angstsuccer · 10 months
can i show you my OT3?? 👉👈 (idk how to call it, sallicoleece??)
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444names · 2 years
old weapons names + spanish forenames + french forenames
Abian Absalixto Absalonga Absalongo Abundo Adalexando Adelainhoa Adeleine Adislao Adrick Adrinne Aguadalban Alban Alenti Aliam Almaaron Almude Almudenia Alodiegory Alonder Alonga Alvarah Amayte Ameline Angedmunda Angelia Angelian Angelises Angélieth Anieves Antin Antine Antonique Antxa Arangelio Armina Artens Artin Ascalia Asuncis Auguela Aurena Auriana Auric Aurélieth Balexande Barbal Barbalen Barthur Bartine Bartistina Basilia Bastia Bastian Beatsword Begorian Benia Benisio Berto Bille Bludovice Boome Béatricael Candreya Canne Cardichèle Carlotilda Caronicole Casilvia Catalia Catche Cathieu Catriciana Cayeta Cayetan Cecile Chaël Chelice Christa Christaff Christien Christin Citlass Clail Claudios Claudrey Claume Clota Clémena Clémente Coland Conce Concena Consue Cornine Crister Cristilda Cristinarc Cristophie Culverine Curvebow Cutlalia Cyriana Cécileta Cédrine Daggermin Dalexandré Daman Damia Damilieta Danie Danita Davie Davierrat Deliano Denio Denislao Dente Desar Destina Didion Didoro Dolfa Domin Dominaki Doming Doroteo Dylanita Edgara Edgarie Edgehamed Edmace Edmacela Edmunda Egidia Eline Elise Elvieraxe Emedio Emelia Emila Emmance Emmarcelle Encion Enrienne Enriquent Ernadino Ernand Estaff Estano Esteresar Estero Estias Eugena Eugene Eugenision Eugens Euladia Ezequi Ezequinaki Fabigail Fabre Fabric Fabrick Fabriel Facia Facio Facula Falchionel Fanine Faning Federque Felia Felicion Felina Feline Felistina Ferming Fermo Flain Flamma Flammer Florine Francens Francisoda Franseur Fridad Frédériel Fulberd Fulbert Gabrigo Gabrina Garine Gemanuelle Gemarien Genatania Genathervé Geneo George Gerstaff Ghislao Ginia Gladali Glaine Greatricia Guilla Guillo Gustia Gérardo Haliliano Halixto Hanietano Hantonia Hectoriana Hiliane Ignacielle Inmace Irelia Isara Ision Jacien Jacio Jacion Jacque Jacquela Jaiment Janda Jando Jandrien Janislao Jeandro Jeanlouisa Jeanmace Jeanmacel Jessicard Jiment Joaque Joaqui Jonarcos Juanfranca Julia Juline Julino Julion Justian Katalie Katan Ladia Laeticia Lanco Lando Laudiana Laurena Laurora Leaxe Leona Leonaracia Lette Liliano Lilie Lilio Lilion Lilippe Lilito Lilitor Longa Loren Lorine Louisa Lucernarda Luciel Macela Macelo Madette Magdalupe Maine Mandre Manuelia Marceder Marcedes Mardo Margueda Marian Marida Marident Mariel Mariela Marieta Marin Mariol Marioleda Maritard Mathalberd Mathaliana Matherin Matilda Meageneo Micharleta Micharpoon Micher Micherina Miguelance Miguelar Migueta Miguette Miliano Milio Militar Modes Moise Monderina Monderques Monel Moniseo Morge Morgette Murike Muriken Mélangeli Mélie Nadius Natanièle Nathilde Natilde Natilette Neresa Nicarnaude Nieveslina Nilde Nurifica Odestar Odierrat Ofelio Ofelisa Olivida Pablitor Pascali Pascarlos Patric Patrina Patrine Patristin Paulia Paulie Philde Philie Quardine Quardo Quardsta Quartin Rafina Ramian Ramiana Ramonard Ramond Ramondro Ramonises Ranck Randrinaro Ranzalon Raulalia Rayana Raymongo Raymorené Rebehi Rence Ricensia Ricent Ricia Robernel Rodoro Rogel Romaito Rosara Rémie Rémilan Salomena Saloment Salvain Sanagua Sancathier Sandro Saulie Scimita Sebano Silia Silvie Silvier Simira Simita Simond Simondra Simotea Smael Solacia Solas Sonicole Sophe Spear Stavo Stéphanesa Stéphantxa Stéphaël Sword Sylvaronia Tadeles Tadette Teofia Teroniel Thieu Thilda Thomasa Tianes Titiana Titiare Tomaso Trica Trice Trina Trystaff Ulfbernard Ulfberta Ulrice Valejanis Vales Valérice Verinida Vicena Vince Virgine Virginette Warhamedio Warscyther Warspear Xavid Yolas Yveslina Zweihanto Élieta Élisa Élissa Élisterea Élodia Érica
+lesser order
