#spain chara
inazumafocus · 1 year
Inazuma Chara Daily n.58
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Name: Federico Dazzlo
Gender: Male
Series: Inazuma Eleven Ares
Team: Barcelona Orb (🇪🇦)
Role: Defender
Number: 3
Element: //
Personality: //
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thefluxqueen · 7 months
facinating thing to me bout The Paranoid and The Hunted specifically: in any route but their own theyre like, weird scared guys. but in their Own routes theyre like the key of ur survival
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fluxydrawings · 1 year
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“Forget everything you used to know/ I think you better tell your friends to go/ Stick around cause I'm about to show you/ The beginning is the end” -This is Love by Air Traffic Controller
*crawls in covered in blood* i havent done a full illustration in so long. Two main protags of my story Whenever which’ll be written, eventually lmao. Heavily inspired by those song lyrics as these are their very first universe and very last universe designs <3
still images under the cut!
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izartn · 1 year
Mostly het mainstream fandoms are bonkers, even more so when you put a triangle. The way sometimes the triangle veers into V poly territory or even full circle, re:feelings in canon and they still go to war and fuck over the other character is mind blowing.
I mean, an author badwriting and refusal to acknowledge they're going the poly option clearly in canon, causes people who dislike that to go in defense mode and be assholes, clinging to their OTP, despite all evidence of the OT3 which is the preferred of the author (no committal to the poly non-standing, bc they're normies writing for normies, usually).
Sadly fascinating to see all kinds of illogical posts about it.
#my thoughts#meta#fandom issues#fandom#polyamory in fiction#was I thinking of spain's Memorias de Idhun and manga vampire knight#maybe so#this is about a specific kind of triangle where the center of the V truly loves and is loved by the two others#not the 'oh the third with no hope is here to create cheap drama'#media where it's well done: girl genius. infernal devices trilogy. by the end of mdi the V poly is well established but the journey Ooof#also in vanitas I don't ship poly which is a bit eeeh strange from me#but that's a good triangle (cuadrangle?) where there are feels everywhere#but I think vanijeanne are in lust and growing a weirdly good friendship#being those charas who they are they go !!!! at the genuine appreciation and chemistry they have together and boom romance#noé is falling or has fallen in love with vanitas#vanitas may or may not start reciprocating that but it's creeping on him#bc it's not the loud playful 'heart palpittaions' thing with jeanne#is a more steady about trust and letting himself be with noé#dominique loves loves noé and is clinging with all her might to romance with him bc she has serious problems#she can love him without being self destructive#(I'm of the opinion noé is gay and unable to reciprocate domi but he also loves her to pieces)#and jeanne and dominique admire one another in a way that makes me go mmm#what with domi being basically acknowledged as bi already.#so my vnc opinión is 'it's complicated and at least like one chara is gonna die so'
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astralynx · 1 year
seeing a lot of people have characters call the fem scvi protagonist Julie has a nickname bc her name is Juliana and like. i get it. its cute. but I do have to laugh every time i see it a little bit.
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gojoest · 1 year
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.°⊹ tags / warnings : sfw, pro football player sae, established relationship, paparazzi, 0.5k+, not proofread as always
a/n : was about to make this a multi chara hcs thingie but eventually decided to post them separately not bc im lazy or anything >.< more will come soon ! ( i hope — i have them all ready in my head, i promise ! )
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dating sae — one of the best football players all around the globe with looks that dangerously wounded the hearts of many, was taxing. the world had its eyes on him both inside and outside the field. and sae was a private man, especially outside the field — and especially when it was about you. he rarely spoke about his personal life when confronted during interviews. the only exception (more of an accident, really) being that one time he was asked by an interviewer about his ideal girl and he just blurted out ‘i’m already dating her’.
no more was revealed about your relationship despite the bazillion questions that instantly followed his confession. of course, the news broke the hearts of millions of fans across the world. and fans, along with the already nosy paparazzi, can do a better job than the FBI. within just a week your identity was revealed. the world had gotten its hands on the mysterious girl dating the genius footballer itoshi sae.
