Mia (and Maya as her co-counsel) are the prosecutors
Miles remarks that Mia has become more ruthless and maybe corrupt since she started
The main arc is Phoenix and Miles trying to restore Mia's faith in the justice system
The last case would be Rise From the Ashes, where Mia is conflicted at once again having a (former) loved one (Lana) let down by the justice system
It ends up with her being accused of killing Detective Goodman and prosecuted by MVK, who Milea defeats and humiliates so badly he never comes back to America
Ends with Diego waking up and switching to the prosecutors team alongside Mia, but without becoming Godot
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waitineedaname · 2 years
a while ago, I had been joking around with a friend about the idea of a shonen hero who's like all about the power of friendship and draws strength from their friend group, but their friend group is made up of minor antagonists, and now that I've watched it, I've realized the show I was looking for was mob psycho. That's literally just what mob's friend group is like.
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ritzcuit · 2 months
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yea capcom im sure throwing out two (2) corrupt people in the entire monarchy of khura'in will lead to lasting reform 😀
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changeling-rin · 3 months
Can Steam see the spirits of the Champions from BotW after Rune clears their respective Divine Beasts? How does all of that work?
I believe that Steam would be able to see the Champions until they move on, after Rune defeats Calamity Ganon. But I don't think that cleaning the respective Divine Beasts would have any effect on it, personally. I'm pretty sure that the Champions are trapped in their respective Beasts until Rune cleanses it and frees them, so if Steam were to be tagging along, he would absolutely see each of their spirits there.
They'd probably be horrifically entangled in Malice, to match the corruption of their Beast, but I believe that they'd be there and that Steam would see them.
...and be subsequently horrified, but that's another problem entirely
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tockamybeloved · 27 days
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Love Between Fairy and Devil, Episode 35
Xu Haiqiao as Lord Ronghao
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starified-lizzy · 4 months
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It’s the silly boys, your honor. Goofy boys, even.
If you want- I will allow you to use these as PFPs ONLY for TUMBLR. (Also please let me know if you do use it- it’d make my day 👉🏻👈🏻)
You MUST credit me in your bio(credit has to be the first thing in your bio-).
What the hell is my art style /pos
Bro I actually really like the style I drew these guys in ;-;
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little-demy · 7 months
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Toska, the Elemental Spirit of Solitude
The draft and sketch has been sitting as a wip for MONTHS and only now I managed to draw Atropa's soulally!!!!! He went through tons of changes from the early draft because I was so lost but at the end I did it✨
His element is darkness btw
Also lore tidbits under the read more!!
Toska, the Elemental Spirit of Solitude, oddly enough was attracted to the anomaly known as "Miss Lebedeva" (how odd, he knows her name, the old name, yet it never managed to be vocalized nor thought about). A mess of a soul, he would say. It was colorless, soundless, and most especially not attuned to any elements of Lore. It was just ... empty.
But there's something residing deep within her soul. Tied to a bound, it seems. But how whoever that being is harmonized with the lady that currently known as "Commander Atropa", Toska was left in awe.
Maybe it's the fact that she doesn't fit in. Maybe it's the fact that she seems to be just a lone, empty soul. Maybe it's the fact that she was what Toska would thought as "solitude" itself.
Who knows.
Toska still adores this lady known as the Vessel of Misfortune.
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