Abrena Abria Adesaline Adine Adrocéa Adsworicia Agali Agaël Agdamito Aggen Airow Alalice Alaurolean Albas Alberrecie Albonina Alcascam Alfando Alingerge Aliquen Almaxirodo Alord Alorow Alote Alémicat Amaymonck Amigilas Amild Aminatry Amonso Amélina Anclémy Andandin Anietteon Antan Antitla Arcin Arcina Arego Argidolio Arisio Artine Artingsta Asterd Asthia Aulbang Auledger Aulriel Aumbetore Aurowina Aurvé Bacino Balonon Banchrio Bapie Baptincene Barin Barine Becto Belin Benceliole Bensia Bericianne Bernadio Berne Berreaxi Berstine Bertice Bertie Bertine Blaino Blamparia Blude Bondeores Bonsork Boongbow Braina Brano Brayanne Brolio Burélinara Calberite Carargenzo Carlo Carshur Cartane Catte Caymona Celao Celina Chandida Chandra Chane Checister Chemme Chent Cherto Chrina Chrisan Chriz Cladio Claud Claum Claure Cléatan Clémia Cobalon Cundo Célouistin Dadia Dadriona Dadromons Dalon Daloémire Dantia Dayte Derow Destin Diecaymo Dolber Edgeridam Edion Eladelan Emerne Emmarania Enanda Ensovny Ereihaxi Estia Eufelouier Eufer Eugued Ezequise Fabia Fabie Fabria Fabrico Fabrolo Fabruthéo Fabsa Facines Facque Fadror Faele Faeta Fanorne Feleo Felitermer Felixto Femmaro Fertara Ficietum Filvaliste Fladio Flain Flastine Flauro Flodo Flordo Florte Floulis Frafacian Fratric Fraya Frelejas Frentsele Frora Fulgario Fuliasolan Fulica Gabsabro Gedmaime Gelara Gelaum Gelia Gelitomon Geltrie Geofil Geopolen Gernade Giden Gildo Gillswor Gitana Glaivine Glauriz Grémi Guellea Guerna Guile Guilexa Guilvalca Guisal Gundierta Gélènevar Gérômermi Hamainant Hamohana Hangswor Hanie Hanuela Hayolfo Haëllis Helinan Hemelia Herre Herto Heserna Hoomic Hurientia Hurtinage Hurtinio Ilbowine Ingeo Inmaacual Inèse Ireniermen Irèsego Istise Jacia Jacimon Jacio Jancie Jandra Jascorodra Javierre Jeagraido Jeane Jeanieknie Jeanloren Jeannelia Jeanto Jearle Jenzo Jimen Joaquila Jocel Joscimo Joserna Josio Juada Juarolora Julvaine Juske Justes Justia Jériz Kette Ladro Lamord Landreiro Laudes Lento Lespetoma Lexiretto Licel Liene Liennebow Linatrio Litanne Lixto Lorogela Lotine Louran Loémiros Lucarces Lucesto Lucilises Lucio Luisle Lunant Lunce Lundra Lupelildo Lydio Lydionifia Lérogere Maacundric Macia Macie Madeophie Madrenne Mailea Maina Mance Manille Manuetteo Maraff Marbascio Marce Marcedmund Mardole Marichria Marigna Marisa Marisanzo Maroad Marodena Marorte Marsuz Marto Maugo Maximi Maythan Micitavick Mierne Migue Mingspe Mireiro Mirga Mitte Modilbelle Mohaya Moildo Mordelia Moroles Motick Mudia Muestana Murego Mélord Nacie Nanlo Naria Narles Nichela Nifille Nilito Océana Océcime Odebow Olonsille Osanto Pabanuel Pabricel Paquada Paquanisan Paquence Parosepcio Pathoaquis Pathor Patina Patincie Paudeyanno Paulauli Paulfora Paulierto Paulio Paurdo Paure Paurea Paurene Pauric Paurin Peren Perna Phaxe Phaël Piene Piercela Pilorené Pitophaël Pitorgelia Queli Quettelia Raciona Racon Rafian Raingélie Ramille Rangspelia Ranue Rapite Raymon Rayorting Recualman Relisa Rento Rickata Robel Robulice Rogeo Roillana Roldo Roxane Rundcard Rundre Régiolina Rémignèse Salion Sarice Sarie Saurspea Sebaste Sefirent Shuguan Sicancion Sidan Sionathe Smalle Smarguela Sodos Solado Sopeda Storgine Sustina Sylalin Sylvio Sébangenie Sébard Talio Tançoildo Teneo Tertine Thançoiser Therd Thieu Thieulia Thilido Tiannifel Tisarisa Triba Ulaine Ulbertian Uliel Uliola Ulixto Ullwhisimo Ureia Urella Vaildee Vanne Varila Veraximar Vidanluis Waric Wielano Yance Yannio Yvelion Yvoul Élierne Élinestia Évelia
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pocketramblr · 3 years
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Official Lian moodboard
(Credit : @moonsspirit13 on Twitter)
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comradekatara · 4 years
Which members of the Gaang would dance ?