footages of you together were leaked into social media and the magazines. you were the hottest topic and prying eyes were following your every step. shortly after rumors started spreading. since little was known about the essence of your relationship, fake news began to fill the magazine pages and the internet — that sae was spotted leaving a bar with another girl, leaving the house of another, or the car of another, or that you got fed up with his affairs and left the country but then came back to renew your passport and got back together. according to the fake news you’d broken up a total of 13 times and the best yet — sae was already married to a woman, older than him, in spain and had twins.
all of this meddling was a constant, even after 2 years into your relationship. you somehow learned to laugh it off or not even bring it up. you had your shit together. but still, it put a certain amount of pressure on you both. especially during moments so precious you wanted to keep them to yourself only, away from prying eyes. and with sae’s current popularity status it was nearly unachievable. even abroad you could never be truly just the two of you, alone. which was why sae, unfortunately, was forced to propose to you at home. over a can of coke and pizza.
but this time the news was delivered by itoshi sae himself — during a nail-biting finale, a last minute goal leading the team to victory and scored by none other than the genius sae who didn’t waste a second and kissed the engagement ring on his finger, eyes closed, features on his face softer than ever, just like all the times his lips would crash into yours. as if that tiny object wrapped around his finger held part of you inside. it felt so good to carry you so close, even during a match, he smiled through the kiss. just like every single time he did with you. yea. it felt so good. this, my love, is for you — you could almost feel his unspoken words vibrate on your lips.
soon after these intimate seconds where, despite the stadium being crowded — it was just you and him, sae sent another message, a warning if you will, with a single look as cold as absolute zero, at the camera zooming in on him : no more prying on what’s mine.
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doobea · 11 months
bllk college au pt. 2
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a/n: a continuation of my college au headcanons c: under the assumption that soccer is a hobby for majority of them hehe featured charas: sae, shido, oliver, kunigami, barou
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international relations with a minor in spanish
the honorary chill/quiet popular one in his department and, unlike rin, he has a large social media following but is the type to have 5 posts
being popular also means being constantly invited out to parties and events (ppl think pretty face = more ppl will show up - they r exploiting him!!!)
honestly really sucks at studying? doesn't like people seeing him stressed out so he suppresses it to act 'cool' and in secret he attends private tutoring sessions
of course he's gonna spend a year aboard in spain, most likely planning on moving there after graduation
since his personality is unpredictable and eccentric, he would probably major in art with a strong concentration in 3D sculptures
favorite past time is scaring high schoolers and their parents during campus tours (either hides in bushes and jumps at them or chasing them around w an inflatable dino suit)
loves loves loves to go over the top with his designs and projects, probably even has an online art shop
the general student body is afraid of him but he doesn't care and doesn't really lump himself in any sort of social group - just surrounds himself with people he finds interesting and fun (sae and oliver r like his only besties)
smells and looks like a marketing and communication major
most likely has “saturdays are for the boys” flag somewhere in his room
can probably imagine that he’s the type to display empty alcohol bottles in his apartment kitchen’s top shelf
always partying or hosting, even during finals week but still manages to barely pass his classes
also probably spends half of his time in class messaging his 10 situationships
tbh early elementary education or any education major
he gives off the vibes that he would be absolutely fantastic with kids and probably be good with teaching too
speaking of which, when he's not powerlifting at the gym, he's in the library hosting tutoring sessions (likes to also prep his students and study mates with little get-well baskets filled with energy drinks and granola bars)
has a wild and unhinged side that comes out during parties (bachira + shidou + kunigami = noise complaint & campus police)
frequently solo travels during holiday breaks
agree to disagree but real talk maybe something having to do with culinary?