aang is an extremely good dancer, because his soul is truly free.
katara has fun dancing up until the point someone says “wow you’re a really good dancer” to someone who is not her, at which point it is a competition and she is here to win.
sokka will either stand in the corner and sway awkwardly, or he goes hard. there is no in between.
when toph dances, it is without a care in the world. I imagine her dancing like louise belcher, just an absolute madman
suki is a great dancer, obviously. she’s probably the person being complimented whom katara has now vowed to beat.
zuko does not dance. he stands there and snaps his fingers, and because he is concentrating so hard on staying on-beat, he goes slightly off-beat.
azula’s attempt at dancing is just swaying like a blade of grass in a light breeze. it doesn’t look like dancing, merely like she’s drunk and/or possibly about to pass out.
mai does not dance, but ty lee does not give her a choice. she lifts mai into the air and swings her around, laughing wildly, tossing mai around as if mai weighed as little as a feather boa.
iroh’s busy on the tsungi horn, but it is said that in his youth, he danced majestically.
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rainbowd00dles · 4 years
Louis A5 (expression meme) :3
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thanks for the suggestion! 
please do not use, edit or repost
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jennsterjay · 2 years
One of the crackship I know with Sonic, is Sonic and Nicole (the Holo-Lynx, you see ?)
Whew XD sorry it's been a while since I've answered asks
And Oooo I can totally see this cute pairing
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stitch1830 · 3 years
I just discovered your blog with the Taang fic that light-miracles reblogged, and I must say I love your stuff ! i'm especially feeling attached to your Kantoph series...Because I'm the co-leader of the fanclub of ANOTHER Avatar character that has few to no presence in canon : Lian "The Maker" X3
Hi there! Thank you for this ask, and I'm happy to hear that you like this blog! It can be a hodgepodge of stuff at times, but hey. It wouldn't be Tumblr if it wasn't haha!
I am also very glad to hear that you are a fan of Kantoph because they are: beloved. There's just something about their relationship that is intriguing and fun. But, I also do love me some Taang! I've got quite a few ramblings and writings from earlier this year about them, and while the Taang asks have dwindled recently, I'm always down to chat about them. :)
With Kantoph and because it's such a small ship, I cannot recommend this fic enough: Who the F*** is Kanto? It's a canon take on Toph and Kanto's relationship, and is the fan favorite fic of the Kantoph shippers. So, if you were looking for a story to read to get an idea of one variation of Kanto, that's a great place to start! We got a lot of inspiration from that fic, the biggest difference lies in Kanto's occupation and the relationship outcome (in our AU he either dies or lives... haha!)
And that sounds so cool! I have heard of Lian in passing, but I can't say I've come across a fic with them in it, but I'm always down to hear headcanons and ideas if you ever care to share.
Glad to have you here on this blog that carries stories and headcanons and art that live in my mind rent free. Feel free to stop by whenever, I love a good convo! Thanks again for the ask, and I hope you have a great day!
Send me asks about ATLA, or anything, really! :D
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daily-toph · 3 years
Hi ! Just tumbled on your blog since I saw a reblog of your Toph and Bumi art, and it's just AAAAAAH JSKDJD 💖💖💖 YOU'RE SO GOOD AT THIS ! (Side question : do you still take requests ? XD)
Hi, thank you so much 💚 And yes I do still take requests, I’m slow catching up with them at the moment but if you send one I’ll get to it!!
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fireladyazula · 4 years
If Azula and Toph teamed up somehow, well, whoever their opponents are, they would win XD
you are 100% right. Team Tophzula will be pretty much be unbeatable. the sheer power?? the chaos??? PERFECT
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mugges · 4 years
For the outfit meme, C7 with Lian 'The Maker' (from the Avatar The Last Airbender videogame)
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Is that future Amy/Metal friendship that I sense ?
Maybe 👀
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aang-beifong · 3 years
Aangji ? (Aang and On Ji)
Aangji - B
I love aangji!!! Honestly they’re really cute. I wish we could’ve gotten more of them 🥺
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pocketramblr · 3 years
I know it might sounds funny but, Lian would definitely be the kind to have as a part-time hobby to hunt down tax frauders and just, any rich person who exploit workers and all.
Lian: ugh I hate rich people
Zuko, who's used to Gaang members usually having a cause and effect backstory reason for these feelings: Why?
Lian: ? Why not?
Toph: no no she's absolutely right
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comradekatara · 4 years
Sorry if I was unprecise, I meant to ask to develop it.
okay so this ask has been sitting in our inbox for like a month, but if i recall correctly, it was about sokka & bending. you see, i actually have a lot of thoughts on how sokka would react to bending throughout his life, so i didn’t just want to give a flippant response. 
the thing is, sokka’s aversion to the spirit world is that he doesn’t understand it. sokka doesn’t like that which he does not understand, which is why he refers to bending as magic. to the audience, bending is magic, but within the world of avatar, bending is a natural part of their world. since katara is the only bender he knows for his first 15 years of life, it makes sense that sokka doesn’t immediately register this, but the fact is this: magic is only science that we have yet to understand. 
and since sokka is so scientifically-minded, the next step is obvious: understand it. sokka is fairly well-acquainted with the spirits, whether he likes it or not, and i think this frequent coming into contact with the spirit world would eventually demystify it. the thing is, all the non-spiritual elements of the avatar world seem to follow the same laws of physics as our world does. the spirit world, on the other hand, doesn’t. 
aang literally says that he laughs at gravity. what does the number 9.81 mean when you can fly? but just because the spirit world doesn’t follow our known laws of physics, doesn’t mean that there aren’t laws. yes, the spirit world seems completely unpredictable and illogical to human perception, which is why it’s deified, but sokka does not respect spirits (think of the derision with which he treats wan shi tong, a terrifying giant talking owl with a rotating head). sokka doesn’t want to worship the spirit world, but i like to think that at some point, he’d want to understand it. 
i’ve thought about this a lot, and eschewing the inherent.... spiritualism..... the spirit world is basically just another dimension. the only thing standing in the way of predicting its patterns is knowing the math. so all anyone would have to do is discover a heretofore unknown type of math to explain the behavior of the spirit world.
and i find it hard to believe that sokka wouldn’t want to understand bending theory, or the seemingly mystical patterns of the spirit world, because he’s seen enough, what with aang, katara, toph, and others’ mighty power to know how crucial bending is to their world, and he’s seen enough of the spirits to understand the vast scope of their influence. yes, he’s a skeptic, but he’s also open-minded as hell (those traits aren’t actually mutually exclusive, but go hand in hand! it’s called. critical thinking skills). 
so if sokka is able to take a break from casually running the world sometime, i like to think that he’d be in his lab, making his friends do ridiculous shit to help him with his theoretical physics pet project. but then, either because his papers are too dense with jargon and also sokka-style tangents, or because katara confiscates it, no one actually reads about his findings, thank god, because if they had, sokka would’ve broken the world. 
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bookofjudith · 3 years
I recommend to you the animated movie 'The Rain Children' (Les Enfants de la Pluie) from 2003 by Phillippe Leclerc. The animation and the art direction is so good, and the movie traumatised A LOT of french kids here XD
Oh god I’m scared.....ok I’m adding it to my watch list
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aristotles-denial · 3 years
Well...If that interests you...There is an original character in the first ATLA video game...That is very interesting : Lian "The Maker".
ooo i’ll check it out, thanks!!
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