he has a secret food account where he only allows his sisters to follow him and he's super meticulous about the presentation (sisters probably convinced him to go to culinary school, can totally see him as a gordon ramsey type head chef lol)
hes a super hard worker - maybe even puts in the most effort into any subject compared to everyone else on this list? tries to study alone 99% of the time in a private library room
is a regular in the university's bowling ball club (bc apparently on his wiki it says that he loves bowling lmao)
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cookieshower · 3 months
This question is 10+ years late, but I’m reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally curious to know. How did you first get into SpaPort / PortSpa and why do you like it more than the others?
oh this is gonna be a mini story time 🛐
how: since i got into hetalia toni is already a blorbo™. you know those things like uhh if a ship has both of my blorbo in it i will love it more? yeah...
in 2011-2014 there was a popular heta fan comic in deviantart called Maaf, it's mainly focused on maritime southeast asia ocs and bits of their history with other canon charas. it's kinda non linear (chronological??).
around that time port's 2nd design is revealed (the ponytail with scar), later the author of Maaf drew him in the story... note that the author doesn't write some parts of the story, chunks of it is provided/suggested by readers from said countries, port included.
ofc teen me (occasional yaoi enjoyer) & some readers went: oh ☺️ so that is spain's brother ☺️ they bicker a lot ☺️ wanna see more❣️ then i saw more arts of them by few dA artists... saw their tumblr accounts, followed, and from there i discovered many more in The spaport tumblr✨✨. i was just a minor lurker gnfjnfs, gradually left heta in 2014, made no drawing/content.
dragged back to heta bc of new season & SEA charas › jan 2022 i watched a certain anime and 2 main charas reminds me of #them › wow suddenly i miss #them a Lot..... › marathoned all their remaining tumblr arts and fics i've never seen before and dusted off my tumblr
the 3 principles of good heta ship (credit to oomf): neighbours that share borders, one have invaded the other, family bond/related. this formula is always correct!
then there's canon materials and "why are you only meek with him"... toni only showed his weak side to port??? this exclusivity?!? oh it's over for other ships /lh.
TO ME a lot of ship dynamics/trope fit them heheh. sun and moon, dumb and dumber, sensitive and oblivious, writer and artist, i can fix him, etc. i think being a foreigner means i understood their irl relations less and i wont go "actually..." [insert better english sth sth ignorance is bliss].
they also reminds me of a favourite ship that involves my country so 🤒 even their language differences(?). then other fav ships reveals even more of spaport history bits from different pov. not elaborating the 3 ships here bc it will be Long and off topic lol but these kept adding as i learned more!! so yeah there's the many indirect connections.
ok that's what i can think of, excuse the incoherent texts :3c
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spoati · 8 months
Here's a list that noone asked for of which hetalia charas I think would fuck their nyotalia counterpart
America: Absolutely. Narcissism + big boobs oh yeahhh baby
Russia: No but they would get along like siblings. Cuddle in a cottage under a thick blanket.
England: Yes but they'd get in a fight halfway through
France: Yes of course. Would have the most romantic movie-style sex ever
Canada: No but they'd be friends
China: ...no?
Japan: Yes cuz he's a freak
Germany: No (too awkward)
North Italy: Yes. Tomboy + femboy supremacy
South Italy: I could see this going either direction. Romano would be nice at first but Chiara would be bitchy which makes him bitchy in turn
Prussia: No, surprisingly don't get along. Would find each other annoying.
Spain: Yes he's a sucker for women he'd get dommed by his nyo
Belarus: No but they'd team up to harass the russias
Ukraine: Yes
Austria: No
Hungary: No they'd get on each other's nerves
Portugal: Yes
Poland: Absolutely yes
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bluelockednyx · 6 months
" or for Isagi to stop looking at Rin's thighs whichever is easier" I- 🤣. ( this was so noticeable in that leg extension machine scene he had no reason to go and check up on him, stop him from overworking and prompt him to take rest but he DID)
I thought I was crazy for thinking that abt that one Rin panel but I'm glad I'm not the only one, since Kaisagi is rising in popularity esp w/ Hiori's comments abt the in-universe social media. Idk whether to lament over the lack of rinsagi or absolutely LOSE it over Isagi's reaction. Like it wasn't the kind of cute denial that Raichi was saying it was, bro was so OFFENDED. I can't.
Then again, it makes sense since public has seen more of Kaiser-Isagi than with Rin. I wonder what Isagi's reaxn would be if it had been Rin's name that had come like that 👀. Definitely not visceral disgust to this level.
Besides, recent chapters had carved a place for kainess in my heart and I feel like those 2 should cuddle and go to therapy. ( Any thoughts on recent chapters, that choking scene was disturbing...).
Do u think the light novels and profiles are not written by Kaneshiro? Bcz while they weren’t bad at all( they were quite great) there was this missing spark in them. Like with Isagi, they made him out to be able to see mosquitos across a room and note the temp change in the air as a BABY?? I-??????. I am very confused.
And in a profile, he has 200 level or smth eyesight?? Normal is 150 so.., idk maybe I am just being extremely dumb.
But to me, manga Isagi was so loveable and inspiring bcz he was a normal person who was willing to break and challenge himself to reach his goal, forging a will that was strong enough to withstand all the pressure. Not superpowers.
And in his profile, his type is someone who smiles a lot and it fits bachira but to me it sounds like another way to fit in to what people expect of him. There was a meta on Isagi and anger expression floating around in tumblr. And it says how Isagi loved Noa's style bcz of how brutal it was and through football he was able to exert anger in a socially acceptable way instead of being the peace maker and going along with Ichinan style football and just agreeing with Tada's decisions and blue lock is a release frm that. And like you said, isagi isn't as driven abt bachira as he is about him. Narratively too, that is a good thing, allowing bachira to make new connections and new bonds in Spain instead of being fixated with Isagi. And frankly, I don’t think it's healthy for Bachira to get with the first person to be his friend. Let him experience life first.
Well then, I am so excited for Pxg VS BM. The potential match ups, Kaiser most def knows Sae so some interesting conflict w/ Rin if he mentions that like Luna did. The Isagirin matchup, I'm just so excited. Also ,"# Stop looking at Rin's thighs challenge."
P.S. - I wrote a Rinsagi fic, so plz check it out.
How can I read your fic if you didn't send a link lol
Kaneshiro-sensei literally addressed the Kai//sagi shippers in the chapter: nope, not happening, no way, via Isagi himself. He may subvert this later on, but as far as I can tell, given the story's trajectory + Isagi's own character arc, it won't happen. Kaiser will most likely be coming back as a rival/enemy in the U20 World Cup arc too. There simply is no motivation for Isagi to ally with him at all.
Rin's spotlight and turn is coming up, so again, I'm not worried about the current lack of Isagi and Rin moments. It is supposed to be THE highlight of the NEL arc for good reason. And yeah, I doubt Isagi would be as offended if fans had been saying that about him and Rin. On the down low he really is fond of and respects Rin, whereas he despises Kaiser for just about everything besides his skill in soccer.
Truthfully, I've grown a little bored of the recent chapters. Not so much that they aren't good chapters, but more that there's a lack of variety to the characters. IMO Kaneshiro-sensei has hit a bit of a wall on character cast and variety - Ness' backstory is a touch too commonly seen for me to really get into, and feels lacking in effort, though tbf Ness is at best a tertiary character in-series who's there to prop up Kaiser's story.
No real thoughts yet on the choking scene. Currently it's only a sign of Kaiser's desperation to me. The throne he thought he had secured might well be about to collapse from underneath him due to Isagi's growing skill. Seeing how he'll match up against Rin is also interesting, seeing how Rin is actually very much self-sufficient as a striker, while Kaiser thus far seems quite dependent on Ness. I also believe that the PXG match will bring Kaiser into direct confrontation with Loki, who is posited as thus far the best U20 striker we've seen, given how he's a master for the PXG team, rather than simply a fellow player. Fingers crossed that Loki smokes all of them, including Noa, if he comes out to play too.
No, the light novel most likely isn't written by Kaneshiro-sensei, given what I know of the industry. The bulk of it is likely by Moegi Momo-sensei; with credit given to Kaneshiro-sensei because he's the OG creator of the Blue Lock series. That said, there's a good chance that Kaneshiro-sensei provided Moegi-sensei with story ideas and rough character backgrounds who then developed it into proper stories for novelization.
The character profiles are more likely to be done by Kaneshiro-sensei himself, though I am going to point out that it's published as 'supervised by', rather than 'written by'.
Emphasizing this: I generally don't care about light novels, character profiles etc. in terms of my interpretation of the story. To me, what appears in the manga is the only canon there is. Everything else that's official are canon-adjacent and supplementary; fun to read and get an idea of how the characters' personalities and relationships are off-page, but otherwise unimportant unless explicitly referenced in-story. Whatever is not depicted in the manga proper is free real estate.
As for Isagi in the light novel. Well.
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He reads as autistic, from that apparent hypersensitivity + his hyperfocused interest in football, and as I've mentioned before: Isagi is also written very much as a tabula rasa, a blank slate of sorts, for target readers to be able to slip themselves into. I think that the emphasis is on Isagi having very clear vision, his personal advantage, amongst the rest of the cast, but again, to me, the light novel is not as important as what we see depicted in the manga proper.
No comments on Isagi's type in the profile, and how it could be Bachira. They're decently written together, and I understand why people would ship them, but they are also just kind of 'meh' for me. Kaneshiro-sensei may intend to write them as a pair, but they are a pretty run-of-the-mill standard MC + best friend ship, with the highlight being Bachira's personal growth via his relationship with Isagi. There are more satisfying ships for me in Blue Lock, and better romances in other animanga series, and while I am fond of shipping, I'm not reading Blue Lock for the shipping. It's just a nice bonus that I find Isagirin's relationship so damn interesting that I've stayed invested.
I haven't read that meta, but that's an interesting interpretation of Isagi's character. Blue Lock is somewhat of a meta commentary on the failures of the general Japanese culture's need to conform to societal pressures and not 'rock the boat', and how it has led to an under performance in football. Isagi as a whole has also been growing more assertive and more confrontational with others, though Kaiser's the only one whom he views with solid enmity.
In the light novel, Isagi's idolization of Noa stemmed from how Noa bypassed the opposing team one after the other, and then from how Noa would rather 'lose a game by a hat trick than win one with an assist'. And doesn't that sound quite like a certain someone, lmao.
Cheers to having PXG match to look forward to next year after the hols!!
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aph-japan · 1 year
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{J.P.N Fan-Made Horror roleplaying (rpg) Game} Hetalia Fox Tales ~ QUOTES + "PERSONIFICATIONS" vs. "HUMANS" + "DEATH" vs. "Disappearance"
"SO, I was thinking, {to BRING 'Gilbert' back...} - SPAIN
(Note: "Rufus" is a 'secret' spoiler character that shows up mid-game. Jia Long = H.K. {Yes others also Cameo if not have scenes}; others are human charas, other main charas etc.)
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"The 'PERSONIFICATION' does not have to be 'KIKU HONDA' either."
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(I'm coming back to this comment, but continue on...)
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While the "lore" (and handling of H.W.S's) isn't perfect, all I'm saying here IS, if you like pondering the lore of what "personifications" means along with horror r.p.gs involving time-loops and mythological stuff and which basically acts as a (un-official - these are un-related fan-series) parallel to "HetaOni" except somewhat in reverse; (And Yet Not Completely!)
You all will probably be interested in watching "Hetalia Fox Tales", which is now fully and completely 'subbed'!
(And yes, the game itself, from 2k16, is 'completed'!)
Caps by @aph-japan Credit to DinoSlayer235 who Edited + Subbed from C.N. script {DO NOT re-post / claim as your own without Permission} (Please ASK to Use!) {The play-list is linked below - follow to direct link!}
Warning: It is still a HORROR R.P.G. There will be lots of eventual blood-splatters imagery; "Sound" of blood can also be heard often in later parts, notably well within even the first few parts.
Basic {Starting} Summary: The Nations are all visting (or planning to arrive at) {Kiku}'s location; {Not the 'main house', but Kiku's 'hosting'} Kiku seems to have also "invited" them for something. After a night of telling "scary stories", strange events begin happening. They all (+Kiku) tried retiring to their rooms, but... It would appear the "mansion" of ""Kiku""'s contains the "Spirit" that Kiku talked about from within Kiku's "Tale". Moreover, not much later on, "Romano" suddenly appears. He joins the group inside the mansion, after managing to find the way inside. "Antonio", who was trapped outside trying to join them as well, can't immediately get inside the mansion... (It uses graphics + a turn based battle system very similar to HetaOni. {Down to almost exact same 'attack names' in many cases} Thus, it might look a little outdated there; Please remember this is from around 2k16.)
(Check comments to see if I link to further references!)
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inazumafocus · 1 year
Inazuma Chara Daily n.47
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Name: Alonso Fibiano
Gender: Male
Series: Inazuma Eleven Orion
Team: Barcelona Orb (🇪🇦)
Role: Goalkeeper
Number: 1
Element: //
Personality: //
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thefluxqueen · 2 years
yall Kaboodle smp is SOOOOO fun oh my god, just watched a buncha the vods from today w/ some pals n like, its So Interesting
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c3ntella · 5 months
1. Creating fantasy languages (Part 1)
[DISCLAIMER: I am NOT an expert! This are just advices for anyone who needs em. This post specifically will be based on what I've learnt with Latin!]
Hello, everyone! To start with this writing blog (ig), I would like to begin with worldbuilding tips! Today, I'll start with the basic of creating a language for your world.
When we watch a fantasy film, we can see that a race or species speaks a language that is not real. Sometimes this process may look quite complex, but I'll try to make it as easy as I can ^^.
1.1. Alphabet.
This is the first thing you have to think of when creating a language. You can always look for references in foreign languages, or even old ones. Some examples are:
Symbols (E.g. Hieroglyphs)
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Letters (E.g. Latin)
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Signs (E.g. Chinese)
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Now we decided that, we have to think of the complexity of the alphabet:
Direct translation: All the letters in your new language are equivalent to letters in, for example, English ("Letter1" is "A", "Letter2" is "B", and so on). I recommend this when you're just beginning or you don't want to make your language too hard to work on.
Symbols are words: The letters are more complex, meaning that a "letter" can be a word (Such as "Letter1" means "Water", Letter2 means "Wind" and "Letter1" + "Letter2" = "Storm"). This may take longer to develop, but it can make your language more rich.
There may be more ways to create the alphabet, but those are basic ones!
Now that is time to actually create the alphabet, keep in mind this things:
Make it conscious!: If you take a look at any language (E.g. Arabic or Hebrew), you'll notice how they match. If you're looking to create a language, try to make the letters similar to eachother, but not too much.
Begin with the basic: Most relevant things are, basically, letters used to form words (A, B, C...). Then you can focus on other punctuation symbols like "!" or "?".
Consider if there will be upper case and lower case: This may look obvious, but you can make your alphabet more rich by adding this simple variations. For example, is not the same "a" than "A", even if they're the same letter.
1.2. History.
Languages aren't the same 10,000 years ago than now. For example, Latin spoken in the Roman Empire evolved to the Spanish spoken (mainly) in America and Spain.
Now, when we create a new language, we must focus on the following points:
When was it spoken for the first time?: Languages can appear in any moment. You can use as a reference your world's history for it.
Where was it born?: The regions where a language is spoken are very relevant, specially since the current situation will affect it. For example, during Al-Andalus in Spain (711 - 1496), arabic was the brought language, but because of the contact with endemic languages, the mozarab was born as a mix of arabic, berber and romance (like latin) words.
Why was it born?: Keep in mind that, as I said before, languages exist for a reason. In those cases, they can be created because of two (2) languages got in contact. Although keep in mind the evolution will probably take thousands of years :>
With this keypoints in mind, you can begin creating the story of your new language :D
1.3. Regions.
As I said before, Spanish is now spoken in most american contries and also Spain. However, Mexicans won't speak the same way Argentinians do. This normally happens because of the evolution in the specific zone (E.g. Mexican Spanish has aztec words).
Now, we can apply this to a fantasy language by thinking this:
Why people speak this language here? (E.g. A language being brought after an invation)
Are there any variations? (Sometimes because of languages spoken before)
What's the difference between the cultured version (written) and the popular version (spoken)?
Although this last point is probably not that necessary when we want to do a simple language, it can be very helpful to develop it better, specially when different characters speak the same language.
That's all for today! Hope this post was helpful, and if anyone wants to correct, add or ask anything, you can comment it or send it to my Ask me anything! <3
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Eurovision 1997: The actual result
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RTÉ may not have required the help of the Northern Irish tourist board to fund Eurovision in 1997, but they couldn't stretch to a fully-virtual scoreboard like Oslo managed. It was back to the normal screen with flags and numbers, and a font of which I'm not fond.
Here is my regular spoiler warning for a competition that happened over 25 years ago. If you don't want to know who actually won Eurovision in 1997 don't read any further. Close the article and scroll on by.
Ireland's years of reigning are over but singing in English is still the advantage the Scandinavian countries have been claiming it was since the 1970s. The UK won for the fifth time and fairly easily. For the second year in a row, their singer was not British. Instead the BBC were relying on the anglophone world to provide, and after the Gina G hiccup, Katrina brought home the goods.
Ireland just about did the perfect thing, by managing to finish second. The best you can get without winning and for that RTÉ were truly happy. Below them come Turkey in third with by far their best result ever in over twenty years of trying. Italy on their return came fourth, but would that be enough to keep them coming back? Estonia maintained their good finish in 1996 by getting another top 10.
At the bottom there was that rarest of things with a double null-points from Norway and Portugal.
Here then is the full scoreboard.
United Kingdom - Katrina and the Waves - "Love Shine a Light"
Ireland - Marc Roberts - "Mysterious Woman"
Turkey - Şebnem Paker & Etnic - "Dinle"
Italy - Jalisse - "Fiumi Di Parole"
Cyprus - Chara and Andreas Konstantinou - "Mana Mou"
Spain - Marcos Llunas - "Sin Rencor"
France - Fanny - "Sentiments Songes"
Estonia - Maarja-Liis Ilus - "Keelatud Maa"
Malta - Debbie Scerri - "Let Me Fly"
Slovenia - Tanja Ribič - "Zbudi Se"
Poland - Anna Maria Jopek - "Ale Jestem"
Greece - Marianna Zorba - "Horepse"
Hungary - VIP - "Miert Kell, Hogy Elmenj?"
Sweden - Blond - "Bara Hon älskar Mig"
Russia - Alla Pugachova - "Primadonna"
Denmark - Kølig Kaj - "Stemmen I Mit Liv"
Croatia - ENI - "Probudi Me"
Germany - Bianca Shomburg - "Zeit"
Bosnia & Herzegovina - Alma Cardzic - "Goodbye"
Iceland - Paul Oscar - "Minn Hinsti Dans"
Austria - Bettina Soriat - "One Step"
Switzerland - Barbara Berta - "Dentro Di Me"
Netherlands - Mrs. Einstein - "Niemand Heeft Nog Tijd"
Norway - Tor Endresen - "San Francisco"
(24th equal) Portugal - Célia Lawson - "Antes Do Adeus"
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izartn · 2 years
When reading Hetalia posts and encountering someone not liking your country's character.... I can't help but felt a bit hurt but like. These are characters in a silly anime so like fair. I mostly like Spain (and most other chars) only when people are writing him with a historical blend in his chara lmfao. Here for the fics which explore more the historical complexities and darkness of a humanoid representation of the nation. So like. Here for the fanon characterization with academic footnotes xD
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